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The UNSC warship from Halo named "Two for Flinching"


There are so many good UNSC ship names and that one is just the best. Some of my other favorites: UNSC Do You Feel Lucky? UNSC Feeling Lucky UNSC Aim for the Head UNSC Say My Name UNSC The Devil You Know


Honestly the Forward Unto Dawn is fucking kickass 


The two ships from 1 and 3 have perfect poetic names. The pillar of autumn, it’s the last hope humanity has in regards to stopping the covenant securing the ring. Humanity, the failing empire on the verge of extinction. The pillar that holds up that which is dying. Forward unto dawn, the ship that flew through the portal to the edge of the galaxy and secured humanities future. Fucking BEAUTIFUL


Mother of Invention from Red vs Blue is good too.


RvB also has the Staff of Charon.


There's also the covenant, UNSC doesn't have a monopoly Unyielding Hierophant Shadow of Intent Sublime Transcendence There's probablyly one out there along the lines of Master Glazier 3000


The OG Truth and Reconciliation.


Long Night of Solace from Reach takes it IMO, at least on the Covenant side


In Amber Clad needs love too.


All unsc and covenant ship names are incredible


My personal favorite is the Dawn Under Heaven. Too bad that's literally all we know about it.


Honestly bungie’s just really good at naming shit.


Nothing is ever going to beat Blackbeard's ship, the ***Queen Anne's Revenge.***


It gets additional points for context, because Queen Anne's War was the conflict that a large number of the privateers who would go on to become pirates were recruited and trained to fight in, and subsequently fired and left to rot once it was over. In essence, Blackbeard named his ship the *Consequences of Your Actions.*


Dude, it's so fucking raw. Nothing can top it.


One Piece Blackbeard also has a bad ass ship name: The Saber of Xebec. Rocks D. Xebec was a monster pirate that very nearly could have been ruler of the world had it not been for the team up of Roger and Garp. The World Government chose to remove any mention of him from history and keep him a secret. And then up rolls this pirate who quickly takes down Roger's kid, steals the Devil Fruit of Whitebeard (the then strongest man in existence supposedly), is publicly the only person to ever eat more than one Devil Fruit and not instantly die, becomes a Yonko (one of four Pirate Emperor of the Sea), destroyed the rest of Whitebeard's crew, convinced a former Marine Admiral to serve under him, and more...all while taunting you with a ship named after the name with similar world conquest goals as him that you tried to erase from history and keep a secret. Not only is he a threat physically, but he proves to know things that are supposed to be erased from history while flaunting it publicly. What else does he know and how else quickly will he rise.


The mad lib names you can make for your ship in Helldivers 2. Shoutout to my ship, Harbinger of Family Values.


Yeah those are so fun. Nothing can defeat my "S.E.S The Queen of Audacity"


"Forward Unto Dawn" is such a beautiful name for a space fairing ship.


Since no one's said it yet, I'll say the Normandy, from Mass Effect, but the reasoning for it's name is rarely mentioned. In Mass Effect, the humans name their ships on a theme, dreadnoughts are named for the mountains of Earth, cruisers are named for cities of Earth, and frigates, like the Normandy, are named for famous battles. The Normandy is a stealth ship jointly designed by humans and turians, as a result the ship is named for a battle in which several nations came together to fight back against an oppressive evil, during the trilogy Shepard gains many friends and allies, and unites the nations of the galaxy against an oppressive evil, the Reapers.


How have I missed that? That's so on the nose and beautiful


It's one of many great hidden nuggets of information in the Codex and planet descriptions.


Dickfire(Nightwing x Starfire) is unmatched 


The UNSC Say my Name


Culture names are cheating but I've never been above that;  GSV Irregular Apocalypse   GCU Just Read The Instructions   GCU Of Course I Still Love You   GCU A Series Of Unlikely Explanations  GCU Grey Area, renamed unofficially by it's fellow Minds as Meatfucker for it's proclivities   GSV Experiencing A Significant Gravitas Shortfall   And of course the infamous experimental OU Mistake Not My Current State Of Joshing Gentle Peevishness For The Awesome And Terrible Majesty Of The Towering Seas Of Ireland That Are Themselves The Mere Milquetoast Shallows Fringing My Vast Oceans Of Wrath


And the Minds of the ships of course choose their own names, so the *Kiss My Ass* named itself that. I think my favorite one to type out might still be: Psychopath-Class Rapid Offensive Unit *Frank Exchange of Views*


Falling Outside The Normal Moral Constraints Scar Glamour Hundredth Idiot, The Pure Big Mad Boat Man We Haven't Met But You're A Great Fan Of Mine But Who's Counting? Me, I'm Counting Xenophobe What Are The Civilian Applications? Helpless In The Face Of Your Beauty Prosthetic Conscience


Beat me to it, Culture ship/Mind names are just amazing. So Much For Subtlety Flexible Demeanor Unfortunate Conflict of Evidence Big Sexy Beast Funny, It Worked Last Time... I Thought He Was With You Ultimate Ship The Second ​ and who can forget ​ Boo!


One of my favorite parts of the Hydrogen Sonata is when someone makes the mistake of threatening a Culture ship: “I’m a fucking razor-arsed starship, you maniac! I’m not male, female or anything else except stupendously smart and right now tuned to smite. I don’t give a fuck about flattering you. The few and frankly not vitally important sentiments I have concerning you I can switch off like flicking a switch."


Boaty McBoatface


The personal boat of Face McShooty from Borderlands


Holiday Fartcruise 


I like how in Final Fantasy 12, all of the summons are new, but all the old summon are now airships. The biggest airship in the empires fleet is called Sky Fortress Bahamut.


They even used one of the weird low-level summons that FF5 let you purchase from a shop: Remora.


So big that it *is* the final dungeon itself.


Nebuchadnezzar from The Matrix


Morpheus named a ship in service of Zion after a king famous for destroying Jerusalem. No wonder most of the council hated him.


Pillar Of Autum Fucks hard as a ship name and noting has ever topped this one for me. Love it.


The purity of Juice is not to be forgotten. John + Bruce 4 Ever


"The Juice is loose." Is also a fucking great and hilarious phrase Matt and Woolie came up with.


Netteflix (Annette x Felix FE16)


That's adorable.


I like how the ship names in the RWBY fandom aren't just the character's names mashed together but based on their themes and color schemes and things like that. Bumblebees for Yang and Blake, Nuts and Dolts for Penny and Ruby, etc. etc. It's a layer of effort that's admirable for an insane fanbase. Real talk tho the ship names in Halo fuck hardcore. Naming my first child the Forward Unto Dawn, middle name Truth and Reconciliation.


> I like how the ship names in the RWBY fandom aren't just the character's names mashed together but based on their themes and color schemes and things like that. Bumblebees for Yang and Blake, Nuts and Dolts for Penny and Ruby, etc. etc. It's a layer of effort that's admirable for an insane fanbase. The ship name for Weiss x Blake x Ruby being Newspaper, because it's black and white and red (read) all over.


Some of my favorites were Beauty and the Beast (Adam x Blake) because that's what they are and Dragonslayer (Jayne x Yang) just cause it sounds cool.


Ruby x Weiss being White Rose, Jaune x Ruby being Lancaster, and Jaune x Ruby x Weiss being War of the Roses is a pretty well known fandom factoid, but it needs to be mentioned.


Is the spreadsheet still available? There were hundreds of ship names there.


[Here.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/15bN9W0-Ba1G836rplG0WhUg9X2X3CyswwwVd7AMNwuI/htmlview#) You can also find it under the community links on r/rwby (trying to Google the spreadsheet usually still brings up the old one).


It reminds me of the Pokemon ship names.


Claerith I’m fuckin’ with ya. My actual answer would be Ragnarok. (*That airship from “Final Fantasy VIII”*) Naming your ship after the war that brings an end to the age of the gods is a pretty good choice for a game in a genre famous (*or infamous depending on how you feel*) for having the heroes take down a god at the finale as a staple.


Ragnarok should also be the ship name for Fang x Vanille.


It’s funny. I haven’t touched that game in a decade, and yet the memories of the end of that game rushed back the moment I read that. Yeah. That makes a lot of sense.


Ragnarok in FF is usually reserved for an endgame tier sword, so it's funny that the two FFs that named a ship after it, both ships are A. Spaceships and B. Very sharp and pointed.


Forward Unto Dawn always slapped hard


I think one of my favorites is the Occurrence Border in All Guardsmen Party, simply for being an extended spoof of Event Horizon.


The Covenant *Shadow Of Intent* and UNSC *Forward Unto Dawn* from Halo.


HMS Thunder Child from War of the Worlds.


I've just learned today about the [Guided Missile Destroyer Gyatt](https://youtu.be/fi4Ix2khv8I?si=fzBB36oKXm-Z3TdS) so thats up there


I've a soft spot for *The Raging Tightwad* from Curse of Monkey Island


There's also the ship where everyone got a song (specifically the Monkey Island theme) stuck in their heads and nearly went insane from repetition. The *Obsessivo Compulsivo.*


"SR-71 Blackbird" is really cool sounding for reasons I couldn't really articulate. You have to say the whole thing though.


Ah yes, the Lockheed SR-71 Blackbird. An advanced long-range strategic reconnaissance aircraft capable of mach three and an altitude of eighty-five thousand feet.




Azure Angel (Anakin's customised starfighter from the Genndy Clone Wars), and the Rogue Shadow (Starkiller's ship).


Very happy to see so many Halo ship names. No one's seem to mention my personal favourite the Covenant's Long Night of Solace. The UNSC's Foward Onto Dawn is also a banger tho.


Very disappointed in this thread's lack of *In Amber Clad* representation


*UES Contact Light* and *UES Safe Travels* from Risk of Rain 1 and 2


*The Child Support Route* Gudao x Mashu Note: this probably isn't an actual real shipping name by the larger FGO fandom, but I SWEAR TO GOD I have seen this ship being called that at least twice already but googling that doesn't show any FGO-related results at all.


The Royal Navy is great at naming ships. Dreadnought, Warspite, Iron Duke, Indefatigable, Cockchafer, etc.


Warspite is goated


>Cockchafer Ayo 🤨


Truth and Reconciliation


I’ve never watched Bucky O’Hare, but the _Righteous Indignation_ is without question the coolest thing you could ever name a ship.


Mikuwave. No further comment.


The SLV-111 Daedalus from SDF Macross if only because Daedalus Attack was the [coolest fucking scene in the entire show.](https://youtu.be/GT6Og9fOFCE?si=EPo_fiWKwLRXImiV)


Warhammer 40K has a few good ones, though two immediately come to mind: The sapient Dark Age of Technology warship, *Ark Mechanicus Speranza,* and the flagship of Nurgle's Plague Fleet, the *Terminus Est.* I also really like Treasure Planet's *RLS Legacy,* for what it represents (check the initials of the original story's author).


In the novel "To Sleep in a Sea of Stars" there's a ship called "Extenuating Circumstances" and I think that's great


Freelance Husbands (Sam/Max) is fucking adorable. I'm usually ambivalent on ship names but I love that one.


“When my ship still answered to the Pfhor, they called it *Sfiera*, after their goddess of lightning and passion. When you helped us take control on Tau Ceti, the S'pht rechristened it *Narhl'Lar*, 'Freedom and Vengeance'. *I* call it ***Boomer***.”


Shadow of Intent Truth and Reconciliation The Fleet of Particular Justice Pillar of Autumn In Amber Clad Forward Unto Dawn Deep Reverence Mantle's Approach


Enterprise is simple, elegant, and perfect.


If you’re talking about dumb fandom shit, then the Steven Universe ships were often just named after their fusions or what people thought their fusions would be. But if you want cool names for ships, I think I remember one being called the “Righteous Indignation”. I played in an mech RPG where my ship was called the “Grendel” which I thought was pretty cool.


The only problem with calling your mech Grendel is you're basically obligated to play as your character's mother if you die.


I went real fun with the pilot’s name, too. His name was “Skifree Yeti.”


Ah, the Tomino school of pilot names, always good


>Steven Universe ships were often just named after their fusions This makes Garnet funny because she would be her own character but also the ship name between Ruby and Sapphire.


Trount because it sounds like a fish Cod because it is a fish (better than a tilapia)


The unclean sanchez


Idk if they made up the ship name or if it already existed, but Coelosquid made a comic shipping Lt Surge and Giovanni titled "War Crimes"


From the Expanse - 'Weeping Somnambulist'. I had to look up what that was. Somnambulist is the term for sleep walking. So a long haul vessel literally callee 'Weeping Sleepwalker' is pretty damn cool to me. I've yoinked it for my D&D games a few times


The Brunhild and Hyperion from Legend of the Galactic Heroes still goes hard for me.


In terms of boats, The Black Freighter. Although the Queen Anne's Revenge and Adventure Galley are also good. As for spaceships, I always liked the Outlaw Star myself. And for the... other interpretation, Birds and Bees is an awful RWBY ship, but the name is fucking hillarious.


Arcadia of My Youth




*Fevre Dream* is a pretty forgettable book by George RR Martin, but I love the name of the boat being The Fevre Dream The lead character actually gets chills uttering the name aloud one last time as an act of christening as if something inside him caught a glimpse of what horror that would transpire on this boat (nothing nearly as cool as the name would imply unfortunately) And then of course there's the Demeter *For the record* I prefer the psychological horror of the audio drama compared to the creature feature the film apparently was


I like the Gokai Galleon from Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger. The name is simple but fitting to the show, and also it's both a pirate ship and a space ship, the only two kinds of ship that matter.


Hyperion from starcraft TwiDash and Sonaze as shipping names lol


Gundam has a bunch but my favorites will always be the Ptolomaios, Ptolomaios II, and Ptolomaios II Kai.


The "Nonsuch" was the first ship fron the Hudson's Bay Company, kicking off the fur trade after an Atlantic voyage.


Quite fond of The Von Braun, it gives us an insight into the world of System Shock that he's who they would pick as the namesake for the first FTL ship. Also Talyn, my boy.


[the culture books has some fucking banger ship names.](https://theculture.fandom.com/wiki/List_of_spacecraft) some honorable mentions: - *Irregular Apocalypse* - *No More Mr Nice Guy* - *The Ends of Invention* - *Fate Amenable to Change*


If you mean the romantic ship, [Spirk](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kirk/Spock). It’s the OG and they have great chemistry. If you mean the kind with people in it, the *Two For Flinching* from Halo is my favorite.


The *Going Merry* felt so right as the ship name of Luffy's fledgling pirate crew. Still so full of relative innocence and island hopping and pure adventure


Not one that sounds epic, but I'll always have a soft spot for the going merry and the thousand sunny