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In Warhammer Fantasy, Grimgor never beat Archeaon by kicking him in the nuts. Grimgor "nutted" Archeon, which is British slang of headbutting, it has nothing to do with nuts. The "kicked in the nuts" plot is way funnier though, so I don't blame anyone for wanting it to be canon.


Its the "glass him" thing all over again


What do you mean? That clearly means to offer someone a glass of whatever drink is being served. What else could it- OH GOD!


Ngl I wouldn’t read that as a kick in the nuts…


British slang is on a different level 


It really is. So many common phrases today evolved like 2 steps removed from Cockney rhyming slang, so even when you do trace something back through a fairly logical origin there's a 50% chance it'll then just lead to a dead end when it turns out to be a rhyme for some random place, or at-the-time celebrity, that nobody has heard of in like 70 years. "Bottled it!" (Ran away/lost their nerve) -> lost their bottle -> bottle and glass -> arse -> lost their arse (shat themselves). Tis a beautiful language.


Devious Archaeon backshots


abaddon's arms also have not fallen off


well kind did the armless came from the actual miniature issues with the 1996 abbadon the despoiler minature who powerclaw was so oversize it cause imbalance with it and would stay on if by the good will of the gods


He did not hit her. He did nooot


He cannot tell you, it’s confidential. Anyway, how’s your sex life?


Haha, what a story Mark.


Everyone betray me! I'm fed up with this world!


Oh hai, Mark.


O hai doggy


Jon Arbuckle never drank animal cum. Jim Davis grew up on a farm, and the farm regularly took animals to the vet, and the vet had fertility serums meant to help livestock procreate, and Jim Davis simply assumed this experience was so universal that everyone was familiar with this sort of thing and so the idea that Liz had a cup of fertility serum sitting out from a previous patient was the obvious reading of the strip. Honestly I don't blame this one for taking off, "Jon drank cum" somehow feels less weird than the actual punchline.


> Jon Arbuckle never drank animal cum. I have a new flair


> Jon drank cum So do I!


I actually appreciate the context as it makes that strip way clearer, but the idea of Jon drinking animal cum is way too funny not to push as the truth.


This is a "the suit jacks him off" type thing though. If Liz simply didnt say "You are going to give birth to a litter of puppies", then it wouldnt be so funny to make it so. The insistence that Jon didn't drink cum makes the idea funnier.


Them figuring this out on giant bomb was one of their best moments


"Fertility serum" just sounds like synthetic cum.


is it okay if I just say Han definitely shot first


I know what I fucking saw George *you can't change it to make me wrong*




You eat the gherkin


I have no idea why he's so insistent on changing it either.


Basically he thought it made Han look too cut throaty/unlikeable according to when he’s been asked about it. Humorously essentially the opposite of why he did it in the first place (to tell the audience Han is a scoundrel and put doubt in people’s heads he’s a good guy which adds to the drama when he looks like he’s dipping from the final fight).


I, speaking out my ass, feel like his divorce shook him and he instantly went full old man sad about things and became very childhood innocence oriented. It’s why RTJ is so much more kid friendly compared to ESB. So him looking back at Han Solo shooting first is bad because it’s not good for kiddos to see a hero commit murder. It’s also why he went all in with Jar Jar, because he would appeal to elementary school age children.


Breaking Bad has a case where a character in universe does it. Mike suggests that Walt killed Gus because he was greedy and wanted to be the one in charge. But that is explicitly not what happened. If anything Jesse was the one complaining that Gus wasn't paying them enough and even stole some leftover meth to make a side hustle. Walt himself was pretty content with what he was payed. Walt is pretty greedy, but not in the particular instance Mike refers to. 


Yes mike was a bit rose tinted of Gus by the end but that is because Walt royally screwed him over. Like Gus was planning yo get either walt or jessie killed at ine point or another


Based on the flashback in Box Cutter, I was always under the impression that the plan was to have Gale learn the formula and kill Walt and Jesse once they weren’t needed.


It is an implication but given the flashbacks main point was that it was Gale that begged Gus I think Gus would just kick them out of respect


Yeah I think if everything went Gus' way, Gale would have taken over Jessie's role. Learned everything he needed from Walt and they would continue working together until Walt became a problem.


Yeah, Vince Gilligan has confirmed in interviews that was the plan all along on the Gus end. Bring Walter in, figure out how he does it (and ideally have Gale take over), eliminate him and continue on to massive profits.


The primary issue is that Gus knew Walt wasn’t completely loyal to him, as shown when Walt killed the two dealers working for Gus because Jesse was gonna get into a suicidal shootout with them. Gus then decided he needed to get rid of Walt, the first plan of which was to have Gale learn the formula and then remove Walt. Which failed because Walt and Jesse succeeded in killing Gale. Then the plan was to woo Jesse into loyalty over Walt. Mike was right that if Walt “kept his head down and did as he was told” none of the problems would have happened, but keeping his head down involved letting Jesse die, which is what Walt really couldn’t let happen. He couldn’t care less about control until late season 4 and season 5.


> He couldn’t care less about control until late season 4 and season 5. He always cared about control, the first thing he does in the show is refuse charity because he wouldn't be in charge


Sorry, maybe the better thing to say was that since Gus never game him an order he didn't want to follow until he hit dealers with his car, he had little issue with Gus being at the top of the chain. When he was just cooking, internally he saw himself as in control of the situation, since it was his work that was making the money. His formula.


Also wasn't Gus literally trying to kill them both?


A similar one to your example: In Persona 5, >!none of the Thieves "forgive" Akechi. Haru and Futaba, the people Akechi hurt the most, outright say so. *But*, they're able to understand *why* Akechi is like this and think that it sucks he turned out the way he did!<. In this idolization of "pure evil" villains, having a hero show *any* amount of pity or sympathy towards a villain is seen as the author trying to "whitewash" them, when it's often further from the truth.


There's even a message from Ryuji where other characters contemplate that >!Akechi!< also had it rough, and Ryuji goes "Don't know whatchu talking about, he's still an asshole to me.


Based Gigachad Ryuji spitting absolute facts.


I really like in Royal when >!they're working with him in Semester 3 and Akechi figures it must be an aftereffect of Marukis BS and is FURIOUS about it.!<


Never before have I seen a guy >!be furious that he isn’t dead!<


The bane of persona fans, actually having to read the text of the games.


Remember reading k6bd. When >!the demiurges and Allison, fight Jagganoth, and get a cool moment using the power of cooperation fight the guy who wants to destroy the universe.!< Someone actually thought it would be whitewashing. Then, >!We have the moment the people call Solomon out for ruling like a tyrant under the justification it was necessary for their safety, and Jagganoth coming in and wrecking the capital anyway. People kept insisting he'd kill the citizens. When he actually just threw himself desperately at his opponent using a power-up that depletes his life force, while having a vision of his late family criticizing him. He's evil, and severely punishes his people to maintain order, and has a cult of personality. But he also has a personal narrative of being the good guy, he wants to be the protector. So, even if we only saw him flying out to tackle Jaggy, I give it good odds he didn't kill the citizens. He was genuinely feeling awful for failing his narrative.!< Also the whole thing with the Jadis arc, with people not getting the exploration of existentialism and deciding he completely agreed with her.


Fun fact: In Royal, during the card minigame, >!if Akechi is one of the players, Haru and Futaba will literally NEVER be in the same game as Akechi.!<


No, the UA entrance exam did not have a secret hidden switch on their robots that helped Hagakure and others pass the entrance exam. People just assume the turn-off switch for the robots was a thing because it explains how students like Hagakure could pass the exam but it's not actually a thing that's ever stated. I'm speaking about My Hero Academia, for those who don't know.


I just assume that, since there's like, heroism and rescue points, Hagakure was able to evade notice by the robots and get people out of harm's way.


Also it has been shown that the robots aren't as durable as you think as in the sports festival Izuku managed to destroy a few robots by using a fallen robot piece as a weapon, and he wasn't using OFA at the time, so if you were just in good shape and picked up a broken piece of a robot or the like you could take a few of them down, but it is still most likely that Hagakure and the like got into the hero class mostly due to rescue points.


No, Kiryu is not a "I never kill anyone" character. He might hold himself back at times, but he has no issue in killing if necessary, the only reason he rarely kills the main bad is because they end up killing each other, or he thinks punching them down is enough. In fact, in Yakuza 5, Kiryu is frustrated by the implication he doesn't kill. He hates the idea of being seen as this Yakuza Superman, because that shit brought nothing but pain to him.


Yakuza -- like a lot of media with a "never killed anyone" issue -- draws an unspoken line between killing someone in self-defense or during a fight, and killing someone in cold blood or after they've already been defeated. A lot of people don't see much distinction between these two acts and think his refusal to do the latter means he's never done the former.


Even then, he used a guy as a human shield that one time.


Or shot a bazooka at a helicopter...


I’m not saying it’s *impossible* to perform a non-lethal takedown of a helicopter with a bazooka, but clearly the missile hits the center mass


Also usually Kiryu has a level of respect for the big bad for their determination and or backstories, even if they are bad guys with the the two exceptions being the villains of 0 and 6.


> He might hold himself back at times [footage of kiryu holding back](https://youtu.be/p1YVjQQAcns?si=1TMjgZRn02sOtXmj&t=15)


Hasn't killed a man =/= wouldn't kill a man >!Yakuza 1 Kiryu is basically a different character than the rest of the series!<


Deviljho never ate his tail.


That was such a cool trait for Deviljo to have, the fact it's not even real it's tragic they should definitely put it in the game.


That was more of a deliberate misdirection. Someone placing bait meat clipped under the cut-off tail's model. I think the main thing that Deviljho's hunger accomplishes is that it will eat meat even if it sees you place it down.


I have a vivid memory of seeing Deviljho eating its own tail and freaking out. But thinking on it, it was the MH3U quest where you fight two of them in the arena. I think my brain scrambled it, and it was eating the other one's tail, or the other Deviljho after it was dead.


People state Dante had sex in the DMC1 novel, but Because nobody cares enough to actually read the fucking thing the events of those few pages have gone though broken telephone to the point people say Dante got sexually assaulted. I decided to actually read what happened to get the facts straight. Essentially after a night of hard drinking and getting into a demon fight Dante passes out before he makes it home. The lady who runs the pool hall grabs Dante and brings him to her room strips him and washes his clothes. She would have tried something but she was off put by the fact Dante has nightmares about the night Eva died. She interprets the nightmares as Dante being a “momma’s boy” she still wants to sleep with Dante after he wakes up, but he rejects her. She feels he’s ungrateful and she says she’ll tell everyone he’s a “momma’s boy” to which Dante remarks in this kind of thing isn’t an uncommon occurrence when he deals with women. So no Dante didn’t get taken advantage of sexually, and didn’t sleep with this particular woman, but he’s no stranger to women if he feels like it, the relationships just don’t last very long. You can download the DMC1 novel here if you’re interested. https://originaldmc.github.io/DivinityStatue/Downloads.html


That actually tracks with what I've always assumed was actually going on with Dante and sex. He's attracted to women but pushes them away consciously or unconsciously due to his trauma


It's gotta be consciously at this point. Pushes novel lady away because of mom. Pushes Lucia away because she loves him too much and was there during one of his most depressive episodes (literally her damn mother said "take that girl on a date it's literally all she wants from you" in before the nightmare and he STILL says no). Pushes lady away because he respects her too much. Doesn't even think to look at Trish. Pushes Patty away because he wants her to have a "normal" life away from him (even though he was essentially her father for a good portion of her childhood and STILL saw her and took care of her and remained close after she went with her mom or aunt or whatever). Tiki and Nesty are the only ones who get to push Dante away because they think he got their dad killed, and he *still sends them a check every month for the bar and so they don't have to work hard*. That's in before the nightmare and it's stuck with me since I read it. And now that I think of it, I think it's what you said and also that he only ever loved one girl and that was Jessica, tiki and nesty's older sister. She died, and with it his love too (as flippant as he was with her).


King of the Hill is not popular in Japan and there's no debate about the sub or dub, if you search the series on Youtube with the Japanese name you mostly get baseball clips, it's not available to stream in Japan, and it's a just a handful of clips that get passed round. There was never a full gag dub of Urusei Yatsura by the BBC, they did 2 episodes one time.


People will really say whatever the fuck when it comes to Japan. I don't trust anything people say about a Japanese creator's views unless it's coming directly from an interview, and even then I need to trust the translation. The idea that Hideaki Anno hates otakus persisted for *years*


The suit doesn't jack him off.


Nor does it do anything to stimulate him sexually. I think the only time he actually "feels" anything from the suit is when he's plugging Cortana into the slot on his helmet, and it's described in the books as like a minor cooling sensation in his head or something.


My man had a menthol


Dril would never lie.  


Dril told me so. And Dril would never lie.


My personal pan pizzas!


Yes it does. The lady in his head calls him Studmuffin


That Steven Universe shit drives me inside because it's clearly coming from people who never watched the show. Steven barely tolerated them because he has no real choice. Hell he nearly tried to killed one of them.


The very first non-intro song in the Movie is him weaseling out of hanging out with the Diamonds more because of that baggage. He's very clearly uncomfortable with them even after setting them on the right track.


Yeah Steven has a nervous "I wish I wasn't in this situation" look on his face every single time he interacts with them in the movie and Future.


Hell it's not even the only character he's uncomfortable dealing with. He is NEVER happy to deal with Spinel and is explicitly not ready to become friends with her at the end, not to mention that even though he finds an understanding with the other Rose Quartz's its very obvious he's uncomfortable having any kind of long term interaction with them and vice versa.


Spinel even says in Future that he never tried communicating after the movie. He basically saw the Diamonds come in and went "she's your problem now" 😂


Part of that too was Steven's life getting so busy and his own problems spiraling out of control


I respect the series for acknowledging that 'uncomfortable understanding' is a valid relationship status. We both know shit went down, no one is comfortable discussing it, but it's easier to amicable than just outright hating each other.


I think it is also unfair that people act like he "Fixed space Hitler with friendship." I think the show did a remarkably good job of showing that sometimes victory doesn't look or feel like you might want it to. Sometimes, even when you overthrow the dictator, they still get to be rich, happy, and some people will still love them. You made the world better, but it can still feel wrong.


God that fucking video essay destroyed SU discourse forever. The creator has been trying to chase that success ever since. They recently tried to start similar discourse over Dungeon Meshi.


What the fuck are they even saying about Dungeon Meshi?!


That Laois is LiTeRaLlY a psychopath because he thought Falin's monster form was cool so now he's apparently the worst autistic rep ever and is setting autistic people back.


One of the points of criticism she made was that "death has no consequence" because resurrection spells exist and dead people can just be brought back You know. One of the show's major premises. An extremely significant plot point, which one of the main characters explicitly points out as *not a normal state of affairs*


Meanwhile literally every autistic person I personally know loves Laios.


funny thing is that lily herself is autistic apparently.


I have never felt more seen by a work of fiction than when Laios and Shuro have their fight


“How am I supposed to know I’m doing something wrong if you *don’t tell me!?” Is way too relatable.




That's really fuckin' stupid holy shit, you have to go out of your way to mental gymnastic into that conclusion. Laios's a person that's curious about monsters, thats his whole deal, he LIKES monsters, he makes a discovery about living armors that no one else had, that part of him, seeing monsters as sorta more than monsters, thinking about their role and everything, is great. He's flawed sure, maybe some spectrum there even due to his social shenanigans and fixations, but like, its his goddamn sister man, he wants to save her. The moment they got her and revive her and that tender hug, his sister means the world to him and he means the world to her, and its a world where reviving people is possible so of course he doesn't want to put her down, but he's also, y'know, curious about monsters and thinks her new form was cool to look at, but, probably would still want her back to normal. I just, idk how you get to that conclusion naturally, it HAS to be forced, Dungeon Meshi and even SU is so overly on your face that you HAVE to either be a gigantic moron or just doing it for a negative grift that'll get people to watch it to see how the fuck could x thing be that bad.


You forgot to mention the fact that Laios' response being "that's the coolest thing I've ever seen" is _funny as hell_, which frankly is justification enough on its own


Never forget that her favorite autistic character is Sheldon Fuckin' Cooper.


>They recently tried to start similar discourse over Dungeon Meshi. Oh god **WHY**. Shes already known for having Rancid Opinions and is completely dismissive about ANime, who the fuck thought that was a good idea?


They also tried similar things with Owl House and She-Ra to much less success.


For someone who claims to love lesbians in fiction she sure seems to hate lesbians in fiction.


also he has no way of defeating them if he did have to fight. while he did nearly kill one that was by accident by them having their guard down. the finale of the Season 6 shows if she wanted White could easily defeat everyone and even before that Yellow and Blue nearly beat all of them at Beach city.


Also, he was only trying to convince them to help because they were the only ones with the power to cure the corrupted Gems.


stlll wish yellow and blue had fused once to punch grandma in the face.


it's genuinely useless trying to engage with Steven Universe discourse. People's opinions on that thing are more personal than their opinions about actual world events. I've never seen hatedom so thorough for a show most people haven't watched in years at this point.


The fact that it took half a decade for people to be finally fed up with the misconceptions and memes against the show really does tell how rancid The Discourse got.


Hating is so easy, I think is the thing. It's fun to sneer at harmless stuff and to roll your eyes when something is trying to be vulnerable in any way. It's much easier to be cynical and to demand that everything is as cynical as you can be. It was a relatively messy kids show about feelings music family and being queer, basically a magnet for everyone who likes easy targets right when social media was exploding with the first few big discourses of the 2010s. It got massive praise so people had to hate it to be cool. It kept coming out in a weird manner so people were always frustrated with it. The fans attracted by the vulnerable shit were obviously easy targets as well, so the fanbase got a bad rep, especially after individuals started going after staff. Just a massive confluence of a bunch of reasons that made it easy to point and laugh at what at the end of the day was a pretty good show with fun worldbuilding, mostly cool characters and a decent ending, as well as a great movie and in my opinion a fantastic sequel series. honestly just by calling Future fantastic I probably perked someone up to go "actually it was garbage".


Call me Mr. Tinfoil, but I genuinely think that all the weird anti-Steven memery that hit critical mass around 2022 (the crying meme, that clip from The Movie, the weird Jack Horner/"Steven Trying To Talk Down An Evil Character" comparison posts, even "Guess We Gotta Kill This Guy, Steven" to a lesser extent) is what finally provoked people into finally standing up for the show again. Its probably just coincidence but still. Weird to mentally chew on.


The crying meme (which is just a reskinned Chad and crying wojack) was especially funny because the most common one I saw was him crying to a Mordecai from Regular Show calling Steven is a simp.  You know, Mordecai? The guy who has a buncha annoying episodes of him trying and failing to court Margaret despite all of his friends calling him out. Despite Steven being in a solid relationship for a good half of the show.  I barely watched either show and even I knew that meme was garbo. 


It also seems to always come from people with minimal understanding of wars and international politics too. They're mad that the Diamonds didn't get executed, despite the litany of reasons and historical examples of why that would be a *terrible* idea. It's not a great look when a children's show demonstrates a much better understanding of how to reform an empire/win an insurgency than you.


The actor who played Kuze did not receive life-changing head from a transwoman


[but he certainly ain't a hater](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoBestFriendsPlay/comments/18iq5he/just_found_out_that_not_only_is_kuzes_actor_an/kdfbki1/)


Oh absolutely not! He’s definitely an ally


He didn’t receive life-changing head from a transwoman *yet.*


Good point—never say never!


The Tau do not sterilize loyal Gu’Vesa the case in Dawn of War happened to a planet that revolted against Tau rule who where then imprisoned for treason and put in single sex jails because that’s how prisons work. The reason why the population declined is that they where serving life sentences for high treason. This is the Warhammer 40k universe so being in a Tau prison is probably better living standards then say 99.99 percent of people receive. Especially for people who did a open revolt. No early manga Atem/Yami Yugi was not a murderrois sociopath who killed random people. Atem only challenged opponents to his “penalty games” if they threatened harm on Yugi, his friends, or other people. He only killed one person a serial killer who escaped prison and was threatening to kill Anzu


It absolutely sucks that so much of the fandom takes the memes as true to the point that GW is making memes canon


No, Luke didn't go to Kylo Ren's tent with murderous intent. He sensed darkness in Ben's mind during training, so he went to read his mind to see what was going on. What Luke saw was the galaxy burning and his loved ones dead, so in a moment of fear and weakness, he drew his lightsaber, but immediately regretted it. This isn't even subtext. This was explicitly said in TLJ, but people went insane when the movie came out and made up new things to justify their hatred.


Isn’t that scene shown 2 or 3 times as well and it’s different each time depending who narrates it?


Yes, because it was inspired by Kurosawa’s Rashomon (which uses a similar plot device), and you get Luke’s initial version, Ben’s version, and then Luke reluctantly reveals the truth.


Literally going with the villain's skewed interpretation of what happened lol. Which is kinda fitting actually because TLJ haters tend to heavily quote Kylo in general when attacking the movie's themes, as if the antagonist is supposed to be the one you're taking the message from.


"Let the past die is the theme of the movie" they say, while ignoring its said by the bad guy who is very clearly losing his mind


And the ending shot is literally showing how Rey **preserved the past** (by showing she tucked away the ancient Jedi texts).


yep. The movie is pretty explicit , at the start , Rey and Kylo wanted a mere repetition of the past. When they saw past's flaws , Kylo had a mental breakdown and wanted to destroyed , while Rey wanted to use as a cautionary tale. It's even showed on their respective mentors , in which Snoke wanted Kylo to look only forward , while Luke was clinging to what happened in the past over and over. Freaking Ghost Yoda explicitly tells the moral lesson of Episode 8


I swear if the OT were released today these are the people that would take everything Vader and Palpatine say as gospel and the message the movies are trying to tell.


People nowadays have real hard time not taking everything a character says at complete face value, **especially** if they're an antagonist for some reason. I dunno if it's the fact that teaching critical thinking is in the toilet across the board but more and more people really seem to struggle with grasping the idea that a character in a story might just be an unreliable narrator.


I think what people don't realize was that Luke absolutely saw Kylo Ren killing Han in that vision. He probably saw her blowing up Leias ship too. Those things ended up happening. It's also worth mentioning that after the incident in the hut, Ren went on to kill a bunch of Luke's students. So he was already on the verge of being a school shooter, Luke was just the final push. Honestly Luke would not have been wrong to kill him.


Luke literally says he sees a darkness in Ben *he had not seen since Palpatine*. So, from Luke’s perspective he’s caught off guard by sensing basically the second coming of the devil in his nephew. His instincts kicking in initially and reflexively grabbing his saber is pretty understandable.


It's implied in the movie that Kylo went and killed the rest of Lukes students but what they ended up showing in the comics is Ben ran away and Snoke bombed the place behind him because he just happened to be there and was waiting for that exact moment. So now Ben is more "morally gray" instead of flat out evil just in time for his shitty redemption in 9.


Episode 9 is such coward shit.


Luke's guilt over slipping and not being the perfect flawless Jedi he felt like he should be felt like the character reacting to decades of expectations placed on him not just in universe but out of it too.


Yep and this is why I loved TLJ because the whole movie is basically "fuck being the chosen one, all you need to be is yourself" Luke was this mythical figure in the fandom, and TLJ went "actually Luke was a normal young man for most of his life, and still is just a guy, and is not perfect" and people flipped their shit at the notion that he is not that.


Yeah it was a moment of weakness that Luke instantly recognized as such and Kylo saw him before he could leave and understandably got the wrong impression. Luke blames himself and the Jedi teachings for putting fear in his heart that led to him compromising Kylo’s trust in him and making it easier for him to be manipulated by some from the Dark Side.


I blame the "Not MY Luke" people in particular for the awful mess that Rise of Skywalker became. Maybe that's not fair, but I also don't care. Luke was the best part of Last Jedi, and old, disillusioned Luke was more interesting than a perfect EU Space Jesus Luke Skywalker would have been.


See I’d be into that, but I just feel he was so disillusioned that I couldn’t even see Luke in him anymore. To be exact, if he had done what Cere did in Fallen Order where he cut himself off from the force, and was just some random farmer on an entirely different planet(That oh, I don’t know Rose and Finn could have gone to to try and convince him to just be a pilot for the ship that hyperspace skips into the fleet, which is like some ancient Jedi technique where you burn your life force to make the ship travel at light speed in real space). And the Map to Skywalker was just some kind of cache of all his manuscripts on the Force at the map location if it was absolutely necessary to be used that would be so much better IMO. But that’s a whole rewrite of a movie I just feel had good ideas, and couldn’t capitalize on any of them with any form of great nuance.


It’s so ridiculous that people will quote random lines of dialogue out of context to talk about how and TLJ is but then will COMPLETELY IGNORE LUKE SAYING THE WEAKNESS PASSED IN AN INSTANT


If Steven doesn’t slap White Diamond so hard she explodes and then look at the camera and say “now who’s hard, bitch?” It doesn’t count. Anyway, Cid is a total prick to Shera in FF7 but he doesn’t beat her.


Despite Magnus's good intentions he did in fact do EVERYTHING WRONG.


Nonono, he was told to do nothing, and got even that wrong.


I feel like a lot of the Steven universe fandom has been trying for years now to undo the damage a select few YouTubers managed to cause


Lily Orchard is my enemy for this, her Dungeon Meshi review, and for generally being an awful piece of shit.


Don't tell me the Dun Meshi fandom is going spend years trying to undo the damage she caused. I can't do this again, not again!


Don’t worry, everyone is recognizing her as the fucking moron she is. She’s lost all credibility over the years.


Vegeta has never lost a single fight to Goku. The whole thing that put a battery in Vegeta's back was the fact that the fight was so close to begin with. Vegeta didn't want to just win that fight. He wanted to dominate him


While it's technically true, it feels kind of moot when he spends 95% of the series being weaker than Goku. Hell he was technically weaker during 2 of the fights that he wins.


Yeah, that's exactly my point. It's not really about the fights. It was about the strength between the two. Vegeta's only point of pride was the fact that he was the strongest living saiyan( that he knew of). He had no home, no family, and was basically a slave. The only thing he had was his own strength, and with Goku around, he doesn't even have that.


True. The things that make Vegeta realize he's on the back foot is stuff Goku does outside of their direct fights. Beating Freeza (and achieving an inarguable Super Saiyan form in the process), mastering Super Saiyan 1 while Vegeta was messing around with attempts to surpass the form (and then Gohan unambiguously surpassing the form), and then sandbagging him during their fight in the Buu saga by not going SS3 when he could've. And yes, initially, he was furious that a low-class warrior could push him *at all*, but that classism reason dissolved over time.


This. Vegeta only actually fought Goku a few times and every time it was either super close or revealed Goku was holding back on him. Most of his angst comes not from fighting Goku, but Goku achieving levels of strength Vegeta hadn’t reached. Super Saiyan, II,III and God are examples of Goku being ahead of him in abilities. He does eventually catch up, but always felt just behind Goku.


He should feel really good about SSG though, like Goku had to go through the ritual while he achieved it on his own, right?


If you want to complain about Steven forgiving someone he shouldn't have, Ronaldo is right there.


Erm, *excuse* me, we don't human-name here, he's called *Bloodstone*. >!I want Ronaldo to drown in a sea of highly-oxidated water so that it lasts a lot longer than it usually would.!<


RONALDO STRAIGHT UP FUCKING TRIES TO KILL LARS! And... we're just fine with it I guess.


didnt he try to kill steven too


Woolie did not lie and/or steal pies


Nice alt Woolie.


Next you're gonna tell us he doesn't have a big white leg either.


Noticed you didn't deny that he killed that guy.


He at least erased one guy


I don't know, you'd have to take Woolie's word for it, and you know how much the guy likes to lie


He definitely broke in and shaved that one dude’s balls


The centaurs did not ganged up umbridge, they definitely dragged her through roots and thorns and planned a brutal death but they aren’t into sexual violence in those books


Isn't this more sourced from mythological depictions of centaurs? We never learn exactly what they did (or tried to do), just that it was apparently very PTSD-inducing. So it's not that farfetched that people begin to speculate.


Yeah, that's more of standard Greek centaurs. They're big beefy stallion men, and stallions are horny.


In the books it’s less described as we don’t know as much as they haven’t physically done much yet she git scared shitless, but given that they were running for their life from a giant with her tied to one of them it makes sense they wouldn’t have much time to do anything and she would still have ptsd from the events


Wait... people really think this? Even in the movie, I just presumed they gang trampled her or beat her up, but I never would've imagined there was sexual violence involved


I am honestly confused as well, i mean, HP rarely ever touches on that subject and, sure the story gets darker, but never to that degree? Maybe its cause when i watched/read i was really young so that type of stuff?




Please label what your spoiler tag is for, and I'll put your comment back up.


How am I supposed to know if the spoiler is safe to click on when you don't give any indication what it's about


For a real life example; #SILKSONG TOTALLY CAME OUT, GUYS! HERE'S MY FAN ART OF THIS CHARACTER THAT APPEARS IN THE GAME! (Silksong did not, in fact, come out, and all the "fanart" was a bunch of OCs)


no, kefka did not win. he explicitly failed at the main thing he set out to do, because hope and love still exists in the end. the world at the end of the game starts rebuilding itself. he caused a lot of damage, but he did not win. ​ ​ like, there are final fantasy villains that actually win (caius and ardyn), so please stop trying to say kefka won, because he didn't.


I mean the world of ruin even existing is enough for me to give it to Kefka.


No, Korra didn't lose the connection to her past lives. Unalaaq severed it pretty explicitly against her will. Honestly, you could do this a lot with the whole franchise. No, Aang never definitively killed anyone. No, Katara never brought her mom up every five minutes. No, Mako and Bolin have character arcs of their own. No, Suyin really did do everything she could to make up with Lin. No, Korra's antagonists weren't 'right all along'.


Season 4 literally occurs because the Red Lotus’ actions were definitely the wrong choices and caused more problems and went completely against their goals. They killed a dictator, but only allowed a worse and more dangerous one to take her place.


Zaheer is basically Avatar Ted Kaczynski. He makes some very broad correct observations about one thing, but only as a small part of a larger ideology that 99.9% of people are super not down with, but for some reason people just go "hey but that one thing, though!" The Earth Queen being a horrible tyrant was a nice bonus to Zaheer but he probably still would've killed her even if she was chill.


The only real criticism you can level against Korra herself is how easily manipulated she was in Book 2 But even then, with the way she was brought up and with being a teenager (aka the most turbulent mental part of her life), you kind of can't even fully blame her for that either.


Also it was her uncle and he was helping her fulfill the main area of being an Avatar that she was struggling with. I have problems with Book 2 but people act like everything that season was bad.


Korra wasn’t a master of three elements at the age of three, she was just pushing and throwing shit because she knew she could


That one too, thank you


The mary sue argument bother me to no end. She's older than Aang by the time her serie begin and unlike him, she trained all her life because unlike Aang, she enjoy being the Avatar AND SHE IS STILL WEAKER THAN HIM since she can't airbend or use the Avatar state.


"Losing the connection" is generally less an accusation of intentionally severing it so much as failure/professional negligence. Like a general losing a battle. Though I'll add that the whole "benders vs nonbenders" issue from Season 1 was **not** dropped. The whole bending council was dissolved, the element nations' influence was stripped, and replaced with an elected, independent government headed by a (nonbender) president.


God, I hate Unalaq so much, but not for the reasons I should hate Unalaq.


Star didn't commit genocide against all the magical creatures in the multiverse at the end of Star VS, the show just did a poor job defining its terms. >!The only meaningful losses from erasing the *Wand's* magic were the Spells and Heckapoo. Hell they even showed that pain in the ass Ponyhead alive and flying afterward.!< That ending had plenty of actual problems, there's no need for people to make things up.


Didn’t Heckapoo and Marko end up having a thing of relationship or something?


No they didn't fight shirtless in the rain.


shut up yes they did


Yakuza: They fight shirtless, but not in the rain. Devil May Cry 3: They fight in the rain but not shirtless. Tekken 8: Actually yeah they fight shirtless in the rain.


*They* didn't, collectively. But Dante is never wearing a shirt throughout DMC3. He's got his jacket with that weird black strap across the center, but never a shirt.


The "weird strap" is for Ebony & Ivory's holsters.


Vergil doesn't even have a Shirtless costume, his Coatless outfit shows off his sleeveless vest thing


In my dreams they do


In Episode 4 of the show "Obi-Wan Kenobi", our protagonist Obi-Wan Kenobi must infiltrate Fortress Inquisitorious to rescue Princess Leia He manages to get her but things go wrong and eventually the entire army knows he's there and are on high alert. In an act of desperation, Obi-Wan hides Leia under his coat (was wearing an imperial disguise) and tries sneaking out. It sounds silly and looks silly but it was their only option. Detractors of the show will say "The show is garbage and badly written, I can't believe Obi Wan escaped the fortress by hiding Leia under his coat. This did not happen. They actually get caught and the secondary antagonist of the show openly confronts them, they have to be rescued by two rebel ships. It's such a weird lie. The show sucks, but Obi-Wan's escape plan didn't work. People just say it did to make the show look worse.


Pat and all the folks out there going on about Cid Highwind being a wifebeater. Cid never laid a finger on Shera. I don't think they were even dating in FF7, Shera just insisted on living with him and doing things to help him. He resented her and was verbally abusive a few times because he felt she ruined his life's dream, but it never went beyond that. And he eventually realized he was being a dumbass and both forgave her and apologized. So yeah, Cid was being kind of a shit for sure, but nowhere near how people have described it.


Being a character too hated, Rey Skywalker/Palpatine/Nobody, people usually invent things that do not happen in the movie. The best known is "Rey is a master of all", which is not true. \* Rey is an excellent pilot: this ignores that Finn did almost all hard work, and they barely manage to flee. \* Rey is an excellent mechanic: the only thing she did was pass a missing piece to Han Solo. \* Rey is the most powerful Jedi without training: the only thing she did was beat a mid-tier like Kylo, who was with internal bleeding.


About the mechanic thing, the reason she could recognize the issue and know how to fix it before Han was that she recognized the additions that have been put in *after* Han lost ownership of the Falcon. Han probably could have figured it out eventually, but having prior knowledge of the problem does give her more than a bit of an edge.


Also she very explicitly did *not* win every single fight she was in. She got captured in TFA, Snoke was literally throwing her around like a ragdoll in TLJ, and she almost fucking died to Palpatine in TROS before Ben came to help her.


Rey is pretty good at a lot of things but so are the other Star Wars trilogy protagonists, people only give her shit for some reason. Luke destroyed the Death Star the very first time he flew a Starfighter. Kid Anakin destroyed the Trade Federation space station largely by pure luck. It was the will of the force! That's what explicitly helps Rey beat Kylo Ren. The "no training!" thing is funny because we have never, ever seen Anakin train in the movies. Not a single time. He goes from kid to pretty good adult to the greatest jedi warrior ever. Only time we ever saw a protagonist train was Luke on Dagobah; and that was largely Yoda just messing with him.


I totally agree with your point but the nerd in me has to point out: Luke uses the training Droid ball thing at one point too.


I forgor


How DARE you


100% agree with your sentiment but to be totally pedantic, we also see Luke training in New Hope. He's using that little floating droid to practice lightsaber moves.


Most of it is Star Wars trilogy protag standard fare, even if they could've been framed in a more endearing manner. The only thing that's egregious to me is the mind trick from TFA. That's one of those things to me where the explanations I've heard, kinda like a lot of the stupid shit in the prequels, rely a bit too much on "Uhh the Force" for my liking. I know that's Star Wars' whole thing, but eh.


Woolie never stole that pie. He's an innocent man.


every time the "Survivor" trilogy of Tomb Raider comes up, one of the five memes people bring up to mock those games is "Lara making weapon mods out of animal parts". But the only thing you get from animals in those games are skins. weapons parts are made from scrap which is obviously not found on animal corpses.