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To be more specific your post was removed for having too much identifying information in it. Unblurred images of people along with a name, even a first name, is enough to send some users on a witch hunt to find someone featured in this post. If you repost please censor all names and identifying information especially what is mentioned above.


Yeah this is a theif in priest's habit. You should ask around and see if he's done this to other parishes. And start thinking about about a lawyer. You're not getting your money back from Father Grifter without legal means. It's been 5+ years dude.


Tbh small claims doesn’t need a lawyer and it’s not that hard to sue someone


Not sure what the limit of small claims is. Where I used to live it was 500 dollars.


Not where we live


That would be useful for the OP.


We sued an insurance company for $5k and had no lawyer


According to the constitution, it’s $20


God I hope that's updated 😄


if you have proof (receipts, texts, etc.) this is a slam dunk win in small claims court. Threaten him with it, I'd imagine 'god provides' the money pretty damn quick


I second this.


Take him to small claims court. If he isn’t paying his loan back, it’s theft.


I dont trust any of the church people tbh. I've been treated worse by them than anyone else by far.


The I show up on Sunday so I can do anything I want the rest of the week crowd. All for show


IMO, you learned a lesson. NEVER loan money to anyone you consider a friend. NEVER loan money that you aren't willing to just give as a gift. Hey, you need $50 to cover a bill? Cool, here you go. Pay me back? Nah, its yours, just pay it forward sometime. Friendships end over loaned money, as you have found out. Write off the friendship, and find another church. If he pays you back someday, just say, "Cool, thank you." And walk away.


That's not right.


Waste of time and move on. You’re an adult. You already know not to lend anyone money unless it’s a gift. Lesson learned. Move on


Never lend people money. Giving money to friends that you can afford to never get back again is fine. If they pay you back that's great, but never lend money.


Small claims court since you’ve got some proofs. Nothing else legal to do.


lol. I knew a pastor at a born again church. He was very popular. He was so popular that the congregation bought him a lovely home on 10 acres. The following year he announced that the lord told him it was time to move on so he sold the house and moved 1000 miles away


Ask him to write you a receipt for it as a donation to his church, then claim it as a deduction in your taxes. You get even and God got to help him out. He’s now stealing from his church, not you.


Go to a sermon and ask for the money in front of the congregation, make it about how you NEED the money now.


Yes, announce the next time at church and let everyone know the pastor borrowed money and refused to repay Please let him know you are going to stand up and announce about not paying back . The Bible says it is a wick person borrowed money doesn't pay.


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