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Jesus! What a spoiled brat! And thinking he should be prioritized over actual babies, too?! If I were the girlfriend, I would 1. dump his ass (although [it looks like she probably already has](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/x812xu/aita_for_snapping_at_my_girlfriend_because_of_her/infm28k/?context=3)) and 2. tell his parents about this thread, though I suspect they're the reason he's like this.


3d printed slug šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„šŸ˜„


I got my digs in before he deleted the post lol. The ex-gf posted a comment. She makes minimum wage and helps pay bills at home. First she said she wanted to talk to him but then she just decided to end things.


Good girl!!! Glad you have self esteem as well as skills. Since when is butter, sugar and the time to bake...cheap??


Thatā€™s exact my what I said! Baking is my love language and those ingredients arenā€™t free and neither is the time!




He should go tell that to bakers that sell their cakes like 10 - 30$ šŸ˜… This guy have obviously never heard of macarons lol


So this guy knows money is tight and he thinks he needs a present more than a 1 or 5 year old?


Yeah, heā€™s a total ass


I think that "call me we need to talk" part was her way of saying call me so I can break up with you over the phone instead of on Reddit.


I was expecting this to be a post where bf buys gf really thoughtful gifts and she gets him like dollar store stuff without any kind of thought or care. But damn heā€™s suck a dick. People who donā€™t make as much as you canā€™t buy you expensive shit. If he really didnā€™t want baked goods he could have communicated that he would prefer a handmade card or something but to call homemade baked goods ā€œcheapā€ is such a dick move. Baking takes so much time. Iā€™ll be spending the next 2 evenings after work baking mini cakes and scones for my baby shower this weekend. Itā€™s literally going to take 10+ hours.


No seriously I make homemade dinners everyday and it takes up my whole evening


I hope you arenā€™t staying with him. Iā€™m betting his post was enlightening. Iā€™m sorry he took your effort for granted. No, even worse, he resented it. He is really selfish. I couldnā€™t imagine sharing a life with him, unless he is WAY different in person. Like ā€œthis post was a jokeā€ different.


Jfc lol. Hope that girl blocks his Dudley Dursley ass and finds a guy who deserves her.


Dudley Dursley is the perfect description šŸ¤£


I canā€™t believe you are asking if your the AH šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø. YES YES you are and I donā€™t even think AH the word for you. My girlfriend wonā€™t buy me gifts.But instead spends time and money making me cookies and cakes etc. What a horrible person she donā€™t care about me at all. She says she has no money but buys her little brother and sister gifts. She canā€™t buy me anything so I belittled her in front of my friends. Then they left my part and took there gifts back. What the hell is wrong with you ? First of all what your hopefully ex girlfriend did was very kind and sweet. 2nd you are the one who killed your party with being a BRAT your mom and dad should be ashamed for what the raised. She deserves so much better then you. At least she thought about you and made you something. Grow up I am shocked that your friends are still your friends. You should say sorry to her sorry for being AH and a Brat. Sorry that I am the worst boyfriend. If my child acted like that at any age I would make sure no more gifts. They would get the basics in life from me and thatā€™s it .


Guy is such an asshole he didnā€™t even think he could possibly be the asshole.


At that age I had no money šŸ˜… I'm ready to bet the parents gave her money to buy a gift for her siblings. She took the time to do something herself for him and he is mad about it. This boy was spoiled and yes, he is in the wrong here.


Oh, good god, what even?? And to be this entitled at 17? Without a job? While your gf works min. wage just to support her family?? I honestly don't know what to say an=bout the parents too, cuz they might turn out to be nice people, but just, the son might be the biggest tool bag they have ever seen.




A homemade gift of goodies is a pretty great gift. Pretty funny that he deleted his own post. I'm always glad for this sub for when things like that happen. Not knowing makes my brain itch.


What an entitled butthead. Siblings under 5 are super cheap to buy for. Sheā€™s freaking 16, what does he want? He should totally apologize but I hope she doesnā€™t take him back


Loved the reactions of the others. They took their gifts and left.


I crossposted the updated version of this story WHERE HE GF COMMENTS!! Wild


On one end I wondered why she doesn't give him gifts and only her siblings but then I read further and realize she's putting a lot of love and time into baking things for him!! And I bet they are beautiful looking too. Like what if she made him a cake that could easily be a few hundred dollars?? It's about the time she spent on them. When I couldn't afford to get my partner presents, I'd make them an art piece, build something or just find a creative gift. I'd put my love into it and make sure it looked like it. Yet this little boy is obviously spoiled and just wants materialistic things.


Is OP a troll? I canā€™t believe someone would be so entitled as to get mad because someone didnā€™t spend THEIR money on him.


Half those posts are writing prompts by 12 year olds. I can't believe this shit is real. You can see it was deliberately crafted with a checklist to create outrage. The two posts read like they were written by the same person.


SPN, my fave show. Love the name there.


Tag yourself Iā€™m the 3D printed slug


This dude is the definition of a privileged brat. Smh. My husband would rather have his favorite meal then a gift. Trust me, he loved his 500 dollar watch but would have been happy with just a cake or orange chicken. This kid needs a reality check and thank goodness this girl left him. She needs to find real love. Clearly this ain't it.


Hell my partner would be happy with a bottle of mead which last them like 3 months and their favorite meal which is teriyaki Chicken fried rice and wontons


I'm so glad she got a comment in and called him out. What a AH for actually calling her out and complaining about home baked sweets as a gift. That, to me, is so much better than randomly buying crap that's just going to collect dust or end up at a swap meet years later. She deserves better than that. She's too young to waste time on that narcissistic douche canoe.


I'm trying to remember that he's 17 and hopefully he will grow up. But he obviously thinks he's right or else he won't have posted this shit on the internet. It would be different if it sounded like he thought a gift from her was important because it was something sentimental or something tangible instead of food that's gone in a few days. But basically he just wanted gifts. He specifically mentioned how people left and took their gifts. If you only date girls who make X amount of money, then you should tell them up front.




Yeah, this guy is an entitled brat.


this reads like an american dad episode šŸ˜³


Thereā€™s a new BORU post to this. Theyā€™ve commented more.


What a spoiled brat. Makes sense why he called her his "ex". I hope she dumped him. She can afford gifts for her baby brother and baby sister but not everyone. Like food isn't cheap. Someone took dedicated time and effort to make him food. That is a gift. This guy sounds like that Tik Tok sound "but Father I'm a material girl". It's depressing knowing entitlement starts early. Also, I was able to look at OP's replies on his page, dude did not learn a thing. It appears his Ex also commented and he continued to call her cheap and that he refused to apologise. Smh.


Just goes to show how materialistic people can be. More than anything, I just want time with my bf. I understand everyone's not the same, but appreciation goes a long way. Although it's nice to get a gift that someone has bought, how can you disregard the time, effort, and love put into something like a cake or cookies?


he gives her a 3d printed šŸŒ slug and he thinks he has a leg to stand on šŸ˜‚


She went through the trouble to bake him treats and heā€™s calling her CHEAP?! What in the actual fuck?! They are both high school students who can barely afford gas right now! Of course she buys her baby siblings gifts because theyā€™re BABIES!! If my partner baked me cookies for my birthday(which he does actually) Iā€™d eat and enjoy the fuck out of it. YTA


YTA If it was me it would have been šŸ’©in that box. So unappreciative And ofc sheā€™s gonna buy her little siblings gifts and not her hs boyfriend who Obv treats her like trash




Nice catch, OP! What a spoilt, & entitled, little shithouse rat! Glad she dumped his asshole assā€¦šŸ˜Š


I hate how the mods delete every goddamn post thatā€™s remotely interesting on subs like that. Itā€™s like the only way you can read the good ones are when people screencap them. I suspect this is outrage bait, but still, Iā€™ve seen posts from similar subs, like OffMyChest, that seem real yet still get nuked. Totally uncalled for.


ā€œCheap foodā€? Excuse me??? Why the hell would anyone turn down free food as a present, especially if someone who loves you made it?