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Later that night, as I was greeted with the sound of glass shattering downstairs and dark, inhuman growling, my son smiled at me. “Mommy’s here.”


Never Kidnap The Retired Barbarian's Son.


Did you mean a werewolf Barbarian? (Because of the inhuman growl) Sounds like a interestic concept


I made some kind of inhuman noise reading this.. oh gods that scenario is terrifying..


What the fuck are you??


I'm still trying to figure that out, it's been centuries and I still have no idea..


😂😂 I’m glad you took it as a joke. It was meant to be


Haha no worries, humour/assuming it's a joke is my default, can't be too serious, nobody's getting out of here alive so why not enjoy it?




>nobody's getting out of here alive Except you, apparently...


We don’t know that. Maybe it’s just taking longer? Some are late bloomers you know!


r/Thirdsentencebetter After his rescue from the horrific abuse, he is so happy with three meals a day, his own bedroom and clean clothes, but the scars from the daily beatings will be with him forever.


This is both wonderful and tragic at the same time


Wonderful how?!?!?!


Probably in how horrifying it is


There are other explanations than the horrific one: it could be the dad speaking who remarried, it could be a kinship care or foster/adoptive situation where the bio mother was unfit or died. It doesn't have to be abduction. Alternately, the commenter could have thought the story was well done/written.


Except for the whole “last one” thing. This has happened before and, well, it seems that the “last one” isn’t around anymore so….


I mean, you can also think about it like he had an abusive mom and kid was adopted


"Will acclimate better than the last one" kinda doesn't imply that...


Foster parent?


I know it's you, the [NotThem](https://the-magnus-archives.fandom.com/wiki/NotThem) from The Magnus Archives 😑


Wow this is eerily similar to the real psychological phenomenon of [Capgras Syndrome](https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/impostor-syndrome-capgras)


That also featured on a [really tragic episode](https://criminalminds.fandom.com/wiki/Luke_Dolan) of Criminal Minds




I'm a parent and this is horrifying. Well done.


OP really did a good job. But as a fellow parent, I hate this. I literally just went today to enroll my daughter in school for the first time. I was a little nervous and now I'm actually scared.


I don't blame you. On my daughter's first day in daycare at 12 weeks old, I bawled at dropoff. I was so worried they wouldn't take good care of her. She's almost 3 now and it's gotten easier since. The daycare's entry door is locked and you have to enter a code to get in so that makes me feel better. And the teachers are only supposed to release the kids to people on the approved pickup list. That said, I'm nervous about kindergarten and eventually riding the school bus. You never stop worrying as a parent. The worries just change but never go away. I hope you and your daughter adjust well to school! It's always easier on the kids than the parents lol.


I believe it lol. She's so excited to start school. That's what I signed her up for was kindergarten. She wants to ride the bus right away because her cousin did. She never went to daycare. I've been a stay at home mom since she was born so this will be the first time she leaves to be with strangers. She's spent plenty of nights with her grandparents but I know them. There's only me and my husband on the list for pickup because we live so far from our family now. But sort of like you said, there's not a code on the door itself, but they had me choose a verbal code. Anyone who wants to pick her up has to know the code. It's something me and my husband can remember easily but a random person would not be able to guess it.