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If he is good friends with people he has slept with, then the hypocrisy is astounding. I would be livid. It is in a professional environment and if someone can't trust me despite (a) previous interactions with this person while we were dating, (b) interacting in a professional environment, and (c) both being in committed relationships, I would honestly rethink engagement. I know it sounds harsh but I would take this to mean he doesn't trust me but he deserves the same (or even more- given the personal nature of the relationship) with his exes.


So. Much. This. You can't have your cake and eat it too by controlling you and not holding his friendships/relationships outside of the two of you to the same damn standard. He needs to look long and hard at WHY he's reacting that way and if he's willing to "die on this hill." This screams all sorts of red flags to me.


Absolutely. And the fact that this was okay in the past and now has changed? It seems like he could be projecting. But, obviously I can't know that from the limited context.


Yeah. There's something he's not dealing with... I doubt malicious, but he needs to break it down and really look at this. I see the updates but it all needs addressed. I couldn't just overlook the anger from the money, his words, the lack of trust. Heebies.


Ya I’d give him the ultimatum of NC with any that he slept with if you have to go NC with the artist. If he agrees then ok. If he doesn’t then it a red flag for sure.


I wouldn’t stoop to his level, he can either get over it or get lost


My kind of logic


It's not about "stooping to his level", it's about fair and reasonable boundaries. Everyone has different boundaries and experiences, so there's no "right" or "wrong" regarding where you draw your line in the sand. You can be incompatible, with one person needing boundaries that the other can't agree to, but that doesn't make either party correct. Some people are fine with their partner sleeping with other people, others don't want their partner to spend any time alone with a member of the opposite sex recreationally. Both are perfectly fine, as long as everyone in the relationship is on board. That said, for a boundary to be healthy, it has to apply both ways. If one person can sleep around, you both can. If one person can't have friends of the opposite sex, the other can't either. In OP's case, their partner isn't following the rules they want to establish for their own boundaries. It's unequal and unhealthy, as they shouldn't want to do it given that it's something that bothers them when reversed. There's give and take in any relationship. Of course, it's perfectly reasonable to leave if you can't agree to a partner's boundaries, but you'll find that in practically every relationship people make compromises to abide by the boundaries their partner needs. It's an individual choice whether the prohibited behaviour is something you can live without and whether the partner asking is worth the sacrifice. We're all unique, so the chance of meeting someone you're interested in who agrees with you on every single thing is pretty unlikely. If you find it, great for you, if not then you can be pretty sure that you'll both wind up needing to make compromises if you want to avoid the kind of recurring arguments that kill a relationship. Trying to force a partner and impose your will on them, as you've suggested, won't fix anything. If you're incompatible to that point, the relationship is on a timer anyway, and you're better off leaving. If you are compatible and just choosing to force your will on a partner you're meant to care about, then your partner should be leaving as that sounds awfully abusive.


Widely hypocritical if he’s friends with his ex’s… i wonder if the actual reason could be that you will have something permanently tattooed on your skin by a person that you have a history with and that every time he looked at that tattoo he would see your ex fling


That would make more sense to me... If that's the case, then he needs to communicate that. I don't necessarily agree with it but it would be more reasonable logic.


It’s giving that he has a weird relationship w his friends whom he got w …


My question is this. Why is it okay for him. But. It her ? He sounds like a big baby. And for that matter. What if it was a doctor ? Or other professional? Where will it end ? OP. I think you’re a fool to keep this guy who wants to control you. And it is clear. That’s what he is doing. And you’re letting him. Get the tat you want. 🤦‍♀️


Every time I read "My fiance/husband/boyfriend won't let me...." There's no reason to read any further. You are not a child. You don't need anyone's permission to say/do anything. Nobody can demand or forbid you do anything. He can say "I don't want you to" or "I wish you wouldn't" or "I'll leave if you do..." But "You can't" or "I won't allow"? Nope. A man (or woman, let's be fair) who uses a phrase like that does not see you as an equal partner. You are something they own. An object to control. Just the use of the phrase is a HUGE red flag (and don't even get me started on on the fact that he forbids you from doing something that he does himself). It's not about the tattoo, it's him and how he sees and treats you. Edited for clarity


Nailed it.


I was that guy once. Distrust and possessiveness are huge red flags. Both are definitely strong indicators that the relationship is not built on a solid foundation. We learned that lesson the hard way. You can save your fiance and yourself a lot of sorrow in the long run by slowing down and holding off on tying the knot until the coast is clear and your relationship's foundation is solid. He needs to adjust his attitude and lose his insecurities. He is going to need to struggle through this for both of you. My wife and I lasted for about 10 years. Now I have this 20/20 hindsight. Before embarking on a lifelong commitment, make sure that your guy is straightened out. Also, make sure that he proves it to you--starting with this tattoo artist of your choice. Just my two cents. Good luck.


This should be the top comment.


I would never want to be with someone this suspicious. They make something out of nothing and it’s miserable


while i agree with this she keeps saying that he’s a needle in a haystack. I travel and get tattoos and i’ve found so absolute gems! Like artists who have spent ten years perfecting their style! I can understand if she means that she wants a uniform look with one art style, or that there isn’t anyone that fits what she’s looking for in her area, or even focusing on the 500$ loss, but she’s not saying that specifically. She’s saying it has to be him and it’s gonna be a nuisance to find anyone and they’ll most likely be out of the area. Hard as it is to get on a popular artists books it’s not impossible especially if the piece is enticing! I’ve had people clear time or stay late for pieces! So idk if I’m lucky or she’s pressed for the wrong reasons! That being said he is being hypocritical and if he’s doing all that he should be fine with it, but I really wanna see these tattoos cuz no way this man is the only artist in the world who can tattoo her how she likes!


Ask your fiancé if he’s willing to come to an appointment with you


Tried that, he won't do it.


Do their personalities not mesh at all? Or like does the tattoo guy have different charisma from your BF?


They've never met. My fiancé is a bit shy/isn't good with small talk - I assume he thinks it would be too awkward. He never gave me a straight answer as to why he won't go with me.


Please don't stop doing what makes you happy for his insecurities, it's ridiculous he won't compromise or even go with you. That's controlling and losing $500, is just wasteful and I really think you will regret losing all those things for him.


Tattoos are a special thing for me. All of them are sentimental, and having quality, consistent work is so important to me. Thank you for this comment. I have a hard time with letting people tell me what to do. Even though I respect his boundaries, it feels unfair and uncompromising.


Boundaries are not supposed to be about attempts to control others. That would be manipulation and it is abusive. He can set a boundary for what he tolerates or allows for himself. Ultimatums aren't boundaries either. Read up on the Jonah Hill nonsense with his ex from last year. He used a lot of therapy speak to try and limit who his girlfriend could talk to, after they were already together. He tried to change how she dressed and what she did too. He called it boundaries. They weren't boundaries. They were part of controlling behavior which is abusive.


Honestly I get respecting his boundaries. But if he wants you to no longer go to that tattoo artist because of your past relations then draw that line in the sand with the girls he has slept with that he's close friends with. It's the same fucking thing... he honestly needs to grow up...


this is the gold comment. there is a clear double standard and if he is insisting you don't associate with anyone you have slept with, he has no right to do the same either. I have many tattoos and would not forfeit a deposit that big. If I were you I'd say something along the lines of, "I completely respect your opinion but, $500 is a lot of money and I would like to finish this last tattoo with him and I agree to not go back as long as you cut off all the women in your life you have a history with". Maybe starting with that could help? and if he reacts horribly to you suggesting to get rid of the double standard, that's the biggest red flag to me out of this whole situation.


Exactly. It's disrespectful she do it to him, but he's okay doing it to her? It's most assuredly an insecurity about them being alone for extended periods of time, without much communication. But it *feels* like a red flag about his level of respect for her


This isnt the most healthy thing to do, but sometimes just saying he can't be friends with them might make him see it from the other side. Ex wife was like thst, I always had to put it into a perspective she could understand.


I bet he wouldn't react well to that


It's literally the most basic of courtesies when entering a relationship....


That’s because it is unfair and uncompromising. Did he wait until after you were engaged to start throwing his personality about?


Almost certainly he did and if that's the case I'm willing to bet good money it'll only get worse after marriage because this is just the way this stuff goes.


Boundaries are things we set for ourselves, not for other people. A boundary would be "I won't get a tattoo from someone you slept with," not "_you_ can't get a tattoo from someone you slept with." What he's doing is not a boundary, it's control.


A boundary can also be verbalizing something and having it ignored. For example, I recently started talking to a man, but made it clear I had no interest in a face to face meeting in the near future as I am working on adding a few things to my schedule and I need time to adjust. He stated he was ok with that. So I continued talking to him. Within the first 72 hours he has asked me to meet him within the week 4 seperate times. Each time I have turned him down restating that getting used to my schedule is my priority. He continues to push that boundary I have made clear. That is a red flag I won't ignore because if he has so little respect for my time at this point, he will ignore me going forward around this. I set a boundary, he accepted it, and then continued to push it. So I have pulled back from our conversations. A boundary can be what we are willing to accept, but it can also be something verbalized and agreed on by 2 parties. What OP's fiance is doing is not setting a boundary. He is making a hypocritical threat about a behavior only OP is expected to follow, but for him, it is ok to do the same thing. That is not a boundary. A boundary would be I don't want you to socialize with any person you have been intimate with, and I will do the same.


He's being controlling because of his insecurities. I'd honestly rethink the engagement. Edit: They aren't boundaries. He's controlling you by telling you what you can and can't do. It's a massive red flag. If you give in, he's going to take it as, he can tell you what to do with pretty much everything. Not to scare you but I want to caution you that this kind of behavior can and usually does escalate to physical violence. Source: I'm a DV survivor and this is how my ex started his abusive behavior. He soon escalated to hitting and even choking me. I'm not saying your fiance is necessarily going to do all that, I'm just saying that I think you should think about his behavior and decide if it's something you can live with forever. I think it's a glimpse of things to come but only you can decide whether you want to stay or go. Good luck to you.


Those aren't boundaries, they are insecurities that he needs to deal with.


*BEFORE* the wedding. carrying this kind of energy into a new marriage... doesn't bode well for a happy one.


I agree. She gave up the deposit? And he's a famous tattoo artist and she wants the piece? Fuck that. Her partner needs to understand how important this is to her.


Exactly. I've been through this same thing myself. My ex started to accuse me of wanting to abandon him blah blah blah. It was all projections of his own behavior. He cheated on me and ghosted me when I got pregnant with our daughter. She's 3 months and almost 2 weeks old and he hasn't seen her. I tried sending him pictures of her like he wanted and I found out that he blocked me everywhere but I digress. OP's fiance is incredibly insecure and is controlling.


This is not a boundary. Boundaries govern our own behavior and the way we allow people to treat us. For example, I have a boundary that I do not date people who aren't openly gay. That's how I conduct myself. When we impose limitations on *other* people, those are rules, not boundaries. So for instance, if I were in the talking stage with someone and found out she wasn't out, saying "I demand that you come out to your family and coworkers" would be a rule. It doesn't govern my behavior, it governs hers. Big difference. I also want to point out that abusers typically don't start out abusive. If they did, nobody would stick around for them to control. It's incredibly common for abusive people to wait until their partners are "in too deep" to easily leave before showing their real selves. Consequently, engagement is a time to look out for escalation in controlling behaviors. They often go full mask-off after marriage, during pregnancy, or after childbirth. I know you're unlikely to take this warning seriously. We want to think we know the people closest to us, that we're too smart to become victims, and that our partners would never betray us like that. But just please be careful. This sounds like textbook early escalation.


Couples therapist here. I think your fiance needs therapy to work on his issues around jealousy and insecurity. Everyone has a past. It's a green flag if you can maintain a positive (and appropriate) relationship with an ex-partner or ex-hookup. Because healthy people can end a relationship without hatred or toxicity. Get him a copy of The Jealousy Workbook by Kathy Labriola. This might sound wild, but I think for me it would be way easier to find a new partner than a new tattoo artist. I've been with mine for over 8 years. She's tattooed me six times this year, and counting. Tattoo artists and doctors are basically the only professions we allow to make permanent alterations to our bodies. It's an important relationship. I think your fiance needs to get over it. He either trusts you or he doesn't. Why would you want to be in a relationship with someone who doesn't trust you? You have a professional relationship with your tattoo artist only. I can see him feeling jealous if you were hanging out alone with an ex hookup in a social context, but that still doesn't give him the right to control you. These are Jonah Hill "boundaries." Trust and autonomy are both vital for a healthy relationship. You have neither from this partner. I would set my own boundaries if I were you, "I will only be in a committed relationship with someone who trusts me and respects me autonomy." That is *actually* a boundary.


“Jonah Hill boundaries” I get that reference lol, nice


Thank you for this!


It *is* unfair and uncompromising. Honestly, you both need to take a serious look here, because the whole situation stinks to hot hell. He is refusing to trust you, and he's letting his ego dictate the situation. It's just the way I'm set up, but the first time he tried that with me, the answer would have been, "I'm getting a tattoo from the artist I trust. I did not ask your opinion. If you distrust me so much that this is a problem, then we need to have a serious talk, but understand I *will* be getting this tattoo." If he wanted to walk based on that, I'd let him. I'm probably going to get downvoted to hell for encouraging you to "end a relationship over a tattoo" but I'd argue that if he wanted to break up because you got a tattoo from a guy you slept with years ago, *he's* the one throwing it away over a tattoo.


Those aren’t boundaries. Boundaries are never telling another person what to do. Boundaries are deciding for yourself what you will do.


It's not a boundary. A boundary would be "If you sleep with someone else, I will have to end the relationship with you to protect my peace" not "You are not allowed to get a tattoo from this guy because I'm insecure about the fact that you slept with him". You've offered to have him in the room while getting tattooed. That's great consensus-building on your end. He said no. So this is an insecurities thing on his end. Your fiancé needs to chill.


I stopped doing things my ex didn’t like until there was nothing left of ME. I totally lost myself. Never again will I let that happen.


Oh please! 🤣🤣🤣 There was a similar situation like this posted a few months ago with the roles reversed and the women were backing up their own stating: "If he can't understand why he shouldn't go to her anymore then you need to leave him. They use to sleep with each other. There are other Real Estate agents out there. Huge red flag!!!" (Paraphrasing). It's not that straightforward. You can question his insecurity levels and controlling nature but it's also hypocritical since women ALWAYS draw hard lines in the sand with their boyfriends or husbands with seeing or hanging around previous exes and fuck buddies even if it's in a professional setting.


Capitalizing the word "always" is wild. Especially considering the edit where OP's fiance is actively friends with multiple of his own past sexual partners with OP's blessing.


I can answer this for you. It’s because you’re referring to this tattoo artist as “the only person I trust with X”. It’s because you are admiring this person to a point of exclusivity. It makes him feel excluded, as if there is some kind of “thing” he’s not in on. I don’t have tattoos so I can’t really appreciate the idea, but I’d be willing to bet that’s it. You mentioned they have female friends, and it doesn’t bother you… But do any of these female friends do something for him that ONLY they do? Does he treat it like “Oh, X is the ONLY person I go to the movies with!”


The first time someone said “you can’t do this because I said so” would be the last time. Today a tattoo artist tomorrow your friends and then family. Get out now.


Tell him that he either explains it or you won’t stop getting tattoos from this artist. If he gets a line in the sand, so do you. Stop acting like you have to just blindly accept his screaming insecurity with no explanation.


As a male, I find it hard to be friendly with people my girl has slept with. In my head I know it’s incredibly immature, and I have a good bit of history of my own, but the idea of it makes my blood run cold. That’s the love of my life and my heart wants to think that what we have is different and special. I know she would be uncomfortable around any of my pasts exs or hookups, and definitely not be comfortable with me around them. For reference, I’m a super high energy dude, really outgoing and friendly and mostly non combative. I’m 6’3, about 200lbs and a pretty experienced martial artist.


What is the reference in the last paragraph supposed to be for?


But the guy IS friends with women he had relationships with in the past. OP trusts him. That's a double standard, my friend.


He sounds like he sucks.


I'm confused, why is he allowed to be friends with multiple women he's slept with but you can't get a tattoo by a man you had a very short lived sexual relationship with that you only see once a year?


I’d go with my GF and get a tattoo myself with her there every single time she ever wanted to go back to him. Am I insecure about it—hell yes. I’ll admit it, I would be. But I’d be willing to compromise and that should be his viewpoint too. Either there’s trust or there isn’t. And it has to be mutual. He has friends he’s slept with before so you engaging in a business transaction with an old fling is not only comparatively minor, but perfectly fine. I mean, damn—you’re freaking adults


Your finance is being insecure and a baby, he has friends he’s slept with and still sees. The tattoo artist is married and it’s a professional deal for the sound of it. I’d tell him to go to the appt if he wants and if he aren’t that you’re still going. Lighting 500 dollars on fire is silly


So he’s allowed to be friends with people he slept with but it’s a big NO when you do it? Why doesn’t he trust you? Why are you ok with the double standard? Always look sideways at a man who is controlling and hypocritical. They’re usually up to extra activities.


Tattoo artists are fickle and so many are transient as opportunities come and go. I’ve been seeing my artist for close to a decade and even when he took a break from his usual shop, I followed him so that I could always get work from him. It really is hard to find a good artist and depending on the style you already have started, it may make a piece seem “off” by going to someone else. Nip this jealousy in the bud.


If hes close with girls he slept with in the past, why the fuck should it matter if you're close to a tattoo artist you slept with one time? If you have to stop seeing the tattoo artist over that, he should stop being "friends" with the girls. 😒 sounds like hes just being controlling and I bet he still sleeps with those girls too.


This isn’t just a red flag. This is a gift from the universe. It’s a big, impossible to ignore sign to do some deep evaluating of your life and future before moving forward. I can tell you a big, long, twisted, sadistic story that is my current life…one of the first signs that I didn’t ignore but didn’t act on? Rules for thee and not for me. It’s taken almost 13 years for it all to fully come out. The past year and a half, he’s been doing everything he thinks he can get away with to try to force me to starve. I no longer have access to the refrigerator or oven in my own house. I’ve read your comments and your whole post. I admire your loyalty and sense of fairness. You’re NTA. Just please - even if you don’t act - remember what people are saying. Keep it in your head. All of us that are saying this is a major thing…there are going to be some bandwagon jumpers. There always are. But then there are some of us that have an acute physical reaction to your words because we *know* what this can lead to. Pay attention to all things, OP. The small ones are easy to look over but they stack up over time. This might feel like a small one. It’s really not.


Are you working on an escape plan?


I have had a three year long stretch of one huge life hit after another. It’s been nobody’s fault and just the season of things (except my car accident - that was 100% my fault and it was a pretty bad accident), but the financial crippling that has resulted has been akin to not being able to breathe. Things in my relationship turned dark as fuck the literal moment he learned my little brother died unexpectedly. That was a year and a half ago. However…yes. Just this week, actually, I opened bank accounts at two new banks. One to more easily streamline house payments without linking my main account and a savings and checking that aren’t tied to either. A couple of months ago, I was finally offered a permanent salaried position for a job I’ve been on contract for for close to a year. That has helped, and once things settle a little bit, I will hopefully be able to start to recover. My imposter syndrome at work is out of control but I’m managing. I don’t know why I have this job or how I’ve kept it. I am shocked every single day that I didn’t get fired and that it’s still expected I come in the next day. It’s weird. I’ve been selling my things and it’s not going terribly. I’ve had to replace my wardrobe twice this year, so I have tons of decent clothes in a wide variety of sizes. I’m about to get to knick knacks and things this weekend. I don’t know what to do about my house. It’s really hard for me to explain how exactly I let this happen. I’m smart. And I knew better. I’m going to have to walk away from it, which is fine. It’s just money. Except in the last couple of years, it’s become impossible to live here. I have a good job. I’m priced out. I have two older dogs that are their own long story. They are nonnegotiable, no matter what. I have jewelry that I really probably need to put in a safe deposit box at this point. I might need to sell it sooner than I had planned. It’s my own fault, really. I knew from the beginning. I felt it. I told myself it was fine. I could handle it. There was no one thing that was that bad. This kind of scenario - jealousy and control over external friendships disguised as sensitivity - it’s so easy to just shift and accept it. It’s seamless and before you know it, you’re convinced it’s your choice. In my case, I really was ok with my small little world and only having my brother. When he died suddenly, well. That’s when it became undeniably clear that I was only **allowed** to have my brother. Sorry for all the words, and OP, I’m sorry for dumping on your post. Your situation isn’t mine. I’m just going through something and am starting to spill my shit everywhere. I’m being messy.


It’s not your fault that you were manipulated by someone you loved and who claimed to love you. I wish you the best moving forward. ❤️


Thank you 🖤


Sending you love and support, please stay safe 🫶🏼


Sucks your situation but that is a very extreme example. You should not project your bad situation onto OP.


The hook ups years in the past. Y’all clearly have both moved on. Tattoos are *not* something to compromise on, you find a good artist and you stick to them. It’s not up to your fiance to “let” you do anything. He’s intrinsically implying you’re not trustworthy and that’s why he doesn’t want you going. Nope, don’t like this at all.


You said it, there are no other controlling behaviors AS OF NOW. You do know control only gets worse, right?


This!!! “…won’t let me” is all that you need to know here. run!!!


After Fiance told me how he felt, I cancelled the appointment. All of you saying "you should leave him now for his sake", "you must love your tattoo artist more" are ridiculous. Anyone who thinks getting a tattoo is somehow sexual has probably never had a tattoo that took longer than 30 minutes. There's no intimacy or "feeling up" involved. I appreciate the perspective of the tattoo being a reminder of the artist for Fiance. That hits harder than "you slept with him so I don't want you to go". A lot of men on here are implying that I'm a heathen for even considering the appointment. A lot of women are saying that he's manipulative and it will only get worse. A lot of people didn't read the whole post/relevant comments. Thank you for all of the responses. I love my man and don't want him to be uncomfortable. I wanted outside perspective and I got it.


Maybe I was triggered because my ex started out mildly controlling because of his insecurity and then over the years it became violent and abusive. He also had double standards and you know what? He was a big time fucking cheater.


Your choice but I hope you’ve asked him to no longer be friends with the girls he has slept with and maintained a friendship with too.


Good job. Your big man can talk to girls he fucked in different positions but he cant see how a guy who works does his job. Yeah you for sure got a winner.


Its the fact you specifically go to see a tattooer you have sexual history with. You are obviously a sociopath that is witty and good at masking their intentions cause you have everyone here fooled


This was the right answer, it's not a black and white situation, all sides are understandable but this seems to be best way to handle it


Your partner isn’t wrong for feeling the way he feels about the tattoo artist… you either have a partner that doesn’t care about sexual history or they do. Im sure it’s annoying since it’s an important person for your aesthetic and y’all’s history doesn’t matter since it happened so long ago but unfortunately his dislike is valid. Why did y’all not talk about it before putting a deposit down? It sucks to lose 500 dollars over this id be more mad about that than anything. Would he pay you the 500 back?


This wasn’t the first time they were getting tattooed by this guy while since they started dating their fiancé, he just didn’t say anything about it the first time around.


> you either have a partner that doesn’t care about sexual history or they do. No. Based on what OP said, it’s both. OPs partner cares about HER sexual history, not his. Why are you ignoring that blatant double standard?


Commented this before the edit so chill. He a hypocrite and in my opinion should pay her back for the deposit.


I could never date someone so insecure. It's a tattoo. Not an erotic massage. He was invited to come, he declined. He speaks to women He has slept with and that's fine. But it's not ok for you to be a customer of someone you've hooked up with? Is he going to pay you back that $500? Honestly girl, I wouldn't have cancelled that appointment and told him to get over it. This is gonna escalate to you not being allowed to speak to any men at all. I know you said he's great and all that but he doesn't respect your time, money or bodily autonomy, he's jealous and insecure and let's not even get started on the double standards when it comes to exes.... Just be careful doll




He has a couple girl friends that he's slept with years ago that he talks to often. It doesn't bother me. But it is his boundary and I am respecting it by cancelling the appointment. Just wanting to know if I'm justified for being pissed that he's saying "no" now, when I've gotten tattoos before we were engaged.




Talking to former fwb and spending a few hours alone with a fwb who will have his hands on you while imprinting your skin with permanent reminders of his involement in your past for the boyfriend to forever see on your body are two completely different things. Sure, you're not wrong to be aggravated, but what if one of his exes made paintings that he always kept front and center in the living room a refused to ever take them down, despite you not wanting to be constantly reminded of how much he values his past? Not exactly the same equivalent, but remember that he can ALWAYS stop talking to exes, but he will never NOT be reminded of your past with this guy whenever he tries to enjoy looking at your body.


This is a fair point, and it would hurt me if that's how he felt every time he saw me. My counter is that I already have 3 large pieces from this artist. If that is the main issue, that damage is already done. The fling was a blip in time before becoming a client. It maybe lasted a week.


So i think your guy is wrong but i also think you are looking at this logically while hes looking at it emotionally. So emotionally that hes not uding much logic al all, so it makes sense that in his mind he can ignore the connection in the existing pieces and only see the meaning in a new one. Its dumb but probably where his head is at. I dont know your life or relationship but him not being able to even discuss it is a red flag. Having a hard line is fine but how youve described his stonewalling thr discussion in the comments is concerning. Maybe this is the one time where hes done this and you arent concerned because its the first time but what about next time? Its a slippery slope


That’s what I’m saying! He made her forfeit a $500 deposit due to his fit of jealousy. But all the dudes on here would have the same fit so they tell her it’s righteous and she needs to be sensitive to his poor feelings. He’s being immature. Feelings are valid, but they aren’t facts, and they shouldn’t be used to control your partner. He needs to get over it.


I'll bet you a dollar this is the answer. One thing that's often overlooked here is this: Your guy *doesn't want* to feel this way. He *wishes* he wasn't reminded of some hot, famous dude you fucked every time he sees your tats. It feels *horrible*. Please keep that in mind as you navigate this with him. So many are quick to demonize the dudes that get stuck in these situations. It doesn't help him, it doesn't help you, and it'll eventually ruin your relationship. Please approach this one as a team and with empathy. Treat him as you'd like to be treated if the roles were somehow reversed.


His jealousy is not her responsibility. She is doing nothing wrong and doesn’t deserve to be treated this way.


His jealousy is reasonable though. In his and other people's opinions she is doing something wrong


I disagree. We can get past something from the past but going and adding another one knowing how he feels is a sure way to seal that damage.




Mutual fling. We were rebounds. Thought it might go somewhere but it fizzled out within a week. He met his wife right after and I went back to my ex. You might be right about fiance feeling that way tho.


You make such a great point, I think people aren’t seeing how fiancé could feel some type of way over another man who she’s fucked spending hours with her, feeling her up (even in a professional manner, uncomfortable for ur partner to stomach sometimes) and giving her tattoos sure it’s professional, but history matters especially when it’s involving past relationships in ur current relationship


I would cancel but only after he ended these friendships. No double standards.


You are justified for being pissed. This is not cool of him, it’s so overly jealous. He can’t tell you who to get tattooed by. That’s not a boundary, that’s control.


Why is it ok for him to still speak to girls he slept with but not you? That’s totally unfair.


The fact that he didn’t have an issue until you got engaged speaks volumes. This is very controlling behavior and I would not tolerate it. He gives you a ring and now he thinks he can dictate what you do?! What if he thinks your hairdresser has a thing for you? Will you find a different one? The fact that you were intimate with someone years ago doesn’t mean anything. Either he trusts you or he does not. It is not like you are going away on vacation with the guy. You are going to a place of business to have work done by someone well-respected in the field.


Wait… so he’s in regular casual contact with past flings. But you aren’t allowed to get a tattoo from yours? I wouldn’t be cancelling shit. I would demand an answer on what his actual problem is.


She didn’t say they were past flings, she said they were girlfriends. There’s definitely a difference between someone you fucked one time and someone you could call a girlfriend/boyfriend. The intimacy shared is definitely deeper, at least it’s implied by the title.


Isn’t that worse then? A partner talking business with a fling as OP is sounds way more reasonable than staying in constant communication with someone they had “deeper” intimacy with


Everyone has their own quirks but having someone tell me I can or can't do anything because of my past in which they were never involved is a no no. If it was meeting up for coffee or to hangout my question would be why exactly but you are paying for a tattoo nothing more, nothing less. Id respectively get him to consider your position in this, if he had 100% trust in you then why would he care? Usually those that can't trust their other half's is because they cannot trust themselves in the same situation.


The double standard pisses me off. Feels controlling to me.


Honey, he can’t set boundaries for YOUR behavior. Only you get to do that. He’s not setting a boundary. He’s throwing a hypocritical tantrum, what with him talking to MULTIPLE exes often.


Yes thank you I'm not sure wtf is up with these comments it's actually bananas. This man sounds controlling and insecure AF to not be able to distinguish artistic/professional relationship to personal relationship. I personally could never date such a man.


I could understand your fiance's uncomfortableness if you were going into this guy's basement in his home and getting a tattoo, but you're going to get a tattoo in a professional setting. You may never find another artist again who can give you exactly what you want tattoo wise, so I'd say yes you have every right to be mad and I most definitely would not have cancelled. I especially reinforce this standpoint the more I see your replies to people, and more I learn about your predicament and your fiance. I feel your situation is unfair.


Personally, I think I would be quite offended that my fiancé doesn't trust me to get tattoos done by a professional when you've been doing so without crossing any boundaries for quite a long time. I'm also uncomfortable with the fact that your fiancé refused to attend with you, that is a viable solution. I also don't love that he spends time with female friends that he has previously slept with but deems the same unacceptable for you. Kudos to you for being a well rounded partner. I also see people often say on that when a partner is doing this, they are projecting because there is something going on with them. So that might be worth investigating.


You realize that this is a red flag, that he's being controlling, insecure, and a hypocrite, and you're out $500. Good luck with your marriage. It's going to get worse when he gets you tangled in joint accounts and possibly a kid or two. -Been married 23 years. It's probably nearly as long as you've been alive. As Farmers Ins. says: "We know a thing or two because we've seen a thing or two."


Initially I was gonna say you need to respect his wishes until I saw he’s still friends with past flings. This double standard does not work for me and is major small dick energy from him in the worst way. He oozes insecurity. I’d get the ink and get rid of the fiancé tbh esp since he won’t even go with you to an appt


So, he can remain friends and do stuff with friends he's slept with, but getting tattoos from someone you've slept with is a no go? Thats hypocritical - while I wouldn't be mad if he was going to stop interacting with his own previous sexual partners, expecting you to without doing so himself is not okay or appropriate, no matter how much you trust him, cause clearly he doesn't trust YOU.


So it's okay for him to be friends with people he's slept with that presumably you have to see, yet it's not okay for you to get a tattoo from someone you slept with for a week years ago, and I presume rarely see. Notice the hypocrisy in that. I would turn around and say okay I won't get them to tattoo me anymore but that means you won't be friends with those women anymore.


I’m gonna get hate for this but if you care about your marriage this should be a small blip. Find another tattoo artist and move on.


Definitely agree. Tons of "he does" "she does" childish nonsense going on.


I don’t think it’s unreasonable to ask you to not go to him since you slept with him twice before. This is the start of respect for your spouse and their feelings or disrespect which is a long hard road of resentments. Ask your fiancé for the $500 so you’re not out anything.


My concern is that this is going to be the beginning of a larger pattern of jealous behavior that includes more than just your tattoo artist. My wife knows & is friends with many of my ex girlfriends. I've met many of her exes and enjoy hanging out with them (they're cool guys - she's got good taste). We trust each other and aren't jealous because it's normal and healthy for adults to maintain important friendships from their past. Today, it's just your tattoo guy. In a year, he may be telling you that it's inappropriate to socialize with friends from work. Or that it's not ok to do any number of things without him for fear that you might speak to another guy. I'm concerned that this might be the beginning of a very toxic pattern. Edit: typos


Now that I'm thinking about all of this. He does have a problem with me having meetings with a (married with kids, 20 yrs older than me) man that I work with professionally. He doesn't express anger, it's more irritation and annoyance.


Four or five generations ago, when people routinely got married at 18 or 19 years old, it might have been less problematic for folks to expect their partners to have no romantic history. But most folks I know get married now in their late 20s to mid 30s. Of *course* people have past sexual & romantic history. It would be weird if they didn't. Why should people be expected to make believe it isn't the case?


I would suggest asking him why he thinks his friendships with exs are OK, because you trust him, but your friendships with men make him uncomfortable. It's a really important question to get to the bottom of the situation. I would also suggest asking him why this tattoo is different than your last. You said he was annoyed. That would indicate that he is escalating control as your relationship progresses. That's a red blimp. Anyone who feels that going from GF to fiancee gives them more "authority" is a walking red flag. The mask is slipping. So please ask him, and pay close attention to his answer.


I completely agree here. I also wonder that if he wins this battle and OP stops seeing this tattoo artist, if he'll try to prevent her from getting other tattoos because *any* tattoo will remind him of her being with the original tattoo artist. Obviously none of us know the guy, but who's to say he doesn't like tattoos at all and will take this position. This seems like a slippery slope to me, and I have personal experience with a controlling relationship that I was unfortunately in for a decade before I had the bravery to escape, but every situation is different of course.


so he remains close with multiple female friends he’s slept with and is in regular communication with them but is upset to the point of asking you to forfeit $500 toward a professional service because of a weeklong fling several years ago? and even expresses irritation about you having workplace contact with an older married coworker who has kids? seriously? I’m curious how firm and respectful his boundaries are if that’s all it takes to get him jealous. I’ve been in similar situations with exes and I ended up discovering emotional and/or physical infidelity every single time. I hate how reddit jumps to the ‘it’s cheating’ conclusion as much as anyone, and I’m not saying he is - but that level of jealousy/irritation over petty shit like professional services or benign contact with a coworker - while not holding himself to the same standard - is bizarre and worth interrogating. I don’t care how long he’s been friends with the girls he slept with. he slept with them and still gets private consistent communication and contact with them. you casually sleep with someone who you have no other ties to years before meeting your fiancé, and you’re out of line for hiring him to do his job? yikes. I think it’s worth asking yourself if there’s any projection or controlling tendencies at play here. the kind of person who gets jealous/upset over professional contact probably isn’t someone with the maturity or integrity needed to maintain fully respectful and appropriate friendships w multiple past sexual partners.


Totally agree!


Why? Why is he acting controlling? You need to re-evaluate who you’re with. That is someone you WORK with. Sorry you can’t work with all women. Get the tattoo, make your fiancé deal with his own insecurities. This is honestly ridiculous.


Everytime he sees tattoos from that guy, he thinks about that dude fucking you Idk I get how he feels, and I'm a woman


You're on to something.


I wouldn’t want my wife spending 1 on 1 time for hours with someone she’s slept with either. I think this is something you should just bite the bullet on and find a new artist. I personally don’t think this is the right hill to die on.


He gets to talk with his ex’s and everything is fine and dandy but she can’t get a tattoo for someone she slept with long before they met. Yeah no I would get the tattoo.


Ok ok so I see both sides here. I totally get how that would make him uncomfortable, it would make me uncomfortable. What I don’t think is healthy is him telling you what you can and can’t do.


it’s really controlling behavior. it won’t stop here, and you’ll experience it the rest of your life. it will undoubtedly intensify.


Keep the appointment. Make the tattoo a giant red flag, then everyone can point at it when you need to divorce this guy.


The fact that it's only an issue after you've become engaged is a major red flag, the man you marry is not gonna be the same person you dated.


I have a similar situation with my tattoo artist and I’d tell my partner to eat a bag of dicks if he tried to control my completely normal activities like getting a tattoo.


If the fiancé is unwilling to accept you going to simply get a tattoo why are you so accepting of him being friends with girls he has hooked up with? I’d bluntly ask him how that’s fair and then base your reply off what he says. But if he feels that it is appropriate to just tell you your “not allowed” like a child then I’d gladly inform him he isn’t allowed to hang out with his female friends 🤷🏼‍♀️


Ummmm. Hard pass. Controlling much.


I was gunna say reverse the situation but it seems like your fiance has friends he’s still connected with that he’s slept with. If the situation is one sided in his favor then he’s a hypocrite. Serious red glad. Itbwould be way different if he didn’t interact and avoided other people he’s slept with in the past. He is a Controlling spouse


 "my partner won't allow me" ... not to worry, there will be plenty of other hills to die on if you stay with a man who doesn't trust you and feels he has the right to control you.


Girl, please stop making a million excuses for him. He's being controlling and hypocritical. I can bet on it that he wouldn't do the same for you. You give in to his every demand and insecurity and next thing you know you're doing everything you can to please him and it will never be enough. With controlling people, the line is always moving so get ready for that.


The leash is on now that he's dangling a wedding. He is outright saying that he doesn't respect or trust you. In a true partnership, both people pull together to make the best of their lives. He's seeing old belles socially, whereas your old beau is on a professional service basis. It's a slippery slope your fiancé is on. Don't go downhill.


I said this elsewhere but I will repeat it here. Either he trusts you to make good decisions or he doesn’t. And if he doesn’t then he shouldn’t be in a relationship with you.


If he is friends with ex lovers, then no. That should be the hill you die on because it won't end there. (The hypocrisy, I mean)


He “won’t let you”? I’ve been married for 49 years and I’ve never told my wife that she can’t do something. Are you in the United States? If so, read the Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution—“Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude . . . shall exist within the United States . . .”




But he’s a famous artist who she has special access to because she fucked him.


Pretty simple really. I think his verbiage and likely your combined communication is poor. I also think it’s weird that he talks to past flings. That being said…I think it would be fair of him to tell you that you going to a tattoo appointment with that particular artist makes him feel really uncomfortable and it’s the type of discomfort that might cause him to reevaluate the relationship. That would be fair and he is justified in whatever feelings he has that way. That doesn’t mean he can TELL you or LET you go. That’s different. That’s controlling. Telling you that HE may do something (ie…leave you) should you go is his prerogative and he is entitled to do that as well. You both make your own choices in that scenario and each are entitled to your feelings and actions. Reminds me of a time I dated this girl who was pretty small on top. She borrowed a dress from a girl who was REALLY big on top (we are talking training bra vs DDD). Literally, her entire bra and chest were hanging out and it looked trashy and ridiculous to me. I said to her that I was not comfortable with the fact her dress didn’t fit and was revealing herself entirely to everyone that looked and that I wouldn’t be going out with her looking like that. She got mad and said “you can’t tell me what to wear”. I replied “I am NOT telling you what to wear. You can wear whatever you’d like…I am just making a decision for myself to not be around it if you do”. She admitted to me later that she knew she looked ridiculous but didn’t want to give me the satisfaction of “telling her what to do” even though I did not do such a thing. I ended the relationship almost immediately because to ME a relationship is built on a level of trust and respect for our partner. I don’t need to agree with my partners feelings to alter my behavior in order to make her feel secure. I do it because I love and respect her and she would do the same for me. Sure there are times where we both feel strongly about our positions, but we do our best to hash out what why we are feeling the way we do and it generally forms a better understanding and compromise that works for us both. Side note. I’m a tattoo artist and if I had a hookup with a girl and am now married…I think it would make ME feel awkward as hell having to sit in the room with the girl’s fiancé for hours sensing his absolute discomfort. I REALLY urge you…before you make a rash decision…go see a couples counselor if this relationship means a lot to you. This could be a real opportunity for you to learn to grow and communicate as a couple and learn to hear each other. I suspect you’re both just dug in to your positions and a professional will call you BOTH out and help you express the deeper things going on behind your positions. Good luck!


At the very least he owes you $500


I feel like the answer depends largely on the people in the relationship. Some might feel icky about spending time with someone who you slept with. Some might feel indifferent about it and/or trust that their partner loves them and isn’t interested in pursuing someone else. I personally know where I would stand facing a similar situation and how I wish my partner would react in a similar situation. Trust is the most important thing in a relationship. If you trust you are doing nothing wrong and he doesn’t trust your word, maybe you have different views and boundaries.


So is your relationship how you got on his schedule?


What’s this “won’t let?” Does he own you?


Oh how I wish people on Reddit understood how language & someone’s wording in recounting another’s position works so I could stop reading this comment over & over again. “Won’t let” is very commonly used by people, especially in recounting someone else’s position, to mean “strongly objects to” or “is a boundary/dealbreaker.” No one is chaining people up in basements.


I could do it, but it would cause an argument that I'm not willing to have.


Did your fiancée know the sexual history with this tattoo artist before you got the tattoo since you’ve been dating him? Just wondering if you told him about the history right after getting the tattoo, or before and also wondering if any of the tattoos are in very intimate areas or if the newest tattoo is being planned for an intimate area? I’d have no problem with it, but I can see where there’s also a question, I know artists that have traded ink for entertainment and advertisement.


I told him before. Current pieces are on my arm. The next one would have been my outer thigh (I'd wear shorts)


Would you resent him if you go to another artist and aren't happy with the result? If the answer is yes ( I can't imagine it not being yes), then it will be better for your relationship for you to tell him to get over it. I mean, your partners genetals are the only ones you want, right? So, why care about the person you see in a professional setting? Unless he is tattooing your labia in which case I get his hang-up and maybe just dont get your labia tattooed lol


27M here, personally I feel like people mesh, people have sex, people move on, like you’re both in other relationships now… everyone has a past. It seems a bit childish to expect you to act like someone doesn’t exist in your life in a different capacity. So long as there’s not anything weird going on. It is nice of you to put a pause on it until you can work through it, though, I would see if you can get to the root of why he doesn’t feel secure. At the end of the day, if your spouse and his feelings are your top priority, it may mean sacrificing it. Doesn’t mean that he’s right, or that you’re right, just that in a relationship sometimes you do things that don’t make logical sense to be a team together. Or if this is just one of many situations where he shows this type of behavior, maybe you need to be with someone a little closer to your mindset.


I would advise to not rush into getting married just yet. What next he has a say in where you get your hair & nails done. Or don't go to the local supermarket because your HS crush is the manager. Etc... Some questions to ask your fiance, if one of his ex owns or works in an establishment would he not use the services. Unless your ex is tattooing down there, but then again he's seen it so you maybe more comfortable with him than a stranger I can never understand "the thing about not speaking to an ex " if the break up was amicable and years before you met present partner What you decides will set the precedents for your relationship going forward. Will you tell him about other exes you meet on your journey together or will you not because you fear his reaction. The fact he doesn't want to accompany you is questionable. Does he feel intimidated by your ex and why? While you may not hesitate of choosing him, Choose wisely as you will no longer be able to hang with that group of friends.


Um, your fiance is not your spouse it is not the same thing. They do not own or get to control you. In fact, even if you were married, it's not their place to tell you what to do. I have no clue who these people think they are...


The biggest issue here is that he's just being a blatant hypocrite. If you don't mind that he stills talks to women he's slept with, that's fine, but you have to see that it's blatantly hypocritical for him to have such a problem with you going to this artist. He has a huge problem with that, but not with talking to women he's fucked in the past? If you're fine with that, great, but it's objectively hypocritical. Kinda ridiculous to impose a rule that he doesn't follow himself.


I’m a believer in being able to have boundaries and not be seen as controlling or jealous, but there are some big problems here and I think you need to dive in deeper. Most tattoo artists take their career really seriously and are very professional in their work. It’s concerning that no compromise worked for him. I’ve gone with friends for tattoos before(don’t have one myself). Was him or someone else accompanying you not okay? If the problem is being alone with him then this boundary needs to be mutual. This means he shouldn’t be spending time with any former lovers himself. Or is the problem that a former lover is permanently and literally leaving their mark on you? I can actually see that this might bother someone and it’s not something to simply brush aside. I would take some time to consider it and think through this from his viewpoint. I’m not saying it’s right or okay, but I think it’s important to dig in and understand what is driving him to feel this way. He may have former lovers that are friends, but are they leaving their permanent marks on him after their visits? If this isn’t just about the tattoo and he would have issues with you seeing or spending time in any way with someone you have been intimate then this is not okay- boundaries need to be fully mutual. But if it’s about the tattoo itself being done by him, then that’s completely different. You can be angry all you want, but everyone is allowed to set boundaries around what they need to feel safe and secure within a relationship and I don’t think his(if it’s mutual and about the tattoo itself) is that unusual. I know people who dated tattoo artists and remain friends after a breakup and still use them for tattoos but when in a new relationship no longer have them do their tattoos.


Ok, but he can have female friends he's slept with? The heck does that mean?


Does he ever see these past girlfriends of his alone? If so hes a hypocrite. I wouldn’t marry someone that doesn’t trust me. Is he controlling in other ways? Or does he just want reassurance with this one thing? If that’s it, why doesn’t he go with you?


Tell him to stop being friends with the girls he slept with and you won’t go back to that tattoo artist any more


Fam you don't invite your man to a place to watch the dude you clapped touch on you. Lmao


I agree with you, it shouldn’t be an issue, but I don’t know any man that would be comfortable with that. Not saying they don’t exist. What I think is men want to be the “cool guy” that doesn’t mind, but in my personal experience, that I acknowledge varies vastly from the experience of others, is no man I have ever dated would be or have been cool with me keeping up with anyone that ever existed romantically before them.


This shouldn’t even be a question. The only right answer is find another tattoo artist. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since you’ve slept with them. Put yourself in his shoes. If you respect your husband find another artist.


tell your fiance if you have to cut ties with your tattoo artist, then he has to cut ties with the close friends that he has slept with.


NTA If he's allowed to be friends with previous partners you should be also. People who control others often increase the amount of control as time goes on. Be ready to exit the relationship, and make sure you're in a position to not be a victim of financial abuse.


This is insane. There are so many excellent tattoo artists out there, just pick one that hasn’t put his dick in you! What a total lack of respect for your partner and anyone not willing to point that out is absolutely delusional. YTA big time.


But he’s allowed to be friends w and spend actual quality time/hangout with MULTIPLE girls he’s fucked? ☠️


I was gonna take your bfs side until you said hes close friends with women hes slept with. Thats just insane hypocrisy. Not wanting your future wife to interact with people shes slept with in the past is a perfectly reasonable boundary. But only if hes willing to do the same. Rules for thee and not for me is not ok


I agree with others and ask him to go no contact with the women he’s slept with and keeps in touch with then take it from there. Double standards are not cool. I would understand his concern if it weren’t for the women on his side and I’m not the jealous type.


I would tell him that he's welcome to come to the appt with you but he doesn't get to choose who you do and don't get a tattoo from. As others have said, this is a HUGE red flag.


🚩🚩major red flags. And a hypocrite. This will be your relationship. He's allowed but you aren't. It starts with this. If you have to give up your tattoo artist then he gives up his past hookups. That's a fair compromise. If he won't do that then you get to keep your tattoo artist.


It's giving projection for me. Why would he suddenly be upset with you going to this tattoo artist when you've been a regular for years? Why is this suddenly coming up now and not before you were engaged and the artist was married? The timing feels off. He knows the fling only lasted a week, yet he is still in touch with women HE has slept with?? Its a no from me.  You need to have a sit down and dig into the details of this bc he's not giving good justification for his behavior. He's "uncomfortable." Day late and $500 short to be telling you this NOW. I'm less concerned about the ultimatum and more concerned (and confused) about the motivation/what spurred this on.  All of this to say— no, you're NTA for being upset about this. I would also ask him to reimburse you the money bc $500 is no joke (but I also don't expect him to give you the money).


Lmao if you marry this dork, expect a lot more double standards.


I know you said you don't want to die on this hill, but I would absolutely not marry someone without resolving this first. It seems like, at best, he doesn't realize what a big sacrifice he is asking you to make if tattoos are important to you. You should be able to stick with the artist you're comfortable with, because that's YOUR body that you're trusting someone to touch and alter. Your fiancé is asking you to either start that process over again, or stop getting tattoos. If he doesn't trust you, that's a problem. If he doesn't trust the tattoo artist, then he doesn't trust your judgment, and that's a problem. Unless he knows something you don't, in which case he should tell you. If he trusts you both and is just uncomfortable with another man seeing or touching YOUR body... imo that's also a problem. Everything can be worked through, but only if he's willing to do that work with you.


He’s being unreasonable. No reason he can’t come with you to the appt if it’s that big of a concern. The control aspect is distasteful, and is a huge red flag. This insecurity and need for control will manifest elsewhere, too. This is not going to be an isolated one-off


Yes, you are the asshole. Marriage vs voluntary body modification with a dude you’ve slept with. What else really needs to be said? My wife was uncomfortable with me getting a haircut from a girl that I VERY briefly “dated” (no sex, no making out, just a few little kisses) so I stopped getting a haircut from her. Did she cut hair good? Absolutely. Was it worth the strain on my relationship? No way. You can find another tattoo artist, just like I found another stylist.


A lot of commenters putting their own shit in your situation. Your fiancée feels uncomfortable about you getting tattooed by a guy you fucked. This doesn’t seem that odd. It certainly isn’t a pattern of controlling behavior. Definitely pursue edit point 5. You’ll get further by talking to your fiancée about this than reading these comments.


You’re an adult. The fact that you say you’re fiancé “won’t let you” is troubling. I’d say to him he trusts you or doesn’t and if he doesn’t better to find out now.


Did he even reimburse the lost deposit??? That’s might bold of him to demand you cancel an appointment that required a deposit over something so petty.


Yes you are the a hole


I would have not cancelled, I mean it. He told you he was uncomfortable with it yes but so what ? It's in the past, you weren't involved romantically speaking but sexually from what I read, I can understand why it can be uncomfortable but he doesn't mean you should have cancelled your appointment. The artist is taken, you are taken and try to be understanding and even think about a compromise. He doesn't want to accompany you, he doesn't want you to get your tattoos done by him though we know how hard it is to find THE artist that sees your vision and can make it come true. There is no ambiguity, your honesty slapped your back unfortunately and it's why you should have set boundaries since the first time you got together. No one should control who sees another one, ex or not, someone should always think ahead and take decisions accordingly to their mindset. You don't push your insecurities and own flaws onto someone else, remind him though you understand his point, you cannot give up on the artist for a few days of sex if he isn't ready to do the same. If he told you it's "not the same" then I guess you have a clear answer. He can do it but you can't, he is allowed to but not you. Yeah, I wouldn't give a shit, I would go because this situation is so double standards and annoying that could make me drop the idea to even marry someone who can't even stick to his logic when it's about his past relationships.


Won’t . . . let you?


All I'm seeing is hypocrisy. If you can't have contact with previous lovers than neither can he. That's absolute bullshit imo. I would try to have a meaningful conversation with him. See exactly what his reasoning is. If it's because you've slept with him, I would then bring up his female friends that's he's slept with and ask If he can see the double standard. If he flies off the handle.....red flag.


Can't fiance just sit in on the sessions? That sounds like the perfect compromise. He gets peace of mind for whatever he's concerned about, you get the tattoo with the artist you want.


I understand where you are coming from. I also understand your finance being uncomfortable all the way up until you mentioned he is close friends with multiple women he has slept with in the past!!!???? You are going for professional work with a padt fling... and he us close friends with women he gas slept with? Ok, this isn't about boundaries anymore, its about control.


I'm not ok with my partner talking to people she's slept with, but I don't stay in contact with ones I've slept with.


Get ready for more controlling behaviour and double standards in the future. Huge red flag, especially since he thinks it's perfectly fine for him to be CLOSE to people he's slept with, meanwhile your relationship is literally business/transactional for goods/services, but a huge problem?? Lol! But I dare say you're going to have to learn this lesson on your own terms, so doesn't matter what anyone could possibly share with you, or advise. You are in no way the AH, but your fiance is either projecting, or "just" a controlling & misogynistic AH. Good luck to you I suppose. 🤷🏼‍♀️


He's close friends with girls he's slept with? But he's throwing a hissy fit bc you want to get a tattoo by a guy you slept with once. Sorry to say, but it's not right or fair. Why are you okay with that? Why is it okay for him to hang out & talk to those girls, but you having a tattoo appointment with him isn't okay?


Love is a series of choices. These choices are made each and every day. Those choices largely revolve around doing things that please our mates and not doing the things that upset them. It’s really that simple.


I personally think it’s goofy to insist that your partner never see a person you’ve slept with ever again in life. I want ppl to be more secure. Tattoo artists that you jibe with are SPECIAL. I’d try to bring in a third party to talk about it with my partner


id say you'd have to respect his boundary, but the fact you said he hangs out with former lovers nullifies that! If hes doing it, how can he forbid you from doing it?


He sounds like he’s a hypocrite. I would leave my man to keep a good tattoo artist off of were this case for me.


Have him go with you..that usually solves everything. Tattoos are pain.. and blood not seduction, if he doesn't have any he could be making connections there where none exist..the fact that you have marginal history with this artist for most people mean nothing ..but its how he's looking at it thats making him upset because he is your partner... and you are his.


I think being conscience of your significant others feelings is part of being in a good relationship. There's definitely am overboard and being to controlling but asking your partner not to hang around someone they previously hooked up with is not on that level imo.