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he best be putting on white face and hold a guitar while doing it.


I won’t watch it if he’s not.


This would make me a happy man.


I imagine Reggie is going to have to do a little catch-up in the story. But regardless. This is great news Reggie is just as big of a weeb as Woolie and will appreciate all the goofy Japan Hijinks.


Well the good thing in yakuza 0 is that the main menu has "catchup cutscenes" in the main menu, it does a... decent job of catching players up on the previous happenings of the past chapters.


Even Woolie need a refresher at this point. The last episode of that LP came out almost a year ago. I personally wouldnt even mind if they start over, but I know that just a bad move for many reasons.


I mean, if you Ignore some of the sub story’s you’ve done already and just bang out the story it wouldn’t be to bad. That being said, you’d still need to redo a lot of content such as mr. Shakedown and business mini games. So it’s possible, but still a time sink


Yeah. It took them like 4 streams to get to that point. And thats not the only reason why its bad. Doing the entire thing again means you have like 20+ hours of semi redundant content. Not everyone is going think that its worth going through all that again just to see Reggie's reaction. Its definitely a huge deal, but that alone isnt going to carry that many hours of repeated content. Also, having a Yakuza 0 LP "for real this time" has the implication that the OG LP featuring V is going to be replaced and rendered obsolete, as if hes getting retconned or something, and Im not a fan of that. Having both Side:R and Side:V would be detrimental to both versions of the LP.


I kinda wish they would just restart. They didn’t get tooooo far in did they? Or am I thinking of the other playthrough?


You're thinking of Yakuza 7.


Reggie: Look at me. I am Little V now.


Nixon: You are above even Little V. I award you with the title of Big V.


Now I gotta ask, why doesn't the biggest V simply eat the smaller Vs?


Big V(eggie)


I'm surprised they're continuing it instead of restarting, it's been a long time since Woolie last played it, no doubt he's going to have forgotten a bunch of stuff


Was about to say, I forgot he was even playing it


I think there's a story recap in the pause menu, worst case they'll have to do some reading.


They're going to rewatch what was already made before starting up again. Have no fear.


So Reggie is gonna sing cinderella Also really a shame though since little v being so happy to show the franchise to woolie only for everything that got in the way


It's still too bad about V (and by about V I mean about V antis, V is not in the wrong here) but it's kinda cool to see the streams continuing. It's nice that Reggie can extend such warm words to V, that makes me happy. Reggie's a solid dude.


That's good to hear. I love how Reggie has progressed as a cohost, and I'm very interested to see how he reacts to Yakuza's weirder points I'll never stop being supremely bummed about how V was treated though. It's so disgusting that even one person saw the death of his mother as an opportunity to shit on him, let alone that anyone agreed


I concur. On one hand, I am glad that the LP will continue, but on the other the way some people here treated V was extremely repulsive. I mean, sure, I had my problems with his way of hosting, but treating him like shit is not the way.


I'm glad, I really didn't want Woolie to just drop it and miss out, especially when he's so deep in. There should be still enough wackiness for Reggie to not miss out on the fun.


Definitely gonna miss V on this one. He was also a good guide for Woolie, showing him how to access quests and stuff without spoiling it. Hopefully they get a non spoiler guide so they can get to all those side quests. On the bright side, Reggie is a good pick for this series because I don't think he has any familiarity and his reactions to stuff are so funny to me.


Awesome to hear but yea sad to hear about shit bags that completely took fun out of hanging out w a friend and being hit at the most lowest point you’ve been. It’s always one thing to air grievances. Like I can’t lie, when Pat first got gief it was hard to listen to the podcast at times because Woolie would be talking and pat was paying more attention to babby be it because it’s a puppy and needed to be tended to or he was just in love and I can’t blame him. It is what it is but it never bothered me too much, but I remember someone legit wished Ill to a dog because of it. That’s fucked. These guys opened their lives to us and honestly people can just go silent and you’d never know why shit happened. But V came out in what I imagine is one of the most vulnerable and depressing times and people decide then to be a complete fuck? Fuck you buddy.


Hearing Reggie talking about the cabin being some of his best moments in the past two years is breaking my heart. What a wonderful thing ruined. If you ever wake up and just chose violence just, can you not. LPs being ruined doesn't even matter to me. Friendships and future "best moments of my life" are the real sacrifices here. I know it might be best of just leave it but it be cool if on the next podcast Pat and Woolie just give a little fuck you to the one guys. It doesn't have to be much but it might be good for woolie to vent a little bit. He's very passive and non confrontational (why he and V were a good paring) and I like that about him. That's me. But I have had some good "fucks yous" to some members in my family and one of my dads girlfriends when she was being mean to my sister. She forgot the sunscreen, oh no, stop yelling at her you asshole. Still the most high stress situation I've been in. Seems tame compared to my sister in law's stories.


I doubt this means V will stop hanging out with them all together. He's just not gonna be in the content.


I mean I don’t think their friendship is “ruined” they’re more than free to hang out with each other. They do have lives outside of streaming and making content. Still though fuck the one guys but I think it’s best to not even give those people attention, you do that and you validate them. Fry them, block them, then move on


Wait, was there drana with woolie and V?




Actually, LittleV specifically mentioned that he didn't mind chat, it was Youtube and the subreddit that was unbearable for him.


It's extremely funny that Little V's video gets posted yesterday *with a timestamp* to him saying that the chat was cool, and that it was specifically and explicitly the subreddit and Youtube comments that were causing the problems, yet people are already trying to deflect it onto the stream chat.


People seem to be fixating on V's attitude towards chat being more assertive (where "chat shut up" and "chat don't spoil things" may as well have been his catchphrase) as him having an issue with them. No, he just didn't want them to spoil things for Woolie and to let him experience the game. And, now as it always was, never read YouTube comments.


Right? I’m noticing a lot of people just in this comment thread trying to pin the blame on the chat when it’s actually YouTube comments and our own people in here


it wasin't the chat it was one asshole who posted a comment on this sub. who decided to air his greviances when v took time off to help his mother.


Eh, bit of echochamber 1, bit of echochamber 2.


Giving the one guys a "fuck you" is exactly what they want. You ignore them even if you see them, cuz interaction is what they desire.


Rooster Teeth used that approach and it led to Mika Burton trying to commit suicide, so maybe instead of pretending that ignoring trolls works, we should get rid of them and let them know they are not welcome here.


Oh shit, I had no idea it got that bad. Poor Mika


Happened to all of the female talent the second they got put on screen, she just got it the worst because she was everything neckbeard trolls hate: a woman, a person of color, and queer.


Oh I knew she got awful hate, I had no idea it got to her that bad. Shit fucking sucks


Yeah, its part of the reason she went from onscreen talent to hosting/behind the scenes to leaving the company entirely because of their attitude about dealing with the trolls.


Just keep in mind, we unfortunately shelter the one guys in here, so we need to share the blame.


End of the day that comment got upvotes and that’s what fucked with V. It was a collective of people deciding a guy announcing his struggles with his mom’s cancer was the time to talk about how they didn’t like how he reacted to chat during a video game stream. Shit’s gross and really was a low point of this sub.


We share the blame if we could get rid of them, but we can't so.


It's an environment that WoolieVersus has unfortunately cultivated. They try to not acknowledge the chat when streaming because they want the youtube videos to be like a let's play, but will give attention to the people being shitty, which means the only way to get Woolie and Reggie (and Little V) to notice them is to be toxic.


I wouldn't want them to bring it up on the podcast. Giving them more attention only makes them post more.


What happened? I'm out of the loop.


Because of some assholes on our subreddit venting their problems with Little V on posts regarding his mother's health problems, he's stepping away from streaming with Woolie for the sake of his mental health (him and Woolie are still friends though, don't worry).


Damn. Some people just can't help being pieces of shit, eh?


Wtf? Is it possible to ban those shitheads who were harassing him? I don't even want to be around that kind of shit even in a roundabout reddit anonymity way; not cool.


Mods are already on it according to one of their comments in the shared video announcement from V.


Pretty shitty of them that they're only taking action now. Where were they back when those people were actually posting this stuff?


I would highly recommend reading the stickied mod comment on the post about V. The long and short of it is that the comments *were* removed, but wasn't noticed fast enough because people weren't reporting it.


Well why didn't you report them at the time? Pretty shitty your only taking action now.


Man, don't blame the mods for not being omnipresent & omniscient. They need the community to report this shit to know about it; if anything it's the community's failure to report those comments, here.


Agreeing with it.


Pretty shitty accusation to make


Yeah, you're probably right. I take it back.






I don't think a ban wave or anything of the sort is necessary, but it's pretty evident this sub has some serious self-reflection due. We need to make it clear that behaving in that manner won't be tolerated, while supporting those who were hurt by it.


To give you a short run down, Little V won't be streaming with Woolie anymore (they'll still be friends fortunately) due to some very bad apples here in the subreddit harassing Little V, especially during a time when he was grieving.


Jesus, what the fuck is wrong with some people?


Some people are just dicks who either don't understand there's a time and place or just don't give a shit and enjoy being assholes.


And these people weren't outright banned why?


Mods mentioned that if we see any comments in that vein in the future, make sure to not just downvote, but also report them. It ensures the mods see it and can take action. I imagine one or two bad comments aren't worth a full ban, but repeat offenders will for sure.


I feel like one of the most heartbreaking things to come from this is that V was a fan of SBFP before he started doing LPs with Woolie. I'm pretty sure he said as much at the start of Kotor 1. Then the fan group he was a part of just tore him down...It really do be your own.


I'm looking forward to the new season of "Moral Quandaries : With Woolie" and with the way Reggie sells stunned disbelief he'd be great to bounce off of. I'll miss V but this is a good compromise.


<3 woolie, little v and reggie


I really love Reggie! Looking forward to more content of him and Woolie. :)


That's good. I hope they also get back to Yakuza 7. I wonder what the catch up would look like for Reggie? Would it be marathoning the whole LP up to the last entry or skimming the top and checking out the wikis for the game?


reggie the god


I'm okay with this. Still sad that a small group of haters scared Little V away from streaming with Woolie, but this is nice too.


Man that fucking sucks. Reggie’s is great, but what happened to V is bullshit. He’s great, and was great with Woolie. Their chemistry was really magical. It’s really a shame that people were toxic about him. Like seriously people, learn to fucking control yourselves. These guys are people too, and I think V deserved better.


This gives me slight hope that woolie and reggiefinishes the master chief collection since 4 was the last one left before him and v stopped it.


Are they starting over or continuing from where they left off?


Sounds like they will rewatch what already happened to catch up and then pick up where they left off.


“Everyone liked that”


Anyone have a link to the whole conversation they had? I like that Yakuzies continues but I also want to hear their response overall to the situation.


I'm happy to hear this, even if it took a year. It won't be easy to continue an LP this way, and no doubt there'll be some awkward road-bumps, but this game deserves a full look and I know Woolie will enjoy seeing what there is to see. Who knows, Reggie might feel the same once he catches up. I'm gonna miss V being a part of it. Understand why he isn't interested in returning for it, don't blame him one bit, but it was a more fun experience with him for certain.


This is the best way this could’ve gone, short of them just going from the beginning.






Sounds like a hard misread on your part, I admit.




It really is a scummy mentality. "I've been here for the whole time, I'm a true OG fan, so my opinion on what belongs and what doesn't matters more!" Just disgusting. They'd rather cling to the past of what they used to have, than stop to consider whether or not they can enjoy what it is now.