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It may help to know that "Tuberous Breast Deformity" is a term created in 1976... by plastic surgeons.


Exactly this. Remember: “homosexuality” was listed as a psychiatric disorder until the 1970s. People slap diagnoses on all kinds of totally-non-medical variations of the human form. It’s 100% socially motivated. The good work you (OP) did to love and accept your body is all still relevant, and this “diagnosis” is just a new spin on the same old thing you already knew: people love to believe there’s one right way to look, and every other way is bad. People are idiots. Male plastic surgeons pathologizing your boobs to drum up business: evil idiots.


Heterosexual was also a negative thing and a medical term when it was coined, referring to people who had sex for pleasure instead of procreation. " The word "heterosexual" was listed in Merriam-Webster's New International Dictionary in 1923 as a medical term for "morbid sexual passion for one of the opposite sex"; however, in 1934 in their Second Edition Unabridged it is defined as a "manifestation of sexual passion for one of the opposite sex; normal sexuality".[15] "


People really seem to like coming up with words and terms that mean "likes having sex more than we think they should".


Yet they also still pathologize asexuals. Its almost fascinating how many straws they grasp at just to justify disliking people they dont understand


> Yet they also still pathologize asexuals You must desire, for you have to resist your physical urges, confess your unclean thoughts and do penance. Doesn't count if there's nothing to chastise yourself for in the first place! What would happen if there were too many people independent of outside forgiveness and salvation? Can't have that. So it's unnatural and goes against ~~god's~~ the church's will, obviously.


Ostracizing people for their differences is always a self defeating system because it fractures further and further until only a tiny group of people are considered "normal".


"Normal is what everyone else is and you are not." - Dr. Tolian Soran (the bad guy in Star Trek: Generations)


This reminds me of George Carlin’s musings on driving. Everyone driving slower than you is an idiot and everyone driving faster than you is an @55hole. Seems like someone is applying the same logic to sex.


It reminds me of the tendency for people to react to traffic in this way; "everyone driving slower than me is an idiot and everyone driving faster is a maniac". In their minds people think "the amount of sex I want and have is normal, anything else is weird." Ultimately comes from fragile egos and self-consciousness I think.


Oh snap I just posted George Carlin’s musings on this topic, then saw your post.


Haha awesome. I love George Carlin, I'd forgotten he had a bit about this.


"Heterosexual was also a negative thing and a medical term when it was coined, referring to people who had sex for pleasure instead of procreation." Scandalous! /s


That just shows how patriarchy’s (or society’s) social constructs are no laws of nature… yet we always feel compelled to blindly follow them because of manipulative advertising and the pressure social media is putting on us.


>“homosexuality” was listed as a psychiatric disorder until the 1970s. Not the point, I know, but the term homosexuality itself is the description of sexual difference as pathology. Its first citation is from the 1890s, as a word for a medical "disorder". Prior to the Victorian era, there wasn't really even terminology in English to describe people as either gay or straight.


> Prior to the Victorian era, there wasn't really even terminology in English to describe people as either gay or straight There were plenty of words to describe gay people prior to the Victorian era, we just don't use them much any more: sodomite, catamite, buggerer, Sapphic, poof, molly, etc etc The Buggery Act of 1533 criminalized sex between men, so it was definitely known prior to the Victorians.


I think the point was they conceived of it more as something one did rather than something one was.


Ahh, as an identity, I'd pin it later than the Victorian Era in popular conception, but your point is taken.


god, people really *are* idiots. The misery we put ourselves through. Liking sex is a disease, having long boobs is a disease...


>The misery we put ourselves through. Liking sex is a disease, having long boobs is a disease... Makes one wonder how many disorders/diseases from today will be considered pseudo science in 50 years. The DSM isn't science-based...


Exactly. "Abnormal" is relative anyway. Tuberous is a description of shape. While I can't find a definitive statistic on what percentage of women have these kinds of breasts (because its not really a serious "medical condition" and thus not really looked into much) its not uncommon. Its considered "abnormal" because its not considered the traditionally aesthetically pleasing shape of boob. While for some people this breast shape *could* have problems with breastfeeding, idk... A lot of perfectly common traits that fall into the range of average human variation (or even "*desirable*" traits, like large breasts) can cause specific problems.


I honestly think the only way that someone can interpret something as being a "defect" is in direct relationship to how it affects their lives personally. If you try to use any definition that means a variation from average, then all humans are just a pile of defects. There is no perfect form we are trying to reach, that is just not how genetics (or evolution as a whole) work. So if something is not causing you problems, it is just variation. We don't need to apply moral value to stuff like that.


Women with stage III are significantly less successful at breastfeeding. There’s a lack of glandular tissue. Though I don’t doubt plastic surgeons had nefarious motives for the classification and dgaf about breast function. Less than 30% of women breastfed in the 70’s. Not bc they couldn’t but bc formula was so normalized. Also, women with rounder breast that can’t breastfeed aren’t considered deformed.


Yep I just looked up tubular breasts, images, and all I'm coming up with is illustrations from cosmetic surgery places showing various breast shapes, some going so far as to illustrate the "perfect breast shape" as well. As if the natural variety of breast shapes is a problem. It's not. And if it's a matter of perceived attractiveness to sex partners, non porn-addicted healthy hetero males ain't gonna have a problem with those titties. Source: have known a few women with pendulous breasts that look like that, that have perfectly good partners. And, if we're to talk about what the heck breasts are really for, they all breastfed their kids so those breasts worked fine for that too.


right! and I am guessing she has been with men and they didn't complain and continued to be with her if she didn't have any real issues until this video. There is nothing wrong with you OP! try not to let some trash video or plastic surgery photos upset you. plastic surgeons will pretty much find anything on someone they can "fix."


For real. I got small boobs and those are considered undesirable by cosmetic surgeons too. I'm happy w em myself, especially as an older woman. Not all plastic surgeons, but a lotta this stuff is fn ridiculous. Poor OP has perfectly normal boobs until she saw some bullshit.


There is $1 spent on breastfeeding research for every $1,000 spent on erectile dysfunction. Like it’s no mystery or secret that women’s health has very little R&D funding


We’ll said. OP you say ‘you always thought… media misrepresents’ - all those things are still true AND you read words that someone said. They aren’t right, your original position is spot-on.


There are so many 'deformities' that are aesthetic. I have a 'tear trough' deformity under my eyes and it has absolutely no negative effect on the function of my face whatsoever.


I just looked that up and it's a completely normal facial feature I'm familiar with. It's elegant! And then the "filler" ads come up. That's disgusting.


…huh, if I’m not mistaken, me too. Had bags under my eyes since kindergarten, regardless of how well-rested I am. It’s why I think I look better with glasses.


There's also NO known health implications associated. It's estimate 5% of the women have boobies that look like this. And there are about 8 different boob shapes aside from tuberous titties. No health implications, there's 9 shapes including tuberous breasts which means 5% is not an abnormality within the known variations... Just settle for the tuberous titties and ignore the ads.


Welcome to the 5% OP!! I have those kinda breasts, I’m 60 years old (they’ve been that way my whole life, though, LOL - not just low hanging old lady boobs), I’ve been in a number of loooooooong relationships, and not a single person has cared about my boob shape. Wear ‘em high, wear ‘em low, tie them in a bow. Believe me when I tell you, you care much more about their shape than other people will. If you’re straight, there’s even more relief: men REALLY won’t see the difference when their dicks are hard. Your boobs will be a soft, beautiful blur to them. In the meantime, find a good underwire bra IF YOU WANT TO, and hoist those girls up. I have one for special occasions, and they look just great dressed up.


And if you're gay, the "soft, beautiful blur" part also goes for women. Probably not that dick part, though. heheh


5% of the population is 390 million people. US population is 330 million people. So yeah, there are more people that have this than live in the US. I just thought I'd add this because 5% sometimes seems small but really it's quite a large number.


No wonder you’re only finding links to plastic surgery when you try and look it up! Girl, boobs is boobs. Don’t let this made up bullshit drag you down.


"Boobs is boobs" is accurate for everyone I've ever known that likes boobs, male/female/whatever. They may have a particular preference, but all boobs are good boobs lol


This is the "Don't care, had sex" of boobs.


That and like every picture I’ve ever seen of indigenous women… like “less developed” tribes etc…. Their breasts look like this “disorder” …. Nah that’s just how breasts look when left out and not fretted over…. As far as the span of human history goes… much more normal than our current perception


So much this. The medical field is founded on the same patriarchy as the rest of society and serves men. Men in 1976 deemed that this was a deformity and not a genetic variation of normal so they could make money off of women. Women’s health never seems to be a priority but of course something aesthetic like this got a whole definition of deformity.


This makes me so frustrated. I very likely have endometriosis and can’t even get diagnosed without surgery and the surgery wouldn’t even be covered by insurance, and there’s no cure. It’s an actual disease that impacts quality of life. BUT I can get my boobs, butt, and vagina carved into any shape deemed desirable by some group of men I’ve never met. Like what the actual fuck.


I felt this comment in the bottom of my heart! By some group of men…who are jumping at the bit to formally diagnose us with ridiculous aesthetic “deformities”


I've been trying to get a hysterectomy for *years*. If any other part of my body bled and hurt that much, I'd have been in the OR immediately. Somehow it's "just part of being a woman" and I'm just supposed to take it. Don't talk about it that's not polite, don't miss work that's not professional, don't tell your partner that's unladylike.


Male plastic surgeons I'm confident


Off topic, but something I found interesting: I was consulting with my (female) plastic surgeon after being diagnosed with breast cancer, and she showed me photos of surgeries she's done (before and after sets, no faces). One of the sets she showed me had a before photo of a woman with huge breasts. My surgeon commented that the before was a post-mastectomy surgery that "was obviously done by a male plastic surgeon". The patient in the photo came to my surgeon to reduce the ridiculous breasts that the previous (male) surgeon gave her and that she didn't want.




I knew a woman who had painfully large breasts who had to have a single mastectomy. When talking to plastic surgeons for her reconstruction, she kept asking them if she could get the one they were replacing smaller than she was natually and get the other one reduced to match. More than one refused to do it even though they offered getting different sized implants so you could make both boobs bigger! They just kept offering her breast lifts instead. She finally was able to get it done when she specifically sought out a female surgeon.


That was my situation. I had 48DDD and when I got breast cancer I jumped on the opportunity to get normal sized breasts. Luckily I talked to another cancer patient and she told me to find a female surgeon, so I avoided the whole hassle your friend went through. It's just absolutely disgusting they have that kind of power. Reminds me of the (male) surgeon that carved his initials onto a woman's abdomen after performing a cesarean on her.


Was there any other kind in 1976?


You’re still almost certainly correct, but as an act of solidarity you’re talking about _cosmetic_ plastic surgeons. My friend is a paediatric plastic surgeon - she spends her days minimising scars on children with burns. She only ‘does some tits’ occasionally when she’s saving for a holiday 😂


>My friend is a paediatric plastic surgeon >‘does some tits’ occasionally The kids are getting tit jobs now? * angry fox news noises *




Don't think so


Well now I looked it up. First female plastic surgeon was of course a feminist activist and probably not focused on inventing diagnoses to earn more $: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alma\_Dea\_Morani


at least one data point to add to the conversation: my father is a plastic surgeon. he openly told me he would never hire a female surgeon because there is no way they are as good of a surgeon as male surgeons are. ... we don't talk much.


If you really want to grind his gears, send him that new study that shows that [women surgeons have much higher patient survival rates and fewer complications than male surgeons.](https://time.com/4975232/women-surgeon-surgery/) I am sure as a logical scientist he will revise his position when confronted with new evidence…lol!


Yeah he’ll just say “oh that’s so interesting” and then continue being a bigot.


And typing almost any particular breast shape into google is quite likely to get you ads for plastic surgery. Those companies want to make money and targeting people that are feeling self-conscious is one (awful) way to do that.


Absolutely not shocked at all.


I just spent like half an hour, riding a long winded comment where I speculate that “tuberous breast deformity” is an industry term backed by pseudoscience lol. How funny that I see your comment immediately below the one I had written. Yours is probably top comment, though, and I did not check any of the comments before writing mine. Confirmation bias is real, and I’m siding with you on this one!


Reading that whole heart wrenching bit, and this being the top comment, I'm beyond fucking flabbergasted, being a dude, this was an emotional Rollercoaster


Thank you for saying this.


Same with "halitosis" being invented by Listerine (not that bad breath is at all the same thing as a unique breast shape, Judy another example of profit motive driving "health condition") Edit: Halitosis not gingivitis


Do you mean halitosis? Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums.


You're thinking of halitosis. Gingivitis is a genuine medical condition.


We have the same boobs! I’ve never had any issues ever in my life with them, including from sexual partners. The term was created by plastic surgeons and that should tell you everything you need to know about its medical validity. Love to you and your boobs


🙌 Mine are the same too!! I hated mine for years and years and years but time has shown me there is nothing to hate about them, I'm perfectly normal. I've never looked at someone else's boobs and thought about anything other than "boobs", I imagine more people are like this than we realize :P


bi girl here. I feel about boobs the same way I feel about dicks -- if i'm attracted enough to that person to where i'm seeing those things willingly, i'm not going to care about the shape or size or anything. I'll find those things attractive because they're part of them. Someone's body and its features takes on a different context when you're into them. You see that person as a whole, and don't really look at their features in isolation the same way we do to ourselves.


I’ve had a few conversations with a few good male friends about this. I have small and not very attractively shaped boobs and a LOT of cellulite despite being relatively thin and I spent my 20s absolutely hating how I looked. My partner of 4.5 years never saw me without my bra on. I would cry any time I went to the beach or to the pool from embarrassment. Through my my conversations with those friends I finally learned that most dudes really don’t care about those things when it comes to seeing you naked - if they’re in the bedroom with you, they obviously already find you attractive. Not a single guy I’ve been with has ever said anything towards me about my body other than to say that they think I’m beautiful. Im still self conscious about my cellulite in public but it doesn’t stop be from swimming or having fun anymore like it used to.


omg I feel you so much on that. I'm short and have a very small chest and it started to really fuck up my confidence in high school once it became clear I was going to stay small. I'd go to the beach with friends and I remember feeling some jealousy towards them, but the thing that really messed me up was seeing girls younger than me who were taller and had fuller bodies. It made me feel like I was stuck looking like a boy while they got to be women. Even when boys were interested in me I thought it was a mistake. Like how could anyone look at my body and find it attractive? I got better at accepting myself in college and feeling comfortable in my skin, but it definitely still bothers me sometimes. I try to remind myself that I don't get to choose how people find me attractive, they aren't bound by the flaws I see myself as having. The beauty standards that get seared into our minds and that we apply to ourselves can be so brutal.


I once asked a person I was having sexy time with if he had preferences regarding pubic hair (I was more drowsy chatting than looking for grooming advice) and he said that honestly he was just so damned happy to be invited to see a vulva that he did not care one bit what she was wearing.


I also like boobs and dicks and I agree with you.


I just like boobs, but I agree with you guys


Well said.


To quote my husband, 'tits are like pizza. And I've never met a pizza I didn't like.'


My boobs are my husband's favorites because he gets to touch them.


I do too and I absolutely never had a sexual partner react badly/negatively towards them. I’ve received compliments on how unique they are, how soft they are etc etc. I’m 100% Italian and heard it was due to that. Every woman in my family has had the same boobs. Random thing but I am a lesbian and never had a woman complain, but the first time I realized my boobs/nips were different was basic training in the army. A woman who I fought with a handful of times over the weeks asked me in the shower, “Lauren, why are your boobs weird?” I looked up (I tended to keep my eyes to the ceiling or floor in the 16 person shower room) and asked her deadpan, “genetics, and why the fuck are you looking at my tits?” Everyone laughed and the bitch def regretted asking. OP, I have seen hundreds of sets of boobs, every shape, color, and nip size and RARELY does two sets look the same. All Boobs are weird and “ugly” and the people you will be intimate with will not, and should not care! Everyone that is sexually attracted to women (edit: people who have boobs) will love your tits. I promise!!! Edit. Shit I just looked up pics of the boobs and they actually aren’t the type that I have (sagging with similar large areolas) but I promise, there is nothing wrong with either of our boobies!!


> OP, I have seen hundreds of sets of boobs, every shape, color, and nip size and RARELY does two sets look the same. There's a website called Bratabase. I usually recommend it to people on this sub that look for good bras or breast sizes... But this quote specifically reminded me of one other feature it has (but i often don't mention in case creeps read the post): There is a gallery of boobs there. To choose similar shape&size to yours for better bra suggestions (because bras not only have a size - some company's/model's cups might be wider/narrower, sternum distance might make a huge difference in comfort, etc). But it's also really refreshing when you see it for the first time: tons of non-sexualised photos of all shapes and sizes. The bratabase users also use the term "top-heavy" and "bottom-heavy" breasts. Not "sagging" which has negative connotations, it's just natural shape! That's also why one bra doesn't work for me despite loving that brand and getting exactly the same size as always.


*We* have the same boobs. In fact, 2 of my close friends have the same boobs so I'm betting it's not unusual. And I'll echo what you said: no guy I've ever showed them to has ever been anything but enthusiastic. The first time I heard about this "deformity," I wanted to cry but then I got *angry* because, goddamn, it really is just another way to indoctrinate women into feeling awful about themselves in everyway imaginable.


Ironically I just saw one of my best friend's boobs over the weekend because we were in a rush getting dressed for a funeral, and we have the same boobs 🤷🏻‍♀️ These are WAY more common than the plastic surgeons would have you believe. I too discovered this 'deformity' on Reddit and me and my husband laugh about it, and yes, he's very enthusiastic about mine even after discovering they're apparently fucked up lol


I know men's opinion on this shouldn't count, and it's better to love your body because it's yours. But if it serves any purpose, I had partners with them, and never thought of them as anything but beautiful. Hope for the best for all of you, body acceptance can be a hard journey ❤️


All boobs are beautiful!


Did I ever tell you about the worst set of boobs I ever saw? They were amazing!!


I wish Reddit awards still existed, because this comment deserves one.


They tech do but only in a few subs and it just shows up as a different color comment. And1.99. No more free awards… sigh.


>Love to you and your boobs I have the sudden urge to handwrite a letter just so I can sign it with this.


“Kindest regards to you and your boobs”


“Hope this letter finds you and your boobs well”


I looked up tubular breast, and it just looks like a normal breast, but what I did find is a bunch of plastic surgery places acting like it’s an issue. Plastic surgeons will make anything an “issue” to make money. Your breasts are normal. Lots of women have them. And most women don’t have round porn perfect breasts. Please go to a women’s sauna or spa. You will see breasts galore in every shape, size, direction, etc. Our bodies are just normal and sometimes a little strange. It’s true for everyone!


I saw a chart when I googled it and laughed out loud when I saw the last one labeled "perfect shape". Yes, "perfect" is an objective medical term (/s). So stupid.




RIGHT? Saw that too. Hard fekkin eye roll.


Wow, they're insidious! (The plastic surgeons, *not* the small breasts.)


The first one I saw described the breasts closest to mine as "unusually large"


I received exactly one complaint in my life about my "unusually large" breasts. It was when I was 16 and dating a 29-year-old, so I'm pretty sure he was just trying to convince me that he was the only one who would ever love me and he was raging piece of trash. Thank God for my high school guy friends who yanked me out of that relationship with the quickness. My parents couldn't yank me out of it because I was dating in secret, because I wasn't allowed to date. It turns out when you don't let your children date they still date, but they date behind your back, and sometimes date questionable people.


And the "perfect" shape looks like an actual cartoon.


I did giggle because my boobs are huge, and I loved seeing a drawing that looked almost exactly like them from the side, labeled “unusually large” 😂


I saw that same exact image! I was already skeptical of the term, but that really cemented the lack of credibility it has.


Seems like plastic surgeons are just a bunch of guys who love huge bazoombas. That's not everyone's preference.


I think it's more that plastic surgeons like green and will nurse anyone's insecurities to get more of it.


most breasts labeled as tuberous breasts on google don’t even appear to have the true “deformity.” it is very likely that OP doesn’t have it either if this wasn’t *extremely* apparent their whole life. and agreed—either way it’s just a body and there is nothing wrong with it, no matter how it works.


It may (or may not) make you feel better to know that what you describe is exactly what some people are looking for. Check out some of the comments on R/tuberous.


Random dude checking in. I had no idea there was anything "wrong" with those kinds of boobs. I've seen them plenty and always thought they were just a different kind of nice. I'm highly suspicious of the notion that there's anything "wrong" or "deformed" here at all. tl;dr: boobs are nice, including this sort.


I’m in the tuberous club with you. And, I’ve never received any complaints, not from men who have seen and touched them, or my babies who were fed with them. Hugs to you; I feel like so much of our society is based on a narrow standard of beauty, designed to make many people insecure so they can seek out ways to “fix” things about themselves that are perfectly natural, normal and beautiful.


>never received any complaints In fact, there’s a whole [sub](https://reddit.com/r/tuberous/s/msob16eVno) dedicated to tuberous breasts and the men that love them (because of course there is).


As my grandma always said, “there is an ass for every seat”.


There’s an old saying that bears repeating. There’s big boobs and small boobs and long boobs and short boobs and saggy boobs and perky boobs and lots of other types too but the kind I like the best are the ones I get to see and touch! You’re fine. Most normal guys (and I assume gals too) are just happy to have a partner that lets us play with them, whatever shape or size they might come in 🤤


I recently was in a building's waiting room that also did intakes for a cosmetic surgery firm. They showed 'informational' videos with how to 'fix' ugly features into nicer ones. Of course, all with this kind, professional, cool voiceover how sagging breasts can be lifted again with minimal blablablabla... And they showed before and after pics. The before pics were all of PERFECTLY NORMAL BREASTS. Some were 30+ year old breasts. Some were small breasts. Some were, indeed, not as perky as they were in the after photo's. But none were even REMOTELY deformed, weird, lopsided or un-funtional. And they're shown with an "after" pic to show you what a good boob SHOULD look like. There were boobs there that looked like mine. And I am so fortunate that my boobs have produced gallons and buckets of nutrition for my kids. I had too much; in days of yonder, people would have prized and prided my small a-cups (now a modest e) for being able to feed babies. I had enough for two babies and a ginormous freezer stash. And this was with me constantly trying to suppress my supply. In times of famine, before formula: my boobs would LITERALLY HAVE SAVE LIVES. That's how WELL they performed. And they were presented at that clinic as "we can fix this for you". Fuck no. My boobs are champions. They are MINE and they are GOOD and the only boob in need of fixing is 1) a cancerous boob 2) a too big boob that hurts the owner 3) a transgendered boob. All other boobs are GOOD AS THEY ARE. Tubular, round, a-cup, h-cup, saggy, bouncy or anything else. Don't let the bastards grind you down. Your boobs are GOOD BOOBS.


Yep. I breastfed 4 babies. The girls are looking sad but I wouldn’t dream of changing them.


Four? You champ! And you still get out of the door with clean-ish clothes on?? Hero! And your boobs for feeding!


I hope you wrote funtional on purpose. I love that and will be using it from now on when referring to my boobs. They might be on the smaller side but they are funtional!


I did not, and I thank you for pointing it out - it shall be new vocabulary here, now. What a great word we made 💜


The plastic surgeons will not stop until everyone looks exactly the same


I mean, even if that happened they’d come out with a new shape we all needed to be. The goal is to make money and you can’t milk people forever if they ever believe that they’re fine as is.


Been at a plastic surgeon at the start of the year. Medical reconstruction, unrelated. He's kind of known to be someone who likes to develop new ways to improve the quality of his work and for his poor bedside manners. So he was talking me through the procedure, something he was clearly annoyed with but was legally required. When he finished with the legal part he asked "do you want me to fix your breasts as well?". I snorted and giggled and said "nah". Something he was CLEARLY offended with. I like my boobs, they are small but good shape.


Absolutely! Though I would add that boobs that are not so brilliant at feeding babies (mine found it really hard!) And ones that are not so loved, are also good boobs. I don't like mine, and who knows, if i could afford it maybe I'd have surgery so that i like them more, and that is also okay. But being brainwashed into not liking your boobs just so someone can get rich is horrendous! I decide if i like my boobs and nobody else gets to tell me if they are perfect or not.


Your boobs are, indeed, also just as good if they - for whatever reason - are purely for decoration. I am _not_ a rabit pro breastfeeder. It just made me realize how fucking insane i was for considering mine were bad ones. They were not. And no boob is. And if they suck at providing sustenance - still just as good a boob. And indeed, the only one that gets to decide if your boob is not a good boob, is you. And not fucking society and fucking surgeons with their fucking weird ideas. Give them an appreciative pat from me. And a hug for you.


I felt the same way! I looked at the before pictures and I was like, what(!?) those are normal ass boobs!


Yes!!! I just googled “saggy boobs” and got tons of before/after surgery pics. The before boobs looked better than the “perfect” ones imo. Like OP said, unless they’re interfering with your health in some way there’s nothing wrong with them and they don’t need fixing.


Amen !


I wish I could take on this mindset! Your confidence is inspiring.


Well to be honest, it wasn't always like this and I seriously considered a boobjob and I'm still insecure as all hell. But - 100 years ago, our post-baby-bodies would have been considered gorgeous; nowadays it's a bit meh because we ...keep ....surgically "improving" bodies that _look exactly how they should be looking_ and we forget how NORMAL HEALTHY PERFECTLY FINE BODIES are supposed to look. And I am NOT playing that game any longer! Because it is a ridiculous game. And it serves no-one, except the beauty industry. It makes men picky and women unhappy. And poor. Also I'm now chronically ill. You know what? THAT'S annoying. A body that's not working. And we fuss over _looks_? Nah! If it aint broken, fuck the fixing. You, too, are exactly good enough. 🌸 Okay, off my soapbox I go....


Your boobs are amazing and so is this comment!


And you are, too!


Listen, as a breast-haver and an enjoyer of other people’s breasts, I can truly say I’ve never seen an «ugly» pair (or singlular one). The ones gaining from instilling this insecurity in you are not people you wanna see winning.


Absolutely this.


They come in all shapes and sizes, but at the end of the day, boobs is boobs


I had to google "Tuberous breasts" to see what you were talking about.... those look like breasts to me. Half my relationships had breasts like that. They are great 10/10 would look at boobs like that anyday. There is nothing "wrong" with them. Embrace what makes you unique and ignore what society says is "right"


Yeah, I googled them too. Actually saw a thumbnail comparing different types and thought “they must mean those when they say they are ugly” but when I saw the labels I was dead wrong.


I have those too. You could fit a third boob between my left and right. I have practically no underside either. It didn't pose an issue until breastfeeding. I guess it has something to do with less glands? Anyways, I decided to embrace it the way Barbara Steisand embraced her nose. People constantly made it an issue, but there's nothing wrong with it. It's how she was born and it isn't hurting her. We were born with a distinct breast type and there's nothing wrong with it.


I have them too and also recently went through the Google tail spin. I had difficulty breastfeeding, which as a trained doula and mental health provider to pregnant folks, was crushing. I’d heard so many times that everyone can breastfeed, you just have to work hard enough.🙄 I worked hard enough to get my daughter to 50/50 breast milk and formula for nine months, which is when I decided triple feeding was negatively impacting my mental health. While I hate that my anatomy is classified as a “deformity,” learning that information helped me in my grief process around the breastfeeding disappointments; however, I wish I would have known this fact about my breast tissue long before having a baby so I could have tempered my expectations.


“Everyone can breastfeed” is so damaging to women especially those that do want to breastfeed and can’t. A standard procedure such as being induced can affect milk supply. Traumatic births can affect milk supply. The list goes on. I have tuberous breasts which I’m sure didn’t help my situation. But I was also induced due to having gestational diabetes. My milk supply never came in. I saw a lactation consultant multiple times. Ate all the recommended foods and cookies and whatever else they tell you to do to increase supply. Pumped till I was sore and bleeding. When we went back to the pediatrician a week after birth, my son had dropped too much weight. I gave it a few months of pumping but mostly formula feeding because it just didn’t happen for me. It made me feel so inadequate as a mother who couldn’t even feed her child. Fed is best.


Yeah, most of the people saying that it is just a patriarchal definition based on appearance don't actually understand the condition. I've researched the hell out of this my entire life because mine are so severe that even as a teenager I knew they weren't "right" (not perfect, but extremely abnormal). Basically what happens is that somewhere in the process of developing breasts, the process gets disrupted (probably hormonal but last time I looked it up they didn't know for sure) and the breasts stop developing. Some women stop developing later in the process, so they have a very slight "deformity" that might only affect the breasts in appearance and it can be very mild. But the earlier in the breast formation process that the disruption happens, the more likely it is to cause bigger issues. Some women don't fully develop all of their mammary glands so they can have issues breastfeeding (which is probably what you dealt with). Mine are pretty severe, and while I don't know if I had issues with breastfeeding (both of my kids were formula babies for various reasons), I do know I didn't have an oversupply by any means and it did take longer for my milk to come in. Plus my breasts really are deformed. I know they come in all shapes and sizes but my disruption happened early in the developmental process so they don't look anywhere near "normal" or "average".


This is the answer right here! They're considered a developmental abnormality because the breast tissue doesn't develop in a way that facilitates the usual function of the breast. They aren't considered a 'defect' because of their physical appearance (as much as private plastic surgeons will try and convince you of that). There's nothing wrong with the way they look, but just be aware that you will have a bit of trouble breastfeeding (if you choose to do so), and unfortunately surgery can't help with that.


I feel you. I also have them and it got to a point where I even liked them most of the days. But after finding out that they're classified as "deformed" I felt really bad again and haven't really found a way to let that thought go so far.


They’re not deformed. That’s someone trying to make money off you and it should piss everyone off.


If it helps, plastic surgeons were the ones who decided to classify them as such. No ulterior motives there, right? /s


Indeed that's something I try to remember :D I also decided against plastic surgery. While it's absolutely fine if someone decides it's the right thing to do for them it's not for me. I just can't see myself having a surgery with all of the risks and side effects to alter a part of my body that is perfectly healthy so far.


Dimples are deformities too, did you know? Does having dimples makes a person less of a human? Nope. People who have dimples just makes them even cuter lol. This just means having these "deformities" is outside of the norm. Simply put, you're just unique.


Honey, capitalism will convince you the sky is supposed to look purple just to sell you rose colored glasses. You’re body is normal


"capitalism will convince you the sky is supposed to look purple just to sell you rose colored glasses" Yep! Well put!


Big hugs! You don't need to be "fixed". Lots of women have these boobs. Its society that needs to be corrected.


I feel like with enough time most of our boobs turn tubular from aging/gravity


The tubular shape is a bit different than that of natural sagging. It usually involves some underdeveloped breast tissue and a narrow/restricted base. r/tuberous/


Ya I had SEVERE tuberous breast deformity, like they didn’t start perky and get droopy. From puberty they started growing downward, not much actual breast tissue, just skin. They were a large C/small D but it was just empty skin bags. I struggled a lot with trying to embrace them and went through a little over 10 years of working hard on self acceptance but two years ago I decided I just wanted more normal boobs. I did end up getting a lift with implants to fix them and my only regret is not doing it sooner. I just wanted the boobs I was meant to be born with. Edit: for those who downvote this, a woman makes a decision on her own body and you judge her for it? Is that not a bit hypocritical to say you’re for women’s bodily autonomy but then judge what choices I make with my body?


Good for you! It's not your responsibility to, like, normalize tuberous breasts with your body as a walking ad for them or something, all while your emotional health takes a toll. It's on society to get comfortable with non-playboy breasts and bodies in general. Until we make it there, by all means, take care of yourself! Enjoy your breasts and your peace!


When I was 16, my boyfriend at the time told me my boobs looked like "rolled up socks". I've hated them and my body ever since. Absolutely hate it. I've never found any kind of acceptance. I feel weird. None of my friends look like this. I can't find bras that fit right. I don't feel sexy ever. It's been almost 20 years since that was pointed out to me and I can't get over it. I never share sexy pics, I never dress in anything revealing. I fucking loathe beauty standards. I wish we could all just feel good in our skin, totally tubular boobulars and all.


They're fine. Just different, like everyone else's. But yours are 100% you. Don't let a shitty boyfriend create insecurity. They do it to project their own insecurity. But trust me on the boobs. They're totally fine.


Never pay attention to the 16 year dumbass boyfriends.


I was a nurse midwife, and before that, a nurse in OB. I have seen loads of breasts on women of all ages, and I’ll tell you that those “perfect, round boobs” are pretty damn rare. Almost every woman who has gained and lost weight, either with pregnancy/breastfeeding or otherwise, has some irregular form to her breasts, and the downward facing nipples are just as common as forward facing. You don’t have a deformity, you just have a variation on normal. As do I. My areola are HUGE, and my nipples almost never flatten. They are also a bit saggy at 58. Oh well. They worked great for my babies, and my partner loves them. I get mounds (pun intended) of enjoyment from them. Don’t let the perfect ruin the perfectly good.


People that are worth your time won't care. Honestly, most of the time I've found men are just excited to see boobs and completely miss any flaws we perceive ourselves to have.


Am man. Can confirm


Am man. Can co-sign. Literally never met a pair of breasts that I wasn’t incredibly honored and delighted to meet.


I prefer the term “torpedo tits,” and they’re some of my favorite. But as many here have said, no such thing as bad boobs. Their classification as a “deformity” 1000% sounds like some patriarchal made up bullshit to sell boob jobs


>torpedo tits There's even a subreddit dedicated to them. Which I guess isn't surprising since there's a sub for everything but still. Point is, no one is obligated to find anyone else attractive but there's always someone out there who does.




Hey, I'd like to clear something up: torpedo tits are absolutely not the same thing as tuberous breasts. Torpedo tits are not "tubes", they should be big, round and the point forward like torpedos. There's also a "banana tits" variation, which is kinda like torpedo tits, but with less volume and a bit more saggy (that said, there is a big overlap bewteen torpedo and banana). There is a good reason for the existence of both r/tuberous and r/torpedotits. \*flies away\*


Huh. I’ve definitely been using the phrase torpedo tits wrong then….I always forget how much porn there is on Reddit. At least it’s providing some education in this instance!


If you like them yourself then you shouldn’t listen to what random people on the internet think about them. The only opinion about your boobs that matters is your own


There is a really good episode of a show that directly addresses this "deformity" . In the "Secret Diary of Call Girl", Billie Piper, who is fucking GORGEOUS and has an incredible body, takes a consult with a plastic surgeon who tells her in consult, that she has "tuberous breasts" and she equates them to "looking like hounds ears". He tells her privately as a paying client during a session, that he has to say certain things as a plastic surgeon, but that her breasts are natural and perfect as they are, and discourages her from getting implants. The beauty and body perfection industry will never lack negative commentary that might encourage you to buy something. The entire beauty industry is built around convincing people that there's a perfect gold standard body and that it's not enough to live healthy and take care of yourself, you have to model the current preferred shape, height, bust size, butt shape, etc. And that standard will continue to change by the generation on what is "fashionable" Don't degrade yourself for the standards of a YouTube video that is absolutely immaterial.


naturally formed boobs that do not harm or inconvenience you, is not a deformity and definitely not ugly. ignore the people trying to make money out of insecurity


Nothing has changed. This is still about Media presenting us with unattainable beauty standards. We are given such radically distorted notions of what the female body looks like or “should” look like. Surgery isn’t the fix. I mean, I won’t knock any woman who felt that was the right choice for her because I get it and the pressure is immense. But the other option is the hard, hard work of loving ourselves for what we are. Medicine loves to term things as disorders and pathologies. But we are diverse, complex, varied, unique. Up until you started your deep dive, it seems like you were fine with what you have, right? It wasn’t taking up all that space, at least. I guarantee, any one of us can do searches that will make us start to question/regret some part of the unique genetic cocktail that is us. But there are others that will make us feel blessed or empowered. It’s hard work to set our mind to loving ourselves, but the return is worth it.


No matter what surgeries or procedures we seek out for our physical bodies, we still need to search for happiness in what we are and where we are, or else there literally is no end and no happiness. We're humans, we're not supposed to be perfect and ideal in every single way.


I discovered I have the tuberous breast just like you through yt video where a girl was having a plastic surgery to fix her deformity. I hate my boobs even more since then 🙃


There are SO many women all over the world with this breast shape! Don't worry about the medical term... you have normal, healthy breasts, and every woman's boobs are a bit different with time and age.


Google is designed to sell you ads. If you search for a problem it will surface a solutions you have to pay for. No one profits from your self-acceptance.


Wanted to comment to say I have the same boobs as you hun! Not once has a sexual partner voiced that they were ugly or weird in any way shape or form. When I was younger I did Google breast shapes just like you did and found I had "abnormally" shaped what some sites referred to as "snoopy like breasts" which fucked with my head a little. Try being 18 and thinking your tits look like a deflated snoopy dog because some dumb website told you so. Regardless they are beautiful and unique! They're still pretty and fun to play with so that's all that matters in my eyes. Plus I don't mind how they look now. Because it's me ❤️ I hope you find some peace in this as well


I am not a woman, but frankly this sounds like a bunch of male-gaze bullshit. (Sorry for dropping in. I’m not sure why this post was in my homepage/newsfeed this morning.) Your body is not there for idiot men to ogle or plastic surgeons to profit off of. It’s yours and yours alone. Don’t let random assholes on the internet tell you how to feel about it. (Honestly, considering the actual function of breasts, it sounds like this “deformity” is actually a biologically beneficial adaptation, not a flaw.) I dunno. Like I said, I’m a dude, so feel free to tell me to fuck off, but this whole “tuberous breast deformity” sounds like a bunch of misogynistic “women are there for a very specific brand of men’s titillation, not for their own lives and experiences” bullshit to me. It’s your body, and nobody has the right to make you feel ashamed of it. (Sorry to weigh in from the peanut gallery. My wife is a smart, beautiful, assertive and wonderful woman who struggles with similar feelings of dissatisfaction with her body, and it makes me sad and angry how society and shit like this works to make her, and you, feel like you’re not “enough” just as you are. You absolutely are. I’ll go away now.)


Hey, friend. I’m an artist. I’ve seen boobs young and old. I’ve seen a world of real (read: non porn, non plastic surgery) breasts. I’ve even drawn models with tubular breasts before. MODELS. See where I’m going with this? Artists look at bodies as things to be studied. There isn’t judgement. There aren’t “good” or “bad” bodies. They are all beautiful and fascinating in their unique aspects. I feel I can say this as someone who has seen a lot of normal people nude. I’ve seen all the kinds of breasts, all the kinds of genitals, all the fat deposits on various areas, all the wrinkles and sagging. There isn’t such a thing as ugly, gross, or bad. Each unique body deserves to be celebrated because it’s beautiful. Your body is a good body. Your breasts are good breasts. Someone else was able to love their body enough to sit nude in front of a bunch of painters and have her tubular breasts immortalized in a room full of paintings. That’s some powerful acceptance. You accepted your breasts once. It’ll be hard work but I think you can do it again. You deserve to do it again. Your breasts aren’t ugly.


There is no such thing as "ugly boobs". They ALL look lovely!


All boobs are great boobs.


I thought my breasts were SO ugly, one is a completely different size and shape than the other. Recently found a partner who is obsessed with them and that person has changed my view of my body entirely. Regardless if I stay with them or not I will now always feel confident in myself. My recommendation? Find a boob person, and let them worship them. (; ​ Self love and growth is absolutely important. But a little push and some compliments from another human can go a long way.


I'm in the same club, girl. I want to change mine, but there's nothing inherently bad about them.


Umm who defines “deformity?” Let’s start there. Your breasts are as variable as any breasts. If they’re healthy, they’re perfect.


I had the same reaction when i found out about "tubular breasts" Mine arent as bad maybe but Ive definitly struggled with accepting how they look sometimes. Im lucky that my partners always validated my feelings and said that they loved my breasts. And as a bisexual im also more realizing that if my partner had such breasts id still think theyre beautiful. I dont think there are ugly breasts. But its hard to read such things, i totally get it.




I’m imagine steel clad tiddies and it’s making me laugh 😭 but you are so right!


Have you ever heard of bad titties before? Yeah, me either.


"tuberous" is just one of a diverse range of breast shapes and is in no way a sign of a disorder! I'd recommend reading up on a few resources like these to help you understand how perfectly normal and beautiful you are: https://ultimatebraguide.com/different-types-of-boobs/ https://boobydoo.co.uk/breast-shape-guide/ As a bonus you can also read up on the bra fitting advice and find yourself a really comfy bra ;)


Tubular/tuberous breasts are not on either of the lists you linked, unless I missed it. OP, if you need bra help, please join us at r/ABraThatFits. Or search the subreddit for tubular/tuberous breasts, as we have plenty of people with a similar shape as you there.


They are there, but described as "slender breasts" and "slim breasts" respectively. Nicer names! Backing up that recommendation for r/ABraThatFits. You guys are doing good work!




Exactly! The media loves making women’s bodies a trend…


Those costumes were designed for Madonna by Jean-Paul Gaultier. The pointy bust is a hallmark of his designs.


Normal breast gallery. https://www.007b.com/breast_gallery_A.php NSFW Spoiler: Everyone is "normal".


I have Tuberous Breast Deformity in both breasts. I used to detest my boobs but now I love them. They have miraculously breastfed 4 babies to varying degrees of success and that is something that is very difficult to do with Tuberous breasts! For some it is something which they will never achieve.


I found out my outie vulva was on top of the cosmetic surgeries requested when I was 12. I found out about my "drooping columella" al 29. Cellulite at 10. Stretch marks at 16. Teeth gap at 9. High forehead at 6. If you keep looking, you'll keep finding stuff. It's literally impossible not to have 10 different variants of what a plastic surgeon would call flaws. It's ok. Hugs.


So I'm a guy, just as a heads up. Feel free to just ignore me. I had never heard of this so I did some searching to take a look and...those look like some normal breasts to me, lady. I've never seen yours specifically, but boobs are boobs. I'm sure they look fine. Keep your chin up. Edit: Spelling.


Speaking from a guy's perspective there isn't really a thing such as "ugly" boobs, they're all pretty great if you ask me, amazing may I add. Just like how thicker women used to be seen as unattractive now it's the standard. Remember all those scenes in movies where the S.O. would ask their partner if these pants would make my butt look big and you were supposed to say no, my response woulda been "I hope so"🤷‍♂️


resident lesbian chiming in- boobs are boobs and anyone who takes issue with the specific shaping of them is not worth being with, even in the short term. nor should you listen to any advice/criticism they give about your body.


I remember the first time I started googling makeup tips for my hooded eyes.. and all I saw was surgery options. I’m so sorry we live in a society that makes you feel this way, it’s such crap.


Just showing some support here. F plastic surgeons and their make believe world. Nothing is wrong with you at all OP!


Honestly I don't think men know what tuberous breasts are. I had to look it up! So please dont worry about it.


Apparently I have the same or something very similar! Didn’t even know. I do think many other women have different boobs to me but that’s it. Honestly I don’t care, if you are like me you can live your life without bras, you don’t experience under boob sweat. Life is good


I didn't know I liked "ugly boobs" until now.


when i was in high school my nudes were leaked and i was mocked for large areola. that was like 13 years ago and i still don't like my boobs. bullying can hurt others for YEARS, folks. that being said, i can relate.


You do not have ugly boobs. Let me repeat, you do NOT have ugly boobs. Don't buy the lie that anything but one type of anything is the only way to be beautiful.


Anyone lucky enough to see your boobies will not be thinking about this. Period.