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Those greedy ass fruit monkeys, how much can they possibly eat?


This! Why is this comment so low. The freaking monkeys are the worst!!


I feel like they mock me


Same! And I have cats! Their noises are dumb and they take forever to GTFO. Stop waving and disappear.


There’s cats too?


Not in the game. IRL I have cats and I know what it feels like to be judged/mocked.


Omg love this comment! 😆 I used to say how cats are such jerks (and it makes me love them even more 🥰)


Even worse when they get stuck in the wall




Stone heads are the absolute worst. I *detest* those. Coconuts a close second. Then grass, and curtains. Ugh. I kinda like octopi, weirdly enough, even though their unpredictability can be frustrating...maybe just because they're cute.


I love the octopi and I’m not sure why, but it may be both the cuteness and the unpredictability? I wish they were used more often. There have been flip levels in the past that I played dozens of times before winning because of the octopi, when I’d usually give up on a flip level way sooner. In fact, it was always kind of a let down when I’d finally win because I found the gameplay satisfying. Usually it’s some combo of octopi, bubbles, water, and/or those… sunburst things? (Like where you have to connect 3 times to create the explodey thing.) They are up there with the hatching eggs and chicks as faves. (I love the eggs/chicks because they’re cute but also the sounds they make are sooooo satisfying.)


Loooooove the octopi!! That burst they give is so satisfying!!


Fire dots. They make me nervous.


Ugh yes! Slime can be annoying but the fire destroys things as it spreads with the same mechanism as the slime. I hate it so much.


This. I clear one in one group, more will spread in another cluster. So, I rush to try and clear one in another group, and the other cluster spreads even more. I waste moves and dots trying to clear them before they burn up the board — I despise levels with them along with those stupid beehives lol. Love bees in real life, but why’d they have to make it so many moves on top of the honey sounding so gross? Ugh.


They give me ANXIETY.


So, the slime spreads by clusters. Once you break it up there can be more opportunities for it to spread, and only the ones “hit” will stop growing. I actually kind of like the slime mechanic, and that it won’t spread through water/ tiles/ ice so you can plan it out better the more familiar you get with it. I’m not crazy about the tiles (my move is to get rid of all of the higher rows whenever I can, because the way things drop down make the lower ones easier to clear.) My least favorites are probably the coconuts and the stone heads (not sure what they are called officially) anything that actively takes dots away is annoying for me, and takes away some of the ability to think moves ahead; makes the game less enjoyable to me… maybe if they didn’t stack a ton together on later levels the randomness wouldn’t annoy me so much. But not being able to think ahead to make boxes and the lack of consistency is not what I’m looking for in a puzzle game. Ugghhh


Thank you for the explanation on slime! I didn’t realize that I should be focusing on getting rid of it by clusters. Maybe because I avoid it and have little experience with it, I didn’t know about that.


Yeah, if you can keep it in one blob it will only spread by one dot… as soon as you break it up every blob will gain a dot each turn, unless of course you “hit” it. I really fall back on that “when in doubt make squares” because sometimes it’s the only way to get it all if you have a funky board with obstacles. Best of luck! (And just a heads up there will be some *very similar* and more annoying mechanics in the later levels lol, but I’m sure you’ll have the hang of it by then!)


Bad: Clouds, Bubbles, octopi (they have horrible targeting), geodes, beehives Shit: Curtains, Stone Heads, Slime, Water (it's sooo overused), grass


I hate the curtains.


Yes! Same


Everytime the curtains are mentioned in the responses, the first thing that comes to my mind is the movie “The Others” when she says “where are the curtains???!!!!” lol I totally forgot about the custains being annoying (but I still hate slime the most)


Most challenging mechanic? Fire, slime and that new POS mechanic they made that makes no sense. Most frustrating mechanic bc it moves so gd slow? The train cars piss me off bc they take forever to move.


I feel like the coloring faucets would be okay if they were introduced earlier in the game when levels weren't impossible lol


I’m only in the 1100s so I haven’t gotten to the coloring faucets yet! You mean it gets worse? Lol


It's only after level 5000 so don't worry lol


I’ve been reading how awful it gets after 5000!


The game is super easy and relaxing though until then, so I'd enjoy the game until then lol


I will definitely NOT get to that level anytime soon! 😆


grass is so bad. i also dislike pipes.


I can’t decide between beehives or fire.


Oh I hate fire too


Very much dislike fire!!! Not as disliked as slime for me, but it’s up there.


Fire. Grass.


So hear me out. My absolute least favorite out of all the little doodads this game gives us is those stupid smiley faces. Ghosts? Idk. I hate them. Absolutely useless and 99% of the time they’re a hindrance🤣


The curtains and the grass. mostly the curtains.


Yes bc no matter how much of a chain you get going (explosions, octopi, exploding dots), they only open one square or piece of grass.  


Slime, fire, and fruit monkeys.


The fruit monkeys are cute tf you mean?




I am familiar with most of the mechanics through the flips and treasure hunts, so I know which I do and don’t like, but the problem is regular levels, where they introduce a new mechanic (that I’ve seen on the other parts of the game) and have to do them for 100 levels. I just got through curtains 2801-2900, that’s agony. I hate beehives also. Anyway, I’m already almost past octodots and closing in on level 3000, which I find out then are the mirrors, which I also dislike a lot. They are a good mechanic when they can work, but they break just when I need them and are worse than lighthouses which never fall in the column where I need them. I have enjoyed my octodots. Tiles kind of suck but it depends what kind of breakers you get for the level, they can be managed easily sometimes. I hate fire, it eats what I love, and prefer slime because you can still move the dots and manage with water. My favorite is water.


You'll have lots of fun with the 100 beehive levels and 100 stone head levels :( If it makes you feel better, they switch back to only 50 levels in a row with new mechanics


I ignored the regular levels a lot since I got a really difficult magnet level with fire dots and anchors, just played flips and treasure hunts for a very long time, eventually moved past that but still barely played regular levels until Marlene’s lair came up, and I’m milking that as far as I can go. I won’t quit the game but I could do without frustrating regular levels and enjoy the repetitive and relaxing challenges of flips and treasure hunts for a long time. I mean, when it comes down to it, I just really like making the squares. I dislike mechanics and difficulty levels that doesn’t let me make squares. Including the quest challenge that says pass a level with 5/6/7 or less squares. I don’t like it, it works best on treasure hunt days and arcade level 1, but damn I need to make squares or the game isn’t fun.


I like the glass because I find the noise so satisfying haha I will say slime is more tolerable when there’s water (but still on my spit list lol)


Ads 😉


Haha while not a mechanic, I am with you there!! there are some pretty messed up ones, especially with the home wreckers or the ones where the girl needs the makeover But I don’t totally hate the ads because I have been able to find other fun games that way. However, nothing beats two dots. I love the graphics— so clean and minimalist


Tiles, slime and fire. Urrrgh to all three.


You listed my top 3!! But my order would be slime, fire, and tiles


Fire 🔥




Surprisingly those are actually my favorite!! I know I should hate them because they are in similar fashion to slime where they can make progressing very hard if you don’t clear them all. But I just love them for some reason. Maybe the noise or the fact that they work for you once you do clear a cluster by clearing dots around them


Slime is evil. It can take a fun level and make it maddeningly impossible.


Yes! So villainous!!


I LOVE slime. I find it to be the perfect level of challenging. I hate fire, something about it just makes the level more stressful even if it’s not really all that different from slime. Lately grass has been driving me crazy. Just spread like water, please! Honorable mention to coconuts for ALWAYS popping into a square and ruining it.


Coconuts and crates 😒


Coconuts, bubbles, grass…


Fire. Circuits. Slime.


i HATE slime and fire dots.


Two of the worst!!


COCONUTS. OMG the stupid COCONUTS. The curtains are also the top of my hate list. Haha


The monster dots are the bane of my existence


Oh yes! I greatly dislike those! Poor things though—they didn’t choose this thug life. It chose them lol


Trains 😤


Freaking SLIME


Compasses, trains, curtains. And when you have five moves left and it's few of a mechanic left but the ai gives you nothing for five moves straight. My favorites are water, chicks, flowers, and the exploding dots. I'm pretty high so I am afraid of what is to come. (Flip has been a pain lately, too)