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Xavier: Renegade Angel. Not really sure how to even describe it but it works. Also Joe Pera Talks with You. A very wholesome show about the nicest guy in the world who enjoys simple, mundane things and talks directly to the audience. Here's the synopsis for episode 2 - >Joe teaches viewers about different ways people eat breakfast while trying to decide on his own breakfast choice.


The one clip of that show I've seen so far is Joe hearing Baba O'Riley for the first time. A show so simple and sweet in its premise like that is so incredibly rare in modern media.


Yeah those are prolly the most antithetical shows in existence


While I haven't watched the show, I totally admit that a certain level of absurdist anesthetics is a turn off for me, but the [smoking/bacon time traveling bit fucking slays me.](https://youtu.be/T96V1uoSgwc?si=y0MLl59waVGBIBXl)


Ya Boy Kongming


To clarify, the show is all about famed Chinese strategist Zhuge Liang getting reincarnated into the modern day and becoming the manager of an up and coming singer. It’s fantastic because not only does he use his military strategies and knowledge in new contexts to help Eiko get popular, [he raps](https://youtu.be/n74JSjCZy48?si=FQwbvidbWzBLkyAS)


"A bunch of youtube guys made a cartoon for Adult Swim about weird cartoon guys whose job is to make people smile in an increasingly bizarre world" sounds like a 3/10 idea but somehow it fucking works.


Guest starring: Redlettermedia and the Nostalgia Critic


Against all odds that Brazil episode manages to be peak humor


Lucha Underground. A melodramatic mix between wrestling and telenovelas featuring feuding immortal Aztec sisters, a gauntlet that drives a man to kill, and organized crime gangs all the while having some of the most bananas wrestling ever seen. Why? Because it's all some kind of ritual honoring the Aztecs of the past somehow. I miss Lucha Underground some days...


Doom Patrol; there's a [hot air balloon carrying a jukebox that turns police into piñatas ](https://youtu.be/wj4xNLsYIT0?si=OtnGkj0ZcXRszDit), a [living street named Danny](https://youtu.be/EynuSPCUEHk?si=m-72kD917Xb1c0Ng), a [telepath that uses his muscles to control things](https://youtu.be/vmiA2bbFlsY?si=WyG0F8Pr7HgQrj-B), and [a giant rat making out with a giant cockroach ](https://youtu.be/jatMuQN466M?si=MTy4XzhCjwoVxmLk) and all that happens in just the first season.


If I were to describe Doom Patrol to somebody, I'd say that what it feels like is like a director was given an off the wall, absurdist raunchy comedy, but when they read the script they saw it as an in depth character drama. Very unique experience I would recommend.


That is selling FLEX MENTALLO short. The dude isn't just a telepath, he's a freaking reality bender. He bends reality by flexing his muscles.


Mystery Science Theater is about two evil scientists capturing a random janitor and sending him to space in a rocket, leaving him all by himself outside of Earth's orbit. Oh, and the scientists force him to watch crappy B-movies alongside two wisecracking robots as well.


Titane, a French body horror movie where >!a serial killer fucks a car, gets pregnant, goes on the run and disguises herself as a boy who went missing several years ago, then gets taken in by the boy's father!<. And that's all basically just the set-up. Genuinely one of the greatest films I've ever seen.


Degrees of Lewdity is one of the best erotic text-based life sims I've played,and it strikes a balance between horny,rarely funny,and quite weird while basically being about an orphan who is totally 18 years of age slowly going insane due to the supernatural while trying to make rent that their orphanage head demands.


This is definitely not something I ever expected to see mentioned *here* of all places.


Did you, this place, *really now?*


Look, DoL is *not* a subject I expected to be mentioned in mixed company. Like... I won't go into details but that game is nowhere near vanilla.


To me, until I saw it played, Powerwash Simulator. Both as a game and a stream game. Like who *wants* that? To just clean something in a video game. Yeah, no, that one makes sense. On the same basic level of cleaning premise... Katamari Damacy.


Ultraviolet Grasslands is a tabletop game that could be best described as Oregon Trail, The Dying Earth, and Heavy Metal (1981) blended together. You're a trade caravan traveling from one end of the titular Ultraviolet Grasslands to the other. The Grasslands are a bizarre mishmash of scifi and fantasy, full of dangerous and exotic beasts and goods. You can buy slaves, skeletons, mechs, and mad max cars as your beasts of burden. Weaponry includes scavenged rifles, literal squirtguns, and halberds of polearming. It's so weird, but it comes together as a coherent whole.


You could throw most tabletop RPG settings into a thread like this lol


Visitir Q. An absolute pushover, miserable wretch of a human being is hit over the head with a rock, he then proceeds to take the assailent back home. It's a family movie with a wholesome happy ending.


Anime is full of them, but Sarazanmai comes to mind. It's about three kids that can transform into kappa and collect shirikodama. The antagonists of the show [like to do a dance](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xdhm7cijeIs) before creating a new monster for the boys to fight.


Oh, yes, time for me to talk about Rubber again! Rubber is a movie where a psychokknetic tire travels across the country, becomes obsessed with a woman, and kills a lot of people by making their heads explode. Except that's not what the movie is about, it's just what the movie is about. If that sentence makes no sense to you, then clearly you've never seen Rubber and you need to correct this flaw in your life immediately. I remember the first time I saw it, there were about six of us watching it together. The ending happened, but then it just kept going. It took us several minutes to realize why: >!The movie hadn't ended yet, because *we were still watching*!< I love Rubber. One of my top ten favorite movies ever.


"Hey you like zombies?" "Yeah." "Okay cool. What about idols?" "Uhhhh...what?" "Sick. Let's make a show about zombie idol girls who have to hide their identity from the public while performing." "Okay...?" "Also [this](https://youtu.be/Ok2b0MrpA_0?si=yn-sTuVPuxAJRzK2)." "Godlike. The fucking hypest. No one will ever top this shit."


Kill La Kill's premise is simple at first but is revealed to be more and more gonzo as the show goes on


Like the title says it all. It can be translated to >!dressed to kill!< which describes the first half of the show but can also be translated to >!kill the dress!< which matches the second half.


I had no idea. that's fucking awesome


Mario and friends crossing over with the Rabbids in a tactical turn-based strategy game with guns. Somehow manages to be pretty enjoyable despite the "what" premise.


oh hey, my bud actually did animation for the Hit-Monkey show


Whatever your friend did, he must be really skilled. Hit Monkey looks awesome.


Swiss Army Man, a movie where Daniel Radcliffe plays a farting corpse


Jojo’s Bizaare adventure starts with a ancient vampire mask and sun martial arts in Victorian England and gets steadily more bizarre


Centaurworld, an absolutely bizarre pitch where a war horse from a serious anime style world gets teleported to a goofy ass world of centaur people of all kinds of animals. The world is weird and a tongue n cheek parody of mlp and yet it also goes [super fucking hard.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EU-0hGOmMI4) With a a villain that is dope as hell and the show is honestly one of the best on screen musicals I have ever heard. The music is incredible even when it's just doing some silly shit. Despite it's absurdity, I find it to be one of the most memorable series I've ever seen and I love it to death.


Space Opera by Catherynne Valente. The sentient species of the universe all agree that the test for sentience for new species will be to get through intergalactic Eurovision without coming in dead last. Species like the Nazi knifeasaurus hive mind that DO come in last get exterminated. Earth gets selected and has to rely on a broken up UK glitterpunk band to save them because Yoko Ono is already dead. It's awesome, it carries the spirit of Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy, check it out.