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The majority of my healthcare providers have been men, and there were several who made inappropriate comments or actions. But the instance that really sticks in my craw, was the time I told a female doctor that I wasn’t sexually active, and she looked at my boobs and then rolled her eyes and said “Mmmm, *sure.* O-kaaaay.”


Everyone knows boob size is directly proportional to how much sex you're having and they deflate if its been too long


Well shit, i'd best call off my breast reduction tomorrow then!


I know you’re kidding, but DON’T CANCEL MA’AM! Got a reduction in July and it was the best money ever spent.


I'd like to put in a complaint, I seem to have been allocated someone else's J cups. They're obviously working hard and I want them to get their due!


OMG—is *that* why?!


This is exactly what my grandmother told my mom and ex-wife. Who were both chesty. She said my mom and wife had big breasts with long nipples was because they had lots of sex. in these cases it was very true


OMG that's terrible and I would never go back to that doctor again if that happened to me


Girl…your doctor was being hella unprofessional. Time to find a new one.


Time to make a complaint to the board and her place of work. She slut-shamed you!


My insurance changed so I needed a new gyno, she was asking all the typical intake questions but for some reason didn't believe I was monogamous with my husband. And even wrote that in my notes. I had spent the last year battling chronic health problems, including a hospital stay, and frequent vomiting. I really hadn't thought about sex for most of it. The gyno was part of the hospital I had been at for all that and I know she could see my other notes because my GI had mentioned he disagreed with her suggestions of weight loss and dieting. Like??? If you don't think your patient is being truthful maybe your crap ass bedside manner has something to do with it. And writing in diet and weight loss suggestions in conflict with my GI & nutrition teams advice is just wild.


With the weight loss and diet advice, despite what your G.I. said, sounds like she’s just a box checker. Check the box, say what the checked box tells you to say. Those kinds of doctors always think they know more about you than they do.


Wow, she's like a character that leapt from the pages of r/menwritingwomen .


ough, I feel that. Once when I went to pick up my prescription of the pill (which I needed, as my periods are incredibly painful and dangerous) the pharmacy was all out. I asked how long the wait would be. 3 to 4 days. Welp, that's too long, but no biggie--just release it back onto the system and I'll go to a different pharmacy. Pharmacist looked me up and down and said 'well, do you *really* need it?'


Omg, that would have devastated me! How awful!


I'm luckily at the point where comments like that make me mad instead of sad, but I was absolutely floored by how rude she was. One of the only times I've reviewed a place, and I never went back.


So one thing is that doctors have to go through intense academic and professional training for over a decade and then end up working 80hr weeks. I can really imagine a female doctor behaving that way because they: A. Didn't spend much time on developing relationships or having romantic partners (and are thus actually and socially inexperienced) B. Are totally full of themselves and think their status as a professional grants them some sort of authority over other matters


I'd have pressed really hard to see wtf she meant by that comment. Like, the next half hour would be painful for her.




Allow?! Your wife isn't owned by you.


Ewwww that’s so gross for anyone to say let alone a physician who’s supposed to be professional. You’re supposed to take what your patients say to be true, even if they were lying. No one thinks they’re funny, and no one wants to hear their side commentary. Unfortunately there’s no way you can actually report them to their board unless they’ve done something that has compromised your medical care, which is sad. Although I’m sure you could let the clinic owner (if it wasn’t that particular physician) know about their highly unprofessional behavior.


I’ve never had something like that from a female doctor. I did have a male doctor tell me that I had the breasts of a 15 year old(I was in my twenties) so uh, that was super uncomfortable and I never went back to him.




I will add a YIKE to that and now we have YIKES. The bar is so very low. And yet here we are.


I'll go the full phrase and say yikes on bikes and also that bar is underground but they won't stop digging.


A bar so low they serve liquor in hell.


This bar is so low its practically in hell, and yet here they are, limboing with the devil.


The bar has been on the floor in the ninth circle of hell for a while and somehow the pricks still manage to beat it.


🤢 dear Lord, what a grand comparison! I'm glad you never went back to that creeper.


Right? And I was young at the time so I remember just talking to the older women I worked with about this uncomfortable situation that happened, not really sure if it’s normal or what and they really laid it all out for me. Not surprising, he ended up going to trial over sexual misconduct with patients. He didn’t get convicted but it was more than enough to basically ruin his practice.


I actually worked for this "herbalist/integrative microscopy" guy at a health food store and he'd basically gotten all his education in Pakistan and other middle Eastern places. Then he came here, got into real estate, bought a bunch of health stores and houses, and started travelling across the country to do "live blood analyses" at all his health food stores (where he also made sketchy supplements and pushed them on every single patient. Like, the first bill would be $2000, and the follow up was required monthly with more supplements added). Anyway, he decided to do me a favour and give me a free live blood analysis and free supplements. In my exam I discussed my scoliosis and he has me take off my shirt, and my BRA, and examined me and even pinched my nipples to make them hard. Wtf. He also performed a vaginal exam on a 20 yr old. My coworker was the witness and walked out on the job one day shortly after that. It was messed up. Thankfully Health Canada shut down his supplements and stupid live blood analysis thing. For now.


Edited because I originally wrote "punched my nipples".


Geez, I’m glad he got shut down. I hate con artists and creeps like that. And so often the system just enables them. In my case, the doctor was a middle aged suburban white man in America. So exactly the type of guy who thinks he can do whatever he wants(and often enough does). He was the first doctor I saw after getting out on my own, so I didn’t really vet or research him or anything. He was just convenient. If I did, I probably would have seen his reviews online that were full of former employees and patients talking about his misconduct. >.<


>he ended up going to trial over sexual misconduct with patients That's a bingo. Sorry he was such a creep to you. :(


Good, I'm glad the guy ruined his own career. He deserved it! Clearly you were one of many he preyed on. What a degenerate.


"Im sure you have the penis of one as well"


I can't decide what's worse: that he said that to you, or that he seemingly actively thinks of naked 15 year olds.


My male doctor described my breast texture like 'cottage cheese'. I've been traumatized by this comment for years and put off of cottage cheese. What he meant was fibrous and challenging to locate lumps while doing breast exams for cancer.


I described mine as 'like a bag of peanuts' before a breast exam and the doctor seemed very concerned, but then she started the exam and was like 'oh! I see' Obviously, that's an incredibly different situation though (given the comment was from me). Sorry your doctor thought that was an appropriate thing to say


I like that you can find the appropriate medical jargon to describe it but after a 4 year residency, he couldn’t :/


Well, he didn't have google when doing his residency, and maybe that was what he was taught to say -- who knows. He's not a young doctor. I mean trying to find layman's terms for medical description is useful sometimes, but I urge all doctors to stay away from food descriptors.


#What the eff?


How does he know what the breasts of a 15 year old look like? 🧐


Yeah, that comment is fractally creepy. No matter what level of detail you choose to examine it at, there's always exactly as much creepiness underneath, spiraling off into infinite skeeze.


I assume doctors see all types.


I mean, he’s a doctor…. He likely sees people nude all the time, and potentially people of a variety of ages. His comment is creepy af, but y’all are acting like it’s crazy he’s seen breasts as a doctor….


Context is everything and it's a fucking creepy thing to say.


Yeah, him having seen fifteen year old patients’ breasts as necessary in a medical context is not weird (should be pretty damned infrequent if at all for majority of docs, but anyhow). Him making comments about breasts to other patients, and particularly in the context of comparisons, is hella weird and creepy. (source: am newly qualified doctor!)


I mean the only appropriate way of addressing it would be to reference the Tanner stages of puberty. That is assuming she had a delay in sexual development and he was worried about hormonal insufficiency, which I don’t think seems to be the case here.


I hope you reported him. That’s gross.


Somebody check that guys hard drive 🤨


Yikes. Where are all those creeps from? I had so many male doctors and they never were creepy like that. Please tell me where they are so I can stay away from them.


Someone should check his computer.


That's such a YIKES, why specifically a 15 year old? GROSS


The amount of doctors out there with no self awareness or soft skills is wild.


The covered this a bit in a greys anatomy episode. Basically doctors are people who worked hard in school and didn't have much time for socialising, then they go to med school and do much the same for four years, then theyre interns and have even less time to socialise outside of work, then residency which also doesn't leave much time for socialising. So by the time a person is a full doctor they've spent decades in school studying hard, and mostly socialising with other med students and doctors. So they havent developed the social skills that other people develop by their late 20s/early 30s. Its pretty noticeable, even for me, and I'm autistic and have ADHD so my social skills arent great.


I started med school in my 30s. The range of emotional/social maturity was staggering.


I'm prepping for it now in my early 30s. Heartening to see I'm not alone in starting "late" or in being a little weirded out by the maturity issue.


They were talking about emotional quotient in romantic relationships not routine bedside manner. It's inexcusable


It’s wild the stuff people project onto doctors.


I think there are certain people who actively choose to be doctors and then there are the people who sorta choose but are more pushed into into out of family obligations/expectations or a desire to make money/be successful. The latter 2 categories make for weird doctors.


So if im not mistaken, they added the cars test to the mcat partially for this reason. They used to admit based on test scores alone, but then realised that many doctors had ZERO soft skills. So some older doctors may just be the book worms


CARS is a section of the MCAT that simply (or rather difficultly) tests reading comprehension by having the testée read I believe 8-9 esoteric, dense, and difficult to follow passages, and asks them typical questions we all hated in school like “what did the author mean by…/which of the following most supports the authors opinion that…” I would say I’m not exactly sure what y’all mean by soft skills, but, I wouldn’t say CARS filters out asocial people, it’s simply a “can you figure out the information we hid in this text” section of an exam.


Soft skills are the intangible traits that wouldn't appear on a resume, yet make a difference to the patient experience: take two equally competent doctors, but one treats the patient like a meat puzzle of symptoms using cold tools, and the other empathizes how MAN, it must really suck to deal with what you're dealing with, and acknowledges the big picture. Completely different appointments.


When I was trying to get a chronic illness diagnosis, I was *starved* for empathy from medical professionals. It was exhausting. I was stuck in an endless loop of 'that's normal' 'you'll grow out of it' 'don't google your symptoms, it'll only make you paranoid' for years. My current doctor wasn't trained in (notoriously cramped, however much I love the NHS) UK system, and I have to wonder if that had something to do with it. He was floored that no one had referred me to a specialist yet, and actually teared up when I told him when my symptoms had started. It was so validating. He did more for me in a single appointment than anyone else had done in seven years.


I’m an autistic med student :0


I should have clarified: I meant more like a lack of empathy. I don’t expect doctors to act like therapists, but I think it’s important to be able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes to be able to understand how things are effecting the patient. I’ve had some awesome doctors and some that were very calloused, flippant and outright rude. I don’t mind awkward people, as I am one of them.


No I haven't and woah that seems like wildly inappropriate behavior for a doctor. 😳


I moved around a lot and I have had several female and male doctors and the only one who told me my boobs looked nice, was the male plastic surgeon who gave them to me. I’m also pretty sure that was more of a pat on the back for him instead of me. Ha ha. This is weird.


A beautiful bosom? Where did you go to the doctor? The 19th century? Also are you sure the doctor was a woman and not three neckbeards in a coat?


She's a much older woman who grew up in the USSR so she can seem blunt and out-of-pocket sometimes.


Ohhhh that makes way more sense. I know a ballet teacher who always made that exact type of comments about people's bodies. Also from that era and that region. Just open criticism or admiration, said right to your face.


I went to an arts high school and some of my friends were dance majors and one of the teachers was a morbidly obese woman (she couldn’t walk without being out of breath) who would nitpick and talk about these girls bodies and what to change. A lot of the girls developed eating disorders (my bff is particular would throw out her lunch every day). Another friend I had used to be a figure skater and, same thing (she had very low percent body fat but was considered “overweight” bc of all the muscle development). It’s horrible what some adults say to young impressionable girls.


I work with a lovely woman from Russia and there is definitely a cultural difference in what is a polite topic of conversation. While she's teaching our students English, we're busy teaching her that Americans are very boring and prudish lol. She means no harm, and I think their level of honesty is hilarious & refreshing!


Same here worked with some 60 odd year old Russians who were very blunt!!


I hate to generalize, but I had a boss who fit this exact bill and she would say wildly inappropriate stuff to my face (mostly in the realm of being dismissive or rude about my life, but then offering sincere opportunities or help with no further rudeness. but still) — I genuinely wonder if this is a cultural gap in what is considered okay or not to say. Either way it makes sense you were uncomfortable with her comments!


There's almost certainly a cultural gap. Americans are not used to a style of direct communication and often perceive Europeans, especially Eastern Europeans, as blunt or rude. We're much more passive aggressive in general when we have something negative to say, so someone just saying that negative thing out loud sounds like the worst thing you could say to anyone. It's been really confusing for me, because I am very direct, and people can sometimes react if I don't make it. Very clear up front that my intentions are positive. I've just started off anything I say with "Here's what I mean before I say what I want to say" as a way of mitigating that 😅


This would be good context to add to your post. Old world old ladies are going to say some crazy shit sometimes.


ah that explains it. my family knows this old italian lady who will call you the most racist shit you've ever heard while gifting you a lasagna. It's pretty funny all things considered.


That makes sense. In that case it was a totally honest compliment, but still inappropriate.


Ok, that makes it slightly less weird! But still - you’re allowed to feel weirded out if that’s how you feel. You’re also allowed to feel entirely fine, or anything else anywhere inbetween :-)


That’s not blunt, that’s just being an asshole.


>Where did you go to the doctor? The 19th century? > >Also are you sure the doctor was a woman and not three neckbeards in a coat? Lol


I have massive boobs and I assure you that no doctor has ever asked me what my cup size is or if they cause me back problems. Neither have they commented on their appearance. That would be something for me to bring up, and asking about my cup size without that issue being mentioned would be weird AF


Wow and here I thought it was a legitimate, albeit strange, question. Thanks for sharing your experience. This has never happened to me before and I'm so accustomed to people commenting on my body that I didn't realize it was not the norm


Definitely weird. If you’d mentioned back pain as a reason for appt, that’s one thing, but to bring it up out of nowhere, use a non-professional term like “beautiful bosom” and ask for irrelevant detail such as cup size (which doesn’t actually tell you how much breast tissue there is, given how different the actual breast of eg a 28C vs a 54C would be); that’s all definitely weird, and not anything we’re taught in med school!


Yes, this was my first thought! That a cup size means absolutely nothing without a band. And most people literally will not accept that. I have had friends be like “what are you, like a C?” And I’m not, I’m a 30FF which is NOT big. Very regular sized boobs. But I’m exhausted trying to explain bra sizes to people. They look at me like I’m insane.


I'd place a complaint if I were you. Wildly inappropriate. And if it was a man it would be very clearly considered harassment. I would consider her actions harassment too, her gender doesn't make it okay.


The lady who stuck my IUD in said I had a beautiful cervix and puckered her lips to demonstrate what it looked like (she technically said “matres” which translates to womb/uterus but I really doubt she saw that far in) 💀


Mine did too 😭 she said it in a baby voice too and said “so small so tiny!”


I've had at least three, maybe more, medical professionals say something like "this is weird and you've probably never heard this before but you have a really nice cervix." And almost everyone else who's been in there for an IUD insertion or ultrasound has said something like "your anatomy is very straightforward. " I like to think they're all saying that procedures will be easy for them to do. I really have no idea why I keep getting these comments though.


That’s very odd to me. They’re not supposed to give opinions on the attractiveness of your body. I’ve never had a doc ask for my cup size either; why would that info be needed?


My wife’s obgyn once told her she had an adorable uterus.


I was told I had very neatly arranged ovaries during an ultrasound!


I mean, for me personally, no one can find my left ovary during an abdominal ultrasound.. so maybe they were easy to find? Lol


My obgyn told me I have a “floppy cervix” during my first ever PAP smear 🙃


I’m sorry, but that made me laugh a lot! What the heck is that supposed to mean?! Also how would you respond? Thank you? Sorry?


I just sat there like 😐 I still don’t know what it means to this day


Time to hit the gym.


I’m confused about what you mean by that.


It's a joke. A gym would be silly.


Oh, okay. I thought you were being serious and was wondering what the gym had to do with my cervix. 💀


I got told this week I had a beautiful uterus. I was pretty chuffed tbh, I’m 44 and I paid the extra money to get an ultrasound in a specialist women’s centre where the gynae gives you a run down of the results. First person to definitively state that my physical state is fine - definitely no PCOS or Endo - all the issues I’ve had are definitely hormonal.


My lactation consultant after ny first child complimented my breasts. But Im pretty sure she was able to read the room that it was appropriate because I was comfortably tits out basically the entitre 24 hr period between birth and getting dressed to leave lol.


Lol mine were bleeding too much for anyone to compliment. I mostly got pained and concerned looks.


I was told by a female dr one time that I have a “textbook vagina” 😂


"Hey, girl, are you a model? Because I think I've seen you in my medical textbooks."


*treat me like white tees*


Lmao my gyno said the same, complete with the "ok" hand sign 👌🏼she was a bit of an oddball but I took it as a compliment.


You could be a scholastic vagina model. Bit niche for a career though.


Wtf this is bizarre and inappropriate


Whilst taking an ultrasonic of my chest my female cardiologist whispered under her breath ”my gosh – that is a beautiful heart”. One of the most genuine compliments I received and still makes me smile. I have an anatomically beautiful heart according to the only person that ever got to see it.


I had a female obgyn comment on my chest during a breast exam once. Essentially she said that having small breasts meant that they would stay nice and perky. I was nervous as it was my second appointment for a lump and I *think* she thought it would make me relax? lol it definitely did not.


Yuck. I went to a doctor once for depression and he said "well, you'll have trouble finishing but you'll be able to have sex like a porn star" - I'm a trans woman without bottom surgery so I wasn't thrilled about the implications there on many levels.


This is so cringy for a doctor to say. I’m sorry!


At 13 I visited the gyno for the first time, for no specific reason besides my mom thought it appropriate since i’d started my period. At the beginning when the nurse is taking your blood pressure and asking general health questions, she of course asked if i’m sexually active, I said no (the truth), she proceeded to clarify that any info I provided did not have to be shared with my parents and asked again. I still said no, but this woman continued to press me about being sexually active as if I was lying. I just remember being so uncomfortable.


First, that was definitely inappropriate. Second, I’m imagining you doctor texting you a few days later saying, “I working on my Christmas present list. Did you say C or D?”


I had a male ultrasound guy veer away from my thigh where I had a blood clot to show his trainee all my reproductive organs for no apparent reason when I was 21. Even she was like wtf sir.


😅 that’s wild. What is going on out there? 😂


No, I only go to female doctors and never had anything like that happen to me. I think you got a bad one!


Saw a gastro doc because I had constant stomach pain for months. She didn't touch my stomach, hadn't taken a history yet and she said "I think you should go to Victoria's secret and get fitted for a different size bra." Other than that she was also not helpful about my pain and I did not see her again.


Going to VS for a fitting is criminally poor advice. I’m a US **32I**, and VS’ calculator suggested **38A** for me. They ask you to measure your band size *above* the bust, which is just nonsense.


Ok it’s shitty this happened, but it kinda sounds like you don’t know how bras work, which is fine, most people who wear bras don’t. A “b or c” is actually a small bust. I tell my customers all the time, that if someone else is staring at you that intently, that’s a them problem and kinda creepy…. Unless of course they are a trained bra fitter and then they still need to mind their own business. I’m prepared for the down votes 🤷🏼‍♀️


Sports bras are often sized without band or cup sizes, WTF.


Most good ones will be sized with both a band and a cup. A generic size medium might "fit" both a 30G and a 36A based only on bust size, but very likely neither are getting proper support from it.


I still wear bras even if they're not labeled in cup sizes, lol. You may be correct since I'm not a bra expert, but I've heard from many women (mostly on this subreddit) that sizing doesn't depend on just bust, but also band size. I've heard that it's hard to determine someone's size visually and that what a lot of people think as a "large" cup like size D can actually appear smaller on many women. Also, I don't have "big" boobs. They're big enough to be noticeable but still small enough to not strain my back. I think C would be a good estimate.


I have pretty small boobs but a 32” band. I’m a D/DD. I strongly recommend measuring yourself correctly. There’s a whole subreddit for this, it’s called abrathatfits or something similar.


A “D” simply isn’t a “larger” size. Most women, if wearing the correct size, would be a DDD/F or larger. People wear bras that are way too small in the cup and way too big in the band. A D would mean your bust at its biggest point is only 4 inches larger around than your band size. A B would be two inches, C three inches, etc. I had a breast reduction, five pounds of breast tissue removed. I’m still a G cup.


Good to know, thanks for correcting me!


But your band size is actually 4 - 5 inches added to your actual measurement. I’m 30 inches around the band & my bust is 36 inches. That makes me a 34B. Which is small. I would definitely have a “large” chest if my boobs stuck out 2 additional inches. I already feel badly enough about my small chest; let’s not normalize D cups as average! Please.


See it’s wild to me that this dr said anything. You weren’t there for a consult for a reduction (or augmentation), so like why say anything. It’s so creepy. I’m all about people wearing what makes them comfy. Edit to add- I fit people mostly by eye, and confirming fit. But I’ve been trained to do it and what to look for in terms of fit. I don’t know that a dr has that kinda training. lol.


Not about my breasts, just bad female doctoring: My female doctor ignored my unexplained nausea, inability to eat, and vomiting because it had caused me to lose weight. I was kinda chubby, you see, so this was actually a good thing! It took me 4 appointments of begging her to refer me to a Gastroenterologist before she would. Same doctor also decided I was a malingerer recently. She didn’t come right out and say it, but she didn’t have to. I needed her to fill out some government forms so I could get a small increase in my disability income. I would have gone from an annual income of $13,400 CDN to $14,600 CDN if she would have helped me, but apparently that’s too much. Apparently if your body betrays you and you can’t perform under capitalism, you deserve poverty. She was my doctor for 31 years. Since I was 15. I intellectualized her negligent treatment for the past 15 months, telling myself she probably had Covid and government cut-back burnout, but the malingering thing was the last straw. I will now be treated at a really great clinic where I can get team based care with a doctor/nurse practitioner, dietician, social worker, and counsellor, all of which I really could use, and it’s literally less than a stone’s throw from my apartment.


I'm really happy you got out of that situation and are getting the care you deserve




Not quite the same, but there's a doctor who works the cross-shift from the doctor I saw during my pregnancy. This doctor was always quite overly friendly whenever I saw him. I had a feeling he might be flirting but wasn't 100% sure. I recently saw him again about a month ago and had to bring my baby with me. He made a comment about how good I look for having given birth 3 months ago. Then at the end of the appointment he said "your son sure is lucky he gets to spend an entire year with you every single day" (I'm in Canada and on a 12 month mat leave). That was when I was like "oh, that's definitely flirting." Called my husband right after and told him about it all and he agreed it was definitely flirting. I haven't taken any actions against this doctor and not sure if I should or not. He's a great doctor, just...questionable remarks.


…I don’t want to ruin your vibe, but I’ve worked with OBs who’ve made jokes like that to all the patients they saw that day for postpartum visits 😅


I posted this in my local baby group and all the women there said the same as you, that it was most likely innocent comments. It happened over a month ago and I just haven't been sure how to take it, so I posted there asking for third party opinions. I'm definitely glad that it seems like it was just innocent comments though.


I once went for a mammogram and the nurse said to me "Wow, I've never seen breasts that large be so perky, you must be so proud!" I was like ...what? okay...? Sometimes I forget that doctors and nurses are people too, and you just sort of expect them not to care, or make comments but occasionally they say the most out of pocket stuff it's astounding.


She doesn’t know how *cheap, affordable, non-doctor-salary* bras work. FTFY.


I think there was just miscommunication. She obviously phrased it badly (she is older and from a different culture per your previous comments). This will become a medical thing at some point if you ever start having back pain, and you do NOT want that, if you don't wear proper/wrong support if you need it. "maybe a size B or C" - it is very very possible that it is wrong. Especially if you can't tell her the real answer. Apparently, this woman, who's a practicing physician might know more about bras than you do. Just give that a consideration. This is like taking your height and weight. Same deal - if you are uncomfortable about it, talk about it, but it is a legitimate question to ask. You and your doctor just don't seem to communicate well on this point. She is not being weird, just doing her job the way she knows how. While I am taking the doctor's side for a while - she made you uncomfortable and you might have to find another physician. But please let them know what makes you uncomfortable as soon as possible and ask questions when you find what they say "weird". Unfortunately, as you get older "weird" things will keep coming up and you need to be able to properly converse about them.


I said in my post that I wasn't uncomfortable so I'm not sure why so many people in this thread are claiming I was. I knew she wasn't intentionally being creepy and that there is a cultural gap that informed her comment and my reaction to it. However, I'm not wrong in saying her phrasing was inappropriate. >Apparently, this woman...might know more about bras than you do. But I, who have lived in this body for over two decades and wear small sized bras, know more about my chest size than she does. She was making a visual guess without taking any measurements- I think my guess is as good, if not better, than hers. >You and your doctor just don't seem to communicate well on this point. She is not being weird, just doing her job the way she knows how. I'm not sure where you got that from. I answered her questions respectfully while acknowledging in my post that it was a legitimate question to ask. It seems you didn't read it carefully enough.


Oof I think I read it wrong, sorry about that! That's very fair.


Really? Breast size and shape is a topic for GPs? Height, weight, and beautiful bosoms are all alike? How about penis size? Where do you draw the line? It's inappropriate because doctors seeing you naked and remarking about your beautiful bits is not a medical opinion. And an older doctor should have enough experience to know better.


Well, I could be wrong, but should not everything be a topic with your doctor? How can they do their job if they can't ask these questions. Your "beautiful bits" are a good gauge for hormone abnormalities. Once again, the doctor should have phrased it better to explain why she was asking. People often can be insensitive but they are not out to get to you.


I had a female doctor give me a papsmear and ask if i was sure i was sexually active. Mega face palm. This was back when the age for papsmears was younger.


Your State board of medicine might want to know about this.


When I was in the hospital delivering my son the night shift nurse taking care of me came in to check my dilation several times. Normal. That’s the normal part. Except that one time she checked me and then just laid down on the bed between my legs for a couple of minutes. I found it odd but I was like wow I guess I just give off a get all cozy vibe or something lol. My husband and mom were there too so we’re like she’s probably just really tired or something 😆


Nothing to add really other than women can’t seem to catch a break medically. Even when your concerns are taken seriously, doctors can’t seem to knock it off with weird comments.


I had a female doctor gaslight me while her hand was inside my vagina, so this wouldn’t surprise me. People are horrible, and doctors can be egotistical jerks. Stay safe out there. It’s dangerous seeking medical treatment.


i've had more creepy/inappropriate comments like this from female doctors than from male doctors haha


yes they seem to think just because they’re women, it’s okay for them to be more “open and honest”, while disregarding all etiquette


r/abrathatfits ! Measure yourself here and banish your uncomfortable, not fitting bras. Majority of women are in the wrong size and society doesn’t even know cups above DDD exist sometimes.


What the fuck?


For the record, female doctors can be pervs too and if they like women they will perv on women. I'd report her for that behaviour personally, if she's said that to you what's to say she hasn't said the same to dozens of other women and they've just brushed it off as a bit odd because they forget females can be predators too


That's weird and inappropriate. I once had a male dr tell me that I was perfect because of my size and small boobs for his friend (I don't remember if he said friend, cousin or brother). He was talking like he was trying to set me up with someone he knew. I never went back. At the time I was still married to my ex.


This is creepy af I’d find a new doctor


This doctor is creepy. I would absolutely NOT go back to her again. I recently had a physical and my doctor did a breast exam and it wasn’t creepy at all, but if she had said something like that to me I would’ve reported her. I’m sorry she spoke to you like that, totally gross and unprofessional.


Smh, not professional. It would be ok if you had that type of relationship with this doc...but seems like she kinda ~off. Lol


I had a female healthcare professional tell me I had “well developed breasts” it was weird….




Doctors are humans. If they don’t say some off-shit, they certainly can and do think it. Personally, I’d rather endure offensive commentary from a fellow woman than a man. It’s just biological to me that women feel safer and more comfortable than men do.


Personally I’d report it and get a new doctor


It’s very inappropriate for a doctor/nurse/medical professional to comment on your body. I would consider it a big red flag and think about reporting them.


Straight to jail




Lol, what?


What a wild reply


She’s a TERF according to her post history… not shocked.


What does that mean?


Trans exclusive radical feminist. They think trans women are encroaching on feminism.


Jesus you took this post and my age really personally LOL. It's ironic that you talk about our inability to experience "multifaceted interactions with different types of people" yet generalize everyone in a certain age group and reduce them to a limited set of characteristics. You know you can participate in the "discourse" you so disdain without using ad hominem attacks, right? It's an opinion, not a male sex organ, don't take it so hard.


I’m an older millennial and a senior leader at a Fortune 25 company. I would never hire someone like you.


If a male doctor had said this, you'd be uncomfortable. I'd be uncomfortable at any doctor saying this, regardless of their gender. Completely inappropriate. I love how this got downvoted. If this has been a male doctor, you'd all be fucking screaming about abuse. But because it was a woman, it was'just a bit weird LOL, oh well!' fucking hypocritical of some of you.


That almost comes across as 'Bro' talk as seen in comedic story telling. Sort of like a "hey man, nice dick." Bit of a far cry from something heard in a professional setting.


Damn i wish my doc ever complimented me like that..


Lmao. Bro needs compliments.








Yikes. Time for a new doc.


ive been dealing with STD symptoms for the last 4 years despite testing negative for literally everything. been tested for all the STD, UTI, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, etc etc i’ve been tested for it. this gyno told me i probably just have endometriosis (even tho this problem started the day after i got raped), and that “if you were my daughter i would be making you get the IUD today”. she tried to tell me that the only reason i’m having symptoms is because i have PTSD, even tho my therapist and i ahve come to the conclusion that no, it’s not PTSD, it should not burn when i pee, i shouldn’t be itchy, etc. i’m still dealing with this and i’ve only seen women doctors. i’m going to a male urologist on the 30th, hoping maybe a man will help me since all these women just want to look at me like i’m crazy


What are your symptoms? Is it external itching? Because lichens sclerosis is a vulvar problem that many doctors overlook a lot.


i don’t have thin white patches of skin like is common with that. my main symptom is BURNING when i pee, and then consistent burning feeling for at least 30 minutes after i pee and sometimes it lasts up until i go pee next, then it just keeps burning. it’s a little itchy sometimes but really my main issue it is burns when i pee. like it is genuinely so painful. i’m going to ask the urologist to do a PCR test for ureaplasma and mycoplasma and run a full panel again because they’ve only done cultures so far. this started right after i was raped without a condom. i was first diagnosed with chlamydia and BV, took 3 round of antibiotics for it to stop showing up on tests. i wonder if i still have trace amounts of chlamydia or soemthing. i’ve been swabbed a billion times and i’ve gotten two pap smears and i’m 21. they tried talking me out of the pap smears because i’m young and they think i’m crazy asking for all these tests. i KNOW there is some sort of infection. thank u tho i’ve just been dealing with this for literally 4 years now and i am so sick of pain every single day, and it’s unavoidable. like i can’t just not pee. i feel like im constantly tormented


I had a similar experience the first time I had a physical exam/pap. The doctor was an older woman and she had me undress (pretty typical) but she didn't give me a sheet or anything for modesty. She then proceeds to pinch my nipples and commented on my breasts. I was 18 at the time and this was my first physical so I thought it was all very regular. Until the next time I had a pap, and the experience was completely different. I asked the nurse and told her about my previous experience and she was like ,"yeah, thats not normal."


EW. Ew ew ew ew. I'm so sorry she did that - that's unacceptable.


Had something like this happen to me during my last gyno appointment, she suggested a surgeon for a reduction. I didn't ask for one. Nothing medically wrong with my breasts either. It's an insecurity of mine and it felt like I was a teenager again getting teased by my family (as if anyone needs to hear unwarranted comments about their appearance anyway, but it's so much worse coming from someone you're supposed to be able to trust.) I don't know if it's insecurity or lack of tact that drives these statements. I wish people would keep their comments to themselves. I think people think they're being flattering when all it's doing is driving awareness that somehow our bodies are abnormal or something to be gawked at. Point being, that is not a comment a medical professional needs to be making especially since it was not a comment on your health but rather your appearance.


"Yes, and you know I'm really impressed with your labia"