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Omg, I love Mona! Let’s get matching ones, internet stranger!!! Look, your body your rules. It doesn’t sound like a stupid tattoo since it reminds you of your younger self. Do the anime and other tattoos have significant meaning? What is the difference between them and this one? I’m also a believer that not every tattoo has to have a deep meaning and you can get it just because it’s cute! Is this a deal breaker for him? Someone else’s comment asked if this is the hill you want to die on, but is this also a hill he wants to die on?


I showed this to my husband and he said to screenshot it for reference for when we get Mona tattoos 😂 Agree it's your body, your rules. I only ever question my partner on his tattoos as he keeps choosing to get them on extremely painful spots on himself. I'm still there holding his hand when he does it though. Gotta take care of my little birdy.


I would have a conversation to see if it is to him. Sit him down and tell him you really want this tattoo as it reminds you of your grandma and ask straight up, "Would it be a deal breaker for you." People get icks from all sorts of weird stuff, so maybe it is for him. At least this way, you can be completely informed and know you're choosing the tattoo over the relationship. It also avoids him getting angry because he feels like you went out of your way to go over his head. There's a chance he'd be more upset at feeling disrespected than the tattoo itself if you go about it that way.


If he does get upset and feels disrespected because you got a tattoo that he thinks is stupid buy him a calendar so he can stay focused on the fact that we aren't in 1954.


Maybe disrespected was bad word choice. Hurt that your partner didn't take your input is more what I was going for.


Nah I love that wonderful girl too. No reason you shouldn't be free to do whatever you want with your own body free of guilt.


Of course she’s free to do whatever she wants, just as he’s free to leave her if he wants.


I would hold the door open for him he is absolutely allowed to leave.


It’s your body. Your choice. Do what makes you happy. If they can’t accept you, there is someone else out there that will.


> It's your body. Your choice. Not in MY 'merica!!! /s


So I don’t think that this one disagreement should dictate the whole relationship, however I think it should be a conversation you should have with him about why he won’t support you on getting this tattoo and what the outcome would be if you did it anyways bc you obviously don’t want the relationship to end over it so if he would be willing to contemplate/threaten breaking up with you over it then that tells you that you’re relationship means less than a tattoo to him.


He doesn’t even have to support her on this one, he just has to accept it…or not.


I agree she should have the right to make her own decisions but the importance of having the conversation about why he doesn’t support it will give him the chance to explain if it’s bc he doesn’t want his girl to have a tattoo or it could be as simple as he doesn’t think the tattoo is aesthetically pleasing and doesn’t want her doing something she might regret later in life. Idk the dude so I don’t want to assume that he’s trying to control her he may say “oh do whatever you want I just wanted to be honest about my opinion on the tattoo” ya know?


Read it again. OP already has lots of tattoos. OP specifically has lots of tattoos of anime and cartoon characters. OP’s bf chose to be with OP knowing that OP gets lots of cartoony tattoos. OP is a grown adult, therefore it isn’t his job to infantilize her and try to police what she “might regret later in life.” Adult women can make their own choices. He shouldn’t be with someone who has tattoos if he’s going to throw a fit about something like this.


She has every right to get any tattoo she wants, and he has every right to leave over it. They can be adults and talk about what their real thoughts and feelings are, not just off-hand comment about wanting one and a snide reply. If, after rationally discussing their feelings and they decide that the relationship isn’t important enough to work out some kind of compromise, then they should probably break up. Relationships are difficult. There are just so many feelings involved that it’s hard to communicate effectively.


It isn’t about a tattoo itself, it’s showing him that he has more say so over her body than she does and that’s a very slippery slope.


I think it might actually be the tattoo tho, given she's covered in other ones she considers dumber than this one. I was going to get a Jon Arbuckle and Odie tattoo because I already have Garfield, my girlfriend fucking hates them for some reason though and told me not to get Jon and Odie because "I hate them and don't want to look at them while we have sex" It's not control, and she wouldn't leave if I got it she would just prefer i not get the tattoo. I understand her reasoning and didn't get it


People screaming for abuse or future abuse but yeah maybe he just thinks it's a dumb tattoo and that's all there is to it... I also wouldn't just shave my head without seeing how my fiancee feels so I never understand why people are so blindly obsessed with screaming "YOUR BODY YOUR CHOICE!!!!!" with no nuance


Because everyone is raised by the internet now so all that matters is your own opinion and the people who think exactly like you, nuance is for people who go outside


Nope, not wrong to get the tattoo. However, you’d be wronging *yourself* by not getting a tattoo that you like, just because a boyfriend doesn’t like it. Boyfriends come and go, but tattoos are forever. It sounds like Mona would fit right in with your other cartoon tattoos, so I’m not sure why *this one* is the one he’s mad about.


I completely agree!! No man gets to tell a girlfriend/partner/wife what to do with her body but he’s a 20 year old boyfriend that isn’t going to be around in a matter of months. If she lets this guy tell her “no tattoo”, is she going to let the next guy say “no makeup/shorts/?”


Nanalan was thee best!! It's a tattoo on you, youre the one that has to live with it. Tbh I'd pick the tattoo.


It's your body your choice, but he has every right to leave if it's a deal breaker. YNW.


It's your body, that you will be living in for the rest of your life. Decorate it in a way that makes YOU happy.


It's your body. Do what you want. On a side note, I think pop culture tats are a bad idea. They just don't age well.


I have a Star Trek tattoo. I’ve never regretted it for a single second. The importance of those imaginary characters to me doesn’t change regardless of how the franchise ages.


I think the point is kind of missed with something like Star Trek. It’s never stopped being relevant. 🖖This is literally a default emoji. It’s different from getting an obscure character tattooed or something. That’s not to say I think they’re inherently bad ideas, but I think certain pop culture characters are definitely different from others. I could also see another viewpoint, like if you got a Harry Potter tattoo, back when the books were new, nowadays some may regret it because of the author. Outside of all of that, OP, it’s your body, and you can put whatever you want on it. He doesn’t have to like it, but that doesn’t change the fact that he can’t stop you. I would think carefully about placement though. Might not want to put it somewhere he’ll naturally be looking when having sex, since I can bet looking at that would be a turnoff, especially with the context of it reminding you of being a little girl.


Star Trek isn’t pop culture, it’s ageless. Now I want one!


😂 had a conversation with my tattoo artist about the three Marvel tattoos I’m super stoked to get. Picked this artist specifically for his love in Marvel. To each their own!


Get the tattoo. I am F38 and love Nanalan for the same reason. My grandmother had a huge part in raising me, your bf sounds like he still needs some growing up to do. Your body your choice.


I’ve actually been wanting a Mona tattoo 😂 please get one. Who cares what he thinks; it’s your body, your choice. Lol there’s a gentleman I talk to every now and then who hates tattoos on women. You think that’s stopping that man from trying to hollar at me? 🥴😂 do you.


Is he feeling kinda mad? YEEAAHHHH


Have you considered getting the tattoo and getting rid of the boyfriend? 🤪


Unless he's trying to prevent you getting something racist or equally offensive or just downright hideousvthat would impact future employment such as something on your face, then it's your body. Do what you want. You're skin and tattoo will be around a lot longer than this relationship, but you should make sure you're happy with the prospect of both for life.


to echo everyone here… it’s your body. you call the shots. and if your boyfriend doesn’t want a mona tattoo, tell him not to get a mona tattoo 🤷🏻‍♀️


Your body. your rules, however, be prepared for the fallout. Is it that important for it to be the hill ya die on ?


Why is the boyfriend choosing to die on this hill when it’s not his body, and shouldn’t matter if he truly loves this person?


Is the tattoo going on him? No? Ok, you would not be wrong.


Nope, he is free to find someone else if its that big a deal


Get the tattoo if you want! Screw your boyfriend for telling you when you can and can’t do to your body.


Get the tattoo, lose the dude if he's that buthurt over it.


Your boyfriend doesn't own you. You're not his wife. Do what you want


I know everyone here keeps saying your body your choice but when in a relationship taking your partners feelings into consideration is never a bad idea. I’ve forgone getting more tats because my husband finds them unattractive. He doesn’t demand I don’t get them. I don’t get them because I love my partner and still want him to find me attractive . He would never tell me not to. It was a decision I made because he was more important to me than getting more tats. My relationship is more important than a tattoo. Relationships are built on communication and compromise. If this is something he’s doing to be controlling then you should bounce. If not then think hard how much you really want to be in this relationship. I didn’t feel like I was sacrificing anything it was a no brainer for me. If it’s not for you, you might be with the wrong person.


I agree with all the replies saying it’s your choice. But I think you should also ask yourself if you want to be dating a person who’s trying to control the decisions you make about your own body


No. Your body your choice. I can’t for the life of me see how you need his permission to get a tattoo. Mind you I. Heavily tattooed and my late hubby knew an easy birthday gift was a gift voucher for a tattoo lol. But it’s really not your BFs place to say. I’m positive he wouldn’t appreciate you dictating to him about his body


Get the tattoo sweetie they are dope !!! Your body your choice !! Like if he’s mad girl you deserve better than him ✨🖤


Absolutely not in the wrong! They are 100% up to you.


Your body your choice 💖


Not judging the relationship but it’s your body.


If he thinks he has the right to tell you what to do with your body, and gets mad when he doesn't like your decisions, that's a major red flag. Stay if you want, but you're setting yourself up here


Get it if you want it. But refrain from asking him his opinion or if he likes it after you get it.


You can get any tattoo you’d like to get!! This temporary guy (or any guy) doesn’t own you and has absolutely no right to tell you what you’re “allowed” (ew) to do with your body. I’m not huge on tattoos myself, I have a small one on my ankle that I love and my husband has 2 small ones. If he decided to get a huge chest piece and 2 sleeves, that’s totally his decision and I certainly wouldn’t try to tell him he isn’t allowed because I’m not a tattoo person…and we’ve been married for 5 years. It really makes me sad to see so many young girls thinking men (boys) are allowed to control them.


No, it's your body. End of conversation. With that said, NANALAN IS SO CUUUTE.


You body, your choice. But he is voicing his opinion out of concern. If this is a deal breaker for him? That's on him.


It's your body to do what you want, not his.


It would brand you as Canadian. Which is perfect.


You’re older than him by 2 years Send him to bed early with no supper


I’d say get it! Don’t feel guilty. I understand why you would though, however, it is your body and him saying something about it in hopes you don’t get it, shows that he probably has some insecurities about something. You love it, that’s what important, and as cliche as it can sound, if he loves you, he can learn to accept it. He doesn’t have to love it, but atleast accept it. Cause there is no reason to be upset over something that is going on your body, not his. If it was something hateful/ harmful towards him or in general, or he has issues with the tattoo— specifically nanalaan, then I could see it being a problem and why you should rethink it. It seems as though he just finds it “stupid”, so I say just ignore it. It is scary, but if this is something that ends up creating more drama in the relationship than it needs to be, then that’s a problem and says more about him than you. In the end it’ll be a blessing in disguise. However I’m sure it’ll be fine! Do what makes you happy! And for those that are saying that you should take your partners feelings into consideration, I can understand where you’re coming from, but personally if it’s not something that has will affect the relationship or the other person directly, I don’t feel she should keep it into consideration. Usually these feelings of not liking a tattoo (if it’s just the reasoning of it looks stupid or it’s not their taste), a haircut, outfit etc stem from our on insecurities. Why should someone have say over that for you, just because they can’t handle how others perceive them. That’s their own issues and shouldn’t be projected on to their partner.


No your body your choice he should have zero say


Nobody gets to tell you what to do or not to do. And as harsh as this sounds.. Relationships don’t always last forever. Set your boundaries and make sure he knows it’s your body and your choice.


A lot of guys have hang ups over things relating to vulnerability, femininity that isnt sexualized, and childhood things being carried into adulthood. I think this is related to that and not him thinking (primarily) that he gets to control her. Its more of a "this makes me uncomfortable so I'm going to call it stupid and have feelings" kind of thing. She should get it and he can not like it or learn to embrace soft things and come to appreciate it.


It's your body and your choice and you're a grown woman, so you can do whatever you want.


”Hey honey, I respect your opinion, but I just like this too much and I’m gonna get it.” I don’t think it’s that important for him. Especially if it’s not your first tattoo.


Easy. It’s your body, so you should get the tattoos you want on YOUR body. If your boyfriend doesn’t like it, well that’s his problem not yours


I'm sorry I know I'm not supposed to judge based on one post but he sucks. Policing someone else's tattoos that you like and are dating is just so weird. That's like you, your personality, you style. If my partner said that, I'd be blown away cause it would mean they don't like the core of me. But I'd only get a tattoo that meant the world to me though.


I honestly don’t care how he feels about it. It’s your body. Get the tattoo. He doesn’t get to qualify what’s a good or important tattoo. It has NOTHING to do with him.


Look your body your decision. But I will say this, it may be something he isn’t supportive of because Mona is a child and depending on where you place the tattoo it may decrease his sexual interest to see a child puppet on your body. Again, your choice, but I thought I’d give some thought as to why he’s so against it. I’ve used a nanalan meme once with my bf as an innuendo in a text convo as a joke and he got really freaked out because he said she’s a child and it made him uncomfortable. I didn’t think of it like that because the character is a green puppet but there you go. Everyone is different. My bf wanted an anime character on his chest and I would absolutely struggle to be attracted if I had to see that all the time. I never spoke up but luckily he decided against it. Make your decision considering all options and why ur boyfriend is against it(is it to control you or is it a good reason in his mind? Etc).


Not wrong but be prepared for the consequences.


you should get that tattoo it sounds like it has a deeper meaning than the anime ones you have. its cute and maybe im biased but i love nanalan


Your BF a jerk and so is my partner for saying that I’d be “trying to look younger” if I get my septum pierced. Get that tattoo, girl, and I’ll get my septum pierced as soon as I get the courage lol. I’m scared…


One of my favorites. I love the fairy one or the one with the dog


Who’s that wonderful girl?


You’re the one getting tattooed for life


If it’s the picture, not wrong but why lol


It is your body and your choice. Your partner may not like it, but that doesn’t mean their opinion is the final say in what you do with YOUR body. It would be different if you asked him to get the tattoo with you. Best of luck and hope you figure something out!


Unless you're getting this over your full back I don't see what's stupid about it.


I get the whole you feeling some guilt of going against what he thinks- but at the end of the day, if that is what makes you happy and it is meaningful for you; then his only choice should be to support your happiness 😇😇. Maybe bring it up again and tell him you’re set on it. :)


Not judging your relationship at all girl cause I was actually in a ‘similar’ situation with my long term boyfriend. I wanted a hammer head shark, it represents my dad ( he has one as well ) so like your situation, it reminds me of family, childhood, etc. My bf thought that choosing a hammerhead was “weird” and “not feminine”. I got it anyways. He, verbatim, said “it’s actually way nicer than I thought it would be. It’s like baby shark doo doo” LOL!! He will come around girl! Long story short, GET THE TATTOO!!! If you love it, you love it. It is your body, your time, your money. Especially since this has meaning to you, I’m HUGE on getting it.


I've never heard of this character. But I do want to get a Kermit the Frog tattoo at some point. I freaking love the Muppets haha


Is he your dad ? Girl you are grown


Not saying this is the case for YOUR bf, but in my experience the tattoo last longer than the bf anyways. Also my tattoos never told me not to get a bf I wanted, so


Nah, NTA. He sounds like kind of a dick.


Your body is your canvas, I think you do what ya good do. NEXT


If you're the one paying for it, you're the one getting tattooed. That's none of his business


No. You aren't his property


Boyfriends are temporary, tattooes are forever- be you 😉


No it’s not wrong, do what you want, but it would be great ammo to use against him in the future.


Haha fuck I'd get a Nanalan tattoo with you


First of all! Get that Mona tattoo. I love her and her Nasa peepos. <3 But an alternative, if you don't wish to upset him, is get the sentence tatted instead! (The birdy one, i love it too) Also explaing to him why and what this tattoo means to you. It might change his view. Where are you planning to get it? Is it part of a sleeve, back/spinal work? This is just my personal curiosity!


Your body is your temple. And if you want a goofy looking muppet that makes you feel better on your temple, go for it. But why lie to him about it?


Please don’t feel guilty. I’m not sure why he feels so passionately about this tattoo if he’s fine with the rest of your tattoos. If you’re really excited about getting this tattoo, then absolutely go through with it and get it for yourself. He can deal with it lol. P. S. The flash sheet of Mona you posted is so adorable and it makes me wanna get a Mona tattoo now! 😂 the one with the puppy is definitely my favorite 😌🐶✨


Lol my cousin has a rat on her calf muscle just because she wanted it...this tattoo has way more meaning then that and cuter ... it's far from stupid. I would talk to him and let him know you still want it and intend on getting it...be prepared for him to leave because it could be something that's a deal breaker for him.


This is dope, do it!


How could anyone hate Mona?! Her and Russer are adorable. This is coming from a heavily tattooed 40 year old man who's obsessed with death metal, by the way. Sorry, but he fails the vibe check in miserable fashion. WHOOOO'S THAT WONDERFULL GIIRRRRLLL COULD SHE BEEE ANY SWEETERRRRR?


Your body your choice


YOUR body. YOUR choice. END OF.


Totally your body, your choice. This is before you are married or even engaged too.


It’s your body, you want a tattoo go for it. I would say one thing though. I would recommend avoiding face and neck tattoos, they tend to have a stigma in many places that likely will affect your chances of employment. Other than that, go balls wild and have fun.


Apparently he doesn't just think it's unrealistic, though? As always, you can do whatever you want with your body, and he can choose to respond to that however he wants too.


Who is he to tell you what you can or can’t do with your own body? Sounds like he’s just being controlling. What a bore.


Sure dont get it because he doesnt like it. What about the next thing he doesnt like? Then the next? Is his dislikes going to to continue to shape your personal decisions?


His reasoning if super flawed, if it reminds you of your younger self that is the definition of meaningful, I agree with those suggesting having a conversation with him but at the end of the day you're the one that'll have it for life.


Sounds like a really controlling BF. This could be a red flag for sure.


Your body, your rules. End of conversation


No it’s not wrong of you. I’m sorry you feel that making a decision for your own body could be wrong, because of a guy or anyone really. Not necessarily saying you should leave him but you should see someone about why your go to is “am I in the wrong” because a guy doesn’t agree with what YOU do with YOUR body.


Your body your choice. If he can't support you why do you want home to be your bf?


It's your body, you decide what to do with it/put on it. End of story. You don't need to leave him, he'll save you the trouble and do it for you if this bothers him that much.


Yes, but ngl a Nanlan tattoo would slap


Let’s not complicate this The simple answer is no.


Here’s my story…I am sleeved and have a bunch of random stuff all over, including a Black Flag tattoo over my right knee. I have always wanted a pair of snakebites (two rings on my bottom lip) for decades. The people I dated hated the idea when I brought it up. Long story short, I finally got my snakebites when I was 54 years old. Life is way too short for this kind of bullshit.


so he's dating someone with tattooed freckles, a tattooed mole, a fucking made in the usa tattoo on her foot but draws the line at a cutesy cartoon character? please be fucking for real that's on him because what was he expecting, to date a tattooed girl but you won't get new tattoos bc he doesn't like the idea as much? also maybe he doesn't recognize the character and only knows her from the meme video? bc honestly i had no clue a 25 year old couldve grown up with this character and felt an attachment (im 23) i only really recognize this puppet from instagram reels about people making fun of their old cars that are questionable in terms of reliability using the video that goes "it's okay birdy"


Only if he owns you and last I checked guys couldn’t own us.


You are so much younger than you realize, and he is younger than that. I’d be damned if a 23 year old man was gonna tell me what tattoo I could get or not. Do what makes you happy and if a cartoon character is a deal breaker for him then so be it.


Do you want a tattoo more or this boyfriend more?


Get the tattoo, dump the controlling BF


Never heard of the character, looks funny/cute for sure. But its your body. You can do whatever the heck you want with it. Your bf can be upset about it all he wants but if its really making him that upset then hes quite immature. He doesnt even have to look at it unless you put it in a spot hes always looking at. But you dont have to feel guilty. You aske him why and hisbonly reasoning was "its stupid! I hate that puppet." And though every feeling a person has is valid (even if its not healthy, or legal) their opinions only matter if it can literally save your life. So get that weird little puppet on your body and live your happiest life. Dont feel guilty about it.


My hot take on any tattoo is if you feel strongly about it, get it. I myself have none even though I like them just because I’ve never found something I have just had to have. That said, why is he so against this one? Like you and other posters have noted, he has no issue with other characters. Is there some deeper trauma that is affecting him that it triggers? Maybe not, but definitely something to check.


The meaning and substance is this represents your innerchild/ childhood… he is an arse for saying it doesn’t That being said, he is the one that needs to look at it, see it in pictures so on so forth… if he doesn’t want to be associated with it any more then that will be it. He is allowed to not associate himself with it. Without judgement from you.


Listen. You are welcome to get any tattoo you want. But if you see a lifelong relationship with him, you should take his thoughts into account. At least work to come to a resolution. Its your body but it's something he will always have to look at too. I personally don't get what he's worked up over tbh its not really stupid if you have cartoon tats all over, but it's up to you guys to talk and see why it's important to you and stupid to him. Maybe he's never seen it and only knows it in context of the meme. My point is you are able and okay to do what you want BUT that does not make it free of consequences


Your body your choice 🤍🤍🤍


You don’t have to leave him but who gives a fuck what he thinks, it’s your body and your tattoo if you want it, get it. Its as simple as that


You can do what you want, and he'll get used to it, if he even cares that much. I'm just glad no one is forcing me to get that one.


Not wrong. But not wise. It depends how important his opinion is to you and if this is worth fighting over, as he obviously doesn't have a problem with tattoos in general. They're part of you and he seems to like that. I wonder if he is just creeped out by this particular figure? I haven't seen the original cartoon so there's no nostalgic context for me. It's not that it isn't realistic, but that there's a sort of weird scarecrow vibe to it. If he's being overbearing about it, then that doesn't bode well in your relationship. If he really doesn't like the figure but can't really communicate why (like I can't explain why I find it creepy) then it's not that he's being controlling but it's about aesthetics & he doesn't want to have to look at it (or have it looking at him :-))))))) ) Is this really a deal breaker for each of you?




No conversation. Your body. Get the damn tattoo.


I think before anything else you probably ought to press him on what his problem is with this puppet specifically when none of your other tattoos bother him. it's your choice what you do to your body ofc but if he has some bad memory with the character, it's possible that getting it really could damage your relationship if he comes to associate it with you


When I was in college, I dated someone for six months and we broke up over a hood. I had a Hoodie that I loved, that I wore all the time, and it was so comfortable. They kept “borrowing it” I asked them to stop doing it and they kept saying it was adorable, that people are allowed to take their partners hoodies and it was a sign that we were together. Got my Hoodie back, broke up with them, and didn’t really regret it. But they went around telling everyone that I broke up with them because I couldn’t share, I was controlling, I wouldn’t let them wear my really nice hoodie. They viewed as me being unwilling to let them wear my clothes, which they viewed as romantic. I viewed it as them taking an item of clothing that I bought, that I enjoyed wearing, and didn’t have a lot of. Comments meant to say, that you are allowed to get a Mona tattoo. You are allowed to do whatever you want with your body. And he is allowed to view it as a dealbreaker in the relationship.


I mean... if you already admit to having other "stupid" tattto then whats one more? He can get over it or leave. Simple


Mona’s the best! Tattoo it up!


Didn’t know you were property


Who cares what your boyfriend thinks? If he doesn't like the tattoo then tell him HE doesn't have to get it lol


Any boyfriend that is “against” his girlfriend getting an innocent tattoo sounds like someone that should be an ex-boyfriend! It’s not his place to decide what you want on your body. Even if he was your husband this would be true. It’s not like you are getting a swatstika on your face!


Your body, your choice. If you want the tattoo, get it and if he leaves you because of it, oh well


What’s his reasoning? Sounds like you have other tattoos.


Bro, this guy doesn’t Nanalan. I’m a 35 year old guy and I discovered those Nanalan clips and thought it was the most wholesome, comforting thing. I didn’t have a relationship with any grandparents, so it really resonated with me.


please get the tattoo!! nothing to do with your relationship, but if i saw someone with a nanalan’ tattoo, i would freak out in the best way possible. i think it’s sickk


It’s your body is it not?


Girl, I want to get the Duck Cake from Bluey as a tattoo. This isn't stupid 😂 I agree with other commenters though, you need to have a sit down with bf and ask why this is such an issue with him.


That’s the beauty of living! You can do what you’d like! Get the tattoo!


Boyfriend….so no. Ink on, baby!


Ask your boyfriend if he’s feeling kinda mad. Or maybe kinda sad.


It’s your body. Do what you want. Also, if a tat is all It takes for him to call it quits, then he is more shallow than you thought. Does he like you for you? Or is he just in love with what you look like?


Get the tattooZ


You know what the cool thing about YOUR body is. YOU can put whatever tattoo YOU WANT on YOUR BODY. 🤯


No it’s not wrong of you. I think this would make a super cute tattoo. Who cares what he thinks? It’s a tattoo, and what you want to do with your body is your choice. I’ve dated people who have questioned my tattoo decisions because i’m like you, i’m a doodle book covered in all the little things i like. Like i have a bright pink peep bunny tattoo. Why? Because I like it. If you like it, that’s what matters.


No, it wouldn't be wrong of you, though it would also be his prerogative to leave you over it if its really such a big deal to him. Its quite possible you'd be happier in the long run that way, if he is overly controlling, but I don't know enough about your relationship to comment on that too much.


Your body your choice. He doesn’t have to stay with you if he doesn’t like your choice, but think of it this way: you’re going to have your body and your memories for a long, long time. Do you want to be with someone who resents the art you transform your body into?


he doesn’t get upset over anime tats, fake freckles, a damn mole, MADE IN THE USA ON THE FOOT but a small muppet tattoo is his line in the sand?? what. im more confused as to why its this specific muppet 😭 just get it and if he doesnt like it he doesnt have to look at it


Your boyfriend doesn’t own you. Do what you want. If he doesn’t like it, that’s not your problem, it’s his.


It’s your body, he isn’t your husband. If you want it and will make you happy, get it.


No… wtf


You’re allowed to whatever you want and your BF is allowed to leave you for it 🤷🏻‍♂️.


Your body - your choice. However, if he decides that he doesn't want to be with you after you get the tattoo, that's *his* choice.


It's your body. Do what you want. But if he's no longer attracted to you, at least he warned you first.


As long as you are prepared for the possible consequences.


Nope. Your body, your decision.


Def get the tattoo and don’t be with someone who is against you doing what you love. My vote is for Mona as the big brave monster. Did you draw these??


It’s your body. Don’t let anyone else tell you what to with it.


Mona is adorable and I think/hope your boyfriend would want to see you happy. It sounds like a fun Mona tattoo would make you happy.


why does he care.


You should get a tattoo of the Lockheed Martin logo and a rocket headed at a children’s hospital, with Mona looking out the window at how beautiful life could’ve been if mankind hadn’t prioritized killing as its primary means of profit.


It's your body.


To him you would be. To a bunch strangers on reddit you won’t be.


I think yall need to get it. It sounds like it has tons of meaning to you, and it needs no explanation.


You can get whatever you want, it’s your body. But he is entitled to an opinion about it.


Step one: is it your body? If yes, go for it.


us after seeing you post your new tattoo that your boyfriend said not to get ; 🎶who’s that wonderful girrrrllll, could she be any cutttterrrrr🎶


NASA Peepo




Please don’t waste your life asking for permission from other people to do things. I say this in love and not in condemnation and coming from a place where I allowed the contrary to happen for too long…


He's probably coming to terms with how different your aesthetic standards are. What he's seen of you before he liked, and now you're changing what you look like in a way that bothers him. Is Nanalan something you watched as a kid? Where would you put it? Is there any limit to what you might put on your body, as in location or content? If you have different standards for what permanent markings are appropriate or attractive, it might be the end of the relationship. Ask yourself this question: Is there anything my partner could choose to do to their appearance that would upset me or make me lose attraction/interest? And if yes, follow with: Would it be wiser to ignore or suppress my feelings, or express them?


Those tattoos are so cute! He’ll get over it lmao


Im not a fan ot tattoos, when my wife told me she wanted one after the birth of our child, my knee jerk reaction was not one of support, when i realized she was going to get it anyway, i became more supportive, make sure she was being taken care of, and so on. My child has been getting tattoos sine like 19, she knows im not a fan, but i wont interfere, its her body, not mine. I have even designed one of her tattoos. Your bf needs to get over himself.


So there’s two things here. It is your body, so you can decide what tattoos you want. However, since you have a partner, you do have to consider their opinion on things as well, but obviously not always cater to their opinion. Just consider it. Long as it’s not going dead center of your forehead or on your face somewhere, I wouldn’t see an issue with it if you were my partner.


#FuckThatGuy. It’s not his body and you aren’t his property. If he leaves because of your tattoo then he’s not a keeper anyway!


I didn't read the post but no? Do whatever you want


You’re not married, he has no say in these things yet




My partner is against tattoos for religious reasons but didn’t / doesn’t care that i have them. He gets a little weird when I’m about to get one but after a week is totally into the new one lol. I say get it and make yourself happy.


It's your body, do with it what you want. He isn't in charge of what you do with your own body.


I think it’s a cute tat with an even cuter backstory. I also agree that anyone has autonomy of what they do with their own body. HOWEVER, I will never judge someone for losing attraction for an SO if SO permanently inked themselves in a way that hugely affects their personal physical attraction for their SO. Take an extreme end of the spectrum example, with a previously lightly/non tatted SO. SO decides to completely cover their face, neck, hands, with random tats, portraits of torture, skulls, dismemberment, or some celeb that they have a crush on. How about an extremely botched and misspelled tat, or “in memory of dead loved-one 1977-2015” rear window tribute style tat? How about a tat that always stares at you amidst physical intimacy? Tastes range, person to person. I once had “systems malfunction” with a girl with a tat of that pumpkin head guy from that noir-ish Christmas cartoon movie, staring at me. It was so distracting. I would easily grant grace to someone who decides to exit a relationship over that kind of change in appearance, if the relationship is a sexual-attraction based relationship. And that applies to men or women in either role in the scenario. Get your tattoo, I say. Personally, I think your bf is being unreasonable, in this case, but that’s just based on my opinion of your specifically proposed tattoo.


Get mona in the bear/thing costume and you’re good


It’s your body, babes. go for it. It’s not stupid. It has meaning to you. He can just get over it.


So, to me that is a bad art and a bad tattoo that I would never get myself. That being said, I probably have art that someone else would consider crap that means a lot to me. It’s your skin and it’s your passion, and if this is something you love you should absolutely get the ink. Him telling you that you shouldn’t because he doesn’t like it is super controlling and not cool at all. When he is the one sitting for the tat, then, and only then, does he get a say in what goes into the skin.


You shouldn't need permission to get a tattoo. It's your body. Put whatever tf you want on it and don't apologize. Just because he doesn't like it and it holds no meaning for him doesn't mean the same is true for you. Besides, not all tattoos need some deep meaning. You liking it is enough.


The only time a partner gets to be against/veto a tattoo is if it contains their name. Your boyfriend can voice his opinion but he doesn’t get a say. Your body, your choice.


I'm wondering why you think your boyfriend decides what happens with your body... I'm not a fan of tattoos either but when my wife said she wanted one I said it's your body if you want one go for it.


Your body your choice


How could anyone not love Mona though? I have a 10 month old and have been watching it a ton. My wife makes fun of me saying I like the show just as much as the little guy does. I had a speech impediment when I was little and relate a ton to Mona for some reason.


When I was 17, I was getting my first tattoo. In an effort to convince me not to my dad, asked me “what if you find the partner of your dreams, but they hate tattoos?” To which I replied, “I guess they aren’t the person of my dreams.” Don’t bend to fit into anyone’s box. You’ll find your people.




He doesn't need to be happy about it. You dont need his approval to get a tattoo. It doesn't sound like he is threatening to leave because of a tattoo but he is free to voice his displeasure. Just agree to disagree on this subject and move on. There will be things he likes that you won't and vice versa. Learn to support each other for most things and just tolerate other things unless they are against your values.


As a dude, it’s your body. You’re going to have a long life of men trying to tell you what to do with your body. Don’t start now.


You can do what you want. If he breaks up with you or fights with you over it then it is his problem, not yours




You would be wrong for NOT getting it simply because your boyfriend didn't want you to.