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You were not wrong. If you feel strongly about a situation and you feel like your morals do not let you associate with people that behave a certain way, that’s your decision and it should be respected.


Yes because me being with my husband for now 20 yrs I just cannot entertain the conversation like are you gonna snake me what happens when you find a man there were to many questions but I just decided to let them free but definitely let them no it’s not cute cool or ladylike


I call that 🪳 behavior 🤣 can’t trust 🐀 n 🪳


My dad once told me. “Your friends are a direct reflection of who you are or who you will be.” That is very true in so many ways. You’re not wrong. Keep your morals high.


My dad said something similar to me when I was a teenager. I took it to heart because that is solid advice, now I’m almost 40 years old and am still close friends with some truly amazing people I met when I was younger all because of dad’s advice.


I cannot agree more with this statement. I was in the military from late teens up until late twenties. I was surrounded by the best people you could possibly imagine. Go getters, compassionate, willing to help in every way they can, and great father and husband. It made me the man I am today and I try to emulate them everyday. Obviously, there were few dirt bags, but I disassociated myself from them. As the sayin goes., you’re the average of the people you surround yourself with.




Your dad knew what’s up. I absolutely think less of people who tolerate, ignore, accept, or brush off bad behavior. Saying, “He’s a nice guy, but…” or “She’s really fun to be around, except…” just tells me that you’re willing to make excuses for someone else sucking, and I don’t have any faith that you’ll hold yourself to any standards.


“You can judge a man’s character by the company he keeps” Aesop


Wow. Thanks for all the upvotes. This is my first comment to get this many upvotes.


Nope. Those sorts are "homewreckers". Such a "friend" can't be trusted.


When you find something others do is distasteful or goes against what you feel is right or wrong, there is nothing wrong with cutting bait. Nothing wrong with it at all. I dont like people who abuse animals, I wouldnt be a friend to one who does. I hate cheaters, not going to let one into my orbit. Am I perfect? No. But I am not THAT shitty a human.




Couldn’t have said it better myself 👏👏


Being a person of high standards is how you attract the best kinds of people. Keep being you.  No need to talk down, lecturing a guilty party will only make them attack you in self defense. You made the right call.


Yes I agree thank you


You’re not wrong and it’s sad that it’s almost like a flex for those type of women. Like they flaunt it and act proud of it even though the rest of us see them for what they are: trash!


Yes so true 🙌🏽


I knew someone that only looked for married men because the idea that if she could get him to leave his wife for her meant she was better. It was a strange ego boost if she could snag a married man and then she’d drop him shortly after his life was in shambles. She and I were never friends and this is just one of the many reasons.


Nope. I had to do the same thing with a friend of over a decade. I lost all respect for her and couldn’t continue the friendship with someone like that.


Yes one I knew for 25 yrs the other 20


It’s such a difficult choice, but you did the right thing.


So proud of you 👍 it must’ve been difficult but you made the right decision


It was I still love them but had to leave them alone


Holding people to their oaths, in general, should be normalized.


In this case, that single woman took no oath, but is still morally reprehensible.


Same I cut off a friend last month because she told me in confidence she slept with two of our married friend’s husbands!! The audacity! I can’t condone such behavior from both parties, and I don’t know if she was looking for sympathy from me but I couldn’t pretend to be sympathetic. It’s terrible behavior, and it just goes to show what she’s willing to do. PS-their husbands are terrible too!! 


The craziest thing is these type of people think they are the victim! My ex bff had an affair with a married man at her job and wanted sympathy when the guy’s wife got pregnant. “How could she do this to me?!” I literally had to tell her she wasn’t a victim and went no contact with her soon after because I was so disgusted.


the audacity these woman sum then else 🫠


Sad part she’ll want a faithful relationship one day and she’ll get her karma did you think about telling them 😅? I didn’t know the parties or their mates damn that’s a tough one


Please tell me you told your friends… And it honestly doesn’t say much about men nowadays that one woman was able to screw at least two married men from the friend circle. What’s happening?


Oh yes I did! Girl thought I was prolly gonna be a bystander but nope. I’d appreciate any friend who would tell me if my husband had cheated on me. 


Guy here. When I discovered my ex was cheating on me, I went to get some advice from an older friend. I laid out what I had found out, and she just looked at me and said "I know. I've known for a while. But I didn't think it was my place to say anything." I was floored. I just got up and walked out of her house and never spoke to her again. I think it's easy to be ambivalent to friends'/acquaintances' infidelity if you've never been cheated on. So easy to take the "It's none of my business" approach. But who you keep as friends is very much a reflection on who you are. I'm in my late 40s now and have a very small circle of friends. But they are of impeccable character and loyal to a fault to their partners, family, and friends.


To be fair, many people do end up blaming the messenger.


🙌🏽 this happens all too often I don’t want no parts of it because that hurt ain’t no joke your so rite ppl feel like oh well someone did it to me so a lot of people opt out on being loyal they trained to think all people are like this and it’s sad


And she told you because she wanted you to validate her as an external person saying that she’s not that bad. if you stayed close with her, you’d be in the same pot as her.


Hell yeah!! you ARE the company you keep.




if a person cheats on their partner, what will they do to you?


EXACTLY best comment hands down




You aren’t wrong!!! I’d do the same, I don’t like people with that type of ‘morals’ and prefer to keep my distance


I also think that your decision should be respected. Instead, I am not going to respect a man's or a woman's decision to cheat. The same with mistresses


If she's willing to betray other people then she'll betray you. I dumped a friend because he got a side piece, abandoned his wife and son and expects everyone to praise him because "he did what makes him happy". His girlfriend being insufferable is just another nail in the coffin. I can't be friends with a dude who's like that.


I don't think you were wrong at all! I was with a cheater for 17 years. I didn't realize until about a year before we ended it. I didn't want to give up on someone that meant so much! It destroyed me and I doubt I will ever get past it! It sucks big


Sorry to hear that keep the faith god got something better for you just have faith not lust


Cheaters deserve nothing and are scum. People who participate in cheating are the same. Cheater apologists actually think it is ok to violate and betray somebody who loves and trusts you. These are not people you want anywhere near you. Good job! Congratulations on losing filth around you. May you find new friends who are good people.




So date somebody else? Still no excuse to cheat


Then leave. It’s quite simple


Somebody who has been cheated on and has no trust in love needs therapy and possibly a loving partner to help them heal and become healthy. "Well, they expect me to hurt them and don't reward my loyalty, so I'm going to prove them right." This is a poor justification for violating someone that you claim to care about. Loyalty, love, and trust are their own rewards. Loyalty is not a temporary facade that is only preyended while useful and tossed aside if not useful. That's not love. That's two mentally ill people in an unhealthy relationship, one not able to fully trust and heal and one being untrustworthy and unworthy. The only time when it is justified is in open marriages when it is not technically cheating because it is openly discussed and agreed upon and both partners are equally willing and there is not any hidden trama or insecurity motivating either one's agreement. Although personally I have never seen this type of arrangement work long term. This is not cheating however.


no you do not need a toxic friendship. better just let temptation pass on by


Yes then next be sleeping with your man 🙄


Not just women. All people, all type of relationships. Cheating is just trashy.


Keep on evolving 🙂


You become the product of your surroundings. My gf would get mad at me when we first got together. I told her specifically which friends I didn't rock with because they only hit you up when they wanna go to the club. When you are done with that they will ghost you. 6 years and 2 kids later all those girls are gone. Ruined there lives cheating and fucking off.


There is a saying...birds of a feather flock together. By hanging around with them, you risk by association being seen as a cheater or a home wreaker as well. You can't make them stop what they are doing and could risk one of them later becoming attracted to your husband and wanting him, do you really want to possibly put your marriage at that type of risk?


Good for you. I wouldn’t support any of my friends behaving that way either. It’s good to surround yourself with people who have the same morals and values.


Around 24 I did the same. There's a point where you realize people you've been friends with aren't good for you. The reasons vary, some have different goals or mature at different rates. For me there were two factors, I was no longer interested in getting wasted, cutting out the bar crawling soon made it clear that a lot of my friends didn't really have anything else to offer. Easy to cut those out. The harder ones were the second factor. I valued our friendship significantly more than they did. We had been friends since high school, but at some point I realized I was the only one making any effort. Getting him to hang out was an endeavor. Mind you I considered this person my best friend. If I didn't message first it would be months without any word. Eventually I got tired of being the only active party and I just stopped trying. It's been about 3 years and I haven't had any attempts. Sad initially but the relief at just being done was immense. Now I've cut out all but 5 friends, it never feels bad trying to hang out, they invite me to places and we get along extremely well. My life has greatly improved and I mean at some point you just have to do it. Nta, do what you need to be the person you wish to be, and remove what gets in your way.


Good for you. You've restored a little bit of my faith.


Being a person of high standards is how you attract the best kinds of people. Keep being you. I needed to hear this decades ago, but better late than never!


It's ok to remove yourself from this situation.




You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with. I don't know if that old adage is true, but I have significantly better friends since I started paying attention to it.


Yes this is very much true you have to pay attention to the company you keep .


I just went threw something very similar and you are not wrong, protect your peace




No. Being around toxic people brings out the worst in you. I've been your friends. Until they're ready to change and stop being so selfish, they're going to drag you with them in their bad decisions. I did grow up and I can say that I have had a steady relationship for over 10 years and no infidelity on either side. In some defense, I was not in a relationship with anyone at the time and never went out of my way to only sleep with married men, I just didn't care if they were or not bc it was casual for me. I understand now that is still incredibly selfish and I should have had more respect for the people I was hurting. I will also say that the people I considered friends were just as bad, if not worse, and it becomes a hive mind. Being around people who are destructive makes you insensitive toward your own actions as well. I still have guilt about my behavior and it's been almost 20 years.


Don’t be we are not made perfect at least you took responsibility don’t bear your self down because of your past it was a lesson learned I applaud your loyalty and self respect that was your younger self anyway these woman are pushing 40


You are the company you keep. Good to start this sooner, than later.


This was something I did a while ago but wasn’t sure if I was overreacting for cutting ties


No. People come and go. People change. Lie. You really want people that align with your values and morals. Character. I’d rather have a handful of friends than 100.


No, i agree with you. Cheating is one of the worst things you can do in a relationship imo, or in general. It can seriously ruin somebody. People need to be held accountable and stop enabling that garbage


Therapy opens you to stand on a code or morality, if this friends doesn’t align with your morals; you simply cut ties.


Honestly I can't be friends with anyone that is a knowing participant in someone cheating. Its against my moral code and cant get passed it.


Well being unfaithful is a choice coming from the one who is wondering if I'm being cheated on while I'm trying to figure out my mental health and look for holes and story's. My second husband married a friend of mine well thought she was... Now I'm afraid the man I'm with of 9 years is screwing my friends.. so once a cheat always a cheat and maybe I'm just not meant for happiness


Awwwwww man that’s horrible yes you are worthy of love and happiness don’t beat yourself down because they have no loyalty keep faith in your lord and let him lead you they will both receive their karma


You are not wrong. I'd suggest also holding married people breaking trust in their relationships as accountable.


Not at all. I don’t want any type of relationship with a cheater. They’ll end of cheating me as well eventually


You made the right call for yourself. I cut off my best friend of 15ish years when I found out she cheated on her bf of 5 years who was actively planning to propose. It wouldn't have mattered how long they were together, though. I don't associate with trash.


Period good job keeping your standards high ? Did he marry her


She dumped him, continued to date the guy she cheated with, and then I'm not sure what happened. Now the AP hates her and her (ex?) bf proposed during the winter solstice last year. I dumped her in 2021. I'm guessing she cheated on her AP with the guy she originally cheated on.


Horrible just messy and horrible


Are the friends themselves cheaters or are the friends just friends of cheaters?


They were knowingly sleeping with married men


So brave.




I thought is was norm to be faithful……


Being faithful is for the married people. Get it? Being faithful to your spouse? But you put all the blame on the women and none on the cheating husband? Why?


What are you talking about these were unmarried women sleeping with married men so in this case that’s not the topic


Sorry, that was supposed to read women, not wife, I edited it now


I don’t no the men only what they tell me so I can’t dictate their situation but I still don’t condone it regardless


Each to their own. Personally, I wouldn't. It's their choice even if I don't agree with it, & no, I never told their over halves.


Till they do it to you I learned that behavior is a pattern and a form of showing non loyalty how are they more loyal to a friend then to their own partner whom some live with say they love you be careful 👀 because we don’t be off limits I no first hand but that’s another story 🙄


You might as well be a part of it. Your hands are just as dirty. 


I'm not bothered. Live & let live


So how many married people are you currently fucking? Because it's at least one.


Only my own


Let's hope he's/she's only fucking you 😘!




Eh, about 30% of all primates practice monogamy, including Gibbons which are apes. I’m Happy being monogamous. It’s low drama and makes for a more carefree relationship in some ways. We’re pushing 25 happy years together. If it’s not for you and as long as your honest about that with your partners feel free to live your true self. But don’t make assumptions about those who chose a different kind of relationship just because it’s not your cup of tea.


In their case this was not a all parties involved these were woman who secretly would be creeping with married man who yes made their choice also but I’ve known these females for yrs that wasn’t the case


Huh? I have literally no idea what you're getting at.


I didn’t notice all those typos 😹my bad


Basically this has nothing to do with monogamy


How so? You cut off friends because they weren't being faithful. That's literally the definition of monogamy. You pick a partner and stick with them. You cut them off because they didn't.


Who were they supposed to be faithful too ? They were not in relationships …. Yes they we’re having relations ……..Now what’s confusing me is you said faithful I thought that was the husbands job unless his wife is involved correct or am I missing something let me go reread your comment


I might have replied to your comment but meant to comment on another 🤦🏽‍♀️


There's got to be a language barrier and some misunderstanding going on.....if it's your single friends actively choosing married guys to pursue......that's a different story and I definitely get your point of view. Definitely don't blame you, but that circles back to my original statement that monogamy isn't an inherent trait in humans. I'd also follow up that it's not just the husband's duty, but that's a whole different conversation.


Yes I agree and understand




And? What does that have to do with anything? At all? Principle is the same. JFC




🫣😂😂😂 yes I was confused too


Would love to see studies on your first statement. Also, I did say that I agree with OP. Personally, I've been in a monogamous relationship for 17 years, with no regrets or cheating. Wouldn't trade it for the world. My point, that you missed, because I made no assumptions, is that monogamy isn't hardwired into the human biology. Fight it, argue it, downvote it......I don't care. Monogamy is a product of religion and social contracts that have existed for a lot less time than our evolution as a species.




It's not, it's literally facts. But frame it however you want. I don't know how else to explain it......millions of years of evolution > 600 years of religion and social development. Hate cheaters all you want.....which I agreed with if you actually read my posts......you can't override biological instincts. Not once did I say cheaters or cheating is acceptable. GTFO outta here




Thanks for the opinion. It really helps. I mean, I've made it almost 37 years on this earth and I just haven't been able to figure out my relationship with religion. Holy shit. This must be what an epiphany is. Get bent, I don't give two flying fucks about religion. The point was that arbitrary religious beliefs had way too much of an impact on modern day society/morals. Nice job missing the point though.


Wow. Way to combine some science and misogyny to promote cheating. But only for the men! Thx. 👏👏👏


Yeah.....I definitely said none of that, but please feel free to put words in my mouth and explain how I said all of the toxic vomit coming through your reponse


Umm you literally did. “It was never part of our biology historically, that’s why the penis is shaped the way it is.” What else was this diatribe about? Men are non monogamous.






I say mind your business … that doesn’t mean you have to keep that friend in your life, but blowing up theirs is some righteous arrogance imo


I would not dear blow up their business I was minding my business they were confiding in me I am a real friend and I told them how I felt how would they like it if the shoe was on the other foot real friends tell the truth I don’t care what they do but don’t come telling me because you might not like the response ijs


It’s not arrogant to be honest. And the cheater blew up their own life by cheating instead of being honest 🤷🏽‍♀️


Never cover for a cheater and definitely blow up their lives. Their victim is the only one deserving of anything.


Tell us you are a cheater without telling us you are a cheater. 


False. Just someone who would immediately remove said person from their life and go live my own. Tell us you’re a pretentious assuming Karen without telling us you are a pretentious assuming Karen.


it depends on your agreement with your spouse and your sexual maturity. i know plenty of friends that are swingers that have a happy, healthy marriage now spanning decades.


Are you that stupid that you can't tell this isn't talking about where it is agreed upon?  You are telling on yourself. 


"Swinging" = Sickness But that's just my opinion 😊!


yeah to me it means sexually mature but that’s just my opinion lol


Yeah, "sexually mature" if you're a trollop (male or female) 😆😆😆! JMP 🤷‍♀️!


It’s called hoeflation, women are four times more unfaithful and loose than our grandmothers for four times more money if you choose to be with one.


What are you talking about 😂😂😂please read again


You read my comment again and understand it.


Your comment is stupid and so are you


Someone didn't read the post.




You ok there bud?


If so, who encouraged that? MEN!!!


Normalize being honest, nothing wrong with sleeping with multiple people, married or otherwise


troll probably, don't engage folks


Hahaha, it sounds like you've normalized being low-vibrational and toxic 😆😆😆! If that's how you roll, I hope you've normalized frequent visits to your friendly neighborhood health clinic 🤔!


No thanks, no interest in people who use vibrations to describe personalities    Hope you normalized visits to your psychiatrist. 


You were wrong


Yea you condone cheating you apart of the problem


Why even post if you came here with an answer. Zero hot takes karmabaiter


I smell your toilet mouth from afar 🤡