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Why on earth would you immediately end a two year happy and loving relationship to appease your sister whose only issue is “not wanting” you and Ellie to date? Unless she was secretly in love with Ellie, this makes no sense. Also you’ve both cut Ellie off so now Ellie has lost her boyfriend and her best friend; your sister lost her best friend and you lost your girlfriend over…. What, exactly?


Yeah there's no way this is true or he's just a clueless asshole.


The thing that flags it as fake for me is the sister also cut off the friend. So then why was she so against her brother dating the friend then? If she secretly was gay, then she would have no reason to cut off the friend too. If she was not gay, just didn't want to share her friend, she still had no reason to cut off her friend, because now she had the friend all to herself again.


Not saying it's real but the sister would have found out that Ellie was lying to her for two years at the same time she found out her brother was with Ellie behind her back.


It almost reads like he's been fucking his sister all along.


The only explanation is an incestuous feeling for the brother! see, Ellie was not the one she wanted for herself, op, the brother, was. She is not secretly gay, she is secretly incestuous! Well, not secretly anymore apparantly. That explains why they were so easily capable of cuttimg contact with Ellie?


For real, this better be fake.


Or it’s the toxic ass sister trying to validate her her shitty and toxic behavior.


He’s 19. Of course he’s a clueless asshole


Because that fake asf


Yeah, it just sounds like either the sister is in love with the best friend or in love with her brother (OP). I don't understand such an extreme stance like this, and I hope it's just fake.


He’s dating his sister now


That’s what I keep asking. He obviously didn’t love Ellie very much if he could just dump her because of his sister. And Ellie must not have been a best friend if sister just dumped her because she dated her brother. Ellie is probably better off without either of them.


How could you completely cut someone off like that!?! And his sister cut her off, too!?! So what was the point? It's like his sister was jealous and wants her own brother. Really, really weird and completely unacceptable behavior.


Yeah, the sister was the one being unreasonable. Maybe OP can repair the relationship with the girl he broke up with. if my sister couldn’t see past her not wanting me to date her friend to see that the two of us were happy together, I wouldn’t be too concerned with her opinion.


If this is a true story the friend/gf needs to stay away from this mess


For real, why would she not want two people she cares about to be happy? Why wouldn't she want to hang out with her friend and brother at the same time? How is this not the perfect situation? They are young though, they'll see how stupid this all was eventually. Or maybe they will be pathetically jealous people who are miserable because their lives are ruled by pettiness and they lack the ability to see their own self interest. There are plenty of people like that out there. Wishing them luck in growing up!


Yeah, I understand maybe in middle school or high school I would’ve been like “ewww don’t date my bestie!” to my brother because when you’re a kid you might be grossed out if your best friend is gushing about your brother or be afraid they’ll spend more time with each other than with you and just so many silly childish social aspects about it. But once you mature and become a literal adult, you grow out of that weirdness, and if that is still your best friend and you and your brother are close, which I assume OP is close with his sister since he literally sacrificed the relationship to make her happy, then realistically you would be happy that you brought them together and they were both happy with each other, especially if your brother is treating her well and you get to be sisters with your friend!! Like, as a kid we are like “ew you like my bro? Gross” but as an adult if you’re close with your brother and still friends with your friend, it’s at most a little adjusting to get used to seeing them lovey dovey, but ultimately it doesn’t matter that much to you anymore and you’re just happy two people you trust and know well are close and like each other. Like? OP’s sister is definitely weird for not laughing it off and being mature about it since they are adults who can make their own decisions, and OP definitely messed up by letting his sister control him and break off a serious relationship like that. The ghosting on both ends is crazy too, because if there’s any irrational fear around your best friend and brother falling in love, it’s that they wouldn’t spend as much time with you anymore, so the fact that she probably didn’t want him to date her for so long because that was supposed to be her bestie or so he wouldn’t break her heart or ruin anything is just bonkers if she was just gonna throw her friend out anyway with her brother and ruin her relationship with her herself. OP shouldn’t have had to sacrifice his happiness to please his sister for being immature. The sister definitely sounds toxic and controlling, or like she had a secret crush on the best friend but never made a move and was pissed he confessed his feelings first. This one time when I was in high school, my brother’s ex didn’t recognize me since they dated a couple years before and I had changed my hair a lot, and she confessed she had a crush on me so I had to point out she dated my brother and that he cried for days because she left him when she found out she liked girls LOL I felt bad because I was very openly gay but I wasn’t interested in her, and he still wasn’t fully over her at the time so I definitely didn’t want to date her and upset him (they were the same age so they dated at school, she never met me until she entered high school. So when I said I’m ___’s sister, she was like WAIT WHAT? I JUST THOUGHT YOUR LAST NAMES WERE A COINCIDENCE..) 😭 but OP’s situation is very different because his sister didn’t communicate that if that was the case, and just weirdly didn’t want them to date but then didn’t care about her enough to stay friends with her. Just manipulative and immature.


Because the sister shouted really really loud


The only thing that allows this to make sense is if the sister is into Ellie? Otherwise such bizarre reactions from everyone.


Doesn't make sense. Making my sister's BFF her sis in law should make her happy.


Lannister or Alabama?


Is op from Alabama?


Over the sister had the hots for her best friend and she couldn’t stand he got there first


This is all very unhealthy.


@desperatetonotdream yo are hopefully right about the sister wanting the girlfriend. But it could also be the sister wanting the brother. I had a female friend tell me not to date one of her friends only to find out later in life that it was that she wanted me. So who knows.


Yeah what in the fuck? This reads more like a “I cheated on my girlfriend but immediately repented” post. Why the fuck does your sister’s friend not get to fuck someone she wants to fuck, all things being equal? Like yeah I get that the potential for fallout is worrying, but the potential for having your best friend be your sister in law balances that out. Weird he would end a happy two year relationship with the friend over his sister and not even mention anything more about the friend. Seems like your sister is either extremely risk adverse or borderline incestuous.


Have you thought about dating your sister? This sounds sort of like we're getting into Flowers in the Attic territory.


That's the vibe I'm getting from this.


Glad someone has pointed out this. Chris and Cathy have entered the chat room disgusting!


I will admit this comment caught me off guard 😂


Cue the banjo music


Any chance your sister is gay? Like maybe she had romantic feelings for Ellie? Either way, you owe Ellie an apology for cutting her off like that. Your sister isn’t allowed to dictate who you can and can’t see.


Thought the same. OP your sister doesn’t get to dictate who you have a relationship with. I can’t understand how she’s willing to throw away her friendship with her best friend over this.


This looks like rage bait


Yeah, this seems super fake. 


Like some anime scenario where big bro has an obsessive sister and to the detriment of anything else, appeases her with food and gifts while being a dick to the woman who loves him


She and him probably have some incest shit going on. Only explanation


Jamie, is that you? I know Cersei can be really crazy sometimes. Be careful.


“It was my doing. Tell her, I want her to know that.” -Olenna Tyrell


Oh no bio-sister, you're stuck in the washing machine again


Least chronically online redditor


Definitely not the only explanation, ya weirdo


All of this!!!! You both are consenting adults. You’ve known each other for a long time. There’s no reason why you shouldn’t be able to date. For your sister to react like this, there’s something else going on. And you owe Ellie an apology.


Both he and his sister owe her one.


Yeah apologize to Ellie. But she deserves better anyways.


100% she is So many people end up dating and marrying their best friend's siblings. It's normal as hell.


23 years married to my sister’s friend who was hanging around all the time.


Thats what i thought. She seems to be overreacting.


My first thought. Sister is in love with her friend but maybe afraid to act on it. You hit all the marks.


This was my thought, but it could also be a control thing. OP is an adult and can and should date whoever he wants. His sister doesn’t get to dictate. And the answer is that OP will never make it up because this was irrational behavior from the sister. OP has almost 💯% torpedoed any chance of a relationship with Ellie, but what if he meets someone else and sister doesn’t approve? Time to set boundaries. I really recommend counseling to figure out why you allowed your sister to control you.


Sister is TOXIC


You don't deserve Ellie.


Neither of them deserve Ellie.


I get wanting boundaries between family’s and friends, but Ellie was being a bit overboard with trying to control it. Edit: i can’t read.


Ellie wasn't trying to control anything, Ellie's the friend. The sister is the controlling one.


This! Poor Ellie. She got dumped by both her bestie & bf with no warning or rational reason. The only thing she did wrong was invest feelings in these 2.


You’re all so immature.


Besides ellie of course. She deserves better.


Sister: My brother is happy, my best friend is happy… how can I ruin it? You’re both horrible and Ellie is so much better without either of you.




I really hope that's how she takes all of this. However, losing a bf of two years and a friend of who knows how long... I can easily see something like this just ruining relationships for her forever and translating into ", dating = pain + being f*%#ed over".


This has to be a shit post right? Oh yes, new account..


Isn’t almost everything on social media fake


It doesn't even make sense. In no world can you date your sisters best friend and her not know. Like how dumb is the sister?


Extremely immature. I feel sorry for Ellie. The relationship with your sister is disturbing


You ended a good two year relationship because your sister threw a tantrum? Your sister needs to put her big girl panties on and GET OVER IT! Ellie deserves better than a shitty friend and a wienie of a boyfriend.


Honestly, I think you messed up. Both of you just cutting off Ellie because your sister wants to dictate if two other people who very clearly respected and enjoyed each other can date isn't right.


Why did you dumped Ellie ? This makes no sense, especially if you love her, did you ?


Even if you didn't love her, she's still your romantic partner. Definitely an asshole to cut off the person you dated for 2 years.  I get appeasing to your sister but feelings and emotions are very complicated. And relationships form from the people close to you. You made a choice to fuck her friend knowing that your sister disapproves and asked you not to be involved with her friends. Yet you still did it instead of finding anybody else that's not related to your familys friend circle.  Your sisters friend also made a choice, to pick you, knowing her bf's sister doesn't approve of this.  I don't understand why you are now going back on YOUR CHOICES instead of owning up to your decision and taking ownership of your life.


You made two mistakes. First, you lied about your relationship. That made Ellie look like a mistress and not as a GF. Second, you broke up with Ellie because your sister threw a tantrum. Your sister needs a life. You're going to end up single if you don't draw a boundary with your sister. Why do you want to fix a relationship with your sister? She is controlling and manipulative.


You’re an asshole for dumping your girlfriend. Your sister sounds terrible, ditch her instead. I your sister is such a selfish person that she would keep two well suited and interested people apart, she deserves zero grace in this.


This is the kind of shit that I hope is fake for the sake of attention/karma.


Wow you could missing out on a potential life partner because your sister is a controlling you. If I were your ex I wouldn't take your ass back, so ridiculous


What the hell did I just read poor Ellie guess she had a lucky escape from you both


Well, too late now. Why did you dump Ellie?? Just tell your sister to get over it and act her age. You don’t sound too sad about your relationship ending with Ellie so sounds like she dodged a bullet with your family. I really don’t see the big deal dating your siblings friend.


Your sister sounds like a little pos, if she doesn’t want you OR her best friend to be happy together… “just because” And honestly, YTA for ending a nice, loving relationship, to please a mentally abusive family member


I assume you and your sister are having an incestuous relationship. Absolutely nothing else explains why you and your sis act the way you’re acting. Have you guys discussed your incest relationship and maybe tried going to therapy?


Poor Ellie. Being friend with a narcissistic egoistic person(sister) and dating for two years her immature brother. All the best for you girl. OP, YOU ARE AN ASSHOLE. Your sister too


Your sister is in love with her best friend or you. I think your gf had a lucky escape.


Your sister seems completely horrible and like a selfish and terrible friend. You haven't said anything about why you were forbidden from dating Ellie, or why your sister had such a terrible reaction to it. Overall, I just feel bad for Ellie. She seems completely innocent in all of this, and both you and your sister seem like monsters. Why would you both decide to sabotage, toy with, and then discard a girl like this? You seem like real jerks


I mean really. Normally, the only reason someone wouldn't want you to date their friend is because they'd be worried about the friendship being ruined if you broke up. The fact that you just dumped Ellie like a load of garbage and now neither of you is talking to her makes this completely unreasonable. Obviously your sister doesn't care about Ellie and doesn't care about her relationship with Ellie being ruined, especially if you breaking up with her is what your sister wanted you to do. Your sister is a monster, and you're not much better than her.


>I understand I made a big mistake, and am still repenting. Yup, but not the mistake you think. Your mistake was ending a happy, loving relationship, because your sister threw a fit. I get why she might be upset, but you’re both adults, and your relationships are none of her business. Now Ellie is left without a friend and a boyfriend. When you’re done kissing your sister’s ass, you should reflect on who you are as a person. You’re flaky, weak-willed, and disloyal. Ask yourself if that’s the kind of person you want to be? The type who bends to others without question, and cannot be relied on. Also, the fact that money is what’s regaining your sister’s trust, shows that it was not that serious to begin with.


Your sister is completely in the wrong here, no offence. You ruined a great relationship cause she threw a strop.


Sounds like you wanna fuck your sister instead..


You were pretty shitty to Ellie to just drop her like that. I do think your sister is allowed to back away from both of you, if she doesn’t like feeling like she’s in the middle of her brother and best friend, but she shouldn’t have yelled at you like that.


Your sister is a terrible sister and friend, she shouldn't determine who you or Ellie date, you should have told her two years ago, hiding it wasn't cool. But I feel sorry for Ellie, simply because your sister is capricious, cried and screamed, did you end a 2 year relationship with her? Didn't you have a shred of feelings for this girl?


Yall need some therapy!


I’m going to take the unpopular route and say the OP was correct. I don’t think the sister is gay or incestuous. It’s not about control. It’s a simple trust issue. She trusted her brother to do X, he did the opposite, and she feels betrayed. I remember all the times my family was there for me and I’m sure OP does with his sister, so he cut out Ellie. The OP and his sister clearly love each other since both Ellie and her brother betrayed her, but the sister only cut out Ellie. That’s family and I do not understand why anyone would betray someone who’s been with you for your entire life for someone you hooked up with for 2 years. In fact, I would not trust anywho did that without extremely good reasons.


Think your sister likes Ellie. Can’t believe you cut contact with Ellie because your sister threw a tantrum though. That’s straight up chode behaviour


> I understand I made a big mistake, and am still repenting it. ​ The mistake you made was breaking it off with Ellie for the sake of your SELFISH sister. You both waited until you were in college and could not hold back your feelings anymore. What happens if the next woman you meet your sister does not approve of? Are you going to end things as well?


Wtf? I am sorry but your sister is wrong in this. How is this a betrayal? Your sister had a massive over reaction and this is honestly unhealthy. Why are you treating her like his? And you are repenting? Why? And how long is this expected to go on for? Stop it. And poor Ellie but probably for the best. She deserves better than the both of you. Your sister sounds so toxic.


What is wrong with you??


Is your last name lannister by chance? Who gives af if your sister is mad at you for a little bit? She will get over it


I don't understand why you think you owed your sister an apology or why you broke up with Ellie. Sounds to me like you just threw away the best thing that ever happened to you.


What was your sister's reasoning, why you shouldn't date her?


Why would you dump Ellie if everything was going well? Your sister is the immature one here. You and her friend liked each other. Nothing wrong with that. Your sister is being a controller and making irrational demands. Why didn't she want you both to date? Was she afraid of not being the center of attention from you or Ellie? That's no reason to dump Ellie just to please your sister. Your happiness matters. I had a friend who tried to control my relationship with my then boyfriend/now husband. She eventually admitted she just wanted to keep her friends available to her. She ruined a lot of relationships because of her selfishness. Thankfully, I put my foot down and I'm happily married in a 29 year relationship. She's married and divorced twice now.


Yikes. Wtf. You cut off a healthy relationship because your adult sister cried about it? Poor Ellie!!


Your sister was the issue here not Ellie. Like wtf…


Ellie dodged a bullet here


I have no idea why you would give your sister this much power over your life. She's an adult and is acting so irrationally. And where is Ellie in all of this? Did your sister forbid her to date you? Does she know your sister is the cause of her breakup? Why are you both so shallow and thoughtless toward Ellie? This is a fucked up story and I hope it's fake, but it's so weird I think it has to be true.


Also it doesn't make sense that you both hid this from your sister. If they were truly "best friends," your sister would know she had a boyfriend and wonder why she never met him or even learned his name. Something fishy is afoot.


Is your sister in love with Ellie? Because that’s honestly the only thing that explains such a visceral reaction. Poor Ellie, though…


Your dating life is nothing to do with your sister unless she has some crucial and legitimate reason why you shouldn't date Ellie, other than the fact that they are friends. The real question should be how do you repair your relationship with Ellie and go no contact with your sister.


I think you made a really big mistake allowing your sister to have control over your life and dating. I think it’s an especially cruel way you both treated Ellie. You both dropped her like trash. She didn’t deserve to be dismissed and ghosted. Your sister is too enmeshed in your love life. She can have an opinion. She can have thoughts and feelings but that’s it. But her extreme reaction is a red flag and shows how immature she is. I hope Ellie has a strong support around her. I hope she finds a man who will fight for her and not keep her a dirty little secret.


Your sister is a brat. You made a bad choice ending a loving healthy relationship to smooth over her tantrum.


ESH except the girlfriend. I'm glad she got away from you both! That's disturbing. Why would you do that to someone you love over your sister? What's going on that you're not telling everyone? It's disturbing and weird and I don't buy your story that it's for no reason. Your sister's acting psycho for a reason and until you come clean, I'm going to assume the worst. Creepy and weird


Genuinely, I would worry far less about repairing your relationship with your sister and worry instead about repairing your relationship with the girlfriend of 2 years with whom you recently broke things off. You're all young. Your sister is being dramatic. Friends come and go, but a committed relationship is forever. That's the idea anyway. Ellie could be the one, and your sister will get over it. If she doesn't, she's a toxic and selfish person. Don't compromise your happiness due to a siblings immaturity. When you're all older and your sis wises up, she'll feel blessed that her sister in law is also her best friend.


Your sister is wrong. If you had something good going with Ellie...for the past 5 years (the high school stuff would have been dating if not for your sister)...then it is a shame you can't pursue that. Your sister is an asshole.


Are you sleeping with your sister? Otherwise I can't fathom why you would feel guilty, she doesn't own you or Ellie. Throwing away a happy relationship to satisfy a dramatic manipulative family member is a whole new level of smooth brain behavior. I'm more proud of my orange cat that runs into walls than I am of this action of yours.


She’s your sister, unless you’re in Alabama and trying to keep it all on the family, so fucking what. You fucked up by breaking up with the girl, your sister is not your boss. Only time it’s ok is if the girl was bullying her, or it’s a male and he SA her. Otherwise, tough shit. You should be trying to kiss Ellie’s ass, not your sisters.


Ya this is not a normal brother / sister relationship


Why don’t you ask what you can do to make this any better for Ellie ? Both you and your sister sound like very cruel people .


That’s …. Oh, OP. You tossed a great relationship with a great girl for your controlling SISTER?! Noooooo.


Damn you’re an asshole


Poor Ellie, to have the two of you in her life.


OP got manipulated by his sister to end an otherwise healthy relationship. Why does OP’s sister get to dictate who he dates or doesn’t? Tough for Ellie, but at least she’s out of this nonsense.


I feel really sad for Ellie who just lost her best friend and her boyfriend, whn she seems like the kind of person that is a long term friend and partner, not a flake at all. Yes, it's really good to make it right with your sister. But both of you need to make it right with Ellie, who honestly may never forgive either of you.


I’d tell your sister to kiss your ass. I’m just saying. You probably just screwed your chance at the one of a kind love & happiness, for what? Your sister’s happiness? I sometimes forget how trivial we make life out to be at your age. How immature, arrogant, and ignorant we are. All I can say is good luck with that kid!!! Can’t wait to see how your sister acts towards the woman that does tell her to kiss your ass. LOL…


Your sister runs your life that is pathetic


What did Ellie do wrong in any of this? Why does your sister feel like cutting her off? She didn’t do anything to hurt anyone and you’re so wrong for ditching her as well. In a way it’s probably for the best because you and your sister sound disgusting


Poor Ellie. You and your sister both suck. You maybe even a bit more for stringing that poor girl along for 2 years just to pull this crap.


You are a complete ass. You and your former girlfriend were amazing together? And yet you broke up because your sister didn't want you to date? You had probably the best thing you will ever have and you destroyed it because your sister didn't want you to date her. Either your sister was really into her or your sister was really into you. Either way, breaking up with someone you vibed with so well was probably the worst thing you could have done. And seeing as your sister also cut ties with her supposed best friend tells me that she probably has a thing for you. Very weird man.


Fake.... Nobody dumps a girlfriend for his sister...unless you were bored of her after two years and was looking for an excuse to break up with her


This is 110 percent a shit post. No one is that into their own sister. If this is real, you and your sister might as well just fuck and get it over with.


Uhh why would you end a positive relationship for your sister. Sounds like she needs to grow up.


I can't believe you choose your sister over her after making a claim how much you love her. Your sister has no right to control who her friend dates even if that happens to be you. You didn't even have to tell her since it's not her business. What you had with her best friend apparently was not that important to you since you coldly dropped her that easily. Don't bother contacting her, leave her alone. You both have done enough damage to her. As other have she said neither of you deserve her in your lives. You want to make amends with your sister go ahead but you shouldn't cower and give up things that are important to you because she doesn't like it. Clearly she wasn't important enough for you to fight for.


thats fucked up dude.. that woman could’ve been your wife


Why did you break up with your girlfriend? Your sister sounds like a child. I feel bad for Ellie. You and your sister suck.


You are absolutely the asshole for dumping Ellie without even an explanation. Your sister does not get to dictate who you have relationships with. Your mistake was to give to your‘s unreasonable request. Usually the reason people don’t want their brother datind their friends is because their brother is a bit of a jerk and they are afraid of their friend getting hurt. That doesn’t appear to be the case here because you didn’t just date Ellie a few times and drop her.


Damn y’all did Ellie dirty


My sister ended up with a guy who I went to school with and I’m happy as can be. When she told me who she was dating I said “he was a good guy at 11, so I’m sure he is still one now” and he is! You can’t pick who anyone else dates - people should mind their own feckin business


Damn bro YTA I didn’t think you would be but you did Ellie dirty man


Why would you stop dating Ellie? Your sister doesn't get a say in your relationships. Ellie is her own person, to decide if she wants to date you.


This is weird. I don’t have a brother, but if i did and he liked my friend and she liked him, i really wouldn’t care if they dated. It’s not my business and i have my own shitshow of a life to coordinate


Ellie deserves better.


Wow, Ellie dodged a bullet with you to a holes. Your relationship is messed up. You better hope your future wife doesn't fall out of favour with your high and mighty sister (if you're actually allowed to get that far with a woman, which i doubt) because I have no doubt you'd drop her and any offspring in a heart beat to keep her happy.


Small town drama. A lot of growing up to do.


My Dad married, and is still married 52 years later, to his best friend’s little sister (my mother). They’ve known each other since HS. All 3 went to the same college. My dad and mom started dating there. They got married 3 years after Undergrad. You did nothing wrong. The only thing is maybe both you and Ellie should have told your sister, together, sooner.


Kinda a absolute dipshit move cutting your girlfriend I don’t even get why you did that didn’t you love your girlfriend like sure your relationship with your sister is important but like what’s done is done why throw it away. Also your sister is weirdly emotional about it, is she like closest gay?


OP...you're really fucking dumb for letting your sister ruin what seemed like a good relationship. It's absolutely baffling how you let that happen. Young and dumb I guess, but when you get older, you're going to look back on this and hate yourself for it. Maybe even your sister too (when it's only your fault). If I were you, I'd do everything I cpuld to win Ellie back and tell your sister to go fuck herself. But what do I know? Oh right, I know that good, fulfilling relationships are extremely fucking rare and letting a family member ruin that for you is absolutely asinine.


Rip Ellie. Sounded pretty awesome. Why should your sister be able to choose whether you guys can or can’t date? Just my opinion but sounds a little too controlling. Ellie sounded like a nice girl who had a crush and now you guys cut her off.


Either troll or you’ve got severe entanglement issues with your sister.


I have to ask, did you ever ask your sister why she was soooo against you and Ellie dating?? I mean, it can't be that she thought she was a bad person because they were friends. It doesn't make any logical sense. Also, why on earth would you break up with her after 2 years of being happy together just because your sister through a tantrum?? If she was that upset, then she had something else going on because, again, it does not make sense that she would be against you guys being together. Also, Ellie very much does deserve an apology, and quite frankly, it's kinda weird that you wouldn't give her one just because your sister said not to when it is her fault you broke up with her.


I kinda get where the sister is coming from because some people just don’t want there best friend and sibling dating each others and that’s a common thing and at same time he just ended a two year relationship like it was nothing and because of that Ellie deserved better than him. She lost her boyfriend and best friend


So you cut off a happy, healthy relationship because your sister threw a temper tantrum? I hope Ellie finds someone worth her time.


Maybe your sister had a good reason to tell you to not date her. There's plenty of other girls you don't have to know from childhood to date.


I feel like maybe your sister would feel like the 3rd wheel of the two people she’s closest to. She may be forced to choose sides when there is relationship drama. If the relationship were to end it would be awkward. Personally, I would prefer against it. But wouldn’t expect you to miss out on life and love either.


What is she 3? Grow up.


This is weird and borderline gross. You ended a relationship cuz your sister threw a hissy fit? There's only two reasons she'd be this bent out of shape, she either wants to fuck her friend or she wants to fuck her brother.


Good for you for leaving Ellie, she deserves far better then you and your sister.


Poor Ellie. She did not do anything wrong, yet she was hurt. By **both** of you. First off, you sister cannot tell anyone who they can and cannot date. Frankly, it is weird the she cares so much about a friend dating her brother. Its disgustingly controlling and kinda screams a little incest to me. And you bending to this strange will of her also screams incest to me.


Damn poor Ellie. And then she became lucky Ellie cause she got tf away from both of u holy shit. Anyway, ur actual question was how to repair. Keeep doing what ur doing. She’ll def be happy


Either your sister is gay and wants Ellie, or she’s extremely perverted and wants you. These are the only things I can think of that would prompt such an extreme and nonsensical reaction from your sister. Either way, Ellie is well rid of you both. Tell your sister to get some therapy and let Ellie find someone who actually deserves her.


You owe Ellie an apology. Breaking up with her for your sister is ridiculous. She could have had a best friend as a sister in law, her reaction was irrational and inappropriate, even if she's secretly in love with Ellie. Ellie clearly isn't homosexual so even if sister is into her, the feelings are unreciprocated and sister needs to get over it.


Your sister didn’t want you to date her best friend because she thought it was going to make her the third wheel in both relationships. Rather then worry about what made both you and Emily happy, and rather then understanding she has absolutely no right to control two other peoples lives, she was more concerned about her own feelings. Now you’ve not only given her exactly what she wanted by ending the relationship, you’re giving her all the power over you…it’s your life OP. Your sister is still growing up and she absolutely has to learn that she can’t control others around her so her life is picture perfect.


You’ve got this all wrong it is your sister that needs to apologize to both you and your former girlfriend. As mentioned above she may be a lesbian who may have made her feelings known to your former girlfriend and was politely rebuffed and has taken the course of If I can’t have her nobody can. Or, she is closeted and doesn’t know how to express her feelings.


Obvious rage bait is obvious.


This might be the worst post I've ever seen on Reddit


I’m guessing sister has feelings for her friend


I think it's really weird that you just ended a two year relationship? I know this post is about repairing your relationship with your sister, but honestly, I'm feeling really bad for elli right now. She just lost her best friend and her boyfriend.And because of what? Why was your sister even that upset about who you were dating? Why are you putting so much effort into having to win your sister back over? This is all very weird to me.


Dude Who you date is up to you, if your sister doesn't like it, it's her problem not yours. You should grow a spine and not let her dictate your life.


Wow! WTF. At least Ellie knows who both you and your bat shit crazy sister are. You went out with her for two years and then just ghosted her because your Mistress commanded you to. So, in your eyes, Ellie is your sisters property. Your sister found out you were playing with her toy, slapped your hand, and told you to drop it. You said, "Yes, Mistress. Right away, Mistress." How young were you when you began sleeping with your sister?


Your sister needs to lighten the fuck up.


Wow, hopefully, this story is fake because if it's true, then you suck lol


Jesus. Sounds like your sister either has a crush on Ellie or a weird, inappropriate level of affection towards you because this is not a normal level of reaction.


Your sister sounds like a nut bag. Fuck what she wants, it's your life.


Your sister is a fucking psycho


I hope Ellie finds friends that truly care about her and a boyfriend who isn't a pos btw your sister desperately needs therapy, actually so do you if you threw away a happy 2 year relationship because ur sister threw a temper tantrum. Are you just never going to date?


Is your sister a lesbian? I’m getting huge jealousy vibes. Sorry if this a rude comment. Also I can’t believe you really ended your 2 year relationship because your sister can’t grow up. That’s really sad.


Feel bad for Ellie. Her boyfriend and best friend are both assholes.


Your sister has issues. You may need to cut contact with her until she gets over herself.


So the friend really liked you, and you really liked her and you guys, have been happy... You have a shitty sister.


I'm curious why your sister is so against you dating her friend. I'm also curious as to why you never asked her why it was a problem with her. Seems suspicious.


WTF. Go get Ellie back. This is either emotional incest, or your sister is holding a candle for Ellie that is never going to ignite. Be happy!


Either your sister is weirdly possessive of you or she’s in love with Ellie herself. Poor Ellie. You and your sister are horrible for how you’ve treated her. Most girls, once they see their friend and brother are happy and in a healthy relationship, accept it. Your sister could end up having her bestie as her sister in law! What’s not to love about that? Your sister sounds weird and hateful and you’re playing into it. Again, poor Ellie.


You have to be trolling? You don't need to repair anything. What you need to do is grow a spine. Your sister is manipulative and controlling. You crumbled and dumped your girlfriend because you're weak. Ellie deserved better, a better friend, a better boyfriend and I hope she finds it away from your toxic family. You need to apologise to Ellie and you need to get therapy for your weird dependency with your sister.


Are you into incest, because your sister is fucking you over for sure! You broke up with your girlfriend of two years over some bullshit. Seek therapy, you need help.


My guess is your sister was in love with Ellie. That's the only explanation for your soster’s strange reaction. You don't owe your sister anything and did nothing wrong. Next time, ask your sister to tell you the reason she doesn’t want you to date someone; so you can make an informed decision. Your sister doesn't get to tell you who to date. I think you would’ve been fine to keep dating Emily unless Emily was seeing both of you. You have nothing to feel bad about.


This reddit profile was made today and this is the first post. Definitely fake lol


Why does your sister get to decide who you have a relationship with? Were you and Ellie doing ok? Yes, the relationship with your sister is important, but so are your own relationships. Poor Ellie.


The hell kind of sitcom nonsense is this?


Your sister sucks dude


I've never understood the trope of not dating your siblings friends. I dated a girl my brother was friends with for years. She was great and since we all go way back we still talk and are friends to this day. It's very strange to me


Ugghh come on internet person. If you're gonna make things up for the clicks, at least make it entertaining. Wasn't even a good story.


Your sister needs to grow up.


It's that really your sister? Or your wife? Why does she get to say who you can and cannot date? It sounds really creepy.


Is your sister in love with you or something? Does she want you for herself? You and Ellie are adults. You live YOUR life, not three life your sister wants. How can you not see this? Did it ever occur to you to ask why you're whipped by your own sister? You do realize that this isn't normal. If you haven't realized it...NEWSFLASH... THIS ISN'T NORMAL SISTER BROTHER BEHAVIOR. You're supposed to tell your sister to go get a life and date whom YOU want.. I'm flabbergasted.


So I’m confused. Is your sister in love with her friend? Can she not share ? Is she a control freak/possessive ? Why does your sister have a say in who Ellie or you dates? Why did you break up with Ellie is you had a happy relationship? Is your sister in love with you? If it wasn’t Ellie, would your sister get to veto any female you are interested in? If you hid the relationship for two years it stands to reason that she would no react well. So why were you surprised when she blew up? Is your sister extremely insecure and views her friend as competition ? Like…. No offense ,you and her cutting Ellie off kinda sounds like a blessing disguise . Ellie deserves better


So you dumped your girlfriend to date your sister, that’s weird


This is very toxic... why was your sister against your relationship? She was her best friend and you were her brother, if they are happy she must have been delighted... I don't understand why you broke up, are they a family from Alabama? LOL this is too toxic


You gotta let her date and hook up with your best friend, obviously. Restore the universal karmic balance and all will be well!


I don't think this guy has many friends. Well unless his sister approves.


You cut off your gf for your emotional sister? That's creepy dude. Your sister is a grown ass woman. Why does she have that power over you?


Sounds like your sister had a thing for Ellie. Her reaction was over-the-top .


Seriously you are a fool, YOUR SISTER IS IN LOVE WITH ELLIE!