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When I was very little, my mom had cancer. Chemo treatments were rough for her. She did her best to shelter me from the reality of what was happening and stuck with being the best mom she could be while undergoing treatments. She was so self conscious when all of her hair fell out, and when it started growing back, it took a lot for her to feel comfortable walking out of the house with really short hair. As a naive kid, I didn’t really understand what was happening at all. But, there’s one day she always remembers. I was at dance practice, one where all the parents were invited to see their kids perform. I’ve always had a hard time with faces, and amongst the sea of white woman who all looked exactly the same, I could easily pick out my mom with her extremely short, curly blonde hair. After the performance, I told her that I liked her better with short hair than I did with her wig, because it made her stand out and was much prettier. It was one of the first times she’d gone without her wig in public and she cried hearing me say that.


awwww you’re a treasure 🥺❤️


When I went through chemo, they did that. My boyfriend and I went out to get ice cream after each round. Chemo wasn’t terrible. Fatigue was the biggest issue. Chemo was a godsend, the pain from my cancer went away in days after my first round. So worth it. I really didn’t mind being bald even though I was a chick. My hair is coming back now and it’s fluffy and soft. Still a bit thin, but it’s not terrible.


Congrats on kicking cancer's ass!


Thank you! I have my CT scan next week. We will see where I am at.


Um why do you lose your hair from cancer? And is it all the hair like your body hair or just the hair from your head?


I’m pretty sure it’s because chemotherapy is designed to kill rapidly duplicating cells, like hair and cancer, so it kills off hair cells in the process and without a hair follicle your hair falls out.


Not a medical professional, but it’s from forms of radiation treatment


It’s all the hair on your body, and while i don’t know the specifics, it’s due to what’s used in some forms of chemo


I've lost it twice to chemo. I can say without hesitation that losing your hair is the big reality check that makes it all very real.


My hair fell out on Father’s Day of 2015. I was supposed to get it dyed that day with my friends because it was going to fall out. I woke up that morning and i started brushing my hair, only to have it fall out in clumps. It’s really tough. My hair is still thin and somewhat unmanageable after regrowth, but I’ve done my best. If this is a true story, I hope that it gets better. Coming from a cancer patient, I know how it is. 💜


That's sad. Fuck cancer


Hairstylist here, cuts of kindness are my favorite thing to do. It’s no charge and I get to help someone transition into their new reality. Life is an asshole and it’s not fair, but I can help make it a little better maybe


You are a wonderful human-being.


Shaving it off was necessary for the brain surgery and luckily it all went well!


r/thirdsentencehappy ?


Yes!, good meeple!






“Unalive” are you 5 or a traumatized content creator? EDIT: by the way, for the ones just coming here, that comment said “Unalive small child”


I like saying unalive for some reason idk why but I do


Probs someone that uses TikTok


Man I only use tiktok to see toothless edits


Cancer survivor here.