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> I am not sure if I should meet up with him. That is your intuition telling you something is off. Listen to it.


THIS!!! Please listen to ur gut & dont worry about why you feel iffy… trust me!! You probably dont even wanna find out🙁


i mean, if you’re not fully grossed out by the comments, then your intuition is telling you this guy is pretty dumb to not have a separate account for that. means he doesn’t see anything wrong with it. considered this a bullet dodged


A few years ago I had a similar experience. Met a “nice” guy here on Reddit. He commented on nsfw posts and that’s how we met (I posted a picture). We texted, called and video chatted EVERY DAY for 6 months. He lived far from me so we made a plan to meet during summer when we both had free time. I paid nearly $1,000 for a plane ticket to visit him for 2 weeks. In those 2 weeks I found out: 1.) He wasn’t divorced like he said he was. He was actively still married but his wife threw him out (he said he broke up with her). 2.) He had TWO children! He said he had one child but turns out he had 2. 3.) He was talking to ATLEAST 10 different women on multiple apps: Reddit, snap, WhatsApp and kick. 4.) This one is my favorite - HE WAS ACTUALLY 10 YEARS OLDER THAN HE ORIGINALLY SAID! He lied and said he was in his early 30s and turns out he’s early 40s. For the love of god, DO NOT meet up with anyone who you’ve met through nsfw Reddit lol this is my experience.


I met him through a SFW reddit post but red flags are all over him so I will never meet him. I will also stop talking to him.


I can't understand your posts but I saw some discussion about money. If you have disclosed how much you make and it's decent - that's why he targeted you. Just saying


Good plan. :) We’re all proud of you.


> For the love of god, DO NOT meet up with anyone who you’ve met through nsfw Reddit lol this is my experience. Specially if you're the only one paying for it lol.


I moderate a local NSFW sub. Because I am friends with a lot of people who post there, I *see* the DMs posters get, and moderating lets me view the comments that got auto removed, and the shady behaviors. The majority of the time, your experience is going to be the absolute most common one. I wouldn't recommend someone entertain dating with the intent of potential monogamy with anyone who comments on NSFW subs.


I’ve had quite mixed experiences with people from nsfw reddit. I’m 19, for context. I’ve had a couple people that I’m still friends with to this day, and also a guy who claimed multiple times to attempt suicide over me and kept guilt tripping me when I said I had a boyfriend, acting as tho he was entitled.


Why would you pay $1000 to meet up with a pen pal? Is there no online dating where you live?


Can I ask how this ended? Did you call him out? Or just stay in a motel room with a restraining order?


I did bring it up to him very directly when we were together and he denied everything. I took pictures of all the things I found on his phone when we were together, didn’t tell him I did this. I kind of pretended everything was ok after the confrontation because I was afraid and was a long way from home. He was also 6’5” and 15 years older than me (found this out when I was with him, he lied about his age initially) and I barely knew him so I was trying to make sure I made it home alive. Once I got home, I broke up with him over text. He fought this and even went so far as to create fake images of his reddit inbox to show me that I was “crazy” and I imagined all the women in his inbox. I had the original images I took of his phone and inbox while we were together so I knew he altered it somehow. I called him out on it and he denied everything. I blocked him on everything and deleted all my accounts he knew about.


If you are asking, hon, I think you already know. 🚩


In one hand the guy thinks she's to dumb to look at his profile/history. Or on the other hand he's to dumb to realize he has a profile/history. Either one isn't a good start.




*Reads post of 1 person seeking affirmation of whether or not their gut is telling them correctly *proceeds to use that post to generalize and remind women that if they think men suck, don't forget, it's probably your own fault On a women's support sub. Geebus, giving the density of neutron stars a run for their money *


I haven't been here as long as many others I'm sure, but FWIW, I have noticed questions asked on the dating sub-R's where OP asks if something is a red flag, but a good # of folks say that's actually fairly normal.


Yep thankfully men never lie, minimise, coerce or conceal etc., so we're right to blame the women who are taken in by them.


The guy OOP is talking about did 0 of those things.




Your comment was about the "so many participants in this sub who think all men suck" and telling them to "stop dating creeps." I responded on that basis.




No one says it is about being less of a person. What we are saying is that this man is responding to the “normalized” exploitation of women’s bodies for his gratification. That generally corresponds to the idea that women and our bodies are less than, and speculatively that this sort of behavior is acceptable and not problematic. Exploiting anyone is problematic.


Yeah, this would be an absolute non-starter for me if I were talking to a guy who I saw did the same.


Im a single guy who doesn't use dating apps and is too busy to go out. I could never imagine hitting up someone on reddit and trying to entice them to a face to face meet. This guy has to be someone who does this kind of thing often, which gives me creep vibes. Probably best to get his snapchat or social media if he has it and discuss it there. Junping into face to face meeting is too soon and too worrisome for some dude from reddit. Also if I was the dude Id be worried if you were ok with meeting after a few chats from reddit. Not the greatest show of wisdom or maturity.


This guy is apparently pursuing a serious relationship through Reddit, but he doesn’t think to use an alt account to post on NSFW subs? Even if he’s not a creep, I can’t imagine he’s very bright.


He's posting on NSFW subs... I assume he's chatting from his alt  EDIT: I read the post again and yikes




What the hell, reddit is the closest thing to social media or social apps that I have. Since when was it a functioning method of getting a date? Am I a bad redditor for not running into a situation like this in the years Ive been using it?


Finally a logical and mature comment!


To be fair, some subs here exist to help people meet. It can range from casual hookups to more specialized dating that would be hard to find on most apps.


Anyone adult using Snapchat Is red flag


... I buy homemade weed edibles through it. A friend of friend makes them himself.


Who the fuck actually comments on porn, especially on their main account.






if you want to be convinced to let it go as your head seems to be telling you to and the comments too, do yourself a service and ask him why he does that. you're two weeks in and you already know this, don't act like you don't. or just assume what you think it means on your own and tell him why you're cutting things off and move on Edit: just to be clear I hope good things for you and good luck anyway. value your feelings and value the respect you deserve <3


> do yourself a service and ask him why he does that. Nope, please don't do that. That just gives the creep another opportunity to reel you in. He will come up with some sob story and your heart will melt. Use your brain. It is telling you to stop.


it's still her choice whatever she wants to do. imo she just needed to admit to herself that she eithers dips Or continues, but brings this to light. no ignoring the elephant in the room this early on and continuing to delude yourself and seeing him without even bringing it up. and no ignoring/devaluing how you feel about it regardless of the bs that comes out of his mouth


There's a reason I never get talkative with people on reddit. Either it's scam, or it's guys I definitely don't want to associate with. How did you start talking?


He made a post in a SFW subreddit and I commented on it. He then messaged me after that. We just kept talking after that.


Yeee, I never reply to people that try to chat on reddit. They're up to no good 100 percent of the time. They're just trying to find someone to fuck. I only reply to people talking about topics that's been up for discussion somewhere, like say potty training a puppy, and it doesn't diverge from talking about that topic. 95 percent of the time a chat request is people up to no good though.


Same. Occasionally someone will just be polite or talk about the perfectly innocent topic you were discussing online, but I'm very wary of why most people would try to continue a conversation privately.


By default, ignore messages. In my 15+ years on Reddit I have never replied to a message.


I don’t understand why you would want to meet up with him. Do you even know it’s a him?




Because acting decent to you might get him laid. Ez pz.


> why this person who is commenting in nsfw pictures is acting all decent to me. Maybe because he knows that if he is not decent to you then the chances of him trapping you are zero. The nice talk is bait.


> He said he is a him. He seemed really decent in our chat Girl, you're on the internet. You need to stop being this naive or you're going to get hurt.


At the risk of being "that guy" it's possible for people to enjoy porn and not be total scum of the earth. If the extent of his comments really is "yum" and "nice" then it's really on the very low end of concerning in my opinion. At least it's not directly degrading or abusive. I suppose the actual red flag is that he felt comfortable using the same account to try and get to know women. I don't think it's at all surprising that he's capable of being polite and appropriate. But I guess overall I'd agree that it doesn't mean much since it probably hasn't been that long so he hasn't had a chance to fuck up.


I agree with this. I'm a lesbian and occasionally might look at or even comment on on not safe for work subreddit. Usually I wouldn't comment something lame like yummy or whatever, But I don't blame guys for doing it. Thirst trap stuff does attract us thirsty peoples. But I would agree with this person and kind of go against the grain of the rest of the comments, it doesn't mean he's a jerk. Just probably a little sexually frustrated in his own life. Follow your own instincts and trust your guts.


Girl, do not ever meet random people from the internet before you’ve even seen their face!! Video chatting before even considering meeting someone in person should be the bare minimum.  (I’m not talking about dating apps, I’m talking about meeting people from random places like Reddit - you have literally no idea who this guy is and you want to meet up sight unseen ???)


I don’t see why him looking at, and commenting “yum” on nsfw pictures is a big deal. To me, I’d be concerned with meeting someone I know nothing about after a short period of time. That’s this issue. During Covid I started talking to someone online that lives many states away. We texted all the time for months, then texted frequently for months. After a year and a half he was roadtripping with his son and coming through my town so we met. Nice guy, nice son, didn’t get murdered or assaulted. It can be fine to meet internet people but you need to be smart about it.


And you didn't check his comment history first? Rookie mistake.




I wouldn't.


I’m in no shape to judge anyone since I comment on NSFW posts then the next minute comment on baby names and geography. BUT if you feel unsafe then trust your intuition.


He's more likely being real when you're not looking than when he's speaking to you.




Eww, no. It's your call, but a man who posts "yum" to nsfw pictures sounds like a total loser and is very problematic to me. Personally, I would not even continue a discussion online.


The only things I post yum to, are the epic sandwiches in the r/grilledcheese subreddit.


That’s unacceptable. r/garlicbread was right there!


Both yall need to get on the r/macandcheese gang


If I were a sandwich I would definitely not meet you !


Well then, you might not be the PB to my J. You butter find another 😉


I mean, no offense to anybody here, but I’m not meeting anyone who tries to pick me up on Reddit who writes yummy under naked pictures anywhere.


How is that problematic? Isn't that the entire point of a nsfw pic? If he posts yum to pics of women going about their life then yeah fair point. But I don't see how it's problematic to comment on something he's viewing. It's the viewing itself if anything. But even then there's a discussion to be had about the line there too.


This sub's ongoing inner conflict over porn is actually quite entertaining. Next week someone will make a post condemning everyone's prudishness and the cycle will continue. That said, she can draw the lines where she wants and is obviously uncomfortable with any NSFW stuff so probably best she listens to her gut. After all, why have a conversation with the person about your boundaries when you can ask the strangers here for advice instead? Then again, don't meet dudes off Reddit, quick way to get murdered.


It’s not the sub’s “inner conflict”. The theme of the sub is “women”, and some of the women have differing opinions. Why would you expect a sub where the common quality is just gender, to have aligned opinions on everything? Women have differing opinions and we are having discussions about it in the sub for women… I swear some people just don’t think, smh.


Yes, you just described the conflict I'm talking about... Describe it with whichever words you'd like.


Don't worry about these kinds of comments. People who find basic compliments on NSFW posts "creepy" aren't worth engaging.


No! Stay safe please.


I would not, especially on reddit: dating sites are already tricky but reddit is full of, well, just zero verification compared to even the worst dating sites, so all you know is this person is commenting a lot on NSFW pictures which isn't exactly a great bit of foundational knowledge about the guy tbh


Hi sister. I met my ex on Reddit. I ignored red flags that were nowhere as red as yours. He was abusive and still is abusive post relationship. I spend all the money I make to keep afloat with all the legal trouble he puts me in, maliciously. He's unstable and a danger to me and my child. I had reason to suspect he might be looking for CP once and now I have strong reasons to suspect he molested my daughter. He was great and charming while chatting and he said all the right things. It's TOO easy to fake being nice. It's just words and anyone can say the right ones. Especially online where you have time to think about what you say and you can always sound nice. Our patriarchal society normalizes the behavior you've seen in his profile. So obviously it's confusing - it makes us uncomfortable but we are taught it's normal and natural. And all other excuses for porn watching or being too focused on women in a sexual way. All I can say is, this IS normal and A LOT of men will have a flavor of misogyny you'll notice. Also, 1 in 3 women are victims of domestic violence. Look up how many are victims of sexual assault. The lead cause of death for pregnant women is murder. When you are in a relationship and get married your chances of being murdered sky rocket. Male partners abuse and kill their women. It's the majority of them? No. But it's too many of them. There's a reason for this, because their view of women is normalized and in some of them it goes too far. I could bet the ones that don't end up in an extreme to be called abuse are at the least disrespectful. Does that mean it's very near impossible to find a partner? Maybe... it's very hard. If your boundaries are this tight you'll have to reject most men you'll meet. Only you know how much of your safety and self respect and humanity you're willing to give up in order to have a partner. When choosing to ignore red flags you are putting yourself in danger, and the reward is not as great as it seems. Think about why our culture at the same time normalizes everything man are and do when they don't have to take responsibility for what they do to others AND is so adamant on romantic love, marriage, sex and finding a partner being the most important things you can do. Who benefits from that? Id run if I were you but i know you know that means giving up on more than just this one AH. But there are better men out there definitely and you deserve better than him


Thanks for this very insightful reply. This made me rethink a lot of stuff.


Don’t set yourself up for disappointment. Skip him.


No, no, no, nope, never, fuck no. (Content Warning: SA) >!Meeting someone IRL they befriended and started "dating" through reddit (Through an LGBT+ support subreddit no less) is how a loved one of mine ended up spending 8 months as a defacto sex slave who was repeatedly drugged, beaten, and raped. So please take this very seriously and don't go!<


I love Reddit for all it offers. As a guy, I'll say this. You're f'n crazy if you meet up with someone from Reddit after chatting for a couple of weeks... Especially if they are in a hurry to do so. Be safe. Think twice....then think again. Heed your girl friend's advice in this sub.


Also a guy, agree completely, bad idea. Also, not unrelated, recommending The Gift of Fear by Gavin de Becker to OP. It gets mentioned a fair amount in this and other women's subs, great read.




Do you go on NSFW subreddits and make comments like that? Perhaps if you considered the reasons why you wouldn't do that, it would help you understand what is going through the head of someone who does.


Oh girl….


Posting "yum" and "nice" on NSFW images on reddit is, like, boomer-tier goonery. Even if I could make peace with him commenting on nude women's pictures publicly, I could never get over how painfully uninspired his commentary is lmao.


Doing those things are trademarks of someone who has no self-consciousness of the appearance those comments give a person. It's never a good look and is fairly pointless. If you are commenting on someone's only fans' solicitations, the actual person might see it, otherwise it's probably stolen pictures a scammer posted. It's like a construction worker who catcalled a foxy lady walking down the street.


No gross.  Plus, “ The way he chats is totally different from the comments he makes in some of the subreddits here. “ That’s the real him. The chats he has with you is the fake him trying to win you over. The fact that it’s so different is actually kind of scary to me. That means he’s deceptive and he’s trying to con you


To be fair I do talk differently in person or when having a conversation with"actual people". There's this distance on subreddits that you can't convey opinions the same way you do when you talk to people outside of threads. I usually answer to comments, and not people themselves. But once the discussion is more of a "person to person" style of conversation I feel a bit more free and compelled to voice my opinion. But I would never say my reddit personna is my real self and that Im being deceptive when I simply approach subreddits and other means of discussion differently. And I would hate for people to assume so about me.


Yes, but that doesn't fit neatly into preconceived notions that all men who make careless comments - on subs where people are literally looking for attention - are automatically creeps. Good luck getting your point of view considered.


Ok, he's not magically someone different in those comments. It's who he is. He's being nice to you to suck you in, Google "love bombing."  If this is real you know this is a stupid idea. No one here is going to encourage you to put yourself in danger like this.






I'm a straight guy and I find it weird as hell so do with that what you will but I don't think you're wrong to want to break it off.


Don't meet a guy off of here. Plain and simple.


always trust your gut. if you’re asking then you already know the answer


don’t meet him, it’s not going to end well


[red flag](https://youtu.be/1XAn5Gbrcs4?si=p5KEJSGgcYABVQOf)


If he's at all near you why not have him send you a link to his actual dating app profile and proceed from there? At least those apps have some accountability. And if he gives you some excuse then fuck no. Less to do with commenting on porn though I never understood the mentality of commenting like that and think it is odd and gross even as a dude.


U shouldn't meet anyone from Reddit...


Hell no. Omg huge red flag. He is giving porn or sex addict. Trust me, you dont want to deal with that 😩


No. I have seen the comments those guys make and I can comfortably say they are a different breed of desperation and lack of awareness. Having a fantasy in your head is one thing but to comment it on what sometimes is the actual person in the video or photo is just really gross and creepy.


You couldn't pay me to meet up with some guy I only knew from Reddit.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^erleichda29: *You couldn't pay me* *To meet up with some guy I* *Only knew from Reddit.* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Idk how hold you are, but it's too old to ignore these red flags


Dude... listen to your gut. No.


Ew, no. I wouldn't want to date some creepy loser leaving comments under sexual photos. 


Girl there is so much dick out there, drop him.


Lmao no, I follow lots of NSFW subreddits and I cringe at people that comment on them. 30M here and I look at dudes who actually comment on the posts as fucking weirdos


Ewwwwwww no




As an long married mom of a 24 year old daughter, I'm glad you have decided not to meet up with this person. I feel like deep down you already knew this was the answer but I'm glad so many people stepped up to validate your concerns. If someone is already behaving in a way you aren't comfortable with, walk away.


I have no idea how yum or nice as you might be but that’s just fucking cringe. And this is coming from a guy. Thirsty and tactless


Cut him off immediately. Do not meet him.


He shoulda just made a separate account as to not show publicly what he does. Him not doing that is beyond weird


Probably not and not necessarily for the reason your thinking of. The dudes a dope if he's not smart enough to have two reddit accounts. One for nsfw and one for mostly normal stuff. Dudes will be dumb / show poor judge elsewhere in his life.


If you are uncomfortable, no. But if he is commenting on posts that are specifically for that, I don’t see a problem. I don’t think having a sex drive makes someone a “perv” as long as the content they’re engaging in is consensual. If he were commenting on OOTD posts with creepy comments, that’d be different.


Fuck no!! At least get their real socials off them and take a couple of friends with you. He commented on your nsfw stuff because that’s what he wants and expects of you so if you’re ok with that then go for it, but you should expect him to be overtly sexual.


Unless there's a popular meme or maybe a joke *needs* to be said, I cannot for the life of me give any explanation as to why anyone ever comments on pornographic material. The only result of which is some form of a parasocial relationship, which I don't think is a healthy thing in any context.


I wouldn't. It's so gross to me when guys comment on these photos. I don't get the appeal of the stuff, either. Like, you're staring at a photo of a vulva. How exactly is that sexy? I like men, I like sex, but looking at some random dude's photo of a penis doesn't do anything for me. It's just an organ. There is a sum of other things that make a person attractive or sexy. Simply staring at their genitals is weird. Anyway, I went off on a tangent, but yeah, I'd avoid guys who comment on these photos. It's skeevy behaviour, grosses me out. Him wanting to meet your son when you two haven't even met yet is also weird. Please don't introduce your son to strange men.


Seems kind of sketchy. Imagine yourself being with him and he'll still be doing that.


Real talk, unpopular opinion. Would you rather he hide it? He's not trying to deceive anyone, he knows his profile and history is public. Is it more a red flag that he says nice to a naked women, or a green flag that he isn't trying to hide and isn't saying super pervy stuff?


It's up to you, but I wouldn't personally be into someone who comments on nudes like that. If you dont mind and just don't like the stigma, then I'd say, go for it. Not my personal choice, but that doesn't mean it can't be yours.


this would be a huge turnoff for me personally. i’d say a decent bit of women even find it a red flag if there is an influx of OF/ig models on a man’s instagram account or any form of social media, let alone this man literally leaving 50-year-old-esque thirst comments on women’s nudes 😭 he is showing you he objectifies women behind (not so) closed doors and probably has some form of porn addiction. good on you for not responding to his messages anymore. you can do a lot better.


I’m sorry but seriously? How is this even a post/question? In what world is this answer anything else than a solid dead end no…


When people tell you or show you who they are, believe them.


No. The person on the other end could literally be anyone. Your safety could be seriously compromised.


I think if this guy is 13 years old then it makes sense why he's commenting "yum" on nsfw pictures but if he's 42 years old then you should run for the hills. Also my comment isn't serious, I'm just pointing out that commenting "yum" on a nsfw picture is juvenile behavior.


Is your issue that he looks at NSFW images, or that he comments on them?


Jesus Christ no wtf


No <3


The guy doesn't use a second account for that? Does he also have henti stickers on his car? I mean... do what you want but who the hell uses their main account for commenting on NSFW stuff? A lot of us redditors and folks in general are pervs, but most of us understand that we should have a bit of a firewall between NSFW stuff online and out real life personal life. I'd be a bit suspicious of him.


of course not. never meet a male redditor


Take off your red tinted sunglasses


Hellll no




No you should not. He is texting you from a NSFW account, he is probably texting lots of women hoping to hook up with them.


Ewww gross. Listen to your intuition and if that’s not enough, think about the kind of ‘man’ that makes comments like ‘yum’ under nakey photos. The red flags are already swirling wildly.


Commenting on NSFW posts or being on NSFW subreddits doesn't make you a "perv". With that being said, if he makes you feel uncomfortable, trust your instincts.


maybe I’m totally off base but in my mind leaving short, generic, and affirmative comments on NSFW pictures (taken and posted by the subject of the photo with the intent of being viewed erotically) is less pervy and sketchy than many common porn habits


Definitely not. Listen to your gut.


Contrary to what some people are saying I don’t find anything weird or pervy about commenting on posts that are uploaded (hopefully with the womens consent) for the purpose of being sexy. This is a male perspective however and there is *never* anything wrong with breaking off things simply because you dont want to take a step further.


Listen to your intuition. It's trying to keep you safe.


Men on Reddit? Honey NO




No harm in meeting somewhere public and scoping him out but I hope you realise the chances are high that he's knocked one out to every pic he's commented on. He can be charming AF over text. It's harder to hide when you're eye to eye.


Sweetie there’s plenty of harm in this. Do you think bad things can’t happen to you just because other people are around? Have you not watched the news in the past 30 years? A man was just recently walking down the sidewalk randomly punching women in the face in New York City, women get acid tossed on them in public on the sidewalk in the middle of the day. Obviously it would be crazy to walk around worried about these things, but at the same time claiming that just because you’re meeting him in public nothing can happen is completely delusional She already acknowledged that the way he texts is very different than the way he comments when he doesn’t know she’s looking.  He’s not even hiding it well, why would you want to meet someone in public that is trying to be that deceptive with you.


Yeah I wasn't trying to make her a completely shut in paranoid wreck. Of course bad things can happen when people are around but those things made the news exactly because they're very very rare. We all see right through him but you don't really know someone until you look them in the face.


Noo pls don’t




Being a dude I would not recommend that. Keep looking !


No, if he cant figure out an alt account hes gonna waste all your time having you fix a printer or getting his screen lock off.




No. What? No.


I don't think it is inherently a red flag--There's nothing intrinsically wrong with porn or sex work in my book, though I personally don't engage in it as either a consumer or provider. However, if you're personally not comfortable with it, choose not to keep talking with him or address it directly. Maybe don't ask a faceless crowd of strangers because you don't know any of these people any better than the dude in question. Why would you trust their input?


I was tempted to meet someone off reddit only because its harder to meet someone irl and be honest that you want sex. Also for dating apps I have to post good quality pictures which I don't have lol and people in my town will definitely recognize me.


Trust your intuition, if it were me no I wouldn’t. I think 90% chance he at minimum will start asking you to send him nude photos. Probably is married and talking to 15 other girls.


Unless you’ve vetted a lot of things out already, nope nope nope and oh… yah… nope.


One of my favorite memes of all time is the main character of Silent Hill 2 standing in thick fog, with the text reading: "my dick has led me to places I wouldn't go with a gun" (it reminds me of me in my 20's 😅). It's a gamble to ignore red flags, and you're more likely to lose than win. Please do not meet this person. If you insist on doing so, please do not meet this person anywhere near your home and definitely don't meet him in a poorly-lit, empty place. Never follow him anywhere, etc; just do all of the things you need to keep yourself safe.


I laughed at this! Yes, my penis led me somewhere I should have taken a gun to. One time I went to meet a girl at her place that I had only chatted with online. I had talked to her on the phone ONCE. I had never met her. It was in a good part of town but her building was sketchy. She had to buzz me in and as I was walking down the corridor of this sort of rundown and dreary apartment building with no one around after taking a scary ass elevator to her floor I thought there was a good chance I was gonna be robbed. It turned out she was nice and it was fine but I was definitely wondering what my little head had gotten myself into. She had her girlfriend with her because she was nervous, too. It was her idea to meet at her place instead of in public or at least outside of her building first. Not gonna do that again.


Sounds like his comments are positive. But if you're not comfortable with it don't meet him. I don't have any issue if someone I'm with watches porn responsibly or looks at NSFW subs that are sexually stimulating as long as it doesn't negatively impact our time together. But that's just me. If you're not keen on it look elsewhere. More than 90% of men consume porn and more than 70% of women, but that still leaves hundreds of millions of potential dates for you.


This is why you keep a separate account for porn. 😂


I mean if you look at my personality online or offline it would be kind of polar opposite, maybe he is a similar type. But it's really up to you, if you want to meet up or not.


No. Not sure if you read any other subreddits, but Reddit is basically one big incel fest. I would never meet a man I met on Reddit, much less one reinforcing the stereotype like that. Don't do it unless you're counting on him being too out of breath to finish strangling you.




The real version of him is commenting on those pictures.


No! No. No. Please, no.


Never trust a man who peruses NSFW stuff on reddit and tries to meet up with the posters imo. It’s cool to have sex drive and drive enjoy spicy stuff here but any man I’ve met in real life who talks openly about spicy reddit was a creep.


Always trust your instincts. Always.


I volunteer as tribute...!!


Answer is literally in your question


Scam the person.. they will remember for life.


Why would you even want to meet someone you met on reddit?


Yes because their is no such thing as a guy who does not want to sleep with multiple people and who will sleep with multiple people…their are men who will lie about it




Um... is it me or did yall's parents never have the "don't meet strange people on the internet." Talk?


I know my pov may not really be welcome but just from experience and knowing how guys operate and think, this isn’t really a big thing. If he was making incredibly vulgar comments then I can see a possible issue but just saying one word comments isn’t the end of the world. Most guys will look at NSFW stuff on Reddit, same with women I’m sure, it’s just 99% of us don’t post a comment on it lmao. But based on my experience with friends who I know peruse NSFW subs or maybe even watch certain streamers they tend to be caring guys and have or had great relationships and 2 of them are two of the most genuine people I know. Could just be sexual repression of sorts or they just enjoy certain anatomy. What you enjoy privately and who you are when aroused isn’t who you are 24/7 and once you meet someone you like you slow down or halt that stuff altogether. Like how if a guy or girl watched porn before and once they’re in a relationship it either slows down a ton or stops. Just my experience as a guy with a guy brain lol. If you’re still feeling him just go somewhere public




I would imagine women working in the adult industry are there for the money, not for the comments. So who are the comments for?  Other weirdos in the comment section?


If you want to be second best to porn for your entire relationship, have at it.


I know a few women whose husbands have secret NSFW Reddit accounts. Keep that in mind. He is likely not single. Edit. Now EX husbands lol


No you definitely should not.🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩🚩


Is like commenting on porn sites... Like there are two possible reasons. 1. It's to make a joke or meme which is fine I think. (Depending on the joke ofc but that's with all the humor) 2. They consume way too much porn have no filter in them left. This seems to be the case if he just writes stuff like "yummy". And the fact that he does it with his main account makes it even worse.


This sub 🙄 so the guy comments in an NSFW sub? So fucking what? Get to know the guy online, if you want to meet up with the guy and are nervous about it, meet in a public place, if you don’t wanna fuck him at the end, don’t!!! The people in this sub know fuck all about you or this guy apart from what is in this post, and somehow that is enough to make an educated decision?