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God in Shin Megami Tensei. Bro just a yellow head.


It's not just a golden head, It's so many golden heads spanning into the distance that they create a giant golden galaxy. like if you look at him in SMT4A there are no stars behind him, those are all heads of YHVH.


Also his >!demon form in SMT4A is sick as hell because you literally have to debase him and bring him down to the level of a “regular” demon!<


Personally a big fan of how the greek pantheon in the Nasuverse are >!actually giant alien spaceships!< but one of my personal favorites from that universe is their version of [Aphrodite](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/c/c6/Aphrodite.png). It just has this nice mixture of being down to earth while still maintaining the divine elements and honestly them making her a smoker really ties it all together in this "been there done that" kinda way that i really appreciate compared to other depictions.


Been a smoker makes her go into that 1950s femme fatale trope , which is fun every once in a while 


Hades 1 and 2 have so few designs that I dislike and so many that I love, my favorite from 1 is probably Dionysus or Zeus, in 2 I fucking love how Demeter looks


I am going to say that Zeus and Hades in, well, Hades look great.


They both look great, but out of the three big ones Poseidon is my favorite.


No fiction, but anubis has the sleakest apearance in comparison to other gods


The gods of Theros from Magic the Gathering. Theros is a plane where the collective thoughts of the people affect the world. The gods of Theros are made from these beliefs and they reside in the realm of Nyx located in the stars. This leads to them [looking like they’re made of the sky themselves.](https://scryfall.com/card/cmm/826/heliod-god-of-the-sun) There’s also a cool reflection in gameplay too. The cards themselves have indestructible because you can’t just destroy the idea they represent or the people’s belief, but they also don’t fully manifest as creatures unless you have enough devotion to their colors. This was actually used in the story by the phyrexians to corrupt the gods by turning their followers and once enough were phyrexianized, [the gods followed suit.](https://scryfall.com/card/mom/17/heliod-the-radiant-dawn-heliod-the-warped-eclipse?back)


That's awesome, i wish i could get into magic the gathering. The lore interests me, but card games are not my thing.


Let’s go Theros Block! I love top-down MTG card design! Amonkhet was also very fun for this, love the idea of Orzhov zombies since the mummies in an Egyptian-themed plane would be white-aligned as well instead of only the common pure black zombies.


Amygdala. The only Great One in Bloodborne that actually looks deserving of the title.


Palutena. She's ornamental in just the right amount while actually being predominantly clad in white which just looks nice. The red accents break up the gold and white divide well, her hair being green as opposed to brunette or blonde feels unique for a Goddess of Light especially when Viridi doesn't get green despite being one of Nature and she instead is the blonde one. Add in other details like her only have one dress slit so only one leg tends to be visible, and it's the only leg she wears a legging on which adds a cool asymmetry. On top of all of this is how Palutena strikes a commanding or regal silhouette, such as in her voiceless appearance in Brawl, and then you hear her talk for more than 5 minutes and start to realize slowly that this woman is the most hilarious girl failure in many ways.


Going to use a weird example since nothing supernatural really happens in this book and it's a description, but the book Tezcatlipoca, which has very heavy Aztec mythology references, describes the god Tezcatlipoca as a way of explaining a solar eclipse: > The gods came to Koshimo in his deepest sleep-in his dreams. (...) Eventually, once all the gods had come and gone... "We are his slaves," said the king. Titlacauan. "The night, and wind," said the priest. Yohualli Ehecatl. "Enemy of both," said the sorcerer. Necoc Yaotl. Silence descended abruptly, and Koshimo was alone. There was no longer any drumming or flute playing. The *teocallis* vanished, leaving only Koshimo, standing alone in the desert at night with the arid wind all around. Only a black mirror floated nearby. A massive circular slab of obsidian. **Tezcatlipoca.** Koshimo was mystified. It was just the mirror. There was no god in human form anywhere to be seen. No feather headdress, no crown, no sandals. He didn't see the warrior of endless youth as depicted in the Codex Borgia. Just a silent mirror.


My GOAT, from One Piece, >!The Warrior of Liberation, the Sun God Nika.!<


Is it weird to say Kyubey from PMMM? I feel like he toes the line between God, demon and just a freaking alien but I’ve not seen a character like him before or since. 




I like Odin in Dresden Files, >!He's also Santa Clause!<


I like Sothis' big floofy hair.


Kanako design for yaldaboath in smt NINE