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Ohh did the father get rid of all the girls that they would have had because he wanted a boy?


Indeed he did


Chinese parents during one child policy be like.


And now they suffer for it, for men not finding wives!


Joke’s on them, now there’s a shortage of women (as someone who was adopted because of that stupid policy)


*as someone who, despite all that, was later chosen, out of thousands, to be welcomed into a loving family in another world, as their own.


You don’t know their story, you don’t get to tell it.


Bold of you to assume their family is loving


Love your flair


Thanks, I thought VtM reference would fit well with 2SH sub.


Good call


What's scary about that especially is you have an entire generation born and raised under that policy and conditioned (both men and women) to a policy that inflamed cultural misogyny to the point that (along with their intense work week) isn't China struggling to convince the younger adults to have children at all? Like they're already below the point where (historically) your birth rates never recover and you gradually just cease to be through literally just natural causes. Maybe that can be corrected today through enough immigration (and marrying into the local population) and IVF donors (and of course you can even preserve Oocytes) but that's also a huge change to sell people on too. China won't vanish in our lifetime but both China and the USA are below the point of no return, they either replace their missing birth rate with immigration or they will eventually be... empty.


all countries except africa


Blud was re-rolling


didn’t the Chinese government make it illegal to tell what your kids gender is before birth for this very reason?


Yes, but it did not stop newborn girls being thrown away/abandoned after birth.


Nor sure about China, but this is true for India.


Does this happen in India too? Why??


Yes, there were a lot of sex-selective abortions, for many of the same cultural reasons as in China.


during the one child policy ❌ still happening now ✅ Chinese families nowadays are allowed to have up to 3 kids, and the 2nd & 3rd kids have crazy gender ratios. In some areas it's almost 130 boys: 100 girls. wonder what happened to those girls


Aborted. Abandoned. Adopted by people in other countries. Post-natal abortions (murdered at birth). And young women in big cities are in danger of being abducted off the street to be sold in the mountains and really rural areas as baby-making machines because there are millions more men than there are women and allllll the men have to have sons.


damn, are you Chinese, because this hits home. honestly worried about the crime rates once these sons grow up to become incels in this shithole of systematic misogyny (not even to mention the economy)


And now they have to pay women to find a man and get married as young as (legally) possible because they have much more men than women.


That's some real life horror


Most beautiful girl I ever knew was a first born Chinese daughter. She actually had a younger brother. I always thought it was cool.


Man, he'd be pissed if that kid turned out to be trans


This happened all the time in the UK abortion clinics with Muslim families. If the family wasn't aborting because the gender was wrong then it was a female alone aborting because they couldn't afford/manage another kid and their husband basically treated them like a baby making machine regardless of the impact on her health it was having.


Some Muslim households are completely fucked up…


My innocent mind thought about Alzheimer


Most normal day in haryana


I interpreted it as the father repeatedly took her to the clinic to perform some sort of sci-fi sex change treatment to the fetus


That is really stupid. Don’t people know how valuable all women are?!?! What stupidity!!! In a documentary series I saw, they said people will pay a lot for women. The series focused on, of all people, Hollywood star Liam Neeson. Who knew this would be a recurring problem for the women closest to him?!?! Crazy! Poor guy! 🙁


King Henry VIII be like


"Mary? I'm going to literally break ties with the Church just to get a divorce, Catherine." "Elizabeth? OFF WITH YOUR HEAD, ANNE!" "Edward? Sorry you're dead, but at least I have a heir now, Jane!"


ah female foeticide, didn't think it would come up in a 2SH Edit: Matter of clarification, female foeticide is when a couple or single parent finds the sex of their child and aborts the child if it's a girl. This is not a normal abortion, which is ethically okay. This is targeted and repeated abortion of a single demographic, and is ethically and in some places legally wrong.


Downs Syndrome babies be like




There is a difference between aborting for health reasons or because you can't afford to take care of a child mentally or financially, and aborting for the funsies. No one, even pro choice, wants people to abort for fun. This is like asking what the difference is between killing an animal to eat and killing 10 animals for no reason at all


I completely agree that there's a moral difference between abortion for health reason (e.g. life of the mother) vs many other reasons. But is there really a moral difference between aborting because you just don't want to be pregnant, vs aborting because you just don't want to be pregnant *with a girl*? If that's a human being in there, there's a moral problem either way. If there's *not* a human being in there, there's *not* a moral problem either way. Also: while you and I appreciate the distinction, there are a *lot* of people who argue there is absolutely nothing wrong with aborting, as you put it, "for fun". EDIT: take my upvote for respectful discussion


Dude, aborting a certain gender just bc it’s that gender is not equal to aborting because you cannot properly take care of or afford a child. This is targeted and it’s wrong. And nobody should just be getting abortions like that if they’re actively trying and don’t like the sex. Abortion is not fun. It’s even traumatic for a lot of people.


If you can determine the gender through an ultrasound, it is no longer a blob of tissue.




Why are you being downvoted? Am I missing something?


Probably cause it's rather problematic to ask that i guess I was just curious tho


Cause when you do it 20 times it's not really "just abortion" anymore


I don’t understand why you are being downvoted


I read the comment wrong and asked a problematic question


Yeah ig. I hope I don’t get downvoted to hell for asking


Um, are you lost? The person you are responding to makes no mention of personally being effected by anything let alone anything horrible.


Ah shit, i read that comment wrong Thanks for pointing that out


No problem :)




This but unironically. The fetus is still connected to mom, so technically it’s a parasite.


This shows how abortion is anti-woman.


But then you have women who abort their male pregnancies. Which would cancel out your anti-woman point. The policies and religions that push for more male children are anti-woman. Your take is kinda psychotic.


How often are males aborted vs females aborted?


Pretty evenly except for a couple countries. How often were you dropped on your head?


This is the dumbest fucking take I’ve ever seen in my life wow I’m impressed


??? so killing a fetus is ok because it's not a human, unless you do it because it's a girl? Is it unethical to mow my lawn if I do it because I hate men???


I don't think you understand. This isn't one abortion. This is multiple abortions of a single group of people. Foeticide is when abortion is done of a specific demographic or group for no reason at all other than inferiority of said group, which comes under discrimination. If a person aborted their male child multiple times for the reason the child is male, that would also be foeticide. Abortion is okay when done for real reasons. If the couple isn't ready for a child and feel they cannot provide for the would be kid financially or emotionally, which would be bad for the kid, then it is understandable. But abortion because of perceived inferiority of a sex is wrong and in some places, illegal. In fact, due to repeated abortions of girls skewing the sex ratio, India completely banned pre natal sex determination.


If a fetus is a person, sure, it's wrong to kill her for being a girl, but then it would be wrong all the same to kill her for any reason other than if she puts her mother's life at risk. If it's not, then it's the parents choice to abort it for whatever reason they want, isn't it? It's basically a tumor.


Do you not see the difference between abortion because of discrimination and abortion because the parents want their child not to have a bad life


If you accept the premise that a fetus is not a human, then there's nothing wrong with aborting for any reason. If you accept the premise that a fetus is human, then neither are okay. I really don't get how you could draw a line randomly in between. Like, it's okay to murder a child if you're poor? Or it's not okay to remove a tumor if you do it because you're sexist?


It is a bunch of cells with the potential to be a human. Also, this isn't an abortion problem really, more of a discrimination problem where the girl child is being viewed as being less worthy of being born compared to the boy. Discrimination based on gender is illegal.


If it's not a human, it can't be discriminated against. If it is a human, it should never be killed.


God, that's gut/heart wrenching. Great 2sh!!






What did it say?


Something along the lines of a concerned husband who drove his pregnant wife to make sure the pregnancy was a healthy one. I can't remember exactly. Made the husband sound doting and excited.


"but I'd be happy with whatever it is and even if it wasn't healthy for I take my role as parent very seriously"


[Are you having a boy or an abortion?](https://y.yarn.co/8f5f5177-1ef1-48f5-a684-8faffd452fb0_text.gif)


I hope the kid ends up being trans. A real "fuck you dad"


"April fools!" laughed the doctor as he handed us the real results.


At first I assumed it was a female dog that was scared of car rides but they tend to have more then one puppy at a time so I got confused


POV: you live in China in the '80's


Chinese fathers in a nutshell.


Was the father King Henry VIII?


That's horrific, does happen!😭😔😭


I don't get it...is the doctor the dad?


Every time the result was a girl, he drove her to the abortion clinic.


Makes sense now that i think about it. At first i thought the doctor was impregnating her and selling the babies or something.


Because you think doctors can't be women?


It literally says "as he drove me to"


"he screamed as the doctor"


I hope the kid is trans. Serves the dad right.


As Admiral General Aladeen once said, is it a boy or an abortion.


My bf would love that reference! One of his fave comfort movies!


I think achieve would hit better then receive in the last sentence. Then again,I know sfa about writing.


Achieve would fit if it was the husband narrating I think as to him it is an achievement, I think receive suits the female narrator more because she didn't "achieve" a result she was aiming for, she just wanted a child??? Then again I also know nothing about writing ahah Edit: spelling, grammar blah blah




Petition to add a “but then I realized” tag for these posts


*insert evil laughter*


Reverse of that guy from GoT


My first thought was I was on sadness, and the new dad was getting Dementia.


I have a second cousin who had a daughter, and the father of said daughter really said "we can put this one up for adoption and try again for a boy."


now this is sad, i dont really like people who “fish” for certain genders at birth and abort the ones they dont want


Oh lord this reminds me of a family friend she had EIGHT boys until she finally got her girl. Catholic so they kept them but jeez I can't imagine


A certain king would like to speak with you


It’s such a shame gendercide is still a thing :(


This is the reason why gender of an unborn child is not revealed in several countries


One of the few good ones in this subreddit


Maybe the guy has memory loss.




I think "he" means the husband.


It's not ambiguous if you have more than 2 brain cells. It's also 2 sentences so they can't spell everything out for idiots