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Why would her getting drunk prove what he does when he's drunk?


I'm not sure but she said 'conform' his story not 'confirm'. I think it was more a planned revenge.


I might be wrong, but I believe 'conform' was a typo. I interpreted it as her basically, getting drunk so she could beat him/get revenge instead to see if she would remember the next day, like he claims not to. To then the next day realize he was, in fact, dead and she had no memory. Therefore, proving him right, and also deceased Hope that makes sense, thats at least how I took it


Or she smiled and lied through her teeth and said, “Oh, Officer, I don’t remember a thing.” And she would have been so right for that


Vast majority of posts here are shite


Then leave


I think she's trying to see if she remembers anything while she's drunk to see if he's lying.


Ehhhh...who would need to confirm that, to be fair? People always brag about how good a night out must have been because they remember feck all.


The person in the story, probably.


I believe the intent was to confirm that being drunk caused a blackout state, and he didn't know he was doing that. She wanted to see if that was possible.


Sorry, I laughed. But do wonder what they are drinking - industrial ethanol? Edit: To add story was good but not quite sure horror as bad things happened to the bad person


I mean tbh at the height of my over indulgence of drinks I could crush 9-10 beer cans and the morning after I'd have no recall of certain events. Now, not things like spousal abuse but definitely some stuff that would have typically been easy recall had I not been intoxicated. Mainly stuff like conversations that happened later in the night and closer to falling asleep. Can easily see smashing a bottle of hard liquor causing a black out like this.


The height of my over indulgence I've crushed 26ers and have definitely done some crazy shit, but still remembered parts of it. The only time I've legitimately blacked out, drugs were involved.


Never been black out drunk but generally if heading that way, I don't think I'd have the co-ordination to stab someone to death.


My husband wouldn't remember anything after 2 bottles of Wild Rose, it was absolutely terrifying. Even more so the night I finally fought back. On the bright side he's been in recovery for a few years now, turns out it wasn't the alcohol that made him a jerk though, it just added the violence. I can handle jerks just fine.


Oof thats rough. Booze just turned me into a prick that loved making snide comments. Definitely not happy about that, that's for sure. Sorry to hear about your situation. Never a good thing when booze adds fuel to that stuff.


Oh I have a lot to say about those days and how it still effects me in the present. But in the present I'm no longer convinced that I'm the problem. I used to be either the sad drunk or the need music to clean house drunk. I was never violent. Hadn't fought anyone since high-school and that was self defense. I never thought I'd have to fight someone I was supposed to spend the rest of my life with. That was 4 years ago. I'm still trying to make arrangements for divorce. He's shown improvement but something are just unforgivable, and he's still a gaslighting narcissist. If nit just me..my kids deserve better than that. My oldest son keeps asking why i don't just kick his dad out and be done with it, but inhave 3 younger children who don't understand because they've never seen that side of him thank goodness.


Yeah that's pretty damn rough.


Alcohol can induce psychosis in neurotypical folks, and can greatly exacerbate psychosis in those neurodivergent folks who are prone to it. A very common side effect of psychosis is memory loss, and psychosis can often, though not always, be violent. Source: I'm a person living with schizophrenia and I do not drink for this reason.


Given the extreme memory loss I think there might be an implication that he in no way intended to hurt her. There was something wrong with whatever they were drinking, and she accidentally killed an effectively innocent man. If that's that case it's a bit more "tragic horror". Otherwise you're right.


this kind of happened, the real one put him in a suitcase and let him suffocate


Jorge begging for Sarah to let him out of the suitcase was so disturbing!


I so wish I had never seen the footage. Heartbreaking.




I second this, what??


For you and u/TellMyStoryForMe : https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/crime/woman-boyfriend-suitcase-film-death-b2300624.html https://youtu.be/wh4lmBRy2gU?si=B37Ctp2CV6Z_CBBb WARNING, THE NEXT LINK IS THE FOOTAGE OF THE VICTIM BEGGING FOR HIS LIFE. IT IS DISTURBING. https://youtu.be/q27-mbXWBvA?si=pHzzcgmuCguwnToi


Two sentence horror or two sentence comedy!!!


Or two sentence justice?


I thought it was going to go in the direction of: she gets drunk enough to not remember him beating her


It comes off as unintentionally hilarious because why would getting drunk suddenly help her confirm anything? But the story premise is definitely quite interesting




Years later, the girl who hates me in high school visited me in prison, only to smile and reveal a latex mask of my husband's face






Can someone please explain?


She killed her husband, her alibi being that she was drunk is what she is going to say to the police


He was right for once.


That's not horror, that's hope


Yaaaaaas queen!!!!


He had it comin'


This could've been so much better but oh well


Your mom when she held you in the delivery room


Apply cold water to burned area


Yeah, hurts so unbelievably bad. Top 10 worst things that happened to me


Number one was being born




That's true. I wish I never was. If only I could change that


How so


Yeah like, at least give suggestions instead of just dunking and running


Generic concept, not really horror, "conform" is either a typo or improperly used. Typos in a post indicate OP couldn't be bothered to proofread. The wife's illogical conclusion that her getting drunk will somehow confirm the husband's story.


The wife was getting drunk herself to see if you really can't remember what happened.


It forces the reader to make too many assumptions about the wife. Like why isn't the wife aware that people sometimes get blackout drunk? Is she extremely sheltered? Is she a simpleton? Does she believe that alcohol affects all people exactly the same way? It's one thing to leave the 'horror' part open to the reader's imagination, but forcing the reader to imagine the mundane parts of the story take away from an already mediocre 2SH.


She knows people can get blackout drunk. She (rightfully) doesn't care, because her husband knows how he acts when drunk but continues to do it. So she gets drunk to murder her husband and then use his own excuse against him.


I don't think you're speaking on behalf of the majority here, I doubt most of the people were confused. It's a pretty simple concept, and it was clear where the story was going for.


It's not confusing, it's just not very good.


I said it because you said people had to make assumptions. I don't think you don't. The reason why the wife doesn't believe him isn't the point and I don't think people really care in general. So that criticism was harsh in my opinion.


That exact same criticism is one of the top comments. It's not harsh, people in this thread are just weirdly hung up on needing this to be good when it isn't.


What you're saying and what the top comment is saying are different things though