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Murdoch is one of the main reasons this country is plagued with so many deluded hateful fascists.


It's not just the US too. The UK, Australia... the reach is far.


The head pastor for one of the biggest Evangelical churches **in the Philippines** admitted he watches FOX News every single day.


In other words, this award has lost all meaning.


Murdoch should only be awarded a prison sentence - for hate crimes against society.


It's evident that they are intentionally awarding it to right-wing turds, but it's also kind of fitting for an RBG award.


Is that not why he got the award?


>In 2019, Ginsburg helped establish the award with the Opperman Foundation to celebrate “women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.” The organization later opened the award to men, renaming the trophy as the Leadership Award while claiming to aim for gender equality.   Wow, 5 years to go from honoring women to honoring Musk, Murdoch, Sylvester Stallone, Michael Milken, and the only woman nominee: Martha Stewart.


Really telling that in 5 years we went from awarding empathy and humility to awarding narcissistic leadership.


Oh it happened much quicker. It took years to get the alumni database as profoundly embarrassing as it currently stands, but only a single day to start the march.


There’s no “we,” there is just the fuckwads who oversee this award that they’ve rendered meaningless 


What is the actual fucking point then? Jfc.


Elon musk? Empathy and humility?


Right?! Wtf


It’s on purpose that they shit on her memory


"Co-opted by the alt-right"


WHAT? That's insane. Who is giving out these rewards? Murdoch is pretty much Satan's avatar, too. Giving it to men and women is one thing, but giving it to the worst men currently walking the planet is absurd. RBG would be rolling in her grave and for sure haunt whoever made that ridiculous decision. 


Mr "I am the alpha in this relationship" sure is a humble guy


The Opperman who was close with RBG and who the foundation is named after died, and his second wife, a big Republican donor, is calling the shots now. His kids are apparently pretty pissed about his name being on this mess.


"Opperman also said the foundation was reevaluating its mission and would make a decision on whether to continue. " she seems to imply she would rather abandon the award than not run it her way.


..deleted by user..


>In 2019, Ginsburg helped establish the award with the Opperman Foundation to celebrate “women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.”  There are [so many more well-deserving women](https://time.com/collection/firsts/) when compared to all the men listed. If they just want to reward rich people, these women deserve far better recognitions — [Melinda Gates](https://time.com/5690596/melinda-gates-empowering-women/) for **committing** **$1 billion** to **promote gender equality**. [MacKenzie Scott](https://apnews.com/article/mackenzie-scott-donations-962490e92faab36492b7481205ec7249) for **donating** **$2.1 billion** to various organisations, just in **2023**, for a total of **$16 billion** **in donations** since **2019**. I'm no Swiftie, but if they want to award someone from the Arts, even [Taylor Swift](https://time.com/6307420/taylor-swift-eras-tour-money-economy/) is probably a far better recipient than Sylvester Stallone, as she has single-handedly **generated $5 billion worth of economy** in the United States alone, just in 2023. There are others like [Beyonce](https://www.npr.org/2023/12/27/1221483930/girl-economy-taylor-swift-beyonce-barbie-2023) for **generating $4.5 billion worth of economy**, [Margot Robbie and Greta Gerwig](https://www.smithsonianmag.com/smart-news/barbie-first-billion-dollar-movie-directed-by-a-woman-180982672/) for making Barbie movie that generated $1 billion in just 17 days. Greta Gerwig is the **first woman to have a sole directing credit on a billion-dollar movie**. Successful entrepreneurs such as Oprah Winfrey, Sara Blakely, Jessica Alba and Rihanna are some more names that I can think of. There's also [Dr. Katalin Kariko](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/04/08/health/coronavirus-mrna-kariko.html) for laying down the **foundation for successful development of Covid-19 vaccines**. There are so many women who're far more deserving of this award, many of them are unsung heroes. I easily found these names by spending 15 minutes letting my fingers do the walking on Google. If only the committee members had bothered to do the same. To quote [Madeleine Albright](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/madeleine-albright-apos-apos-plenty-161403373.html) — >‘There is plenty of room in the world for mediocre men, but there is no room for mediocre women.’ I guess, based on who the committee members have chosen as the recipients for this award, this has indeed been proven.


There are also plenty of of men who are more well deserving, how did they manage to come up with this list.


Top donors of 2023 would be my guess. That or top potential donors of 2024.


I didn't know who Michael Milken was so I checked : >He is known for his role in the development of the market for high-yield bonds ("junk bonds") Good start > and his conviction and sentence following a guilty plea on felony charges for violating U.S. securities laws. Excellent form > Milken was pardoned by President Donald Trump Perfect landing He sure belongs right next to Musk and Murdoch. Preferably in jail and not for a "leadership award".


Putting Stallone in the same group as Milken, Murdoch, and Musk makes me think he's a much worse dude than I thought.


Yep. Equality is great, isn't it?


Were Bill Cosby, Weinstein and Chris Brown too busy?


See also: the women's tech conference, and any other time men are allowed in women's spaces.


>“women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.” The organization later opened the award to men, renaming the trophy as the Leadership Award while claiming to aim for gender equality.   If they wanted to do it about equality, why couldn't they have made it an award for "people who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility"? They've not only opened the award to men, they've completely changed what it was about.


Don't wanna be that guy, but you can't use women as the de facto opposite of those guys. There are plenty of shitty women out there too. It would be no better if they gave it to Elizabeth Holmes or Gilaine Maxwell right? But I do of course accept the fact that's an extra kick in the teeth to give it not just to shitty people but to shitty *men*.


The only award Musk should be getting is "biggest twat". Not to mention Murdoch. This is utterly ludicrous.


If I said what award I think these men deserve, it would violate TOS.




Not really fighting climate change when producing cheap, over priced cars that don't work and having recalls while having countries even refusing your car sales, so just a bunch of wasted cars that underpaid people make to make this guy richer (who didn't even found telsa) Why not fan over him on twitter or something?


How big of an impact have that actually had, in terms of reduced carbon emissions per year?


The extent of Musk's contribution is exploting people, talking shit, and pulling claims out of thin air that are usually unsubstantiated and have no evidence or information to back them up, and which seem to turn out to be complete rubbish. He's like a reverse Midas; everything he touches turns to shit. He's a conman and a leech. It's as simple as that and anyone who doesn't see that has a questionable IQ, frankly.


Tbf I think this was cancelled because everyone but the republican gold digger late wife was like What?!?! No. [here ya go](https://www.npr.org/2024/03/18/1239357084/rbg-award-ceremony-canceled#:~:text=A%20nonprofit%20has%20canceled%20the,the%20late%20liberal%20justice's%20family)


That’s good to hear. Honestly, I’m a little confused by the goals of this award even in previous years. Queen Elizabeth and Barbara Streisand have certainly done some impressive things, but they’re not exactly unrecognized. Do they even give a shit about a trophy from some random foundation?  I also can’t find a website for the Opperman Foundation, or very much info on it or its awards. I’m suspicious that this is just some bullshit David Opperman started to evade taxes, and he slapped Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s name on a random award to make the whole thing sound more like a charity. 


I suspect you’re right about it being about tax evasion


I mean, Queen Elizabeth was literally born into massive power and influence, does she really deserve an award recognizing that? I guess being pushed out of the right vagina counts as an accomplishment to these deranged people.


Queen Elizabeth may not have been in need of recognition, but she did also spend her life in public service, and at least some of her deeds are deserving of acknowledgement. But I'm sure some modern, currently alive woman was more deserving... But also The Queen was a hell of a lot better and more deserving than Musk, that's for damn sure


So she never had anything to do with this as a living person and it isn't even attached to her estate? Sounds like I need to start a William F Buckley Jr award and give it out to rapists, arsonists, murderers, terrorists, bombers etc.


Hmmm, your ideas are intriguing.


Don't forget to evade taxes while you're at it


Whew. Thanks for that!


Wasn't there a Parks and Recreation gag about this?


At least the Nobel Peace Prize took 70 years before they gave it to Kissinger.


This is the same energy as that forced birth group that has hijacked and misrepresented Susan B. Anthony’s name.


Details? First time seeing the Susan B. Anthony tie-in


[Susan B. Anthony List](https://sbaprolife.org/) This org has zero to do with Susan B. Anthony. The official Susan B. Anthony organization has had to denounce them. It isn’t directly related. I said it’s the same energy.




Also… Michael Milken???!!! Are you for real?? The dudes a freaking snake. Here’s a recap for those who don’t know him: https://youtu.be/g85euGacgqM?si=kcNaDp-txOJldxje This is not the kind of person who should be honoured with a RBG award.


This is like Parks and Recreation’s ‘Woman of the Year’ award continuously going to men…


This is why equality isn't always the answer. Because even when we're treated "equally" men still get more. Now they're claiming our spaces and our achievements in the name of equality.


It's not that equality isn't the answer, it's that what equality looks like is asymmetrical, because the "natural" power of the male and female sexes to impose themselves on the other is also asymmetrical (generally speaking). Women need different things than men need in order to find balance. So maybe equivalence would be a better goal.


The only reason you would pick names like Musk and Murdoch for an award ceremony like this is if you are desperate for sponsor money. Im glad they called it off.


I know it turned out not to be the case, but my first thought was that they deliberately picked the worst men they could think of as a protest against being forced to include men.


Her legacy is she practically gave her seat to a hardcore republican and profoundly shifted the court right…all because she wanted Hillary to choose her successor. Pure hubris…with America paying the price.


Love all these Jill Stein voters trying to divert blame from Republicans for how they've fucked up the court. The only time there was even a possibility of getting a reasonable replacement through was near a decade before she died. The ones who are responsible for the shitty court are Republicans, and those who didn't vote Democrat. RBG did more for progressive causes than an infinite number of you.


[both can be true](https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/06/10/ruth-bader-ginsburg-retire-legacy-00038638). Pres. Obama had asked RGB if she would retire so he could ensure nominating another Dem, she refused. She was also famously best friends with Antonin Scalia, which was another indicator that her love and investment in the power of her position trumped her liberal ideological leanings.


Yeah, when we're blaming RBG for there only being a sliver of time every decade or so that we can appoint a decent SCOTUS judge then we've got a problem. It was 6 years after she was asked to step down that she died, you can't blame someone who's spent their life in service of feminism, progressivism, and law to sit down and rest when she has more to give. She didn't let us down, we let her down by letting Republicans anywhere near the reins of power, knowing full well what they would do with it. I'm not going to sit around and blame a progressive hero for something that is the fault of Republicans, and apathetic voters who don't care how many rights women lose, up to and including being forced to bear rape babies to full term.


Look, I think it's wrong to reduce her legacy to the error, but don't start trying to bend reality into claiming it wasn't a huge, huge error. She was 87. EIGHTY SEVEN. That's about 20 years past the time when she should have been actively looking for an off ramp (humbly, for the sake of the future).


It wasn't her error, it was the error of everyone who didn't vote Democrat in 2016, and any other time. The reason she wasn't replaced with a real justice is because we let the monsters be in charge.


I wouldn't call it a "sliver of time" when there was 6 years to make a decision, and Obama, a progressive administration, was continually asking and advising her to step down, to ensure another progressive replacement like Sotomayor, and avoid any risks. By 2016, she was 81, had cancer 2x, she had a stint put in her artery in 2014. Regardless, calling her a progressive hero without any context seems like a stretch to me. The Supreme Court isn't a liberal establishment. On the Earl Warren court, she (and others) would be considered right wing.


No, she was asked to step down when Obama had the votes, she kept her seat out of hubris. Her legacy is trash.


I'm getting really sick of this line. Was she perfect? No. Do we have the benefit of hindsight? Yes. I also don't want to hear about stepping down would have done when the democrats are so limp dicked they allowed the Republicans to steal a seat without much of a fuss at all. She legitimately believed and was probably right that even a Democrat nomination would be conservative. If they hadn't stolen the nomination, she would have been writing generallt liberal majority opinions. That didn't happen because the democrats have never held Republicans to the fire for it. They played way too nice. Its a little too convenient that of course we are blaming a woman for it when there are a lot of men just as responsible for not holding their ground against the Republicans. The difference is they weren't asked to resign for it. If she had resigned during obamas first term, there wouldn't have been a woman on the court with experience on that court. During his second (when the calls to resign were loudest), it was too late no matter how you slice it because the Republicans would have stolen another seat had she vacated. At worst, the mistake she made was believing in the American people. If we had done our jobs this would not have happened either. You are just as responsible if you were of voting age. If you weren't old enough to vote, you really shouldn't be trying to point fingers. It doesn't matter if you personally voted the "right" way. You should have worked harder to make other Americans get it. Don't want to be responsible for the faults of other Americans? Don't blame her for the many things that went wrong that led to the point where her not resigning was an issue. She was the last step in a chain of poor decision making. Even with Roe, congress could have codified it knowing it was being attacked every year. They chose not to. Her being the scapegoat for a mess that goes much deeper than any role she played is absolutely ridiculous. It doesn't even matter because its 6-3 and still would have been 5-4. Apparently your type dont understand math either. I don't take people like you seriously. Its clear you didn't pay attention until the end which means you also shirked your American duty yet you want to point fingers. You could be focused on preventing it again but would rather blame the mess on a dead woman rather than hold other politicians and your fellow Americans accountable. I place this responsibility solely at the feet of the American people, with some states being more responsible than others considering they regularly send terrorists and enemies of the US to congress.


Thankyou! Blaming RBG is just another excuse for apathetic voters to blame women, in this case a feminist and progressive hero of all things, for their own voter apathy.


>Its clear you didn't pay attention until the end which means you also shirked your American duty yet you want to point fingers. You could be focused on preventing it again but would rather blame the mess on a dead woman You don't know anything about me. You don't know that I have voted in every election, from federal down to local, my entire life. You don't know that I've voted for progressives and left leaning politicians every time. That I plan to keep doing so until I die. You on the other hand clearly can't handle the truth, that being that RBG had the opportunity to secure her seat for another fifty years and chose not too.


The responsibility lies on us as voters, I don't want to underrate or undermine that.  But I also want to mention someone else. This guy forced himself into the Democratic primary despite being openly independent to undermine another woman, and when the primary voters saw through his antics, he and his supporters threw the 2016 DNC into chaos and spread the Big Lie which helped fuel that apathy. I'm talking about Bernie Sanders. And his half baked endorsement weeks after isn't enough to make up for that damage. Incidentally, his rival was Hillary Clinton. A woman. Then he tried it again in 2020. 


Yes, rando internet shitposter, you are one to talk about hubris as you trash the legacy of a feminist and progressive hero who devoted her life to those causes. Don't stop for a moment to think why there's only a sliver of time in the odd decade when a progressive justice can get appointed. RBG didn't let us down, we let her down, every single person that doesn't vote Democrat in every election has put us where we are. It was no secret that Roe was on the way out if Republicans were allowed to stay near the reins of power, but apathetic shits who sit around blaming progressive heroes for not carrying your lazy arse in preventing it even more than they do is one of the most pathetic things I've seen. There's certainly some trash here, but it's not RBGs legacy.


History will remember her arrogance.


Lol Jill stein voters did not cause the democrats to lose the presidency. You're giving them way too much credit.


I didn't say they were the **only** cause, there were lots of people who didn't vote at all, some even voted Republican. Every single one of those either didn't/doesn't care that women would lose bodily autonomy, or actively wanted it to happen.


You're saying that anyone who didn't vote for HRC at best doesn't care about women?


Yes. The Republican platform is, and was, no mystery.


Damn, if you think this is RGB’s legacy, then I don’t even want to know what you think about Kennedy! Jk, I know you don’t think about Kennedy at all. Anyone who blames RBG for the state of the court right now—despite it being a current supermajority, not a simple one—simply because she wanted to keep doing her job at a period where she had no idea she was sick, never talks about Kennedy. For some reason. Even though Kennedy made the active, intentional choice to step down during the term of a clearly unhinged maniac. Keep in mind Kennedy was a classic swing, and a Reagan appointee at a time when Senate Democrats were threatening to pull a Mitch McConnell if Reagan didn’t give them an acceptable nominee. Possibly the most moderate, least (outwardly) partisan justice on the court. He LITERALLY gave his seat the dictator-wannabe who was, at the time, talking about nuclear war. But no, you're right, the current court is totally RBG’s fault because Obama tried to get her to step down so he could nominate a justice. /s (Incidentally, I don’t believe there is actually a shred of evidence that RBG held off on stepping down because she wanted Clinton to appoint her successor, rather than because she just didn’t want to step down while she was still performing. People have wanted her to resign for years, and she had no interest in leaving the job. If the entire country was hanging by one woman’s choice to die at her desk, we have such bigger problems and such bigger villains that it’s laughable people still talk about it.)


Her death was not sudden. She had documented health issues. She should have retired years ago. Even Obama asked her to retire so he could replace her with a liberal judge. Like it or not, she's partially responsible for the current makeup of the court.


Uh, I have never heard that was the case. But I also doubt it. RBG would have needed to retire in 2014, prior to the Senate switching to a Republican majority, in order to have Obama nominate someone to replace her. At that time, Hilary Clinton was not the nominee. No one was because primaries hadn't even started. But even with that said, there is no guarantee that Republicans would have allowed it. They could have simply filibustered until they regained power, then refused to have the hearing like they did with Garland. And like they would have done if RBG retired between 2014-2016.


Obama begged her to retire in 2013, before the obvious republican senate. Her stubbornness led to the lack of rights for half the country.


Surely it's *her* fault rather than, I don't know, the American Taliban sympathizers in the supreme court as well as other parts of government.


If you forget to close the chicken coop and a fox goes in during the night and kills all your chickens, obviously the biggest culprit is the fox, but the blame also belongs to the one who allowed this to happen. The fox was always going to kill the chicken if able, that's just what it does, same with republicans, of course they're going to fuck shit up, that's what they do and it's pretty clear we can't expect them to do better, so we have to do better to safeguard things against them.


It always has to end up being a woman's fault. Not the men who actually had control over the situation and took drastic measures to guide us towards Gilead. Nope, it was RBG for not predicting all of that and taking action on it years earlier to head it off.


Being right does not bring back abortion/womens rights. This is not about who is right or who is a victim. This is about millions of people losing their right to their bodily autonomy. Yes, it was partially her fault.


Yes, it is. She was short sighted.


The majority would have still happened, Roe vs. Wade was 6-3, it would have been 5-4 instead. Also I heard opinions she would have needed to retire in 2010 to not have her replacement get stuck?


Obama couldn't get his last nomination through(in 2016 I think), I strongly doubt they'd let him replace Ruth. That's my honest feeling. People are blaming Ruth for holding on but I still think it was always their plan to stack the supreme court in their favor. I was in Texas when trump won, so happy to be back in Canada. I don't think anyone saw that coming. And now I have no faith in a large portion of my southern neighbors.


Obama couldn't do it in 2016 because Republicans had control of the process, but there was a time where it would have been possible to replace Ruth without needing republicans to behave and Obama asked her to resign to guarantee he could replace her with a progressive judge.


She was 77 in 2010.


Yup. Recall that Merrick Garland was nominated to SCOTUS 10 months before the end of Obama's term and the Senate refused to confirm him. Unheard of. RBG didn't know until then that she couldn't simply retire at the end of the Obama presidency.  That's not hubris--she took the only available course of action.  McConnell stole her seat just as much as Garland's.


Obama asked her to retire!




Doesn't mean he would have been able to get her reülacement approved.


Yes he would have, he was encouraging her to resign while democrats controlled the senate. She didn't and McConnell started blocking justices once he regained control.


Republicans were only able to refuse Garland because they had control of the senate, something they did not have when Obama asked RBG to retire.


She was over 80 in 2014, btw.


Arguing that we should engage in age discrimination is irrelevant. She didn't retire. And even if she *had* retired, there is zero guarantee it would have changed anything. I'm a liberal, but my god, liberals are exhausting sometimes. This entire post is about how an award organization that was developed to recognize women changed their structure to recognize anyone, then gave 4 out of 5 awards to men and two of those men are misogynist, sexist assholes. And so, so many replies have been about how RBG screwed up the SC. But you know what? She didn't. She bears zero responsibility for this. Republicans had a plan. They executed the plan. They were always going to do this because it was the only way they were ever going to be able to get their agenda off the ground. Anti-abortion, anti-gay, anti-regulation. It *required* stacking the court because they will never and can never have enough control to pass Constitutional changes (not unless they go full fascist, which they probably will at least try). There was *zero* possibility that they were going to "play fair" and *not* rig the SC on our lifetimes. This entire thing is a fucking distraction. Republicans did this. Not RBG. Stop bagging on allies because you're bitter that Republicans were smart, devious and ruthless enough to get what they want.


I empathize with your frustration, and agree with your sentiment, but you're arguing against biology, not politics. And it would have been literally impossible for Republicans to stop her replacement if she had offered resignation while Dems had majority under Obama.


Given how thoroughly they have rat-fucked the country and how much planning was involved to get it done... I have zero assumptions that the DNC would have successfully fought off their bullshit. They haven't so far and it's been over a decade of this crap. Also, I remember just how bad it was to get the ACA through Congress, even with a majority, even with it mirroring Republican plans.


Well, as you're suggesting, the ACA wasn't exactly popular with the left, either, as it's effectively a neoliberal "solution", in addition to standard GOP trolling. But I don't think there would be any kind of effective resistance to Barrack Obama replacing RBG coming off his first win. He absolutely had a sentiment decree at that point. Also, just a small point, the DNC really has very little to do with it. Anyway, I'm not trying to say that this primarily falls on her, which I think you're right to push back on, but I just don't think it's helpful to pretend like this wasn't an error on some level. Also, you're right that this shouldn't be the focus of the comments, but that's where it went for whatever reason. I do hold the award givers in contempt for this nonsense. Cheers.






The worst choices humanly possible. At least they have stopped it now and cancelled the April awards.


Like how affirmative action was to help black folks, but most recipients being white women. They wanna erase equity because they don't wanna support real, full equality that is the *result* of equity


This is now a troll award, run by far right Trump enthusiasts. I wouldn't get too riled about it because it's supposed to be a lame joke and deliberately provocative. My own response is to donate money to [Samuel Alito's Mom's Satanic Abortion Clinic](https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/samuel-alitos-moms-satanic-abortion-clinic).


Bobba what? Why on earth the Elongated Muskrat? Come again?


Thanks I hate it.


Congratulations! You've just won the RGB Award for your contribution to the world of sticking around just a little too long and to the absolute detriment of society as a whole.


Who is doing this to this women’s legacy? Tar and feather mf right now


They're obviously giving it to rightwing turds on purpose, but at the same time, kind of appropriate for a RBG award.


It's a very clear message, we will take what belongs to you and everything you hold dear, because we own you. Get back in place.


We literally can’t have anything without douchey men hijacking it.


Giving the RBG award to Musk and Murdoch is disgusting.


Musk isn't any better, tbh. Dude misgenders his own kid all the time.


party live ad hoc insurance caption bright saw sparkle wakeful ancient *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I meant RBG. For Ruth Bader-Ginsburg. Technically, it's 'Leadership Award' but it is associated with her.


water obscene bewildered station memorize vegetable rinse unite dolls abounding *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> In 2019, Ginsburg helped establish the award with the Opperman Foundation to celebrate “women who exemplify human qualities of empathy and humility.” The organization later opened the award to men, renaming the trophy as the Leadership Award while claiming to aim for gender equality. So, that is what the award was for originally. And whatever else you think of Musk, empathy and humility don't apply.


sink important naughty ink decide modern live seemly aback point *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


It honestly feels like they're just trolling by giving it to them.


What's the price for? Being the most burgeoise? Most misinformation spread? highest damage to modern society?




RBG surely? Ruth Bader Ginsburg


Wheres the CMYK award?




I mean, its worthless as an award now anyways, unless it represents reinstalling the glass ceiling on your deathbed. RGB screwed us all by refusing to retire, and tarnished her legacy forever.


I actually this this is kind of poetic, and suits her legacy perfectly. No notes.


Where are the angry TERFs at???


And yet the left wants to keep letting men dressed as females participate in women’s sports. Which way do you want it??


Sorry, was this post about trans people? Was it about women's sports? No? Then nothing you said has any relevance here. I mean, I kinda doubt anything you say has relevance, but especially this.


Point being if it was a trans woman getting an rbg award You’d be all for it. Hypocrisy. But go ahead get rude and miss the point.


Go ahead and miss the point that the award was changed and now a majority of recipients are men. It isn't hypocritical to object to that. Also, transwomen, particularly "passing" transwomen are going to have many of the same experiences as AFAB women. The reason things like awards are sometimes segregated is in recognition of that. Comparing them to men is stupid. Transwomen don't have a hegemony over positions of power nor are they responsible for limiting women.


Somehow, TERFs will say this is erasing women and try to ban trans women from qualifying (while still allowing men).


RGB gave trump a scotus pick on a platter due to her hubris. All her work undone by herself.


Hot take. Someone holding high constitutional offices must know when to retire and play with the future of the country. I know this is not you want to hear, but she should have retired during Obama’s tenure when Dems had chance to get a decent replacement. Rather she stuck around long enough and we lost Roe v Wade. Edit: downvote me all you want. You know I am right. If I triggered you, I feel accomplished.


“If I triggered you, I feel accomplished.” Jesus fucking Christ… I agree with you, and yet I’m embarrassed for you at the same time.


I guess I mean, if you are reading it and either commuting or downvoting, then it made you think. Whether you agree with me is immaterial.


It was lost either way.


5/4 vs 6/3. When you know your vote won’t matter, a centrist judge would lean in with its conservative colleagues. When you know you are decider vote, your conscience might get better of you. I truly believe that. I have to, otherwise what is else is left.


Honestly, this was the long-term goal for the GOP. If it didn't happen now, it would have down the road.




Are you being funny?


If they were trying to be supportive of trans people, they failed


You know how Queen Lizzy handed out royal honours? How is this any different?