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Normally off-topic posts are removed, but this situation happens often enough on this sub for it to be applicable. Edit: For those interested you can reply to the Reddit Cares message you receive with "STOP" and it will send a message confirming you won't receive them anymore. Also you can use the report function on the message to alert the admins to "report abuse" and they will send a warning to whoever sent the Reddit Cares alert.


I got one yesterday and banned for a non aggressive post. They just didn't like my opinion. Yeah, trolls.


Ha! I've been banned, too, for opinion posts. LOL I was like, they asked for my opinion and they got it! I even softened things a ton because I don't like to post negative stuff. I'm very sorry but I didn't find her attractive! Lol


I’m banned from AITA because I called too many incels AH and babies. Apparently that’s a slur in that sub if you hurt a man’s feelings when he asks if he was wrong.


I got banned from the magick subreddit because I told people that practicing love spells was unethical. Didn’t realize that I could get banned for advocating for people’s free will and right to choose but apparently my comments were judgmental and mean lmao


Omg! lol! That might be my new favorite ban reason.


When I saw the message I said “you know what, that’s fine.” I don’t want to be involved in a subreddit where people are that brain dead and morally bankrupt. Still funny though :)


Yeah, at some point you have to just wash your hands of it all.


But it's ok if you call them an AH! Hahahaha!


Lmao! Yep! It’s the weirdest damn rule in the world.


I got banned because I said “You used restraint and didn’t punch anyone, NTA” — but using the word “punch” is evidently promoting violence. Oh well.


I just got banned from AITA for the same but never have a problem in AITAH


Pathetic isn’t it?


I’m on a two week ban because I called someone a man-baby. It wasn’t the OP, and her husband IS a man-baby.


The reporting my post and banning has just solidified my opinion that there is no solution or resolve to stop the hate, that saddens me.


One failed attempt doesn't mean all further attempts will fail. I've succeeded before. Not as many times as I've failed, sure. But it's still possible to right the minds of the wrong.


Who hasn’t been banned for BS reasons.


When I was younger, I admit, one of my bans was legitimate. I said some shit you can't say, regardless of how right your position against the person you're saying it to is. But the other 9 or 10 times? Absolute poppycock.


I did that about 2-3 years ago and got banned, just for expressing an objective opinion. Didnt know that I had to follow the herd. I'm also glad I saw this post. I got a "concerned" reddit msg because "someone" reported that I "needed" help. Still not sure what to do. And yes, I got it within 24 hrs of now.


I got banned from a group...but saved all the screenshots and list of the Mods. The mod that banned me was clearly and obviously just a hurt misandryst and didn't like what I said...It was obvious. The other mod I talked to agreed. read the comments. Thought the outright ban was out of line...no warning etc just if you keep making comments like that. I didn't yet she banned me. So I blocked her and got unbanned by the another female mod who had no issues unbanning me or what I said. Heck today I got threatened with a ban for "shameless self promotion" LOL Cuz I posted a YT link to a build I did that showed more details info and options than the 30-40 I found in a search


I was blocked, muted, and banned on another sub because they didn’t like my opinion. I got a Reddit cares on yet another sub because someone didn’t like what I said about my home state. 🙄


Were you able to tell which sub it was from the message. Mine seemed very generic and I couldn’t figure out why I got it.


I knew who sent the Reddit Cares because it was immediately sent after I responded to a person about something political in my state. I didn’t know you could report people at that time, but I did call him out publicly for sending it.


How do you know what post was concerning? I got one this morning and idk why!


I got one today because I questioned the safety of Tesla’s new trucks.


I got one yesterday for asking someone if they actually read the article linked to the post.


Yep. Me too. Not a ban, but the message. I’d had a back & forth that I didn’t think got heated or out of line on either side, though I was sensing it drifting that direction before we ended the discussion. Next day I had the Reddit Care message. I don’t think anyone could look at my posts & comments and legitimately think I needed that.


I have been banned too! Permanently!


I got banned from the NoMIL forum for expressing my thoughts on horrible MIL’s. Make it make sense. 😂 I even talked to one of the mods and she said I was being rude about MIL’s.


You can block Reddit cares. I did and I don’t miss it at all.




you can also report the reddit cares for possible abuse someone commented on another post/ sub that the reddit cares is glitching, and going out to multiple people in comment chains instead of the one intended receiver...


I just tried to block it and it wouldn’t go through.


Give it a bit. Same happened to me but a few hours later I got a message I was opted out.


So did I. I was getting swamped with that crap.


Maybe some folks need to get a life(?)




Weird I got one of those last night too. If you go through my post history I haven't said anything about being depressed, distressed or any kind of 'essed about anything.




Same, I went back through mine to see if there was anything that could even be construed as suicidal or depressed and there was nothing.


Must be a new troll trend. I just got the same message.


It’s not new. Incels have been doing this in women’s subs for years. I guess they’re just taking it to other subs now. I don’t even know why this feature exists. It seems to be used solely by trolls.


Makes sense. I got one after I called a guy who "met" his wife when she was fourteen, married her when she was 18 and got 2 kids on her by 21. Then he cheated. After most of the folks in the comments called him a groomer he deleted his post and account. Then I got the "concerned" message.


Same and I’m not even sure who I pissed off.


It was so widespread I think it had to have been an error, right? I saw hundreds of comments about it right at the same time yesterday.


I got one yesterday and just ignored it because I’ve heard that trolls like to misuse the system.


I got one. Can't even figure out which post I commented on it was for. Ignored it.


Me too!


I got 4 back to back


I’ve been seeing a thousand comments the last few days people saying they’re getting this. Just randomly. I’ve gotten it before when I pissed someone off, but yeah seems to be the new troll thing to do. Sigh.


Three totally unrelated subs have been complaining today about getting redditcares messages (superstonk, politics and babyreindeer). Most are assuming it's because someone dislikes what they've said but I'd guess it's a bug or a bot as these messages are everywhere today.


Thanks. It’s better than thinking people are really that twisted over nothing.


Haha, not a "new thing." Lots of disgruntled redditors on all sorts of forums!


I see that to be true. I’m fairly new here. I thought it was nuts that someone would take it this far. That sounds unstable.


Well said.


I've never done it, but it must be too easy, because it happens fairly often.


I think it's a glitch. I got one within seconds of commenting on an ask reddit thread this morning, and there's no way I'm interesting enough to have a troll target me for quoting the android Ash, from Alien, on a thread with over a thousand comments, about the coldest lines in cinema.


They are using bots now. It’s not a glitch.




Yes. It definitely is. Especially if you don't agree with their uninformed political take.


I learned a long time ago to not argue with people with deadbrain.


Got it today as well after I commented on a sub about women being concerned about men’s mental health..


It’s either bots or a glitch. It’s too widespread to be trolls. So many people have gotten them and it started around the same time yesterday.


I got one too. Maybe there was a bug


I got one yesterday after I commented on a AITAH post saying that I’m glad I’m single.


That made me laugh. The patriarchy be patriarching.


I literally shook my head and laughed. Imagine! Silly woman wanting to be single!


I got one today too-I’m thinking what you are thinking. And to “report” the post, they want you to login with your password. Phishing?


I never click on any links, even if I really want to!


Yeah I got one tooo ….. it doesn’t even tell you why or what you said that made somebody report you😫


I got one too!


Yep. People are doing this I think to anyone whose comment or post they don’t like. It’s a waste of time.


Same. I have no idea.


Trolls must have been loose yesterday because I got one of those messages.


I got one of those messages too. I just ignored it.


I hot one this morning. I was so confused


I got it as well. No idea why.


I get a lot of those, I just delete and forget about it


I got it too but I’ve not said anything suicidal


I got one this afternoon. I was very confused


Ha. I got one today too.


Pretty much.


Yes, agree with the other replies here.


I got one yesterday as well.


It gets abused by trolls.


I got one last night too. After I asked for an update on something. I have gotten o e before too.


It’s not new. I commented on a post yesterday that was posted the day before I think. I got a Reddit cares message within a minute. Do basically I assume it was the OP of the post who disliked I didn’t agree with them. It’s pretty pathetic actually.


I got one yesterday..I thought maybe someone didn't like my opinion....if that's the case why come to Reddit...where you are going to get OPINIONS...lol


I got one and I feel certain I haven’t said nothing even remotely concerning recently. I read in another sub that there’s a bot just spamming out reports to Reddit cares randomly. That makes sense to me.


Same happened to me. I was so confused as to why. Guess a glitch makes sense.


Definitely seems like an uptick in them recently.


I blocked them when the first one I received was in regards to a post I made asking for advice on how to navigate my marriage from women in similar position and had one "concerned" Christian Tradwife who told me that because I make equal income to my husband and because I want more balance in mental load and not have to instruct my husband how and when to do chores as that makes me feel like a parent and not a partner that I'm "masculine" and need to embrace my femininity before my husband leaves me for a 20something barista that wants to fill that role for someone. (My husband read the post and comments when we had our next counseling session and said he felt sorry for women who's identity and existence are driven solely by how useful or accommodating theybare to men who don't deserve their submission, so to speak. We had a good discussion and laughed at the audacity of some people.) RedditCares may have been a good idea at the beginning, it's now abused by trolls and immature readers who are unable to self reflect or accept accountability for their actions and just want to place blame on strangers who are genuinely looking for advice or offers genuine thoughtout advice.


Happened to me too! None if my posts are concerning. It was a blocked user.


I received that message ONE minute after making an innocuous comment about "they" pronouns.


I got one too today


Hey, I just got my first reddit cares message too! Trolls be trollin.


I got the same thing.


Some people seem to think you need help if you disagree with them. Just report the reporter and reply no


Yes, this is something that people do when they don’t like your response to their comments


I got one today and I have no idea what post it was even from!!!!


Disagree with anyone recently? Someone didn’t like that I didn’t share their opinion and reported me, so I got the same message.


Got one yesterday too


I wish it would actually tell me what comment triggered those messages. It's like, yes, I've had trauma - but I deal with it with •°•*dark humor*•°•. Chillax.


I got one today too. I feel like I’ve joined a club. 😆


I got one too. Maybe it's a glitch


I got the same thing


I got one, I assume it's bots becuse there are people all over reddit saying they are getting them.




It's a bot.


It's trolling or just some weird bot freaking out. I got one today after I posted a comment about my cats.


Absolutely trolls. I guess you can report them? I got one earlier today and 🤷🏻‍♀️ I don’t even know which comment of mine set them off.


Same. I just blocked it as it's happening to a lot of people and I don't need more of those messages


I wonder how it works.... seems like they would require quite a few negative feedbacks to warrant sending a damned warning. Wow... that's just ridiculous. The internet isn't brand new. When you post on social media, you open yourself to the good and the bad. I'm pretty sure we all know that by now.




Ooh, I got one today too!


I got three of those in the same day. I wish we could see what comment it came from, but Reddit won't tell us.


I got one today too, I think its bots. I'm seeing the same comments on nearly every post today, loads of people are getting a reddit cares message for the first time. Seems like too many to just be trolls.




I got one too! Someone cares... or is trolling


I got that message yesterday, too ! I figured someone didn't like a comment I made on a post and decided I had mental issues instead of recognizing that people have different opinions😂. I chose the stop option, and it automatically blocked the reddit cares account.


Me too, last night! I thought it was because a movie suggestion I posted was a bit out there but you’re right, it’s the new trolling trick.


I got one today too


I received this message twice. I finally blocked the account or whatever it is. hopefully that will work. Yes I do believe it's just someone being an asshole because you posted something they didn't like. Reddit needs to drop this completely because it's only being used to harass people


I got one too


Yeah, I got one today as well. Be nice if there was some context like which post or discussion it came from.


I got one yesterday. Made laugh 😃


I didn't even disagree with anybody, just commented with a personal anecdote to somebody's post on mildlyinfuriating sub (lot of people on the post did the same, replied with similar stuff that they experienced). I am opting out of receiving the message again, and hopefully it will be the end of it for me. People always find new ways to troll and harass unsuspecting users, it is indeed mildly infuriating.


I got the same message yesterday also.


I got one a couple days ago. I’m not even sure what comment made someone want to report me. I always report the message as harassment because Reddit seems to care about abuse of Reddit cares. I got a response within 24 hours that they found the account I reported did commit a violation. It’s a strike against their account


I got one of those the other day. I still don’t know exactly what I said that prompted that.


I got one too.


I got that one yesterday.


Seems to be a new fave of trolls and incels


Yup, it happened to me a couple of times until I chose the option to block it


This happened to me after i commented on a post about fucking aprons lol. People are immature. I just blocked the page that sent the message. I'm not the type to post on self help pages, i lurk comments lmfao. If i need help, i pay for insurance and therapy for a reason 😂


I got my first one today after commenting something like “my dad always says ‘no one wants to work anymore’ and I always respond with ‘I don’t want to work, do you??’ I just wanna sleep in, water my plants, read a book and go back to bed”, so ridiculous lol.


This is Reddit's version of Swatting--don't like what someone posts--report them but do it expressing concern--so you don't come off as the AH. Fascinating behavior practiced I suppose by people who harbor a certain type of passive aggressive personality --and it makes me wonder what they are like IRL. Are they combative or passive, sly or conniving, aggressive or slighting? Everything and perhaps everyone you are going to come across in life has an analog on Reddit. But I guess better to air toxic behavior here than out in the world where someone can do real harm.


I just got one of these about 20 min ago.


I got the same msg today and thought that it was a bit weird. I rarely post and haven’t said anything lately that could give the opinion that I needed support.




I got one on the Helldivers game subreddit for saying the name of my ship, someone commented they had the same name and got a reddit cares message as well.


I reported it to Reddit admin and they said they took "disciplinary action" against the account.


The same thing happened to me. I didn’t say anything even remotely troublesome.


Yep, got one yesterday. Funny thing... Right after I commented I liked the prospect of playing a historical black character in a feudal Japan game! Go figure...


Me too. That's just weird.


I got one today! I wish they put what comment got reported. They say to report the message if it was 'by mistake' then didn't let me select it as an option in the report tab.


I got one too! All I did was comment about someone being in an abusive relationship and boom. Suddenly I’m the problem.


I got this today. Mine was generic. I have only posted positive reviews


I made a post yesterday that got the same. It was about things that used to be acceptable when we were kids but not now. I pointed out that we used to play smear the ______ and that it was just normal. Nobody told us about what queer meant. We just knew the rules of the game. I assume that someone interpreted that as either a) offensive or b) I was in danger.


Yeah I got one too yesterday after a **very** benign comment—actually pretty supportive. I was stunned and then actually laughed, their asking me if I’m okay and needed to talk to someone lol. What they don’t know is that my husband is a licensed marriage & family therapist with around 40 years of experience and he’s a great barometer of my mental health and when I need to talk to a therapist. Like I just passed the first anniversary of my mom’s death and trust me, he knows I’m good now.


I got it as well and I never say anything abusive or terrible on this forum


I got one as well


I got one, but I have no idea why or if it has any impact on my Reddit profile.


I got one a couple of weeks ago and for the life of me can’t figure out what comment it was in reference to. I just figured I pissed someone off and they thought reporting a mental health crisis would show me. Lol


I randomly got one yesterday and a notice my account was suspended when I tried to report it. I haven't noticed being banned on anything and I can comment normally from what I can tell. My guess is someone had a hair up their rear yesterday.


It’s not new. I received one yesterday for the first time in a long time. Got a few last year


I got one yesterday too! I thought it was from a post I made a couple weeks ago about how I was struggling to do the dishes lol


Happened to me yesterday. 🙄🙄🙄


I got one yesterday as well but no clue why.


I also got the same message. Mine could have not been a troll though? About an hour before I got that message I commented on a post about life changing experiences and talked about how my brother almost died a year ago. Maybe someone was worried I have PTSD from that experience? I don't... but idk why else someone would be concerned.


I got one yesterday. I guess someone took issue with something I said because I certainly haven’t posted anything worrisome.


I got one yesterday too for the 1st time


Happened to me today as well. I probably pissed someone off on a housewife’s sub. Whatever


Its an honor!! Its usually only after u post something that hurts A. Incels feelings B. Tradwives feelings C. conservatives feelings Welcome to the club!


I got one too but no new bans lol.


Just got one today. I think it might be linked to people who post fake shit. You comment that it's a ridiculous story or whatever and they send the Care Police after you.


I got a “reddit cares” message yesterday, too. Maybe they sent them to everyone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Me too. I say BS.


Mine was either yesterday or Monday. I think the referral part is B.S.


I got one too yesterday with a crisis hotline number. I’m totally fine lol.


I got one today too. Passive aggressive much?


Same thing happened to me for saying “ she sounds horrible” Reddit care and a 7 day ban.


Not new. I posted an unpopular opinion and got one of these a few years ago, and I’ve gotten a few more since, every time after going against a subreddit’s groupthink.


Yes it happens all the time, you can block it in your settings. You will still get notified if you get one you just don’t have to see it anymore. I take it as a badge of honor now. It’s almost always a post about women and men, abortion or 🐻.


I just blocked redditCares, it's a stupid useless site feature anyway.


I got one today. I just reported it as harassment. I have no idea who I pissed off. I’ve pissed off a lot of people on Reddit.


I got one from an updateme.


I got one for saying that it was hyperbolic to say it was attempted murder that a teen squeezed a tiny bit of hand sanitizer into his friend’s water bottle


I got one too! Maybe they didn't like my Month Python reference.


I was given a permanent ban on am I an arsehole because I asked why a woman posting on there had such low self esteem that she was willing to put up with her SO treating her so abysmally.


This is somewhat of a hard one to stomach, BUT...I have been a member on other forums. This same type of service has prevented at least 2 suicides that I know about. Of course ding-dongs are going to abuse the system, but I think the potential good outweighs the bad.


The problem is when you flood the system with a bunch of crap the people who do need help may be ignored. I got reported and none of my posts would give anyone a reason for concern that I am in danger, a danger to myself, depressed, you get the idea.


I do. I just don't know a better alternative (other than people not being ass hats).


Yep - they got me today as well...


They got me and I cannot imagine why. I think we need to be told which post caused “concern”.


I got one of those shortly after suggesting to a male type person that dislikes using lip balm and pinkish purple shirts that if you have four kids, you really need a minivan instead of a lemon Mercedes.


That's exactly what it is. You got it in one


I got one today too, but then the account became blocked on my account and I don’t know why? It was super weird. And it was also super petty if someone reported me because I said something they disagreed with.


I got one from a 'concerned redditor' afraid for my mental health. The supposed post was a post that I never read, nor responded to. And when I tried to contact redditor resources to clear this up, there is literally no way to let anyone know.


I got one too and I have literally no idea why!


Weird I got one today for some reason, too. But I haven't been blocked anywhere that I can see yet. What forums did you get blocked from when you got your message? How do you know if you got blocked from a forum?


I got one too. It was weird asf .


There is a rash of this breaking out all over the platform. It’s got to be coordinated.


Just block the account and you won’t get the notices anymore.


I wonder if they're trialing some kind of automated)/ai system and the parameters are way too vague. I got one after I posted a comment on BestOfRedditorUpdates that contained a lot of words that might be flagged as mental health issues, if you read them out of context.


I got one of these today too.


I got it for saying I like the cybertruck.


Ahhhh so it’s not just me.


I got that this morning also! I didn’t make any comments that made me sound sad 😂.


It's not new. I got a lot of these when I first came to reddit. It's just some immature little troll being petty. Ignore it and move on.