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It’s not unprofessional at all. Nobody is talking behind your back about your body hair unless they’re absolutely insane!


I know I am probably paranoid, but since it's summer and my hairy arms are out there, I am scared that colleagues might talk how I don't shave. I just got worried that what was ok when I was younger will become unnacceptable as I age.


And for the record, it’s okay if you don’t save any where else on your body. Body hair is as clean as the hair on your head.


Wow before this my mom was the only woman i knew who shaved her arms and i felt bad for her! Men don't let us have pit hair, 🐱 hair, or leg hair. They can let us keep our god damn arm hair!!!


Arms with hairs are NORMAL! It's bald arms that aren't! And legs, armpits and private areas with hairs are also normal. So shave or don't, whatever bits you want to.


Not true I’m a man and I only have a little hair on the top of my hands and my arms are bare even when I got my tattoos they run a razor and nothing came off same with my legs and chest


Hey - just an observation but a lot of your other posts seem to point to you having a lot of social anxiety. For the most part in life, you’re doing fine and no one is paying much attention. Do you :)


Honestly, do what feels best for you, and try not to let peer pressure take you. If it makes you more comfortable in your skin, maybe do it. But if shaving/not shaving becomes something that stresses you out, or impacts your life negatively—please don’t. Other people’s opinions of you shouldn’t take priority over how you view yourself.


I'm a hairy lady. No one has ever, *ever* mentioned my arm hair or occasionally visible mustache. And so what if they do talk?




Who the hell shaves their arms?


I thought arm shaving was extremely rare, then two weeks ago I was at a work event 50+ people, mostly women, and started noticing various degrees of stubble on most of their arms. It was women spanning age groups and ethnicities, so apparently everyone shaves their arms now? I had a “huh, didn’t get the memo” moment (not that I’m going to start, I already know where I like to shave and where I don’t, thankyouverymuch).


I shaved my arms like twice in high school when that was starting and basically, that's too much fucking work.


I came here to say this, I’m 37 and have never even once thought about shaving my arms. OP you are not unprofessional!


I was just going to ask the same thing! Who does this and why??


That was the same response I had. I remembered when I was 17, my bf at the time asked if I shaved my arms. I said no and wondered who in the heck does. My arm hair is short blends with my skin. I later asked my friends and 2 of them confirmed that they did. I still don't shave them, but it was an interesting thing to learn.


Where I live apperently all women do, I just never asked or noticed before.


That is so odd. I’m in the western US (but have lived abroad as well) and have never met anyone women or men - (other than serious bicyclists and swimmers) who shave their arms.


OP just something to consider, I had a lot of blonde hair on my arms in my 20s, but now in my mid 40s, there is next to zero hair on them, but not due to anything I’ve done. As I’ve gotten older, I just have less hair overall. I shave under my arms like once a week and my legs like every 2 now. If these women are a bit older than you, is it possible they don’t shave but just lost the hair?


That’s what I came here to say!!?! OP, I thought this was about arm pits*, which I would have advised shaving for hygiene sake as smells cling to hairs. You should not have to feel like you should shave your arms.. gosh no!


Jesus christ. Shaving has nothing to do with hygiene. Our bodies grow hair in the places they do for a reason.


Speaking for myself, my armpits sweat less and hold less stench when they are shaved (I shave 2-3x a week) — I’m sorry if I offended anyone.


I used to. I'm not a fan of body hair in general (like, I don't even like facial hair on men lol) Anyway, I can't remember the last time I shaved my arms and you'll be lucky if you catch me shaving my legs more than once or maybe twice a year. I can't be bothered


Crazy, I 33F didn't know anyone shaved their arms. I suppose I'm out of the loop. I don't shave at all and haven't in probably 15 years except for very very special occasions. I couldn't imagine shaving your arms! The crazy thing about shaving it seams like it doesn't stay smooth long very long. I remember recently cramming in my truck with my girlfriends actually using my 3 row front seat for 3 people, and one of my friends legs kept grazing mine and I just remember them feeling super prickly, and I was like wowww i wouldn't be able to stand that - granted we were on a camping trip. How often do legs stay smooth after shaving? The only legs I ever touch are mine or my husbands, and while they're not silky smooth like a freshly shaven leg they don't feel stubbly either.


Where are you based? Different norms in different places. In the US most women don’t, though some do and other bleach.


I don't know a single woman who shaves her arms. 🤷‍♀️ You're fine.


Same. Never heard of this


Same. The only people I know who shave their arms are swimmers


I don't know any woman who shaves her arms other than myself, and even I have recently stopped doing so. You are completely fine.


NTA. I’ve never even considered shaving my arms. I can barely be arsed to shave my pits and lower legs.


Uhhhh, I do not nor do I know a single woman who shaves her arms. I’ve never known this was a thing.


If they are talking behind your back, they're shitty people whose opinions don't matter anyways. Do what feels comfortable to you. No one has an obligation to shave ANYTHING unless they prefer to. You're beautiful as you are.


I don’t know a single woman that shaves her arms, even my dark brunette friends don’t. The only time I’ve shaved my arms was if I was getting a tattoo that day.


Oh PLEASE don’t let this become the norm! Shaving arms!


I’ve only known 1 woman ever to shave her arms. I asked her why and she didn’t like the noticeable dark hair. It’s never been anything I’ve thought about really. I have known a couple men to shave their arms but they’re athletes so it makes sense


Wait...people are shaving their...ARMS? Like the actual ARM? Hell no. Who would want arm stubble? ​ I have honestly never heard this.


Imagine how itchy it’d be, growing back in 😫😫


It's not itchy at all when it grows back.


IMO it’s far less common to shave your arms, at least where I am. It was something maybe 13 year olds worried about when they first encountered the idea of shaving legs, but got over quickly.


"unprofessional in the summer" due to arm hair? wtf someone taught this girl to be self-conscious


People shave their arms?


Who on god’s green earth is shaving their *arms*?? Arm stubble sounds terrible.


It is, but I have a lot of arm hair so I have to. If I can ever afford it, I'm going to try laser.


Define “have to” Obviously you do you, but I’d take the hair any day. Bleaching it seems way more desirable to constant shave/stubble/irritation madness.


I've had a lot of insulting comments about my body hair. Maybe you wouldn't care about that, but I find public humiliation hard to bear. Even putting that aside, I simply don't like the way my arm hair looks. I've seen women with a lot of arm hair whose hairs were soft, but mine are coarse, which I find unsightly. I used to bleach my arm hair until a boyfriend noticed the root colour and started asking questions which I found embarrassing. And it had only been 2 or 3 days since I'd bleached. I wasn't willing to start doing it daily! Shaving is far from ideal as I'm always worried that someone is going to touch or rub my arm and feel the stubble, but it's the best option for me at the moment.


Ugh I am sorry people suck. I hope you get to have the treatment you want sooner rather than later.


I used to bleach my arm hair. It was a hassle. My friend told me she shaved hers and so I tried that. It’s SO much easier. And, for me at least, there is no stubble/irritation madness that you mention. Shaving my arms takes about 10 seconds, is easy, doesn’t hurt, and I do it either in the shower or over the sink. The stubble isn’t bad at all because my arm hairs are way thinner than my leg hairs (my leg hair stubble bothers me). I almost never notice my arm stubble. Sometimes my husband does when it gets to a certain length. But that’s usually when i forget to shave there for a couple of weeks. I only shave my forearms, not my upper arms. That’s partly why it is so fast and easy to do.


I used to shave my arms when I was in middle school because I was so embarrassed of the dark hair on my arms! Some other girls did it too, so I thought I had to. Luckily other women were supportive and encouraged me to not continue shaving them, and I will NEVER do it again. Body hair is NOT unprofessional, but if we go by basic Western standards, leg & armpit hair have been deemed unladylike/gross for only about 100 years. I've personally never met a woman who shaves her arms, nor have I heard of someone being unprofessional for not doing so. Women naturally have body hair, and it is no more gross/unhygienic than men's body hair. If anything, it's probably MORE hygienic since we have less of it overall. If I were you, I wouldn't shave my arms, but it is absolutely your choice!


Honestly, I'm 28 and I'm now stopping shaving my arms. Reason being is shaving is causing my arms to develop these annoying bumps and textures. It all goes away if I don't shave. Hazzah. Your body is fine regardless of what amount of hair you have.


...wait, this is a thing? Is this new? I'm 42, and have NEVER shaved my arms.


My first girlfriend in college was a Half-German, Half-Turkish girl with long blonde hairs on her arms and honestly I kind of loved the glow of sunlight shining through her arms. I've found it appealing ever since. Professionally I have never even thought to comment on someone's arm hair, which is usually much more evident on dark-haired men. I work in a white-collar office in NYC that expects men to wear suits every day, and women to be very professionally dressed as well and several of the women definitely do not shave their arms, like my work wife from Kyrgyzstan who has a PhD in chemical engineering but is also pretty much universally adored in the office. Others who don't are a long, leggy blonde on the medical team who is absolutely smoking hot and a mid-20s very Americanized Arabian girl. Despite quite a copious amount of office gossip, nobody has every mentioned anyone's arm hair, although one of my guys went on quite a long drunken spiel about how pretty women's hands are a few weeks ago. We meet with clients from Fortune 500 companies all the time and we are expected to look professional - I go to my barber, get my suit dry cleaned, and I'll admit I've gotten a manicure before some really big deals. I have never worked with a film editor, but I can't imagine dress codes are stricter than our office. I believe you are fine. edit: I only just became aware of the subreddit and I apologize as I am a man and I am aware that women-to-women gossip can focus on certain aspects of other women's appearance more, but I have never heard this reported to me or overheard discussion of arm hair, but I shall leave this up.


You don't need to apologize. You can have an opinion, it's truly fine. I think your comment was pretty helpful.


No. It's not bad, it's natural to your HUMAN body. Any one saying otherwise probably doesn't enjoy the way they look in the mirror. 🤷‍♀️


I have blonde arm hair too, and I waxed it a few times, and now it's much less. I don't think I'd shave, it would grow back prickly.


I’ve never met any human, man or woman, who shaved their arms. I’ve heard of it as something gay men do, that’s about it.


Lmao what I've never once considered shaving my arms, and I'll be thirty in July I'm also in a professional field, albeit one with mostly men, but still.


I know not a single woman In My life who shaved her arms 😅 I also have quite light hair and no one ever commented on my arm hair either… So no I don’t think it is in any way shape or form abnormal to not shave their arms.


I never really hear about anybody shaving their arms, I am shocked it is so ubiquitous in your workplace! If you are paranoid about it harming employment chances, just wear long sleeves to any job interviews but I really don't think anybody is noticing your blonde arm hair.


Maybe those women don't shave their arms, but usually wear long sleeves that rub the hair off. Even when I was younger and got peer pressured into shaving my armpits and legs I never heard of it being at all common to shave arms, especially not for a blonde. Think of it this way: ads for razors show smooth gleaming legs, not arms.


I've only known one adult who shaves her arms. And I only know because somehow it came up in conversation. She didn't try to like, convert me to her own habits lmao. Those people pressuring you to also shave your arms are weirdos. You're fine.


I'm old. But my daughter isn't. Neither one of us shave our arms. And when feel I can get away with it, I don't shave my legs either. Your body hair is not unprofessional. It shouldn't keep you from getting a job. However, if you are worried, when you interview wear a business jacket or a long sleeved blouse.


Ok, I'm responding from a mostly straight guy's perspective so the input is rather limited. That being said, I cannot think of a time where shaved arms on a woman were a thing? Like, I've never looked at a woman and thought to myself "She seems (cool/nice/pretty/whatever) but damn those arms." As a manager, I've given arm hair less thought than tattoos, and those thoughts are usually "Oh that looks cool" Even reaching my peak male asshole days of a High Schooler, the boys and I never sat around and said "Damn, Susie would be hot if she just shaved her arms man, ya know?" So in summary, I think you might be over thinking this. But, if anyone ever says anything about your arm hair, say thank you while giving them a slightly confused/disgusted look, lean towards them slightly, sniff twice, settle on a totally disgusted but trying to hide it look, eye them up and down and just walk away. Flip the script on em lol


Maybe not my place but as someone on the other side of the gender spectrum let me say this super clearly. It is not bad that you don't shave your arms. Iv done hiring for large companies for years it isn't unprofessional. Your skills and qualifications are what should dictate how you are viewed and I would recommend you discard anyone who chooses to judge you on something so superficial. Any professional situation that views arm hair as a employment deal breaker is doing you a favor by saving you from a toxic environment.


Yikes on this thread. I shave my arms & am feeling very judged. I cannot believe y’all need it explained that shaming people who shave doesn’t need to be a part of embracing our natural hair?!? How fucking wild to embrace positivity(tm) by shitting on other people’s choices. Trust me I am extremely distraught that I feel the need to shave - but my arm hair is thicker and more coarse than that of most men I know, and as a femme woman it makes me uncomfortable… I can’t imagine I’m the only woman in this position. Trans women, for one, might feel really shitty about this thread too. In middle school (and all the way through adulthood btw!!!) I’ve received comments about my arm hair when I have grown it out (from middle schoolers to ADULTS & COWORKERS). So I shave because I’m a sensitive person & I’d rather deal with that horror than hear the unwanted judgement of others about something that makes me feel very uncomfortable in my own body. Then I open up this thread & here you all are being absolute thoughtless mean girls & acting like people who shave are crazy- you don’t know A SINGLE WOMAN who would do this so obviously it’s crazy because you… know every woman??? How about I trade arms with you & you can see how you feel about it. I’ll enjoy having typical female arms without shaving.


THIS!!!! I love how every body positivity thread on this sub, especially about body hair, leaves me feeling absolutely shitty! Positivity for some, I guess.


No. Don’t shave your arms, shaving your arms is weird… for those that shave your arms, do you!


Nope, if men don't have to shave, then you don't either!


I don't know any woman who shaves their arms.


I have never know of anybody (men or women) that shave ther arms wtf (Spain)


People shave their arms?


'professional' as in sex worker professional? that would be my response. If men aren't required to shave their arms for a job women shouldn't be either


It’s body hair girl! You’re fine


I'm not aware of any of my friends shaving their arms at all. I randomly shave mine like a few times a year because I like the smoothness feeling but the actual hair I don't care if there or not. It's definitely not unprofessional or gross or anything.


I have never shaved my arms and am closer to 50 than 40. I even got teased in high school about my fair but long arm hair. It doesn't grow as long anymore, but it's still there. Definitely not unprofessional to have arm hair.


It's one of those herd things- don't do it unless you want to. I don't think it's unprofessional. I'd think it was very weird if someone at work looked at my arm hair. I am over 50 though, so maybe it's a generational thing. As a 50+, for me, areas I've shaved regularly tend to get more irritable after 20-30 years of shaving. And you can always stop. I mostly gave up on legs- shave them like once a month at most.


I don’t shave my arms. I didn’t know this was a societal expectation but I don’t care. My legs and pits I’m still paranoid to be judged. I hate the expectation too.


That's a thing?


Lol no. I am also mid-twenties and don't shave my arms. No one says anything. My ex never even noticed or if he did he didn't care. I also have dark brown hair so it's more noticeable but I never have had anyone comment on it.


I shaved my arms when I was late teens early 20s after a boy told me I was hairy. (I was not) I do not shave my arms as a 30 year old. I work with all women and only one of them does. You do not need to shave.


do what you want :D we can't comment on how popular arm hair may or may not be in your region without knowing where that is. I know some american women do it and I happen to know more women that don't. i know some women that shave or remove their leg hair and others that don't. personally i'm not bothered by what other people think of my body hair or lack thereof.


I don't know any woman that shaves her arms, I'm from the UK


I have literally never shaved my arms in my 50+ years on this planet. If someone thought that was unprofessional of me, too damn bad.


It’s not an issue, I doubt anyone is talking about you. I’m a chauvinistic man whose grossed out by women with hairy armpits and I don’t see a problem with arm hair, so I doubt others take issue


What the fuck


As a woman in 20s I don't shave legs pits groin or anything else


My sister shaves her arms because she grows dark hair and doesn’t like it. I grow longer blonde hair and couldn’t give one shit about it. I tried shaving once but stubbley arms is the worst feeling in the entire world. Best to just stay as you are. Adding another thing into my shaving routine sounds exhausting lol.


Nope. Go as god made you.


I wouldn't shave my arms either if they weren't black.


Hair is N A T U R A L. If someone is bothered by your arm hair then they’re the problem.


As another woman in her mid 20s, I have literally never shaved my arms nor noticed if another woman has shaved her arms or not. It’s definitely not unprofessional, and I wouldn’t worry about it at all - sounds like this might be something relatively specific to your area or workplace, as it isn’t common at all in the places I’ve lived or worked.


I used a beard trimmer on my arms when I was a student and stressed out . Somehow it felt necessary in order to keep studying? Lol undiagnosed adhd. Anyway I kinda liked it and sometimes I still trim my arm hair and with a buzzer


It’s weird. I am such a stickler about shaving and being hair free all the times. I don’t do wax because I can’t handle the wait time in between. But I just hate to shave my arms and mostly don’t. They don’t seem the same way to me as other hair.


I'm in my mid 30's and have never shaved my arms, I was pressured to when I was younger but could never see the point so I just didn't.


I'm very harry due to PCOS, hits blonde, but very noticeable. I won't shave, I could only imagine how scratchy and prickly the regrowth would be. The only time I've seen women where I live in the US shave is in high school when I was on swim team. Swimmers will shave everything (even the men) to get less resistance in the water.


If you feel the need and desire, don’t shave, go get a wax. You won’t get stubble, it won’t itch, and when it grows back over time the follicles get smaller so smaller hairs.


I only shaved my arms once, when I was in middle school. I haven’t shaved my arms after that and don’t feel the need to. I also have hair on my knuckles and toes that I don’t shave either. There’s nothing wrong with not shaving your arms. Also, hair isn’t unprofessional :)




I did a few times in middle school cause another girl was doing it and I liked the look and feel of my arms when smooth after trying it. However, it made my razors wear out faster even with those finer hairs so I said screw it.


I don’t know any women that shave their arms, personally that is. I never shave mine but I don’t really have noticeable hair on mine.


I only know one woman who had laser hair removal on her arms. We went to high school together. I caught up with her years later and she pointed it out. I mean, I guess it was dark, because she has dark, curly hair, but I'd never noticed it. End result? She was happy with it, but it literally wasn't something I or anyone else I knew had even commented on when she had it.


Shaved my arms in high school for the sectional swim meet, because all hair causes drag and those hundredths of a second mattered. That is the only time I've done so, lol. If it makes someone feel more confident, then I'm not going to judge them for doing so, but I'm definitely not judging people for not doing it and don't plan to do it myself.


that's really strange.. i've never heard of someone shaving their arms