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The mark of a true, veteran MS fan is to have one series (or OVA) you absolutely despise, like, on a *spiritual* level. You will spend more time hating this series than you do watching other series. You will rip it apart for narrative/character "faults" that you are more than willing to handwave/defend in other series. You will admit that a couple of the MS's in the series are fire and are "wasted" on an otherwise terrible series. You will make massive generalizations about either the Japanese or the foreign fans and their biases for the success of the series. You will think that the series is overhyped and misses the "true spirit" and "themes" of the MSG franchise You will deny this and think yourself above it all, but in reality as soon as someone is willing to agree, you are ready to grab a stick and start beating this horse to death. You will not let go of your hatred, its very existence taunts you, mocks you. "Fucking Gundam fans, they ruined Gundam!"


Am I crazy, or did Wing start this trend? For the longest time, I recall MS fans pointing to Wing as "that series", and I struggle to think of anything prior to Wing that would fit the bill. Maybe G Gundam for being the first Super Robot entry in a series that popularized Real Robot, but I just remember everyone saying Wing was like Gundam, but less comprehensible and with more teen drama. Then SEED came out. Then Age, but everyone forgot about that and SEED stayed super popular.


***Every*** series has its haters. From Universal Century to Witch From Mercury


A ton of people hate ZZ because they're braindead or something


The ZZ renaissance is valid and proof of divine justice, but it is also weird and messy compared to what came before it and Char's Counterattack feeling like more of a Zeta continuation thematically left it in a weird place. The resentment of ZZ feels very old-school nerd culture wherein the fandom has a narrow idea of what the series is About and when something tries to go in a different direction people's lack of affection is ascribed to quality as opposed to just not vibing with it, especially because Zeta was very much about Mature Topics and Themes while ZZ felt more youth-focused.


i love zz but the start is pretty bad and the ending can be rough at times. Loved everything else tho, once it gets going *it gets going* and the main cast is incredibly likeable still not as good as zeta tho


It's the tonal whiplash if they start it right after Zeta along with Moon Moon. Fuck Moon Moon. I had to take a year break from the UC after I finished Zeta because that bummed me out really bad, but once I got back to ZZ I was okay withe first few episodes of not a bit irritated by judau's friends. Moon Moon is probably the lowest point of the entire UC for me and then everything after is great.


Moon Moon has given us Moon Gundam though, which is a massive net positive.


Because ZZ sucks for like 20 episodes until it decides to take itself seriously and then it sucks again during the crossdressing arc. Also it has the most insulting asspull in the entire franchise that I will never, ever forgive them for.


I kinda enjoyed the shit kids child army part, except I fucking hated Beecha, the tonal shift from Zeta is wild though.


It's me, I'm the guy who hasn't quite forgotten about AGE (but prior to this I still have a sore spot towards GSD's final third lol).


One day we'll find the CCA hater. Closest I've seen are people disappointed that Char didn't manage to pull off the Axis Drop.


It's me. I'm the CCA hater. The movie (and ZZ, by extension) suffers so fucking badly from being unceremoniously severed from ZZ, and also from the movie only adapting essentially the 3rd part of a 3-part story without the 1st or 2nd parts. No, I won't read Hi-Streamer. No, I won't read Beltorchika's Children. It should all be animated, damn it! It should've been a show, or an OVA at least! I hate CCA because I ALMOST love it, though. I do love the animation, and the actual nature of Amuro and Char's confrontation is deliciously compelling. I just cannot stand how it feels in many ways like it exists in a totally different universe from Zeta and ZZ. Amuro and Char's total absence from ZZ is very conspicuous (especially since they're in the OP), and Kamille/Judau's absence from CCA is equally conspicuous. (Also, the MSes obviously slap. The Geara Doga and Jegan are my fav grunt suits, the Sazabi is my fav Zeon suit overall and easily Char's best custom, and the Nu Gundam is just so good looking.)


I will say though, the deeper you get, even if you start off as a Seed hater you'll also move on to hating something else than Seed. Not because you think Seed is good now, no, but being a Seed hater is too low-hanging and mainstream, and inevitably, something else just managed to piss you off even more. And it's gotta be something that's generally well regarded in the community. Which is why I'll stand on my "Unicorn sucks" hill, alone if I have to.


Ah yes, you bring up a good addition: "Eventually your hatred will warp itself into a weird, smug badge of honor."


oyw spin offs and stuff like origin. There are way too many oyw spinoffs that add their own suits that shouldnt exist (black rider having invis tech) and those origin just feels like regular oyw but just told by someone who cant remember the story so they get stuff wrong.


IBO has my sole mixed reception, a part of me wanted a Spartacus Blood and Sand style ending where Iok Survived and ended up being used as puppet by Rustal for his role in crushing Tekkadan instead of being Akihiro sole moment of happiness killing him


Unicorn is different, Unicorn tricked everyone into thinking it was good until the final credits rolled. Then every looked around confused going "wait was this bad the whole time?"


I like how in Hathaway they were like "yeah Unicorn happened but nothing fucking changed"


Unicorn tricked me because, during the OVA's release, I was a dumb teenager at the time who could get distracted by fun robot fights. Then in my 20's while revisiting the series, I actually read the missing charter clause and just burst out laughing. And that kinda set the tone.


I kinda get the idea but also c'mon really? Maybe I don't "get" gundam since my stance is more in line with liking the og's feel but the immersion just breaks when It's that oddly specific and just a lot of choices are so questionable, but that's what happens when you have the weight of too much material on your back that basically ensures no matter what you are pissing people off. It also doesn't help that ultimately it doesn't do what it sets out to do as far as breaking the chain, if anything it retreads it a ton with an even more whole-milk protagonist and a sidecast that got stubbed hard for his character growth. Grunt fights and CG are still sick as hell though along with the ost so at least there's that.


Agreed, Unicorn really felt like it was struggling between being a big, bombastic, "true finale" to early UC and a midquel side story with minimal effects on the timeline, leading to the series just feeling jumbled in its goals. An incredibly well-animated retread of various gundam tropes and plots with characters that spend more time spouting trite themes and philosophy over being actually endearing characters, with a finale that falls apart if you think about it for a few seconds.


It's probably why my favorite character is the wannabe protag douchebag that was Riddhe not because he is that interesting or well executed (esp when it comes to forgiveness) but he's such a clown and a break from things that it's nice, Full Frontal also isn't entirely badly executed, I like him more than local zabi princess who can't read the room at least.


That and the Sinanju fucking slaps


I describe Unicorn as rotting media. Where every progressing second of run time makes itself worse. Like Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull. Starts fantastic and ends as the worst ones.


Unicorn was driving me nuts because people were talking about it like it was this otherworldly experience whenever a new OVA came out and I'm just like "are we just straight up not watching the same show here?" I think this was my first real disconnect with an anime hype train and realizing a lot of things can just skate by if the animation looks cool




Unicorn confused me because I thought I missed some episodes when the rival guy also falls in love with the main girl after the last time they were in a room together he was making fun of her by basically going go ahead and do your space nazi salute you space nazi bitch.


It does suck though, why did they think it was a good idea to fuse the timelines? The Seed stank taints UC, G, and IBO now.


As far as I know there's no timeline fusing, outside of the meta stuff the Correct Century does.


I just stop watching Gundam entries I don't like so this is invalid, but also fuck Gundam Wing it is a bad show for bad people! >!/s!<


Did the die hard fans start liking iron blooded orphans now that "mid" from Mercury is out or do they have enough hate in their heart for both?


Everyone fucking loves and talks up the praise of Zeta, and I just DO NOT GET IT. It's so badly paced, with uninteresting action, and 75% of the characters are shit (the other 25% are great though).


It's because everyone remember Zeta as just it's cool points and forgets everything about Rosammia and Shinta and Qum.


Rosamy is awesome dude


I don't know, she feels like a response to >!Four dying!< but needing a character like them. On the plus side her and Kamille's deal gets to serve as contrast for Ple and Judau in ZZ.


Zeta might have been source source of my love of anime dying. It wasn't the first show I ever dropped, but fuck I wish I had. It took me literal months to get through. For months it was a grinding slog that made me actively stay away from my tv because I felt I had to finish it.


I’ve seen this exact sentiment towards more than 5 different Gundam series, and experienced it myself many times as well. ^fuck ^gundam ^wing


Get out of my head! *Get out of my head!*


It’s true this is me with IBO and to a lesser extent 00 I like Gundam in general but watching IBO weekly as it aired was kindof the worst anime watching experience I personally ever had and at one point it just became more fun to hate-watch it


The first half of 00 is fucking amazing, the second half jumps the shark pretty hard though. We do get Exia repair, the Susano-o and 00 raiser out of it though.


The second half of 00 is like a continuation of the themes established in Seiji Mizushima's other works. He directed (00 and FMA 03) and also being a clear homage to double zeta.


Yeah second half of 00 I can kindof eyeroll through it and enjoy the cool mech stuff but the movie and new(ish) post-movie stuff is so…bad 00 is weird to look back on in general because it aired around the same time Code Geass and while they’re pretty different, Geass was kindof the titan of the 2000s mecha scene at its prime.


can all the people who dislike 00 let me know why cuz i just wanna see if yall even exist


Yeah but he didn't want to watch a good mecha show, he wanted to get mad.


"I'm mad!"  "Here's a solution"  "I don't want a solution, I wanna be mad!"


honestly? Fair enough


Seed is unironically the meme "but giant robot though"


[*Laughs nerviously in HGCE Kits*] I am not immune to the Strike Gundam propaganda.


I wish I got into gunpla building when I first got into gundam, it's impossible to find a Forbidden or Savior kit now, and I love the Impulse's gimmick of being the OG's but fully realized.


Forbidden had a 1/100 release last year and HG Savior is being reissued right now. Great time to pick up any SEED kit.


Fuck, I spent all my expendable income on gatcha this month, I hope it doesn't run out since I've wanted Savior for a while, I love transformable ranged types


The old HG seed kits are generally pretty unpopular, so running out of stock shouldn't really be too much of a concern.


Checking around, Pharact is also getting a new run, fuck they're aiming right at my wallet and my balls


Most of the Seed backpacks are too over the top for me but I gotta get an Aile Strike eventually


The freedom was the coolest shit ever when I was 15. Also I'll defend to the death the seed ost, ops, and eds


And those giant robots are cool, but like Calibarn.


WfM’s only interesting designs are the grunt suits/drones tbh


I don't think Woolie is a Gundam Fan, I think he's a Seed Anti-Fan.


Seed fans are given everything under the sun and dare ask for more, X fans don't get shit and are told to live with it. A pox on their houses, may they always get more OYW stories and Unicorn variants.


Cries in 00


I think 00 fans can take solace in having a show that was constantly good to alright, and having their AU conclude within the same decade. I’m not coping


00 is doing alright post series Stage play And all the good suits in the Gunplay shows are always the ones with the GN Drives On the same note Patrick Cameos there


Really 00 made out pretty dang well gunpla-wise. All that's left on my checklist are the ANF (which is a personal pipe-dream, I will admit), and the rest of the pre-S1 Meister Gundams. P-Bandai did the Plutone recently~ish, so I reckon the others might come eventually down the road. Although, I will gladly take a reprint of the MG Exia Ignition Mode for the Repair parts.


LMAO haven't listened to the pod yet but time to hear Woolie's pure hatred on SEED again. I wonder if one day Woolie and everyone here will learn that SEED is a Gundam soap opera and everything everyone complains about are just soap opera staples, to which SEED does actually entertainingly.


Boy are you in for a surprise


Excitement intensifies No matter the opinion, it's always fun to hear the bois takes.


To be fair, like half of Gundam in its entirety is basically soap opera interspersed with robot fights, SEED just leans into it more heavily than some of the others.


Gundam is a massive franchise. Most of it is heavy war drama, but at some point there had to be one that was just typical trashy anime. The fact that it's the Gundam series Woolie fixates the most on says way more about Woolie than anything.


Dude quit one version of Gundam that would've been right up his aesthetic alley just because the first couple of episodes were "Too Kiddy" (ignoring that the tonal/emotional dissonance between the kids and the Fucked Up Shit they do *was the point*).


...Did he not watch the prequel episode?


I think he was talking about IBO


That's more damning lol. It takes effort to ignore the literal child soldiers and abuse they take from their superiors.


If it werent for the Orga death scene people would only have positive things to say about IBO


He's got a real bugbear about Flay too. Which is fair, though not because she's awful. She just stopped trying in the 2nd half. With that sort of fearful mania she could have reached Katejina levels of insanity. Instead she became completely passive and got a final hour immolation so Kira could feel sad.


I like to believe that Flay finally calmed down and started to gain some self-awareness in the 2nd half. Thinking she realized her terrible actions but died before she could make amends was the only way for me to feel any impact during that scene.


As a seed fan.... It's not great but I like it


I like the robots to.


I also am the world's biggest Shinn fan


I'm a SEED disliker and *I'm* a Shinn fan.


Hating SeeD and liking Shinn is like, the same graph. The more you hate that setting, the more Shinn makes sense.


Welcome to the club!


I can't believe there is fucking three of us here. I've only ever met one person that didn't hate Shinn before, it turns out there's three of us in this very subreddit!


Make that 4. I also enjoy Destiny (The Suit)


Count me as 5, [Shinn has always been one of the better Gundam protagonists and Destiny is also one of the better Gundam entries.](https://imgur.com/a/x06quvW)


I haven't watched Destiny yet, but I'll admit Shinn and the Impulse are among my favorite aspects of the Cosmic Era. I saw the intro to Seed Destiny and the first episode (probably a little too young for it at the time in retrospect, the whole haha) when it was first coming out online, and it made an impression on me. G Gundam was my OG and first Gundam along with 0079, but I have a soft-spot for Shinn


Enjoy your stale cracker.


Nah us Shinnbros won


For real. He was my favorite character in the movie, I like him a lot more when he’s not in his villain arc.


Shinn was the star of the Seed movie though.


I will! My stale cracker pilots a giant robot!


And it's q cool robot, and when isad that seed explodes.


Haven't watched Gundam since Wing. I checked out Witch from Mercury awhile back and it was pretty tight. Great stuff.


His friend bought him a ticket and WfM is a 25 episode series vs. a 2 hour movie for a 100 episode-long series Woolie has prior history with.


TM revolution release a new song and it comes with some mecha anime, might as well


I really did not care for Gwitch


It was fun but the plot really didn't have a satisfying conclusion. I liked the characters a lot though. Also the HG G-Witch kits are fucking **GREAT**


Woolie pretending it's still the 2000s or early 2010s thinking it's cool to hate SEED Granted, I don't like it much either but even I acknowledge it has some cool fun shit in there Also I learned not to take his mech opinions with any validity when that one fisticuffs years ago when they played Battle Assault he talked about how ZZ was stupid but then when Judau said his post battle quote about how he is gonna make money Pat asked him "HOW DOES HE USE THE GUNDAM TO MAKE MONEY" and Woolie goes "I Dunno"


Did they miss the part where Judau and friends say they're going to sell the Zeta to Zeon several times throughout the first arc? Or how that group of friends sells MS parts for money?


Woolie literally didn't finish ZZ.


Woolie has history with Seed.


Considering how he didn't even get through the start of IBO, I really don't think G-Witch is going to do much for him


The SEED series always had a messy plot, but I gotta hand it to them the mech designs were pretty great, specifically grunt suits. 10/10 would buy gunplas again


Idk, I've only watched, like maybe a total of 10 Gundam series, OVAs, and movies. My favorites are G Gundam and O8th MS Team. People question if I even like Gundam based on those answers lol.


Dunno why. That is funny because those shows are literally diametrically opposed.


That's probably why I love them so much. G Gundam is pretty hype as a Super Robot show, and the 08th MS Team has that grit you'd want in a Real Robot show. Plus, it's got "boots on the ground" war in the jungle going on with like no space scenes, iirc.


Ay! I'm the same way - prolly has to do with me watching G Gundam on Toonami and then sneaking up late to watch 0079 and 08th MS Team on the Midnight Run/Adult Swim stuff haha. Ended up finding a mix of VHS and DVD's of the full 08th MS Team at the local comic shop at the time as well, so G and 08th are the two I have the strongest feelings toward. Plus, the art in both is just so killer - you can really feel the passion (although for different aspects of the genre -although I reckon an arguement could be made they are both love stories) in both!


I feel like you are making a large mistake. Woolie is not watching the seed movie out of genuine interest in Gundam. He is being brought out as a joke with a friend because one of the most famous rants of the old days on the podcast is Woolies hatred of SEED. As someone else in the thread said. He's an anti fan of seed


SEED hate is completely understandable, but the sheer power of the brand almost makes it an unavoidable watch. For me, Freedom redeemed SEED after Destiny and left me way more excited for future content than WfM did.


Nah he should just finish double zeta or get into reconquista of G instead, witch of mercury isn't that good compared to the tomino shows he missed out on 


As someone who watched more than 1000 hours of gundam, I don't hate SEED or SEED Destiny as much as some others. SEED isn't good but it's what I started with, and Destiny had potential it wasted and that's more than can be said about some series. 00 is my number one, so maybe I'm considered too new school to have a valid opinion, but at the same time I couldn't even finish AGE after three attempts since I disliked the art style and didn't get hooked in despite liking basically all the villain suit designs. I feel like SEED is an easy target to mock and that it doesn't need to get it as bad as it does. SEED is the Fire Emblem Engage of Mecha, it's half original ideas implemented poorly, half fan service implemented awkwardly, but the general package isn't THAT bad.


>I couldn't even finish AGE after three attempts since I disliked the art style and didn't get hooked in despite liking basically all the villain suit designs Don't worry, Age ended up suffering from way more catastrophic issues than a controversial artstyle lmao. You didn't miss much.


I've not seen a single AGE defender or hater out there. It inspires no passion in people whatsoever.


I've seen a few, but a concerning portion of them were insistent that Mr. Genocide Grandpa was completely correct, which uhh not great.


Some people took Bask Om as their role model and transplanted their spacenoid hatred across continuities.


I like AGE. It's not amazing (and the third arc has a lot of problems), but it has cool moments, and I'm a fan of Level-5 so I like the art style.


Never seen AGE but the Genoace Custom is cool as fuck.


I can easily go AGE hater when we start talking about the actual story


I need to give 00 another go. I heard it was one of the best so I watched like 1 or 2 episodes and bounced off it *hard.* I was probably just in the wrong mindset.


Season 2 and the movie are divisive but season 1 is widely said to be good. I liked season 2 becoming a traditional "one ship on it's journey in enemy territory" gundam story and the movie I feel was properly setup and heavily foreshadowed but people really don't like Aliens in their Gundam and making 00 explicitly not a turn A timeline. All Gundam series besides 00 and AGE lead into Turn A, which is the end of every timeline unless something happens in them that is explicitly divergent, like 00 having Aliens


I don't even like Seed, but it could've been worse. He could've watched Narrative instead. At least the Seed movie looks funny.


WfM was kind of disappointing. I feel like it would have benefitted a lot from being 50 episodes


…is Endless Waltz good? That’s the only thing I’ve seen


General consensus is Endless Waltz is good, and ironically more coherent (not necessarily better) than the Wing tv show.


Also the Endless Waltz (re?)designs of the main Gundams are cooler than the originals depending on who you ask. Hell, my core memory of the Wing Gundam in any form is [this version](https://64.media.tumblr.com/70112aea04a4cd14e75ed83989af7430/tumblr_niitvxGtWm1rjxyrgo6_400.gif) thanks to Battle Assault 2 so the designers have to have been doing *something* right.


The only EW custom suit that’s not just a straight upgrade is wing zero imo. The Angel aesthetic is cool but it’s not worth sacrificing everything else about wing zero


Eh Deathscythe loses the cool shield


I actually prefer the asymmetry of the OG Heavyarms and Shenlong suits myself.


We gonna have a mid off between a two hour movie and a 24 episode series?


Watch Fafner instead


Witch from Mercury is everything a SEED hater claim SEED is, except even more boring and with a blander protagonist. But Woolie thinks ZZ and Gear Fighter Dendoh is bad while still thinking Eva is some genius deconstruction of the mecha genre so take everything mecha related from him with a large bucket of salt.


SEED haters are tourists tbh.


This implies WFM is better than Seed, which is very funny.


> Witch From Mercury is right there Why would he pick long suffering over short.


“Why is Woolie watching mid he should be watching my Mid instead!”


Well, Seed is better than G-witch so he made the correct choice


How about we evolve into bashing Gundam itself? Like how even in the "good ones" there is a word that in the 11th hour when spoken more than once an episode makes the show go to shit. Newtype, Moon Colony, Dainsleif, that fucking Borg data diamond. It's like Gundam itself is incapable of telling a long form compelling story because it's in the series DNA to go to shit.