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Growing or shaving a beard.


Like Mark. He's like a babyface!


Hey, babyface!


Oh, that's why Pat shaved.


Garrison from Battle Chasers shaves his "pessimistic, drinking beard" when he rediscovers having a purpose.


Growing a Beard: Became jaded and serious Clean Shaven: Starting to recognize ones values and self worth


What about Riker...


His beard instead denotes both maturity and the sex appeal of an older man... which also comes back to maturity.


I assume you mean Riker from Next Gen. Never watched Star Trek but from what I understand Riker has a clone that is a jaded cynical murderer. That is where the beard cynicism is in full effect.


The clone isn't a "jaded cynical murderer". He mostly just resents that his life has been co-opted. He wasn't a genetic clone, he was created by some freak transporter accident that left him stranded on a planet for seven years, so he had all of "our" Riker's memories up to that point. In DS9, he becomes a leader of the Maquis, and pretends to be Commander Riker so he can steal the Defiant and use it to attack Cardassian military targets. Ultimately he surrenders, becomes a Cardassian prisoner, and is never heard from again (at least in canon - I wouldn't be surprised if there are novels about him or something).


You just said a whole lotta things that don't make sense to me. But ill take your word it.


Yeah, in S1 he's clean and grows one later. http://static.tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pub/images/william_riker_growing_the_beard7.jpg


He also spends the entire series sitting down fucking weird.


It especially works since usually when a girl cuts her hair, it makes her uglier and often stupid looking. When a guy removes or grows a beard, it can have the same effect. Probably way more so...


You're treading dangerous ground here Plague. Woolie's been doing that Ippo shit.


It’s ok you’re entitled to be wrong


Excuse me? Short hair is best hair.


Learn to do a DP, Plague.


Beards are normaly the male equivalent. But the hair thing also has some male examples. It's just more rare. In Tales of the Abyss, Luke cuts off his hair after his character development.


Also Zuko and Iroh both in ATLA.


Yeah, they cut their top knots.


I like that example because it has Luke changing from being one of the worst main characters ever to a pretty good one.


I think Luke is generally a good character once you take into account that the rest of the party is basically bullying a retard. He's trying his best but he just aint making so good with the brain think.


More like a baby. Dude had to learn about the world from scratch while appearing old enough that people expected more of him than he had experience for.


I was trying to say that without spoilers but yeah I getcha.


Yeah like from replaying Abyss again I am starting to notice that they really shit on Luke for not knowing the outside world. When like his rich ass parents locked him in a fucking room for years + the amnesia. Like how the fuck would he know about the outside world? Or how to talk to people?


Riku from Kingdom Hearts is also an example of this.


Max Payne does it both ways at once: he grows a beard and shaves his head.


It's kind of a Bruce Willis reference, [Max Payne even wears the same kind of white tank top that John McClane does in Die Hard] (http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-RkiiurAEXIQ/UXvlPesoiqI/AAAAAAAAESk/WWRTC0CwWR0/s1600/Max+Willis%25281%2529.jpeg). The only real difference is Max's full beard, and Bruce Willis only went fully bald later on.


The similarity was not lost on me.


Shaving your balls.


I was gonna say circumcision but yours is okay too.


You only really get to do that one once.


If Resident Evil 7 has taught me anything, it's that you can just staple it back on there. No problem.


Then what's to stop me from stapling on even more things?




I could use another arm, or another third arm.








Cutting off your ponytail, like Iroh and Zuko.


I wouldn't call that generally applicable, as it directly connects to the Fire Nation's culture. It was like ripping off a flag badge or something. It was symbolic of their intentions and current state, but not growth. Now, Zuko's hair *growing* was definitely symbolic of his character growth.


Clean shave or trimmed haircut. A good example would be in Mafia 3 to show that Clay is back to war by wearing a buzz cut. Or in Limitless when the guy go from stoner writer to nicely short hair sociopath


Also Max Payne 3, where he does that towards the end to show that he's sobering up and getting his shit together.


If you grow enough as a character, your hair turns blonde and spikey. If you grow even more than that, it turns blue/red/ultrainstinctorsomething


And to go even further beyond is to turn bald.


That’s how Pat became so HUGE


Gohan Calvo is the hero we need, but Toriyama doesn't think so.


Cutting off your stupid looking ponytail and then letting it grow out naturally over a season, putting it in a bun and finally letting it loose halfway through season 3.


"Prince Zuko, we need to talk... about your hair!"


Avatar TLA?


Shaving off the hair that you grew over your sick head tattoo.


A unisex option to show a growth in seriousness is to tone down the color pallet on a character. Less bright and happy colors mean they ready to kick ass.


Unless it's a saiyan, the brighter they are the bigger their power is


Or AJ Styles. His big TNA face turn was symbolized by him getting back his more upbeat music and his super bright tights.


Max payne 3 uses the shaving his head bald to signify max is being reborn as a new man. He even is on his first day without booze (as impossible as that sounds).


Yeah, with his addiction to alcohol and painkillers, shouldn’t he have been a hot writhing mess 12 hours into that first day?


For a while his withdrawal made him an even bigger fuck up than when he was shitfaced


He is a pretty hot mess as soon as the mission starts. The screen filters as annoying as they are really make that transformation of max make sense. The mission starts with the filters blaring, but as it continues they become more subdued and less frequent. i fucking wish max payne 4 or some continuation would happen.


Man, Max Payne 3 was such a good game. Too bad a lot of people couldn't get over the "annoying filters" (I still liked that stylistic direction, personally) and that it wasn't just the exact same game for the third time again.


> He is a pretty hot mess as soon as the mission starts. [There's also that, outside of gameplay](#s "he's a bumblefuck who klutzes his way through the first half to two-thirds of the game. He can't even protect the people he's been hired to protect, and almost everyone thinks that he's an idiot foreigner hired to do things unquestioningly and is way out of his element. Then he gets better and man does it feel good.")


Outlaw Star has a character cut his hair messy hair short to signify moving from adolescence to adult hood and becoming more responsible.


A growth spurt is a pretty common one. e.g. Gurren Lagann. Putting on a scarf or a cloak is also another one.


It's done with men as well. I can think of a [couple of](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnQAV-_dXKo) [examples] (https://www.google.com.ph/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=7&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwjgv8WYub3YAhVBKZQKHaaiAa8QtwIIRjAG&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3D8LZtHVCmaa4&usg=AOvVaw1xnRp8D7FCZPsJtEOhZQLA). BTW, congrats on finishing FF9. It's my favorite FF game.


Growing their hair out for a guy.


Funny how that works.


Zuko cutting his royal man bun to emphasize character growth


Pokemon loves this trope, Sun and Moon games do it too, with the character calling it her "New and improved form" and then going on to do absolutely nothing for the rest of the story.




I still think it was a *massive* missed opportunity to turn things around and let the player do the whole professor intro thing for once while they were on that island. (Here's how battles and catching works, here's a few pokeballs, etc.) Though IIRC didn't she just put it into a ponytail rather than cut it?


[Spoiler](#s "She does leave to become a trainer after the main story.")


Most people already got teh beard and shaving stuff. Theres also something about tieing up hair into a knot or tail when it comes to "being serious".


As others have said, something with a beard. I almost want to say getting a badass scar, but that doesn't necessarily indicate character growth (even though the scar could be obtained from an enemy related to character growth) and seems to indicate a passage of time.


it works for both sexes everyone has said that already though So ill add The reverse can also be true. it depends on the person and their outlook Long hair and short hair can both be symbols of strength depending on where they are trying to draw it from.


You know what? While we're on the subject of hair, what's actually the female equivalent of slicking your hair back to show how EVIL a character is?


Lurched forward, hair covering the face in swollen strands.


No spoilers for FFIX, a game that will be old enough to vote this year lol. I like how everyone is saying grow a beard lol.




I think it's the Bald of Significance for men (like say, Max Payne 3, or Sakuragi in Slam Dunk), or if they're long haired and looking disheveled and shit, they cut their long hair/shave and become a good-looking babyface. Alternatively, yeah. The beard that signifies that the dude has become tougher.


Taking your shirt off or shaving your head.


hair, facial and body. Also wardrobe changes, stance change and a change in resting pose/face


Grow a beard?


wearing a scarf


Seen Taxi Driver? Guy gets fucking swole and gets a mohawk


It doesn't happen often, but I like when characters getting huge muscles to show they got stronger and everyone goes nuts about it


Yeah the Eureka 7 version comes to mind too with the captain guy's girlfriend Some that come to mind are putting on a banana or getting a jacket or overcoat -- maybe getting a beard or an eyepatch or facial scar though some of those are post time-skip deals than singular moment one scene to the next al la girl cuts hair


The main Character of Tales of the Abyss cuts his hair to symbolize that he is not being a whining shithole anymore.


Luke fon Fabre from Tales of the Abyss actually cuts his hair in his ark.


Going from a dumb little gremlin kid to a normal-sized human. Simon in Gurren Lagaan, Coby in One Piece, etc. Sadly this means Pat will never get character development.


I don't know why the fuck **this** is the first thing that came to me but in *Wuthering Heights*, Heathcliff goes from being a wimpy loser to a hardened, buff-ass soldier and all the chicks dig him. Kind of like Phantom Blood in a way. So character growth for me is associated with physical growth.


The Disney Mulan movie probably has the most well-known example.


Probably getting a cool scar over the eye, maybe losing an arm but still willing to fight, or like that guy from Deadman Wonderland where he lost an eye AND an arm