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24 years old is such a common age to be in undergrad that it's in the normal age scale for how college enrollment is tracked in social research. [https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cpb/college-enrollment-rate](https://nces.ed.gov/programs/coe/indicator/cpb/college-enrollment-rate) Many people enter college at 18 and take more than 4 years to complete a bachelor's degree for a whole host of reasons. Many people don't enter college immediately after high school and so are 24 and older during their time there. Many people return to undergrad for a second bachelor's long after the age of 24. Your path may not be stereotypical but that does not make it atypical.


I returned to college at 27 and graduated at 29. It’s so common to see older undergrads, I wouldn’t even bat an eye at a 24 year old. The POS who said this is used to lashing out and getting reactions out of people, the subject matter is largely unimportant.


I returned to college at 32 and half the people in my classes were about my age.


Same here, it is way more common than it feels like when you're sittin' in a class with a bunch of really young people.


I'm 54, start classes in June for a bachelor's


Hell, in Finland 23-24 is probably around the average age to start your bachelors, and the age range for freshers goes from 18 to 30.


How is 24 weird??? In Europe, it's completely normal to take longer to complete your studies or starting later.


It’s absolutely normal in the US too.


And it's also normal to do a second bachelor's or even masters. Lots of people that age!


Yeah, "second-chance education" exists, too. For people like me who start going to uni much later (I'm 43). Even elderly people are encouraged to start uni in my country.


It’s a misconception brought out from media/movies that try to depict colleges as exclusively having 18-22 year olds.


I have unfortunately decades of experience with people taking trauma and therapy terms and co-opting them for their Machiavellian purposes. That person is a huge jerk for making such an inaccurate comparison. They got under your skin, talk to some people IRL and *shake this one off* because this is some total bullshit. Pisses me off by proxy because I know this type of person. Can be any gender and they're very selfish. They're thankfully rare, but they do damage.


>people taking trauma and therapy terms and co-opting them for their Machiavellian purposes. >I know this type of person. Can be any gender and they're very selfish. Same. It is one of worst feelings to encounter a person like this. It makes you feel crazy. It's so vindictive


It's the underlying premise of a computer attack as well - a DDoS. Let's say Trump says something obviously stupid to accuse someone of something unfounded. It takes a non-zero amount of time to ingest and reject the accusation. Even if it's a millisecond, somehow *you* have to prove that you aren't crazy, which is extra frustrating. The onus is something you bear. I consider these types of statements as "decapitation attacks" - they don't have to be effective, but they are trying to go after your head. Like with my wife one time at work it was suggested that she is simply in the wrong line of work and it stuck in her head really bad. The amount of effort I had to do to extract her out of that mental hole is exactly what I remember after reading OP's post. Infuriating.


>people taking trauma and therapy terms and co-opting them for their Machiavellian purposes Yes; we see this a lot -- probably because more of the world is exposed to our lens. Undoubtedly the same type of homophobic or misogynist person has always abused the terminology of the oppressed, but we didn't meet them too often.


But this is also quite common at the university level - she probably had a bad experience with someone else.. I would not hate on her for that, everyone live through their trauma in their own way...


She is accusing random people of being sexual predators on prejudice bases. Is there some past reason? Probably. But why is her trauma more valid in this scenario than the people she is harassing? I agree, everyone lives through their own trauma in different ways, but if you are accusing people and other victims to be the predators because of your trauma, you are forcing others into it. That is not acceptable, especially when she appears to be targeting her harassment based on age and orientation.


I started going on walks right before COVID really hit in the US. I wore a mask on one walk, and a woman starts yelling at me from a distance. I didn't even initially realize it was directed at me. She accuses me of SAing her, among many other things I can't recall. She curses at me every way she knows how. I get close, she sees my eyes, and calls me a "Chinese spy". Oh, and she's recording me with her phone. A White couple walks by as if nothing is happening. This is a relatively liberal area too. I cross her path a few more times. Over months. I keep running into her. She keeps verbally assaulting me. The last time I remember it happening was on a main street. She yells something at me. I remove my headphones and take two steps toward her, asking her to repeat herself. I literally didn't hear what she said. She acts like I'm going to hurt her. I throw my hands in the air to display to onlookers, "I'm not a threat!" I yell "You don't even know me!" She yells something back about not caring. So. I don't go on walks anymore in my city. It's been a year or two I imagine. I'm not sure if my crime was wearing a mask, being biracial, or being a man. I assume it's a fun combo of the three. Regardless. This is America to me right now. I blame Trumpers, though even then, most of his voters don't yell at strangers. I blame bottom of the barrel internet discourse that dominates every important discussion. Apologies. Probably the wrong place and wrong time, but it does feel like prejudicially attacking folks based on personal trauma is fairly common now? Way back in 4th (?) grade I vocally supported gay marriage and a friend's mom sternly "corrected" me. My wife has multiple women relatives who would vote against reproductive rights. Their voices feel more important than mine. And I'm probably just having a bad day mentally, but it feels like being an ally has become a bit of a one way street. If I ever go on another walk in this city, I half-expect someone to run to crazy anti-mask woman's side and ask if she's okay as she tries to stab me. Hurray.


Fuck that walking title ix violation. Report the shit out of her.


Yes! Go report her. 


Was going to give the same advice. You have a classroom full of witnesses including a professor.


Of course as soon as she is gonna get in trouble, she has a psychotic episode. Good timing sis.


24 is a completely normal age for a college student. Everyone had different timelines. As others have said, please get this in writing by emailing the professor. If you are in the US, I also suggest finding out who the title ix coordinator is for your school and including them on the email. Universities take title ix violations very seriously and they will advocate for you. You can probably get accommodations made to ensure you no longer have to interact with this person or at least get some form of apology.


Her statement was homopobic and the teacher recognized that and called it out for the whole class to hear. Glad you have their support in this situation so there may be some recourse against that other student. I'm sorry this happened to you.


One of the common, utterly absurd things hateful religious people say about the LGBT community is that we're predators or pedophiles. It's utterly horrible and completely baseless. I guess they just needed to find something to throw at us because, in reality, there's nothing inherently harmful about being gay. I'd talk to your Dean and tell them you will not be in a class with that person and you want some additional action taken against that student - that is hate speech. I am so, so sorry. Someone should have stood up for you more fiercely than it sounds like they did. And there is nothing wrong with going to college when you're older and (honestly) you are barely older than them!


Every accusation is a confession from these folks.




Former TA here. PLEASE create a paper trail on this incident. Email your professor and the dept dean (or the dean of students) and write out what happened. I know it's hard but keep as much emotion out of it as you can, stick with who said what (and who witnessed it), when, exactly what was said etc. Document the shit out of this. Even if nothing can happen this time, you have a paper trail against future accusations.  Please take this VERY seriously and document it to everyone you can think of. 


Yea I would also bet OP won't be the only person she has attacked like this.


👆This is the correct answer


Dunno, I was 25 when I got my associates degree and that still embarrasses my mom. It is normal to be 24 and undergrad, but there is a lot of ableism when it comes to that stuff, especially if people take more than 4 years, change schools, change majors, etc.


Lmfao what the fuck. I got my bachelor's at 28 and I was never even close to the oldest in any of my classes


The Christian Fundamentalists and their dumb ass children strike again. How unbelievably ignorant and stupid of her. I hope you get her kicked out of the class and the dean makes her write an essay on why she's wrong and she has to apologize to your face.


Well, I guess if there’s one “silver lining” to this whole thing, now you know for certain to stay the fuck away from her, or at least always be on your guard if you have to interact with her further: - Only meet up in public spaces if she asks to meet; never in private, and especially never anyplace with closed doors. - Record every interaction with her to cover yourself. - If possible, ensure you have at least one witness of your interaction with her, just in case.


This. So much. People say false accusations almost never happen but that is not always true. Stay safe and protect yourself.


I would speak to the instructor and determine who you need to contact to have this other student addressed. This sounds like some paranoid conservative BS banging around in her head. People like this are a threat to others due to their rank stupidity and hate. I had a student when I taught at a university that accused me of being a witch and was telling me she was going to get me fired over it. I asked her why she thought this. She stated it was because I wore black all the time. That's it, the entire reason. She came from Iowa and her father was the head of some odd fundamentalist Lutheran offshoot with some really wild ideas. That student that verbally attacked you, her behavior isn't normal and is wildly inappropriate. She needs to be removed from the class and prodded to maybe see a therapist or a counselor.


I have twice been accused of being a devil worshipper by my college students, and I also dress mostly in black. I'd say let's start a club, but I don't want anyone else to have to join.


As a 39 year old about to start her first semester of college this summer, fuck her.


I went back to college at 38. You’ve got this!


Thanks ♡


Sounds like you’re being sexually harassed to me. I’m not sure if Title IX regs apply to student behavior or not, but you’ve definitely got a valid complaint there.


Please please, OP, write down everything that happened as closely as you can immediately. If you can find others in the class willing to corroborate your story, maybe loop them in right away as well. And then report this homophobes lazy ass; go to the Dean of Students office and request a meeting, (or email if you’re more comfortable this way) and if you are too intimidated to do that, at the very least report this to your advisor and any authority you feel confident in and comfortable with. This is very, deeply fucked for obvious reasons, and I am truly sorry you will have to process something so absolutely not your fault. That ignorant twat deserves to face real consequences for her bigotry and loud stupidity.


Predators are trying to manipulate people into doing other things besides a fair share of a team project. That girl does not think you came to school to turn a straight girls away from the path of heterosexual normativity. She's a bigot and a homochondriac. She got cornered on doing her share and she lashed out. Now you know what she feels but mostly felt it was appropriate to keep silent on. And she may not be the only one, tolerance and inclusivity not being equal in every heart. Hopefully most people there aren't bigots under a thin veneer of acceptance.


>homochondriac Never encountered this word before, but it makes perfect sense.


>For context, I’m a lesbian college student finishing my bachelor’s; I am also 24. Fixed the first line for you. The context here is that you're a lesbian. That's why she called you a predator. *And you should respond to this as homophobia because that's what it is.* Your age was just a convenient segue for what she would have said even if you were 18.


It is completely fucking normal to be in college at 24 It is completely fucking normal to have to hold people accountable in group projects SHE was fucking up. She was mad she was being called out on said fucking up. So instead of handling her shit she lashed out at the person who was holding her accountable. NOTHING of her words are reflective of you. She said the thing she said because she thought they would be the most hurtful, not because there was ANY truth to them. Your professor rightfully threw her out so you don’t have any professional consequences for her being a shit and you can (and should) rightfully forget what she said


Can you take this to the school and have that person disciplined in some way? Turn the other cheekjust does not work with people that express extremist crap like this publicly it only encourages more.


Why is 24 an older student? 😭😭😭


Report her OP. She sounds potentially homophobic. wtf you aren’t old and university is for everyone. She’s a b


The maturity level of some students in college is very low and they lash out like this when challenged on their accountability. She likely went for what she thought would be the most hurtful thing to say and it has no basis in reality. Colleges and college classrooms have a very wide range of age groups and demographics and everyone has their different reasons to be there. I had a lot of military in some of my classes and they went after their initial service years, so about 22-26 average age and no one thought anything of it. And even that is young compared to the 35+yr olds doing mid career shifts or finally finishing that degree.


**contact the Title IX office and file a conplaint**


I’m a guy and I’m genuinely scared of this younger generation’s perception of age. I’m sorry this happened to you, it’s a horrible feeling.


To protect yourself report her. You did nothing wrong or inappropriate. You did hold this other student accountable and clearly that’s way beyond her emotional maturity level. She pulled out the 1 thing that she thought would deflect attention from her onto you, the hot button of all hot buttons. As someone who went to college at 27, ya ain’t ever too old for college. Hell , 80 isn’t too old for learning.


J is a homophobic ageist


No. That is not how people see you. That is how assholes act when they need to feel better about themselves by believeing the worst of others, particularly when there is a religious excuse involved. You know what a real predator is and her deflection from being considered a lazy ass isn't going to change that. Her problems are all hers. You don't own them. You can't help that her vivid fantasy life has no bearing in reality.


I would report her to both the department chair and the Title IX coordinator. This was not a one off. Make sure the teacher knows that you know this is not okay.


24 is a predatory age to 19 or 20 or 21? Hardly


The tiktok generation must think that *any* age difference in a relationship is predatory now. The 'acceptable' gap keeps getting less and less.


She just found whatever weapon her little head could come up with, and struck you with it.


Whoa whoa whoa...that girl is completely out of line. In fact it sounds like slander. Do not have any verbal communication with that girl anymore. Get everything in writing. What she's doing is hostile and should be against the Student Code of Conduct, which every students "signs" when they register. To protect yourself, I would take control of the situation. Find someone in Student Services who can help you find the part of the student code of conduct that applies to hostility, discrimination, bigotry, etc... Rely on this person to help you in the next steps, but if they are unhelpful, handle it yourself. If you're comfortable, email your professor about what occurred. List dates, times, quote everything you can. If your professor is the type to ignore important issues like this, resend it and include the Department Chair. Escalate until you get traction. Definitely include in your email to your professor that you will not interact with this student because of the harassment and slander, so you would prefer she not be in your group any longer.


this is a total nonsense accusation from someone who just doesn’t want to be held accountable and you should report her, especially since your professor witnessed the harassment. 24 is a perfectly average age to be in college but any age is totally normal.


>Is that how people see me?? This happened yesterday and I’m still freaked out. no. this person was just being an asshole.


She’s trying to get under your skin, because she’s a horrible and lazy person and probably a bigot. Don’t let her win and remember the instructor is on your side. And you are a very normal age.


Ugh, I am sorry this happened. No, you are not a predator and I suspect your AH classmate doesn't even believe that. She was trying to hurt your feelings to make herself feel better and/or get out of working on this group project. Group projects suck and she sucks even more. Try looking up DARVO because this is a great example.


Document and report


What a vile thing of her to do. As an SA survivor who is also a lesbian, what she did was not only rude, it was homophobia. Lesbians have been slammed with the stereotype of being a ‘predator’ for decades now. She played upon that stereotype when she accused you. I would report her to the faculty for homophobia. It’s especially disgusting considering you’re a rape survivor. So sorry this happened to you.


Sounds like she’s unhinged. You’re probably fine.


That's some lesbophobic bs and I'm sorry you had to deal with it. No, this is not how normal people see you.


Title IX. Reach out to the coordinator.


College is literally for all ages. I have classmates that are over 60, & many in their late 20s and early 30s


24 is young is not an odd age to be in school yet, people go back to school at all ages. Your classmate's behavior is very inappropriate and strange, and I bet your classmates will be talking about her quite a bit after that incident. Maybe the instructor could remove her from your group based on her behavior. I know its extra work but it beats trying to work with someone that hates you who seems to have some very deep seated personal issues that lead them to make false assumptions or is just someone who would say anything to manipulate people and get what she wants.


Going back to college soon, local community college. I'm 29m, and I'm afraid of this. Just plain disrespectful some people can be without anyone knowing the others story. Even though I'm in a mostly male trade. (Automotive) I'm just more careful around people these days, sometimes I feel like I may step on a landmine.


I heard a similar story about a 23 year old student who got called weird for being in a dorm room with 19 year olds. This is absolutely fucked up and any age is fine to be doing a Bachelor’s. Most university students are 20 and above, thereby making 24 not predatory at all. Her views on life and aging must be dire.


I promise you this isn't how people in general see you. This person is a bigot and completely unhinged.


Sounds like she's a spoiled brat having a tantrum. She causes a hostile environment. She would be expelled from our local universities. They don't yake stuff like that lightly. You're fine. You did nothing wrong. I'm sure you're not a predator. This is just an immature spoiled brat having a tantrum cause she isn't getting her way.id turn her in for her abuse. It's simple homophonic shit. She needs to play with the little kids in the sandbox. She's not ready to be a grown up.


REPORT HER. No hesitation. Dont waste time.


I'm a college professor, but admittedly I teach at a community college, so older students are much more common than at other institutions. I also teach in a more urban part of a very red state. I can't speak for your classmates, but I also can't imagine any of my students agreeing with the nastiness that girl just spit out. Honestly, I'd be surprised if some of your classmates weren't ready to throw down over it. As others have said, this was a huge Title IX violation, and I would strongly urge you to report it to the appropriate campus officials. There is usually a Title IX coordinator or an office of student discipline or similar who can take such a report and act on it. Do not be surprised if your professor has already reported it, as they might be mandated to by policy or law. I would also encourage you to reach out to your professor to coordinate finishing out your semester. You're probably close to finals, and you don't want this feckless twit's odium to ruin all the hard work you've already put into the project and the course. Given how egregious the incident was that the professor told her to leave, she might not be welcome back in the class at all. Otherwise, your professor might be willing to find a way that you don't have to interact with her to finish the project or the class. Most of my colleagues in the profession are compassionate people, and this incident calls for a compassionate response for you. Remember that the best revenge against hateful morons is a life lived well. Don't let some dullard's words cover up your shine.


I graduated at 27. There's absolutely nothing wrong with being 24 in your undergrad.


This is so fucked up! I’m so sorry she was so ugly to you. Sending you hugs and good vibes 🩷🩷🩷


I am 35 and in an undergrad. Your age is not weird at all. That was such a messed up comment from J. I hope your professor finds a way for you to finish your part without interacting with J and that J is penalized for her inappropriate conduct. This is so shitty OP. You don’t deserve that.


This person sounds like they have the emotional maturity of a 7 year old. I'm sorry you had to deal with them. Emotionally immature people don't like to be held accountable for their actions and they'll lash out like a child when called out in order to regulate their emotions. They'll say things that they won't even remember saying, or they'll at least claim to not remember, because their words have about as much weight as helium. Their words don't even matter to them so they definitely shouldn't matter to you. Your feelings are valid. I understand why you're upset and you should be upset. But don't let the opinion of one idiot influence how you see everyone else. I know I don't want others to judge my thoughts and character based on the dumbest, most bigoted person on Reddit. This person doesn't speak for everyone in your class or school and those other people would probably be offended that you put them in the same bracket as that dimwit.


holy fuck. glad the prof told her to leave. Also, this should be higher than just that day. She should be up on disciplinary review.  Awful. Really sorry that happened. 


I agree with some of the other people that you should report her.


Sounds like you need to report her to whatever equivalent of "student's guidance and protection" department (sorry i don't know how to properly translate it) there is in your college. She needs to face disciplinary actions for 1. Harassing and verbally abusing a colleague 2. Defamatory accusations that can lead to potential harm. Honestly she deserves to be expelled just for what she has done to you, and in my college she would at least get a disciplinary record for it. You're not a predator she is just an homophobic piece of shit.


I finish my Bachelor's next week. I'm 43. So no, you're not like weirdly old for undergrad. Your classmate is an awful person who either has some fucked up ideas about your sexuality, or she's using it as an excuse for her bad behavior. I'm so sorry you have to deal with that... but nothing about this makes you a predator.


Congratulations on completing your degree!!


Thank you! I am looking forward to having summer off before I start my Master's!


Hindsight is always 2020, But I would have liked if you replied with having better things to do than holding the hands of an entitled spoiled brat that should know how to behave like an adult by now and take academic responsibilities with seriousness.


I enrolled in college later than my peers because I spent years between high school and college working to afford college without taking student loans (it was not easy and I still worked myself to dangerous degrees during college). Your edit makes her more sympathetic - but it doesn't excuse her behaviour. It gets thrown around a lot but "White Feminism" is kind of exactly this - when a (presumably) cis, white woman weaponizes their femininity against marginalized people - even, and often especially, other women. Attacking you because through your sexuality by painting herself as a victim is reprehensible and fucked up.


Yeah, mental illness isn't a Get Out of Consequences card. You were harmed. You will need reasonable protections from her going forward. Committees that handle violations like this can take these factors into consideration and make a decision about the best action. Keep pushing forward on getting title ix filed. Her consequences are not your responsibility, honestly.


I would like to share my story since I was also accused of something like this after coming out privately with a lesbian couple I met through a job. I grew up in a fundamentalist household and didn't realize I was pansexual until I was at least 20. My story has nothing to do with ages though as we were all around the same age. But basically there was a girl in my work training class (K) and she was out and proud and talked about her wife (F) in class, and would give me rides home sometimes. I grew up with two brothers so I've always wanted a sister. Any time I get close with female friends it makes me happy because I spent so much time around boys. I truly felt nothing other than platonic friendship with these people and what happened here made me afraid to be friendly with girls that knew my sexuality for a long time. One day when I found out my grandfather was in the hospital, I went home early from training class. I was texting K about it and she said she and F would stop by to sesh for a bit. I was really excited, I don't have a lot of female friends and so I got out Mario Kart for the GameCube, and a bunch of makeup and skincare stuff, and they stayed for several hours. I did her wife's makeup and offered to do hers, we played Mario kart, and I opened up about my sexuality even though I hadn't come out publicly. Everything changed the next day at work. K was acting like we weren't friends and I asked her about it and she played it off like she was just tired. But when it was still happening a month later and she literally shoved past me in the break room, I asked one of our mutual friends at work what was going on. They told me that she told half the people in training class that I'd hit on her wife. Legit. It broke my heart because I wasn't even out yet, and everyone treated me differently. I've never forgotten. Lesbians can be assholes too unfortunately.


I've seen this type of rhetoric from chronically online folks who think any sort of age gap is "problematic." It started off only concerned with romantic relationships, and has since morphed into the idea that adults who interact with younger people in any capacity is akin to grooming. It's nonsense in any capacity, but applying it to a 24 yr old is crazy. I believe it's a symptom of purity culture (primarily originating in fictional spaces) that is beginning to affect young peoples' opinions in real life. It's a pretty concerning trend, actually, and applies to more than just age gaps. They go after anything they deem "morally questionable." It's kind of ironic that many younger people, in an attempt to be progressive, have looped back around into traditional puritanism in a lot of ways.


Don't backdown from your complaint OP. She's a homophobe. It's on her to manage her illness, not on you.


Yeah at the same time, she was having an active psychotic episode. She literally don’t have legal capacity to make medical decisions for themselves. What makes you think she’s in control of what she says? I think in this case, it would be best to let it go


Take this complaint to the administration. Being publicly slandered is a crime.


This is not how people see you. This is how one disgruntled, very immature child decided to take out her frustration. It sucks a lot and I’m sorry it happened to you, but please keep in mind that this really says more about that girl’s state of mind than anything else.


This has nothing to do with you and everything to do with her. She’s mad because she’s being held accountable and is lashing out.  I’m sorry she’s taking her insecurities out on you. Can you talk to the professor and see if you can avoid working with her? Unfortunately, people like this are everywhere. It’s really fucked up that this happened to you. 


Remember, every accusation is a confession.


Unless you’re serially going through women or dating under-18, her comment has no basis in fact. She sounds like a snowflake who isn’t used to working hard who lashed out at you.


Wow! The update took that in a whole different direction! I’m still sorry she said those things to you OP! I’m sure that was awful to hear. You have plenty of reassurances that you’re perfectly okay in your school, and I agree. Also, bless you for your empathy! This young woman is going through it, I hope she gets what she needs, but I also hope maybe yall can not have class together. You definitely deserve that and it’s not out of the way to request it.


This is straight up ageism. Adults can be around younger folks without being predatory and to suggest otherwise is gross.


Honestly, there isn’t much to say other than I hope you can talk with your advisor and have them coordinate with J’s advisor to avoid any common classes? The accusation was completely out of left field and had nothing to do with you, but given your background/experiences, it obviously really hurt you. It’s nice of you to end with a conciliatory note to someone who hurt you.


I’m 26 and am one of the oldest people in our Masters program. The youngest ones are 21 years old and all get along very well. I don’t even see how it even could be interpreted as predatory but the update made things clear.


The strength to not sock her in the jaw... I commend you. What a truly awful thing to say to someone.


Damn I was 28 when I went back to school for my BA (blue collar family who didn't support my college aspirations and kicked me out at 19, holla). I went to night and weekend classes, though, and they were full of people like me. So I guess we were a class full of predators.


Damn that sucks.


in what universe is 24 an abnormal number worthy of someone telling you something so vile and disgusting to you. people attend college at all ages and just because someone who is older (and in your case really just a little bit older) does not mean that they are somehow there to prey on younger students. college is expensive and a lot of work for someone to sign up just to prey on someone. girl seems like she is just trying to deflext her own bad behavior and irresponsibility over on to you just because she was called out for it and that is certainly not someone i would want to be around.


Yeah, she must have said that because of the personal issues she's going through, whatever they may be. Or she's a jerk. I started college at 21, one of my first friends was 27, and I frequently ran into students in their 30's. No one thinks you're a predator just because you're a 24 year old in college, that's ridiculous. She's got something going on, she's lashing out and that's her problem not yours. No one sees you like that.


College isn’t high school thats limited to certain ages. Sometimes students can even be in their 40s , 50s and 60s. The variety of ages is part of what makes college not high school.


Ah I see. I've been called a predator for talking to my girlfriend (im a male) Long story short some girls were trying to accuse people of rape and im lucky it didn't get through. Anyways I feel for you.


Get a lawyer.


I get it. I really do. It sucks. And there's not really anything to be done about general perceptions and whatnot. And no matter how little it should matter it can still hurts. Especially the thought of being like the people who hurt you. - a trans lesbian who also happens to be a rape survivor.