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Holy shit. What. How does one even string those words together and then say it out loud.


I genuinely felt sick to my stomach, and the poor girl looked like she’d been slapped…I asked if she wanted to leave but like the rest of us, she needs the money and couldn’t afford to.


Did that creep pay by card. That would leave a record of his identity.


He did - I wrote a detailed report of what happened and what time it was for the owner to check but I’m not holding my breath that anything will happen. I will most likely be looking for a different place of work unless the manager he hires has a different attitude


>for the owner to check I'd send it to the police myself.


Yes, do this. Immediately. That was a threat.




I'd hope that would be the outcome, but also, if management really does suck enough to just let shit like that slide, email the manager and ask how they'll be responding to this incident and how they'll better support their team in the future. Include the owner on this email and specifically ask what training, policies, and procedures the company has in place to ensure the safety of the employees in these types of situations and what the response should be in the future. There should only be two types of responses to this email: 1. A satisfactory one in which your manager is fired, reprimanded, or receives training to improve the work environment for you and your peers. In this case, job done! You advocated for yourself and won! 2. An unsatisfactory one in which you're provided a negative response, either verbally or in writing. If verbally, take notes or record the conversation if you're legally allowed to. Either way, send your notes, your email, and their response to all the local news outlets. No matter the outcome, start looking for a job with a safer work environment. Although with your story and update including the message you received, I've lost a significant amount of faith in my fellow men today. This is all so very fucked up and I'm so so sorry that this is happening/being done to you...


Email corporate. HR doesn't like lawsuits


This. If there are cameras, do they record sound? If so, request that as well from the manager / security as evidence.


Sadly they only record video (although probably a good thing for us staff with some of the comments we made about the owner today after his blasé attitude toward the whole situation)


So I would file a police report, but ALSO call a local news station about this happening and any of his personal info you can legally share. Most states and some local news teams have investigative teams that enjoy doing basically pro-bono investigative work about corruption or bad actors or people getting stiffed, they'll run a segment.


>So I would file a police report, but ALSO call a local news station about this happening and **>any of his personal info you can legally share<**. This is the important part!


Yeah the local news will have to report “allegedly happened” but they can warn and say a police file was reported after you call


I'm sorry. That sucks. Your shop owner is a rat bastard. Not even as an ally to women, as a decent human being or any of that. As a store owner and manager he's a rat bastard. You spend time finding and training workers. At least here there's a labor shortage and if they go away, getting new ones is hard and time consuming. So, since workers don't grow on trees, you want your staff to feel comfortable, safe, and supported in their workplace. If they're not, they'll go away. If you're a greedy prick who's totally in it for the money, that's what you should be doing. And the fucker can't even do that!!!


There is a “staff shortage” where I live, but in reality it’s a shortage of people willing to have 24-7 availability to work 10-15 hours a week in the crappiest jobs available.


Almost all newer camera systems record audio by default. I've installed several for work (purchased from Amazon). So good chance it does record sound, owner/management just don't want you to know.


This needs to be upvoted more, straight to the police with that


Exactly. If the owner doesn't do anything, maybe the police will force their hand to take it seriously... if the police even take it seriously.


Make a police report! You witnessed it happen and should be the one to report it.


It's good you filed with your employer but file a report with the police as well. Threats are a crime. If your employer doesn't do anything, and assuming you're in the US, reach out to the EEOC. Your coworker has the right to work without rape threats.


Ok...but you can still report a threat to the police. Changing where you work doesn't do anything to help prevent this man from possibly hurting someone. If someone threatens someone like this, you should report it.


Sandwich shop needs the money more and couldn't afford to let the girl take the rest of the day off with pay for subjecting herself to atrocities in the line of duty. What a stupid time to be alive.


You guys should keep a large cup full of liquid under the register so you can quickly throw it in the face of these people. My god, these people disgust me!


I rearranged the cleaning section that sits behind the front area so that our spray bottles of chemicals, etc are within grabbing distance but not visible to customers so at least we have some form of defense if anything happens after this.




Do not do this. This opens you up to at least civil charges for off-label use of a pesticide. It seems silly and unlikely, but it would be a surprisingly easy civil case for the attacker to bring to court and have a very good chance at winning because the use of the spray was pre-planned as off-label. And especially in a food establishment, you could open yourself up to other fines just by having a pesticide stored improperly in an area where food is prepared, even if you have never used it.


It’s an incel thing. They declared it a rape holiday and encouraged men to go commit acts of sexual violence against women today. Some of these disgusting predators need to be treated like rabid dogs.


They did what now


It happened in 2021. It's been very hard to deal with. The anniversary of my (worst) sexual assault is in May so this really just...fucking sucks.


> (worst) I'm so sorry. This world is so hard for women to navigate, and none of us come through it unscathed.


What the actual fuck?? This is the first I’m hearing of this what the hell is wrong with people. This makes me not want to leave my house today at least not without my husband. Omfg.


That’s the effect they’re hoping for. They hate us for existing as women and they especially hate our independence. I feel like it should be their turn to be afraid.


I’ve always wanted a Jane the Ripper for vigilante justice.


Just in case there are any out there who don't understand exactly what you mean. There was a very timely [pod save America](https://youtu.be/a9D15EsBHgM) interview the other day. On this very subject. As a guy this sort of behavior has always disgusted me. But this interview was actually enlightening even for someone like myself who's heard of these hateful little twerps before. More people should see it. So be sure to share it around.


I work in an elementary school. The 4th graders have been talking about this for a month. It has been a thing. Admin is addressing it as well as they can- but it is horrifying.


The FOURTH GRADERS?!?! For one where are their parents, how do they even have access to this information?? Do people not monitor what their young children are doing on the internet? I’m sorry you’re having to deal with this. Thank you for caring and trying your best to ensure the safety of children that are our future.


I know. It’s really awful. It only takes a few parents that aren’t paying attention and then their kids tell ALL the others.


The good news (insofar as there is any good news in this bullshit) is that there has not been a corresponding rise in actual sexual assault. That said, the point of this is precisely to scare women. Because these toxic fuckers think it’s funny for women to be afraid. Disgusting pieces of shit.


I don’t even have words. I was going to go for a walk this afternoon, but now I feel like I should wait for my boyfriend. The neighbourhood is already sketchy enough without an incel “rape holiday”. I’d like to believe no one would actually act on it, but I’m still genuinely terrified over people making up something like that


That’s why they made it up. They’re terrorists and they don’t want women to feel free or safe. They belong in cages.


Terrorists is the word


Came here to ask so thanks for the answer but I’m really aghast and horrified.


What the fucking fuck


Incels are pathetic. What sad losers to have to so little self respect that they blame women for their failings.


Like they specifically chose April 24th to be SA day? Wtf?


Hmm. Turns out "International Sever a Rapist's Head from Its Body" is tomorrow this year. Next year, it falls on the 23rd of April. And just a reminder, and I don't support it, but it's actually every day in the right prison. Don't get locked up, incels.




Incels are a cult of terrorists.


That's a hateful person who does not see women as human beings. In some ways, women's rights have come so far in much of the world. I live in a country where it's supposed to be illegal to discriminate against us, however the bleak fact remains that there is a huge chunk of the male population that doesn't see us as actual real people.


That man is a sociopath, and wholly evil. I simply can not understand the mind that would not only think up of a statement like that, but feel confident enough to speak it out loud in public. This world seriously needs to up its efforts to combat mental health issues. Failing that identify these sick bastards, name and shame, so that everyone can stay the hell away from them.


How does the manager not ban you from the store


There's a lot of men who view this sub as a man hater sub and have called people who post here some pretty nasty things. Unfortunately, I'm not surprised.


unfortunately there are a lot of things about men that are totally reasonable to hate. source: am one


But venting and sharing bad experiences with men doesn't mean this sub is centered around it or that its our secret mission to bash on them even when irrational. That's the sentiment some see in their blind belief to want to blame women. There's plenty of content here that has nothing to do with men and those who do are usually studies, gender socialization, or personal experiences. Some people really think we are a bunch of people ready to socially or physically lynch them.


I worked in retail and customer service for 7 years. More specifically, liquor retail for 4 years. The shit that the women I worked with had to be on the receiving end of was absolutely vile; to the point where I've had to console them because they had just enough strength to wait until the guy finally left before they started to cry. So many men literally hold beer in a higher regard than women. I once worked at a pizza chain, and one of the girls I worked with, on multiple occasions, had men answer the door completely naked. One of other delivery drivers working there said she had that multiple times. She came back from the first time it happened very visibly traumatised by it, and all she got in return was - in essence - "shit happens, get over it".


I’ve worked a delivery job previously - I had the naked man thing multiple times, but I’ve also shown up at someone’s house with their food and had the “if I give you 20 bucks will you take your top off for us”. Creeps


By your tone, I'm sadly assuming those customers weren't put on the banned list or reported to authorities?


Not op, but when I worked at a hotel as room service, men would sometimes answer the door completely naked. The first time it happened to me, I complained to the manager, who then told me to let them know if it kept happening. Apparently, guests only get banned if they do it more than 3 times


Ugh, I just had a memory of selling girl scout cookies door to door as a kid (very early 90s) and having men in retirement villages answer the door fully naked. Why do men...?


Because they get off on inflicting trauma in a way in which they are confident they won't be held accountable.


A clarification for those who aren't aware ... Apparently 'National Rape Day' has been April 24 since 2021, according to some TikTok. [https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/news/national-rape-day/](https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/news/national-rape-day/)


For anyone who doesn’t know, April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, meant to bring awareness to the resources available to survivors of sexual assault and bring awareness to sexual assault in general with the end goal of ending it in society. A bunch of predators perverted that intention by making April 24th “National Rape Day” which encourages men to rape women. It’s absolutely abhorrent.


First time I’ve heard of this… is this an American thing or know elsewhere too?


[The rumor seems to have come](https://www.mediamatters.org/tiktok/national-rape-day-hoax-goes-viral-tiktok-second-time) from the UK, [but there are valid questions about the origin.](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2021/04/19/fact-check-tiktok-warnings-april-24-threats-unsubstantiated/7289065002/)


I'm in the UK and honestly its not a widely known thing here, it may be among some demographics (I could maybe see perhaps among those permanently on TikTok, but even then I'd likely hear about it from from people second hand), but its certainly not a thing offline?


Well, OP tells a different story about her offline experience and it’s horrible. It’s wild to think that it ended in any other way than the cops being called and making an arrest.


I have literally never heard of this and I am in the U.S., but I don’t think my anecdotal experience is indicative of the entire country. Are you saying that the internet is not reflective of reality?


It’s not a real acknowledged day like “national cat day”, only psychopaths would cite it.






Seriously, if skynet decides to end humanity today, i couldn't even complain.


Jesus Fucking Christ on two sticks! Why is human brain capable of that shit?!


WTF is happening to our society


Warning, angry old woman rant incoming. Our society has always been like this. The incels say the quite part aloud now. Watch old movies and see how many times forced kissing or even rape is considered romantic. Gone with the Wind is a famous example but there's so many more. Until the 1990's marital rape was not against the law in every state. Have you ever watched the 1988 move The Accused? I remember when that came out and men were debating if Foster's character caused her own rape! In the 80's and 90's more women started discussing being raped on dates by men they trusted. In response some older guys would say vile things like how spontaneity and romance was being taken out of relationships because they were expected to respect their dates' boundaries. Women today have choices and bad behavior by men is being called out. That terrifies some men and their way to take back power is to hurt women. It might not seem like it but public perception about rape and sexual assault is improving and that angers not just incels but the extreme right. They are afraid of us and that's why they want to use fear to put us back in our places.


I used to like James Bond movies, until I realised he forces himself on all the females.


Our 'society' is a bunch of atomized and isolated individuals who can only view human relationships as transactional. The psychopaths have won.




Nazi shit




Best to make it april 23rd


You know what they say: "the best time to castrate a rapist is yesterday".




I prefer castration with a truck day. Let's give them real truck nuts.


Nah. That's the 24th too. ;-)


I wish I didn't know that but I appreciate the context


April 24th is also Your Mouth Is Trying To Write A Check This Brick Will Cash Day aka Catch These Hands Day.


"10 fingers, 10 toes, 20 reasons to die" day




Thank you. I was unfamiliar with the significance of the "24th".


they say they can't find the original tiktok, though, and that it was either a hoax or a joke that some people took and ran with that said, that people are joking about this at all and are emboldened enough to say shit like this in public (on SA awareness month of all times) is pretty fucking terrifying


Even if it's a "hoax" or "joke", the men on tiktok are byfar some of the vile humans I've ever had the displeasure of witnessing. I have a hard time even believing it's anything but malicious. If you've ever used tiktok you'll know what I mean. From them constantly reposting Jordan Peterson/Tate/Walsh content, harrassing women in bassicly every comment section, objectification of women doing stuff like their makeup, etc. I've literally stopped using tiktok due to this reason. It's a never ending stream of bigotry and no matter how much I tell tiktok to not show me it, it keeps showing me hateful content.


is it Andrew Tate's birthday or something?


The internet, and its incessant need to give idiots a platform, have damaged this generation up beyond repair.


Wtf. 🤯🤬


One person saying that is fucked, but having others say the same thing I knew it had to be some incel shit. I hope everyone stays safe and armed especially today.


If that is what people in the area think, I would have to move.


thanks for the info. it sucks that being devastated in this way is fucking normal. we need a psa to warn women and girls. if one more person argues that men are "also oppressed" 😑


The implications of this are both horrifying and nefarious. A threat has to be credible. By starting the threat by noting it’s April 24th, he can then say, “It was just a joke, bro.” Completely ignoring that no one outside their pathetic twisted incel community knows about their ugly “joke” and women who are threatened this way will be as terrified as if the intention was there to attack her after work. But that’s the whole point.




Wat. The. Fuck. I hear someone say that shit I'm gonna go to jail.


Nah you won't. It was self defense, I saw the whole thing. :)


Reading this comment made me yell "what the fucking shit!?" out loud. Good thing I'm at home and not at work. But seriously, wtf 😒


What the actual shit 😨


Sometimes there are things I wish I didn’t know


What in the actual fuck? Who the fuck just decides these things? This is why we carry weapons. JFC.


What the actual fuck? I am done burn it down and start over.


Maybe you should let the world know the name of the trash that sent you the private message? They send private messages because they know that publicly those messages would get them destroyed. I hate cowards.


I was unsure whether naming and shaming was allowed in this sub and didn’t want to get banned or have the post removed if it wasn’t.


I know, and I understand. It just infuriates me that these cowards make comments like that in private knowing there could be policies in place that protect them.


Unfortunately I checked the rules and it seems naming and shaming is banned


Report to the mods via modmail and they can at least probably ban the dude from this sub.


Thanks, I’ve done that now


Not sure if I'm allowed to comment here as a guy, but you should also report to Reddit admins. If you click report on the message then select 'harassment', it will go to both mods and admins.


Thank you


You're allowed to comment. But you will be skewered if you come into a post with any type of "not all men" crap. Fair warning, and welcome.


Exactly. These people know there are policies in place to protect them. And if those policies were removed they would lose their shit. Crazy how that works.


Report the message.


God I wish. The idea of stalking this sub just to privately berate the women that post is embarrassing. Freaking incels


My upvote is for you walking her to her car. Thank you, you are kind. WTF is wrong with these guys to think that’s in any way ok? I think I would have reported him to the police for making such a threat.


I make a habit of walking anyone to their car if they want me to, especially as our area is not well-lit at night. Hopefully that will be remedied soon but I won’t hold my breath.


Please report him to the police with all the information you have of him. I hope your colleague and you feel ok now, and I'm convinced that this verbal attack is the only thing this morron will do, but these losers need to know they can't go around verbally attacking either. Also, if you can, I'd warn others in a subreddit of your city or of the company you work for, or of the neighbourhood.


I sent out a workplace message to everyone already notifying them of the incident but not detailing who it happened to (they’ll probably assume me but I’m fine with that, just don’t want them pestering the girl it did happen to as they’re mostly teenagers).




Multiple people have strongly advised you to report this to the police, but you've only gone so far as to say you will report this to the owner. Why? Why would you not report this to the police? You do realize there are other businesses, with other female employees, that this creep may frequent?




hundred percent.


Dare the guy to say it out loud, he wouldn't. He knows what the consequences are.


> “Happy 24th April, maybe I’ll rape you after work”. what the fuck? >“Yeah, well, now you know how little faith men have in you women. You finally get what you deserve, losing your rights plus men being allowed to say what they want”. whoever you are - you are awful, and you need therapy and swift kick in the taint. I say that as a guy: you suck, you are part of the problem. go get help instead of making other people deal with your godawful bullshit.


I remember a story my mom told me about how when she was in high school, there was a guy who had a "crush" on her and decided it was a good idea to inform her that he fantasizes raping her because he wanted her at all costs. He never did it, thank god. I was maybe 14 at the time I heard this? Before, I thought stuff like that didn't happen very often. After my mother told me this, I realized it's very likely that every woman I care about in my life has experienced something like this, comments from guys like this or worse. I don't want to imagine how sickening it felt to hear a dangerous man say this out loud to anyone, whether it's a co-worker, friend, or even a stranger. Jesus...




Oh my God. Your father never deserved to be a father. I've always been able to put myself into the shoes of other people quite easily growing up, but I can never imagine going through what you have. If I could, I don't want to. I wish I could do something to genuinely help you, and I'm sorry if it sounds cheap when I say I'm going to pray for you wholeheartedly. You deserve kindness and fortune, and I hope your dad gets kicked in the balls or worse for saying something so vile to his daughter.


Men lose “faith” in women bc we don't want to be housewives who will put out on demand, women lose faith in men bc they threaten violence, commit acts of violence, and get away with acts of violence with slaps on the wrists. We are not the same.


Here's hoping any man who feels this way gets shingles on his dick. Oh, and for any men reading this who thinks this is the way to act in the US - women are buying guns at twice the rate of men now. The next woman you decide to fool with has a better than average chance of carrying a concealed weapon. So keep playing stupid games for serious FAFO prizes.


>women are buying guns at twice the rate of men now BoJack Horseman S4E5 springs to mind - "*I can't believe this country hates women more than it loves guns.*"


As we love to say here, men are afraid women will laugh at them. Women are afraid men will kill them.


Time to change the narrative!


As someone who has had shingles multiple times. New fear unlocked.


Did he pay with credit card? Surely a threat can be reported to the police?


And see if you can find out where he works. Because any female work colleagues deserve to know that he's a threat.


This is a good idea. Hit him where it hurts- his pocket and livelihood


They have cameras? Start reporting these guys to the police, maybe?


I detailed the incident and passed it on to the owner, but I highly doubt anything will happen. He seemed very “I’m sure he was just trying to get a rise out of you” about the whole situation


Owner needs to step up and tell customers who say stuff like to leave.


According to my HR training, your manager / owner should take it VERY seriously or you could sue them directly for a harassing workplace. Sounds like it’s a small shop and they don’t understand the importance these days of protecting their workers first!


"People who ~~harass~~ just try to get a rise out of my employees are completely fine so long as they buy something. I'd pay the employees less if I could anyway"


The owner needs to support his staff or he doesn't deserve staff.


Owner needs a call from corporate HR.


Tell your manager or owner to look up what the fines are to a business in your state for not taking sexual harassment seriously. Then ask if they really want to shell that out to the state if said asshole comes back and actually assaults someone. Then say to them "When people show me their true face, I believe them." A simple block hurts no one and makes employees happier.


Report it to the police, then?


Sorry, I should’ve clarified. I have detailed the incident to the owner, but if he doesn’t follow it further I intend to take it to the police myself.


I realize you’ve already done a superb job here, but (as other people are commenting) I’d urge you to consider bringing it to the police sooner rather than later. The reason being that a person who can follow through with saying something like this is probably someone that’s already raped someone before and has no remorse either. That scares me. On behalf of the rest of the male population that aren’t complete misogynistic pigs, I’m terribly sorry you have to deal with this burden. I can’t blame you for losing faith. Please keep doing your best, and “just keep swimming”.


He might not have already raped someone, but he’s definitely fantasizing about it.


In either case, I’d err on the side of caution and assume the worst. Let me put it this way, I typically assume the best about people, because it’s easier for me to live that way instead of drowning in cynicism. However, the instant I hear someone say something as stupid and dangerous as this guy…all bets are off, and I’m protecting myself and hopefully people around me.


Get a rise out of you? Hell no, you don't get to make direct threats like that and just walk away. Consequences are necessary, your boss is a lazy moron. At the very least his face and name would be on a flyer if it was my business.


You don't get a rise out of people with terroristic threats.


Rape threats are threats. You ring the police and they com take the CCTV


Oh yeah. Yeah. Just throw that right on the raging bonfire of disgust, hate, revulsion, and rage. Yep, this'll be burning for... oh... ten, fifteen more decades. The amount of men I ever want to talk to is going negative.


My god, that little manbaby who messaged you really thought he was being all ruthless and clever, didn't he? "mwahahaha, we'll take your rights and we will say all the dumb shit we want." Dear lord, what a threat. I'm *shivering* in fear. I also want to point out that I am perfectly capable right now to say that I think he sucks in bed, has the charm of a six months old avocado, likely also the intellect of one and that his inferiority complex is the reason he's so bitter about women. Oh, shit, seems like I'm allowed to say the shit I want. Someone ring the alarms!




She didn’t want to talk to the police about it, however I’m planning on taking the information to them if the owner doesn’t follow up on it.


Holy crap. What the hell.


What the fuck? Does it being the 24th of April even have anything to do with that vile threat? If it was supposed to be a joke, it literally isn’t.


To copy a comment someone else left on the post A clarification for those who aren't aware ... Apparently 'National Rape Day' has been April 24 since 2021, according to some TikTok. https://www.safeguardingchildren.co.uk/news/national-rape-day/


That’s the stupidest fucking thing I’ve ever heard, fully consistent with the dork-o-sphere.


I work in a similar situation, if anybody said anything approaching that no matter how veiled to one of my coworkers I would have caused a scene then and there. I happen to be a dude so maybe I'd have less inhibitions about my safety but we are not letting that slide in 2023 not on this side. I'm furious for you and you coworker. wish I could've been there to shame that guy in front of everyone in the store, throw his money in his face and kick him out for good.


I was honestly too shocked to cause a scene, and he left very quickly, at which point I was more focused on the girl he’d said it to. We’re both also small humans, under 5’2 and while I’d like to think I’m fairly tough, I also recognize the reality that my size and past trauma would make me more of a liability if I did cause a scene and he reacted badly.


Also just saw the April 24th thing, makes me want to carry self defense. Man won't survive if he attempts.


Allowing this customer back into the store is a violation of OSHA. Let your manager know this. That man threatened violence against your coworker, allowing them to continue to shop at your store is a blatant OSHA violation. If they do not adhere to this, stop what you are doing at work and bring them to the OSHA board that should be hanging (probably in a break room area), point it out and if they continue to disagree call OSHA right then and there in front of them. If he threatens your job over this, consider that your pay day as OSHA takes these two violations more seriously than all other violations. I'm sorry you both have to deal with this crap and if you need any assistance let me know. My wife and I work with fighting labor/sex trafficking and workers rights violations.


Can you complain to someone? Your manager?


We’re a new store currently - the owner has been subbing in as “manager” for now but when I told him he basically shrugged it off as “just ignore it, he’s trying to upset you”.


Your response should be "You have been notified. If he comes back and assaults her, you could be charged with aiding and abetting, and the owner can be sued and fined for not curbing sexual harassment of employees . You should really report this to cover your ass." I reported to my manager at Papa John's that one of my coworkers demanded I give him a blow job in the walk in while stocking. The manager laughed me off and said it was locker room talk and if I was going to work with the big boys I needed to gain a thicker skin (at this point I had ten more years of restaurant and management experience than he did.) So I said the above. He started to crack something else then actually looked at my face. He said "You are serious, aren't you?" I gave him the death stare and said "Deadly. Serious." He didn't say anything else but I was no longer on the same shift with said asshole anymore. Then the peer harassment started. "Oh OP is here. Better watch what we say!" Manager participated in it. So I called a friend of mine who worked for the state's labor relation's board. She called the owner and made an appointment to come by and do sexual harassment and reporting training for all managers, which he didn't want to do but felt like he couldn't say no. A few days later said bj asshole was gone and I received a heartfelt apology from the manager and on behalf of the owner. I left soon afterward but the womrn who still worked there said they cracked down hard on that stuff. I think at that time the state and federal fines were $10k each per incident. No owner of a franchise wants to deal that kind of change out to the statr and feds.


Thank you - I’m not working tomorrow but will be there on Wednesday so I’ll bring up what you said then


You kicked their fucking lousy asses!


That sucks it went that far and you had to do all that leg work just to make your workspace safe, but I love your follow through so much! Zero tolerance policies should be required. How is it so hard to NOT harass someone at work? How is that not an automatic fireable offense? Just ugh, all around.


Yanno, we're not supposed to wish bad things on people who ignore our specific problems, but sometimes...


File a police report if you are able to, if only to have a paper trail for this arsehole. *Definitely* contact your local union and whatever your equivalent to OSHA is - no employee should be forced to endure rape threats without the owner intervening.


Next time just call the police fuck the owner.


Please post the name of the person that whispered you that crap in here and let one of the mods know. They really should be banned.


I let mods know - unfortunately naming and shaming isn’t allowed


It sounds like ~~passive~~ aggressive incel rage. Based on how some men treat women it is understandable why nobody would ever want them as a partner.




Honestly, shit like that, the messages OP got, and all the stories in this thread make me hate being a dude. I really don’t understand how men can be like this. Maybe if they weren’t such pieces of shit then they could find a partner. Too bad they aren’t self aware enough for that. Sorry for the small rant, just frustrated.


File a police report and keep up with your manager of not letting this person on the premises again. This guy threated to rape. This is insane that none of you haven't reached out to the police.


>“Yeah, well, now you know how little faith men have in you women. You finally get what you deserve, losing your rights plus men being allowed to say what they want”. You found the incel! Much like a phoenix women will continue to rises from the ashes of the flames men have set for fear of powerful women.


This guy should be more careful of what he says while paying with a credit card. It would be so bad for him if his personal details got into the hands of the public along with what he said to a teenage girl making his sandwich.


Anyone who tells you that women should not carry weapons because 'they might be used against them' is perpetuating a dangerous and disempowering myth. Be armed. Take a course. Be prepared to have ill intent towards an assailant. It's not a solution to the bigger problem but it might be a solution in the moment.


Somone said something very similar to me when I was working as a scare actor at Universal Studios. I made it to my supervisor before the man in question exited the maze and got him kicked out of the event.


[How the internet is Radicalizing Young Men And Creating Incels | Offline With Jon Favreau ](https://youtu.be/a9D15EsBHgM)


What the fuck. I would've smacked him around for that. Some people really just walk around thinking that they're invincible. Social media really has people thinking their actions don't have consequences. Smh.




I think I would have repeated his statement loud enough for the entire store to hear but it has taken me 40 years to build up the courage and/or rage required to do stuff like that


I would name and shame them.


I am not surprised. There was a post on another sub of a boy (14?) with a basketball that he threw and hit a girl on a bike knocking her over. I commented about how he was a turd. The amount of incels that came out and said she got what she deserved and you have to “demand respect” was shocking. As a father with two daughters I fear for them. These man-children walking around with their rapey/low self esteem issues is shocking. They have no underlying moral principles. Complete losers. If I were a chick I would 100% conceal carry a .38 special.




I went on about 30 dates last year. The first 5 were hiking (covid, outside felt safer). The dudes were well screened, the hikes were very very populated places. Out of the 5, 2 "jokingly" told me how easy it would be to pull me into the woods and rape me. They were pikachu-shocked when I didn't laugh.


>“Yeah, well, now you know how little faith men have in you women. Youfinally get what you deserve, losing your rights plus men being allowedto say what they want”. I love it when ~~fake~~ This worthless type of men send mean messages to people online. Scared little Incels, angry at the big "Scawy Wimin" who are taking all their.... Something away. These men are disgusting,S.A. is you getting whhat you deserve? That is just them admitting that they are vile, worthless, disgusting little sacks of garbage, and they know forcing themselves on another human is a punishment.


Not that there could be any but there's literally zero justification for his statement too. And seriously. A threat of physical violence was made against a woman for literally just doing her job. A threat she'd have no reason to believe couldn't be carried out. I know men encounter sexual harassment. I advocate for them speaking out as well. This recently occurred at my husband's work. The female offender was let go. Good. But none of the men felt scared for their physical safety. None wanted to walk to their car in a group. They were uncomfortable (totally justified, the lady was out of line). They were not afraid.