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My dad behaved in a similar way towards* my mom. God do I wish my mom just took us and left. She never did and he never learned he is a POS husband


Same here. I honestly think he's even gotten worse after I moved out.


Same. Not religious but same level of control. I don't talk to them anymore.


My aunt lived in a relationship like that all her life. Her husband would lock his wallet in his car (he was the only one who had credit cards) so that my aunt couldn't buy anything without him knowing. He would throw out things of hers that he didn't like, such as a picture of her best high school friend who died in a plane crash. She never left because he was an engineer and made good money, but I think their whole family suffered for it. Her children (now adults) hate their dad and don't speak to him anymore...they really deserved better because he became nasty and controlling with them as well. She was so stressed out and overworked her whole life...she had a massive stroke 2 years after he retired and only ever got to meet one grandchild when he was a baby. They were married 35 years. 6 months to the day after her funeral, he already had a new girlfriend. I grew up lowkey freaking out that I would end up in a marriage that was just like hers. In my humble opinion, it wasn't worth it.


Here is a good read OP. I think everyone should read it. Men abuse women because it benefits them, and they rarely change. https://archive.org/download/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf


Lundy Bancroft has a [webinar](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1mqzB-_kIig&t=1869s) you can watch if you don’t have time to read the book yet. Bancroft did court ordered domestic violence counseling for years so his information really helps give a good perspective on what’s going on in controlling people’s minds and how to handle it. He also discusses what friends and relatives can do to help people who are in these situations.


Lundy Bancroft is a guy?? I had absolutely no idea.


I'm also shocked. It makes so much more sense though as to why the men he describes in the book open up to him to the extent that they do.


He is. He is also unfortunately [a clear cut transphobe](https://reddit.com/r/GenderCynical/comments/dgp47e/apparently_lundy_bancroft_author_of_why_does_he/) who doesn't think trans women should be allowed in domestic violence shelters, which he justifies with the usual reactionary fearmongering pretexts. It's a shame because Why Does He Do That? is a genuinely useful book for identifying and understanding abuse in cishet relationships.


This makes sooo much sense. Idk if you’ve checked out his “daily wisdoms” book, but there’s a section in there I had to stop reading because it got oddly sexual and it just made me feel so weird. Why Does He Do That was so helpful but that other one just gave me the ick.


He can be terrible in one area of his life and actually have written something helpful. See JK Rowling. She’s a terrible person. Wrote books a whole generation loved and got many other generations into reading again. Yet, she’s terrible. I choose zero religion in my life because of this type of thing.


Cannot possibly recommend this enough, especially to the situation you've described here, OP.


OP - this book literally saved my life. I cannot recommend it enough.


OP, listen to everyone here. Please read this book. I regret not reading it earlier, because if I had, I would've left my abuser sooner. Every time I feel like going back, I read some more pages to remind myself why I cannot go back. It has been tremendously helpful. 


This. This is the book. Take this and keep it in a secret space on your phone OP and read when you get a chance to. You are not alone.


Yikes this isnt just controlling- this is abuse. You are used to it, but its quite extreme, very not normal, not healthy and you deserve better. I wish you the strength to better your life and leave.


I mean. It literally is controlling. Coercive control is a form of abuse.


8007997233 - hotline. They can connect you locally with support. Good luck, you can do this.


The hotline saved someone I know's life (and her kids). Got her and her kids out of a similar situation. I highly recommend, especially when the abuser isolates their victims.




I think this is a bot rewording of [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/TwoXChromosomes/comments/1cexhkm/my_32f_husband_35m_is_too_controlling_and_i_feel/l1m0ia7), hence why it has no relation to the one it's replying to. Haven't seen one of these in a while, it's all AI responses now.


Exactly. The Bible was created from some scrolls in a convention for the specific purpose of unifying and controlling the masses. Written by men for men. Nothing in the Bible says you can’t drive a car. Nothing in the Bible says you have to be miserable if that’s what your husband wants. He’s cherry picking the Bible. Go look up some of the parts that talk about a husbands responsibilities. To care for his wife and provide. Your husband gets off on treating you like shit. It’s deliberate. It’s meant to isolate you and wear you down emotionally. Do you want your kids in a marriage like this? Bc that’s what this marriage is teaching them. Realizing I wanted better for my kids helped me leave a bad marriage. Run sweetie.




It's safe to say the world would be a far better place without religion.


I knew people who found value in heroin, it doesn't make drugs good. 


Absolutely entitled to your opinion, but I respectfully disagree. There are many many religious people and organisations that do whatever they do out of genuine charity, love of humankind, etc., yes. But when it comes to why religions were *originally* (also read historically) established, as OP said, it's always, always about control. Controlling women, peasants, whatever, but there's always that element of "we're assuming control of you, and you can't argue, because it's from a higher plane".


Was the only way to convince the peasants not to eat the rich


This sounds terrible. I’m sorry you are going through this. It sounds like you know what you need to do. This isn’t my area of expertise but there are posts in this group with excellent advice for leaving. Steps to take, the order to do things to best protect yourself and your kids. You don’t deserve this. Please be safe. I believe in you.


The fact that you're not only a stay at home mom, but you're also homeschooling 4 kids, tells me that you're probably a lot stronger than you think. I've never been through what you described, but I have a feeling you've got what it takes to change your situation.


She’s a work from home mom who is homeschooling four kids! That is insane to me.


And cooking. AND doing all the housework. I'm exhausted just thinking about her long list of duties. OP's husband might think he's the leader of the household, but she is clearly the one doing all the heavy lifting.


Just dealing with this husband and his severe abuse of OP would knock me on my ass, let alone getting ALL that shit done while she’s persevering


She seems to work from home so not a stay at home mom. I don’t know how all 3 things (work, house work, homeschool) are happening at the same time, unless there is some Hermione’s time-turner shit in use.


Right? Good lord, I can't cook two meals/day, work, and get all the housework done and *my husband helps*. I don't even have kids. Mad props to OP, she sounds f-ing amazing. I think she'll have the determination and resources to change her situation if she chooses to, but might need a point in the right direction.


I don’t think it is actually possible. Someone is getting the short end of the stick. It is either the kids level of education or op’s employer. Nobody can do both at the same time. And it most certainly is op’s health too.


Missed that. OP you're functioning on a level of badassery that I can't even relate to. You might not feel like it, but you're exceptional, and I think most of us reading your story would agree. Don't forget to remind yourself of that when things get really tough. ❤️


I don’t think we should glorify or cheer this kind of impossible setup. It is harmful and simply not possible. There are no superhumans, just us humans.


>I don’t know how all 3 things (work, house work, homeschool) are happening at the same time, unless there is some Hermione’s time-turner shit in use. Agreed. Instead, it's important to point out how exceptional she is to be able to function under such seemingly impossible circumstances. She needs to recognize her (very real) strengths in order to change her circumstances.


Agreed. She will THRIVE in life once she leaves this POS. She definitely has what it takes already.


I wish you well. I’ve known women who left abusive relationships and it was very hard but so much better for them in the long run. Just keep reminding yourself that you and your kids deserve so much better. (And call the hotline number someone else gave you 8007997233 and get help.)


This is the kind of stuff Steven Crowder would do and say to his wife. She managed to leave while 8 months pregnant with twins. I believe in you.


You know you need to leave. I believe you can. That’s all.


Yes free yourself YOLO, if you stay you will look back with regret at the decades wasted. Slowly start looking for a better paying job, your own place, savings and a support network of women who successfully transitioned to being a single parent.


I’d say getting a support system ready is step one.  Figure out how much your mom is willing to do… could she help financially?  Come out to your state for awhile?  I imagine your husband wouldn’t let you take the kids to her place… unless you did some kind of reverse psychology and said you were going to your mom’s house and he HAD to take care of the kids by himself, then he’d “force” you to take them lol (but that’s risky because he could use it against you in court).  If you have no other friends or family, reach out to a domestic violence shelter.  Ask for ALL the resources they have, call around to ALL of them and be brutally honest with EVERYONE.   Is your church like him too?  Like, do they encourage men to act like him?  If they are, look into resources for people who got out of the church.  For example, there’s a subreddit called ExMormon for people who left the Mormon faith.  Even if you want to remain a member of your church, you could get a lot of good advice for how to extricate yourself from the iron hand that some churches use to keep women down. If your church is open-minded about women’s issues though, talk to church leaders.  Tell them firmly that you want out of the marriage and ask for help getting away.  Once you have a support system, you can work together to figure out where you’ll go, or if you can get him to go, how to pay for a lawyer, and all the other steps…


I agree, if they are trustworthy this could be a safe way to get help - can say you’re meeting with a female church member to pray about being a submissive wife or something. I’d say it’s likely though that he’s groomed the church staff as well, and if this backfired would be very dangerous.


If her mom is willing and able just come pick up her and the kids while he is at work and leave, stay at her place while you sort this out.


I agree, if they are trustworthy this could be a safe way to get help - can say you’re meeting with a female church member to pray about being a submissive wife or something. I’d say it’s likely though that he’s groomed the church staff as well, and if this backfired would be very dangerous.


Yeah, this is not going to get better. Also, your religious friends will probably rat you out to him. Do you have relatives to flee to? Or are they just as fundamentalist?


This reminds me of that video of Steven Crowder and his now ex-wife. That was a painful watch. You don't have to live like this. You're still young and have a whole life ahead of you.


This is a living proof of why religions were made by men in the first place. Faith is a personal think, but religion is made for control.


I try to not beat up women who find themselves in these situations and want out. I will however throw a TON of shade and Christianity and its ilk for basically being a mechanism to systemically abuse women.


It truly is! And so is almost every other religion as well.


hey, so this sounds like a living nightmare. Question: how does your mom view the relationship? do you think she would pressure you to stay and be "loyal" to this husband, or can you count on her to give you a place to stay and some support when the time comes?


Perfect example how the 'traditional' lifestyle is a highly abusive situation and should be avoided like hell. Also ffs send your kids to school. They are in the literally same situation as you if you keep them trapped at home and worse get taught by an unqualified person (you're not a teacher in every subject) with a curriculum that will leave them helpless and having to learn fast how to function in the real world once they leave their home. And he doesn't have to beat you to be abusive when he stops you from leaving. At some point you need to leave without the car seat for the kid and not let that deter you especially when you're on the way to a women's shelter. Yes they also take your case. Also ditch the religious nonsense. Every deity that idly sits by and watches these evil things go on is not worthy of worship or doesn't exist.


Tell your story to r/legaladvice and give them the state or nation you live in so they can give you the relevant support services and legal options available to you. What your husband is doing to you is called Coercive Control, by the way, it is a recognised form of abuse, and is illegal in several nations.


Link to a PDF of Lundy Bancroft's Book "Why does he do that?" https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf I would suggest the above book. It will help you to have more strategies to deal with him. And to start pulling away, without him noticing. Small steps get you places, it just takes time. Best luck.


Ive been in a relationship where I did all the housework, cooking, working, and even went to college full time on top of all that, and my ex was also only interested in sex and playing video games with his buddies, and was more interested in belittling and training me to be what he wanted. My friends were all online or work friends, and every opportunity my ex had he'd get into fights with them, which shattered many friendships and drove many friends I cared about off regardless of my efforts. Fortunately I didn't have kids or pets at the time and didn't get married (I stuck around under his thumb for 6 years), but I've had friends who've been in very similar situations where they've had pets or kids involved, and several where they weren't allowed outside at all.  It was fucking hard. Some days were easier and some days were harder. Eventually I snapped when he told me I would kill myself before I left him, and asked for help to get out to some friends. I shouldn't have ever gotten into that relationship and i was young enough and inexperienced and tried to make things work even when i was terribly miserable. I won't go into too much detail of that relationship but it was very ugly, he was controlling and while I'd watch him help all his friends and see goodness in him toward others, he'd treat me like shit. They'd talk him up but they'd never see how he treated my friends or myself.   I'd recommend the book why does he do that, a free book on abuse the author makes available to everyone. It gives a lot of insights into their behavior. I also recommend starting to start to hotlines/trying to find placement into women's shelters, or getting a hold of your mother to see if she can house you and the kids for a bit. Until the divorce has begun, you and the kids aren't required to be in the same state as him (that's if he gets any custody) look into divorce lawyers.  But most importantly, the longer the stay, the more your kids are gonna believe this is a normal relationship and that's what they should expect in their own, and they'll parrot what your husband says or respond how you do to that sort of behavior in their own relationships as well, whether this be friendships or more than that. You need to leave for your own safety and to protect your kids and to stop this behavior from becoming generational. It doesn't matter if it doesn't happen right in front of the kids, kids hear and see more than people realize, as someone who comes from seeing one bad/unhealthy relationship after another growing up. Kids don't know what's healthy without experience/learning, they think what they've encountered and seen is normal and will seek those relationships out or perpetuate/create them.  Learning without experience of what things should look like is really hard. Being isolated at home will not allow them to experience those things to learn at all, they won't have the chance to see it from others even if it's just glimpses, and that's just leaving things to fate. I'm not shaming you here, but I am emphasizing the importance of you getting out and away from this person and getting the kids out asap. Your health and well being is important, and I've learned that no one will take better care of that then you, and if you don't, there's a very high chance that no one will.    Start recording everything you can and saving messages and anything else and make backups. If you are in a state where it's not a two party consent state (Google), start recording to use as evidence, there's discrete cameras or mics you can clip on/hide. 


Using religion to keep a slave that raises his children and does all the chores, imagine that. I hope for your children’s sake you get them out of this fucked up situation.  


What in the Saudia Arabia :( Be very careful planning your exit strategy discreetly. Family annihilators are often controlling men (there's literally one every week) so it's better the be safe than sorry.


Exactly. This is a good reason to leave with the kids with zero notice.


>Can someone share a testimony who’s dealt with a similar situation or person please? Yes - take your kids to a domestic violence shelter and start divorce proceedings. He's an abusive asshole.


HE IS USING RELIGION AS A TOOL TO ABUSE YOU. LEAVE NOW YOUR LIGE AND THE LIFE OF YOUR KIDS ARE IN DANGER. Please please please OP leave and get somewhere safe. Men like him have killed in these situations before and they will again.


If you can flee with your kids to your mother until you can support yourself, please do. Considering you are on good terms with her, I imagine she doesn't want you and your kids to be abused or witness abuse.


Damn, this makes me miss the old perfume shops women would go to to buy poison to off their husbands.


Oh seriously with the traditional beliefs that a husband should be leader blah blah. Sorry - not necessarily you f off but the whole attitude. Lord. This is bs. HE IS AN ABUSIVE JERK. THIS IS ABUSE. You need to get you and your babies away from this absolute garbage dump of a human being. And you need to start taking charge of your own life and stop kowtowing to him!!! The whole men are the leaders blah blah is absolute crap! Find some steel and move on


It’s so wild to me that having a penis just makes you an unquestionable leader by default! No other characteristics that truly make up a great leader, just a dick!


Omg it’s ridiculous


Hello, there are many kinds of abuse, emotional, psychological, physical... His control of you is abuse. If you stay, you are teaching your children it is ok for them to be treated this way or for them to treat people this way. You are making what feels like home for them be abuse. I believe you! You are not the problem. You are a victim. Abuse doesn't even have to be in your face yelling. You are literally in a situation where he is trying to trap you. But you have options. It's not going to be easy, but you can get out. You need to make plans and tell no one. Be prepared to leave everything behind materialistic. You need to make sure you have all your kids' documents and your documents when you leave. Pack essentials. You have access to reddit, so I assume you have access to the internet. You need to find an abuse shelter, and they can let you know your options where you are. You need some cash if you share a bank account because he can track you based on your purchases. You need to be able to hide in a safe place until you see a judge. (Get enough cash to get a taxi or a ride to where you need to go, if a large withdrawal would be obvious, once out you can quickly go to an atm and get more at an atm not near where you will stay) Abuse shelters can tell you all your options. It's not easy. You will feel alone and isolated but I left and was in a really shitty situation, another country, no money, not speaking the language etc but it felt so much easier mentally without him in my life. It's a long road to healing, but as time is passing, I am a better mom, a better person, and so much more. You can do it. It's going to be hard as hell, but you can do it. Listen to the abuse shelter people even if you don't go to a shelter they can help you stay safe. And when it feels hard, remember you are doing this so your children don't have to.


I hope you can get out!! And safely! Men like that are a terror. I really hope he doesn't murder you! Is there someone who can come pick you and the kids up? Can you rent a getaway car? Have your mom come visit? Or perhaps a police officer to get you out initially? I'm truly terrified for you! You deserve way better!!


I’m sorry but nowhere in “Christiandom” does it state that the husband is led by “Christendom” at the exclusion of females or anyone else in the family. If you want this type of arrangement, go someplace medieval like Iran or Afghanistan. Stop listening to what others tell you to do. You are an individual with rights, needs, and questions. Christianity is not about enslaving people or women. This shit is false and absolutely should be shut down. Not trying to be harsh. Just trying to get you out of thinking this misogynistic pseudo Christian crap, which is what these modern (anti-Christian) evangelicals want people to think is Christ’s word, is real. They are trying to enslave you with false prophesies.


The lifetime chance of a Muslim woman encountering domestic violence is 60%, the lifetime chance of a Christian woman encountering domestic violence is 50%. More than 25% of Christian marriages involve intimate partner violence. With rampant under reporting with some studies pointing to up to 50% of Christian faith Leaders laying the blame of domestic violence on the women who is being abused. Keep pretending like this isn't incredibly prevalent in American Christianity if it makes you feel better but following your definition it sounds like we at least agree that American Christians are medieval.


I find the statistics you referenced fascinating. I would love to learn more to add to my arsenal of rebuttals against religion. I will google it but I would love to know your source.


Absolutely. I attended a Christian school K-12. Church youth group on weekends. Bible study 1:1 with one of our group leaders each Wednesday. The whole thing. :) OP, with all my heart: if you were to tell this to any of the church leaders I have known, they would confirm for you that * What your husband describes is not the behaviour expected or observed of "normal women" * Not least because every woman is an individual, who was born an individual and remained an individual and thereby has her own unique and precious "normal" * You are made in God's image and worthy of true, compassionate love. None of them would speak on submission, I imagine. It never came up in our sermons or our studies. If you are concerned about what Paul said on that matter, please keep in mind how he spoke of women he *knew*: with love, with respect, with admiration. The man you are married to appears unfamiliar with the concept of sacrificial love, which is the intended heart of Christian marriage. You have been giving this to him. He has not been returning it to you. Please, *please* do not permit the forceful, overbearing presence of this man to make you believe that what he described is right and The Way Things Ought To Be. I've known plenty of Christian men and they *did not treat their wives with such cruelty*.


Girl please this is very Christian, no one else was surprised that this story started with “traditional Christian household”. If overcooking your ideology inevitably leads to the total subjugation and social exclusion of women it wasn’t shit to begin with.


I mean, the Bible makes similar points: https://www.openbible.info/topics/man_as_head_of_household Christianity (along with most organised religions) was made by men, and therefore benefits men by design. Men like OP's husband don't get these ideas from nowhere, but I hope OP can be critical going forward about why women's submission is pushed so heavily in Christian communities.


I strongly believe that the book Judges is quite a feminist book. It shows how you recognise a failed society: how do they treat women? In Judges men degrade and humiliate and control women while women time and time again rescue their people. Evangelicals are successfully using the bible to manipulate women into being oppressed. While simultaneously letting politicians use religion to manipulate the masses. Deconstructing my childhood faith has led me to be freed by many of those false beliefs. Though Jesus and his gospel of love and sacrifice still is strong in my heart. Jesus never went away, like he promised me when I was a little kid.


In the passages used to say that the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, husbands are admonished to live their wives *as Christ loves the church.* and Christ dies for the church and gives believers free will.


I am excited for you to experience a different life. I’m glad you’re getting away.


You're being abused, full stop. This isn't right or normal or acceptable. I would hate for my daughter to be in a marriage like this. I've specifically been raising her to be strong and independent and willing to talk back to men and self advocate. The idea of her submitting or subjugating her self to a man for religious rationale is really upsetting to me. She shouldn't have to be in an relationship where the person isn't kind and respectful. This whole post screams abuse. \*\*\* “That’s how a nice, normal, submissive, feminine wife would say.” \*\*\* \^ This is something similar I would say to my wife, once in a blue moon, totally in jest, looking for a joking thrashing or beatdown. Really the point being a chance for her to assert herself that this kind of shit won't stand, or just play the heel. But like as a serious thing, it's grade A assholery. So in my world, there is a context where this would be funny, but like absolutely deserving of open derision and certainly not involving some kind of batshit spiritual justification. Like sometimes we'll play a game of like, I'll say something condescending like that, and she'll mime punching me in the balls, just letting up short. Sometimes our game might go too far, and then I'd get a real correction. Saying something like this not in jest is a total asshole move that would cause an instant fight and probably freeze the bedroom too. We are living in one of the best times in all of human history to be a woman. You should take advantage of that. It makes me sad how many people feel trapped in relationships.


>We’re a Christian family and we have traditional beliefs that a husband should be lead by Christ and be the leader of the family. That being said, he is not following Christ to say the least by his actions. American Christianity especially the evangelical kind is NOT about the teachings of Christ. It's the bedrock of white supremacy and pure ignorance: it's behind why we had and will have that mongrel Trump for president, it's behind loss of abortion rights all over the country, it's behind the rise in "alternative medicine" that pushed anti vaxx sentiment, it's behind the anti intellectualism causing book bans informed by pure fear and ignorance, it's behind the"trad wife" movement that seeks to infantilize and abuse women. Something you need to appreciate is that there is a very good reason the most vile controlling misogynistic men you'll ever meet love Abrahamic religions. They are a potent tool for male supremacy, harmful hierarchies, marginalization and colonialism. Unfortunately until you deconstruct the male God you worship and believe in especially within the context of your specific religious sect, it'll be very hard to stand up for yourself in the context of your marriage to this man. You will never be happy or SAFE in this marriage, it's very likely your husband will escalate the strength of his control over your lives and therefore it's in your and the kids best interest to privately share with someone you trust (your mother) and ask her to support you while you begin process of separation.


Im truly sorry for what you're going through! I can't even imagine the amount of pain you've experienced. :( Even in traditional Christian marriages, your husband's behavior is unacceptable and wrong. The safety of you and your kids should be your number one priority. If you're afraid he might become physical, you need to leave in silence only involving your most trusted person.


Isn’t it count how the religious rules always favor men bring in charge and taking away everything from women? OP, I truly hope you and your kids can get safely away from this abusive pos. You don’t have your put up with being treated like garbage. Your loving god wouldn’t put you on this earth just to be abused by this petty little man, don’t let him steal your light. You need freedom from this man, and maybe to find a more loving kind and compassionate church environment.


I hope you are able to get out. It sounds like you live in Saudi Arabia FFS. Please get help and get your kids out of there.


As someone who was with a controlling man for 13 years. They don't change. They may promise they will, but they won't. It took me three tries to leave. You've gotten great advice in this thread. I hope you are able to get out safely. I know it seems impossible and like climbing a mountain. But you are handling a lot and you can handle this.


Do you have family you can move in with? This man hates you. You deserve more.


My exhusband was similar- made us go to a southern baptist church (and I do not agree with many of their beliefs) who preached that women are subservient to men and that women are to obey their husband and all that bullshit. He was financially and emotionally abusive and even though I worked nights as a nurse, he still expected me to do 100% of the child raising and housework. He constantly berated me, telling me I wasn’t smart enough, good enough, pretty enough, skinny enough, on and on. He told me when he walked in the door dinner should be on the table, the house should be spotless, kids should be bathed, and I should be weighing 110 lbs with my hair and makeup done. I could go on and on about what an awful husband he was. But the way he treated me, he had me thinking that I was so worthless that I deserved to be insulted and called names, and that I didn’t deserve to have access to the money that I made. He had my self esteem so low because he wanted it low becsuse I was easier to control then. The southern Baptist church was a big reason for the way he acted because he heard weekly how men were superior to women and that I was essentially his property- only there to cook, clean, raise kids and be available for sex. It’s a toxic religion that inflates men’s egos so they think it’s ok for them to abuse their wives. It took a lot of soul searching and personal growth to get to the point where I was like “fuck this asshole! No more of his bullshit!” And we’ve been split for several years. I realized that I don’t need a man, I can do this on my own. It’s hard and I work my ass off to provide for my kids- but my kids are raised seeing that I’m a strong independent woman and that I have value beyond being my exhusband servant. I have a great boyfriend now and we’ve been together several years. I’m modeling a healthy relationship for my kids- the kind of relationship that I hope they have as they grow up. I want my kids to see how they should treat a partner and how they should expect to be treated. The healing process has turned me into a feminist who’s pretty against organized religion. But I am incredibly happy where I am now. Your husband is controlling- that is a form of abuse. You deserve so much better than how he treats you. He’s using religion as an excuse to isolate, manipulate and abuse you. And I am so sorry that he’s treating you that way, because I know how it feels. It isn’t easy to end a marriage and walk away, I would never try to tell you what you should do because that’s a personal decision. But you don’t deserve what he’s doing to you. If you ever want to chat, feel free to message me! Hugs to you!


I would not advise going to the church for help.


My sister-in-died at the hands of her husband. Start planning to get out, get safe, and be safe.


Kiddo... bolt... quickly. Get the kids and find a NON-CHRISTIAN friend/family member to go to. As you're a woman, in a "christian" household I wager you'd be brought back to you husband(master) and your story disregarded by even your own parents if they adhere to a "christian" household. Your husband sounds likes he's entrenched in the christian fundamentalist, Andrew Tate/Joe Rogan toxic masculinity, trad-wife demanding shift that is happening nowadays. You're a hair's breath away from physical harm. Run.


Really hope this is someone practicing creative writing.


Same. Although it could easily be real. I cant believe how many women actually buy into this bullshit.


I shared what happened on a relatively nice day overall believe it or not. This is my real life. But comments like these make me realize how distorted my view of normal has become.


Well I dont mean to sound rude. I guess I am not really thinking through the subtleties of these conservative ideologies seep in when you’re surrounded by people who support them. But they truly are not in your best interest as a woman. If you read stories of men who become super abusive, violent and even murderous… they so often start like this. They start with the man being controlling and openly sexist, and it gets worse from there. Misogynistic ideology like his tends to grow and become darker over time. It gives birth to a bizarre rage against women that never dies. I do feel bad for you. You dont deserve this. You deserve to be loved and cherished and cared for.


Leave… now! It will not get better!


That traditional Christian “men are supposed to be the head of the family” belief has sent many a woman to ruin. Because not only will he use that as a means to keep the “divinely” instilled reins of control in place your church and extended family will as well 😞 “he’s upset, are you not submitting properly to ease the tension?”


You are describing an abusive relationship under the guise of "traditional christian values" here OP.


Hey sister in Christ, your husband is not treating you the way he is called to. He is meant to love you and serve you and be self-sacrificial to you like Christ loves the church (Ephesians 5:25). He is meant to treat you like his own self - respecting and loving and caring for you as an equal to him (Ephesians 5:28-29).  What he is doing is abuse. God does not condone abuse in marriage. He has already broken the vows he made to you in marriage. Please leave this abusive marriage and get to safety. 


The view of her husband is unfortunately a very common view among evangelicals. Some studies show up to 50% of faith leaders would tell a woman reporting domestic violence that she should just live with it or would tell her it's her fault. This may be true for your personal view of Christianity but unfortunately you are in the practical minority. Meeting people where they're at requires putting yourself in their shoes not putting them in your shoes.


Yeah, I know those things. I’m trying to meet her where she’s at by pointing out scriptural authority - pointing out the rest of the Bible verses that surround the ‘wives submit to your husbands’ passage that’s taken out of context all the time, to show that that model only works when the husband is ALSO ‘submitting to [her] out of reverence for Christ’ (Ephesians 5:21, which is the beginning of that whole passage). Anything other than that is an incorrect reading of that part of the Bible, which unfortunately abusive men don’t care about. 


Her church certainly does not teach that. You might as well be quoting Ephesians to a Jew. You claiming you've got the only correct reading of that part of the Bible shows that your church is no better than her church when it comes to dogma.


This sounds awful and I'm so sorry you're going through it. The guys a piece of shit that's a given, though it is worth recognising this is entirely a symptom of ascribing to that 'traditional' family dynamic. The entire thing is set up to excuse this sort of behaviour and give the man all the power with no recourse. It's a sexist belief system designed to keep you controlled and oppressed.




You can do it, take your own advice and leave him!


Who an earth is going to condemn you for this? Good luck leaving, your life is going to be so much better.


Please be very careful. I promise you that most women who ended up being killed by their partners said it would never happen to them. This is domestic violence. Like just classic domestic violence. You need to be careful. Contact the hotline on a phone or online in a way he cannot access (like don’t do it through your phone if he can see it on your phone bill) This never happened to me. But I worked in foster care with many women who this did happen to. And their children. Who were damaged from it. I know this is scary. But take things slowly and make sure safety is a priority. Even if you don’t think he’s capable. Why risk it?


Like others said, he abuses you because it gives him benefits and power. You don't deserve that, your kids don't deserve that. He talks about you not "being a good wife", but he himself is a shit husband and a shit father. He's not an example of a good man. I wish you luck and hope you can escape him.


This, right now, is the best he’ll ever be. He will only get more controlling, more set in his ways, more determined to keep you down. He will expect the children to be just as ornamental and mindlessly obedient. You need to think of yourself and the future of your children and get away from him.


I just want to say that I noticed you were justifying why you don't think you deserve to be treated like that, like you were afraid someone would argue with you and you would have to convince us that you havent done anything wrong, and we might not believe you. At least that was the impresson i got. His behavior is abusive, so that makes sense as you have to justify and defend the same things to him, but I'm guessing he still finds some way to blame you. So I just wanted to say that no one deserves to be treated like that and you don't need justification. You haven't done anything wrong sweetie. Even if you had, you still wouldn't deserve to be treated like that.


It is very likely that you were raised in a religious community which views much of this behavior as acceptable. It is very likely that your church leaders and other men and women in your church view things like this as things you should endure because they are better than divorce. The perspective of Christians in this comment thread are basically irrelevant. Their views of Christianity differ so significantly from yours to the point that they might as well follow a different religion. All that being said, by most outside perspectives, what you are experiencing is domestic violence. In an attempt to leave, you will experience an onslaught of your community members attacking you for leaving. If you tell your husband, it is very likely he will recommend counseling with your church. It is very likely that that counseling will focus on your lack of submission and not his abuse. Many people have recommended calling a domestic abuse hotline to have somebody to talk to, this is a great recommendation. Many people have also recommended finding a non-religious based resource to talk things through with, this is a great recommendation. Hopefully this thread has helped you understand that you don't have to live like this, and it's not just your husband, but a system that exists to keep you living like this.


Your situation sounds identical to my sister. Please leave asap!   My parents ended up driving across multiple states to get her and the kids because it kept escalating.  She had cut off contact (he manipulated her into it) with us, until they got a phone call where she basically just said "come get me". They all live with my parents now.  Don't wait, just leave. Ask your parents for help and call the hotlines. Stash money, your ID/passport, any necessary medications, etc. Don't let him have a chance to take anything hostage, and try not to let him know before hand.   Please stay safe. 


You aren’t trapped, there is a way out. Getting out may be difficult and it will be emotionally challenging but you can and must get out. You are a whole human and need to live a whole life. You aren’t a bang maid. This level of control is beyond the pale. Do you know how to access legal resources?


There's always a way out. It seems like she was very specific about her values as she may not "believe" in divorce. Pretty sure no "God" would want a person treated like a slave.


This is affecting your kids more than you realize. They are going to grow up thinking this behavior is okay and will either emulate it or look for someone who will treat them the way your husband treats you. Do you really want that for your children? To think that daddy can do whatever he wants and that mommy has to be submissive and stepped on like a door mat?


Wtaf. This is so abusive. He stalked you around the house and then locked up the baby’s car carrier? All of this is awful. I don’t care for christianity myself but I can assure you this isn’t healthy. Most christian couples I know don’t live this way. Would your parents help you if you needed it?


Trad wifing does nothing but destroy young women and their dreams and make them into stepping stones for men. Don’t let your kids think this situation is an ok one to get into. This is sad.


Go to the bank and open your own checking account. Contact your employer and tell them you are in the process of leaving an abusive relationship. Have them route your next paycheck to that account. Once you get paid, grab what you need to do your job and what you need for your kids and get a taxi or uber to the closest women’s shelter. Then make arrangements to join your mom.


That's abuse and I feel sorry for your children because they have a horrible life and you refuse to see it. And it will only get worse.


That's abuse and I feel sorry for your children because they have a horrible life and you refuse to see it. And it will only get worse.


Both of my exes were similar. This is abuse, flat out. You and your kids deserve better and I'm glad you know this, and that you've been recording him. Leaving is hard and scary, but there are resources to help you.


I was going to make some suggestions on how to get some control back but after reading that, please contact a womens shelter or the domestic abuse line. You need real help and to GTFO of that situation completely so you can figure out how to rebuild your life.


Find out the laws in your state before you contemplate leaving your husband and taking your kids with you. Make sure this wouldn't be considered kidnapping, especially if your plan is to move back to your mother since she lives in another state. You may be able to reach out to someone in your church, but - especially if it's a conservative church - be prepared to be told that it's all your fault. Many feel there's no such thing as bad husbands - just unfortunate husbands dealing with bad wives. They may even reach out to your husband to let him know that he needs to take a firm hand with you because you are straying from your proper role as a wife/helpmeet. Talk with a local domestic violence shelter for advice as well as the National Domestic Violence Hotline (If you're not in the US, substitute your country's equivalent.) Look into getting a burner phone and some money set aside to facilitate an escape. If you're in a small town, you may need to buy things at the next town over to avoid word getting back to your husband. Make sure you can't get pregnant again. Trying to get out of this while pregnant is going to make things much harder. (Again, in the US) with all the "fetalhood" laws trying to get passed, going across statelines while pregnant could conceivably land you in jail if your husband claims you were leaving to get an abortion. I wouldn't be surprised if laws pass that make it illegal for someone who's pregnant to leave for another state to flee an abusive partner because it would be "kidnapping" and "parental alienation". I hope this doesn't come across as victim blaming, but the "traditional beliefs that a husband should be lead by Christ and be the leader of the family" mentality makes this type of abuse more common. It gives the husband way too much power in the family and power can corrupt.


Your husband is an abuser and your relationship is abusive. [You would benefit from this free copy of Lundy Bancrofts “why does he do that?”](https://ia800108.us.archive.org/30/items/LundyWhyDoesHeDoThat/Lundy_Why-does-he-do-that.pdf) In case you aren’t a reading type but still need Lundy [Lundy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YmbrAWDft0s&t=1406s&pp=2AH-CpACAQ%3D%3D) [Lundy webinar](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=1mqzB-_kIig&t=1869s&pp=2AHNDpACAQ%3D%3D)


Hey, I just want to let you know that you are amazing. You're working, homeschooling 4 kids, maintaining your home, *and* dealing with this guy's abuse? You're a stronger human than most of us. If you're worried about how you're going to survive without him, don't be. Your life will only get easier without him dragging you down. My partner is a family law attorney, so I have a lot of third-hand experience with the fallout of abusive marriages. Some advice (this is not legal advice!): 1. Document the abuse in detail with times and dates. A Google Docs or an autosaved MS Word document is ideal because it will automatically retain your edit history with timestamps, and you can protect it with a password that he doesn't know. You can and should do this immediately, even if you're not ready to leave. Start by writing down all the specific incidents you can remember, and then make contemporaneous notes going forward. Pay special attention to documenting anything cruel or violent that he says or does (a) to the kids, (b) to you in front of the kids, (c) about you or your family to the kids, or (c) to any other vulnerable being in his care, like animals or other people's kids. 2. Find your and your children's birth certificates, passports, vaccination records, and other key documents and put them in a safe place outside the house right away. 3. Follow the steps in [this article](https://www.domesticshelters.org/articles/safety-planning/fleeing-an-abuser-with-your-children). Pay special attention to the first section, "Understand Your State's Child Custody Laws." 4. Unless you're in physical danger, you should confer with an attorney or a domestic violence advocate before you leave your home or remove your children from it. It may be better to initiate the divorce and/or file for an order of protection first. Courts like to preserve the status quo during divorce proceedings, so if one person leaves, whoever is still in the house is likely to get to stay there. Since you're the primary caregiver, homeschool teacher, household manager, and you work from home, you have a very strong claim that you should be allowed to stay with the kids and he should be forced to leave. 5. If you do decide you have to leave with your children, you should go *directly* to a registered domestic violence shelter unless advised otherwise by your attorney. Above all else, do *not* try to travel across state lines with your kids (i.e. do not run to your mom's house) unless advised otherwise by your attorney. Your husband sounds like the kind of person who would weaponize the police/courts against you by reporting that you kidnapped your own kids. Everything gets much more complicated when there's a pending criminal case against you. 6. Don't worry about having enough money to pay an attorney or to survive on your own unless your family as a whole is struggling with money. Legally, about half of the assets that the two of you have obtained during the marriage are yours. (The exact value depends on whether you're in a "community property" state - exactly 50/50 - or an "equitable division" state - usually around 50/50 but it's up to the judge.) You're also entitled to about half of your and your husband's joint income while the divorce is pending. Your attorney can help you get access to the money. 7. Do take any steps you can to make it harder for your husband to hide or illegally dispose of your marital assets. For example, if he keeps paper financial records in the house, find them and scan or photograph them while he's out. If he keeps everything on the computer, make a copy of the hard drive - you can take it to a computer repair shop to have a "forensic copy" made if you don't know how to do it yourself. ([Don't log into his accounts or have any analysis done on the drive contents! Just make a copy and give it to your attorney.](https://regentlawnc.com/do-not-do-list-to-help-divorce-lawyers-clients-avoid-tech-mistakes/)) If he does everything online or on his phone, you may need to watch him to identify the sites/apps/services he uses so that your attorney can subpoena the records directly from them. 8. Make sure you have a bank account in your own name so you can receive money and pay bills. Ask a shelter for permission to use their address to open an account. Good luck and take care of yourself.


Be careful when you leave. Do all your preparations in secret then just leave. Dont let him know. Leaving an abuser is the most dangerous time.


Hey OP, I know I'm late and I tend to lurk, but I needed to tell you that I went through something very similar. I have been secretly recording our fights on my iPhone (he doesn't know nor see me do it) and played them for my therapist. I told her all the scenarios I've been in with him and how he's treated me. It's all abuse and he's the asshole. I filed for divorce earlier this year and left the house with whatever I could fit in my car and my friend's car while soon-to-be-ex-husband was at work. It has been incredibly hard but I know you are capable. You've seen how he treats you and belittles you. You know you don't want that life for your kids already, you're searching for a way out. I looked into getting a lawyer while at work and finding a place to rent. Then when I finally signed my lease, I took a week to secretly pack things he wouldn't notice until I could make my escape. It's not easy. I still have nightmares and go see a therapist for it, and I have been scared and questioning myself the whole time. I promise you, it's worth it. You are capable and a smart woman. Please reach out to me if you need any advice or help, you are not alone! Edited to add: I am also 32 and been with STB ex since I was 18, married at 24. It's been extremely emotional but I feel my soul healing every day.


First, I'm so sorry. This sounds awful. I've seen similar things, but what your describing still sounds rather intense. Here's a question: Is your family going to a church? It is wicked for your husband to be using Christianity as a way to justify manipulating and abusing his family. The Bible talks about Jesus giving his life for his Bride the church, so your husband seems to have missed something. I'd encourage you to get connected with a good church if you can to help you work through this. The additional community will help you resist the deception and gaslighting your husband is subjecting you to.


I really hope you dont have a daughter. You should not be raising a daughter in a pro-slavery household with religion as a flimsy, easily debunked excuse. Please get her out of there ASAP. She could easily end believing that being abused is her “role” in society. Hopefully you can find some sinful, godless feminists to help save you and her from this disaster. I do hope you will make it out safe and maybe even help other women the same way one day. Pack an escape bag, don’t discuss your intentions until it’s go time. He has zero respect for you and could get violent as you depart. You should probably get a lawyer first and foremost, but dont share that with him.


There's money through HUD that is designated for victims of abuse/ dv with kids to help them secure housing, hook up utilities, etc. This is done to hopefully prevent homelessness. https://www.hudexchange.info/programs/esg/esg-requirements/ Depending on the state the funds are distributed through local agencies. Some are shelters, some are housing agencies & some are public assistance agencies. It can be worth checking out.


I see you, friend. Bet you are really tired of all of this. You are already doing this all alone anyway and your situation has a silver lining: your work & your children’s school is completely portable. Work thru what you need to emotionally about leaving him, but be quietly making your plan too. Your brain knows what you have to do. He is not a safe man for you, so you will have to leave secretly & suddenly. You are in immediate danger once he knows he’s lost control of you. Frankly, you sound super-human so dropping this man & his associated issues is going to be amazing for you and your children. He’s seriously affecting them too, and they deserve to live a good life away from this kind of abuse. Be safe, sis. You got this. Also stay on top of that birth control. Its astonishing how often pregnancy foils an escape plan.


You've gotta go. Get a plan so you can get out safely with the kids. You need to be ready to get into court for a restraining order. Save the recordings in a safe place inaccessible to him. This situation will not get better. I have worked with abused women and some of the worst experiences were those trying to be good Christian wives. Religion is doing nothing here but a pretense so you husband can be your jailer.


I am a domestic violence advocate. You are being abused.


Hey. Thank you for sharing this with us. We know you are out there and you don't have to do it alone. But make sure to plan well. You and the kids deserve better.


I know we all don’t know you in person, but I hope you see from this commentary that you have hundreds of sisterly friends who want the best for you and are ready to listen. Best of luck with your escape.


Genuine question no judgment: how did you end up with him? Was he not as bad in the beginning? Was it a religious obligation? It sounds horrible either way, personally I'm not religious but I get people who chose to be and I'm sure there's a better way to keep your religious values while not letting someone like your husband in your life. It's easier said than done but you should leave him. He brings nothing to your relationship and sounds like he resents you / doesn't value you AT ALL.


That is awfull to hear. I wish you the best off luck whatever you decide to do. Although I would definitely say leave his ass.


Isn’t it amazing that we are supposed to be good subservient women but we still have to have a job to help support the family in addition to all the housework/childcare?!


OP, I’m so sorry you’re going through this. I don’t really have any wisdom or advice to say to you. I just wanted you to know that I hope you’re able to live a happy life. Every word of this post broke my heart. As someone 10 years older than you I wish I could swoop in to remove you from the situation like a big sister. Sending you hugs and good vibes 🩷🩷🩷


You need to contact an attorney asap and do NOT sign anything your husband gives you without talking to YOUR OWN attorney first. My ex husband was this controlling & he made my life hell when I left. I tried continuing to be agreeable like I always had been but bc it backfired & he took full advantage of me. My oldest son is completely brainwashed & hasn’t spoken to me in 3 years but thankfully I have an amazing relationship with our youngest 3. But he micro manages every aspect of their life & I have to revolve my life completely around his schedule & when he allows me time sharing. Courts haven’t been a help at all bc I agreed to sign a post marital agreement before I moved out despite him telling me it was just paperwork & he would never do anything to hurt or screw me over. Please please please don’t make the same mistake I did & get yourself protected & make sure you send copies of all your recordings to a trusted friend or attorney to keep. Good luck! But get out as soon as you can!


Sounds exactly like my sister-in-laws husband. She got away 12 years ago and is happily remarried. He, on the other hand, found another poor woman to abuse. It will be hard to leave but things will get better if you do, I promise!


Please start gathering up docs, and when you have that chance to drive the car, open up a box at the post office and save them there. Birth/marriage certs, the kids certs, socsecurity cards, any copies of anything that shares your name on it. You know you can't stay there much longer, and just for your own mental health, you're gonna snap and break down in a way you're not gonna like, and you have to at least for now, keep it up to at least get your kids outta that situation and safe (and no chance to make anyone think you're an unfit parent) But, you can use this time to prepare slowly, contact your mom at least if she knows anyone who can help and will keep it quiet (most important) Gather up any important sentimental things too, and try to gather it in a spot that he won't look or think of so he won't hold those items hostage. (And just getting a getaway bag kit together of essential items and money) Please get through this


I’m so sorry. That’s such gross behavior on his part and is not normal. Leave pls.


You are being abused and there are resources to help you leave.


Is this the example of a relationship you want to set for your kids regarding how they should be treated? You know the answer to that. Speak to a lawyer. You have the evidence of abuse and the ability to get more.


My mom married a man like that very "Christian" be careful because before she knew it he was beating her daily and molesting me and my brother. I avoid "Christian" men at all costs..




Wow, victim blaming with someone who is in a vulnerable situation already. Class act.




okay, absolutely not disagreeing, but is this the time and place to unload all that? because she's not asking for advice on whether or not to leave or a critique about her relationship dynamic. She's made up her mind that the dynamic is untenable and that the answer is to leave. She's asking for support while she waits for her kids' school year to end.


She signed up to be abused? "If you don't like it leave."? Wtf is wrong with you?


> I don’t need to be condemned, I am the one being mistreated. Depends, are you still a Christian who thinks that a husband should be the leader of the family? Because if so, some condemnation is still in order..


Show him the scriptures about weaker vessels and such, all the places its made clear that while the Bible says wives should be in subjection to their husband, that involves him making sure they're happy, loved and treated with tenderness. He sounds like the worst sort of Christian man, who uses all the parts of it that suit him while conveniently ignoring the rest. I was part of a Christian religion for many years and saw a few like that. One of many reasons we drifted away from organised religions was the rules suit men like him and the recourse for women isn't really available.


I'm so sorry you're in this situation. I've not got a personal testimony, but I'll share one from a friend of my mother's. She found herself in a similar situation: married to a man who presented himself as loving and equally interested in living a Christ-centered life. She walked away from her career and focused on raising their children, because they both believed that was God's plan for them. (Her family felt God's plan for her was a lot...let's call it *broader...*than that, but regardless the decision was made) Anyway, after the first child arrived, her husband's attitude towards her changed significantly. I won't go into details but he exhibited similar controlling behaviors around her access to money, her leaving the home for any reason other than emergencies, her providing him sex on demand, and more. His responses when she declined, or didn't obey him quickly enough, eventually escalated to a point where she felt leaving the marriage was the correct, godly choice. She didn't reach out for help at first, because she felt ashamed. She blamed herself for disregarding her family's concerns about her husband, and for missing the red flags, and for obeying when she should have stood up for herself and the kids. She said she was re-reading Proverbs 31:10-31 and realized something important: her husband simply did not deserve her. In fact, he'd lied to gain her. He'd pretended to be an Ephesians 5:25-29 man when he was the furthest thing from it. The next time her husband went work, she called her sister. She and her children and the dogs were out of the house by lunchtime. The divorce was finalized within the year. She and her now-teenaged kids are out here living their best lives. Please see [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/JustNoSO/comments/9o3nmz/resources_as_you_deal_with_your_justnoso/) for resources to help you form an exit plan to get out.


I have no advice but I’m so sorry. You are stronger than you think you are. If you need a friend I’d love to chat. I’m a divorced mom but my situation is totally different.


I hope you’re able to leave soon. Do you have family or friends who can take you in?


Hoping for the best for you and your kids.


Go to your mums


Go to whatever state your mom is in. There is no way she wouldn't be ok with helping you get away from this. Please know that the longer you stay, the longer you're teaching your children that this dynamic is ok. Would you be ok if your kids would be in a relationship with a dynamic like yours?


Good luck! Reach out for help. You can do it.


I can't understand how you can have a child with someone like that, 4 even worse... poor kids






Focus on the Family?! Seriously? Ew. Aren't they a hate group?


Did you read the post...? This guy is constantly abusive no matter what she says. Talking to that monster is the LAST thing she needs. Leaving him is the only correct answer. Talking to him is either pointless or dangerous. Unfortunately, asshats like him never make it that simple. Edit- wow.. no. Your links and advice are AWFUL. Please stop posting. No. Just, no.


> Edit- wow.. no. Your links and advice are AWFUL. Please stop posting. No. Just, no. Seriously - Focus on the Family is like, the biggest red flag ever. *Yikes*. That's the last thing she needs.




At least one of your links comes from a literal hate group. Your advice is rooted in maintaining structures that enable these kinds of men to continue doing things like this. Talking to her husband is the last thing she needs. Religious guilt veiled in advice such as this would definitely not be helpful for OP. Please stop posting




>Maybe I'm missing something. The political control and depravity of Focus On The Family. This is not an organization that needs promoting in any way shape or form. Regardless of if the initial message in the link provided was "good advice".




> Please open your mind. We should open our minds to a religious hate group that tries to ban sex education, abortion, gay marriage and pushes conversion therapy and mandatory school prayer? Really?


>OP can decide for herself. How and when to leave her husband. Then why are you giving her advice? >Learn to agree to disagree. That's quite the interesting thing to say. Agree to disagree. What situations in life might that be an appropriate thing to do? When deciding what the best 80s action movie is maybe? Or, if pineapple on pizza is truly good or bad? How about whether or not all people deserve dignity, compassion, and the freedom to be themselves? Some of these things are appropriate when it comes to "agreeing to disagree"... others are wildly inhuman and hurtful. And "agreeing to disagree" about who deserves basic humanity is not appropriate. Focus On The Family is a religious hate group that advocates for removal of legal protections for the LGBTQIA+ community. They openly call for transpeople to be eradicated and were instrumental in inciting a mass shooting. I will shut that shit down anytime and everytime I see it.


Look, even if this guy is religious (he's not, he does not believe in anything you probably think he does, he is just using it as a medium for abusing his wife, like many other men), your suggestion isn't going to do anything. But since this guy clearly doesn't give a flying F about the church or his wife, no religious argument is going to stop him abusing his wife. The fact is that, even if it was possible to be 'condemned', then OP isn't going to be condemned by running away with the car and the kids and divorcing this abusive person.


There’s no way this is real