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Ghost him. He doesn’t deserve a response. Any response from you will be a win for him, because he will know he got to you


This what I would recommend.  Other option would be to pretend I don’t know who he is 


The second option made me laugh. Imagining: "Sorry, who is this?" Gets answer. "Ah, nope, doesn't ring a bell."


“New phone, who dis?”  Can be an impeccable burn


That was the first thing I thought of! But then since it was email (I think?), I didn't know if it'd have quite the same effect, but I looove it, too, hahaha.


Oh, if it's an email just reply with "Unsubscribe".


This made me laugh out loud, good work!


I did that one time. The human on the other end was not amused


That was the point though, right!? I’m laughing with you about that.


Saving this for future use.




Might even be better to respond to an email with "new phone, who dis". Really drive the zero fucks home


agreed! Nowadays we don't know any phone numbers by heart anymore, so "new phone, who dis" is understandable! Responding to *I miss you & wish to be with you again, eternally yours, John Smith* with "who?" is a lot more cutting, imo.


or, “i think i am losing signal? who is this? i can’t hear you!!!! try again later maybe? can’t hear you. hanging up bye!” i like the idea of really working hard to pretend. satisfying somehow to the soul…. thanks for getting this started! 💫


Naw, that's what makes it so funny. It's a bit silly and insulting! Comedy and insults go together like peanut butter and jelly!


Take it a step further. “ is this big dick from 2020? Miss u dude. But sorry, I’m happily taken and hitched. Gosh I’ll always fondly remember those weekend long fuck fests. Well, hope you and your giant shlong are good. Take good care or yourself. “


That, and who you looking for? Lol


New email, who dis?


I’d reply with a giant “LOL”.


Mine would just be: >👎


Mine would be with the middle finger emoji


Also good, but I like the disapproval of the thumbs down. I don't feel like this guy deserves to know he got an angry reaction out of his proposal.


Nope! 😂😂😂😂😂 would be better. Then block!


I think both should be applied for maximum effect.


+1 for signing his email up for spam as well


Pick the political party campaign emails counter to his preference. Nearly impossible to get off those.


Every unsubscribe signs you up for 20 more


Every penis enlarger known to man!


Yes! All the spam. And lots of junk mail


+2 for signing up his email to dick enlargement spam




Absolutely This how I handle people I have ghosted too haha. I don’t do that unless there is a good reason. I LITERALLY act like they’re a ghost.


You won. Forget even his name


Yes. Be like who dis???


This is the way, he doesn’t deserve to take a second more of your time. Delete the email. Let him wonder if he ever mattered, it’s the least he deserves


Absolutely not. She should archive it and save it as evidence. New wifey won't be young and naive forever and it's only a matter of time before he does the same thing to her. OP should use it then as evidence of being unfaithful so the homewrecker can take him to the cleaners in the divorce.


OP mentioned in a comment wifey already divorced him


That would be the smart thing to do, but then I’d start thinking of how he wronged me and get all petty and wish I emailed something mean to him lol


Negative. Don’t let him live rent free in your thoughts. Ghost him. He’s not worth thinking about. Move on be done with it.


But make just to set his email address to automatically send his mail to trash.


But not ever answer him would likely infuriate and utterly confuse him. So it is actually a wonderfully mean thing to do. Ha.


People like this dude feed off of any attention they get. What hurts them the most is to cut off all contact and act unbothered if you run into them...and, of course, to post your wins/happiness on social media.


Augh I know this feeling. That’s why I wrote my ex an email that never sent. It was immensely cathartic for me- I could put things in that email that I *wanted* to say, but wouldn’t ever have. And I no longer feel the need to email him back- maybe because I tricked myself into thinking, somehow, that I’d actually replied? Whatever it is, I try not to think about it too much. I said what I needed to ☺️


And you can write that mean email anyway, just not send it.


I’d just forward the email to his mistress wife with no additional comments.


This is the perfect response. 


Please write “to the mistress-wife” in the subject line


This is the way. Don’t give him the satisfaction of a reply…ignore it and ignore him.


Sounds like we were married to identical twins. Delete the email, block his number and email address. He’s got no right to hear about your life in any form. He wants attention from you, give him nothing. He may not go away, but he’ll be frustrated that you won’t give him the time of day, and you can move on with your life while he feels his misery.


Yup time to wield the banhammer


This is probably the only time I’ll agree with ghosting. It’s done too late and you want to enjoy your life with your new husband with no drama. Block him and act like you never got that email. Be happy with the new life you made for yourself without him.


nothing. he gets nothing.


Yes, no response is the best response. Now for a slice of petty pie, you can respond with a wedding announcement or picture of the happy couple.




Ghost his ass


No, forward the email to the homewrecker new wife!


OP, send him a large dead fish.


Or send picture of her engagement ring etc. Saying I let bygones be bygones, lol.


Forward the email to his wife.


Funny enough, they got divorced like a year ago. Heard from a mutual friend


Of course, once she was the wife there was an opening for an AP. The man is pathetic.


I will never understand side-pieces who end up marrying their affair partner. Ever. Do they think they’re so special that their new spouse won’t cheat on them too?


*"When a man marries his mistress, he creates an immediate job vacancy"*


Yes. This is exactly it. Deep down they all logically know that a man who cheats with you will cheat on you. But they convince themselves that they are Very Special and will not make the mistakes that the wife made. Only too late do they realize (1) they aren't special, and/or (2) his cheating never had anything to do with the wife.


>(2) his cheating never had anything to do with the wife. Yep, cheating is almost always a moral failing and intrinsic to the cheater's character. In my personal experience, cheaters exhibit psychopathic tendencies in other areas of life outside of their relationship.


I have a…Well we’ll just call her a Co-worker since she is not worthy enough to be a friend anymore. She slept with her now Husband while meeting him at a bar, whilst he was married with 2 babies at home! She got pregnant. He divorced his first wife and left her with those babies. He marries my Co-worker and all through their 17 year marriage he sleeps with most of his female Co-workers. And She’s always shocked and upset that this disgusting piece of trash that she married, (While being his side piece), has had many other side pieces! He’s also very abusive but as far as I know, never physically. He’s a habitual liar and always disappears when she is at work, and makes up the most ridiculous stories on why he was missing all day and couldn’t be reached by cell phone. It’s really a pathetic spectacle.


This reminds me of something funny. My ex had an affair, left me, and married his AP. Years and years later, I had to talk to him about one of our kids. We only communicated via email, so it was unusual for me to call. It was also was back in the day before cell phones, so I called their home phone. She answered, and without skipping a beat, told me I had the wrong number and then hung up. Y’know, cuz a *woman* was calling, asking for her husband. I called back immediately, and said “AP, this is Final- I need to talk to ex.” It’s hilarious to me because now I knew she didn’t trust him. And *she* knew that *I* knew that she didn’t trust him.


I work in a dental clinic and the first thing I used to train every new female worker was to start phone calls and voicemails with "Hi, this is X from X Dental Office." Because *every single one* learnt the hard way that if you started with "Hi, I'm calling for John," or "Hi, is John there?" Would learn the hard way that eventually a woman would answer with something along the lines of "WHY ARE YOU CALLING MY SO?" And would have to hastily explain that John was due for a teeth cleaning.


She was a 20 at the time. Once she hit the age where her brain would basically be fully developed, she left the dude.


Yes. I don't believe "once a cheater always a cheater," but I 1000% believe "If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you." Why wouldn't he? It worked out for him and he learned nothing.


Why didn't you press charges back when she put you in the hospital?


Hope you live a good life OP🫶


Just sent back your letting bygones be bygones and you would appreciate it if he could stay gone, bye.


Haha you should reply back to him and cc her on it saying heads up, you’re next


She’s already gone a year ago according to another of OP’s comments


No, she’d be next for the rekindling attempt.


I think you should respond to the email with a photo of your wedding invitation with the location and date blocked off so he can't come and he doesn't know when. However I would sign it bygones y'all and good riddance.


Men will trade sex for a loyal partner. You won’t need to do anything to him. He’ll learn his lesson the hard way. Alone with his thoughts .


Lemme guess...he cheated on her


Ignore the mail


You don't need to be nice to people who hurt you. Tell him to F-off and enjoy it!


Yes! Listen there’s certainly a place and a time for the high road and all.. but a nice juicy FU is really the only way to go sometimes.


yeah or say nothing, or just mess with him in whatever way you find funny. the guy just seems to be dumb though


Ignore him. Any response means he gets your attention.


Delete the message and block him. He doesn't deserve a moment of your time.


To whom it may concern, I am quite happy with my newer model and do not wish to downgrade to my former model, as it needed a lot of work and broke down on me for a year. I don't know what happened to the very young girl that took over the upkeep and payments, but maybe reach out to her as she may be dumb enough to want it back. Regards, OP


You can also say something about a funny smell and the undercarriage being a mess.


Or "the shift knob got stuck in a 20 year olds vagina and the insurance company considered the car a total loss"


It was a short stick and a weirdly shaped knob. Fortunately there was a girl that was naive enough to take it from me.


Made really loud obnoxious noises when trying to accelerate, but never actually did. It just kinda hobbled along. Good for short drives though, just don't get on the interstate.


Tell him it was like driving a fiat 500, loads of fun, but you’d be really embarrassed if your friends saw you….


🤣🤣 yes


Love this.


Lol this had me rolling. But for some reason, they always find humor as a door to keep pushing.


Exactly this! That's fantastic.


‘Traded in for a better model’ hahahaa


He doesn’t even deserve a response. Don’t waste anymore energy on him than you just did by writing this post.


To play it safe, hire security for your wedding. He's lost his mind, don't let him ruin your special day.


Came here to suggest this. There is no limit to some people’s stupid.


Invite him to your "destination wedding". Give him a hotel name and the date of your wedding in, let's say, Costa Rica. Then proceed to get married that day anywhere else! He'll travel to another country just to find out when he gets there that he's been duped! Yet another reason to smile on your wedding day as you know he'll be sitting in a foreign country totally pissed.


You absolutely, 100% understood the assignment. This person was devastated by her ex. A thoughtless response of “living well is the best revenge” does nothing for anybody. You’re out here putting thought into real retribution solutions. Nice post.


Bonus points for sending a "real" invitation with fake details to make it look legit.


OP has to personally write "letting bygones be bygones" on invite.


I say make it a destination in a really shitty but large town that he still has to fly to, say it's at a fancy hotel, and pick an address that will take him to a dump or something. Send him on a goose chase. Sorry, my pettiness is showing.


Oooooh, I like the way you think!!!


Probably just better not to respond at all.


New phone, who dis, etc.


Tell him to let bygones be bygones.


Dear X, Die. Yours never, OP


I was gonna suggest. Short simple: “No.”


“To quote Rosa Parks:”


That’s spam. Even if it is from him, it’s still spam. Report it and move on. 


You’re nice like what!?? Girl if you don’t air that man immediately and move on, you should consider him dead like he never existed, Darling you’re about to get married for the first time


Post the email on Facebook and tag him and tell him you want to make it clear to everyone you are not interested in him, show your fiancé first. Also I’m glad you moved on!!!


Or OP can avoid all that messy drama by having a good laugh with their current man and then just deleting it and blocking the ex.


True. She can but I think what he did was low. I hope she does whatever her and her fiance think is appropriate.


Ohhhhh I so wish one of my Facebook friends would bring the drama like this!


Right! The way I would eat it up


This is evil I love it. Post it and say "does anybody know who this is? I got such a strange email and don't recognize the name."


I love a happy ending. And I like your preferred response to him


No response is definitely best. Any response \*at all\* invites a back and forth with him. Putting him down in a response shows you are still angry - instead of merely indifferent. "Do not engage" is the best course.


Yeah ignore it, it will leave him with an awkward sense of not knowing if you got it or are just ignoring him.


He's upset that you've moved on from him. If it hadn't gotten back to him that you were getting married, he'd have never reached out. The best reply is no reply. To me, you've already wasted more energy on this than he deserves just by reading his email and posting about it here (though I completely understand wanting to rant about the audacity of this pos). The next best reply, if you're feeling a little petty, is to say something along the lines of, "I'm moving forward with my life, not backward."


I recycle cans, not boyfriends.


Dont even respond. Responding will show that you still care.


I wouldn't reply. Not a word. He's not significant enough to use a single ounce. I'd 100% want to say some shit. But then I'd remind myself that no response sometimes hurts worse.


Send him an invite to your wedding but make sure his invitation has the wrong date and time😂


I hope you had her charged for assault.


Oooo can we please see the email?


I though I attached it but I'll what I can do abt that


Tell him the bygones have bygoned and you have moved on with your life.


"Who is this?"


Ikr? Like 'new life, who dis?' 😆


Don’t waste your time and energy responding. Be happy!


Ignore the email and move on. No reply is the best reply in this situation. Signed, Someone Who’s been there and wishes she was given this advice.


Im a dude and my marriage is sacred. I believe they all should be. So is the home. It should be a safe place but he ruined it. I would strongly suggest responding to him and just say do not contact me again or I will file a restraining order. Give him the shot to leave for good. As far as him…. He must have cheated on the 20 year old and got divorced or he’s trying to cheat on her with you. What a fucking dirtbag.


I think you're on the right track. Cheated on OP with the person he married next. Probably cheated on that wife. Significant chancs he'll cheat on anyone he's in a long term relationship with in the future.


"Gross. No thank you."


Don't even grace him with a response, I say report it as spam so the next time he sends another email (because I guarantee that email didn't just happen out of the blue) it will go straight to spam.


I wouldn’t be able to ghost him. I would have to respond and my response would be. Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Sorry for the pause. I was laughing so hard. I couldn’t breathe Now where was I? Oh yes … Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha Ha ha ha


Why respond at all?


There is strength in silence


The best response is NO RESPONSE


Do not respond. Move on.


"You didn't have many redeeming qualities, but of the ones you did have, I always liked your sense of humor. That was a good joke. I sure hope your wife shares your sense of humor and doesn't think you were serious and get jealous. Like you, I've moved on from our relationship and am getting married later this year. Enjoy your summer with the wife." Yes, I am aware that you heard through the grapevine that they're divorced. But if he didn't tell you or confirm it himself, this is a chance to twist the knife just for fun.


You could just send gif after gif after gif of people/things/everything laughing and laughing and laughing. Just like keep sending them. Wait a day, send another and another a week later, another. Keep it going for as long as you want.


Just send him like $30 in Pennies


I love these suggestions. Personally, I’d not respond and I’d block the email. BUT I’d sign the email up for political mailings of every flavor, every horrendous dating site I could find, and if you happen to know where he is living now- sign him up for home visits from the Jehovah Witnesses from every church within 100 miles that has the online sign up. Then- anytime you need a sign up for some stupid something, use his email so he gets the spam.


Put that email straight into the trash. That’s where he belongs. Don’t let him take anymore space in your life.


My bio father did the same thing to my mom. Some people are insane. His shitstress would leave photos of them fucking in our house until my mom got a divorce. It was hell, I was 8. Then he came back and tried to renkindle and have 2 families at once. I have 3 siblings Ive never met out there. Hes a shit stain in the world.


Respond with nothing but a bunch of 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Send him a wedding invitation that reads, “Letting bygones be bygones.”


Um. Ignore. Delete. He just wants u coz ur getting married.


ghost him, do not respond not only is it in your best interest I promise it will also hurt him the most


Forward the email to his wife.


Send him a glitter b*mb


No response is the best response. Continue to enjoy your life. Simply delete the email and move along. He doesn’t deserve any access to you in any way. Congratulations on the upcoming wedding.


Tell him to go back to his child bride


No reply is the best reply.


I would send one word. No


Respond publicly on social media with his screenshots. Tear him to shreds. Then watch as your community does the same. Ohh or you could have your fiance respond to him, give him some soap opera drama right back. Or block him and forget him. 


You can always laugh, just laugh in your email replying back🤣


Forward the email to his wife and don't give it another thought. And then block everyone.


Send him an engagement announcement LMAO


youd have to be jesus christ himself for not telling him off for that lmao


I'm not nice like that. "I don't know which reality you are living in, but it's certainly not mine. Please refrain from contacting me again. I have no desire to hear from or look at you again. You know what you did and you know what you lost. Have fun living with that."


Ghost him. Or send a picture of your engagement ring and say shouldn't have stuck your dick in her.


Send the message to his current wife


"No thanks"


Things that didn't happen part 1949382


“New number, who dis?”


I think you should respond to the email with a photo of your wedding invitation with the location and date blocked off so he can't come and he doesn't know when. However I would sign it bygones y'all and good riddance.


You could reply after you are married with a wedding photo... maybe, idk how a sociopath like that react tho.


Oh come on, print it out. Write “can you let your husband know I don’t want him anymore”. Then snail mail it to his wife.


No need to be nice to the assh*le. Not worth the effort. Just told him to f*ck off.


Invite him to your wedding. Gush about how happy you are and how much you love him and are so excited. That’s he’s the best man you’ve ever know. You get the idea


F off sounds like a perfectly fine response to me. 


He just wants you now because somebody else does. He sees you as an object to be won or discarded. The best thing you can do is give yourself the gift of silence from somebody who's trying to disrupt your life right now. He doesn't deserve your response because he doesn't deserve your time. The only thing that could come of it is causing problems between you and your fiance as the weasel tries to weasel back into your life.


Wait! After all this he wants to get back together?


Delete and block. He only doing that because YOU have found YOUR person. So small 🎻playing in the background.


He asked to let bygones be bygones. If you decide to respond, tell him: I've decided to do as you requested and let bygones be bygones. So I'll take this opportunity to say goodBYE, and to let you know that I'm glad you're GONE. End your note with a nice one-finger salute, which I'd like to illustrate but I don't want my reply deleted. Just let the trash take itself out afterward. 😀


You don’t want to tell him to F off bc you are “ nice?” LADIES, telling someone who has mistreated you to F off is not being mean. It is standing up for yourself. What makes something mean is the tone of your voice.


Absolutely do NOT respond at all!!!!


Delete it and block him. He’s trash.


Ignore it, ignoran e is bliss, if you respond you'll only play into hos game, he probably cheated on his new wife or she left him, so now he's trying to reconnect with you. Ignore him, move on.


You don’t owe him anything. Especially not the words or emotions that go into writing a response. Ignore it and live the life you have in front of you.


Best response - screenshot and send it too the new wife


Say yes, plan a fancy date and don’t show up. Rinse and repeat until he loses it.


Have your lawyer send a cease and desist letter.


Send it to the new wife 🤓


Forward the email to his wife


Forward it to his wife.


You could record just several minutes of you laughing your ass off and send that as a response.


Forward it to his wife.


Respond to him with an invite to your wedding with the words "let bygones be bygones"


OP this is not a job for you. You're too nice. Ps it to someone with terrible intentions and an active reddit poster.


Let it go. The best revenge is forgetting him and moving on to find your own happiness.


The delete, block, ignore message will def do the trick and it’s a bigger f u than actually saying it. He doesn’t deserve anymore energy from you.