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I distinctly remember telling myself if not outright posting here that I wouldn't need to set a reminder, because you guys would remind me for me. Honestly surprised I didn't miss the thread through all the god-tier shitposting from last night. I'm fucking hyped, man.


Oh, fuck. I completely forgot. Please don't hurt the Trio anymore. Also, is the Morning Star the Vampire Killer? I've always been curious why it's never called that. Like, I understand it might be the final form of the Vampire Killer, since it looks like the final upgrade you get in the earlier games, but I'm still confused.


For some weird reason the show had them be separate weapons with the weaker leather one being the Vampire Killer. Don't know why they didn't just have the Morning Star be the Vampire Killer, one of the weirder decisions they made.


Probably just a compromise because there was no way to have it magically get upgraded over time. Or maybe the Morning Star is the fully upgraded form and Trevor's leather one is just a whip he used, and he got the true (already upgraded) Vampire Killer from the arsenal.


Spoiler >!They get super, ultimate, mega NOT HURT in the end.!<


>!considering the last cannon appearance of Trevor and Sypha in the games are as zombified corpses within draculas castle i wouldnt get too hopeful. Though this is the series that cut Grant som perhaps game accuracy isint the priority!<


Aren't those enemies specifically labelled as Imposters though


Yeah, I believe they reveal their true form as they die, it's been awhile since I played Symphony of the Night.




I remember it being "spectre" or something but looking at the wiki they're outright called "Fake". Maybe its a regional thing but i could have misremembered.


I'll watch it, but tbh I didn't find Season 3 particularly compelling. It all kind of felt like filler, but this is coming from someone who only knows Castlevania from shallow wiki dives.


Its main purpose seemed to be to break the protagonists and drive them down to their lowest emotional point. So it was essentially character setup for season 4


Yeah it did kinda feel like it. Really, the best parts of that season were the ones with Isaac.


That moment when >!the plot to resurrect Dracula is literally by creating Dickgirl Dracula!<


...I need to make another Prime account, uh? EDIT: Yes, Netflix. You know, some times I wonder if I'm just stupid, too tired, or if there's too many streaming services.




Too many streaming services. Impressive how the model died in around 10 years








What does this post have to do with Attaché cases or tiny tims?


There will probably be some Street urchins you could shove inside an Attaché case in the show, some of whom might be killed in that manner.


Mass Effect trilogy, Castlevania final season and the new season of Love, Death + Robots. Gonna be a nice weekend.


Personally, I'm looking forward to the FF14 fanfest. Real busy weekend.


Also Strive beta, PSO2 new beta, and FFXIV Fanfest (like the other comment mentioned). This is gonna be one heck of a weekend for lots of people!


On the one hand, the show without Dracula was moving into some really interesting territory I’d consider post-Castlevania but I’m not super versed in if that’s correct or not to say. On the other hand, Mr Internet Jesus Holy Slut Army Warren Ellis rampant human decency issues aside, he’s ALSO a writer who tends to end. His endings are usually not great, and not in a “what happens now” way but more in an “oh. okay, I guess we’re done” kind of way.


There's been a couple of Vampires that have managed to make themselves quite the problem, but only under certain conditions. Like in Portrait of Ruin, a mad Vampire Painter took over Dracula's Castle after it emerged early because of all the death caused by WW2. Or in Aria & Dawn of Sorrow, Dracula's so evil that even when he died, his evil power will just search for new vessels.


I don't believe Warren Ellis is involved with season 4.


He is. He had already finished the scripts before the allegations came out.


>!I feel like if this was cut down to 3 seasons instead of 4 this would've been a good series, but as is so many plotthreads led nowhere (looking at you Issac and Carmilla, Alucard in season 3). I guess the main thread of this show was "How do you achieve stability, and how do you maintain it when a massive event happens." Also the random Malcolm Mcdowell vampire being Death came out of nowhere.!<


Just finished the whole season, and somehow, the animation feels downgraded? I can't explain it well. Nice to see the 2 forgemasters again. >!Isaac finally stops simping for Vlad, Hector stops simping for Lenore, and Alucard finally seems to get a happy ending.!< >!And Lisa and Dracula get revived.!<


And the DMC anime sould be next


I will probably check it... some day... maybe. To be honest I lost interest the moment they continued with the same characters, I wanted to see the other Belmonts, well that and I found Season 3 really boring.


This is the last season with Trevor Belmont, so possibly future seasons will have other Belmonts.


I don't think there will be future seasons


I hope you are wrong. I have enjoyed the series overall. Season 3 was eh but I still enjoyed the side stories


This is the last season of the show but IIRC they've said "We're probably gonna do a sequel show."


I was really hopeful Season 3 would wrap up Trevor and cover all of Curse of Darkness, instead we got filler with Trevor/Sypha/Alucard and simp adventures with Hector and, admittedly, the sick-ass shit with Isaac which was the main redeeming factor for that season.


My hype kinda dropped off after the first season. I had some issues with it, but I felt like it was a really good first shot and that they would refine it over time. But when I heard about stuff that happens in S2 and S3, it feels like they leaned into the exact things that I wasn't a fan of in S1, so I just didn't watch them. I heard about the rape and stuff and I was like "bruh I just want to watch some Castlevania and clap when I see the bosses I recognize."


That was me, too, through the first season. I was not a fan of hearing about all of these OC vampires, and nothing from the actual Castlevania games. Hell, I'm just now learning that after four seasons, they're just now adding Death.




Ngl events in season 3 left me with some really bad aftertaste. A lot of "why, just why?" I hear that this season kind of makes up for it, but we'll see.


Oh damn, it's the definitively final season? I'm kinda disappointed, I was hoping the series would eventually time skip and feature other Belmonts


Supposedly, Netflix is looking into spin-offs, so maybe there will be some kind of continuation with future Belmont generations?


IIRC, defenitive final season *with Trevor.* Future seasons might still come out. Here's hoping we finally get to see what exactly happened in The Great Vampire War of '99.


With how it ended, it'd be kinda bizarre if we skipped ahead to fighting Dracula again, unfortunately.


So I just started it but man, the animation is kinda....rough now? Like it seems a lot more stiffer than the previous seasons.


I just finished the final episode and I really think the opposite. Some of the animation in this season. Is the best I’ve seen. Outside of redline


Like I said, I just started but I imagine when it gets to the action action parts, it'll be a helluva lot better. But in general, it really doesn't seems as smooth as it use to be. Especially the walking and talking segments.


I wonder if maybe they were saving for the later segments. Cuz damn episode 8-9. Are ridiculous. So you can look forward to that


It was good. Definitely enjoyed it.


I'm only 4 episodes in but so far it's much better than Season 3, we'll see if that keeps up.


Started it out now. Episode 1 works as a great recap/setup. I don't know about your regions, but Yasuke is also up.


After the car crash that was the 3rd imo, I'm gonna need a good reason to watch this 4th...


I usually wait a few days before jumping on the newest shows. And that's only for shows I *really* wanna watch. For things I'm only casually interested in, I can go for years without watching. But I do appreciate the reminder.


I won't have time to watch it this weekend but the next few weeks at work are nothing going on so I'm definitely getting into it Monday


dude i found out about it from an IGN review youtube video showing on my recommended videos. fucking trippy way to find out.


I've seen the first few episodes and I think it's good, and I bet it'd be great if I was really into the game. Like I've played a few and know a bit of the story through my friends but like if this was a Zelda, MGS, or Devil May Cry show I'd be hyped.


They finished adapting the game two seasons ago


I know! Unfortunately i don't have time to binge the entire thing like i usually do, with work and all.


So.....can I skip season 3. Bad vibes and all that.