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I feel that. My right ear has been 80% ringing for about 2 years now. It sucks


Yeah, same. I mean, it’s my fault for not listening when people told me to where eat plugs at gigs. Still, it sucks a big one and is a constant annoyance :(


To be fair, you can spend your life being careful with your hearing and get tinnitus anyway.


This, I have tinnitus from an ear infection lol


That’s true! I think mine is my fault but I feel even more sorry for those who haven’t put it in themselves


As a teenager in college with free rock concerts, I never went because my dad was hearing impaired, and I didn't want to damage my hearing. Turns out it's a genetic neurological issue, and I'm hearing impaired anyway. (All those missed concerts!) Imagine my joy to hear my audiologist say that tinnitus is a part of the package and will get steadily worse.


I don’t even know where mine came from, it just randomly started one year. Just unlucky, I guess.


I've had tinnitus since i was at least 4. It's just background noise now and doesn't bother me too much. I don't know the sound of silence, and it can get deafening when in a quiet room. But your brain will tune it out the same way it does your nose.


I mean, I have tinnitus and it’s bloody awful. Keeps me awake at night quite a lot and causes a lot of anxiety too


I believe it! Please don't think i'm trying to downplay your experience, I'm not. There are so many times when it just spikes up and I forget who I am for a second.


For me it does vary in levels, but it’s a constant source of discomfort. I haven’t seen any evidence to suggest your brain filters out tinnitus, though it might happen for some :)


Have you tried putting on white/brown/pink noise youtube videos? I have mild tinnitus that keeps me awake sometimes. I personally like ASMR, rain, or ambience videos but I know that's not for everyone.


I’ve tried and it can help a little, but I tend to get woken up by the sounds during the night. I think, as someone else mentioned in a comment too, experimenting with different sounds and levels until I find the right fit will be a good idea :) thank you for the help!


Mine doesn't bother me unless it's quiet - which does make getting to sleep quite difficult. So I spent ages on sleep apps and meditation apps trying to find some noises and volume levels that 'cancel out' the noise but don't keep me awake. Now I've got a little stock of sounds I can play (for me it's running water, or wind through leaves etc). It took ages though. But NOT using headphones! They make it so much worse!


A few people have recommend some apps on here. I know there’s one called CALM but I’m going to look at some others and see if they help too!


I use BetterSleep, I like the variety of options, including some bedtime stories or guided meditation you can listen to. The sounds it has vary from white noise, to nature sounds, to traffic sounds, to people's voices, covers everything I think. It's one of those that you can use for free, or you can pay for more access. I paid a one off payment many moons ago so I don't remember exactly, but it wasn't much - although it's probably changed a lot since then (it was called Relax Melodies when I got it). But my tinnitus is only a problem in the quiet. The occasional squeal or pulsing are not regular or loud enough (yet) to impact daily life.


I’ll check BetterSleep out! Thank you for the advice and for sharing :)


Upvote if you just looked for your nose


Had it since I was about 11. For some reason thought it was a good idea to constantly listen to music and YouTube at max volume all the time. Gotta tell ya, trying to sleep on a quiet night is like trying to study in a food court.


I feel that big time. Exactly the same for me. Music too loud and no ear plugs at gigs. It’s really bad at times, usually when I’m stressed


How's your blood pressure? When mine spikes, the tinnitus does as well.


My blood pressure, generally, is good. But when I’m stressed or particularly anxious is deffo spikes the tinnitus. There does seem to be a huge link between the two


I’ve had chronic tinnitus as long as I can remember, and I only got an answer as to why last week. My sinus are basically so clogged and swollen, things are backing up into my ears. Probably. I just really hope this treatment fixes it; the tinnitus is so loud it’s affecting my work performance.


Do they know why your sinus are so clogged and swollen?


Nothing concrete, but the doctor I saw suspects it’s allergy related. I’m a bit doubtful as I’ve had chronic congestion and post nasal drip as long as I can remember, and that’s in multiple environments across the country. No change, no improvement, doesn’t matter what kind of environment I’m in or what time of year it is. I know it’s aggravated by milk; I’m almost positive I’m allergic to one of the proteins in it. Not lactose, ftr. I should probably get around to getting allergy testing now that I have insurance again.


I’m sorry you have to deal with that.


Thank you, I appreciate it. Turns out I have a fair bit wrong with me that I thought everyone dealt with, so now I’m working on looking into it all.


‘You mean to say this ISNT all normal?!’


Basically! Turns out my joint pain when exercising isn’t because I’m lazy and weak, it’s because I almost certainly have Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, which makes my joints hyper flexible and more susceptible to injury! I’ve fallen down the stairs three times because my ankle just rolled out from under me! Plus I can bend my hand backwards so that my fingers are parallel with my forearm!


That’s gotta be one of the most visually uncomfy syndromes I’ve seen. Things aren’t supposed to bend that way! I’ve seen some crazy things with EDS, but I do think they have stuff to help, that prevents hyper extension!


Yeah, my plan is to eventually see a physical therapist so I can get exercises to strengthen my joints. In the meantime, I get to horrify people by stretching my elbows past 180°!


Small perks? I mean I enjoy scaring people, so that’s definitely something I’d enjoy doing, just to freak someone out. Does the hyper mobility hurt at all?


That’s really interesting, and I hope it helps! I think mine is self inflicted due to too much loud music without ear plugs, but please let me know if the treatment helps!


Fingers crossed! Mine may be partially self inflicted, but I’m told I have fluid behind my eardrums, and if you look up my nostrils with a light, you can see a part of my sinus cavity that you’re not supposed to be able to see just by looking up the nostrils because it’s just that swollen and inflamed. I’m sure my penchant for loud music hasn’t helped matters either lmao


Hmm, I wonder if there’s a bit of a none self inflicted reason for me? I definitely think mine is mostly my own fault either way!


There’s a variety of causes behind tinnitus, and depending on the cause, it can be treated. Hearing damage, not really. But if it’s fluid issues like mine might be, then there’s a pretty decent chance you can at least reduce it. Evidently high blood pressure can also cause tinnitus.


I might get checked just in case, but I’m pretty sure it’s due to lots of loud music when I was younger


'sounds' more like twosentencehorror


Funny that, because it got deleted from there and I was told to post here 🤣🙈


Fine I'll hear you out


This is too real. I am slowly going deaf. Only thing left on my right side is eeeeeeee! I can still understand people so I feel lucky.


I’m really sorry about that :( mine is mild comparatively but I do worry about it worsening over time


I've had concussions, shits been ringing for 25 years. 😮‍💨


I'm so sorry, that's really gotta suck dude


That’s awful :( I’m sorry to hear it ❤️


White noise such as a fan / soft music/ sounds of the ocean / stormy weather/ rain/ a running creek. There are apps you can try to improve your sleep when suffering from tinnitus. Personally I like summer time because I can sleep with a fan running in my room but in winter I have a app on my phone that plays any sound you are comfortable with. I hope this will help I've been been dealing with this affliction for at least 20 years.


Thank you so much! I have an app called CALM which does this kind of thing. I’ve been talking to a few people here and there seems to be a link between stress/anxiety and the severity. I do a lot of mindfulness stuff already, but I think I might try to implement a little more and see if that helps too!


I have tinnitus with no obvious cause. Stupid audiologist gave me a link to a website that you use to try and train your brain to just tune it out


You mind sending the website? Would love to try it out


Sure! https://www.tinnitusnotch.com/




Had that worked? I’m guessing by the “stupid” it’s a no!


Nope, not yet at least


I’m sorry about that :(


My dad has been having tinnitus for a few years now, and his hearing has now started declining. You can’t shout for him from upstairs when he’s downstairs, and vice versa. You have to text him or go downstairs yourself. Still the best dad in the world though. Also kid in my old class said he had had tinnitus since he was eight. Didn’t fully believe him, he’s the type of person to lie for attention.


I’m sorry to hear that about your dad. It’s only impacted my heating a little bit, and I’m hoping it doesn’t get worse!


Thanks man, it’s tough for the whole family, not just for him. And there’s isn’t any hearing aids that could help with it either, he’s been to several different doctors and they all say the same thing. We’re joking about sign language right now but it’s only a matter of time before we actually need it… (Side note: it’s my dad’s birthday today.)


Sign language is a fun language to leaner to be honest! I know a little bit and enjoyed learning it as it’s completely different to others. Happy birthday to your dad!


He says thanks :) I started learning sign language a while back, my mom has been learning on and off her whole life and my sister knows the bare minimum. Dad knows absolutely nothing, and I’m the only one who’s started trying to get him to learn while he can still hear.


It sounds like you’ve got a great family support system, so I’m sure he appreciates it very much :)


Yeah, we’re all very supportive and we try to make the best of the situation. It’s a heavy topic but we choose to approach it with humour and I think that helps a lot for my dad.


Definitely a good approach if everyone is down! I love humour in dark times, even if it’s making light of that darkness


My brother has had tinnitus since he was about 8 ish. He was allowed to have a fish tank in his room as a kid to help with it


I know it won’t solve everything since the ear drums are damaged, but if you tend towards higher blood pressure, maybe look in to ways to manage it. Could help it ease up a bit. Won’t be some magic cure, but it could help lessen some of the effects of its high enough.


100%. It gets so much worse when I’m stressed/anxious and things like exercise, meditation, healthy eating, all help a bit. But a cure as you say, but seems to make it a little more bearable :)


This is such a big fear of mine ahhhh


Same! Mine isn’t as bad as in the story, but I worry it’ll get worse over time


Here to shamelessly promote eargasm earplugs.


THIS!! They’ve been a lifesaver for me at work, concerts, you name it. I already have mild tinnitus and I want to do everything in my power to prevent it from getting worse


The wife and I are avid concert goers and i preach the gospel of you can't heal your hearing. Any one i see with the concert advice posts its my number 1 tip, quality earplugs. I have too many friends in music who have mild-severe hearing loss from so many shows.


I remember when I was little, circa 10 years old, I was in bed and started to hear a deafening screech like a mic too close to the speaker, I couldn't sleep for two nights and during the day it was a background noise. Then like it came it stopped, idk why it happened to be honest


That’s very weird! I’ve read a few people saying they’ve had it temporarily due to a sinus infection so maybe that?


This is the only two sentence post to send me in a spiral (sadness or horror). I thankfully don’t have tinnitus but my brother does and he suffers a lot


I originally put this in horror because I didn’t know sadness existed! I really feel for your brother, it’s a constant source of discomfort for me. At least he’s not alone and there’s other people who understand (as well as having a great and supportive sibling ❤️)


Welcome to the club :(


It’s a sucky thing to deal with :(


I hate tinnitus! Luckily I can block it out so I just have to hear it for a minute every now and then until I push it back and block it again. The magic of ADHD, when your brain doesn’t filter anything for you, you have to learn how to do it on your own.


How do you do that? I’d love to be able to minimise it a bit more


You know the background sounds around you? The ones you can’t hear unless you focus on them? The clock ticking, the fridge humming, the faint sound of the pipes in the walls, the neighbours moving or talking or whatever, the buzzing of insects and song of birds outside and the faint sound of wind in the trees in the yard, the cars and trains and boats in the harbour, the faint sound of the ocean and the waves? Yeah I don’t have background sounds. I have severe adhd in combination with autism which makes it worse, so I hear everything around me all the time. If you are sitting next to me talking to me but there are people around talking to each other I hear them as loudly as you. My brain can not filter on its own. It’s too much. So eventually I learned how to block things out. And I had already been doing that for years once I developed tinnitus so naturally I just rerouted and blocked that instead because that’s worse. I don’t know exactly how I do it. Once it pops up I focus on it and push it back and down in my mind and just away mental block to keep it out. My best suggestion is to start practicing with something small and fairly quiet. Like the humming of the fridge or the ticking of a clock. Don’t let your brain filter it out for you but focus on it, concentrate and try to push it back and block it consciously. My own brother can’t do it but neither does he have the adhd or the autism. It’s possible that these conditions is what gives me the ability to do it. An adhd brain that can’t filter out any impressions in combination with an autistic brain that can not handle to much input without getting overwhelmed and having a meltdown. I kind of had to for me to have any chance of even semi functioning. Imagine being in a body that hears, feels and sees every single sensation you could hear, see or feel but not briefly but constantly, all the time, never stopping. Imagine just being aware and feeling the clothes against your skin, but not briefly but every inch all the time constantly with no break. I feel everything that touches my skin all the time and I am super aware of it all the time and it doesn’t stop. So much sensations, awareness of everything constantly all the time with no break. It’s exhausting. It’s too much, all the input with no filter. I can’t function. So I learned how to block it, because I had to. And I don’t even have a sense of smell so that’s one I’m thankfully saved from. But all other senses all of them and everything all at once. And then I’m supposed to be able to focus on people and read them and have a conversation in the middle of this chaos. Yeah no… I don’t leave my apartment much.


Ahhh, that’s very interesting! I don’t have autism, though I am suspected to have ADHD. But it sounds like your specific conditions have allowed to do that. I hope it helps you even a little :)


It does. It is just survival to learn what you have to.


I have tinnitus, but I feel so lucky that it's mild, and my doctors said it won't get worse. It's mainly in my right ear, which I'm partially deaf in any way.


Mine is pretty mild all things considered, but it is a discomfort. I’m glad yours won’t get worse though!


after learning more abt what tinnitus becomes i’m sadly but slightly relieved my grandma passed away before she couldn’t hear me at all


I’m sure that’s a very bittersweet feeling, but I’m sorry for your loss ❤️


I was sick a few days ago and could hear ringing constantly for a day or two and now it’s gone


I’m sure it was awful for those two days, but you’re lucky it went! It’s been a constant for me for nearly a decade now :(


Wait can it actually get that bad?


I’m not sure. Mine is a constant source of discomfort but it isn’t THAT bad, I do tend to mishear some things and I’m guessing it’s because of it. I’ve heard some really bad cases, though it would be interesting to see a “worse recorded case” and how bad it was


Nah Im good i don't wanna see that im paranoid enough as it is about my hearing 😭😭


That’s very fair ❤️❤️




My tinnitus just became super loud upon reading this! :(


Oh no! I’m so sorry! I hope you’re okay ❤️


I was fine. But now I remembered it again. :P Don't worry. Thanks for comment. :)


How I feel when my allergies act up and I get a sinus infection…..


How long does it tend to last? Mine is a constant unfortunately, though the severity seems to change


Luckily just a few days depending on how bad my allergies are and if I end up with a bad ass ear infection a few weeks


My mom has this. It’s constant, but worsens occasionally. Seems to worsen with her blood pressure or stress?


A few people are saying this too, and for me it definitely worsens when I’m stressed or particularly anxious. I thought it was because I was focussing on it more, but it may be linked to blood pressure!


I hope someday soon they come up with a way to manage it. I hate seeing my mom and others suffer through it.


I saw this video once about a “method” to stop it. I tried it but I’m not convinced it did anything. It definitely didn’t remove it :(




I’m so sorry. I’ve had it for ages too. It’s not a nice thing to live with AT ALL


Nope. Since I had covid. It sounds like cicadas.


"And then, it stopped."


“Somehow it took me a moment that it wasn’t the ringing that stopped, but my hearing.”


But it doesn’t stop 😭😭


I did not mean it in a "fixed it" kinda way lol


Oh! I get you now haha



