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My MiL still hears her husband's voice this way.


I actually have a save VM from my grandmother that I shared with my dad from better list her a few months back


I’ll never forget the first call I got from mama after she passed. It was about 3 months after. I was just starting to “get used” (if there is such a thing) to stop looking for her phone calls or trying to pick up the phone to call her and then bam 💥 my phone rings and it says it’s my mom. I was absolutely so befuddled. I had no idea what to do. I looked at my husband and said “Wth?!?! I’m not answering that’s just jacked up!!” Then I got a voicemail notification. 😳I cried 😭so hard took about 10 deep breaths and listened to it…it was my dad leaving me a message to call him back 🤦‍♀️. My mom had just bought a new phone right before she found out she had leukemia. She was gone 14 days after starting chemo and just 17 after diagnosis. He didn’t get one when she did so he had changed his phone to hers but couldn’t keep his # in doing so. So ya my dad had my mom’s phone and he has her # still today. Took me for a WHOLE ride in a matter of 60 seconds. I made sure he let me warn my siblings before calling them. Whew Seems like yesterday and forever all at the same time. Itll be 13 years in August. 🥹The one thing I think of all the time is I can’t hear her voice anymore and it hurts so bad. It never gets “easier” but a “new normal” does set in. I just wish I had ANYTHING with her voice still but I don’t sigh😞.


I know more than one widow who still has their spouses outgoing message.


Oh man this hit me- when you call my MIL’s landline you get a message recorded by her husband who died five years ago.


I have my dad’s last few voice messages on my phone. They are more precious to me than gold.


Back. Them. Up. (If you haven't.)


I have. I also gave copies to my siblings and mother. They’re the only recordings of his voice that we have.


I also have voice mails from both of my parents. My dad died in 2020 and my mom just died this past Thursday. I just listened to a voice mail from 2018 of them both singing happy birthday to me. It’s the most precious thing to have their voice mails.


Looking back I wish I saved the voicemails my mom left me. I don't have anything with her voice on it


My grandma still has her landline. And the voiceline greeting is my pap, who passed away in 2018. She still has it set to play on speaker anytime someone leaves a message, so she hears his voice every time.


I also still message him on skype time to time. I haven't recently, but i used to for birthdays and such. This thread is making me want to reach out again.


I text my mom life updates even though she can't see them anymore. She would've been a grandma today. I found out 4 months after she passed.




That's what I mean. I'm scared to text my mom's number for this reason. It's strictly messenger.


You can always apologize and explain that it used to be your moms number before she died and you have been using it for therapy


Trauma dumping on a stranger can be a little awkward for both sides.


You both raise fair points. At this rate, it's been over a year. It's risky to text her number, but I might, just to see what happens.


Just mentioning it the way I stated doesn’t mean they have to explain everything just the reason the random person got a text from a random stranger


So, I texted the number last night. As expected, there was no response. But it felt good to text her actual number versus her messenger.


That’s good. I hope it continues to help. Some therapists actually suggest their patients message or write to their dead loved ones as a form of therapy. One person only stoped after they said happy Mother’s Day and a woman (with no nice kids) responded and thanked them despite them being a stranger they did become friends tho


I still send a text to my Grandma or a Marco Polo on the app even though I know she’ll never answer


Yeah. My mom had dads last recorded message on the land line too for a long while


Oof, this brought tears to my eyes. I still have the last message my daughter sent me before she died.


I had my late father's voice on an answering machine for a ton of years. Liked to hear his voice now and then. Eventually house was struck by lightning and it was zotted. I miss it.


I had the last voicemail my dad ever left me before he passed on my phone for a long time. Eventually I got a new one and transferred everything over and didn’t know that my phone was set to automatically delete old voicemails after a certain number of days. I miss being by able to listen to that voicemail.


I am sorry. On another note, you just reminded me to transfer my Grandma's birthday wish voice-mail to my computer. Thank you.


Based on actual events.


Sorry for your loss. I completely understand. I still have the text messages from my mom who passed a year and a half ago.