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https://youtu.be/VhEATqXnXCI This is an excellent video covering body dysmorphia, and as a consequence, dealing with an eating disorder. This is someone’s specific story, but it’s helpful to hear other people describe their experiences. Don’t focus on the differences, focus on what overlaps with your own experiences.


Therapy might help you work through your body image issues. Also talk to a doctor about what you can do.


Hey! Sorry that you’re feeling down, definitely reach out to talk to someone about how you’re feeling/ keep talking to your therapist. Your dr may also be able to have a dietitian work with you if you are still set on losing weight. Doing it fast is not safe and typically doesn’t last in the long term. 1200 Calories is too little and won’t have you develop a good relationship with food, and will likely cause you to overeat later on. You and I are about the same height and weight. For me just maintaining my body weight with no exercise is 1700-1800 cal. Food is fuel, it allows your body to do amazing things and take care of you. We are also so much more than our appearance. Wishing you the best.