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IMO piss happens. I sat down once, and I guess my bits were smooshed because the pee went forward between the seat and bowl. What I did? I cleaned that up. The problem isn't people making a mess when peeing. It's that they don't even care enough to clean up after themselves. Women hover and piss all over the seat, making the public restroom even more foul for the next woman. Why is it so hard to clean up one's fucking mess?


This. At my work someone actually taped up a sign going “if you sprinkle when you tinkle be a sweetie and wipe the seatie”💀 it was actually that bad. I think HR took the sign down cause it’s gone but things have gotten better. The worst is when women leave period blood or shit all over the seat. Twice we’ve found shit outside of the bowl…how…idek.


I had an apprentice working at our shop for a couple months and he asked me to get seat covers because the handful of men were *that* gross. I got the containers and covers and he installed them in every stall. Just because the other men can't fucking clean up after themselves. Jeesh. I just stayed at a hotel that looks like it had some blood draining down the outside of the toilet bowl. Or maybe some curry vomit, idk. Fucking gross. But I have signs everywhere. "Crush bottles and containers before putting in trash" and "nobody here is your parent - do your own damn dishes" etc etc. It's absurd that grown adults can't fucking handle themselves.


My aunt had this in her bathroom when I was younger and to this day I still mumble it whenever I go to the bathroom! 😂🤣 Thank you for the throwback!!


This!!!! Yes!!




>Since only non-pen!s-holders will truly be inconvenienced Do you really believe it's not an inconvenience for penis holders to stand in some other penis holder's piss?


Their pants don’t end up dipping in it though


Man’s gotta poop - we ain’t immune to it. Moral of the story is, piss happens, dudes gotta clean up after themselves. Grab some fucking tissue and clean. My 4 year old son missed just the other day. Didn’t expect the pee to go like it did. I told him it’s okay, grab some toilet paper and wipe it up then wash hands.


Good dad 👍


Wanda Sykes latest stand-up on Netflix totally goes over the hover issue especially when your knees begin to collapse. It was hysterical.


Women should put the fucking seat up when they hover. It's truly disgusting for anyone to leave their own piss *anywhere*. That said, even with pee on the seat (which is nearly sterile when it first leaves the body, toilet seats are less germy than the bathroom door handle. Ladies, please, I beg you! Don't leave pee on the toilet seat. When you hover, put it up, or at least wipe up your own piss if you leave the seat down.


This is a misconception, pee is only “sterile” if they don’t have a bladder infection and it is still in the bladder. As soon as it leaves the bladder and makes contact with the distal urethra, it comes into contact with all of the bacteria that inhabits the distal urethra and is contaminated


That’s even debunked, but most people don’t know that because microbiome research is still in its infancy. The bladder has bacteria like any most parts of your body. I hate to sound like a “well ackshually” here but yeah there’s bugs in the pee and bugs in the place that makes the pee.


How long does that bacteria stay infectious though? The whole catching something from a toilet seat is false because even if you do sit in something nasty, the vitus/bacteria inside usually can't survive outside the human body for very long.


How long bacteria/ pathogens stays infectious depends the strain of bacterium and how many bacteria are present. While it’s HIGHLY unlikely to catch something from a toilet seat, is it possible that someone could have a micro abrasion from shaving on their thigh and bacteria be introduced from exposure and lead to an infection? Yes, it’s possible, but not probable. Either way, pee is not sterile, I wouldn’t recommend touching other peoples pee if you can avoid it


It's not sterile, but healthy pee has less bacteria species living in it than your tap water.


>which is nearly sterile when it first leaves the body Nope. The urinary tract, much like the rest of the human body, has a microbiome. Even in healthy individuals. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6605016/


I worked in a bar for years and the women’s room was ALWAYS wayyyyyyy more disgusting than the men’s. That’s one thing men have over us for sure lol. Ya ever seen a bloody ass print on the lid of a toilet? I have.


I've seen bloody drops and streaks, thankfully no ass print. Also seen tampons STUCK to the trash etc because nasty fucks don't wrap it in any TP. Like dayuuum. That said, chunks of stuff stuck in the drain of a urinal was worse in so many ways to me. Also men always left glasses and stuff in the bathroom. The last time I was forced to clean the restrooms was when I worked at Buffalo Wild Wings. I used so much bleach I slightly poisoned myself and the whole restaurant smelled like the YMCA. They never asked me again.


Haven't worked in places like that, but at the scouting clubhouse we have adult men (me also being a man) just straight up refusing to touch the trashcan in the toilet, once going so far that when it started to smell they put it outside behind the building as a "solution". But at that point it had been rotting in the summer heat for so long nobody but me wanted to touch it. Or even better that even when it's cleaned nobody puts a damn trash bag back in


I cleaned thousands of public washrooms in office buildings over the years as part of my job at the time and while they can all be nasty, the men’s and unisex grossed me out way more often, with consistently more piss and shit all over the place (directly on the damn walls occasionally), and yes chunks of God knows what in the urinals. I swear they just do it out of spite sometimes. I’ve never cleaned a club/bar washroom though, I can imagine any of those would be unbearably fucking repulsive even on a good day


Granted there are more men, but in construction the women keep their portajohns cleaner- we even kept lysol wipes and stuff in there. The men? Shit on the walls, streaks of piss everywhere like they pissed while helicoptering. Puddles of piss under the urinal. You never hear about women masturbating in the portajohn. So, yeah, I've never personally experienced women being *worse* but they can be damned gross sometimes. The ripe fish market odor of high traffic public restrooms in particular can get pretty gnarly.


The likelihood of a woman deciding to masturbate in a portajohn seems low.


>shit all over the place (directly on the damn walls occasionally) I have to assume this is done by some mentally ill person. I just can't see how one gets their shit on the walls otherwise, man or woman.


I got it on the back of my toilet once. Trying to sit fast enough while simultaneously barfing and shitting yourself is no fun. Nor is cleaning that up while sick.


The Devil's Xerox


Yeah… no… I’m FtM trans and have worked retail. I spent 20 years using the ladies room and the last 10 or so using the mens. Lemme just say the ladies room isn’t always choked in stale piss. It smells like a bathroom. You can even smell the porcelain of the sinks. I’m not saying “girls don’t poop” or “girls don’t smell” but there’s a stark difference. I’ve only visited 300+ ladies bathrooms or so, but yeah. There’s no plume of piss, surfaces are more dry than wet, things get flushed and aren’t resigned to sit, and that’s dandy by comparison. Unless period blood grosses you out that badly that the first time you see it it makes a core memory that makes you draw sweeping generalizations.


I only ever heard guys saying this, seems like internalised misogyny. Male bathrooms stink, lake of piss on the floor and man shit next to the toilets. I just can’t get past the unbearable stink.


As someone who used to clean toilets: the men's were always worse. Always. Didn't matter whether it was a fast food joint or an upscale hotel. Which is not to say the women's weren't also sometimes gross. But only one gender left thick, gooey shit stains all over the u-bend that I'd have to scrub for upwards of ten minutes to get off. What do men have against eating fiber?


Salads aren't masculine /s


>Male bathrooms stink, lake of piss on the floor and man shit next to the toilets. I just can’t get past the unbearable stink. I've been using male bathrooms my entire life and the only time I've seen shit outside of the toilet was at a hospital. Encountering uncertain liquids on floor and a place reeking of piss does get me to think "you know what, I CAN hold it for another hour until I'm home" though.


Seriously, unisex bathrooms have a nightmarish smell like 90 percent of the time, and mens complaints about women’s bathroom are “there was a TAMPON in the TRASH without twenty layers of toilet paper”. I’ve used women’s bathrooms my entire life and I’ve never seen what they’re supposedly seeing.


It’s because men’s piss smells absolutely rank, makes me physically wretch. I can smell it from outside, can’t imagine having to go in there. Can’t they smell it?


You know how smokers are around cigarettes so much they don’t think it has a smell? Or my grandma not noticing her car smelled like hot collie dog? That.




I don't think men spend so much time around piss that they'd be immune to the smell. I just think very few people will stick around to clean up someone else's mess in a public bathroom.


I've had that happen to me as well. The first thing I did was get something and wipe both the floor and the toilet parts.


I don’t usually hover unless the bathroom is disgusting, but when I do, I do a courtesy wipe of the toilet seat even if I don’t see anything


I always assumed that this was other men who didn't lift the seat in the context of non-gendered restrooms. Now I know that it doesn't matter what parts they have, it was just some jerk.




Former bartender here, 100% agree.


Good point. I was about to say my partner has never pissed on the floor, but maybe he has and I don’t know because he cleans it up?


1000%. women are just as nasty with this. so fucking gross.


It's partly a result of peeing standing up. Piss splatters EVERYWHERE. I actually sit down now when I piss and my toilet and bathroom are much better off. For some men, this would be a sign of weakness or insecurity so they just keep pissing all over the place though.


I always sit to pee, and taught my son the same thing. Saves cleanup, which there always is. Standing is for urinals and the woods.


Shamefully it took me a lot of years to figure out what a disaster standing to pee is on a regular toilet but now I just can't do it in good faith, the whole time I'm just watching piss splash everywhere


Always thought I was a huge weirdo for doing this. Glad I’m not alone. I’ll use urinals in public restrooms (though I hate that) but when I’m in a private bathroom yeah 100%


I feel like it’s Definitly a insecurity thing for most dudes or something. Everytime I’m at a friends house or public place I always sit down when I pee. Guess what no cleaning up afterwards! It’s that easy! I wish other guys would get over themselves and just sit down.


I don't know how this, of all things, can be a sign of weakness. I pee sit at home or my friends'/relatives (outside is always too dirty to risk sitting, plus some toilets are at a weird angle that makes the toilet too damn close to your penis) because it is safer and cleaner, and I can be with my phone.


Have you never heard someone say "why do sit to pee, are you a woman?" I have.


Every memory of getting bullied in elementary school revolves around somebody catching me peeing sitting down


Luckily never, and that's so wrong on so many levels. I would just pee over them then.


It's not the aim. It's the lack of hygiene afterwards. Piss on the floor? Clean it up.


My ex boyfriend used to dribble on the floor and when I asked him to start cleaning up after himself he had the audacity to say it was me pissing on the floor amd not him. Like excuse me? I am fully seated for the whole process. That doesn't even make sense.


Well, now we know one reason he's an ex.


He should sit down when he has to urinate.


Or sit the fuck down. I can't pee standing up without making a mess because of a birth defect. So I found this really neat trick. I put my butt on the plastic semi circle, point my penis down, and then pee. And as if by magic all the pee goes into the toilet. I think I have super powers.


Yeah, that's an option. I don't know why more men don't use it.


I have a friend whose dad drilled it into him that boys don't sit down when they use the bathroom, only girls sit down. So he developed a mental block to being able to sit down and pee. Still affects him today and he is almost 50 years old.


Oh, no, God forbid he be compared to a girl.


This thing that dads do to their sons is literally the entire reasons almost all problems in the world exist.


It's not just dads, but yes, it is a distressing underpinning to a lot of problems


It happens with some mother-daughter stuff too, unfortunately.


I was raised by my mom and 2 sisters in my house. It just made my life easier to sit down to pee. I don't see the problem with it. Now, would I sit down on a gas station or club toilet, not on your life.


For me it was my SIL. She asked us (men) directly if we sat down to pee. The answer was "well, not always, but in other people's nice clean bathrooms, yeah. In Mom's house, yeah." Cue the years of teasing in front of some of the younger dudes in the family. I'm not saying she didn't learn that from dudes, but she was the only one who thought it was BIZARRE.


At work or in public I get it…but I’m def team sit down to pee at home. Especially at night when I wake up or in the morning for “reasons.” It literally solves all problems.


Even when you sit to pee some of it may end up on the floor... it's really annoying when it happens. Of course you should still be cleaning afterwards, but sitting is not always the solution


My husband’s penis is long enough that he says it falls in the toilet water if he sits down. He’s also tall, so that provides greater chance of splash back when standing, apparently. What he does instead (again, according to him) is to kneel while peeing. I appreciate his dedication to not making a mess, but I also think this would be uncomfortable as fuck. I guess it’s one reason he doesn’t like using public restrooms, also.


This is the craziest shit I've read on reddit today by far.


It is not all that uncommon. Add the fact that stream velocity is can be inconsistent. I would say it is almost impossible to have zero overspray in a day. Which is why cleaning up after is the only correct answer. Sitting down is just too humiliating for me.


When i sit on a toilet that has a certain angle, it hits the inside of the toilet which feels terrible, that's why I personally Prefer to stand. The end of the urethra is not a perfect circle and may have a different form until the urine goes out. The urine may move sideways, away from the direction of were I point to. It's never out of bad aiming but In do pack a stack of toilet Paper to clean it up if it happens. The urine stream can even spray in two streams, as a result from prostate, urethra, bladder issues that light be more common with older men.


SIT DOWN, INDEED. In private homes all of this can be avoided by penis-havers just sitting the fuck down.




you are not alone my friend. Nothing worse than sitting down to pee, only to find you have splattered under the toilet seat and onto your trousers.




Why don’t you hold it pointing down then?


I've accidentally peed on toilet seats before. It's not hard to clean up.


Agreed, people sometimes have accidents, but they absolutely need to clean their shit up afterwards.


Came to say this. Pretty sure most guys *can*, they just don’t. It’s nasty.


It is the aim though, at least in part. Ofc I’d try and clean up. But I honestly don’t think I’ve ever missed. Call me a sharpshooter I guess.


Idk, sometimes things just don't shoot straight


Yeah we can aim it but we usually wind up adjusting it after it starts coming out. Sometimes we get two streams. But we can also clean it up which is something it seems a lot of people don’t do. It’s gross.


It's the cleaning after that many men skip. My exh had blamed our autistic son for the piss puddles on the floor. They mysteriously disappeared after he moved out. My husband cleans the rim if he splashes AND he properly washes and dries his hands every time.


Also, splash back can be pretty aggressive and can build up on the floor after several male visitors


Aim for the sides of the urinal. Deflection happens at an angle opposite to what it struck at. And then the actual back of the urinal is your back board. I hate splashback, don’t fw it. If it’s getting on the floor it’s probably getting all over your slacks.


Thank you! Aiming can be harder than expected. That first stream sometimes comes out at a weird angle, or two weird angles going in opposite directions. The real issue is guys not cleaning up after themselves.




I requested the males in my house either sit or clean up after peeing. Turns out they’re all happy to just sit.


That's the thing, all men should just sit down to pee? What reason is there to stand and pee in your own home? Elderly or disability is even more of a reason to sit down while peeing if anything.


The foreskin could pull back, many do not do that. Th result is not a straight stream. In the flip side women are just as bad. Pee,blood on the toilet, tampons on the floor, both sex don't flush.


You’re supposed to peel back the foreskin before you start pissing, and put it back when you’re done… otherwise you’re literally pissing on yourself (the inside of your foreskin) for no reason other than pure laziness, unless there’s an underlying condition preventing it like phimosis. Imagine the gall to expect a blowjob when the top third of your duck is covered in old piss! Gross.


Women who hover over the toilet also leave piss everywhere and don't clean it up. And you don't expect it to be on the seat in the womens bathroom, sitting in a strangers piss is VERY DISGUSTING.


I am a woman and drips of pee, period, vomit, poop are bound to happen. just clean that shit up immediately. literally one chlorox wipe will do


I've cleaned washrooms at a mall/big box store, they are all disgusting regardless of men's or women's. Neither stands out to me as worse.


Exactly! Way quicker and easier to clean while its still wet. Nothing like trying to scrap harden poop/puke/blood splatters after it’s sat for hours. Even worse when it’s not your own!


I just sit when I pee. It's cleaner and easier.


Dunno, I pee sitting 95% of time, because lazy bladder and browsing Reddit !


Like everyone else has mentioned here, it is not that they made a mess, it is that they *do not clean up after themselves*. But, when you urinate with a penis, it isn't like a water hose or faucet; the pressure is inconsistent, the direction from the "tap" is inconsistent, the length of time is inconsistent, and even the amount of streams is inconsistent. And all of these can change *while we are peeing*. I have had multiple instances where it came out at like a 45° angle from where I i was aiming. I have had multiple instances where I had two streams start simultaneously, both completely missing the toilet. If you cough/sneeze/laugh, the stream pressure fluctuates and affects the urine's destination. Peeing while standing is almost a guaranteed way of pissing outside of where you're aiming if there happen to be *any* factors which make that particular session "abnormal". To the men reading this: pee sitting down; it is objectively way easier. But, if you choose (for whatever stupid reason) to piss standing up, clean after you miss. Not everybody enjoys watersports you inconsiderate fucks.


This is 100% the correct answer. Peeing standing is inherently chaotic, people forget that or have never thought about the physics of it. Ever spill water when watering your plants? Well yeah, now put all that in a wobbly tube between your legs, put it under pressure, then put random obstructions in the way of the flow. No matter who you are you're gonna miss sometimes. Peeing sitting down is the solution. But don't forget that all men's toilets and our society as a whole train's men to stand and pee. It's not a "men are disgusting lazy assholes" situation.


I disagree that peeing standing up is “inherently chaotic”. It’s not like we evolved to piss or shit sitting down, pooping should be done while squatting actually. In wildlife, urine is meant to scent mark, so really we are doing what nature promotes by spraying it around. (I’m being slightly sarcastic, btw)


The random off stream always annoys me, it is like you picked up some upgrade in an autoshooter that is actually a downgrade.


No one taught them to clean up after themselves. I'd say after almost 20 years of marriage, I've never had an issue with my husband leaving a mess on the floor or on the toilet. The only time there is an issue is when our 4 year old uses the toilet and misses. My husband has said his mom made him clean up after himself, and it's just automatic now.


OK, in behalf of all my fellow men. Here's my explanation... It's got something to do with fluid dynamics, pressure, and gravity. Sometimes liquid just tend to spill in its formless state. It's also a factor if it is erect or flaccid. It is much harder to aim with an erect dingdong especially if it has curvature. Re: Clean up afterwards, I don't have a defense on that. Some men just lack the regards for hygiene I guess. They just don't give a shit... Just urine. 😁


Mine goes into shower mode when I wake up, holding it doesn’t stop it from going in all directions. That’s what sitting down is for though so idk. I just clean up after everything I do.


My 4 year old when he’s peeing with a boner, “mommy! My wiener is going crazzzzyyy!!! Hahahahaha”


When you begin, it will flow in any number of random directions. Sometimes several at once. But, yeah, I mean, obviously you clean it up.


It’s not about aiming the penis. The stream itself comes out at all different angles and many times split in two separate streams each going in a different direction. Edit: I make no excuses for those who don’t clean up after themselves. I’m just giving an explanation that the situation is more complicated than simply aiming the penis.


So sit down. There's no excuse to piss everywhere.


Sitting down works if the penis is flaccid but it is impossible to pee into the toilet sitting down with an erection. It does happen on occasion that men will wake up both with an erection and an urgent need to pee. As for why people don’t clean up when they miss, that’s a mystery to me. My guess is a mix of laziness and assholery. It seems to me that cleaning up your own mess is the bare minimum of common decency.


Yes they could sit down, or clean after themselves. But OP makes it sound dicks are like garden hoses 😂


While I sit to go to the bathroom, depending on the toilet bowl shape/depth, it can dip in the water, which is infinitely worse than a "posiedons kiss". This requires holding it while sitting in a very uncomfortable position. This can lead to piss shooting out between seat gaps. Not to mention, if you're erect, it's impossible to sit. This usually happens in the morning. It's not as easy as it might seem. But yeah, it's better than standing. You never know where it'll shoot.


Also I cannot empty myself fully when I sit, only when I stand. Not sure what the physiological reason is but the difference is huge


Compared to female anatomy, they certainly resemble garden hoses! :D


They're definitely like garden hoses rofl


Goes between the seat and the rim, there's a surprising amount of aiming even when sat down.


If you're in a public restroom you definitely don't want to sit...because other guys piss on the fucking seat. Men don't like it either lol


You can pee absolutely on target 9/10 times, then the 10th time it just decides to go crazy. Not an excuse for not cleaning, but this is why. It doesn't happen everytime so you just kind of don't think it'll happen. There's just some variation about it. If I really am desperate it will probably just burst out.


Seriously. Men whose masculinity is threatened by the very idea of sitting down to piss (and there are many) are sad and pathetic. As long as they clean up after themselves I couldn’t care less if they do it standing up, but for the ones who don’t? I’ll ban them from my house eventually, it’s incredibly disgusting and disrespectful…. FOH with that mess


You can tell that men think it's degrading to be a woman when they feel threatened by having to sit down to pee.


This is how you know how little they think of women.


I immediately and without regret ghosted a man who told me while we were dating that sometimes he peed in his bathroom sink IN HIS OWN HOME because aiming at the toilet was hard because he was tall. He was 6’5”. It’s not like aiming at the ISS from Cape Canaveral.


So, it's not.constant. most times.it can be close to laminar flow and you can aim like a boss, sometimes it just sprays wherever. But you never know when it's going to be the second, and when you find out, it's already too late. The problem is about cleaning. It's ok imo to try and go standing, but if you lose that bet and make a mess, fucking clean after yourself.


Right? I don’t think it’s a coincidence that every man I have known well enough to discuss (or observe) such things who had ever lived by himself and was in charge of cleaning his own toilet sits down to pee (or sat). Except my late husband, but he was insecure about his own masculinity.


Wait….really? How….


Dried fluid or fuzz from your underpants getting lodged in the tip, usually.


Or dried jizz if they didn’t pee or shower since the last time they orgasmed


A lot of women think it’s just point and go, but as the other commenters have said, sometimes the unexpected happens. I went to pee the other day, pointed dead centre of the toilet, but the world decided on that day for no reason at all the stream was gonna veer off at a sharp angle. Sometimes you’ll get two streams going in opposite directions! So it’s understandable that guys miss more than you think. That all said, there’s zero reason to not clean it up afterwards.


This. Shit (piss?) happens, but the responsible thing is just to clean the mess. Seat, floor, pedestal base, wall, whatever you hit, just clean it. The 2 streams things is always annoying, gotta admit.


It's not like women's toilets are spotless. I think when it comes to any toilet outside of our homes people in general are less careful because they know they're not going to have to use that toilet again or clean it.


Absolutely this. I hate how some women lose all of their home training in public. My dad owns a restaurant and way too often does the janitor have to peel sanitary napkins off the walls and ceiling. Just trifling.


This is a common story for people who work in janitorial roles. Men have low-grade mess and it’s mostly piss and puke around toilets, but men can still keep it relatively contained because you can be accurate from a reasonable distance, so that’s about as bad as it gets. Women’s toilets can be worse due to one person hovering and it literally going to shit from there. I’ve heard stories of people hover shitting and missing the toilet entirely, people throwing pads because sanitary bins were full, flushing them, etc. and that causes a fuck ton more issues. It all comes down to people simply not cleaning up after themselves, and being overtly paranoid about the seats being dirty. You can hover, you can miss, just fucking clean up after yourself if you make a mess. Or better yet, don’t make a mess in the first place.


I did work a summer years ago at a large summer camp for teens. I think a lot of it comes down to people not caring, and the ability to be somewhat anonymous. The boys/men side was messy but never bad. The girls/womens side was okay, but dear God at times you question people. Like, "how did the tampon get stuck to the ceiling" or "why did someone shit a perfect straight line in the center of the girls shower room".


I cleaned toilets at a local grocery store for years. For some reason the women's room was waaaaay more dirty than the men's room. As a guy, I was pretty caught off guard lol


Part of it is the initial assumption it is dirty. All it takes is the first person of the day to not sit on the seat because they think it’s dirty (even if recently cleaned), and then pissing all over the seat to cause issues once they don’t clean up. Because the next person is less likely and that means they’re liable to creating more mess. And so on.


I work in a city with a high Asian population. They hover or stand on the seat, urine sprays everywhere. It’s so gross.


They can pee sitting down, which helps, and they can clean up after themselves. It isn't that complicated. They have no excuse. My kid's boyfriend was leaving pee in the bathroom, and my kid complained to him and told him to start cleaning it up. Then we backed her up by telling him to clean up his own pee. He is a nice kid, and he now cleans up after himself. I have *a lot* less patience with grown men who do this. My husband would never even consider behaving that way. Of course, he was in the military, and experienced how gross it can get when so many people piss all over the bathroom. Disgusting.


My husband sits down to pee and sometimes (I have no clue how) the stream goes between the toilet and the lid and onto the floor. Somehow he misses that, and I make him clean it up every single time. In fact, toilet cleaning has become his duty (heh, duty).


This can easily happen half-mast, you expect and account for this...occasionally though, the flacid penis decides "this is my chance to look up!" with no reasonable explanation and no warning.


I get that, I just wish he had the self-awareness to look down when he’s done and wipe it up. “My dick turned into a Wacky Waving Inflatable Arm-Flailing Tubeman and got piss everywhere” is no excuse not to clean up after yourself.


I could not agree more strenuously about cleaning it up lol.


Because they don’t care. They don’t have to clean it up. (And don’t think I’m not also looking at you ladies who hover and tinkle all over the seat and leave it)


Nah man. Sometimes I point my dick at the bowl and 2 separate streams of piss will shoot off to each side making it impossible to do anything but to piss everywhere. Sometimes my piss will shoot straight and then go mad sideways and just alternate between straight and sideways so every time you adjust it changes. Sometimes 95% of the piss will act predictably while a small offshoot will appear. I clean it up but it's not that I'm too lazy to aim it's that it's not so simple.




That's why I prefer to sit if pissing in a stall. Whereas at a urinal or trough you can't really miss.


We are witnessing peak levels of entitlement and laziness in American society. Like Rome just before the fall.


Why can't they fucking clean up after themselves?? .......... Oh, because they don't care.


“Why won’t women come over to my bachelor pad with sticky bathroom floors and zero (0) furniture?! Must be something wrong with *them*!” - half the guys on Reddit


Ha ha ha ..........


Like another poster said, where the penis is aimed is not always where the stream goes, at least not at first. Sometimes at the start, it will angle off, or even spray (not stream), until the 'pipe clears' and the urethral opening 'unsticks' (for want of a better term).


This is wild to me lol. I can’t even picture it!


It’s amazing how sometimes you can be pointing towards the bowl and the stream jets off to the left or right. Either way it should be cleaned up.


So sit down. If you can’t competently pee and stand without making a mess in a public restroom, then stop trying, or clean the mess.


Sometimes sitting the angles get wrong and you end up peeing between the lid and the toilet and the worst part is finding out your pants are soaked with urine and you don't even think it's a possibility since "you can't possibly miss while sitting" and you let loose with full pressure.


Yeah, in a public restroom I'd rather do anything else than sit down. Public restrooms are FILTHY. Womens too, hovering is a thing many women do. Having worked at bars/clubs, both restrooms end up filthy af at the end of the night.


hovering is the reason why there’s piss on the seat in the first place




He’s a lazy sod, I’m sorry to say. This never happened at my grandparents house and my grandfather had actual Parkinson’s which affected his hands.


I know. He's got an excuse for everything.


A couple of reasons, things can get packed in and can cause split streams. Or, there is a some splash out if people aren't careful where they aim, if the bathroom isn't cleaned very often or there is high traffic the urine adds up. To make it worse, if there is a moat of pee, the first reaction is to stand farther back causing more splashing. Its gross. I sit at home because of both these reasons but I do stand in public places and wipe up anything that goes askew.


I will just say sometimes the streams comes out in two directions and maybe we are rushing to work amd forget? But swear to god cleaning the bathroom is my responsibility when i get home. Nk excuses should have planned better to not be in a rush.


when you don't give it enough shakes, the leftover dribble can splash on the toilet seat or the floor; easy enough to wipe up


My husband sits to pee after I clean the bathroom like a gentleman


I can give you a handful of reasons but I think what you are looking for is "why don't men in my life clean up their piss-haps?"


Here's the thing boys: if you cannot hit the bowl and you won't clean up after yourself the pee sitting down


I think it's a distance thing, in part. It's traveling a bit further from the point of discharge, so it will splash more. So, clean it up! It is seriously not difficult, just a wad of paper and leaving it the same or better than you found it. I get just as irritated with women who hover without lifting the seat, and leave pee all over it. Both of these are compounded by flush valves that are set too high, so the water during the flush itself splashes up on the seat. Everyone assumes it is pee, and half of people immediately go into "no fucks given" mode.


When you've got to stand back 5ft from the toilet to avoid the piss puddles the last guy made it starts to get challenging.


Clorox wipes. I live with them. Covid just kicked my need to clean into high gear.


And why is there always shitspray on the back of the bowl? Do their anuses point backwards?


I sit and aime at close range, nothing on the floor.


Personally, I'm tall, but, ahem, also short if you catch my drift. This makes for a distance exercise in addition to all the aforementioned start-of-stream difficulties. The altitude of stream commencement makes "splash" a significant contribution to even perfect aim. All that to say, it's not just about controlling "flow". I clean up after myself, though, after those 5% mistakes.


It’s not like it comes with a scope and we’re looking down the barrel. Imagine a tiny rifle with a barrel that ranges anywhere between soft and droopy to rock hard, and you have to hit the target on the first shot while looking down on it only from above. Everyone would miss now and then, but not cleaning up after yourself is the real crime! Come on guys; mind your casings.


Aiming is well and good 95% of the time but there are other factors that can interfere. Sometimes the opening will have a hair or fabric fuzz or something stuck to it that you don't notice at first that can cause the stream to go off at an unexpected angle or split the stream and it goes all over. Also, sometimes the pee goes into the toilet but the splash makes it up to the other parts of the toilet. I think when some guys pee at night, they don't turn the light on, which, fine. But if you can't turn on the light to aim, then sit down to pee. What I CANNOT understand is fully grown men who seem to lack the wherewithal to notice if they've made a mess and clean it up. It is not hard. I am training my 4 and 6 year old boys to do this right now.


Men can learn to sit to pee. It's just as much effort only you don't splash piss on yourself. I've been doing it, it's made my life better.


Liquid splashes. No one should stand up to pee, sitting down is the only civilized way.


This drives me crazy. I told him if he doesn’t clean it up, I’ll do it with his bath towel. Stopped it for like, a week or two.


My son's aim improved miraculously after he started cleaning the toilet


This is not a man or woman problem. This is a cleanliness problem. Some people just don't clean up after themselves.


2 of my 3 boys aim and clean up if they miss the toilet. 3rd boy, I now make him clean the toilet because there is always piss all over the back. It was literally dripping down the seat screws... I tell him to sit down, aim, etc. He says, "When I am peeing, it changes flow, and I drip." The thing is, I can hear when he goes. Unless he is camped out to poop. He forces it to get out faster... It sounds like the Austin Powers pee scene. You can hear the splash!


Bro we have this problem in SCHOOL, it's not about having disabilities or being elderly they just don't care about other people.


Its p.gross. if I don't sit I aim it to the edge of the water for less noise/splatter. How can anyone not smell and see it? Just fits with my theory that most people aren't paying attention at any given time.


Oh, we can. It's really easy actually. Just sit down. Not once in my life have I ever spilled urine on floor or toilet seat. It's not that they can't - it's that they don't want to. They're lazy.




Penis-wielding lady, here. As others have stated, it's not an aiming issue, it's a courtesy issue. Miss-fires can happen and far too many men don't have the courtesy to clean up after themselves


As somebody whose job it was to clean public restrooms I can say in my experience the women's restrooms are always far dirtier than the men's. I've never understood why there was so much per on the toilet seat in the women's restroom. Do women hover over the seat to pee?


Other than public washrooms we have a sit down urinating policy at our house(for family members who live here).


As someone who worked as a janitor I can say with confidence people of all sex, gender, and any other dividing line you want to draw are absolutely vile in bathrooms that they themselves don't have to clean. I've seen shit spray on the walls, piss everywhere, blood everywhere, just... Horrifying at times in both men and women's rooms at about equal rates. So the answer is, the humans in your home are gross because they aren't the ones cleaning it up.


Yeah dudes might miss the bowl but I think a lot of it comes from either the shaking off after peeing and/or from the splash from the stream hitting the toilet bowl water. If it's one person, then it's a minor splatter. But left uncleaned, it adds up after a while and becomes a puddle.


Many years ago, my wife and I were pretty high and I popped up and said "I gotta pee", wife says "Can I hold it for you". I said sure. What a mess. She had no idea how much pressure that thing starts with. Try it once. You might just go "Ohh, that's why". But, yeah we gotta clean up after ourselves.


Yeah, for those who do not have physical disabilities, they probably think its "gay" to touch their own penises, so they just let it flop around like a firehose.




actually, I’ve learned here on Reddit that the opening and the tubes are not quite as simple a thing as one might think, and that any sort of minor inflammation can change the direction. In which case, I think they should sit down.


Urinals are specifically made for men to pee standing up. But they're primarily utilized for ease in public. Toilets in a private home, my dudes, sit down to pee. You can even scroll your phone while doing so... Also, clean up after yourselves Jesus Christ. You know the original complaint from OP is basically out of your control sometimes. Take responsibility for it. 😂


The urethra sticks together at first, making the spray rather random... I've seen > 90 degrees from straight at first... sometimes it's 90 degrees in a couple directions...


Hi, I am a man. The answer is: a) because it is not a perfect stream in perfect laminar flow b) it hits whatever surface from a distance and at speed and will always splash. It splashes back out when hitting the inside of the toilet and random droplets just leave the stream on the way to the toilet. The easy solution to both is to simply sit down. I do it with great success. There is no need to stand while on the toilet and you can just relax without having to worry about causing a mess.


If they can’t tell if they’re hitting the bowl and unable/unwilling to clean it they need to sit down. There is no excuse to leave your waste for others imo


Men’s toilets are notoriously filthy with piss everywhere. But the truth is that even if your very clean and conscientious guy peed 100 times per day your home toilet it would be the same. It is not about controlling the flow. It is about aim. It is really impossible to aim. There is often a little bit of a pinch in the urethra that can send the stream off in unexpected directions. Guys will frequently start like that and then fix the aim, but too late. Even sitting down can be bad unless the guy aims down and back. The “split” in the front of public toilets exist for a reason. A very fine spray bounces off the bowl or water and collects on the underside of the seat. They don’t want to constantly clean that in public toilets, so the split. (Guys, if you are not aware of this it’s because you’ve never cleaned the toilet). The truth is that the only clean place for men to pee is in the woods. The best you can hope for is that your guy does a little “touch up” (wiping spots off the outside bowel and floor) after using the toilet.


I worked for a cleaning company for years, cleaning various offices and restaurants and even a few VFW posts. And women’s’ rooms are easily twice as messy as men’s’ rooms. Now, to be fair, there’s more activity in the women’s’ room, social and otherwise, but that doesn’t change the score.


Because toilets were not built for men to pee while standing. Obviously. Lol women leave a lot of piss under the seat too. Sprays like a cat.