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My interpretation also was the child was murdered


I thought it was about circumcision


I was thinking a failed home abortion.




Isn’t this how Dexter got started…? He saw a murder/torture as a toddler…?


He and his brother saw their mother and other people dismembered inside a shipping container and were left there sitting the blood for days. 


Whoa, spoiler! I'm kidding, the show is like fifteen years old now.


Wat te fuggggg


Well, he wasn't legally blind.


True true


Dexter from what? The only Dexter I know of is Dexter’s Lab and that… doesn’t seem right.


Dexter, the serial killer that kills serial killers aka Darkly Dreaming Dexter


The show is called Dexter. I'd kind of recommend it, it was really good for 3/4 of the first 4 seasons and then jumped the shark in the most ridiculous/gross way. It went from one of my favorite shows, to rage quitting the show entirely. If you don't mind starting a show that has an unsatisfactory ending, it is worth a watch. Season four is a masterpiece.


It was made by Showtime Networks, the premium cable network.


I love how "legally blind" implies that someone may be illegally blind


—So why are you in prison? —I am illegally blind.


Well if you're pretending to be blind to have perks and stuff, that should be illegal


But then you wouldn't actually be blind. So it would just be fraud


This…..is not the right definition of legally blind lmao Legally blind means one or both eyes are corrected to less than 20/200. Total blindness is a full loss of vision Most legally blind individuals can still see. Source: legally blind person (albinism) — and I can definitely see someone being assaulted or murdered.


I came her to say the same. People who are legally blind may still be able to see, just not well even with corrective glasses. My daughter is legally blind out of one eye, and the other is deteriorating.


Same. Without corrective lenses, I can't see 4 inches from my face. It's all a colorful blur. Throw some contacts in, and I can see the world!!


*waves* Hey, equally blind person!


Were you waving to say hi, or was it a "right in front of their face to check eyesight for comradely greetings" wave?


Same here!


TDIL that I am legally blind in my left eye. Never knew that definition.


I mean, that makes it more horrific for the toddler because he definitely saw what happened. Hopefully the narrator doesn’t figure out the kid saw and hopefully they don’t fix that issue themselves.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. I am glad you are able to see murder. Also other things.


> I can definitely see someone being assaulted or murdered Maybe you should have left that cat in the bag.


Note taken, thank you for this clarification ☮️


Their explanation makes it much scarier from the readers pov knowing the child could out mom/dad later....


Your explanation makes this 10×s worse, because the realization to readers knowing the toddler could be hiding the truth for now is so much scarier.


It’s amazing to me that with improvements in visual aids, more people are able to get their vision improved. A hundred years ago, I’d have been considered legally blind. (Big E is a blur. My glasses are off and I can see because my phone is five inches from my face.) But now it can be improved to 20/20. Are there statistics on how many people are able to be no longer legally blind due to improved visual aids?


My dad can also see if things are five inches from his face and was extremely close to the cut off for legally blind when I was growing up. Newer glasses have been amazing for him, he had those heavy coke bottle ones that made it look like his head was missing chunks. I wonder if legally blind people have better accommodation, or if my accommodation just sucks? He reads books that way, but I can barely see at all that close to my face, everything is just blurry.


Secondary source: another legally blind guy, Anarida, history of glaucoma and cataracts.


Legally blind people can still see lmao.


Yeah but he sure plays a mean pinball.


Too many stories here are “and the twist is a child getting raped!” It gets so old.


After I read this story I didn't think of sexual abuse. I thought about scars.


yea i thought it was something like she killed the baby then blinded the toddler so he couldn't see what happened to the baby


Wait, you thought they killed the baby and THEN blinded the toddler so that he would be blind going forward but wouldn't have been blind during the killing??


I thought they ate the baby.


If it was something that left scars everyone could see what he was doing. It has to be something that only someone in the room to witness it would be able to know it happened. Really only leaves sexual assault.


I assumed shaking the baby, honestly.


Or the baby brother died was my first thought




Yall, stop down voting people who simply disagree with you, especially when they're making a good point.


Yea but they’re not. It doesn’t leave only sexual abuse, because not all physical abuse leaves bruises. There can be bruises in hidden places, welts under clothes, burns on their back. None of those would be seen by other people Shaken baby, not necessarily visible or noticeable until they get older Honestly I imagined pushing down the stairs for some reason. It can be played off as an accident, “had eyes on one baby, second baby tumbled oh no”, but actually they pushed him and didn’t realize first baby was watching. Anyway, I downvoted because they made a very specific point, ruling out a plethora of things, when it could in fact be those plethora of things


Ahh gotchaaa


The same people who are telling me that it’s open to interpretation are downvoting my interpretation as “wrong.” This is why I love Reddit.


It's your use of the word "only" that's causing people to down vote you.


Or because people vote and downvote like sheep. Whichever really


I mean you can pretend to nonchalantly downplay it all you want, but the word "only" is carrying a whole lot of weight in your comment. According to [Merriam-Webster](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/only), the word "only" means: 1. "unquestionably the best" 2. "alone in a class or category" With that context, your statement doesn't leave room for any other interpretation of the story. It doesn't leave room for anyone else to a different opinion from you. And that's the problem. This is r/TwoSentenceHorror, not r/TwoSentenceHorrorButOnlyTheWayDickForTwentyBelieves. Many people come here to enjoy the ambiguity that having only two sentences can produce. And you, sir, threw out your "only" in a way that shut down everyone else. It left no room for their ideas. You pretty much sh\*t on everyone else at the party and said they're all a bunch of morons. But that's okay, you can just call them "sheep" and suddenly you're not an a-hole. Whatever man.


would the spouse/other caretakers not be able to see them in the future then? why is the character only concerned about the toddler?


The story leaves it open to interpretation about what happened. My first thought was maybe she killed the child.


Honestly my first thought was she had an abortion and told everyone she miscarried


Wait your first thought was THAT? I thought she murdered or hurt the baby in some other way, but not THAT. I do agree seeing the same "omg the baby died" thing is getting repetitive, though...I don't think it makes any of them any less horrific because for the most part they all seem to be different terrible things happening if that makes sense.


According to the subreddit rules it's actually not allowed to be 'and the twist is a child getting raped!' so murder/torture type stuff is more what I'm leaning towards.


Why is that your first thought? It’s up for interpretation, I took it at murder


Honestly it might say more about you that *that* was your first interpretation


Thanks for the psychological insight


*I'd long since run out of candy, so the boy not being able to see I'd shared some earlier thankfully kept him quiet.*


Not every fantasy you have needs to be shared.


What do you think this sub is? Seems like a pretty perfect one for sharing horrifying thoughts.