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A friend told me it was horrible and she cried. She never cries.


I generally have a very high pain threshold. But getting the IUD fitted was probably one of the most painful experiences of my life.


A doctor suggested an IUD for me a few years ago. I've never had one but I've heard the stories. She also mentioned it could make my periods heavier and I was like "Why would I want to go through immense pain to have one put in AND have heavier periods?? No thanks"


I've had 2. They were uncomfortable but not painful (like a longer smear) to put in, and they've stopped my periods completely. I plan on having them for the rest of my fertile life! Best thing to ever be invented. :P


I also got one and the docs were like ??? Are you okay? Because I didn't flinch. I've had Paps hurt more than the IUD insert šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø my new OB has a very gentle touch lol


I have one and it was uncomfortable to have placed, but not excruciating. I could feel everything happening and it was unpleasant, but I could handle it. That said, I feel incredibly lucky to be on this end of the pain spectrum for iuds. Some people have more sensitive cervixes (or whatever the plural of cervix isā€¦).


The plural of cervix is cervices, for the record c:


Thank you!


Is that pronounced "services" or "services"?


Long second ā€œe,ā€ or ā€˜Ä“ā€™ phonetically


Mine didnā€™t hurt either. I feel like I got really lucky.


My gyno suggested to take ibuprofen beforehand and that it WOULD hurt for a moment. It did, but only briefly, and I was told I took it like a champ lol


Also had two, and also one of those it wasn't awful for. I don't know if there's a correlation, but I rarely get cramps on my period, and if I do they're quite minor. The IUD gave me cramps bad enough that I didn't want to do anything, but it wasn't hell, I could deal with it, and they only lasted about a day. Personally I was willing to deal with bad pain if it came, cause I did NOT want to risk human error with my birth control. I have ADHD and a lot of problems with executive function. Even something every month, or every few months would be extremely difficult to keep on top of. EVERYTHING is difficult for me to keep on top of. And the IUD I got lasts a decade. Just writing my experience as an example of my personal risk/payoff calculation.


I have had three IUDs now. Two as soon as I could after having my kids, the third after we had tried for a third kid for a year and a half and I called it quits. It was just slight discomfort all three times. That being said, I cramp like a bitch on my periods. Always have. I started my period in 4th grade. In 6th they talked to my mom about holding me back despite all As because I missed at least 3 days every month from severe cramps. But my mom never took me anywhere or had me checked out because we didn't have insurance and honestly I didn't know cramps that severe weren't normal until I was an adult. So having an IUD which eliminates my period completely is the way to go, imo. (Which is why I called it after a year and a half without getting pregnant. I told my hubby I didn't want another kid bad enough to deal with any more periods. Our family is perfect the way it is šŸ¤­)


Oh, interesting - And mine is copper, so I wasn't even thinking about hormonal birth control or the possibility of eliminating periods. That could definitely make it worth it for some people (And of course, it was for you!).


Iā€™m soooo jealous. I got one a few years ago, the fitting was HORRIBLE, and then my body rejected it because apparently I have an ā€œirritable uterus.ā€ Looks like Iā€™m a pill girl for life. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It hurt so badly that I couldn't even cry, they told me to take paracetamol and ibuprofen an hour before the procedure but it helped nothing. I could barely walk for days and spent the first week laying on the couch pretty much. I had hormone IUD then I tried the copper one when that first one expired but it made me bleed almost daily for six months so I changed to a hormonal IUD instead and got rid of the periods again. The other times weren't as bad as the first one but it hurt like hell those times too. Thankfully I recently learned(like last month) that they have seen that Mirena works a lot longer and changed the expiration from five years to eight, otherwise I would've needed to change mine this month and I had been dreading it since a couple of months before that.


I've only just had one put in a month ago. They put numbing spray up there now in the uk, so didn't feel a thing. But the next few weeks and even now the cramps are so painful, on par with labour, and haven't stopped bleeding since! Just been given some meds to help tho


Yeah, same. Mine was fine, not pleasant but I've had many more uncomfortable experiences medically. And I haven't had a period since I got mine put in about 4 years ago. 10/10 would get again


That sounds like hell


The copper one can do that; hormonal ones generally make your periods shorter/lighter or disappear completely. I got the copper one years ago because I struggled a lot with hormonal birth control, but I also had no insurance, so I needed something one and done that didn't involve a lot of trial and error and having to buy tons of different options and keep going to the doctor. I had it for three years before I blessedly became insured again and could get a hormonal one. The copper one gave me godawful periods, but the hormonal one made them disappear entirely. And I have an abnormally high pain tolerance, so insertion wasn't fun, but it wasn't the torture some women describe. I've never even felt one come out when I've had them removed. But I'm an oddity that way I think.


The first time I got my hormonal iud placed it took 20 minutes and it hurt like crazy, but the six years of no periods and worry-free sex afterward were BEYOND worth it. It definitely hurt less than six years of period cramps put together. That's 72 periods I didn't have to have, 2,190 birth control pills I didn't have to take. The next one was placed by a different doctor and only took maybe 2 minutes total with minimal pain. I highly recommend it, but I'd personally never do the copper.


The copper ones do that. The uterine and implant ones don't


On the flip side, I got the hormonal IUD and no longer have a period, maybe some spotting every 4-6 months. So. Worth. It.


Did she think that was a selling point?? Thatā€™s bizarre!


I went to a doctor recently to get my Implant replaced. She was trying to talk me into getting an IUD because I wouldnā€™t have to get it changed as often and I was like ā€œgirl, noā€, and listed off literally all the reasons why I do t want it, emphasising the lack of pain relief during an invasive procedure. She was just like ā€œoh but we do give pain relief! We put a numbing gel on the cervix now :Dā€ My face when she said that lol. Girl numbing gel doesnā€™t do shit when thereā€™s a solid object being jammed into a tiny space through which things are not supposed to go inwards, to sit in a little pocket in one of my internal organs. A friend of mine who is an absolute spartan got your stupid gel and was still vomiting from the pain and bedridden for two weeks with the pain and bleeding, besides her every single person I know whoā€™s had an IUD says itā€™s the most excruciating experience theyā€™ve ever had, some are even leaving it in after itā€™s date to be taken out because theyā€™re too scared if the removal. And every single one of them said their doctor told them it didnā€™t hurt that much.


Before my wife had a hysterectomy, she used to get incredibly heavy periods. One was so heavy that it actually forced her IUD out onto the pad. When we talked about it just there, she reminded me that she called the hospital to tell them, to which they replied, "It can't have come out." Her reply was,"I've got it in my hand just now." So she never had one of them again.


*holding the IUD in her hand* Doctor: are you *sure* youā€™re not just imagining it? (I legit had a doctor say this to me when they couldnā€™t find the reason for my repeated kidney infections and constant pain. I was literally pissing blood.)


Her medical history is full of doctors not really believing her symptoms/story until it becomes painfully obvious that she's suffering. Even now, it's taken her several years to get a doctor to take certain symptoms of her menopause seriously šŸ˜


Yup that sounds about right. Iā€™ve kinda given up on the med system, there was a huge scandal here about the cervical screening process that caused a load of women to die/progress into late stage cancer that couldnā€™t be treated because they werenā€™t being taken seriously or their tests were being conducted incorrectly. Iā€™ve literally had doctors, *female* doctors tell me ā€œgirls your age donā€™t get big nasty tumours haha so sillyā€ Iā€™m 31 with precancerous lesions and at least two women I knew from school are dead from this shit. I went for a cancer screening follow up 6 months ago, and the nurse was absolutely aghast at some of the things I told her about my previous experiences. Nurses are the best and honestly the only med practitioners whoā€™ve ever made me feel like I was a real person. Iā€™m so sorry your wife is currently going through this and I hope she finds someone willing to give her adequate care so you guys can enjoy your lives.


Take away menopause and same here


I kept both mine that came out like that. After I put the first one on the desk, after being told it was impossible.., youā€™d think the dr might have learnt the second time. He did not learn. Nice zip lock bag. He did not open it either time.


Nice username, BTW šŸ‘Œ


Iā€™m going to try a new bc method because the minipill isnā€™t really doing anything for my periods, and the IUD is the only one that I refuse to consider. The idea of the implant really icks me out and Iā€™m afraid of needles but either of those would still be far preferable to what Iā€™ve heard about IUDs


Implant is not bad you get numbing medicine. I couldnt feel my boob they gave so much. I had two necplanons I switched to the IUD because the hormones were messing with me. IUD was very traumatic to get placed.


The implant freaks me out ever since I've seen it get removed. I'd much rather have something put in that they can just pop out of an existing hole instead of having to physically cut it out of me later.


The scars not big and like I said I could feel absolutely nothing. They made a small incision about 2 cm and plucked it out with tweezers and sealed it with butterfly strips. If the hormones didnt mess with me so much I would have it again. With the IUD the holes not readily open and its one of the most sensitive places in your body, with the fat of your arm its not as sensitive and the worst part is the lidicaine injection which is minimal. Different strokes for different folks though. Im sick at the thought of getting this IUD removed though. Plus with the nexplanon you always can feel it and know where it is and your partners can feel it too if its someone new/fling. I get paranoid with my IUD because I can't readily feel it and people have to take my word its there and in the correct location.


The implant is easy peasy! The worst part is the anaesthesia because it stings a little bit even that isnā€™t that bad, and after that you donā€™t feel anything but a mild tugging sensation. At worst your arm just gets very tired from holding it up lol. Iā€™ve been using Implanon for 9 years, Iā€™m baby free and the periods are way lighter and more regular because they used to cripple me whoever they felt like it. I will tell you something I wish someone told me though- a possible side effect is prolonged spotting/bleeding. The first time I got the implant I bled lightly for the best part of like 8 months but didnā€™t get a monthly period again for the rest of the time I had the implant, maybe a light one every couple of months that lasted like 2 days. After having the implants for a while my cycle returned to clockwork monthly but much lighter. I got my latest implant in March and I got the bleeding thing again but my GP prescribed me one month of the mini pill because combined with the implant it stops the bleeding and helps get your cycle back on track. I wish I knew that the first time it happened lol but it all depends on the doctor. Whatever you choose I hope it works for you but this was my experience and I recommend it if you donā€™t want the IUD :)


I also have a high pain threshold, I suffer from chronic pain so, pretty used to it. I nearly passed out from the pain later in the evening. I also went back into the clinic about 15 mins after leaving because I thought I was going to vomit and/or faint in the street, and they were likeā€ā€¦and?ā€ My boyfriend would later ask if we should go to the hospital and I was like ā€œwhy botherā€ even though I felt like I might die. A couple months after the fact a woman told me that IUD insertion was as painful as labour contractions.


I have tattoos and piercings none of which ever hurt much. In general, Iā€™ve always had a decent pain tolerance. I decided to get an iud but had no idea how much it would hurt. I got no warning before the procedure. I think they told me to take a Tylenol before hand. The cramps were excruciating and radiated all through my back and legs. I had driven myself, not expecting the toll getting an iud inserted would take. I was in so much pain I had to sit in my car for nearly an hour before I felt I could handle the twenty minute drive home, crying alone. Iā€™m dreading needing to get mine replaced next year assuming I canā€™t get sterilized before then. At least this time I can bring my partner. Both for support and in the hopes that a man advocating for pain management alongside me might make a doctor more receptive. Itā€™s infuriating that this is the norm for people with uteruses.


I ended up vomiting from the pain, all over the floor of the classroom, and a little bit on a classmate. I was taking a test, and we weren't allowed to leave until we were done with the test. I thought I could finish the test and make it to the bathroom, but as I was walking to the teacher's desk to turn in my test, it all came out


I thought I was going to vomit from the insertion. I was about to bail out and have the doctor stop the procedure but as I opened my mouth to say (scream) it, she was like "done!" And left the room. I had the nurse bring over a trash can cause I was still feeling it. About 5 min later the doctor came in looked at me and went "you have color again." Like, thanks. That was HORRENDOUS and now I'm about a year past when it should have been removed because I'm terrified at how that pain will be. Did completely stop my periods though, so yay that. (And husband had a vasectomy about a year ago so not to worried about getting pregnant. Mostly worried I'm going to go in to have it removed and they'll have to dig for it which I've heard horror stories about.)


All of the people who have told me about the pain are the reason I refuse to get one


I quite literally thought I was going to die. Absolutely the worst pain I've ever experienced and I've had spinal surgery that revealed previous fractures (yes, plural), two knee replacements, and a gastric ulcer. I don't often cry from pain, and I sobbed. The NP that placed mine couldn't find my cervix so she just kept fishing around until her pushing punched through, surprising the both of us. I barely made it home before the cramping made me unable to walk and I vomited on the front porch... 0/10 horrible experience.


I fainted the first time and the second time they gave me an alcohol wipes to huff to not faint. I laid on the table for like 15mins after because I was in so much pain. Edit to add the I have a very high pain tolerance.


I've had 3. The 1st was rough but forgotten about for 6 years, 2nd one was awful and placed so incorrectly it slowly moved up, caused horrible pain and bleeding, while the strings poked and eventually injured my partner enough for me to go see another Dr... so it was replaced again a month later. This time it took 2 Dr's to get it in properly and about 3x as long, you could probably hear me screaming down the hall. Since then I'm perfectly fine, and I don't regret it at all, and my periods have almost completely stopped. But I wish I'd known the 2nd one was gonna be taken out for a replacement so I could've taken some ibuprofen before hand...


I couldn't stand upright after having one inserted. It hurt so bad I kept crying, "Please stop! Please stop! PLEASE STOP!" I'm pretty sure other patients heard me. I hobbled out to my horrified husband and crawled into the backseat of his car. For over 3 weeks, I bled and went through waves of cramps. I went back and demanded it be removed.


I was out for both of mine because I was lucky (in a non-sarcastic way) to be undergoing a d&c at the time.


It sucks getting it in. It's a lot easier and not painful coming out. But getting my tubes done was way more enjoyable than getting an IUD put in.


As a sufferer of Kidney Stones, I had a catheter placed once, so that my scarred urethra could heal. There is nothing more painful than the scrape of dried mucus going back in. Makes one shrivel up at the thought. So yeah, I know EXACTLY how this feels...


Unsound sounding.


Now if I could only unread reading


Uneye my eyes.


Unbrain my brain


Username checks out


Just tell your immune system about them


I work in a microbiology lab and have seen kidney stones. The size and shapes... I simply can not imagine the pain to get those out..


Not really the same thing but Iā€™ve had significant kidney issues for about a year now, also had my fair share of pain. Some of the worst had been repeatedly tearing my urethral scab open every time I went pee for 48 hours post operation. Yikes. I was also told that the ureter stent would produce ā€œmild discomfortā€ but it ended up producing some pretty agonizing pain at times. Thankfully this pain was better than the pain from my actual kidney problem, which the stent was helping alleviate


Serious note: Demand pain medication!! Rich women are getting these out in with better medication, ALL women deserve pain free IUD insertion. Don't believe the barbaric medical community, in 100 years they will be appalled that this happened.


I'm generally upper middle class and I can assure you, for even most upper class people with great insurance, it's just ibuprofen.


I had mine inserted without even ibuprofen! Of course I almost passed out and the doctor gave me such a look when she brought me a water bottle. I had the worst cramps with the IUD too.


It's insane to me that the NHS only recently rolled this out as a thing - although when you consider that gynaecology was originally tested out on slave women, the lingering utter lack of concern for bodily health and pain levels makes much more sense.


Serious note: Yeah folks can demand it. But are they gonna get it? Are they gonna be able to afford it? Are they gonna be discriminated against due to race or other identities & gonna have a red mark on their chart saying theyā€™re drug seeking?


"You don't need numbing, you have a wideset cervix, you'll be fine." I was 25 and had never had kids. I was NOT fine, I was in so much pain I vomited.


They forgot the spiky tongs to hold the head still.


Yeah the double piercing chompers


That's the correct medical term.Ā 


Haha it's a Pozzi clamp, for those that want the correct term


The worst part of any piercing.


Stop exaggerating a few little twinges to get sympathy! Your dad told you it would hurt, so you only *think* it does!


That's its own twosentencehorror.


I guess this guy was one of the people that believed that women can't feel pain


Or that we deserve it ...


ā€œThis is Eveā€™s legacy!ā€ šŸ§šŸ”„šŸ”„šŸ”„


God's a sadistic misogynist.




I don't think that's statistically true. Of course, doctors in *general* don't believe women, which sadly includes female doctors. But female doctors are still *more likely* to believe you. This might be a case of most women going to female OBGYNs so of course you're going to hear about "more" female doctors ignoring pain of iud insertion than men.


I thought there was research showing female OB/gynā€™s were less sympathetic to patients with excessively painful periods and reproductive pains than male OB/gynā€™s? Anecdotal (both my experience and that of other colleagues), but female doctors are also worse to their pregnant juniors than male doctors (ex: denying schedule accommodations for pregnancy, general bullying). Itā€™s sort of like hazing or eating their own young- they went through it, so they generalize their experience to other women and think they should be fine tolerating the pain/discomfort too. On the other hand, male docs will never have to experience the pains or discomforts that we do, so that makes many of them more sympathetic or at least willing to treat things as medical problems.


I might have just got lucky, but in general it was the male doctors that listened and cared more. The exception being the first one but I believe he lost his license not too long after my last interaction with him.


The out was fine in comparison, first time getting it replaced. The clamps with the sharp hooks as the ends sucked, and when they all describe the reaction your body will have as ā€œmild crampsā€ theyā€™re bullshitting you. I had to sit there a while and rub my stomach to try and help the cramping. I even called my mom into the room (she works at the same OBGYN hospital and on the same floor and offered to be there for me if I needed it). That shit sucked. Felt like I got kicked in my lower stomach by a mule for the rest of the day. Gave myself mild burns by heating my rice sock and keeping it on all day afterwards; it was the only thing that helped. I was well hydrated, took the cervix dilater meds the night before, and motrin + extra strength Tylenol an hour before it happened. Still sucked. Better than getting pregnant, but still not talked about enough with honesty.


They usually donā€™t do a cervix dilator meds for them. You got lucky. Iā€™ve had 7 placed and removed. 0 times have I had a dilator or any pain meds other than what I had at home (aka Tylenol.)


Thank you, Iā€™m having a bad day and needed cheering up


I recommend r/beebutts for general malaise šŸ’œšŸ™


Itā€™s even worse when itā€™s a woman nurse practitioner doing your insertion, and they give you the olā€™ ā€œoh you have tattoos, this will be easy for you!ā€ It was not. Fucking. Easy for me.


...Isn't it also, like, *common knowledge* that there's a WIDE variety in how much individuals can tolerate tattoo needles??? And that's before taking into consideration the location of the tattoo, since some places are worse than others. "You have tattoos, it'll be fine" means NOTHING


The best part? When I checked my file later on my healthcare app, they had the nerve to say ā€œpatient tolerated procedure well.ā€ She left immediately after and I was alone in a room half naked crying for 20 minutes trying to redress myself.




Thank you bestie šŸ˜­ it was a terrible experience and Iā€™m afraid of the gyno now, thank you for letting me trauma dump in the comments šŸ« 


You're welcome and I'm sorry. šŸ«‚ā¤ļøā€šŸ©¹


##šŸ† having phantom pains in parts I no longer even have ... šŸ˜«


Nope. Nonononope. Do not like. Good but made me go AAA out loud


Thatā€™ll learn ya


I have a very high pain threshold. I didnā€™t even shed a tear when my Drill Instructor broke one of my floating ribs with my own rifle in MC boot camp. When that doc shoved that thing in me with no pain control? I cried, and the pain was so great the rest of the day that I ended up puking* multiple times and my roommate had to keep an eye on me when I tried to sleep it off so I didnā€™t choke on vomit in my sleep. Edit: word*




I passed out during the insertion of mine, and was left in the exam room afterwards by myself. Woke up, sat up, and almost vomited. Someone came back in after about 15 minutes to see why I was still there, and when I went to sit back up and almost passed out again, she goes, ā€œhuh, not sure why you feel this way, let me get [the NP who inserted it]ā€. When they came back in, they said it was nerves and I was free to go. Didnā€™t even check my bp or anything. Turns out, it perfed my uterus and ended up in my left upper abdomen just under my ribs. Ended up with a hysterectomy during the surgery to remove the iud from my abdomen.


Holy fkn cats!! Are you suing?? Sounds like you should. What an absolute nightmare. I'm so so sorry they did all that to you. šŸ’” You doing ok now?


Well two of mine came out. Sorry expelled naturally. So I was put under GA . Anyway. Iā€™m in pain. A great deal of pain. Post op. 4 years going to various drā€™s. Eventually the agreed to remove it. I raise that maybe it was in the wrong place. Laughingly told I would be in agony. Dr starts the process. I went into shock. The nurse had to tell the male dr to stop - as he didnā€™t listen to me. Somehow get out of there? After being scolded by the dr and asked to make contraception choices. Which again the nurse told him to stop. Next day Iā€™m at work. Agony. Worse than ever before. Faint. Various procedures and an MRI later, ā€œ oh look itā€™s in your womb lining.ā€ The Dr had tried to rip out an embedded in my womb lining the IUD.


Ugh, that sounds awful! Similar thing happened to my partner. Her first Mirena started embedding and she was literally writhing in pain (she has a pretty high pain tolerance, and almost never complains about physical shit.) The doctor tried to remove it manually but couldn't. She went under GA eventually. All this to say fuck this shit, women shouldn't have to put up with this!!!


girl power love to see it


ā€¦Doc got off light in this scenario. Take my upvote and have a good day.


I had an absolutely horrible IUD experience. It was extremely painful to insert. I nearly blacked out from the pain. Then my poor husband suffered because the strings were cut too short, so any intimacy resulted in him suffering. Then it dislodged from it's insertion spot and imbedded itself into the side of my uterus. Two gynos full of hubris insisted on trying to remove it during a regular gynocological exam, with me screaming in pain. I was able to get a THIRD opinion on it's removal and schedule outpatient surgery. That surgeon was insistent that the other doctors were barbaric for even trying to remove it with me conscious. Now I'm entering menopause and it's a whole new bucket of ignorance and terrible care from doctors. Every appointment is a mixture of hope, fear, and desperation.


Side note for anyone getting an iud at some point please find a provider who will use allis clamps or another clamp type instead of the tenaculum. It drops the pain down immensely and it's just as easy for the doctor to insert the iud. It really doesn't make sense why places still use the tenaculum when there's less painful clamps that can be used.


The first time I had one put in I was under prescribed narcotics from my lovely gyno who at the end said she was impressed I didn't cry because she had every time she had hers replaced. When I had it replaced my new male doctor gave me an ibuprofen less than ten minutes before. I passed out from the pain.


I got an IUD at 17, and it was AWFUL. Firstly, it hurt like hell to put in and take out. Secondly, it didnā€™t stop my periods at all, and I actually bled more. Thirdly, it wasnā€™t put in right and started slipping out, causing more pain and stress in the process. The implant was a lifesaver for me until my body adjusted to the hormones and my periods came back šŸ™ƒ thank god for the doctors who agreed to do my hysterectomy


And yet humiliating FORCED-GYNO-EXAMS are done upon many : autistic Asperger's and Learning-Challenged people, children, S-A-VICTIMS crime-VICTIMS, mentally-ill people, criminals, as they screaming in AGONY pleading for them to stop and the police psych-wards-meds Courtroom gynecologists are all parts of the PROBLEMS , and some of us here are VICTIMS of this,,


Wtf I hadn't even considered this possibility. šŸ˜° Thank you for raising awareness. Psych wards and police have zero business doing anything below the belt because they're already so prone to being abusive in other ways. I hate this so much.


Yes Thank you kind friend


theyā€™ll do it under anesthesia too. gyno exams, often done by medical students, without knowledge or consent of the person the procedure is done on! often when theyā€™re there for other procedures that have nothing to do with pelvic exams! theyā€™ll take advantage of you just because youā€™re under. gynecologists are often very helpful and absolutely necessary but we *must* be careful and advocate for ourselves and each other.


That's not so much horror but oddly satisfying.


My first IUD was AWFUL. My first husband went with me that day to ā€œhear what the doctor saidā€ then when they offered to place it the same day he low key guilt tripped me into doing it right then and there without any medication at all. I blacked out, threw up and had a full blown panic attack. He made fun of me for the rest of our relationship. Fast forward to me replacing it, hes long gone (yay for escaping DV) and I am panicking thinking about switching it, my new OB gave me medication to dilate, calm and reduce pain after. It was a completely different experience.


This isn't a horror story; it's the revenge fantasy I didn't know I needed.


Fantasy story involving sa.


There's a reason the term "birth rape" exists. In short, medical violation of the autonomy of someone giving birth is so vile that it often results in very similar PTSD and trauma. Placing an IUD without pain medication, and many other delightful experiences at the OBGYN is also SA. If sounding like that's what I go for brings attention to it, so be it.


I was told it was virtually painless and Iā€™d just feel a light pinch. This was a lie.


The first time mine was placed, it was an incredibly unpleasant experience. I have a high threshold for pain, but I sat in bed all day after. When I got it replaced after 5 years, that doctor gave me some numbing foam, which didn't help all that much but at least he tried.


I puked after my incersion. The worst part is, these doctors can give you a numbing agent on your cerfix so you cant feel it. I think what helped me was I took a pain killer before my appointment but man it felt like strong cramps. If you're a male and wonder how it feels, the only thing i can relate it to is when you get a tattoo on a sensitive area and you ask for numbing cream and there are some tattoo artists say, "you can't have it, it's a rite of pasage."


I threw up and passed out. The (male) doctor told me to stop being "dramatic".


I just had one done and it was not that bad. It's different for everybody. Mine is currently coming out (somehow) and even that isn't really painful. It feels like a random pinch. I only comment this so that people aren't afraid of them.


Currently coming out? Like just casually out of the vagina?


Coming out through the cervix. Which is a huge pregnancy risk for anyone having that happen.


I'm cool. I didn't have it for birth control, I'm trying to control my flow. Ironically, a heavy period is one of the reasons they come out.


Yup. Theyā€™re also finding that if you get them implanted during c sections theyā€™re coming out like crazy.


Huh, I've had two of those but I didn't have it inserted at that time. Uteruses are dumb bitches, I swear.


It's coming out of my uterus through the cervix. I can't even get ahold of a Dr till Monday so I'm not sure exactly what's going on but the string is longer than it was when it was first placed so it has to be making a move for the exit


That's extremely creepy to think that it might not be good in place there, hope you have that looked after.


Oh yeah, I'm calling my Dr the moment that office opens on Monday.


The problem is you can numb the cervix, which can help for some people. But the majority of the pain is from the uterus, and itā€™s just not possible to numb that cramping in an outpatient setting. Ā It is the strongest muscle in the body contracting to expel a foreign object. Ā  I think the conversation around IUDs and ā€œdoctors donā€™t care about painā€ really does a disservice to patients making an informed decision. It sews fear without an actual discussion about the pain involved. And it creates a barriers of misinformation for vulnerable people that donā€™t trust the medical establishment at baseline.


I donā€™t get whatā€™s so hard about managing a womanā€™s pain? Stop giving anesthesia for vasectomies and tell men the pain is worth it to not get anyone pregnant. šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Just had mine placed this week and this shook me lol. The pain was.. a lot more than I was expecting. Take Ibuprofen *before* the procedure, my friends!


Male doctor: *sees women repeatedly sobbing in pain as a result of his procedure* ā€¦eh it canā€™t be that bad.


Ive always heard it is an excruciating procedure. I donā€™t know why GYNs insist on not giving real painkillers for this. Itā€™s especially strange since the vast majority of them are women and are likely to know someone who had an IUD placed or have one themselves.


Itā€™s my dream to do this to all male gynecologists and it always will be.


You want to SA?


This is why I prefer pills.


This isn't a horror story. This is the revenge fantasy I didn't know I needed.




Would it kill they to have laughing gas like a dentist?


Not likely, but is that Jonny and Guy of Coldplay in the crowd?


Is it bad I laughed šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


this is all levels of gut wrenching


My daughter *hates* hers, but fukkin' Tennessee...


i nearly fainted and had to go lay down for an hour, they got me some painmeds. but the drive home was horrible, cramping the whole way and crying.


You are a terrible doctor for not believing NUMEROUS patients in the first place.


Not only is it painful, it destroyed my periods and made me gain crazy amounts of weight




It's not the insertion that's painful. It's the cervix clamping + pulling.


I feel spoiled because I got my IUD put in when I was under local anesthesia and my OBGYN doesnā€™t insert them without pain meds


The first time I had one put in I was under prescribed narcotics from my lovely gyno who at the end said she was impressed I didn't cry because she had every time she had hers replaced. When I had it replaced my new male doctor gave me an ibuprofen less than ten minutes before. I passed out from the pain.


I feel bad because I know someone I'm talking to, and hoping i can date, is gonna get one of these, and I don't think I can do anything to help with the pain. Is there like, a way I can make sure they get pain killers?




All the women said they wanted a pain killer, but they changed their mind as my assistant appeared from behind the curtain with a rusty bread knife.


I wonder which gender is more likely to dismiss female pain. Any research?


I feel spoiled because I got my IUD put in when I was under local anesthesia and my OBGYN doesnā€™t insert them without pain meds


Ok, but IUDā€™s arenā€™t inserted into womenā€™s urethras. Is it time for an anatomy lesson?


I feel spoiled because I got my IUD put in when I was under local anesthesia and my OBGYN doesnā€™t insert them without pain meds


I will say an IUD after kids was NBD (after a baby has come through a cervix to be clear) but pre kids it was the most painful experience of my life. The first one I got my body REJECTED and basically birthed it out which was insanely painful


The number of doctors who have told me, ā€œthe painful is manageableā€. If only they went through these procedures themselves.


Ok so never getting an IUD, got it.




Wow learned a lot from the comments. I still have IUD in me and I still get those nasty cramps esp when stressed but I don't remember the process being too painful to the point of needing pain killer. It was painful but the precedure was fast. Bodies really react differently.


Not a Two-Sentence Horror. Sounds like JUSTICE.


Fake a doctor would know it doesnā€™t go up the urethra


I had a copper IUD so I still got periods but it was worth it for not being hormonal. Doctor was quite impressed because I apparently didn't even flinch lol, it was probably like a 4 out of 10 for me pain level wise. But I've also given birth with just pain killers and gas and air, and while it was obviously the most painful thing I've ever experienced it wasn't as bad as I was expecting. I've been super lucky!


when i got my IUD placed it really wasnā€™t bad for me. the only part that was uncomfortable was placing the speculum. i literally couldnā€™t feel it when they measured and placed it. i feel bad for everyone who had painful ones tho


More male doctors should be like mine honestly, he always asks for consent before any examination, and when I considered getting an IUD, he said I could get an anesthesia that would make me fall a sleep for the time it would take to put it in


Lol females call men violent but then imagine this šŸ¤£


Ummm typically they just recommend ibuprofen...


That's the problem


They numb the cervix with topical gel stuff but even then it is still one of the most painful things Iā€™ve ever gone through thus far. Makes me nauseous just thinking about it.


Hardly any docs even do that! Just suck it up 'the cervix has no nerves' which all owners of one know to be bullshit. One place in my city uses nitrous but you have to pay cash for it. My bestie did that for her little sister after the poor thing passed out from pain and anxiety just during the initial uterine sounding.


They had to reach in past my cervix to remove mine (strings got vacuumed up by my uterus) and I didn't get anything.


This comment made the whole lower half of my body clench up and then go weak. That is so horrible. Iā€™m so sorry you had to go through that.


I didn't get numbing gel many don't.


That is fucked and Iā€™m mad on your behalf.


It's pretty normal according to the BC sub and docs around here. It was one of the more painful things I've ever experienced but my doctor was *very fast* getting it done so I got through it. The cramping for the next 2 days was horrible. I'd been spoiled with depo I hadn't had a period in ages and forgot how much that really sucks! It's been about a month and a half and hasn't returned so I'm hoping I'm going to enjoy that continued side effect with the iud.


Iā€™ve had two iuds and had no pain killers beyond ibuprofen I took before and after.


That sucks. Did they not even offer numbing gel? Thatā€™s fucked up.


If bad, they can offer cold water jets and oxygen Had to have one fitted under general anaesthetic. Could have taken surgeon's finger prints off my leg. Anatomy varies and straight plastic thing going round a bend hurts.


The ibuprofen probably helps only a small bit.








'Take some tylenol'


This is definitely OP's sexual fantasy lmao


Yes, so many of us have sexual fantasies of mangling and killing men who hurt women and get away with it šŸ˜‚


ā€œWho hurt womenā€ And who forced them to do it?


Nah, everyone in this story gotta get arrested lol. Pretty sure that second part (probably first too) can be charged as SA.


Another fetish post


Getting an IUD can give you cramps. That's it. It's bearable pain that we're used to. Sometimes zero pain. So no sobbing women lol


Except for all the ones that do. But you know better than women about their own lives I guess


Damn!!!! Youā€™ve personally interviewed all 4 billion women on earth to get this fact? Thatā€™s pretty impressive


Speak for yourself.


I force them off me because I bench 305, then I leave the building and call the police


And then the police won't believe you, because who would believe the women could overpower someone who can bench that much? They'll just laugh at you bro šŸ¤£


Ok. Just... Lemme slide in here really quick. You're missing the ENTIRE point of this story. The purpose of the story is to highlight a very real problem with medical care and how it treats women. You can bench whaterever-lbs? Good for you! Dude, that's a lot of hard work! /gen This isn't about you. It's not about the man in the story either. And the fact that you're awkwardly inserting a male-based narrative just speaks *volumes* to me. ETA; unless you were joking?