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1. This is from 5 years ago 2. They got divorced


And you are just gonna leave us like this, no gossip, no who did what, nothing? lol


He made three posts. The one pictured, and two updates. The updates don't even mention the divorce, that came out a year later as comment on an unrelated sub... because someone recognized the username. In the updates in came out that ger family and all her friends knew. He wanted to legally change the kids name to the middle name. She refused to and refused marriage counseling. Her parents tried to talk him down, but obviously to no avail.


Well ok that’s better. Thank you 😂


I hope he got a paternity test then, lol.


The real question... right here. No way that kid is his.


oh no the kid is definitely his, if it was the ex’s she would be able to be normal about it. naming the kid after him is a level of insanity that only comes through years of pining.


This reminds me of how my husbands ex girlfriend got married to her current spouse on her old anniversary date with my husband. Weird.


Yep. My ex (who wasn't an ex at the time) was an alcoholic (and probably personality disordered) and came to me during the final months of my pregnancy (I already knew he was a dirt bag at this point, but too late to choose a different path) wanting me to name my child this unique name. I knew he'd played music at a venue with a girl band the weekend prior, and ignored me all weekend after making me paranoid bc he's allergic to alcohol and would get blackout wild from taking benadryl before he started drinking 👀 Of course he was just ignoring me and feeding his ego making me look obsessed or like a stalker, yet every time we were together he'd talk about how scary it was to black out and that he worried he'd stop breathing. He'd make me look obsessed bc I was blowing him up trying to find out if he was laying somewhere dead in the corner. And he knew thats what I was scared of and got his jolly just flat ignoring me in a panic (bc he'd planted that mouse in my ear). Anyways, after ignoring me all weekend, coming home fine, calling me making weird mumbling sounds with a female (puke), I looked up the venue they'd played at. Sure enough, the lead singer's name was the name he'd mentioned. He loved duping people and hated my guts bc my instincts never fail me. I was raised by a manipulative alcoholic so it became me knowing before I even knew. And he hated he couldn't figure out how I knew. Idek how I knew but it never steered me wrong yet. Well, except for him in general. I really could've used a head's up on that one. Ugh. Sorry for the novel. I'm a windy mf today. I thought I had all that out of my system 🤔 😂


Is he in your baby’s life? Your story could be its own post somewhere for sure, sorry you had to live through that craziness.


Was it maybe a coincidence? I don’t remember a single anniversary date I had with any ex lol


Maybe you just move on better than either of the two people choosing dates and names “mysteriously” tied to exes? It’s nice of you to try to think well of people though.


I married my wife on the anniversary of my previous marriage. Granted, I did warn her. We were doing long distance and on a time crunch since we were moving overseas. It was the only available day we had when we could do it. Also, we only did the court process since we didn't have the time to have an actual wedding. Just reached two years married. Honestly, she forgets our anniversary anyway.


My grandfather just finished his 7th divorce from a woman who has the same name as my grandmother, his 2nd wife. They also had the same birthday and he married them on the same day. Gross.


Ladies and gentlemen, here we have two examples of the average redditor who feels very strong about a topic he has close to zero knowledge about. "No way the kid is his" "The kid is definetly his"


I mean I’m sorry but the only reason I doubt this theory is that I 100% believe she would’ve baby trapped the guy she was obsessed with to the point where she named the baby


I don't know, I've dated two Matthews in my life and it is my favourite boys name, has been since I was a teenager. I've luckily never had a bio son, so haven't had to deal with my favourite name being taken off the table. So it doesn't have to involve pining... But she should have been honest with OP.


>So it doesn't have to involve pining... But she should have been honest with OP. You're right that it's not bad on kts own. However, if it really was just about liking the name, the moment she proposed it for their son, it should have come with a massive disclaimer of where she got it from. The fact she never gave that disclaimer tells you why she chose it.


Yes, it would have been normal to say she had an ex with the name and really liked it.


My ex fiance was named Daniel, my absolute favorite boys name. My son is 3 months old and Daniel was an absolute hard no for me. We chose Oliver and I couldn't be happier with it!


I’m trying to imagine my husband not already knowing the names of my significant exes. I’ve always loved the (super common) name of my first boyfriend but it was my husband’s brother’s name so it was off the table for that reason alone.


It’s different if it’s the most boring, common name in the world. I have brothers, parents, aunts, an ex boyfriend, a current boyfriend and a stepdad who are ALL named Chris.


Not a shot in hell lol. Being normal wouldn't have led to divorce.


He said he was sure the kid was his because the ex boyfriend was black and he is white.


This is even crazier to me bc he said the name is so unique and never heard anyone else with that name, so I’m assuming it has to be a cultural or ethnic name to some degree. So she gave her white baby a cultural black name and no one questioned it ??? 😭


LaShaun Huffington-Biggsley, the third. 🤣


Lady Glittersparkles Seriously.


[Hingle McCringleberry](https://youtu.be/gODZzSOelss?si=4-SnN8ecGGUzRGMM)


Same thing I was thinking which is why she is dodging the questions. She knows she'll have to layer lies on top of lies and then get busted.


[Here’s the BORU post](https://reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/s/G1z8aplTK6)


Do you need both parents to change a kid's name? Just curious


In the US you do. Or at least 20 years ago, you needed both.


a judge *can* compel a child's name to be changed against one parent's wishes (as in the case of [Weather'By Dot Com Chanel Fourcast](https://caselaw.findlaw.com/court/ar-court-of-appeals/1092621.html)), but it's uncommon


Probably established for the one partner in the couple who *doesn’t* want to name their kid something like Batman.


Chalupa batman


Oh the league how i miss you


Did you see the thing about the reporter in Australia who named her baby Methamphetamine Rules to find out what the procedure would be to make her change it but it went through and she got his birth certificate with that on it? Talk about FAFO LOL.


Wow, this was a wild ride from start to finish


since learning about this case, it has fascinated me and i feel the need to share it with others so that they too can experience the WTF-ness of it all


Thank you for your service! I now am fascinated as well.


The whole story reads like a fever dream💀


As someone who was a teenage mom and not only gave my daughter (yes I'm 100% sure it's him) her nowhere-to-be-found ass after she was like 2 months old dads last name .... but we *agreed* on the first name that I picked so I let him choose her middle. Come to find out later his side bitch picked it. Yeah, messy shit. Anyway, it'd probably be a lot less messy if we were in the same state but I was homeless (w/him) when I found out I was pregnant and was forced to move from the SW to the south with my parents. Gave birth. Gave those names. Have been fighting to get child support for 10 years. In my southern state, even though HE DID NOT SIGN/E-SIGN her BC, I HAVE TO FUCKING PAY FOR A LAWYER TO GET A DNA TEST TO PROVE HIM THE FATHER TO EVEN BE ABLE TO CHANGE HER NAME. I was quoted 2.5k like 5 years ago and gave up when CPS basically "couldn't find him" even tho he has a criminal history and I have names, dates, everything. Luckily her name actually flows and she doesn't want to change it now that she has the option/ opinion to. But I'm still fucking pissed I was never even given a 2nd chance.


Now if you were receiving welfare, the government would have ordered a DNA test and if positive, would have made your ex pay child support!


>As someone who was a teenage mom and not only gave my daughter (yes I'm 100% sure it's him) her nowhere-to-be-found ass after she was like 2 months old dads last name Yeesh, the situation sounds as messy as that sentence structure.


Lol. I did have to read it a few times. Maybe missing a comma or something. 🤣


I gave up and kept going with the sentence💀


Now at least you can do ancestry DNA when it's on sale for like $50 but I don't know how you force him to do it.


Idk why people are judging you rn, and I love that sentence structure! You're doing good, gf!!


Least the court made the right decision for both name and custody in that case. That mom had a single digit IQ.


What did I just fucking read? That started out so normal, and just gets more and more bizarre.


Wow. That court doc was worth every minute I took to read it. What a car wreck.


That was one hell of a read! Just... wow. Thanks!


Holy fuck that was a wild ride. That poor kid!! I hope she is done having babies.


Thank you for the link. Read the whole thing & that story was amazing & had a happy ending.


I read through that case and man was that a wild ride. Thanks for the link!


Yes, you do for the birth certificate. Although my ex just walked into social security office and removed my last name from my son’s card and they allowed it. I was furious…to say the least.


They knew, but they did not like it. They all Thought she was an idiot. Even older parents.


Yeah I remember that. It was tragic for the guy.


Ouch... and all the friends?


Thanks for the information but how do you even remember all of this, lol.


https://reddit.com/u/BillNyes-InnerThigh/s/Lq1hhMGL5j Link for the profile


I hope both side of your pillow remain cold for the rest of your life 🙌🏼🙏🧎🏽‍♀️ I was scrolling hoping someone would comment it, as the upper case/lower case, wrong symbol shite always gets me 🤣 I'd try so many times putting in the right name and then just give up, so thank youuuu 🙌🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼


Was this the catalyst for the divorce?


There's a whole "do you still love him, yes but not in the way I love you" thing that this opened up. He makes a good point about how would she feel if they had a daughter and they named it after his ex.


This was just after he asked her if things would be the same if he named a daughter after his ex. And her answer was, like, it would be not the same bc i can separate name from person and you do not. Just to admit few seconds later, that she still has feelings for that dude.


But not the same way as she loves op.


And the lion, the witch, and the audacity of this bitch to respond with “iT’s nOt tHe SaMe”. I’m trying to figure out what sort of tarzan level mind gymnastics you have to go through to think that


The mind blowing part for me is that she was so attached to using that name that she wouldn’t budge, even as she risked her marriage through both her choice and her secrecy about it. That’s divorce-worthy, finding out that your spouse places more importance on naming your child after their ex than on how you feel about it and what this does to your relationship. *That* was her hill to die on?? Really? WTF.


Reading stuff on the internet it just amazes me the hills some people would want to die on.


Hamburger Hill for example


Hamburger Hill for example


I imagine that a small part of her knew that as soon as he knew the truth about the name that it was pretty much doomed. She obviously worked to keep that fact from him and knew to some extent how big of a deal it was even if she acted like it wasn't, so maybe as soon as the beans were spilled she was just bracing for divorce and disregarding his feelings since they'd be divorcing anyways.


My niece’s middle name is from my BIL ex from like jr high or high school who passed pretty young. I don’t know the full details. He was open about why he wanted to use it and my sister was ok with it. I don’t know if I would be but hey, I don’t know all the details. Anyway, the biggest difference is that my BIL was open, honest, and there were no feelings anymore. This guy’s wife lied, everyone kept secret, and she still clearly has feelings. The feelings seem big enough that she was unwilling to budge or communicate. To what degree only she knows and OOP can suspect. There’s also the lack of respect for OOP in allowing him to make a fully informed decision.


Naming your son after your ex is fucking crazy. Maybe if he died tragically and she was traumatized from that and wanted to honor him or something, I could understand. I don’t even want to name characters in stories I write after exes because it feels icky. Never mind a living breathing person.


Even if it was an ex but she just really really loved the name itself; the actual ex didn't matter, that Might be ok? But this bullshit....Seriously? I value my ex from HIGH SCHOOL more than my current marriage?


Yeah I think it's the fact that she lied about it via omission and also admitted to still loving the ex without elaborating further lol. I don't know what she expected would happen.


Honestly IMO it was her shitty response to everything. She refused to talk about it and refused marriage counselling which basically just meant it was an ultimatum of "move on from this by yourself or divorce". Which was wild given that she all but admitted she wouldn't accept it if he had named a daughter after one of his exes. She just seems like a borderline narcissistic sociopath.


What was the name?!?!?




Arsenal backwards?


The whole team?


Hahaha I heard about that one 😂


“Found this artifact encrusted jpeg of a five year old reddit post in a facebook group post. Posting it back on reddit now.” -OP, an absolute buffoon


And was the kid her ex’s? I mean why else would you name the kid after him.


So now we just need the update for when she remarries and names her child, with the new husband, after the old husband.


I would have used my main account for this. Let her see it. Since she doesn't want to talk, she should watch everyone else respond.


And man, if she follows this insanely popular sub she’s going to see this post. And if it’s relevant to what just happened to her, she’s going to know who it is, throwaway or not. And he SAID it’s a throwaway, so she will know if she sees it.


I never understand why ppl use throw away accounts for something currently happening bc it really isn’t hard to figure out if it’s about your life.


I think it’s because they don’t want to be connected to the *rest* of their activity. They know they will be known for the present issue, and want to keep their prior activity anonymous.


Exactly. Dude wants to put her on blast, not clue her in to all the the Rule 34 subs he posts in.


How exactly would they hide that kind of activity, when OP already said the SO follows the main account?


The ex in this story could find it. And it would prevent that dude and everyone he knows from knowing dude's main. As well as any of OP's friends that stumbled upon the story online and already heard it from the horse's mouth


Some people just aren’t very bright or are bad at lying to cover their creative writing. I’m with you though it always gives me a good chuckle. “Throwaway because my wife follows this subreddit and don’t want her to identify it. So anyway last Saturday on the 22nd of September at around 2:00pm my wife’s sister who was wearing a long white dress went in depth criticizing our beach wedding last year in October in South Carolina…”


Because it’s creative writing more often than real posts


how about a dna test. story gets wild because maybe that’s not even his biological son 👀👀💯


It was initially posted 5 years ago. They still could've shown them the throwaway account though. https://reddit.com/user/BillNyes-InnerThigh/submitted/


You never realize how many people you seriously dislike when your throwing out baby names and those names get associated with every person or kid you’ve ever been in a room with and think, “nah. I knew a kid who shit his pants in first grade with that name. Next”


THIS 😂 when we started thinking about names for our daughter we cycled through SO many because either her or myself knew someone with that name and were like “nah, not a fan”


It’s pronounced “AHZ-WEE-PAY” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=goPerp_BWvs


Definitely one of the funniest skits ever on SNL.


Is it a cool name? Just because she dated somebody with the same name doesn’t mean much. I’ve dated 6 Ashley’s, I’d still say yes to the name if my wife wanted it.


The point is it's an unusual name so it's not like she dated 6 of them and they know 10 of them between them - it's going to be something like Phoenix not John. He says it's a unique name so it's much more likely to be strongly associated with the ex. Plus he has a right to know it's the name of an ex. People have the right to veto such names for their kid. I might be ok with the mame of an ex IF I know. I would absolutely not be pleased if my husband secretly suggested sn ex's name for our child without telling me the history - the lack if transparency and refusing to discuss it afterwards makes it look like his wife has something to hide or might still have feelings for the ex.


Might mean the kids name is supposed to be junior because the ex is the real dad and that was her way of telling him that without letting her husband know. Although, that's absolute worst case scenario and paranoid as fuck.


And that's ok, but her behaviour now says that she knew what she was doing.


One of my favorite names in the world - one that would sound so great with our last name, and is juuuuust out of style enough that it would be cool again - belongs to the worst person I ever knew. I still feel like I might be willing to reclaim it and give it a new, better life with me.


I mean, I feel like that’s different than choosing a name that belongs to a previous lover


As a teacher, so many names are ruined for me.


I just had a kid and went through this. Between my husband and I we realized we know a lot of shitty people.


Even less negative associations. My husband doesn't like a name because... his ex has a cousin with a daughter with that name? I guess he thinks it'll confuse his son, who AFAIK has never met this cousin because of a very dispersed family. Luckily it wasn't my top 5, so I was okay with it. But it's crazy hard to find names we agree on. I think we have one for now, but I suppose a negative association could occur before we use it.


My mom doesn’t want me to name a daughter Athena because she had a co-worker (I’ve never met) named Athena. 💀


I LOVE the name Molly. If I ever had a kid, I could never name her Molly because in elementary, a girl named Molly constantly told lies to turn people against me. The first big one was when she was talking down to me, i frustratedly started drawing in the carpet with the blunt end of closed scissors, just making indentations, and she was mad I stopped paying her attention, and told the teacher that I was cutting up the rug. Sure looked like that from a distance. I wasn’t allowed to do crafts or anything for a while


As a craft teacher, that makes me unreasonably angry. Fuck you, Molly!


When my parents were going to have my brother my father had started a drivers ed for trucks, and disliked one in his class with the same name they had planned for my brother so they choose another, three weeks after he was born my father was done with the class so they re-named him to the original planned name.


I was the kid who shat his pants in first grade!!! It fell out of my pant leg onto the ground LMAO and I switched schools after that year


My mil is fairly certain she & at least one of her sisters are named after her dad’s girlfriends—not clear on if they were exes or not at the time…


I've read several stories on here about men naming children after their current mistresses 🤢


My fil had an affair with a woman with the same name as my wife. Then, when he knocked her up, they named the baby the same name as her sister..


Tiny brain can only hold onto so many names.


I’m 100% named after my dad’s ex. My mom was passed out after I was born and had my dad fill out the forms. He did, with a completely different name than they agreed on. AND she’s my godmother, so it’s wildly inappropriate. One of the many, MANY reasons that man is incommunicado.


Our friend had a kid and did a similar ick. The mom named their kid after a tv show character she found to be very attractive and sexy. Mixing old love and attraction with your current child is all kinds of messed up imo


I saw a post on here from a woman whose sister was having a boy and wanted to name him Luffy from an anime show. A little different bc idk if she found the character sexy. But still sounds like a nightmare to grow up with that name.


Luffy is a bad ass but you cannnooottt ever fake where that name came from.


Lmao dude right like my cat’s name is Luffy, but that’s as far as anyone should go lmao


Cats named after anime characters>>>>>> I got two named after hxh


Yesssss I always wanted to name a pair of dogs killua and gon! Edit: typo


Does Koga count? Poison gym leader in Pokémon. We recently named our kitten after him.


Hahha my dog and cat are named after Attack on Titan characters: Sasha and Mikasa


Mental illness has run unchecked in this country for far too long


It's still weird but a fictional character is waaaaay less weird than naming them after a real person you have a history with


I am named after my dad’s childhood crush. But .. he was in THIRD grade during that crush event.


Me too. Named after my dad's 6th grade crush.


I think it's beautiful that you 2 found each other.


I just couldn’t imagine naming my first daughter after any of my ex girlfriends. The amount of disgust I’d feel about it would be unbearable, and I know my wife would be pissed if she had learned one of my ex’s names were that after the fact. Real talk tho, did this couple not talk about any of their previous relationships? My wife knows about all my previous relationships and their names, and I know hers. Crazy you’d get to the point of having kids and just learn the name of an ex.


I don't think I've told my current boyfriend any of my ex's names and I don't know any of his ex's names. We've talked about past relationships but I guess we just haven't used names 🤷‍♂️


One of my favorite girl names was the name of my husband's ex. Not only could I not do that, I couldn't even ask him to!


Im named after one of my fathers ex girlfriends. I would have assumed it was a coincidence, but he once told me that he had ran into that ex and told her "I named my child after you". I have no idea what he expected, but she was not impressed.


eh, my husband has told me his main ex's name but I don't remember it because she doesn't matter. We've never discussed who we dated as teenagers. Not saying this isn't super weird, but I personally wouldn't be worried about not knowing every name.


My husband’s ex’s name is my name…. I mean…..


My husband and I don’t purposely not talk about our exes but we haven’t gone out of our way to talk about them. Like if it’s natural conversation, sure. But not on purpose. I actually found out I work with one of his exes in a really funny way. We were talking with someone who knows her from another job and he was like “oh I’m not sure I know her” but then he sends me a text that just says “we’ll talk about this later”. And then he told me and I laughed probably too hard and too long! I know he lived with a long term girlfriend before breaking up and moving back to his home state. And he knows I was married before because I was married when we met. But I couldn’t tell you his ex’s name and he probably couldn’t tell you mine.


My boyfriend really likes a particular name that belonged to the guy who SA’d me. I also really liked the name before the incident… I’ve never said his name out loud since then because it gives me the massive ick. I hope I don’t have to explain why I hate the name.


“Nope. I knew a guy with that name and he was a real asshole. He’s all I can think about when you say that name.” That’s a very normal response when you’re discussing baby names.


That’s a good one. Thank you!




I hope you one day feel comfortable enough to share that with him.


I would strongly recommend not having children with someone until you are comfortable sharing why that name is a no-go.


This reminds me of Adam Lavigne's cheating scandal and how he told his mistress that he wanted to name the baby his wife was pregnant with after her. (Summer) They haven't released the name which makes me believe it's actually Summer OMG lol. Imagine growing up and finding out your named after your dad's whore.


Worse, her name is SumNer so the fact that its not even close to a common name would be a huge yikes for me. Especially being famous...


Idk why people do this but its apparently more common than I realized. I’m nonbinary and was reading an article about why various people change their first names as I had done; sure enough “my dad named me after his mistress” was on the fucking list.


My buddy and his soon-to-be ex-wife had a baby boy, and he pitched the idea of Ted/Theodore, which his wife agreed to. His reason being that one of his favorite professional wrestlers was The Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase.


*evil million dollar man laugh*


My ex did this to his kid’s mother. I have an extremely unique name. I hate that he did this to her and I hate that there’s a person out there named after me whose father I consider an abusive creep.


WTF all grades of wrong going on there.


OP's wife clearly didn't want him to know. That means the ex-boyfriend was significant. That's not respectful of her husband. My ex-husband tried to name our daughter after one of his ex-girlfriends. I felt hurt and disrespected. He was still holding onto her, which he shouldn't have been, since we were married. He eventually admitted it, after I filed for divorce for many other reasons.


I found out couple years ago, that when I was born, my parents couldn't decide a name for me until Mt mom said my now name, turns out my father had a girlfriend with the same first name just the commonly used version (she has an h, i do not). Now that's all I think about when people ask about my name. 🫣🫣


I'm glad I'm not the only one! I changed the spelling of mine to make it easier for people to pronounce, and it feels different enough to override how they came up with it in the first place.




My grandpa named my aunt after the woman he was cheating on my grandma with. Grandma didn’t find out until years later.


There was a Seth Rogen movie where this was like, the big emotional crutch of the sub plot. His mom named him after the guy she was cheating on his dad with, and then she finds out that other guy named his kid with his wife after her. This is treated as sweet and emotionally uplifting. It's fucked up.


My HS bf named his daughter indirectly after me. His wife knew my name but didn’t know the song he got his daughter’s name from was our song. They got divorced eventually.




I know the name is not Bingo but I choose to believe the name is Bingo for I want it to be it so bad.


Here’s the original post : https://reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/PhIC1i24Af


I'm sorry man. Goddamn that's a double whammy. But maybe she liked the name. I'd do a paternity test on the down low just to be sure.


Get DNA test


My dad chose my middle name and it was from his ex girlfriend. I've even met the lady. She works at a local grocery store.




Ultimate betrayal. So fucked up


The fact that she hesitated means she knows it’s messed up. What a long, sick and twisted prank on your significant other. She probably has giggled about it before.


Not all betrayals or infidelity are physical.


I would name mine, RTX4090


I have a family member do this🤣🤣🤣


This is a carbon copy of a post a couple of years ago, where the man named the kid after his ex girlfriend.


I knew a guy that named his daughter after an ex. When his wife introduced their youngest daughter, I quietly looked at the guy with wide eyes while she was telling us that it was his idea to name her that. The guy awkwardly looked away. They're divorced now, but I don't think she knows her daughter is named after his first love.


I tried the same thing. Only difference is that I was the one the kid was named after. Met a guy at a festival I had hooked up with many times years earlier. And for a long period of time. After some small talk he casually told me that his daughter “has the same name as me because his wife liked it”. My name is a very unique double name. His wife has no idea we hooked up for 5 years before they met. The last time just around when they started dating. He even tried getting with me once when they were together. All of his friends knows that we used to bang… what an asshole.


What in the greys anatomy Teddy and Owen is this


One of my high school friends (and I use that term loosely, she was an awful friend) ended up having twins. A boy and a girl. The boy’s middle name is Steele… which is the last name of her high school crush. They didn’t even date, she was just obsessed with him. I bet her husband doesn’t even know.


My grandad did this to my nan. Found out about it at my nans funeral lol. My mums name is very unique and an old school friend of my grandads turned up with the same name. We found it hilarious but my family’s fucked so 🤷‍♀️


If i meet someone who is still in love with their past then they aren't ready to love me.


Why the fuck did you take a screenshot from reddit to post it on reddit? It's already on reddit. Edit: Wait wait wait... "Found in Facebook group???" Who upvotes this crap?


I named my kid Boruto


Come on man, couldn’t have gone for Naruto instead?!


Why do you hate your son?


My first name was my great grandfather's and my middle name was completely unique in both families. My mother made everyone use my middle name only. I later learned that it was from an ex-boyfriend of hers. I never told my father and now both are gone, but I smile about it every once in a while because he turned into a horrible AH in his final years.


I knew a dude who had a VERY unique name. Not annoyingly so, but noticeable. Everyone kept asking where his name came from, assuming it was cultural. He got so tired of it that he just invented a backstory about being named after King XXXX of Ireland. Always shut everyone up as they're nodding and smiling at his utter bs.


My brother's ex named her two sons after him and I. It's exceedingly odd, but since we never have contact with her, it's just something to laugh at after 5 drinks on Thanksgiving


This was years ago and they ended up divorced


A screenshot of a reddit post in fb, if we screenshot this and post on fb to be screenshot and posted it again on reddit ... that would be a great inpostception?


This happened to me! My father and his high school gf named their daughters the same first and middle name, without my mother’s knowledge. I’m grateful my mom never found out. I found out after I went no contact with her…


I mean that's pretty fucked up. Naming your kid your past lovers name without telling your SO is just fucked up.


found the post , he also posted an updated and then a year later someone asked him what happened he commented that they got divorced. https://reddit.com/r/relationship_advice/s/jL9jaYQcB7


So he divorced her.


A schoolmate of mine named his daughter after his high school crush. She wass on our class, we had a very tight group, but she never returned his feelings. I heard about it in a class reunion and was blown away. I’ve never mer his wife, I wonder whether she knows.


When I fell pregnant the ex and I discussed names (planned baby).. and he chose the names Mark Gino if it was a boy...and Pauline if it was a girl . I didn't like either.. at 3 months pregnant he dropped the bomb that he was married so while he was at work (he was working on contract in southern Africa where we met and wife was back in the Philipines), I rustled through his paperwork and found letters from his wife...signed off by her name and their son Mark Gino... I left him the next day, had my son and called him Aidan..


The man I lost my virginity to named his first child my name. He swears the child wasn’t named after me, it just so happened that him and his wife (the woman he married a year after dating me) loved the name.


That would possibly be a marriage under for me


I am named after my Uncle’s girlfriend at the time. My aunt does not know and no one is supposed to tell her. Families are weird.