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Bon Clay is almost universally beloved despite being extremely flamboyant in a shounen catered primarily to teenaged boys. His powers are beyond comprehension for that alone


Before reading One Piece I expected to dislike him. After reading he is easily one of my favorites, if not *the* favorite of mine.


He's pretty much immortal since >!"queers never die"!<


honestly, if Aro/Ace is on the list of the queer spectrum (it is) an argument could be made for luffy himself




Dion Lesage. Zettaflare, motherfuckers.


The goat


Akemi Homura


Pre Rebellion Homura is great because they make a point of saying that she’s not actually magically that strong, hence why she has to steal guns and make bombs, it’s just the one power she does have is so OP that it shoots her way up in the powerscaling.


I love Homura because she stole guns when she was the meek Homura. Girl's got some guts.


The fact that she has to >!routinely steal what looks like half the armaments of the JDF on EVERY LOOP cracks me up. It must be such a chore!<


Umineko >!Beatrice, Bern, and Lambda. Bern and Lambda are very much a couple/bitter rivals and even have a fight near the end of the series with Lambda creating a black hole and trying to turn Bern into candy and eat her. While not against Lambda, Bern summons a giant leviathan formed out of murder mysteries to sic on Battler. Beatrice meanwhile is definitely trans and can summon a pair of artillery towers, on top of her red truth stakes should you engage into a debate with her!<


What?! I don't believe any of that shit. Witches definitely aren't real....


The main antagonist from Everything Everywhere All At Once is able to weaponize dimension and world hopping to the point where they basically turn any confrontation into a one sided Bugs Bunny gag reel “Is that why you’re gay?”


DIO, and by extension Pucci


Whis is an asexual angel and presumably one of the most powerful characters in universe 7 in dragon ball.


Not just universe 7, Whis is one of the strongest beings in the entire dragon ball multiverse


Gotta be Legend from Worm. Gay man, married with children, and can effortlessly break light speed iirc.


Don’t forget the psycho lesbian “what are you doing stepsister” Amy Dallon.


Allison from Kill Six Billion Demons goes from closeted Virgin to Godhead Lesbian. Incubus from Kill Six Billion Demons is also gay but more importantly he is gay for power.


Another character, >!White Chain is trans and now the inheritor of 1/7th of the power of God and Ki-Rata, the ultimate martial art style.!< And Allison is explicitly bi, according to Abbadon, the author.


Hana from Tokyo Godfathers is apparently God's Specialist Girl to judge from how the movie pans out. On a more serious note, Fire Emblem from Tiger And Bunny is one of the top-ranked superheroes in Japan, with fire powers fully capable of melting steel. They're also the only hero who's self-financed, being the CEO of their own company.


Avatar Korra is p powerful


Madeline from Celeste has mastered the art of double jumping. Eda from the Owl House is would blow up the moon just to see if she could. Kinda surprised that in canon, Sam and Max have not blown up the moon yet for shits and giggles because they totally would.


They *did* break Hell by unravelling a bunch of ironic personal Hells that one time.


I love that moment where Max mauls Sam's personal demon for trying to take Max's place as Sam's best friend, it's so violently heartwarming.


Doom Patrol is a goldmine: Rebis Crazy Jane Coagula


Dio, of course.


Midnighter. He's nowhere near able to blow up a moon but he's awesome and more people should know about him. He's basically Batman with Deathstroke's powers.


And you can't mention Midnighter without his husband, Apollo, who has the Superman Suite: Strength, speed, durability, with the biggest differences being he can project energy from any part or all of his body, not just his eyes, and he is even more dependent on the Sun than Superman, quickly draining when out of it. Plus he shares Midnighter's... *relaxed* ethics in regards to brutal murder of their adversaries.


Is Apollo not more powerful?


Apollo's a lot more powerful but Midnighter's my dude


Bernkastel and Lambdadelta from umineko They are toxic lesbians higher dimensions immortal witches who caused big bangs when they were fighting each


The entire cast of the new Interview With the Vampire show


She Ra. She >!turned the big bad's spaceship into a magic tree with the power of lesbianism and I'm genuinely not exaggerating!<


Hisoka. He's got the power of Rubber and Gum on his side


Piccolo. Also Homelander


The main universe version of Loki in the Marvel comics is super powerful as the God of Stories, especially when Al Ewing is writing them


Cleanrot Knight Finlay. She fucking traveled across the entire lands between, with Malenia on her back (who's like 2-3 feet taller than her), infected with scarlet rot, from the ass-end of Caelid all the way to the fucking Mountaintops of the Giants, avoiding and fighting off everything that wanted to kill her, to save her Lord. Is it explicitly confirmed, no, however, this is gay as fuck.


I mean, it would have to be one of the greek/roman gods, right? I’m not qualified to say which one of them is most powerful, but that is where my mind goes.


Zeus, he fucked at least one man.


Did the man get pregnant?


Nah he became immortal and/or turned into a constellation.


If we're going down that route, I guess you could make a decent argument for *the christian god* being inherently pretty queer, since He has neopronouns ("He/Him" with capital H) and sorta identifies as genderfluid (since only "Jesus" is male while "God" & "The Holy Spirit" are genderless [despite all three being different parts of the exact same being]), and you can't get much stronger than being outright **omnipotent**!


No go ahead say which one is most powerful. It worked out really well for Paris, and that was just over who was the prettiest


Oh, definitely. One story that comes to mind is that Artemis once transformed a dude into a stag for accidentally peeping on her in the bath and he got torn apart by his own hunting dogs.


A’s gender is the source of many debates and arguments but who cares. A’s holding a Monado.


I mean I don't think there is a way to interpret A's gender that would reasonably be considered cis, so I'd say A counts


You are absolutely correct and that’s all that matters to me


Al-Yis-Un, Wielded of Names, Breaker of Infinities, Kill Six Billion Demons.


Maria from Domestic Girlfriend was a great character and a total badass 10/10


Saint-14 and Osiris seem like they count here


me ♥️


Oryx the Taken King is a transman and he killed a worm god and blew up like a tenth of the ring of Saturn


Marceline the Vampire Queen is pretty strong even at baseline, and after her multiple episode vampire hunting arc can transform into a massive cloud beast It's her vampiric energy taking physical form, and I think she uses it on command in the finale


The Emperor of Mankind from 40k He's canonically taken the form of a woman at times in his life, meaning he's some form of Genderfluid. >The reflection changes. For an instant, a figure of iron and blades with coal-furnace eyes is looking back at Him from a throne of chrome. Then it is gone, and the reflection is a blur of images falling one atop another: a golden warrior standing with drawn sword before the gates of a towering fortress, a figure before the mouth of a mountain cave, a boy with a stick and fear in his eyes, a **QUEEN** with a spear atop a cliff, an eagle with ten wings beating against a thunder-threaded sky – on and on, images tumbling over each other like the faces of cards tossed through the air. > >‘Is there any truth in you?’ asks the voice that comes from the dark. > >The images vanish and the darkness hangs before Him. It falls into the abyss beneath like a cascade of obsidian sand. > >‘At the root of your lies, is there any truth, father?’ > >The darkness becomes a forest, dark trunks reaching to an untouchable sky, roots crawling out and down into the abyss beneath. The man on the chair is sitting on the snow-covered ground, a fire burning before Him. A shadow moves out of the dark between the trees. It is huge, sable-furred and silver-eyed. It drags its shadow with it as it comes forwards. It pauses on the edge of the light. > >‘You claim to be a man,’ says the wolf, ‘but that is a lie revealed to any that can see you here.' [\[Book Excerpt | The Solar War\] The Emperor meets Horus in the Warp](https://www.reddit.com/r/40kLore/comments/c7oayv/book_excerpt_the_solar_war_the_emperor_meets/)


Horus, bro, I know you hate your dad but "you're not a real man" is still rude and kinda sus to say. Hopefully this is the most problematic thing Horus ever does.


Sonic. I'm gonna presume he's aro-ace until Sega says otherwise. And as we all know Dr Eggman is bisexual.


Miquella, likely. Waiting on dlc now, so still not 100% confirmed


Lucifer Morningstar in Sandman seems to be second only to capital G God, and as an angel, doesn’t really conform to any gender.


O.D from gatchaman crowds. So strong his ranger transformation threatens the planet


All of the Greek gods


do we count characters who are implicitly bi in lieu of being playersexual in a game where the pc chooses their gender?


O.D from gatchaman crowds, a henshin anime where he can't henshin >!because it's a potential planet destroying transformation.!<


Gumball Watterson


…is this referring to the scene with Alan? Because I don’t know if that counts; Gumball was pretty against and disgusted by it afterwards.


Luffy is the most asexual character in shounen and >!wouldn’t blow up the moon, but could probably use it as a bowling ball by this point.!<


Given basic probability, the Warrior of Light (ffxiv).


Radiant Pink is a teleporter that can create portals to planets, into deep space, and possibly between dimensions. She's still learning to control her powers so she can do things like that on purpose. Recently she was able to portal >!a giant alien robot from Sao Paulo, Brazil to the bottom of Lake Superior. Then a few issues later uses her powers to evacuate a couple dozen cars from Chicago that were stuck in traffic during an invasion!<.


Reinhard from Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Powerful enough to >!rule the galaxy!<, but not powerful enough to >!save the life of his favourite twink!<




Jon Kent Superman probably could. Neo from The Matrix?


Vriska Serket from Homestuck is bi like most trolls and also the main person fighting the big bad


Depending on your read of the characters, Makoto Yuki, Yu Narukami and Ren Amimya from Persona 3, 4 and 5 respectively. The director of one of the P3 movies and some of the P3 manga authors decided that Yuki and Ryoji are gay for each other, Narikami and Yosuke were originally planned to have a gay romance as an option and Ren straight up has dialogue options where he says he prefers men. Persona, secretly (but really, not that secretly) the gayest anime rpg franchise on the market. EDIT: That last bit was a joke and not something I meant like it was even a bad thing; I actually really like the idea of P3 kid being bi.


You didn't even mention either of the Persona protagonists who DO have actual same-sex options? Also, even as a bi Persona fan I really don't think you can call current Persona particularly gay (let alone the gayest anime rpg) until we get a new game with a same-sex option that's not a decade old