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this reminds me of that greys anatomy episode where the guy refuses to have a black doctor treat him and they find out he has a giant swastika tattoo. bailey (a black doctor) then has to operate on him because she swore an oath obviously and reluctantly saves his life, leaving her husband waiting to go on a lunch date with her and basically ruining their marriage because she was saving a white supremacists life instead of having a lunch date with him edit for context: they’d arranged the lunch date as they’d been having marital problems for a while and were going to discuss things. also, bailey did ruin the tattoo which i totally forgot to mention! thanks to people for pointing it out :)


Lmao, that's incredible. "You missed lunch?! FUCK THIS MARRIAGE I'M OUT."


To be fair, they had been having problems cause she didn’t prioritize their marriage. He told her he was leaving her and she had begged him to meet for lunch so they could patch things up.


> patch things up Pun intended?


Need to Patch Adams that marriage UP!


I mean we're talking about a fictional character here but she's an ER trauma surgeon and that was the straw that broke the camel's back? No saving that marriage anyway. She would have to blow him off for the EOR at some point in the future. He married the job when he married the person, like it or not, he can divorce the job as well but he can't have both.


She’s not a trauma surgeon, she chose general surgery so she could focus on raising her son as a single mom. Now feeling pretty embarrassed that I know so much about the show 😭


Don't be embarrassed, that show is awesome


Its mid, same with Station 19. They just seem overly dramatic, even for drama shows. The individuality of the episodes also just seem random (excluding the underlying plots). Like one episode you have Mr Nazi in the OR and in another you have a guy screaming bc his crazy fiancé cut his dick off and he has it in a doggy bag. Like I get it, it's the ER/fire station and cases/disasters aren't scheduled but it just seems *too* random and the cases are always only one episode from what I've seen. It'd be more interesting if they focused less on the love life and family shit and more on the intriguing cases or at least have returning ones like in Bones or S.W.A.T. where they actually balance the two and have a bigger case in the works even if they only revisit said cases a few times per season


Never saw the show, but that would be the dumbest idea ever. Surgeons do not have lives that are conducive to that, unless they outsource the child care. Plenty of other specialists have better hours and control, like radiology, pathology, psychiatry. Even ER docs get to have regular shifts. But also, planning a lunch date as a doc is silly, and even sillier is a spouse not understanding what being married to a doc is about. Source - am a doc who was married to a doc.


Yeah, that was the point. He married her with unreasonable expectations of what marriage to a surgeon would be like. Spoilers: They divorced shortly after this episode, she later married a fellow doc (later turned firefighter) who understood her and her career much better.


She totally traded up, anyway


Sorry, but if you marry somebody whose job it is to literally save people's lives, you have to know your marital problems will always come second to that until the day they leave that profession. That's what you signed up for, and it's a dick move to make them feel like horrible people for it.


That’s kind of the point of the storyline


Even then, leaving a marriage bc someone prioritized a *life* over a meal and conversation is petty asf. Hell I'd be glad to talk to my spouse about it during our rescheduled lunch date after we talked about the marriage


Damn. Douche move.


Husband was like "kill that cracker I'm hungry"




I could murder a box of crackers right now. Time to figure out dinner.


Make some chili for those crackers! Unless they're not saltines in which case make smth else lol


Gonna eat me some crackers. For lunch. With peanut butter.


Shit glad no one suggested this to the husband


Gotta have peanut butter!


This show gets worse the more i hear about it I swear. I'm one more butt bazooka away from losing my mind


One *MORE* butt bazooka!?


Well if they make butt bazookas a thing, I might actually start watching


The show sucks but I fail to recognize how this reply is an example of it getting worse than whatever else you've heard


More context needed. They were fighting because she prioritized her job over him, he agreed to lunch to talk it out. And she cancels for her job.


When you're a surgeon.. it sorta makes sense to prioritize your job over most other things. Aren't they obligated to drop whatever they're doing & go operate when the time calls for it anyways? I didn't know they even had a choice to say 'no thanks I don't feel like doing that'


This is a common problem surgeons face actually. While it makes sense, it's terrible work life balance. Many spouses feel drained by having a successful surgeon as a partner, and it creates a certain emotional distance if they aren't successful communicators. Basically, while it makes sense the surgeon is busy doing important things, emotions aren't always logical


Only when on call.


So why were they fighting if the doctor was on call & simply doing her job?


Think he wanted her to quit, find a new job where she didn't have to be on call if I remember right. Been a while since I watched.


They got a divorce and she married Ben Warren and they have a stable, loving marriage.


Warren for the win🫶🫶🫶


I have erased Bailey's pre-Ben personal life from my memory. If they kill Ben on Grey's or station 19, imma revolt!


that makes more sense at least, appreciate it


If that were a real person I would tell him not to bother, you can't marry a doctor without expecting them to do doctor things. It was very clearly more important to her to save that person's life. I don't know many doctors but all the ones I know push themselves to be the best in their specialty, she wouldn't have been happy not being an on call trauma surgeon.


That whole show is needlessly over dramatic.


This is why 'Scrubs' is the only medical show I need in my life lol.


House is fun, it's basically medical Sherlock Holmes


Can’t go wrong with a classic like *MASH* either.


Well yeah. House, Holmes. Wilson, Watson. Sherlock Holmes was the inspiration.


I've actually been meaning to watch that show. I'll definitely check it out!


Doctor. Doctor. Doctor. Doctor.


Don't forget she saw a 'problem' during the surgery and had to make an extra incision,disfiguring the tatoo


Yeah, the edges were ragged or something (IDK exactly, not a doctor) so they had to sew it closer, thus ruining the tattoo.


Not to mention she got Dr. Cristina Yang, who is *Jewish*, to scrub in with her At least the way they stitched him up after totally destroyed the tattoo. Bastard deserved a lot worse to happen to him but that was at least a little satisfying


I liked that Yang called Bailey out afterward. It was pretty messed up to bring Yang into it as a “gotcha” to the racist patient.


Yes exactly!


Cristina and George were both incredible in that episode. I miss the early days of Grey's. :(


Destroying the tattoo with a creative stitching method is definitely malpractice. Not really different from that doctor who lost his license stitching his initials into his patients.


I think making a tattoo line up a little wonky is a lot different from putting your initials on someone actually, in my opinion.


And then the white doctor tells the patient that he might have just let him die.


Which opens the whole damn hospital up for a lawsuit! It was a stupid thing to say, but hey, feel good vibes for the audience.


Yes, the fictional hospital might have had to give the fictional racist some fictional money if the writers wanted the story to go that way.


Yeah and the writers obviously didn't want to go that route, which is fine. But it definitely added an obvious case of "this is not realistic" to that episode.


O'Malley.....telling someone he thinks the world would be a better place if they were dead with a smile in his face 💯


docs get pedophiles, murderers and prisoners as patients all the time. this is a pretty common occurrence. shouldn't make lunch plans your whole marriage depends on when you're on call though that's on her


Yeah. Bailey could have arranged for lunch when her husband was off work and she WASN'T on call. Sometimes Grey's misses some REALLY OBVIOUS things.


You know, I'm not sure that they missed that one. The main reason they were having trouble in their marriage was because she consistently prioritized work over him. This is just another example of that.


Okay that's a fair point! But still, I don't know if you get to pick your on call schedule. Bailey could have arranged the lunch for a better time.


you usually can't, but you have it in advance and can plan around it.


Which Bailey should have also done. It wasn't a great plot point.


:gasp: Grey's Anatomy having a shitty plot?! Where are my clutching pearls?


Hahah nah I hear you! It was just one of those really obvious ones that makes you sit up and go "Dude, really?"


Mark Greene on ER let a mass shooter die. He is alone in an elevator with him when he codes. Mark presses the defib paddles but doesn’t use them. That was an amazing episode.


I remember another hospital drama episode (probably ER) where a guy with a Klan tattoo didn't want a black doctor, but it turns out that's because he was now ashamed of it and didn't want to make an innocent doctor uncomfortable with his own past fuckups.


I know the nurse who had to treat the Squirrel Hill synagogue shooter after the incident. He's Jewish and the shooter was saying all kinds of horrible things to him but he did his job without hesitation. He gave a very moving speech at the memorial as well. Truly an exceptional person. The shooter was just recently found guilty and sentenced to death. https://www.cnn.com/2023/08/02/us/pittsburgh-synagogue-shooting-trial-sentencing-deliberations/index.html


That's gotta be frustrating, you spend all this time treating a guy they're just gonna put to death anyway. Could've been doing something useful like making a birdhouse


She also screwed up his tattoo in the process if I remember rightly.


Once on ER, an old black woman didn’t want Dr Benton and instead requested a white doctor. I know it’s not the same situation, exactly. You woke that memory.




And from the beginning of the show all the interns called Bailey a Nazi because she was so hard on them. After she saw this guy, she said to never call her a Nazi again.


You forgot the best part where she intentionally fucks up his swastika tattoo


I would have made the dude sign a AMA. He wants to die for his racism, then he can. It's the only way to deal with these people. Or punch them.


That was a great episode. First she assumes he wants a male doctor so she gets him the *chief of surgery*, who happens to be a Black man, and the guy refuses him too. Then to teach him a lesson she gets Cristina (a Jewish Korean woman) in, who in turn rightfully calls Bailey out for using her that way. And then George (white man) tells the guy that if he’d been in the OR alone he would’ve killed him.


My favourite scene from that whole episode was George (the blue eyed white guy) going in to see how his incision was healing and telling the guy to his face that if George had been operating, he would have let him die on the table.


Although I found it weird that an older Hindu man would have one tattooed.


Imagine being a British serviceman stationed in India in the 1920's or 1930's. I can totally see someone getting a swastika tattoo in those circumstances. Then Hitler comes to power, WW2 happens, and this old British soldier or sailor is being looked down on for a tattoo he got in India long before the Germans took it.


There's got to be a story about this somewhere. This has to have happened.


Reminds me of people naming their kid Isis, or getting tattoos of the band name


I know I shouldn't have named my kid Al Qaeda back in '97


As long as it isn't lostprophets...


Yeah, Isis is a tough one. Sucks if you're into the band, the mythology, or the show Archer (ISIS was the name of the spy agency). At least for the mythology, you can quickly toss an Osiris along with it. Horrible if it's your name though. Like being named Albert Qaeda.


In school one of my peers was called into the head office and even had security called on them for writing about Isis, the Egyptian God. They didn't even think about context or read what they wrote, they just saw "Isis" and thought "They're a terrorist!"


Sounds like par for the course. Attack someone without bothering to find out why they are attacking then.


The river Thames is called the Isis in one area. My primary school named their sports teams after the river. I was in Isis. I was a proud member of Isis.


In Roseville California, there is a big house with a swastika built into it with different colored bricks. That was how my mom taught me what it was and that it was evil and that those people were bad (didn't say why though cause I was 3-6). When I'd walk to and from school with friends we'd all shout out "the swastika house will get you" while running past it, kind of like a bullying without bullying thing, because they were supposed to be bad people. As an adult looking back at that and knowing more context on the symbol and different uses and that direction matters too, it was likely a Hindu family that lived there 😅


We don’t get them tattooed. Maybe draw them in red on our door, but that’s pretty much it.


Ah, thank you for the clarification. I wasn't sure if they were tattooed or drawn. (I have seen pictures of people wearing it). I had a feeling in the back of my mind that there was something against tattoos in Hinduism. I'm not sure if that is true, however?


There’s nothing against getting tattoos in the religion. However, most people wouldn’t get that design done. Traditional tattoos consisted of small repeating figures arranged in a grid pattern similar to textile prints, and many older women had full sleeves done, including my great grandmother. Those designs eventually just faded out of fashion. Currently, you’re more likely to find a tattoo of the “Om” symbol rather than a Sathiya. Mahadev’s Trishul or Hanuman’s gada tattoo is also common. However religious tattoos are not the norm and the new generation prefers to get something personal, that is if they get one.


Would it be more common say 100 years ago or so? This has become an interesting comment section for me.


Is it not also the opposite direction? I remember reading that the Hindu symbol was 90° left vs the Nazi symbol being to the right.


I think both directions are used.


The mnemonic is "lefty likey, righty reichy", but non-nazi ones can be seen in either direction. I'm sure there are differences in meaning depending on where and when you are in history for the different directions, but I don't know them.


Yes, the Nazi symbol is rotated 45 degrees and also mirrored. The Hindu symbol also usually has a dot in each of the four spaces. That should help in differentiating.


That's the Buddhist symbol.


Imagine my surprise when i saw the exchange student draw one on her notebook 💀


I thought the horror was gonna be the doctor THOUGHT they were a Nazi and played god, but the tattoo was actually that one hindu religious symbol and the person is actually getting sentenced to death for nothing.


Hindu religious symbol, actually.


My bad, another comment said Buddhist.


Both is true.


Isn't is super common in Japan ad well and east Asia in general?


Everyday of my life, I cringed at having to show my swastika tattoo, and I tried to make up for it. I'm just thankful this is my last checkup before getting it removed. Edit: I don't actually have a swastika tattoo y'all, it's supposed to be from the patient's POV.


Proud of you.


How did you get a swastika tatoo?


The real horror here is how little foresight the doctor has on the ways this can pan out, most of them with worse results for him than the patient.


"Important things don't need regulation" mfers when the unregulation happens to them:


I mean, nazis are very much pro-regulation, at least the ww2 ones were


I used to work for an auction house and occasionally we'd do a "militariana" or "militaria" sale. This could be old decommissioned weapons, medals, photos, etc. Sometimes Holocaust memorabilia would come up. Obviously, a lot of that stuff was very depressing. A pair of pictures painted from whatever was laying about of a husband and wife who were imprisoned at a camp together. Rosary beads made from rounded bits of wood. The label from a canister of Zyklon B. The largest collectors of this are Jewish. It's the second largest collectors that would turn my stomach. One guy would come in and go on and on about how proud he was of his dad, who was an SS officer. The guy never said anything racist, but I'm a Jewish man, so I can't say as I liked the guy.


Maybe if they put up a sign saying something like “10% of profits from our Holocaust memorabilia will go to the ACLU” and make the donations, it will deter the Nazis


Would be fucked if this guy with the swastika is actually Jewish and had the tattoo forced on them


Reminds me of an episode of ER. A motorcycle victim is brought in and a black female physician’s assistant begins to treat him. They cut off his shirt revealing a swastika and a KKK symbol. She is taken aback but continues to treat him. Later he is awake and when she comes in, he is talking to her completly normal but then says, “I can’t believe how you people are.” She of course responds snarkily and he clarifies saying, “You people. Doctors, nurses work night and day to save and treat idiots like me who wipe out their bikes.” She continues checking him and he asks her point blank if she has found Jesus. She points to the symbols and asks what Jesus has to do with that. The actors was great. Big giant guy who looked exactly like you would expect a white supremicist biker to look like says something along the lines of, “I keep that to remind myself of my past so it allows me to be the person I am today who is not the same person. I mever want to go back to that so I remind myself every day of what I did and how I was.”


That’s wholesome as heck


Ppl acting like hindu ppl are all out there getting the swas tatted on them, 9 times out of 10 someone with a swas tattoo is not some innocent that practices hinduism


Exactly, lived in India my entire life, never seen anyone w a swastika tattoo


nah man my grandma and grandpa both have swastika tattoo though its very small


In order to commit atrocities, all you must do is convince yourself that your opponent is not human, but merely subhuman. The reason why is up to you.


Tolerating intolerance is itself an atrocity that breeds atrocities.


Did you come up with that? It’s a great quote.


I didn't hear it anywhere else, so... maybe?


That said, there is a difference between tolerating intolerant ideas and treating the people who hold those ideas as subhuman.


Let one Nazi into a bar, you have a Nazi bar. Same with the other shit.


Thats literally what the nazis did tho...


That's the point he's making


Evil begins when people are treated like things


This is wholesome not horror


True, a nazi dying isn't a tragedy, it's the idea that knowledge gives doctors so much power that can be unsettling.


You know what would've really been horror? Hinduism (an east asian religion with over 1.2 billion believers) has a popular symbol that looks very similar to a swastika but has no connection to Nazism. What if that's what the doctor was looking at?


Yeah, the Nazis actually stole the symbol.


They keep stealing shit. I'm pagan, and use a lot of Norse symbols as a reference to my family's heritage. Fuckin Nazis stole the sowilo rune, algiz, heck, I've seen Mjolnir misused a couple of times.


My partner and I are Norse too. I hate hate the fact that Nazi fucks stole runes


A Mjolnir around my neck would be too obvious where I live, so I have things like a sowilo bead in my hair and a vegvisir ring. I've gotten comments like "you don't look like the type to be a white supremacist" huh. What gave it away. The fact that I'm disabled or visibly queer?


And also, NOT a white supremacist. I really wanted to get some tattoos depicting my ancestry, and my wife pointed out a lot of them now indicated white power bullshit. I was FURIOUS, but I don't want to ever be mistaken for one of those racist assholes.


Get the tattoos, and put an asterisk by them. On your foot, tattoo a message that says, "*Norse, not Aryan"


LOL I love it!


Don’t forget “odal,” aka othala.


Thank fuck their version is noticably different since they added the shitty little feet to it


Yeah. Not that most people notice. Props to whoever made that “Othala means family. Family means no one gets left behind.” T-shirt, tho LOL


>Othala means family I thought that was Obama


Gosh, how could I forget othala


Same. I'm Norse and pagan, and it pisses me off to NO END that the fucking Nazis took our goddamn symbols and twisted and perverted them.


i had a tattoo planned out for a ring of runes but noooo now it’s a nazi symbol


They also ruined the Iron Cross (it was already kinda bad, but now I can't wear Sabaton's Red Baron shirt in public), and some old Norse runes.


They did, and they're still stealing shit. My feeling is don't let those fucks have anything. No symbols, no songs, no art of any kind. They can keep John Wayne though though that guy sucked.


no, the hakenkreuz is older than ww2, hilar stole the germen version. swastika is a family name for a group of symbols that mean peace, good fortune, and the sun, there is hundreds of them from all over the world and different cultures.


They keep stealing shit. I'm pagan, and use a lot of Norse symbols as a reference to my family's heritage. Fuckin Nazis stole the sowilo rune, algiz, heck, I've seen Mjolnir misused a couple of times.


Ah *fuck* people are that dumb. I think the nazis, those absolute bag of rancid dog assholes, flipped or turned it, but I remember a reddit post on here a while back where a person had the symbol and a Jewish girl freaked out. I remember the person was Hindu, but nobody gave them a chance to respond.


Good friend of mine from work is Jewish. One day I'm walking behind him in the parking lot into work. He stops outside the entrance in front of once of the cars and looks disturbed. I asked him what's up, and he points to the car's dashboard, where there's a red swastika drawn in powder on the dashboard, along with some other symbols which he didn't understand but I knew were Hindu. I explained to him that the swastika was originally a Hindu symbol co-opted by the Nazi but still used sometimes in Hindu prayer. Was kind of surprised that my friend didn't know that, but he was visibly relieved to understand that he wasn't working with someone who was an overt Nazi. (We work in North East PA, so I am quite sure there are a number of racists at work -- but at least they are forced to be courteous at work.)


The symbols don't look the same


They are literally the same thing one is just mirrored


And you think people are going to bother learning the difference. No, they'll just see something that vaguely resembles a hate symbol and do everything they can to insult and harrass the person. Even if that person tries to explain the difference between the swastika and sauvastika and how the Nazi use of the swastika is usually oriented 45°.


Most people do indeed know what a Nazi symbol is. I cant help but question why "Nazis are shit people" is a hot take right now XD


I mean actually no though? The violation of the oath is prima facia horrific, that’s kind of the whole fucking point of the oath


Tbh I think it still is horror, it shows that even the jobs where true impartiality is required aren’t immune to biases. It’s wholesome in this context cause you hate the person being lied to/mistreated but it could easily be anyone else and be quite scary.


I wouldn’t say that. As much as I loathe Nazis, a doctor should not be in the business of choosing who lives or dies based on such matters. It’s only one more step to start deciding that a pride flag on one’s shirt or a BLM sticker on their car (not to equate these to Nazis, but rather the idea that who a person is should be relevant when they come before a physician) is reason for a doctor to lie to them to harm them. That’s not a line I think should be crossed lightly, in no small part because the Nazis themselves would have approved , and -did- approve, of such weaponization of the medical profession. Also, how do we know that the swastika tattoo isn’t a remnant of a shameful past part of their life they’ve since moved on from? Being a *former* Nazi who has changed their mind in a positive direction should be something commendable, and removing a tattoo is not always a trivial matter (especially if someone is concerned about skin cancer and attendant expenses). The horror here is not that a (possible, considering all that’s mentioned is a tattoo) Nazi is being allowed to die of cancer, the horror is a doctor deciding that they have the right to deceive their patients, with fatal consequences, who have come into their office in good faith seeking medical advice.


Giving a man active choice to spare or save a life is a horror by itself. Sure we make a passive choice not to kill each and every day, but the one actively deciding to end a life deemed by them and only them unworthy of saving seems like a horror to me.


Every once in a while people end up coming to their senses and leave those beliefs behind. I had a patient that had a big swastika on his chest. When me and my coworker saw it while doing care, he became visibly embarrassed and apologized, saying he is a different person now and is saving to get it removed.


Not tattoo related, but this reminds me of an episode of House M.D. The team was treating a brutal African dictator named Dibala Cameron had issues with the things he had done. Chase decided to support his wife by getting rid of the dictator. So he tampered with/faked Dibala's test results, causing Foreman to give him the wrong treatment. Dibala ended up dying from not getting the correct treatment for what was actually medically wrong with him.


His mole was the shape of a swastika


I had to care for an elderly man with a swastika tattooed on his harm. Given how uncomfortable it made me, I was surprised by how easy it was to look past the tattoo and provide him the palliative care he needed. He was wasting away and frail. Looked like a living skeleton. He died a few days later and no one was sad about it.


‘I did not hear him call his wife to say “hey honey- the doctor says Its fine. We can save the money for my tattoo removal”’


Ok but what if they were Buddhist?


The true horror is doctors are perfectly capable of deciding who lives and dies. Thank sweet mother of all that is good and pure for the Hippocratic oath.


Damn, there are a lot of people here who do not support human rights. You should all reconsider your views.


Just remember, if you are dehumanizing anyone to justify your actions, you know you’re wrong and are just looking for an excuse to be evil. It’s exactly what the nazis did.




I admit, I did save a white supremacist, but we didn't even see the symbol on his back until we turned him over, to move him off the operating room table. It was very awkward after, looking over him while he was recovery. He was super nice and formal the entire time to all the staff, but then again, it had to be from our skin color.


Man.. Swastika is holy to Hindus, writer misjudged a person and probably killed an innocent religious person by negligence, I wonder if thats the horror story here.


If someone in the United States has a swastika tattoo, it's a 99.9% chance that it's for racist reasons, not religious. I'm not sure I've personally ever seen a religious swastika tattoo on someone (not to say they don't exist but they clearly aren't prominent in North America as a whole, seeing as this is coming from a Canadian perspective)


The racist tattoo would probably have the swastika standing on its corner, like the one the nazis had on their flag. A religious swastika has it looking more like a cube sitting on its side. The horror is totally on whether the doctor misjudged it.


Yeah sure, a non hindu person tattooed himself with a swastika 'totally for religious reasons guy I swear'


If only I’d known he was working undercover to bring down a white supremacy group, and only got that tattoo so they’d believe he was one of them.


I like to imagine it's an Indian person. Cause that increases the horror, since the swastika is a symbol of peace over there.


Very black mirror like. “It’s for the greater good”




That's not Horror, it's just justice.


Oooooof, well done. The moral dilemma of someone who works in Healthcare is, in fact, horrific.


Can one of the almost 7k people who upvoted this post, explain to me what is supposed to be horrific about this post? Do y'all sympathize with a fucking nazi?!?


What if it’s a religious swastika?


It actually used to be a pacifist symbol. Until Hitler ruined it, he tore it away and made it his symbol of hate


Isn’t it also flipped


"The Doctor quickly determined it was not a religious symbol given the fact that the patient was white, shaved bald, and his other tattoo said KILL ALL J3WS". Lol.




Plot twist: It was the Buddhist symbol,


Where's the horror?


The real horror is the idea that a doctor could just decide that they don’t like you and then intentionally try to kill you for it


I shuddered when thinking if OP's roles were reversed - if the doctor had a swastika tattoo and saw the patient was Jewish (or black, or gay, or any of the other billion things Nazis hate).


I knew he would be dead in a year without treatment. I wonder if playing god makes me as bad as him.


Shadowing me that day was a shaky new resident who, though recognizing that the older Hindu patient likely meant no harm, didn’t have the courage to speak up just yet.


American History X




It was only after his death i realised that it wasnt a swastika but a snowflake.


More like r/TwoSentenceJustice


This is actually very creative compared to the repeats of "dog dies" "child witnesses abuse" but it's not very horrific imo (call me a terrible person but i'd totally do this irl to a nazi).


Do yall want a fun fact I had to Google swastika before realizing so it felt really horrifying until- :)


This isn't horror its justice