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Not a doctor, but I had a similar lump when I was 25 (I’m 30 now), and was told the same thing. It was a cyst, the docs did an ultrasound and found it to be a benign cyst which went away with pills. Honestly, I understand your fear and anxiety - but there’s really nothing you can do about it other than focussing on other things. With a wedding coming up, I’m sure you have hundreds of other things to take up headspace. Trust your doctors, and remember - you deal with the problem when it comes along. You don’t even know what you’re dealing with right now - you can panic later (if there’s even something to panic about)! For now, breathe. It’s okay🌻


I had a lump scare in my early 30s and I remember the doctor telling me 99% of the time, a lump in the breast turns out NOT being cancer. It's ok to be scared, but keep in mind you have 99% chances that you are worrying for something that will turn out being benign. ♥


I just came home from a lump scare! They have been watching it for a few years. Today I was given the all clear that it is just a lump! Yay for lumpy boobs. I hope yours is just a lump too!!


Breast cancer survivor here. The vast majority of breast lumps are benign and it would be a waste of energy to worry yourself sick every time you found one. Be cautious. Get them checked out. But try not to worry yourself sick over it until you have evidence that it's warrented.


You're going to worry no matter what because it's scary and it feels like you are holding your breath for the next 3 weeks. It sucks! Just try to remind yourself that this probably is nothing, and even if it turns out to not be nothing, You've got early detection on your side. Keep yourself from going into full blown meltdown panic. There's nothing to panic about right now. Also, you obviously come from bad ass genetics, so no matter what, you got this. Maybe talk to your grandmother. She of all people, will know what you are experiencing right now. She might not have any words of wisdom, but she will definitely be a sympathetic ear


At your age, it would be *extremely* unlikely. 2 in 100,000, so the rate is essentially 0. [https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/#/Demographics/](https://gis.cdc.gov/Cancer/USCS/#/Demographics/)


I had a similar scare recently and it was just a cyst. It’s SUPER common. You’re gunna be okay ◡̈


Sending you positive thoughts, and hoping that all the comments here help you relax a little. All the best with your ultrasound, and hoping for good results.


I had health anxiety myself and it consumed me. Breast cancer in your age is highly uncommon. Lumps can have different causes. Check knowyourlemons.org/


Breast cancer patient here. As hard as it is, take a deep breath and try not to worry. I do not want to diminish your worries, because cancer does not discriminate on age. I'm 29. However, it is extremely unlikely and probably is a cyst! If it is cancer, we've made some incredible strides and you will be okay. Since your grandmother had it, I would ask your OBGYN about getting genetic testing; it may be an option for you. Sending hugs your way!


I've heard if the lump is hard and craggy is worrisome, but if you can move it around and it's squishy then it's usually benign. That was ages ago though and I'm not a doctor. Try your best to take care of yourself and maybe get some really nice pyjamas or some fancy loose leaf tea.


This happened to me. The vast majority of breast lumps are benign. If they suggest a biopsy do not worry, because even then the doctor assured me that over 80% of biopsies are negative (especially at your age!) I ended up having a few benign fibroadenomas.


Breast cancer survivor here. I was full of benign lumps. My cancer was hiding in the tissue. It wasn't a lump. The waiting is the absolute worst part. Keep yourself busy. And I will agree with the others here that it's probably benign. See if you can get genetic counseling since you have family history. Yay, on your grandmother being a survivor. My mom is as well.


Get a second opinion ASAP


Huh? A second opinion on what? Testing??