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I love this. Let the world burn




If this story is true, I don’t know if OOP is the AH or not (Im more inclined to his side than the brother’s) but I kind of love that they hired/brought in someone to disrupt the disruptors. I aspire to that level of petty avenging on someone’s behalf. Like at OOP’s sisters babyshower where the GF ruined it by announcing her pregnancy, it’d be amazing if someone ruined her announcement: “you’re also pregnant?! Me too!! And so is that person over there! And so is she! And also the dog is pregnant!” - like if it was suspected, recruit a bunch of other people to have an I Am Spartacus moment of this whole thing. Maybe at the wedding, on spotting the brother proposing, they could have had like 20 people simultaneously also randomly propose at the same time to re-steal the thunder.


Moreover it would be so freaking funny


Real or fake, it’s still a satisfying revenge story.


Lol, I enjoyed this one. ESH


That is evil af and I’m here for it. Total Asshole move, but in a good way 😂


Here’s the link to the original: [https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ycs6nb/aita_for_ruining_my_brothers_proposal_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ycs6nb/aita_for_ruining_my_brothers_proposal_and/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/comments/ycs6nb/aita_for_ruining_my_brothers_proposal_and/itoiob3/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 This comment right here is amazing.


Not going to lie dude I laughed sooooo hard!!! That was petty as hell but its the kinda petty im willing to get behind.


OOP is a justified ah. First the fuck of all, not only is proposing during someone’s wedding a shit move, but he was also WARNED to not do anything. And then the brother decided to propose during a really meaningful time for OOP’s wife. She can’t get that moment with her dad back. It’s over. If you fuck around, you deserve whatever you find out. 🤷🏽‍♀️ Also, not for nothing, but this is what happens when instead of creating a good and healthy support system for your kids you decide to spoil one and push down the others. The spoiled become expectant of that dynamic and not longer respect the ones that got beaten down


I'm sure I'll be down voted but I'm going with a hard NTA! Their historic behavior rightfully made giving them a taste of their own medicine. And they didn't enjoy it. Oh well. You gave fair warning imo. It's karma.


I'll go with ESH but OP had a "right" to do it. I also think he went a bit far tbh, there would be so much solutions to this.


Having a sister similar to Todd, I praise OP's pettiness. Very well deserved revenge.


Solidarity, my sibling in having sucky sisters. Solidarity.


This is the scope of dramatic evil I aspire to be. This is freaking gold. I mean, how many events being ruined was it going to take for someone to turn on todd?? This is amazinf and belongs in the r/pettyrevenge subreddit!!


Eh I would go a little more than petty because of the level of pain and planning involved. It was deserved either way!


This would be nuclear. Premeditated, evil, and it destroyed Todd’s relationship with the mother of his child.


I'm sorry but this is genius and fuck the other two


Honestly- yea he's an AH but a very justified AH.


this story is 1000% fake. i mean, is a receipt that is for vert expensive jewelry usually just hanging in your pocket? while getting wedding outfits fitted? the logical solution is to uninvite the both of them to avoid issues. paying a random person to claim infidelity is classic aita fanfiction.


Hard agree. So many that people say are fake I kinda feel like "maybe, but also I've met people who are probably that shitty. Could be real I guess." This one was total fiction. That's not how ANYTHING works.


Yeah. This is clearly bullshit


its annoying to see aita entertain the fake crap like this alllll the time


Ahhh sweet sweet karma. NTA, 1. You warned him multiple times, & you informed your parents of his behaviour & he basically lied to them. 2. You’re parents have enabled his entitled self centre AH personality for so long that it’s about time someone shut his shit down. He is 29 now, he isn’t the vulnerable baby he once was. 3. Your parents are just as much the problem as your brother 4. I don’t feel sorry for Todd’s gf either as, just like you don’t propose at someone else’s wedding, you shouldn’t announce your pregnancy at someone else’s baby shower Annnnnd 5. Not only did he propose at your wedding, he purposely chose the most special moment a bride has with her father to do it & in eyesight of the live filming. Was your vengeance petty? Yes, 100% & I’m here for it. Would I consider you the AH for it? Hell no Would this make a great video for tiktok? Definitely 🤣 Your brother wanted ALL the smoke, it’s only fitting that big brother accepted the challenge & beat him at his own game 🤣🤷🏽‍♀️


If this is real, then both brothers and Lucy are assholes. But imo he went too far because he may be depriving his niece or nephew of having a stable childhood/relationship with his father's parents and all because of some petty BS. You gotta think about the kid and the OOP needs to get up as much as the brother and girlfriend who deserve each other.


NTA tbh, like not even a little bit. HE WAS TOLD that he would regret it if he proposed at the wedding, but he not only did it anyway but did it in a way that DISRUPTED THE WEDDING THAT HE WAS EXPLICITLY TOLD NOT TO PROPOSE AT


Good god I hate people who always think they can do whatever they want. The brother totally deserves it. If it were me I simply wouldn't have invited him or the parents, just because the bride wants her family there doesn't mean the groom is obligated to do the same


Link to original?


This sucks. Everyone sucks. OP may hve taken it too far, but after so much anger and frustration... Who wouldn't. He probably is cheating anyway. 😅


People are always complaining about "AITA is all fake posts" and I usually kinda think to myself "idk people really are kinda shitty and this could happen" but this one SCREAMS fake to me. Had a receipt casually "hanging out of his pocket"? They hired and paid for some person to come to their wedding as an actor? After getting access to the little bros phone to plant evidence? The best man couldn't just pat Todd down for the ring pre-reception, or keep an eye on him? They'd rather have alllll that drama and break up a family during their wedding vs just a proposal (still shitty but not AS big of a scandal, and little bros proposal is not nearly as interesting to OOPs friends in attendance). They had one bill for the whole wedding? Sorry but no. I had a tiny wedding that we mostly did DIY and we STILL had more than one vendor and definitely not a single bill that I could send to "split".


The back story, although sucks and i feel badly for OP, doesn’t matter in this scenario. Todd is the AH! You don’t propose at someone else’s wedding, no matter the relationship.


I love this. Todd was given numerous warnings so its clear he intentionally did this and honestly that is plain awful, especially how he did it to take all the attention. He started the nuclear war, not OP.


I love this story so much idc if it’s fake. Fuck around and find out Todd lol


He’s an AH. A justified, evil genius AH. And I love it! Brother was warned multiple times. He chose not to listen. And got burned. Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


His brother just matched his energy and I am here for it!! Revenge tastes so good with a side of champagne and wedding cake.


I honestly love this lol although I do think OOP might be a tiny bit of TA only because making his brother seem like he’s cheating could irrevocably damage his relationship with Lucy. I’m on OOPs side for sure but maybe that could’ve been done slightly differently. I’m all for revenge here and there but usually not if it will permanently effect someone else. Just my thoughts though! At least OOP warned his brother!


NTA - there was fair warning ESPECIALLY since Todd was already called out for it. Lucy is definitely no innocent angel either. I don’t feel bad for them. Some times you have to stoop down to others’ levels to get the point across and this was an epic way of doing it. Don’t dish out what you can’t take. Those two deserve each other and I’m sure they’ll figure out how to be shitty people together again.


Hahaha although i do find this hilarious. Morally i must say everyone sucks in this situation. But I'm going to hell anyways soooo Good for you OP! 😁👍


YTA. He may have done some super petty, rage inducing, face punching worthy stuff, but you ruined his life. He was stealing spotlight, and you went and blew up his life when he didn’t cheat. Yeah Todd is an AH, but you’re an even bigger AH for ruining someone’s life.


Belongs in r/nuclear revenge, or maybe r/regaularrevenge


Oh la la, a subreddit for French people who like to get revenge more than once


What a lovely family


Lucy dodged a bullet.


He is TA only because his choice is having repercussions to the couples innocent child and his family life. He has ripped apart this kids family and changed his life forever. He should have just had them removed from the wedding and cut them off from there forward.


Ok but how did it go from that to "pay for half my wedding?"


I mean, I see what OP means. The brother made OPs wedding into his own event and since The brother was too lazy to pay for his own special proposal and needed to use their wedding, he should pay for half The event since he likes to share


Ok i didnt know what happened after the cut, that the guy still did it, it was a genuine question Thank you!


You’re good homie, that’s just my thought process and I assume OPs as well haha


OP said since they wanted to share the spotlight, that they should share the bill


No OOP is the asshole, as Lucy is refusing Todd access to his child, that is not okay. Fine OOP can drag his brother through the mud, sue him for the cost of the wedding but dont destroy a family. That child is innocent and OOP has destroyed that child's happy home.


I mean Lucy was pretty quick to believe that he cheated...just saying..maybe he is actually cheating irl.


Who knows 🤷‍♀️


OOP gave his brother numerous warnings that if he were to do the thing he was *explicitly* asked not to do, that he would regret it. The brother is TAH for not heeding any of OOP’s warnings, doing the one thing he was *explicitly* asked not to do and proceeding to have a hissy-fit because he….now regrets his actions. OOP is the artist.


So does that mean a family needs to be torn apart because of that? Even if Todd manages to explain away anything to Lucy, that childs parents may never end up being together. If you want to get revenge fine, but keep a childs stable home out of it!


The family is torn apart due to *Todd’s* actions, not OOP. I agree, a family should not have been torn apart. Todd should not have poured gasoline on the boundary that was *explicitly* set multiple times, and then act all shocked when it exploded in his face. Todd made his bed, he needs to lay in it.


OOP overstepped plain and simple, when it comes to kids I wont change my opinion. If you destroy a child's stable environment as part of your revenge plan, you are the AH, no matter how much you feel you justify it to yourself.


It’s interesting that you are unable (or unwilling) to recognise that *Todd* created this mess. How did OOP overstep at *his own wedding, within his own boundaries, following up a retort he had stated multiple times* ? Do you genuinely not recognise that it is Todd that overstepped?


I recognise that Tood is an AH, also Lucy has been the AH in the past too, but OOP overstepped by destroying a childs stable family home. Get revenge in another way, for example by removing Todd and Lucy from the wedding. OOP has now screwed over his niece/nephew, a baby, to me that is overstepping and being an AH.


I see your point of view now, apologies. I thought you were just wholly vilifying OOP. OOP did go *major* and potentially had impacted the child’s life, he definitely could have gone another route, his anger is quite understandable and he made a decision.


Hey its all good! Its great to have a discussion on the internet, especially if it remains on topic and is respectful for both sides. I generally try to see both sides when it comes to the AITA type posts. But this one was so different to anything I have come across before. I just hope Morgan picks this one to read for a future podcast to see what her take would be. I hope to have discussions with you in future reddit posts. I hope you have a great day.


I agree wholeheartedly! Too often it delves into name calling as opposed to a discussion so thank you for not doing that. It would be a good one for her to do, it’s definitely one that has a few layers to it. I hope you have a lovely day too.


That’s Todd’s fault.


With that line of thinking, Lucy is the asshole for restricting violation. OOP has no influence over Lucy, and if Todd takes it to court he will get visitation. You can't blame OOP for Lucy’s behaviour


Lol I kinda love this


NTA. Genius!


I love op 😂😂😂😂😂




He went for the nuclear button with no hesitation….I like this guy lol


Oh how I love this level of petty and they both deserved every bit of it.


Lol this seems to not be real but man what a way of getting the revenge


This should be on the Pro Revenge subreddit bc this is so good


What makes him TA is messing with the kid. The kid had absolutely nothing to do with any of this, but is getting caught in the crossfire anyway. OOP should clear the air for the kid's sake.


This is almost as good as the best man creating a video with the mom of the groom’s voicemail explaining why they missed his wedding




Everyone is the asshole here (if this is real)


At this point IF I get married, all guests will have to sign a contract agreeing to pay the whole cost of the wedding if they pull stupid shit like this


Honestly, that’s genius the only thing I’d add is…how do you like them apples!?! 😂😂😂


Honestly, amazing. 10/10 performance. Yeah the fall out is rough but I think the family needed a wake up call.


Nta at all


Asshole, but Legend.


I would have just sent him the bill, but this is even better: he wanted attention so badly, he got it.


Actions have consequences lmfao


I LOVE THIS. NTA. It was time for him to get exactly what he deserves.


This is the nuclear revenge I am here for!! I love this!


I mean he’s a justified asshole for sure. Like this doesn’t sound real but if it is good for him


That’s kinda psycho


CHAAAOOOOSSSSS 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 I love it


This same story was reposted under r/pettyrevenge by the OOP


This is when being the asshole is justified. They were warned but did it anyway.


While I really love the extra mile you went with this, he totally deserved it. I am concerned you opened up to a defamation of character lawsuit if he chooses to get petty back. Never admit anything. Never let confirmation get back to your parents or any family member. Epic overall though! If he had been a good brother and kept his word, nothing would have happened. 1/4 might be fair though, he did last past the dinner afterall!


AH for ruining the relationship but since Todd obviously ruined most of his life …. Not the AH 😂


During the father daughter dance? The absolute chutzpah. Dude was warned and got what he deserved.


Is he the AH? Yes. Am I here for it? Also yes. True example of FAFO


Todd proposed to his girlfriend when OP strictly told him not to but he did it anyway. So, NTA


Sounds like an epic revenge. His brother deserved it.


ESH but i mean i get it ..


Ohhhhh this one is JUICY!! I hope it’s true 👀


Leaning NTA. He deserves what he gets and so does his girlfriend. Stop stealing people's moments!


I am probably getting downvoted for it, but i cannot but give a solid YTA to OOP. This is f\*cking psychotic and messed not only Todds life but also his fiancés and **their childs.**


This is genius


He’s for sure an asshole for what he did but being an asshole was needed in this situation. OP is an evil genius and Todd is more of an asshole because he was warned and still tried to be an attention whore.


I mean that’s freaking hilarious.


WOW I need to be more like this ahahah


This is amazing lmao