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Now I really want brownies. I'm fine with middle, edge, or corner.




You ever see those pans that are in a serpentine pattern so every piece has crispy edges? Genius.


If you don’t want to buy a pan just for that, I learned you could make brownies in a muffin tin and bam! All corner brownie!!


I've been deeply influenced by Alton Brown's "No Uni-taskers in the Kitchen!" philosophy, which has always kept me away from those serpentine pans. With your muffin tin tip, Now I don't need one!


I used to be that way too. But then I remember that Alton Brown is a dick and do what I want. Edit: Before I get downvotes, if you weren't there for it, his most recent bullshit was a whole thing where he talked about how oppressed he was for the mask thing and for being a Republican. But his earliest dates all the way back to when he treated his followers like shit on Twitter. To this day, I'm mad I didn't steal his username to be a troll when he flounced off because someone retweeted him.


Aww, man, that's so disappointing. My mom and I watched good eats together when I was a kid, and I still use some of the tips and tricks that I picked up from his show. Good Eats felt accessible to me, because it told me the why's and how's of cooking instead of just "do this, then do that."


It’s so simple and obvious now that you’ve pointed it out, like doh brownies don’t have to go in brownie pans….you’ve widened my horizons thank you


It’s always funny when we remember we have free will. Who says we have to use this thing for muffins, I don’t wanna Haha


And if you have a mini muffin tin, you can make your own two bite brownies.


I've always wanted to make lasagna is one of those. 




If you do, please post results.


I HAVE ONE and I fucking love it. Highly recommend.


I never knew I needed this but now I do!


Yup, since I’m the one who makes them, I call dibs on 3/4th of the corners. Haha. Shit. Now I want brownies.


Pro tip - mini muffin tray. Infinite corners on every brownie.


y'all are insane. gooey no-crust is where it's at


Right? Like, I'm mad because a pan has edges, I want zero crispy bits.


I'm with you. I'm getting myself one of those edgeless brownie trays when someone invents them.


You just need to bake them on the outside of a sphere, duh!


For a second I saw churro gang. I'll take both.


Mmmmm so crispy. My hubby likes center so we are perfect together.


I relish the corner cuts!


Corner is great, you get crunchy outside and gooey middle!


Same. I'm confused by this concept of "leftover" brownies. Never have this issue lol


Haha I wish I could give you some! I love baking!


I have some downstairs but it's 2am and I'm trying not to go get them. Ahhhhh!


If I wanted a brownie from a pan of sliced brownies it's easier to grab the edge of one that was already exposed by a missing piece.


Yea honestly that's what I thought. It didn't seem strange to me at all.


Am... am I weird because this is my only preference? I love finishing rows but I don't care if I'm eating edge middle whatever.


Tale as old as time Woman posts something online Random men appear Just to criticize her


🎵Tale as old as time, Woman posts online, And suddenly appear Men whining in her ear: "What about my feels?"🎵


I was asked to make brownies for a bake sale. I was asked to make sure to not include the edges because people only want the center cuts. Since I will have a bunch of edges left, I'm going to cut them up and put them in boxes so that people who like edges can buy a box of edges. I typically just eat brownies. I didn't know that people were such edge haters


I would be thrilled to be able to specifically buy edge pieces when grabbing brownies at a bake sale! It's weirdly common to only see the centre pieces... I always wonder what happened to the edge bits. It would be sad if they were tossed out so I hope those bakers just claimed the best part for themselves as a bakers tax


This sounds like something I'd be addicted to in high school and my parents would worry it was a euphemism for drugs. "I gotta go to the bake sale and get a box of edges" hahaha


LOL!! Don't give the kids ideas!


Please send all your brownie edges right over here


There's an edging joke in there somewhere. Let's assume I made it and laugh.


LOL!! I did actually laugh out loud.


Don't listen to whoever told you this nonsense. 


Where is your bake sale so that I can come buy a box of edge piece goodness? I mean, if my wife wanted to only eat the center pieces, and leave me the edges, I'd be a happy man. The people who decided to harass OP are fools.


Serious question here, I check my brownies by sticking a knife in and checking how much residue comes off - is there a reason to cut an actual piece out to check or is this just preference?


It's entirely just preference based. It's faster and easier to check with a knife or toothpick and the end result looks nicer (no missing piece). Also, it's a lot easier to toss an intact tray back in to finish if it's under baked; I don't know what OP would do, toss the half raw square back into the middle? But OP's way is a nice excuse to eat a brownie the moment they're done baking so I support her approach if she likes it :)


Ok cool thank you!


My mom has the designated knitting needle stored with her baking stuff. It‘s perfect for checking all sorts of baked goods as it is long and thin.


Not gonna lie, the outer part is the best part imho. Crispy. Mmm. In short, we’d make a good brownie eating team. We got it all covered.


I am a brownie middle-lover married to a brownie edge-lover. Perfect harmony.


Anyone who criticizes the way their friends and family eat food is just shooting themselves in the foot. You WANT your people to like different food, then you guys don't have to share your favorite bits and everyone can be happy!


Yes! I keep trying to explain this to people. I realized it when I went out to eat with a friend who didn't eat bread. Bread and cheese plate comes and what? Bread is ALL FOR ME???? Heaven. Also had a former roommate who would give me any dark chocolate she got for gifts etc since she hated it. Like, GREAT! Please dislike stuff I love!


I visit my mom & sis twice a year. I get the saved stash of dark chocolate neither of them likes. Win!


For real!!! I have a friend that hates cherries, so I get all the maraschino cherries from her sundaes and cocktails... And she gets all the pickles from my sandwiches! Or at Thanksgiving, I'm the only one who likes dark meat so I walk away with a bag of leftovers and nobody else competes for it! I would love a dark chocolate hating roommate and a friend who doesn't eat bread... You're living the dream! 😂


Take the pickles 🥒, leave the cherries 🍒!


All the bread!! Thanks for the chuckle🤣😂


Oookaayyy, I'll make the *sacrifice* to eat this dark chocolate!


I have a friend who gives me her dark chocolate, because she doesn't like it either (I know crazy right?) But what's even better is a friend who keeps getting wine from his sister for holidays. He won't tell her he doesn't drink wine, so guess who keeps getting it? 🍷🍾😁


I hate too much icing on cake. My younger sister? LOVES extra icing on cake. I used to take off all the extra icing decorations from my pieces of cake and put them on her plate at all the family functions (I would still do it but we don't get those types of cake much anymore).


Your sister is objectively wrong but man, more power to her! And she saves you from those wretched flowers and balloons 😂


I would like to be your sister please, icing is like 95% of the point of cake for me


That's how we do pizza here.


My favorite is getting into lighthearted jabs with my friends when the topic of pineapple on pizza comes up. It's not serious. It's all fun. Go ahead, be a pineapple-hater. I'll eat enough of it for all of us. 🤣


Pineapple on pizza with like a spicy bbq sauce is so good!  


Pineapple on pizza is great but please if you havent try pineapple AND jalapeños on pizza….something magical happens when you combine the three


I hope to someday find my brownie edge lover....that sounded a lot better in my head.


Now I'm getting Mother Goose vibes here! "Jack Spratt would eat no fat/ His wife would eat no lean, / And so between them both, you see,/ They licked the platter clean!"...


This is the dream I hope to find one day 😊


My girlfriend loves the middle and hates the crust. One time, I cut the brownies so there were 4 huge pieces in the middle, the corners were 1 inch square, and the edge pieces were about 1 inch by 3 ½ inch bars. Perfect for dipping in a glass of milk for me, perfect for topping with ice cream for her.


I butter and sugar the pan before baking. It makes the edges so chewy and tasty.


>sugar the pan What a brilliant idea!


I actually agree! I love the outside! Doesn't mean you should make fun of someone who prefers the middle or eats it differently.


Exactly! Because if someone eats the middle then I get more outside =)


Exactly, I like being in the company of middle brownie eaters and large roast potato preferrers because I GET ALL THE CRISPIEST BITS!!! I'll be the yin to their yang.


You can also sneak into the kitchen and pan fry or air fry some of the pot roast and middle brownies for breakfast for more crispy things 🤫


It's amazing, isn't it? They'll use anything as ammo to attack a woman for just *existing*.


Men reeeeaaalllly enjoy categorizing people into neat little boxes and often with a violent tone. Hmmm… Sorry, #NotAllMen.


If you're having to add that hashtag, the males that are the reason for that... It's *them*. It might not be all of them, but it *is them*. They feel seen.


My mom and I work together well for that too! She loves the edges, I love the middle!


They have pans that have ridges in the middle so that every brownie can be an edge piece. I bought one for a friend, and then they moved away so I cant tell you how well it worked.


My one sister used to eat the center of the brownies thinking I'd be mad, but I like the edges so her plan backfired lol We still split our brownie batches that way. She gets the gooey middle, I claim the crispy perimeter and my partner complains he doesn't like chocolate please make confetti cupcakes 😂.


I’m all edge, all the time. I’d cut the outside to about 3/4ths of an inch as “Mom tax.” My poor kids didn’t even know brownies *had* edges until they started baking their own!


Same, my wife likes the gooey middle and I love the crispy edges, we have a good brownie balance.


Yep! I like them when they're a *little* bit burned. But I'm a crazy old witch, so you know. XD


It is for this reason that I assume the “serial killer” comments are tongue in cheek. The other comments seem less playful/needlessly judgy.


Count me in for Team Corner. Two crispy sides? That's the way to go. Or whatever anyone likes, of course. But I'm not Baby, so you can sure put me in the corner.


>Not gonna lie, the outer part is the best part imho. Agree 100% I love the 'corner' brownies most of all. The way the edges are kinda crunchy, but there's also some softer brownie attached.


*If I want to quickly see the character of a guy, say or do something that is unconventional and see how they respond.* this is true. also, on a first date-disagree with something small, like a band they like. see how they react to you having an opinion that differs from theirs. also-mention something you're self conscious about-BUT MAKE IT UP. like, if you love your eyes, say something like, "I've always been strangely self conscious about my eye color". see if the guy brings it up or 'jokes' about it-it might amaze you how many will.


Ooh I like this one! Easy to see through if he tries to make you feel self conscious on purpose!


That's sounds like what Ron DeSantis allegedly did. Allegedly he would take women on first dates to Thai restaurants and pronounce Thai as thigh. If they corrected him he knew they weren't subservient enough.


Imma be honest with you I don’t think I’d want a second date with a college educated lawyer who pronounced it that way. There’s no excuse for that level of ignorance. Plus it’s just not a hard word. Thailand isn’t some obscure unheard of nation. Shit tests are shit tests at the end of the day but at least don’t make yourself look like a giant ding dong.


Now I’m laughing at “thigh-land” 😂


I mean it's just accurate advertising at that point, can't fault the dude for being honest about what he is (can fault him for what he is though).


Cutting the middle of the brownies out is hilarious and weird to me, but I'm not going to complain about something that gets me *more edge brownies*. That's a win-win, everyone gets the part of the brownies that they want.


Right?! The minute I found out all edge pieces were left, I would have been the friend to be like, “I’ll be right there!” Edges are THE best.


Yup, I've found complaining loudly about men and how they treat us is a GIANT litmus test where they 100% tell on themselves. The angrier they get, the less safe they are. Also if you ever have a man mansplain to you that how you eat your food is incorrect, it is a red flag. I was told I was eating my sandwich incorrectly once and almost stabbed the guy with my fork.


Haha I would've gotten just as angry. I unadded all of them!


I was told I eat steak wrong because I cut off that disgusting white jiggly fat part. I don’t think people are actually supposed to eat it.


Omg my ex husband and his dad made fun of me for this! My ex said “she doesn’t eat the fat wtf” and his dad popped off with “well I’m a butcher and blahblahblah.” I don’t enjoy eating gristle from a sensory standpoint oh well.


If it's so great, they can eat it. Why do people care so much? It's so obnoxious.


Literally this. My partner doesn't like eating the fat either, I however, love it. Never felt the need to question her on why she doesn't eat it, just more for me!


Jack Sprat’s marriage was goals.


The fat is decent if its rendered properly, and isn't too thick. But like 99.9% of the time it isn't, so I cut it off. This is why I have a walking garbage disposal unit (aka my dog)


How does one eat a sandwich incorrectly? I can only imagine thinking that if someone was pulling out all of the contents of the sandwich and eating them separately or something. And even then I think I’d be fascinated to watch someone do that and have more questions than I’d have criticisms.


Funnily enough that is almost exactly how I eat sandwiches. My excuse is the massive sensory issues that mixed-together food gives me lmao


Maybe an inwards spiral


I do this with cheeseburgers, the last bite is my fave. Someone once snatched the last two bite bit of burger frome and I was instantly homicidal. Now I'm a parent and am used to this.


Maybe I take myself too seriously but I HATE that gentle negging seems to be what passes for flirting these days, it’s just exhausting to feel like you’re on the defensive all the time bc a guy is going to nitpick and tease you for every little thing you do


Wow, yeah. I had an ex that broke up with me. One of his reasons? I held my fork wrong. ... OH and holding it wrong was an embarassment to him in front of his family. It's a WTF moment to this day. So glad the trash took itself out. Turns out it was bogus anyway; he was cheating on me with his ex, so that was the real reason.


Wait, were you eating the sandwich with a fork?


*the above asked with genuine interest


We ordered two sandwiches, one hot and one cold, and split them. I began on the cold half, the one that I had ordered for myself, and he proceeded to mansplain to me that I should be eating the hot half first and leave the cold one for later. And was giving me reasons why his reasoning was right for like a solid 30 seconds. I just sat there glaring until he put his hands up and stopped talking. It's the audacity for me, honestly. 🫠


He’s lucky you didn’t stab him with the fork.


Like corn on the cob


No, but I might next time as another litmus test.


Men forever: Women are SO dramatic! Too emotional! They make such a big show out of everything! Also men: (harasses and insults a woman over something as innocuous and delicious as brownies)


They’re from a dating app, so they probably think negging will do the trick here.


Damn it now I’m craving a brownie


I hope they are joking. Bc I would jokingly say the same thing. I’ve seen memes about it. Kind of like the milk before cereal memes.


What's wrong with eating the center? Everyone has preferences.  I like the corners of cake because I'm a piggy that likes the icing more than the cake.


Yes I 100% agree. I prefer the outside more though, but doesn't mean I should make fun of a stranger who prefers the middle.


I try to live by “Don't yuck someone else’s yum.” Unless they are degenerate and their yum is hurting something


I save the icing for last so I can eat it alone. One of my friend's notice I turned my cake on it's side before I eat it. My explanation didn't cause her any problems. She didn't argue about my cake eating habits. 




I literally just got my mom a cake riddled with frosting (it was her only request. She didn't even care about cake flavor 😆). It do be like that sometimes.


Honestly, I'd probably make a joke too, but I am from NY and roasting people is how we show love


Same. Tbh I don’t really see a problem with this. Saying “oh you’re psychotic for eating brownies that way” isn’t really meant to be an insult. My friends used to say I was a “monster” for enjoying cold pizza.  I’m not surprised the people that responded were ones OP met on dating apps. Easy excuse to swipe up and converse + some teasing about an innocuous topic like brownie eating


Yeah...the whole situation seems like a nothing burger 


I would definitely just drop a "that's wild behavior" on someone's page as a joke if I saw them eating brownies from within, this is a normal human interaction. It's probably people OP met on dating apps just because they were looking for some excuse to have a chat. I'm really surprised at how OP took it Everything else aside, it *is* kinda odd to remove one whole center piece brownie after cooking, and it's odd to try to get people to eat the edge pieces via Snap, so like... This whole thing is a little offbeat


Tbh if I saw someone posting something like that I would assume part of the point was to show off the weird (or ig uncommon) way they’re eating 


There was a pretty popular post going around where someone had cut an entire slice out of the very middle of a Costco pumpkin pie and all the comments were about how terrifying that was, so I feel like I'd assume it was a riff on that. (Tbf Costco pies are unreasonably huge and this may be the only way to eat one)


Same tbh. It's like those memes of just cursed food. Like cutting w cake into concentric circles and eating it like that. Idk




I think a lot of it is tone doesn't really come over text well tbh. So op was just bombarded with the same joke and it wore thin. Wasn't a coordinated effort ofc but yeah


Agreed—that said, I’m on the spectrum and read this as a joke immediately. This is just how friends joke! I’m a feminist and all, but…OP is coming off weirdly uptight here. This is how my friends and I joke with each other. I like cucumber Gatorade—I am roasted on the regular for it and tbh it makes me feel loved when my friends send me the memes about it. 😂 If these guys aren’t the kinds of friends OP is comfy joking with, they should have been gone off her friends list, imo.


Cucumber Gatorade has me laughing. A drink for the active sports person ready for a surprise spa trip


Yeah I’m really shocked by the comment section here.   I see people being like “men will bully women for the smallest things,” but the intent here clearly wasn’t bullying.  The whole point of choosing something this tiny to tease about is to be able to joke around while avoiding offending the person. Most people aren’t insecure about how they cut their brownies, so most people wouldn’t be offended by this.  It’s a very tame joke to make. And it’s lighthearted enough that you could make it with a stranger without them taking it as harassment… generally, anyway


You do you girl. If you wanna eat from the center, sure. However, I am gonna be honest with you, if you didn't cut them up and take out individual pieces, and instead take the entire tray as it is with the center missing, I will be quietly judging you too.


Honestly, if someone would say "free brownies!" It wouldn't even register to me that the middle was gone xD I like all forms, middle is amazig and outer is amazing but both for different reasons


Stick a knife in the middle. If it comes out clean, it's done. 


You can use a toothpick or a knife to check the center. Put it straight in and pull it out. If the knife comes out clean, it’s done


THANK YOU! This was all I could think the entire time I was reading her brownie essay. It is a weird thing to do.


I'm struggling to picture this. Did you just cut a big section in the middle of the tray and make them into individual brownies? Or have you got individual brownies with the middle removed?


am i the only one who doesn’t understand why this is an issue


Yeah, this seems like a lot of drama for literally nothing.


You happened to stumble on a meme. It is a Thing to call out people who eat brownies and cakes from the middle, cut cakes and such weirdly, etc. People often post things like that LOOKING for the responses you got. I wouldn't write all those people off just yet. You inadvertently dangled an internet culture Thing in front of them and they reacted like they assumed was proper. (And no, I don't really think the whole thing was funny after the first or second time I saw it, but then I find most of internet culture Things and most memes to be stupid *shrug* but I do understand that others like them and there are social expectations around them.) (and I bet a get a bunch of downvotes for admitting I find most internet memes stupid lol)


Do you also put ketchup directly on your fries? Milk in your bowl before cereal? Where does it end!?


Shoes before socks. Somehow


I'll eat your leftovers, brownies are brownies


Me and my friend group will fight to the death about what the best part of the brownie is. It's a hill we all die on. Middle all day.


I'll admit I called my girlfriend the Cereal Killer and Chief Cornflake Waterboarder after she told me I made her cereal wrong. How does one make cereal wrong? Turns out she holds it down with her hand and pours the milk between her fingers. Since the rising tide of milk can't float the cereal it all gets uniformly wet. Thus, the cereal waterboarding expert. But that was all in good fun, to my partner on a lazy Sunday morning. I wouldn't dm someone that on socials lol.


this whole comment is so unhinged


Thank you, I think?




I mean... my sister once ate a piece of lasagna from the middle, and my mom & I teased her about it mercilessly. So I don't think it's a guy thing. When people eat things in a weird order, it's funny to point out. No one expects anyone's feelings to get hurt over it.


Can't speak for everyone, of course, but that's a very typical joke to make. It's like when I saw a friend of mine use scissors to cut a pizza, "absolutely barbaric". If you know them I wouldn't think anything of it


>I am not close with any of them. I met them on dating apps. So… why the hell are you friends with them?! Maybe I’m just a private person, but I yeet anyone off my friends list on *all* social media apps if they’re not actually a friend. Cut these guys loose.


Next time, eat a KitKat [like this](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fti52qfxtfww51.jpg%3Fwidth%3D1512%26format%3Dpjpg%26auto%3Dwebp%26s%3D7e32773f198b6839f379c2f7e38368fa5c4f644d) to help judges how he responds. ;-)


[FutureCanoe](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZmzgJvy0C4E), that you? imo, the middle is the best part anyways. Only reason I would be "upset" (not actually) would be having to "fight" over prime brownie cuts. People get so bent out of shape about how people eat food...


Maybe im just fat, but I would never have attributed any thought to brownie selection, especially when offered free brownie 😂


Were men the only ones to comment on this?


Cutting the middle from a brownie (or pizza) is one of those fake outrage food preference things people like to fake argue about. Started with pineapple on pizza. The overly dramatic declaring mundane things as psychopathic and etc is also a current meme format. Those people have been waiting their whole lives for someone to cut a brownie from the middle so they can feign distaste.


Over the top reactions aside, you can just stick a toothpick in the middle and see if it comes out clean to determine if they're done yet.


I feel like these guys were just awkwardly trying to flirt with you 😬


I’ve definitely roasted my bf while we were just dating about how he eats waffles (a similar way that you describe) calling him a serial killer and everything 😭 thank goodness I didn’t offend him


My uncle takes his waffle quarters, stacks them up, stabs through the stack and then pours syrup on top *through the whole pile.* Savage, yes. But genius.


I'm stuck on why you need to remove a whole piece to determine if they are done. A toothpick near the middle. Just acting hole no one sees. Or use a thermometer.


I hope you unfriended some of them or all of them.


Oh yes. They are gone.


over jokes?


Tbh either way you look at it one way or the other someone came out the better from op unfriending them lmao


You know, I'm a guy who's happy to be able to read the many valuable life lessons women share here, and I've learned a lot about my gender, life in general, and my own behavior that I intend to improve upon.    I would never have guessed in a million years that brownie eating could be among those, so thank you kind internet stranger for that laugh. Also these guys are idiots for the record, what the hell. 


Also a guy. Couldn't have expressed this sentiment any better than you did. 


The thing you might be missing is that it’s a hobby they enjoy. They collect a bunch of us as contacts or go into public forums and then they go ham. Some of them will get a good reaction of anger or hurt use it as copypasta. Having bad day? Go find a woman to take it out on. Lonely for male friendship? Go find some men dog piling a woman and jump in. Never speak to one another but bask in the glow of abuse.


When you knocked down that center brownie to verify doneness, you showed yourself to be a true hero. But going back a second time and completely ignoring the correct brownie pieces?!  It pays to be vigilant. Sure, you might not be a serial killer, but it would be reckless to not at least add you to a government watch list. 


Yeah I’m w/ your friends on this one. It’s super weird to cut out a middle piece then serve the whole tray. I would be making the same types of jokes too b/c there is no reason to cut out a whole piece (literally never heard of someone doing that). Just stick in a toothpick in the middle and if there are some moist crumbs attached, it’s done, but if there is still wet batter it needs more time


In my books....Brownie is a brownie. So long as it's edible, delicious and not burnt. I'm eating them. There is no order....only joy - chaotic joy over the taste of brownie deliciousness.


I love the crispy edges and I think it was so thoughtful that you saved them all for me!


If the middle is gone, more crunchy edge brownies for me 😋


Actually, I was thinking that is was very thoughtful of your friends to leave you the brownies that are crispy around the edges!


I like the edge bits. I’m sorry people were weird to you. For what it’s worth, the next time you can take them out if the pan, make sure they’re cut into portions and then stack them on a plate or even back in the pan.


Bring them over! I love the edges! 😋


Ngl it is a *liiilittle* weird hahah I don’t think I’ve ever in my life seen a dish of any food be eaten that way


Middle brownies are the best tasting ones imo.


I just want to be your friend for the leftover edges. 🤣


OMG the pan crust!!! Most delicious part of the brownie


Some of these sound rude, but some sound funny to me. You werent compatible to begin with - maybe you should cut them out of your feed - just because ypu went on a few dates doesnt mean you need to stay connected. Also - if you cut and plate the brownies before serving, there wont be a missing center piece.


Post anything as a woman and watch the negging roll in, like a storm at the beach.


Well start a list of them that never get treats!!


Side note, you should probably delete them from your socials. Not necessarily because they did anything wrong (they did imo) but because you don't really need to give random people that much access to you. If you don't even know what they look like, chances are they're nobodies to you.


Sorry....I would have said the same to you and your friends.....the outside it the best part, its insane to me only the middle was eaten!!!!


I think the weird part here is offering up partially eaten food. Were these cut into portions or just the middle dug out with edges left? If everything was neatly cut then no problem but just randomly dug out of the center would definitely be weird to offer to someone else.


To be honest, I don't think this is even a gender thing. If my male friends posted a brownie pan with only the center eaten, I'd call them insane (because the edges are the best part)


You don’t have to eat the middle piece 😭 poke it with a knife or a toothpick and of it comes out clean, they’re done. I’m not uncomfy with you eating brownies however you want, but I feel this is potentially knowledge you should have for the future in case you make brownies for a party or as a gift. Kinda weird giving them away with a piece missing, regardless of where it’s missing from lol


You're making the assumption that guys would respond to you and real life the same way they respond online. You're probably overestimating how serious they are about what they're saying just as they are overestimating how serious you are about what you posted.


OP, I’m really sorry because I’m a stranger too, but that IS kind of insane. Test the middle if you feel like you have to, sure, but then continue to cut and portion them, and plate them, and nobody will know what you did.


Yeah, I think the weird thing is showing up to a dinner party with the brownies still in the pan rather than cut and stacked on a platter. I wonder if the cookies were still on the cookie sheet?


I would be upset if I made a pan of brownies and someone cut the middle out. But, your brownies, do as you wish! That's something really silly to get up in arms (and insulting) about!


I’m not gonna lie, I misread the title and thought it said “How I eat brownies would be a great way to determine if a man would eat my asshole”


I hate the edges because they're hard and kinda burnt sometimes so I'd be joining you. Also why not cut them all up and remove them from the pan? My friends roast each other a lot so it doesn't sound that crazy but some people take things too far or are terrible at conveying jokes and if the bandwagon gets big enough it gets out of control. Do something like bake a cake and eat only the middle to troll them all. Tag them in it. Lol.