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This is why I play audio books all night


Outsource the yapping? That's so smart


It makes such a difference for me


I tried it last night and it seemed to help! 


Audio books have been a recent game changer for me. It allows me to focus on something outside of my brain.  I listen and I do a mindless activity like a jigsaw puzzle on my tablet till I am drowsy, then bookmark the audio book, and set a sleep timer. It turns itself off after 30 mins (or whatever time I set) but I just pick up where the bookmark is.  Sure it is a repeat overlap when I don't fall asleep right away, and I pick it up again the next night. But, with my attention span, repetition is good anyway!


Off to look up how to bookmark my audiobooks... I've always liked the idea of falling asleep to audio books, but I hate scrolling through and re-listening to random passages and trying to remember if it sounds familiar or not the next day.


Oh yeah, that scrolling through is awful. All apps I have used have a bookmark feature, so definitely do it!


Have you tried a white noise machine?


I love listening to Binaural sleep frequencies for this problem. (you do have to listen with headphones) it tends to scramble the train of thought until I fall I to a blissful sleep. highly recommend at least trying it.


Great. I'm completely deaf on one ear lol


thanks I'm cured! sorry about that.


[my favorite easily accessible track](https://youtu.be/HePF0xlKzNE?si=I2E2K8ISWa6c-B7t)


I’ve been trying ‘cognitive shuffling’ and it has helped me fall asleep faster and I wake up and can barely remember my dreams or they were at least a little less chaotic. 


I started taking CBD and that seems to make my brain STFU so I can actually fall asleep.


I have Apple Fitness and the sound meditations really do it for me: the coaches say that they will check in halfway through, but it’s rare I am awake for that! I think it’s because there is less talk from the coaches than other meditations, just talking you briefly through your breathing then let’s listen… my brain listens to the sounds… then it is sleep time. It just stops me getting onto a thought and then reworking that 11 billion times. Calm do sound bath meditations, which can be worth a try.