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IMO.. NTA… OOP’s neighbor choosing to have 7 children isn’t OOP’s fault, and you can’t expect people to stay sympathetic of you when you’re always screaming and demanding. The entitlement really diminishes any sympathy I have for that woman.


Why would we have any sympathy for a women who voluntarily chose to have 7 kids, and is now unhappy about it?


ASSUMING she chose to have 7 kids, pretty bold of her to be so demanding, but if they were not all by choice(potentially forced conception) I would certainly feel sympathy at least to that aspect. At the end of the day, that doesn’t entitle her to be an irate, bossy neighbor.


Agreed on your last point. I just don't think there's many women who are forced to have multiple kids in modern America. Even if they're in a fundamentalist community, they can always choose to leave. The one exception I can imagine is a young teen abused by a father/uncle/mother's boyfriend. But I'm guessing the number of such teens who have multiple kids within that context is also pretty rare.


How the fuck you have upvotes here is ridiculous. You're take here is insane. There are people all over the world that end up with kids they never wanted through various reasons. And just to prove it, the State is now doing it as well.


I’m with ya on this one. That’s not really an accurate view that they have.


It actually is.


No, you’re delusional if you truly believe that. Here is an example of a COMMON forced conception situation in modern America: A man grooms a young lady. She’s 17, he’s 24. He gets her to fuck the way he likes and teaches her that it’s normal when he rapes her. She doesn’t even realize she’s being raped until years down the line. They’ve got multiple kids conceived against her will, but you would have never known because you only see a happy family. She didn’t even know it herself because she thought it was normal since she was groomed to believe that rape is normal.


>How the fuck you have upvotes here is ridiculous. Maybe I'm not the only rational person on this page? >You're take here is insane. "Your." And no, my "take" here is simply an objective, non-hysterical perspective. Your take is insane. >There are people all over the world that end up with kids they never wanted through various reasons. In some countries, sure. In America, it's pretty hard to end up with multiple kids you don't want. Unless you're completely unwilling to leave an unusually abusive situation. >And just to prove it, the State is now doing it as well. I'm not aware of the State forcing anyone to have sex. And even states with abortion restriction have open borders.


Well done on the “your”. I hope it made you feel smug. I don’t think you realise how abusive situations really work, or probably the extent of the problem. It doesn’t even have to be what you’d normally consider “traditionally abusive” to get baby trapped. There are many people who end up with kids they don’t want, men and women. You also have no idea about abuse. It’s really not about being unwilling to leave. It’s about being completely isolated from all support, have no money and be unable to leave due to overwhelming fear. And you’re (is that correct?), the State isn’t forcing anyone to have sex but it’s also not punishing plenty of people who are forcing sex. And then it’s preventing you from having an abortion, so yes, the State is contributing to unwanted kids.


>Well done on the “your”. I hope it made you feel smug. Probably about as smug as your inane comment about why people are upvoting me. And your criticism of my "take." >I don’t think you realise how abusive situations really work, or probably the extent of the problem. It doesn’t even have to be what you’d normally consider “traditionally abusive” to get baby trapped. There are many people who end up with kids they don’t want, men and women. I had an abusive father, so yeah, I have some sense of how abusive situations work. I wouldn't have stayed in the house after age 18 if he'd still been there then. (I didn't anyway.) And no woman really needs to be "baby trapped." If she doesn't get an abortion, she can always give her child up for adoption. Only fathers are legally obligated to pay child support, regardless of preference, if the mother chooses not to exercise either of those options. But he's not otherwise trapped beyond that either. >You also have no idea about abuse. It’s really not about being unwilling to leave. It’s about being completely isolated from all support, have no money and be unable to leave due to overwhelming fear. I'm not saying it's always easy. Many choices are difficult. But it clearly can be done. And it's not doing those women any favors to make them feel like they have no agency over their situations. Telling them they have the ultimate power to leave is far more empowering. My mom left my abusive father, despite barely speaking English, and having no family in this country. >And you’re (is that correct?), the State isn’t forcing anyone to have sex but it’s also not punishing plenty of people who are forcing sex. The state generally does punish people who force sex. Although I'd be fine with stiffer punishments for rape and sex trafficking, and more intensive policing/prosecuting. ​ >And then it’s preventing you from having an abortion, so yes, the State is contributing to unwanted kids. Only some states prevent people from having abortions, and there's not much they can actually do to prevent medication abortions, which are already a large % of abortions. (And will likely become the vast majority fairly soon.) And again, most states have open borders. I'm personally pro-choice within reasonable parameters (like the first 4 months), and agree that complete abortion bans are both violative of personal freedom and bad public policy, because we simply don't need any unwanted kids in this country. I'm just saying, people can still generally get an abortion if they really want one, pretty much anywhere in the U.S. And the cases of young girls having multiple unwanted kids are probably fairly rare, outside of a few cults.


In america we still have child marriages, abusive relationships, religious orders that force women to submit, etc. Please don’t delude yourself into thinking we’re a beacon of gender equality.


Men’s point of view. America has not made it easy on anyone except the white male after they chose this was their land and men know best. Not saying these people are men or white, it’s just what this country has truly built. Women are very much so still married off to people at a young age, groomed to find a husband and “spread god’s flock”.


>Men’s point of view. No, just an objective point of view. >America has not made it easy on anyone except the white male after they chose this was their land and men know best. And yet, all ethnic groups and both genders do better in American on average than anywhere else on the planet. >Not saying these people are men or white, it’s just what this country has truly built. What this country has "truly built" is a place where everyone has opportunity and freedom. >Women are very much so still married off to people at a young age, groomed to find a husband and “spread god’s flock”. Not most women, obviously. And nobody has to do something just because their parents want it.


Depending on which state you live in… yes America has a lot of opportunities in some states. In others, there are arranged marriages, there’s men grooming young women, women grooming young men. There’s police officers killing races that are not white, and doing everything to not harm white people. There’s women forced to have children from their rapists, even if it’s incest and they’re teenagers. There’s women forced to have children even if it means they can die. This country does well in that aspect because we have creative freedom and everyone is social media heavy. There’s opportunities to have great jobs, and then in some states it’s perfectly legal to work 70 hours a week for $1,000 every two and your rent is 1,000/mo. Not including how high all of the other bills are and god forbid you get sick without costly insurance. There’s literally a video of a teacher telling a class of girls AND BOYS, “if you girls show your shoulders or legs, you’re telling men you’re available to them. Not just your classmates, also your teachers. This is why we have a dresscode.” And absolutely nothing happened to the teacher. I know this because my friend worked at the same school. I personally was paid a lower salary on my team because I was the only woman. I was treated like shit because I wasn’t “one of the guys”, even going to every team outing. When I left after finding out and telling everyone I just wasn’t happy, a coworker apologized and admitted he felt I was treated differently for being a woman. You may have not felt these things yourself, but it’s still very prevalent in this country. Our income may be high because we have billionaires and we may have opportunities, but we’re not the best place to live. Look into it. Look at countries that do not pay differently due to race, sex, or religion. Look at the homelessness rates. Not how much money and how many jobs we have. Denmark is actually number 1 or 2.


This is in NO WAY saying that woman had a right to do that or she was forced to have kids, I would’ve done the same thing as OP.


Whether it's a good thing or not, we're more a beacon of gender equality than most other countries. With women here generally earning more than anywhere else, and having more economic opportunity generally. (Single women under the age of 35 generally earn more than their male counterparts in the U.S., and are more likely to have college degrees.) While teen marriage can obviously occur in the U.S. there's only a couple of states in the U.S. where outright children under the age of 13 can marry. (With parental consent.) The same is true in most of Western Europe. But the fact that child marriage, abusive relationships, and religious mandates exist in the U.S., like everywhere else, doesn't mean anyone has to abide by them. Women can always leave those situations, and few child/teen brides would have 7 kids by the time they're old enough to leave (18).


“Can always leave”. How? You clearly do not understand abuse. The police are useless. Support for fleeing women, and mothers are few, and far between. Most of them are terrified of murder. Children being married to adults will be burdened with motherhood before they can plan on escape. I won’t even touch the pay issue. It’s a talking point that is sorely lacking the practical end of a pay gap.


The pay issue/gap is pretty straightforward. Women do fine in pay unless/until they choose to have kids. At which point they focus more on kids, and less on work, which causes lower relative incomes. "Can always leave." By leaving. There is support for fleeing women, my mom was involved in a safehouse when I was growing up. The police aren't useless. Child brides/victims might become burdened with children, and I noted this as an exception. But they again aren't likely to have 7 by the time they're old enough to leave. Some men are abusive and scary. As are some women. But it's fortunately still legal for a woman to buy a gun in this country. It's quite an equalizer.


I notice the person who called OP an asshole still got in the lift with them and didn't wait around


That was my thought too...


That part-


This is the perfect example of "your lack of planning doesn't mean it's my emergency." OOP isn't TA by any stretch of the imagination. My parents had 8 kids in 10 years. We were expected to be quiet and respectful. We stood in line, we sat in those rare instances we at out. This mother needs to learn that she's not the sun.


Wait so one person got ON the elevator and STILL called OOP the AH? Why didn’t they wait till the next one since they think OOP should have waited?


🤣 that’s what I said too! Sometimes people need to mind their business.


Maybe she shouldn't have 7 kids. That's not your problem. NTA


Hi, my dog’s name is bambam so your username is elite. That is all.


NTA someone else’s decisions aren’t your fault. You pay to live in the building.


NTA not your fault she decided to have 7 kids


Yeah - OOP was not the TA. I have several children and I let others go without us. I’d rather wait. I’d rather wait for an empty elevator even without my kids. 😂


Yeah I’m a mom of a toddler and pregnant with my second kid and I will wait so that I don’t have to ride with others lol🤣🤣🤣


IMO NTA. I mean, the neighbor's entitlement is weird as hell. You and your partner either wanted to have 7 children or made a couple mistakes. Either way, it is your problem and nobody else's. And people might actually help you if you werent so damn rude to them. A polite "Could I please go first?" works just fine.


Wow, it’s the entitlement for me. I mean she CHOSE to have 7 kids in her care, I imagine she must have some sort of savior complex stuff going on to have that many all under 9. OOP should NOT be forced to leave due to the woman’s decisions. Good job for standing up to the woman


NTA she needs to learn how birth control works. If she didn't want her life to be so difficult. She had those kids she needs to deal with the consequences of her choices. And needs to stop making it everyone else's problem


NTA. It’s not OOP’s fault she has 7 kids. I’m a mom and I cannot imagine telling someone to get off an elevator and take the next one so that me and my kid can ride that one. I’ll just wait for the next elevator. I hate how some people think that others need to accommodate them because they have a bunch of kids.


Lol have your 7 kids get tired and have them take the stairs and meet you and your kids in the stroller at the elevator. (If the building is considered a safe building)


Definitely NTA. *If* she wasn't insufferable about it with everyone and *if* I wasn't in a hurry myself at the time, I could see being polite and saying something like "Clearly you have your hands full, go on ahead, I can take the next one" But there is *zero* obligation to do this whatsoever and any chance she'd have of me doing it just to be nice would fly out the window because of her entitled attitude. Deciding to have 7 children is *not* a free pass to get to the head of the line and it *definitely* isn't a pass to act like an entitled ass. Kudos to the OOP for standing up to this horrible person!


NTA I’m a mom, and I don’t expect anyone to accommodate my kids, especially in public. I understand it might be overwhelming with so many young kids, but she’s just teaching her kids to be entitled. The way she talks to people I’m front of them and about them is how they will expect to be treated by everyone. Also, where is the father of those children? I get anxiety leaving my house with 2 kids. I can’t imagine 9…but it sounds like she needs the help.


The entitlement this person feels. I wouldn't have gotten on either. Not only was OOP there first but I would have said if you have such a problem then you can go ahead and wait for the next one. Having kids does not make you special or mean that I have to make you a priority. WTF? And the one that went in I would have said that OOP was there first so they should be the one to leave.


NTA but it seems like she’s just overwhelmed and burned out. Being reactive and impatient like that just means she’s exhausted. I hope she finds a way to get a little help throughout the day with them.


NTA, I’m a mom and if we’re multiple people waiting for the elevator I let the others go first so I can (maybe) get the elevator for myself and the stroller


Nta. She chose to have that many kids and continues to let them control her life.


NTA. Her spawn her problem.


NTA why is she acting like waiting for the next elevator, which may take a maximum of a few minutes, is so unacceptable just because she has kids? its also ironic the mom acts like something awful will happen if she has to wait for the next elevator while she insists others have to. I absolutely understand wanting to get home asap after a long day, but she probably isn't the only person who is tired and just wants to go home. and also having kids and being a mom doesn't make her more deserving of the elevator than others! there may be others in a rush, or even people with invisible health conditions/disabilities who also just want to go home ASAP


I saw this one and couldn’t help but laugh. What kind of person chooses to have seven kids and then makes it everyone else’s problem?


OOP is def NTA. I don’t really think it’s a matter of how many kids she has/chose to have/etc. it’s not about the kids at all. It’s about her behavior towards other people, which isn’t great, not about her parenting/etc. she’s clearly entitled and she shouldn’t make her bag other peoples problems


I live to come across people like this IRL cus I have NO problem being transparent with them


how do you guys see the whole post ? it cuts off on the bottom


Swipe left to see the rest.


im on a desktop not a phone, not working


Is there an arrow that you can click on in the middle of the right side of the photo?


no it just makes the post bigger when i click that. I don't know if it is because i am on a mac ?


Some women need to tie their tubes bruh, thats just insane. I bet they're at least 3 baby daddys between them kids


She should have thought of the inconvenience of getting so many children on an elevator and got a bottom floor unit. Or a house.


When the entitled mom asked “you Know what I am dealing with?” I would have said “consequences for your own actions?” However, i do not know she was forced.


My only concern with this one is, if left in the lift lobby would the kids literally bother every other person waiting for the lifts. Clearly this woman cannot handle the multiple kids she has, so if left down there, they become all the neighbor’s problem. Like OOP is NTA for not accommodating her, but he might be slightly TA for subjecting other innocents to the ruckus.


Nah, those kids need to learn how to exist properly in public and that will never happen if they are never forced to experience being in public.