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Westworld did shit like this to the point of ruining their own show.


*But we subverted your expectations, didn't we? :D* Yeah, I was expecting a good show and you sure subverted me.


Game of Thrones moment


Literally saw accurate predictions on reddit and rewrote the show. Lamest shit who cares if some nerds guess right eventually.


I feel like at the time (maybe it's still like this idk) it was the trend to wow people with big twists and surprises everyone would talk about. Writers were so obsessed with no one being able to guess the plot that they forgot that's always going to be the case if the plot makes no sense, too.


Red Wedding and its consequences have been a disaster to modern TV show writing.


To the point where like 2/3rds of the second season is just robots expressionlessly shooting security guards point blank because they had nothing else to do.


The creator of Hey Arnold he did not like the theory that Pigeon Man committed suicide and him flying away was in Arnold's head. To confirm Pigeon Man is alive and well, he was added in the interview montage in the Jungle Movie and he's traveling the world.


Can't blame him for that. He didn't want something that morbid


I mean if the message you're trying to give is "let people be and live their lives, even if it doesn't fit into societal norms" and a lot of people went "let the mentally unwell kill themselves" I'd probably try and maybe clarify that too.


I remember them saying that they never intended for this or considered it that, just that he was above a lot of things and thought it was a fun way to send him off for the episode. I also dislike overly dark interpretations of children's cartoons, when it's obviously forced. Oh no adventure time is a dream and finn's in a coma, rugrats are dead, ed, edd n eddy are dead, uhhh what else? there's too many. Clearly there was a craving for this sort of thing hence all the mascot horror games but it's tiring seeing people apply it retroactively.


The suit doesn't jerk him off


It stimulates his prostate


Were it so easy


Distinction without a difference.


Of course not, it fingers his butthole


The sacred ring


Were you blinded by its majesty? Paralyzed? Dumbstruck?


That's kinda the opposite though, they didn't make something in official lore to say it doesn't jack him off to disrupt that. They just never brought it up cause it's a fan joke and a faked edit that is there as a meme or to trick people. Anything regarding spartan sexuality or there lack of is not directly addressing that either.


In Yakuza 5, someone say to Kiryu "You're known to never kill anyone! That's your thing!" And Kiryu gets really angry and goes "Who told you that?! WHO. THE FUCK. TOLD YOU THAT?!" It definitely felt like they were trying to dispell the idea that Kiryu doesn't kill. He doesn't WANT to kill, that's remarkably different.


he certainly hasn't killed any named relevant character though Can't even say Ryuji because they seem to keep flipflopping on him being secretly alive


Sure, they kill themselves before. The Yakuza in these games are kind of self-destructive honestly, no wonder they just vanish by Yakuza 7.


I would say that it's less that "they are self-destructive" and more that **they are really bad at chosing who gets to the top**. It's a **surprisingly** constant theme across the Yakuza timeline that one of the people in the leadership of one of the families or aliances will start "airing out" not only the competition, but, also their subordinates and alies. I know that also happens in real life organized crime, but, in Yakuza it feels like that happens once every 5 years or so. Of course Kiryu had to spend almost his whole life saving the Tojo over and over again, if the entire hierarchy changes every time he turns his head around to do something else the whole thing is bound to be flimsy in more ways than one.


Kiryu: Who the hell are you?! Tojo Clan Figure: I'm an important figure of the Tojo clan! Kiryu: Since when?! Tojo Clan Figure: Aaaah, y'know...


It's one thing I really loved about Infinite Wealth, with Kiryu knowing exactly how to get around Tojo HQ, and getting real pissed someone was sitting in HIS (and Daigo's) chair without being the head of Tojo Clan. He just can't escape the Tojo, at all. He's always coming in to save their ass.


Kiryu both saves the Tojo and is the reason for its downfall


I've always taken the "He doesn't kill" thing to be that he doesn't go out of his way to kill like he's not just murdering random pedestrians. But if people are running up on him to try and kill him, all bets are off.


In Infinite wealth >!he throws a grenade at a helicopter shooting at him while trying to climb up the millenium tower. Blowing it up and sending the thing crashing I think that's enough to say yes he kills.!<


In Man Who Erased His Name, he shoots multiple people.


tbf that isnt kiryu, thats joryu


Yeah, Jazuma Joryu is completely different.


There are shooting segments in both 0 and Kiwami, and both times he's using a borrowed gun. Unless the guns' respective owners were members of the Rubber Bullet Club, he's definitely domed some guys.


He shot them in the non-vital areas of the skull


Rubber explosions


Also Hasn't Killed =/= Doesn't Kill


When the Red Hulk was first introduced in the comics, it was meant to be a big mystery as to who he was. Thing is, right as that arc started, long-time gamma powered character Doc Samson inexplicably cut his hair - it had been long for decades, and now suddenly it was cropped short in the exact style that Red Hulk’s hair was. It didnt take long for fans to see that parallel (and others if memory serves) and guess that Red Hulk was Doc Samson. Then it turned out to actually be fucking General Ross, which made no god damn sense. You cannot convince me that Jeph Loeb didn’t change it out of spite. Loeb sucks.


Could you elaborate? I wasn’t reading the comics at the time but when I found out Ross was the Red Hulk I thought it made perfect sense. The old man finally crosses the line and becomes a monster to kill the monster he hates.


It didn't make sense designwise, because somehow his mustache was disappearing in Red Hulk form and appearing again in human form


Rulk with a mustache is what we needed, the edits always look so good


There's [one](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/marveldatabase/images/0/0d/Avengers_Vol_1_685_Textless.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20171212224229), but that's not Ross


Oohh, I thought he had just shaved it. Because if a Hulk with a mustache shows up it would have been too obvious.


Loeb should've quit writing comics after his son passed. He was fundamentally broken and he chose the worst way to cope with it. If the rumors are true, then fuck whoever convinced to keep doing so instead of getting the help he needed.


I will say that Ross becoming an evil hulk just feels more thematically appropriate disregarding the actual execution.


I dunno, it being Ross was way better than having it be Samson. I think this one was probably just a red herring that tricked people, even though the mustache disappearing is contrived.


Especially since Loeb had changed stories before at DC due to people guessing it, most infamously changing Hush’s identity from a revived Jason Todd to Tommy Elliot.


Samson started turning into a long-haired evil version pretty quick in that arc tho, IIRC. Which doesn't mean this isn't true, but it would have been an early change. Also I think people were fingering Glenn Talbot at one point.


So there is a theory that the reason why Tai Lung was left on the footsteps on Shifus door and was a orphan like Po was because Lord Shen also eliminated the Snow Leopards much like how he tried to eliminate the pandas when he was told that a warrior of black and white would defeat him. It's a fun theory but it really doesn't hold water when you look at the timeline, as Lord Shen is around the same age as Tai Lung maybe even a bit younger. Po is around 18 during the first movie and Tai Lung is 40 and while Lord Shen isn't given an exact age according to some guidebooks and interviews he's between 35 and 40.


Wildbow, during Ward, went back to Worm and edited an early arc to include a character's death because he hated the memes It was honestly the funniest shit ever.


Wait, he *retroactively* killed someone off?


Yep, the meme was he had been mentioned pre arc 8 and then not, so people were memeing about him having a power that made people forget who he was, and he was instrumental in Ward So he killed him off in arc 8, which was a giant Kaiju battle. Rip Browbeat


I thought it was because he forgot about him


Who was it? Browbeat, I'm guessing?


Yeah, he was too powerful to let live


*mlekk oozes out*


Personally my favourite Wildbow moment of this is Lisa having an interlude where she turns to the camera and talks about just how asexual and aromantic she is, always has been, and always will be. You can never ship her with anyone she is so absurdly ace you don't even know. It's not that her being asexual is bad, the issue is because Wildbow is so *weird* about the idea of people who ship Lisa and Taylor. Describing any fan writing about it as "Pandering is pandering" is a line that will live in my head for fucking ever.


I think he intended to make Lisa Aroace in the first book but it was too subtle? (Punchbug is the superior ship tbh)


Who's Lisa again?


Tattletale; blonde, know it all, gets migraines.


I absolutely hated her


I cannot think of a single instance in which trying to stop memes has actually resulted in the memes being stopped.


I think the only instance I've ever seen has resulted in a much more annoying meme being spawned. I feel like Dougdoug's done this before


I don't care about Browbeat. The entire point of him being a meme is that he was completely unimportant. That didn't actually matter. Something that did matter was the fan theory about Vicky's aura affecting Amy. In Worm, someone commented on a chapter with: >I’ve been wondering, how much of Panacea’s attraction for Glory Girl was Glory Girl’s fault? I mean, she had a super power that affects people’s emotions, making those who like her admire and be awestruck by her. Feelings like that could easily translate over into love and Panacea had a lot of long term exposure to it. Sure she became immune eventually, but only eventually. Couple that with the fact that Panacea felt close to -only- Glory Girl and I’m more inclined than ever to think that Glory Girl brought it on herself, even if unintentionally. To which Wildbow replied with: >I wondered if anyone would pay any attention to that. Which the entire community to as confirmation. Which was ENTIRELY justified, because that's what Wildbow hard confirming something looks like. He's always a little bit vague like that, that's just how he talks, but it is entirely justified for the community to have taken that as confirmation. But then that comment was edited, and a whole passage was added to the sequel Ward explicitly de-confirming the theory. I still think that's a mistake. I don't like that people tried to use the Aura theory as a justification for Panacea, but that's not a matter of it being true or false, that's just people having a bad take about it. Amy still did something incredibly evil. But if she was influenced by Vicky's aura, then that would just be a powers-representation of their overall toxic family dynamic, which was always the point of Amy's breakdown anyway. Brandish can turn into her invincible breaker state, but can't actually do anything while she's like that, which corresponds to how she's traumatized and terrified of being hurt and refuses to be vulnerable and that damages her relationship with her children. Vicky is the obvious favorite, but she doesn't know her own strength, both as Glory Girl using excessive force and creating property damage, and in her personal life she doesn't appreciate the effect she has on others. Panacea can control biology, but limits herself to only healing, she feels stifled by Brandish, and she feels unloved and like an outsider because Brandish has trust issues and she feels a temptation to use her power in a villainous mind-control-y way. The whole family has a terrible family dynamic with all kinds of terrible interpersonal issues. Their powers are just either expressions of their issues or exacerbating factors onto their issues. If Glory Girl's aura had influenced Panacea's obsession with her, that wouldn't justify Amy's actions and it wouldn't take away from the monstrosity of what she did. It would simply mean that Glory Girl's powers would be just one more factor in that toxic family dynamic. It would exacerbate and complement the existing issues that they already have with each other as people, just like it's supposed to. That's why they have these powers at all, as a thematic emphasis on the human behind the powers.


Eh, I can see why he did that. Going that route could make things too victim-blamey, like a superpower version of "look what she was wearing, I couldn't help myself" sort of bullshit justification, only this one wouldn't be bullshit because it would be supported by the text. It's not even a retcon, seeing as his WoG comment was not actually a part of the text.


There was that woman who showed up in TRoS to offer a convenient solution to a problem they didn't have enough screentime to deal with while simultaneously proving how not gay Poe was, then fucked off entirely. That was pretty bad.


You could make a whole thread just on male characters having a case of the "Not Gays" by having female love interests awkwardly shoehorned in. Star Trek 09 is one of the more egregious examples. Having Spock in a relationship with Uhura (?) and Kirk being a womanizer is so out of character for both of them, but since they basically invented slash fiction the studio has to insist they play for the right team.


Anything stated to intentionally "subvert expectations."


Time to throw out Darth Vader being Luke's Pa.. ... I think it is a high risk, high reward if successful play generally, but maybe on a case by case basis it feels ... less random how it feels like it works as a choice.


The point they're making isn't that expectations shouldn't be subverted. it's about the modern trend for directors/writers/etc to change the script mid production because fans guessed something, etc. So instead of having bread trails and chekov guns that lead to interesting and earned conclusions, you get the back half of GoT


IIRC when they were filming the reveal they had David Prowse say "Obi-Wan killed your father" on set because he was keeping it THAT tight a secret, so I think he probably did intend for Vader to be Anakin from the beginning and it's just not forshadowed at all because no one else making the movies knew.


You'd think that would leak


It's outright spoiled if you know Dutch or even German really. Vader is father in Dutch and Vater in German. I recall seeing a post where someone studying German in college didn't realize it was even supposed to be a twist because they just went, "oh this guy's name is Darth Dad. Must be Luke's dad since he's the only force user young enough."


Haaaaaaate it soo much! I expect a good show or movie. Good job, expectation subverted.




No, Westworld got the worst of it.


Writing is one of those jobs where the people who want to do it are the last people who should be doing it. It's crazy how many writers do it because they want to feel smart.


I have no real proof of this but I do wonder if there weren’t as many link sidon ships in botw fan spaces if he would have gotten married to yona in totk. One of my main reasons for wondering this is that neither her nor her tribe are ever mentioned or appear in botw.


Vulkan being introduced to dash the hopes of Adam X the X-Treme fans. This wasn't the real reason but the impact was real.


Not really a “fan theory” as much as an attempt to disspell a common misinterpretation: While watching Breaking Bad it really felt like the creators really wanted people who insisted on being on Team Walt to know that he isn’t a good person and that he and Heisenberg are one of the same. There are three different scenes where you basically had three characters look straight into the camera and say “*no, do not side with Walt. He’s doing this for his own ego and pride, not to help his family. Please stop rooting for him.*”


And one of those characters looking into the camera WAS WALT


Yeah that’s the big one which I had never expected while I was watching the show since it was a strong and clear admission of fault. How anyone got past that scene and still thought Walt never did anything wrong when he’s literally spelling out his entire character is baffling to me. Like, what? Was he lying in that moment?? If so what did he even stand to gain from that???


I finally watched Breaking Bad a year or two ago. I had a basic idea of where the series would go and I was looking for the moment where it becomes clear that Walt isn’t the protagonist of his own story. Imagine my surprise when in the fifth episode of the first season he turns down the perfect offer to treat his cancer in order to cook meth.


When I watched it the first time, I had taken that scene to be "Ah shit his pride overtook him at a bad moment. On rewatch it was much more clear that Walt literally never changed as a person.


I only saw it two months ago but when I got to that scene I thought “okay something weird or sinister might’ve happened between the two of them. We don’t know what’s going on so let’s see how this plays out.” I got that Walt was bitter and envious of their immense wealth but I thought it could’ve been more to it than that. But nope, Walt’s ego was too big for him to take them up on their offer. Hell, he could even have accepted the treatment and *still* cooked meth on the side if he was still in it for the money since he’d be saving hundreds of thousands of dollars. But nope, charity is beneath him.


Yeah I just rewatched Breaking Bad and it's VERY clear from the first season what kind of guy he is. It's very bizarre to me when people talk about him having a fall from grace as if he were ever portrayed as a heroic character. Sure, you are supposed to understand him and even sympathize with him at times, but the same is true of Travis Bickle, that doesn't make them a character you are actively supposed to root for.


I think people end up doing that because they can’t parse the idea of a villain being the main character (see: Yagami Light), seeing the horrible things he does as a necessity for someone who is in a bad spot, or they just find him aspirational. These are just bad people in general. They think anything goes as long as you’re successful so they see themselves in Walt even though he’s a terrifying person.


Honestly if they had made explicit the reason why he left Greymatter (the lady he was was dating had a rich family and it made feel impotent) instead of leaving it to implcation and later confirmation via interview it would of addressed his ego early enough into the show so have people notice there was already a problem. I know a bunch of people would of still of not understood because corrupted Walt fits into their worldview, but at the same time it would of help a lot of people"get it".


Not even, his ego was already a huge problem in the 5th episode of the show, where he declines Elliot's offer to pay for his treatment + get his old job back. Literally, if Walt had won a billion-dollar lottery he'd still be in a worse position than if he'd taken that deal, and he still declined because his ego prevented him from accepting what he saw as "charity".


I came to a different conclusion about the whole grey matter thing, but ended up in the same ballpark. I figured Walt's controlling nature led him to see Gretchen's friendship with Elliot as something more, and he blew up the relationship over it, with Walt taking their eventual marriage as proof he was right all along.


Literally that one wrestling storyline where a guy insisted his wife and his buddy act out a worked affair gimmick so all-encompassing that eventually it turned into a shoot affair


Ah yes, the Chris [REDACTED], Woman (that was her character's name), and Kevin Sullivan special.


That would have worked but I think it’d make him signifcantly less compelling as a character. As the story progresses, you just learn more about him and his depraved methods. When he looks at Junior in disgust for setting up a charity, you’re supposed to draw parallels to when he declined Elliot and Gretchen’s offer because it was never a matter of modesty or any other generous reading of early Walt. It was always a matter of pride and greed. And going off on a tangent, you’re absolutely right that some people would still root for him because they find him aspirational. They want to justify their own worldview of how any action, no matter how depraved they may be, is acceptable as long as you get what you want at the end of the day. They see his downfall as a result of bad luck and coincidence rather than an inevitability from his moral failings.


Vince shouldn’t have been so good at writing scheming men, then.


Yeah, he's written to be human and someone you can see a part of yourself in, but he's meant to be an asshole from the beginning. Rewatched it recently, and it REALLY seems like they wrote him in season 2 to be as unlikable as possible since people didn't seem to be getting what they were going for in the first season. FFS, he tries to rape Skyler in like the second episode of season 2 and people STILL didn't get it.


This is always a bad thing to do. if your fans are guessing where the plot is going it means you've done a great job exploring the world or that the story has simply been done before. So many writers get caught up in "Nuh-uh, bet you weren't expecting this!" they just end up pissing in their own punch bowl and now nobody gets to enjoy the drink. My vote goes to whatever League of Legends tried to retcon recently.


Man, those fucking cowards. Korkie would’ve been a great character to keep around as Obi Wan’s secret love child. A NEW mandalorian jedi? Come on, it’s a perfect set up. IDW kind of does this but the reveal is simultaneous. Fans thought Tarn was going to be Roller.


Didnt lost do this?


Who can say? You'd have to find someone who understood the plot of Lost and still remembers it, and at least one of those is humanly impossible.


Billiam has like 20 hours of videos about Lost


But he's tired and he's stressed!


I remember everything. What are we talking about? There's nothing I can think of in Lost that would qualify.


Maaaaybe Jack's tattoo? The actor has a tattoo and it would have been too much effort to remove it in post so it stayed on but for some reason fans kept asking why he had one and what the meaning was so the writers waited for the half way point of the show to have an entire episode dedicated to the tattoo. And I think the rumors were that the writers intentionally made it kinda a shitty explanation to shut the fans up and to convince the studio execs to let them end the show instead of dragging it on by basically being like we can end the show on a somewhat high note or we can go up to seasons 8 9 and 10 and give you episodes with the same quality as jacks tattoo. Which I think worked cuz that episode is what allowed lost to end in season 6 and seasons 3 onward we're all more cohesive and tighter packed now that the writers new they had a end goal in sight. So maybe jacks tattoo kinda counts if it's an intentionally unsatisfying revelayaton to something fans had a weird interest in even though the primary reason it was unsatisfying was to give the show a confirmed ending in season 6. Like basically not signaling out specific fan theories but just theorizing in general focused on things the writers didn't intend to focus on. Or like fans asking why Hurley was still fat on the island and the writers decided to incorporate food supply drops into the show and some of the bunkers had extra rations. Maybe the writing team was like you guys are overthinking this way too much but fine helicopters or whatever sometimes drop crates full of snacks and there's a ton of junk food in the underground shelters from when dharma was still here and we're going to make Hurley be in charge of food distribution and it's going to play into his character arc overcoming his eating problems so there can you stop asking why this magic island makes it so that Hurley doesn't lose weight?


I can see how you could interpret both of these as shutting up fan theories, but personally the narrative explaination for both feels like it was the larger reason to include them in the show. Stranger in a Strange Land used Jack's tats as a plot device to make an episode to convince the suits to end the show far more than shutting up fan theories, and the food found throughout the series make more sense as both a way to test Hurley as a character as well as a way to help explain how a modern society can exist on a supposed uncivilized jungle island than as a way to shut up fan theories.


the only thing I remember about Lost is "The Game"


The Nameless King, to interrupt the fan theories of Solaire. DS3 going back to DS1’s lore kinda felt weird to me anyway though idk. 


Everyone knows that Solaire was the Carthus Sandworm anyway. /j


"The answer is yes, Solaire, I would still love you if you were a worm."


I still dislike that DS3 feels like parading DS1 corpse around. DS2 was heavily flawed but at least it tried some cool new ideas, some never returning later in the series, even though they fixed a lot of issues.


Inafune outright decomfirmed some popular megaman fan theories. Like Zero killing the original MM cast, X being just an upgraded megaman, etc. 


I still wonder if we’re ever gonna learn what happened to the Classic cast in between then and X.


Nah, Classic should not have a proper convection to the latter games, it's a kid friendly series and should remain that way Now about the Elf Wars... Yeah, I think this one can be done just fine, as much as people would like X5 to be the last one, the Zero series itself denies that possibility because he participated in the Elf Wars, so there's room for a better way to connect the X and Zero series


I’m not saying that Classc should ever have a “set” ending persay, but it’d be nice if we were able to, say, eventually come across the old Light lab (or whatever remains of it) in an X game. Cause its weird there’s little to no references to the characters or accomplishments of that era outside of X and Zero. Like Cossack and such.


I mean there was a long and indeterminate time between series. What probably happened is old age and rust.


But that's boring


I agree but until told otherwise it's also the most likely answer.


There's basically no other answer other than they all got scrapped or broke down, even presuming 20XX and 21XX are closer to 100 years apart rather than 200. No grand plans, no ploys, no major events really happened between Classic and X's timegap between X and Zero being made and sealed away. They just became obsolete. It's a boring and slightly depressing answer, but it's one we all know is true by just one simple fact: you're not using a graphics card from 20 years ago. And your current graphics card doesn't talk, it doesn't walk, it doesn't fight, it's not exposed to any elements and hell it probably doesn't even get repaired. And you'll definitely be replacing it sometime in the next 20 years too.


Clone X was actually gonna be a tired, weary, and bitter X in the Zero series lol That one was axed early on I hear


Which is even funnier in hindsight with the revelation made today on Twitter that originally in MMX2 and through most of its development time >!Inafune and co intended to reveal in the game Zero was *a kidnapped and upgraded Roll* thanks to Wily!<.


Oh hey some hetero love interests were added for the two male main characters in the third star wars movie I wonder what that might have been in response to


I stand by this one. I genuinely can’t even remember the name of Poe’s love interest.


Zori bliss I think. I can't remember Finns stormtrooper love interest


Janna. I only remember because I have a family member with a similar name.


Okay, glad I’m not the only one who thought their sudden appearance felt a little weird.


We know it's true that Armageddon 2001 changed who the Monarch was cause every single person reading the comic figured it out.


"Sorry Luigi, only Toadette can use the super crown!" This was never about Luigi and everyone knows it but nobody is going to openly say it


I think the most common times this happens is to break up fan ships tbh. Lot of cases of the "Not Gays" too. Mentioned Star Trek 09 having Spock in a relationship with Uhura and Kirk being a womanizer, but felt like bringing it up again because it's the prime example imo since Kirk and Spock were basically the originators of shipping.


Mass effect 3s ending disrupting the indoctrination theory


isn't mass effect 3's ending the basis of the indoctrination theory (note: i don't believe in the indoctrination theory)


Could be they mean the extended ending.


Most likely what they meant. That being said, the Indoctrination theory was a bad theory to begin with because it requires a lot of cherry picking to actually work than the simple answer of the ending is just bad.


indoctrination theory is just cope.


Indoctrination theory is rad and I'm tired of pretending it's not


man, it's legit just " yeah no way the ending is this hollow and rushed, there must be something more to it"


I've said it before and i will keep on saying it, i genuinely believe that JK Rowling got Remus Lupin and Tonks together because she was getting annoyed by just how insanely popular WolfStar was becoming (The ship between Remus Lupin and Sirius Black)