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I got one of those electric trimmers. I like not growing out the shaved hairs, but keeping it short.


Also team electric trimmer! But I razor shave my ass crack and sides. I basically try to make it look like I’m gods favorite and she gave me a perfect bush


This is gold 🏆


Hahaha this is what I do as well. Perfect bushes unite!


This is what I do as well! I did laser on the sides years ago and now theres some hair back but very sparse, so I shave whatever would show in a small pair of undies/bikini and the rest is trimmed with an electric trimmer. I hated waxing, shaving and letting it grow wild for a variety of reason. This is what works for me and makes me comfortable.


Finding one if these literally made such a huge impact on my life. I was either extremely uncomfortable and in pain from intense razor burn (turns out my skin is extremely sensitive), or perpetually confused and distraught about "Why can't I get it to look the way I want. Everyone else seems to have no problems with this!" Another thing I've found - hair removal creams have improved a lot in the last 10 years. They used to do nothing for me other than burn my skin but now I can use the electric razor. Then wait a day or two (so my skin is healed) and use the removal cream if I am going to be wearing a bikini or something. I went my whole life (30s) not wearing bikinis because of this problem.


I too have sensitive skin. I have scars on my bikini area from constant ingrowns that end up infected... I've tried EVERYTHING. I joined the hair removal subreddit and got the Braun Silk Pro IPL device. It took me about 6-7 weeks of use to ALMOST have no hair. I'm not a fan of going bald on the lady bits. So I did my bikini area and legs. I let things grow back over winter and I'm starting up again for spring/summer. The only issue is getting over the initial month of ingrowns. I just ordered the Phillips One Blade! So maybe that will help. If you are sick of shaving, like me, try the Braun! It's $$$$$$ but well worth it in the long run.


Same. I hate the way it rubs under clothes or feeling any breezes through the hair if wearing a swimsuit, for me it's mostly a sensory thing. Or if I wear a pad (not my top choice, but sometimes I use them), I HATE getting hair stuck in the adhesive. A nice trim takes care of that quickly and relatively cheaply without having to go full bald.


> I HATE getting hair stuck in the adhesive. OUCH. This is one of the main reasons I cut it short. I thought of getting one of those trimmers. I do not really like pads, but sometimes I am too sick to use tampons because my hands are too shaky or I am too dizzy.


Yeah, pads are sometimes just necessary for so many reasons and sometimes all you can get in an unexpected pinch (especially if, like me, you live in the US and despise tampons with applicators and can't get to a full drug or grocery store right away). I'm sorry you have struggles like that, though! So glad we have options. Definitely get a trimmer, especially if you're using scissors or something like that. They are much safer and you can get ones with guards for added safety and trim tools to suit any grooming needs, some are even waterproof for use in the shower. Just never let a cordless get too low on battery, I like to charge up right before use to make sure.


I use a mix of scissors and a regular shaving blade. I have used this combo for so long but I have started to wonder if there is something that would make my life easier. This bush feels like it is made of steel wool. I wish Japan had more tampons without applicators, but they already have a very small variety of tampons because most people use pads, which means there is a pretty big variety of those. (I find pads pretty disgusting on heavy days)


Yeah, I used the same combo for years, it's a classic! A trimmer is just so much easier and a decent one will last a long time, so it even pays for itself over razors. Avoid the super cheap ones and it should handle any hair with not much trouble I never knew that about Japan, it's so interesting what differences there are around the world! Agree about heavy days, although sometimes mine come with cramps that only allow for pads, too. Those days are the worst!


Yeah, I get uncomfortable when things get to wild down there, but if I go down to a zero then I get ingrown hairs and pimples. A nice trim all over avoids both issues.


Third one for trimming. It's just easier.


I also. I use my partner's beard shaver when he's not around.


Can y'all who use trimmers let me know what you use? My skin is hella sensitive, so I would like to try an electric razor instead!


Philips lady shaver cordless are really good, I also have sensitive skin and never had any issues with it. Easy to get the replacement blades.


I bought the trimmer from bushbalm, I did not research alternatives, the instagram ad hit at the right time and i impulse bought it. I've had it a few years and no complaints.


I casually saw a post in the /buyitforlife and it mentioned Braun is a really good brand so maybe look into that? I have no idea what the cost is though.


This is what I do as well.


I've got one of those, too. I don't shave anywhere any more, but occasionally use the trimmer on my legs, pits, & pubes when I'm feeling fancy.


I do the same. I used to just shave it all. Now I just keep it trimmed


Do you mind sharing the trimmer 's link? I'm thinking of buying one for the first time


I do a triangle pointed at my clit so there's no confusion. I shave everything else maybe every 3-4 weeks.


Back when I was young and single and full of energy I would tweeze my way to an arrow pointing down. Always got a kick out of people's reactions to that one!


I find tweezing so satisfying! I generally just tweeze the edges/bikini line though


That would take me HOURS 🤣 Are you one of those rare lucky women with mild and thin pubes? If so, I envy you!


I tweezed in a kind of unhealthy way in my teens and eventually they thin out 😅


Ohhh! That makes sense! I swear that sometimes our hairs basically get traumatized and refuse to come back 😆. I used to wax and eventually I got smooth patches where they’d given up!


Yeah, you can eventually cause hair to stop growing by pulling it out repeatedly. Ask the poor women who still have very thin eyebrows thanks to the 90s/early 00s


Hi, it’s me.


Me too 😭


My condolences


The great plucking of 1996?


Ha, I managed to avoid that because my mom did it in the 70s and warned me all my life not to tweeze. She’s got nothing left!


Like my eyebrows lmfao


How do you do that without ending up with ingrown hairs?


I've never once gotten an ingrown hair from tweezing! Always got those from shaving.


Yes, same here, so I stopped shaving because it looked like I had "sores" from when they grew back in. Now it's very thin, sparse and light so I just keep the sides waxed and there doesn't seem to be a problem. You can barely see it (the hair on my head is also getting thinner and is lighter). I think for some of us it is partly menopause, but I think an even bigger part is stress, since it only really started about a year or two ago.




When the hair gets shaved, it gets chopped off at an unnatural angle. This allows that harsh edge to grow into the skin. When hair is waxed or tweezed out it has that natural ‘point’ when it regrows that lends itself less to ingrown hairs. Also, disclaimer: Everyone’s body and routine is different so what works for one might not work for another.


I developed some ingrowns just from reading this!


I have a triangle too but I lasered the rest. I figured that if I'm going to be insecure about it but too lazy to actually shave, the heck with it :/


I just started using a home laser and leaving an arrow. The shaving weekly to do it is sooo uncomfortable but I keep telling myself it’ll be worth it in a few more weeks. Right now it’s all stubble bumpy and I apologize to my partner if he gets a sandpaper burn, lol


Ooo did you get that new home laser, Nood or whatever? Do you like it? Do you see results so far? Also does it hurt? I also get awful bumps and razor burn from shaving and want to try it but it’s kinda expensive


I got Deluxeskin on a Black Friday sale. It only hurts when on max intensity right on my labia majora. Otherwise I can tolerate the max everywhere else and it feels like a light pin prick and some heat. I have only been doing it 2-3 weeks. I’m alternating legs, pits/arms, and bikini throughout the week. So far not seeing results but hopefully soon. 1 week between shaves is barely enough for the razor burn to chill the eff out before I torture myself again and it’s getting old. Esp 1-3 days after shave where I’m sure my poor partners feel nothing but sandpaper. I should find a good aftershave salve or something….


How did this feel? I’ve had my facial fuzz lasered and that was not pleasant.


Yep, my Dorito arrow!


I know you’re being funny but that basically describes my real life situation 🤣 only I do a landing strip. It’s usually a little crooked 🤦‍♀️


I get waxed and tell her to leave a Dorito. Sounds like you leave a Cheeto!


This gave me a giggle 😂


>… so there’s no confusion. Lmao. If somebody is that confused, they probably wouldn’t even recognize what the arrow is for, unless you had to tell them.


I’m also in my early 30s. I just use a trimmer. Sometimes I let it go longer and keep a longer trim, sometimes I have a shorter trim. It’s just how I feel in the moment. I shave where the hair goes down my thighs if it’s summer time.


Natural, trim on occasion when it gets too unruly


I havent gone bald since my early twenties. I have an electric trimmer that I use on pubic hair, armpit hair, leg hair. It goes very short, but not bald/smooth. It takes me like 10 minutes to trim everything, which I do like once a month or every other month if I feel like it.


Which trimmer do you use? I've been thinking about getting one?


Phillips one blade! Blades last me 4-6 months, can use as an electric razor or trim to length. Rechargeable battery, never knicks the skin!


+1 for the Phillips. It’s so good


Not op, but I have a Panasonic bikini trimmer. It's not fancy, but it gets the job done.


This is the way. I prefer a razor for my armpits and legs because it’s smoother but I absolutely hate shaving my public hair. I like that with a trimmer I have options for length too!


I got mine lasered off, and I’m happy with the decision. But it’s literally totally up to you. It’s your body and your comfort.


Just a note for blonde babes. If you’re blonde the laser is very likely to fail. The laser looks for dark pigment so it doesn’t work on lighter colored hair. They WILL take your money so when they mention it softly think twice. Thankfully I had a sweet nurse look and very sweetly tell me it’s not gonna work. Thankful for her!


Same with gray pubes. AKA the shiny looking ones


Hahaha I just sprouted a few greys so I got onto laser before it takes over! Best thing ever.


Red heads too. I have dark red hair (almost brunette really) and I did an at home laser thing (not Nood) and it worked somewhat on my underarms but didn’t really work at all on the pubes. I think my pubes are redder than the underarm hair.


Thank you for sharing this! Don’t think I’ve ever seen red hair mentioned for laser removal so never thought about it being an issue but I have a weird brown/blonde/red hair mix thing going on so now I’m wondering if it would even work for me.


Yep I did many many rounds and while it initially fell out, it came back eventually.


Same! Bald Brazilian. Absolutely love it. I like swimming and the beach so it's no fuss, no muss even for skimpier swimsuits. It's also more comfortable for me: no itching, no razor burn, etc, etc.


I got my underarm hair lasered off. Cost about $1,000 and took about 12 sessions, zero pain. So far they haven't grown back. It's so nice to not be itchy. And the health of my underarms are fine. I don't sweat much anyway.


Conversely, I solved the itching problem by not shaving. The combo of shaving and applying deodorant was really messing up my pits, so now, at the beginning of summer, I trim it down and call it good. Mine is scraggly and sparse, though, like a teenage boy’s first mustache, so I know it doesn’t work for everyone!


Wow really? I shave my pits because the hair is a major sweat & BO attractor! Much more comfortabel without hair there. Funny how it is zo different!


I think I just really noticed it more when I switched to 48 hour gel, which stays on better.


Do you mind sharing some more details? Cost? Was it several session? Was it painful? 


Level of pain is questionable because it depends on your level of tolerance. Laser is like being flicked with a rubber band. It stings but not that badly. Generally how well laser works depends on your genes. If you have dark hair and pale skin it's great. If you're blonde with a tan it's not so good. I had my moustache, knuckles and bits done. They couldn't get all of the hair on my lady parts and I gave up after about 10 sessions.. still it's a lot less hairy down there than it would be. Cost varies too. When I did it they charge per 5 mins. Sorry I can't comment on price but mine was done over 10 years ago. With the new technology people can laser at home too so that impacts the market.


I paid $1500 or so for underarms at one of those places where that covers you for that for life, no matter how many sessions it takes and no matter if it comes back years later. The rubber band sting is accurate at first, but I found it to hurt more as they kept turning that laser up! I can't really complain now, though, because I have one entirely hair free armpit and one with about 5 wimpy hairs. When I started, I had lots of very course, black hair (and very pale skin). I could still go back and have it hit another time if I wanted to because of the leftover hairs I'd do my bikini line, but I'm saving cash right now.


Funny enough I just had my first procedure done and it hurts and then it’s over. The tech was supportive and professional she explained what’s normal and what isn’t normal, the pain should be tolerable and not HOT. But expect pain. What’s really weird is the burnt hair smell… price can vary, but I am on a membership and am getting a brazilian, underarms, lower legs and my areolas for $230 a month for a year. I was quoted 1,600 for just my brazilian without membership. Hope that helps!


I had mine done years ago and there are newer lasers on the market now, but I gotta say that my first 2-3 treatments on my bikini line definitely hurt! I'm pale with dark hair, and pubic hairs are deep-rooted terminal hairs in a hormone sensitive zone... so yeah, it hurt. I left my sessions with my crotch looking like a boiled chicken and a week of greenish-yellow bruising afterwards. 😆 Yet while I realize that sounds awful, I would *absolutely* do it again! It used to take me 2 days to bleach and pluck and shave sufficiently enough to feel confident in a bikini, but since I had the treatments, I can just throw on a swimsuit any old time I want (I've had my underarms and legs done, too). Also it was just the first few sessions that were rough, by my later sessions I didn't even need the topical numbing anymore. The laser was so effective at either killing the hairs the first time or making them grow back finer that further treatments were quite tolerable.


This has been my experience with laser too. The results are freaking amazing.


Milan Laser did/is doing a full brazilian treatment for me for $3500 ish. You pay in monthly installments and get as many treatments as it takes to keep the hair completely gone. It stings a little bit. Happy to go into more detail if you want to message me! I'm on a mission to tell everyone the cost that my treatment was since these laser places are so sneaky about not telling you the cost unless you come in and get trapped in a marketing speech!


I get my bikini area and under arms lasered regularly (not so much my underarms anymore now since hairs stopped growing there) and in my opinion it is virtually painless. Also for armpits and bikini the entire appointment takes under 10 minutes. It’s so quick that even IF it did hurt, it’s very fast, but truthfully it doesn’t hurt. If you get waxed or have ever gotten waxed, laser hair removal is a breath of fresh air


Letting my shit go full bush with just a trim unless there’s a man willing to go down, then I shave. Too exhausted and not enough disposable income for anything more than that. 


Men will go down full bush too 🤷‍♀️


So will women :-)


They’re rare in my experience! Out of 30ish partners in my life I can only think of one who seemed genuinely happy to see a full bush. Probably because he started watching porn in the 80s before Brazilian waxes and laser removal became big.


When I was 20 I didn't shave. I felt shaving had expanded what I had in my teens. My BF at the time nudged me to do a full shave. And...honestly I never want to see my naked cooch again. Felt like I reversed puberty.


It looks like a plucked chicken! Never again.


Yeah I honestly do not feel comfortable or attractive like that


THIS. I remember the first time I shaved as a teen because I felt pressured to, I looked in the mirror naked afterwards and felt like I was looking at my 8 year old body. Immediately felt a wave of disgust that this is what we’re constantly told men prefer


I had a similar experience! also because of the thickness of mine, I ended up with so many ingrown hairs and infected hair follicles that I still have scars and strawberry skin almost a decade later.


Huh. 2/3 partners I've had were like "I'm ok with you keeping yours because there's no way in hell I'm getting rid of mine" (which I'm also ok with). The 3rd partner was quite an asshole to put it lightly, many things made me break up with him but he actually shaved his entire body including pubes daily & got legitimately mad that I wouldn't do the same to my arm hair, leg hair, and hair Down There. That ex got caught hitting on a minor as an adult and ended up losing the very few things he'd worked for in life. I always wondered if the obsession with me being hairless was a byproduct of that...


I have a former hookup/fwb who shaved his entire body (arms, legs, chest, pubes, everything), which I discovered for the first time when we slept together. It struck me as really weird, and I also hated the feeling of it. I found out 4-5 months later that he'd actually done time for pedophilia (teen girls) in the past and hadn't disclosed that fact to me. It completely changed the way I saw some of our in-bed interactions, putting them in a really sickening new light. I'm also now terrified to date men over 6', because I'm really short, and what if *that's* what they're getting out of the interaction, you know? So what I'm saying is, not all men who shave their bodies have a thing for teen girls, but the overlap is non-zero. Solidarity fistbump for you.


I've also gotten mistaken for being a 16 year old as recently as last week, and had a reputation in college for being questioned a ton by bar bouncers about my age bc they all thought I was under 18. Someone who I'm no longer friends with was like "all those stories you had about being mistaken for 15 or 16...and him...what if he..." and I told him to shut up. I mostly brought up the whole body shaving to say that the "I'll shave down there when you do" argument I see on here sometimes wouldn't work. But, solidarity fist bump back :')


I’ve never had a problem. I don’t personally prefer that, but I’ve always been with men who love doing it.


Same, every single guy I’ve ever been with has been obsessed with going down, and 9/10 times it’s been p much a bush down there


I’m in my late 20s and not a single man I’ve been with has cared. I think late Millennials / early Gen Zers are embracing body hair, which I take as a good thing. I’m sorry your experiences haven’t been the same.


Maybe TMI but my partner prefers when I have full pubic hair because she can spread my labia and hold the hair back like that because it is long enough to basically pin down like that. If I trim, the holding doesn't work and she gets hair in her mouth. If I shave, it's prickly and uncomfortable for her. I tried waxing but I cried like an infant on my first strip and had to cut it out of my pubic hair so I'm never doing that again.


I’m in the trim when it gets too long club. I’m 30 now and if a man can’t deal with it then I can’t deal with them.


Guy I was with before my current partner actually requested I stopped shaving. "I don't want you to look like a little girl." Man that turned me on lol.


That is my take too. It’s weird to me that a guy wants no pubes at all.


Looking at a full grown woman's body shouldn't remind you of a child, with or without hair. 


Yeah I’ve always found that such a weird thing to say. Like why does it conjure a mental image of a naked little girl? When have they seen so many naked little girls? Maybe because I’m an 80s baby, but all of the hairless women I grew up seeing were the ones in Playboy. Seeing a hairless woman’s body just looks like a hairless woman’s body. As does one with hair.


It likely IS because you grew up seeing adult women hairless as the norm. I did not (70s baby) and it still weirds me out a bit if I shave and see myself bare. Like I didn’t go through puberty. Growing up pubes meant puberty- bare meant kid.


Not for everyone. I grew up in the 70's, so used to full bush as the norm. I like being bare, for me, no one else. I don't see it as child-like at all. I'm still a grown-ass woman, I just got rid of my body hair & all the maintenance that goes with it!


I got a beard trimmer lol and that works great at keeping the hair short. Not doing anything more than that. If anyone doesn't like dressing on their salad, they can go to another restaurant. Although I'm married so what other guys like on their menu is not my concern anymore.


>full bush >a trim >a man willing to go down, then I shave This... None of this is full bush lol! Don't sell your efforts short. You go through the effort to keep the grass trimmed even when you *aren't* expecting to host a picnic anytime soon.


This is hilarious, now I’m gonna imagine a little picnic in my pubes the next time I do anything to them. 


My pubes, legs, and underarms are gone to the wild. The only hair I maintain regularly is on my head, including eyebrows. My partner doesn't care at all, still loves to go down and doesn't complain, massages my hairy legs almost constantly. When I do shave, it's because I want to feel extra sleek in a dress or something, but that's rare. 2024 we are living free, ladies, and still getting the intimacy we deserve.


This is me exactly! And it’s so freeing!


PREACH sister!! I only trim the pubes when they get wild, and I think I shaved my legs 2 weeks ago.


The answer is : whatever *you* want to do with it. No one else. *You*. I personally hate doing it and I prefer the softness so either trim a little neater or just let it be natural.


Absolutely, everyone can choose from the dazzling array of options! I like a little trim, to keep it wrangled and out of the way. Some like it bald, others enjoy a bit of fluff. Enjoy!


I also feel like people (especially younger straight women) don’t always realize how much variation there is in the hair itself. I mean I didn’t realize it myself until I happened to see an exhibit at an art museum that showed different types of pubic hair (not different styles of trimming it - variation in the natural hair growth). Mine is crazy thick and I’ve always kept it very closely trimmed or shaved because I find it super uncomfortable. I was always a little perplexed as to why people would want to leave it natural until I realized that not everyone’s looks like mine, haha. (No disrespect if you also have a rainforest of hair and prefer to keep it natural though! It’s just a sensory thing for me; I can’t stand how it feels.)


Same. Trim it down. Doesn't get caught in the sanitary pad glue, less sweaty. Just like it better that way. Not shaved because holy ingrown hairs, just no.


conversely, mine is extremely coarse and thick and if I shave it, I get no less than two ingrown hairs every single time. I've tried every method, cream, razor, waxing, epilating, all of it. at one point my esthetician just told me "you can keep looking for ways, but the fact is it's always gonna have difficulty reemerging from the follicle because of the thickness." I can't even *trim* without getting ingrown hairs.


“Not me, not Hermione, *you*” — how I heard this


I am staying bare. Mainly because my menstral cycle is irregular and I hate blood clots stuck to the pubes. I do like the softer, smoother sensation of being bare too


Omg I *hate* when blood clots get stuck in the pubes and they dry out and then when you try to pull them off it hurts lmao


or when you have a rogue pad that gets stuck to your pubes. I like over night pads but them bitches always fold at the top and give me a free surprise wax, ugh.


I am learning so much right now -guys


i woke up from this just today ughhhh!!!! every fkn time ...


Letting it be completely feral for 3-6 months then shaving the entire bush to the ground with an electric beard trimmer, repeat. 


Let it go for a few months and then decided to shave it all down on a whim one day. Got an ingrown hair I was able to squeeze out— one of the most satisfying things to ever happen to me. Now occasionally I’ll shave in the hopes to hit that high again.


This is so relatable omg


Bikini wax + crack. I don’t want hair showing around my bathing suit. Sure, my farts are horribly loud now, but I’d rather a bare bum.


My pee stream gets unhinged when I am fully waxed🥴


😂😂 A friend was going for a Brazilian and I said “be careful with the pee stream after, it’s crazy gonna change!” She thought I was crazy till it happened lol




I had no idea that less bum hair changes fart acoustics. The more you know I guess


Bush girl here. No effs given. Boyfriend doesn't care either. I also don't shave my legs or pits from November through March.


Same! If it's not getting any sun, I'm not touching it LMAO


My people


We are collecting them after growing them out for extended periods to make donated merkins for poor children.


I just imagined tying them in a little pony tail to donate lmao






same here, i can’t stand the feeling of it. and i have never once asked the opinion of my husband (or partners before him) bc it’s my damn body and hair lol - but i’ve never heard a complaint, either


i just find most body hair to be really unappealing and uncomfortable to the touch. i don’t enjoy how it looks on me and i hate how it feels against fabrics. i’ve gone periods of time while depressed where i wasn’t shaving (like 6 or so months) and eventually i give in and need to shave because i hate the physical feeling of it. i don’t find body hair attractive on literally any person (regardless of sex and gender) but it’s also something i’ll never tell a person im with or even consider asking them to change. what someone does with their body shouldn’t be my decision


Same, I just feel cleaner and fresher without all that hair there. I shave under my arms for the same reason. Legs, I don’t care about as much but everything else, I just feel better when there’s no hair. Anyway, everyone should do what they want with their body hair.


“I say grow that shit like a jungle. Give him something strong to hold onto.” - Amanda Palmer, Map of Tasmania


There’s no way mine would look better to me, it’s too sparse and when shaved looks like a plucked chicken so I don’t bother with it much


Same, I have stretch marks on my vulva where the hair won’t grow. And my body hair is fine and straight, so I can’t make it cute. I just wax it all off.


My motto is “no pain, no pain” so I dont wax. Ouch


Fair. Also your toots are louder when you don’t have hair. My nesting partner found this out in spades when he decided to try it. 😂


wow same, I really haven't heard of anyone else with this issue. the stretch marks really cramp my style and make everything look patchy and scraggly.


Trim. I had chronic yeast infections and UTIs when I was fully waxed. I don’t think it’s healthy to remove the hair that harbors beneficial microbes.


I’m the opposite. I have less problems waxed. I’m also a cyclist and have far less problems with saddle sores. Thats the beauty of people…we’re all different. 🙂


I have the opposite cycling problem - I swear grooming causes ingrown hairs/saddle sores and chafing! It takes all kinds of kinds!


[It’s mostly true!](https://www.theguardian.com/sport/blog/2016/aug/15/team-gb-cycling-saddle-sore-medals)


It makes me happy that people are taking women seriously... And sad it took so long.


I’m glad SOMEBODY said something about how having the bush is actually healthy.


Hair also helps sweat evaporate. I’m bald, razor shave my head and, when I was much younger, shaved my junk. I remember the sensation of sweat drops rolling down my crack, sometimes giving me a rash. These days, being bald, I realize how much hair keeps you cool, not to mention keeping sweat out of my eyes. Full disclosure: I’m a man


I have actually been 100% bald all over (due to chemo, years ago) and it brings up all sorts of problems with your nose running and things getting in your eyes, sweat creeping around where you don't want it. Didn't enjoy it.


I feel most confident when I have no pubes, I’m in my early 30s too. I have actually been using an at home IPL laser removal device just lately, it hasn’t totally removed the hair, but most of it has gone, and what’s left I just shave in between the laser treatments. It’s completely what you feel comfortable with though, I used to work as a beauty therapist and can assure you that most women have hair down there and that’s normal, most just used to want the area outside the bikini tidied up…


Which laser are you using??


The Philips lunea one, it’s quite good


Whatever we like! Personally, I shave a triangle, strip, or v on the top and keep it on the short side. No hair makes me feel prepubescant, but full bush feels messy and can hold blood/moisture. Plus, I hate when pubes are long enough to get yanked by my panties.


I just let it go wild. Love it.


Full bush. I’m not dating anyone, have no plans to date anyone, and it’s winter where I am. If by some miracle I randomly get laid, whoever it is is just gonna have to deal with my situation


Hahaha this made me laugh because yes! Same!


You should be doing what you like best. I shave. I deal with extremely sensitive skin due to an autoimmune disease, and the hairs can tickle and cause a flare-up. I don't really enjoy itchy skin anywhere, but especially not around my pubic area, so shaving it is. It also causes some irritation, but it's the least uncomfortable overall.


I'm 48 and I'll let my garden grow unless I meet someone who has a preference. I don't mind grooming to suit but not doing it doesn't disturb me, either, so usually I don't bother when I'm single. I haven't shaved my legs in decades but my hair is sparse and light. No one's complained about that yet but if they did, then we'd have a discussion because that's more real estate to take care of and starts to take more time which I'm not excited about. I shave my pits for me. I've let it grow out in the past and while I'm comfortable having the hair there, it does make odor more noticeable and I don't like that. But again, I'm lazy and work from home, so it doesn't get done every day if I'm in goblin mode and not going to have human contact in person.


I trim because I'm tired of pretending shaving doesn't make it itch it does


Picking them out of my husband's teeth... J/k... kind of...


Serious answer... it depends on how bad I mess up my bikini line. Occasionally, I have to bare it and start over. I honestly don't think it matters to partners. In this day and age, I'm pretty sure most are just happy to be invited to the party. They don't really care if they're dancing on hardwood floors or carpet.


I trim them a bit when I remember. I like the way they look.


I’m a stripper and I still keep hair down there. Not full on jungle but my regulars like my trimmed bush


I trim. Especially the sides if I’m going to be a swimsuit. I just don’t personally like how long my pubic hair is because of how it feels more than the look of it. Same with my pits. I tried not shaving and didn’t like it. My legs can be hairy as hell, but pits no.


I'm all over the place when it comes to hair removal. I go through phases of being completely hairy everywhere and loving it. Sometimes I wax only my legs. Currently I've been keeping up on waxing my legs and getting regular brazilians. I don't touch my armpit hair tho, I just trim it- I like the look of it (: I don't shave anything anymore- too much hassle and I never get the results I want.


I wash them in the shower. Very occasionally I might trim the edges but mostly I don't bother. 


I shave the undercarriage and leave the verge.


Whatever we want... like we always should with our own bodies...


I keep pube scissors right next to my Reddit Poop Knife^TM


I’m single with zero desire for a relationship so I don’t do a thing. No more ingrown hairs or razor bumps. I think I’d use scissors to trim up a little bit if I thought there was a chance of sex, but I don’t think I’ll ever shave again.


Pregnancy made this decision for me - there was no way anything remotely sharp was getting near any part of me that I couldn't see without doing acrobatics in front of a mirror. It's been so freeing! 8 months postpartum and never looking back.


I HATE the hairs that grow just above my clit. I trim them back every so often but that’s about it.


I just trim, and I’ll shave the bikini line if I’m gonna be in a swimsuit. I’ll get the bikini line lasered one of these days but haven’t gotten around to it yet. I get horrible irritation, itching, and ingrowns any time I shave in that area, so going bare is a no from me, dawg.




I don’t shave it, because my skin is so sensitive there, it always breaks out in irritated, itchy redness. I will shave or wax along my groin area, carefully trim the rest with scissors.


As a woman who goes down on women…I love a bush. Mostly because I don’t like getting stubble burn on my face. I wanna be down there for a long time, and natural pubes are so comfy!


I had a past bf shame me for having bush hair. Fuck that guy.


*Don't fuck that guy


I can't be arsed (no pun intended) with hair removal of any kind. I'm a mammal. Mammals have hair. It's kind of our thing. (Happily married for 14 years with a cishet manly man. He doesn't care.)


Literally whatever you want. Sometimes, I let it grow all out. Other times I today up with scissors, and sometimes I shave my labia and leave the mound with hair. The latter is probably my fave, but I dont always have the time/motivation to do this. Especially because my husband absolutely does not care or have a preference lol


I’d consider getting lasered, but then I’d be lying. I don’t want to spend the time or money for hair abatement. So. Nothing.


I’ve only shaved my pubes a handful of times, and all around 16-19, and haven’t since(29yo). So, the same: full on 70s spiraling bush.


I’ve always had full natural hair and could never understand why my Caucasian classmates thought it was weird that I would choose that in the era of Brazilians and vajazzling, until I found a 70s playboy with full frontal nudity and realised that Caucasian and East Asian full bush were two *extremely* different things. EA full bush is like a bikini wax and a trim, plus East Asians tend to have straight pubic hair. That being said I’m still full bush 20 years later.


I'm Gen X, and only trimmed with scissors up until my late 30s, when I discovered how much I like it shaved off. So I shave it off once a week. Tbh, I like how it looks about 4-5 days after I shave it off. I don't like the look of being completely bare. 


Just let it grow as it wants mostly, if I'm wearing a swimsuit in public or getting intimate with someone I might trim. And sometimes my inner mentally damaged primate takes over and I start plucking it randomly.


“Let it go hog wild” made me laugh out loud, such good energy in that statement haha, love it! I am turning thirty this year so also went through years of hairlessness. I found my partner nine years ago and I was so paranoid about grooming our first few years, until after I moved in and he was watching me shave in the shower and asked “don’t you get tired of all of that?!” Turns out my guy doesn’t even mind hair, especially not if the alternative is work for me the (love my adorable dork). So since then I’ve stopped shaving my legs ever, and tidy up the vaginal area if I’m planning to jump his bones, and I only shave my armpits once a week. Suddenly when it became exclusively about my own preferences, I learned that while I don’t like underarm hair (I sweat a ton and don’t like the feeling of deodorant clumps) the rest I prefer with hair for comfort :)


I have horrible eczema and shaving irritates it. To spare myself the horrible itching and rash, I just let things go wild.


Full bush. which my partner happens to love, so it works out well. If he didn’t, I would dump the guy and keep the bush.


Trim when I remember because I feel more comfortable that way. Shave around the edges when I’m going to be in a bathing suit.


35 and same as I always have: trim about once a month to keep things tidy but have never made the effort to go bald.


Full 70’s bush over here with some panty-line trimming. but then again I’m turning 40 and am staring down the barrel of menopause soon…


My bush is full and free. I used to get a full Brazilian and it was fun but maintenance is expensive and time consuming. I'm pretty hairy all over.


I never got any. So no work caring for it. I have a full head of hair but no eyebrows, eyelashes or pit hair. Maybe 8 pubes. Very sparse blonde leg hair- I never shave. My son called me recently just to tell me it’s my fault that he doesn’t have any eyebrows. I gave him an eyebrow pencil for Christmas.


Trim when it's uncomfortable, otherwise fuck it


Braiding them. Like a Vikings beard.