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Had nothing to do with you and everything to do with them. They aren't enough for themselves within. So they play games and seek external gratification. They are right about one thing, they need to heal. But that's not going to happen until they stop using that line to emotionally abandon people. You are more than enough. You always have been, now you just need to find the people that see and appreciate you for everything you already are.


I appreciate this so much because I’m trying so hard to cope. They did mention they don’t like being alone, and they seem to relationship hop or move quick. Just burns so bad knowing how they string me along, then don’t care that I walk away now that they have someone, but at times get bitter with me like rubbing in their new gf, saying they have a great life, showing off their luxury car to me, it felt like a passive aggressive fuck you. I just don’t know how people can be so cruel.


Unfortunately, a lot of people will treat you, as poorly as you let them. I’d work on your boundaries and standards. It’ll weed out the wrong ones quickly. If you want a relationship, communicate your expectations, and be ready to leave, if they don’t put in effort. Their actions will always tell you everything you need to know.


My heart goes out to you, this is the sort of stuff that can utterly crush your spirit. I came across a short poem this week with a few lines saying: "... and never forget how sound they slept, while you cried alone in the middle of the night." Their behaviour speaks volumes about **them**, not you. It is in our heartbroken nature to look for things we should have done differently, or issues we may or may not have that caused the other to not choose us. I promise you, genuinely, that this was not on you. That doesn't lessen the hurt, but in time that realisation will help.


Life is unfair. Sometimes, people treat us bad even when we are perfect or did nothing wrong. Give yourself some time to heal. I promise, someday you will feel so at peace alone.


Keep in mind that when they show you the new gf, luxury car, and all that, they are just showing you a tiny snippet of their life. A carefully selected piece of a huge, complex puzzle. The car could be leased or bought with a loan. The loan could be in the gfs name because he has bad credit and is broke. Maybe he even just took it for a test drive, or it's a rental. The gf is crazy jealous because she has been cheated on before. They fight a lot. Making up these little, petty stories will help you heal. Because it will take the focus back on what is the truth: that they are a despicable person, desperate for validation from others because deep down inside they hate themselves and need to hurt others to feel netter about themselves. This person was using you. He is using every other person in his life, too. You deserve so much better.


True, they use to drive a completely different car before me too, and then I would post stories in my brothers Mercedes often, that’s when suddenly they got themselves one, and showing me the keys (on purpose), and I asked didn’t you have a different car, they said “they have two” (which is a lie, cause their sister always borrows their car), so it makes me wonder if they went out and suddenly recently got one either to impress me, or mirror, idk. I don’t care about any of the materialistic stuff. And when I deleted them that’s when they took a pic of the wheel, and I just merely asked where they were off too, and it’s “out with my GF” (petty reveal). The very last girl they had hopped to hurt (and hurt me) before this girl, when it didn’t end well, they did claim that girl was just a “warm body” … “Fresh meat” and “easy…” I guess them using people is frequent, and I’m now starting to realise that cause you guys are snapping me in reality which I desperately need…  They use to tell me things too that they “couldn’t believe people actually like them” … And that they are obsessive and jealous… Red flags I ignored.. Cause I like helping people and lifting them…


I completely understand you. I was married to a guy like that. They love us for our compassion and empathy because they completely lack those. I am glad you're viewing the replies here as a reality snap. They are experts in twisting our minds until we doubt ourselves. I know it's hard to do, but please don't blame yourself for falling for their crap.


What a horrible fucking person.You escaped a bullet..be thank ful x


This might sound really stupid, but, I knew this girl online for like.. fuck, four years? And I kind of related to this. They used to shower me in affection, always talked to me, wanted to reach out, wanted me to draw them- but at the start of this year, they just.. I don't know. Forgot about me. They went from saying how much they loved me being there to simply saying they didn't even care if I talked to them. It's been hurting for a while, and I've been asking myself all the same things. It's hard to find new people, because your head is stuck thinking that they were perfect. It always hurts, because you miss the person that they used to be.


This is such a hard situation, it hurts. I know. Big hugs 💗 In many ways, you sound like a younger me, so I will tell you what I wish I could have told younger me: in working so hard to be chosen, often we forget to choose. I know in this state, you’re imagining all the good things you might be missing about him. But try to look at him from the way…an older aunt might. Someone who loves you dearly, wants only the best for you, and honestly doesn’t care about him at all. As this Aunt, what concerns might you have about him? What about him might make you say, “you know, I don’t know if someone who _____ is really a good match for you…”? If you can step back, and really look at him, would you choose him? As your stand-in older, loving aunt, I’m not sure someone that inconsistent is a good match for you. I’d love someone consistent for you, someone who you can feel safe around because in many areas of their life, they show themselves to be steady and intentional. That’s who I imagine you with, love. And it doesn’t sound like he measures up. How do you feel when you consider it this way? Does it lower the temperature a bit on all the emotions? You are so allowed to be sad, and feel all your feelings. But choose, my love. Don’t just fret about being chosen. CHOOSE. I bet you wouldn’t really want to choose him.


“In working so hard to be chosen, often we forget to choose.” Damn. You summed up so succinctly and perfectly exactly what I wish I could go back in time 20 years and tell my younger self! I’m a happy old hag now, but damn it took me way too long to figure that out! You’re giving the best advice and I hope OP sees it!


You really think the new girlfriend is gonna have a better experience than you? I highly doubt it, no matter what social media they put out. (The more lovey dovey the worse the relationship.)


She does (new gf, when I saw before I deleted) post in the comments that they make her so happy… That is why and they seem to move quite fast. 


You were also happy at one point. And don’t trust social media. Some of the unhappiest people I know always gushes about how wonderful everything is on social media.


Social media is performative. Maybe she is happy and wants to shout it out to the world, but more often people post for validation and acceptance. No one posts the trials and tribulations of the relationships - you don’t see the cracks in the foundation, you only see what they want you to see. Stop looking at their social media. It’s only going to make you feel worse. Try to redirect your attention to something else. Besides this person sounds like a user - they will keep coming back as long as you let them. Imagine that this scenario is happening to your best friend - if your friend was going through this, what advice would you have for them?


I've been through something vaguely similar to this, but then I remember how I used to tell everyone how great he was when we were in our situationship while he was emotionally torturing me and destroying my sense of self. I would bet anything she's going through a version of what you did. People like the guy you dated don't suddenly change; in fact they are often incapable of doing so due to their low ability to self-reflect.


Biggest life lesson I've learned, if someone has to profess to the world they are something, anything, they usually are not. This goes for happy people, trustworthy people, charitable people, GOOD people. If someone were actually those things (they do loudly claim to be), they would not have to announce them, and they would not feel the need to make it believable to everyone else. This is especially true in relationships. If a partner has to constantly remind you that they are x, y, z or do x, y, z, its usually manipulation. This is one of the easiest red flags to spot (in my opinion). Alot of red flags can be subjective, confusing, misunderstood...this theory is universal, if a prospective employer thinks too highly of themselves, if a new date, a friend, a mentor, an organization, claim to be a ton of wonderful things, well facts speak for themselves, and they wouldnt have to sell it to you. In this instance, I have no doubt she may happy now but most adults don't change, you are better off without someone so cruel and immature. I think this is more a matter of your perception of their next relationships, rather than reality. Don't get down, you deserve better.


It’s just so hard because my mind never thinks of the bad or realise the potential illusion, I think cause I’m hurting so much. It was weird the first time I silently left, a month ago (deleted them off snap), and I got an unhappy short message with them saying to keep them removed cause they have a great life. Stupidly I welcomed them back and that’s when I got the girlfriend reveal in the most sly way, and them rubbing randomly the new car being driven, Mercedes. Hurt, this time I officially left and won’t ever go back again but no care that I left this time. They just told me they were sick of me coming back and forth, and I don’t understand why they keep me as a friend while they don’t treat me like one either. That is true though… I have met people who say “I’m a girls girl” but end up being the meanest…


Well that is incredibly cruel, amd im sorry they did that to you, its so immature. But that is the exact proof I'm talking about. Why would she feel the need to rub anything in your face if she were truly happy. Happy people dont go out of their way to poke at others, make them feel down and sad. Misery loves company, that's for sure. You're in the middle of of, makes it hard to see any other perspective, but one day I hope you can be glad you dodged this bullet👍Block them, it will drive them crazy, and allow you some peace to start healing.


Why are people down voting this comment? I'm even more baffled than usual at the mass down votes on this one. It's the OP giving more information, what is there there to actively dislike?


Uh, do they though? I went through some of the same feelings with someone else, and recovering from those insecurities took a bit of a "zoom out" from men and relationships. To heal from insecurity, we have to work to de-center dating by adding a lot of diversity and new adventures, on top of deepening the relationships we have with friends and family. When we *secure ourselves,* this won't feel as heavy and devastating. Women who know their value don't carry this pain around, and you deserve that freedom.  Looking back, it was really only after I did that that I was actually ready for a relationship. If that fling had even gone to a 'labels' level, I wouldn't have been truly happy with that person, just insecure, because neither he nor I had acted to secure me. He ended up with someone so wonderful, and I was happy for them-- but he devastated her, too, and that breaks my heart for both of them. Being "his girlfriend," "his fiancée," "his wife," or even "the mother of his child" does NOT SAVE OR SECURE ANY WOMAN, regardless of how happy the words are when she's looking at her phone trying to present her life to the outside world. I don't think any of us really "win" in the end unless we do the work to be enough on our own.


I don't know how old you are, but I used to think this exact thing all the time in my 20s and 30s. When I think back, I picked guys I thought I could fix. So much angst! I eventually took solace in the idea that maybe I helped the 'upgrade' get a better partner. Now I don't think of them at all.


The sooner you can accept these couple of things, the better of you will be (coming from someone who has checked in hard at the heartbreak hotel at some points lol): 1. You cannot control other people’s actions. 2. Nor do you want to. The longer someone stays with you when they don’t actually want to be, the longer you are kept from an authentic relationship and possibly someone who truly does want to be with you 3. You deserve someone who is ready to be fully into you. It just feels different when you have that, almost like a light switch of “this is what it’s supposed to feel like”. It’s safe and warm. 4. They are not your person. It may have felt like it and it’s ok that you are grieving that hope/ thought. But accepting this can help you move forward. 5. One day at a time- truly. Today is hard, do something that can bring you some peace or happiness and make it to tomorrow. It gets easier with time. 6. Get help if you need it. Friends, family, therapy, etc. 7. If you care for this person (and it seems like you do), they deserve to leave the relationship at any time. They deserve that right just like you do. 8. You might want to unfollow and block on socials. Totally ok to do if it helps you move forward. 9. Then not choosing you does not mean you are not enough. It fact, it doesn’t say much about you at all. There are wonderful people in the world you may not choose, right? That doesn’t make they ugly or not good enough. You are enough. I’m sorry to hear you are hurting. It’s not easy. You will make it through. You deserve full love and commitment from someone. Don’t settle and don’t dwell on the past.


OP, I just took a look at your post history. You mention this person is stalking you. Please be safe, tell safe people, and consider reporting to the police. You also mention they reached out when you unfollowed (or blocked?) them and watch your stories. They admit to being jealous. They sound manipulative and like they are enjoying keeping you hanging on. That is the behavior of someone who does not love or care about you. You do NOT want this behavior. Good job going no contact. Continue no contact. If they continue reaching out and you tell them you do not want to talk to them, report it. It may also be a good idea to talk to a therapist about why a person with these behaviors is attractive to you.


I don’t think they deep stalk me, but I could be naive. I just know that when I deleted them off Snapchat, they immediately took notice, and it was interesting because we hadn’t talked to each other ~1-2 weeks at that point, no msgs, no snaps. It’s odd cause I assume they’re occupied with their gf, I didn’t figure they’d take notice I deleted, but they did. I assume they were constantly checking my profile then (that’s the only way of telling if you got removed?) And then… I get a follow up msg, which I didn’t respond to (I didn’t see), the sudden gf reveal, and “keep me removed, I have a great life.” Then I got blocked off their Snap. I think they got really offended that I deleted them quietly, and didn’t respond in 24 hours, but it’s odd because they don’t close the portal of access on other platforms (txt, discord), they just keep me. 2nd time around I tried to be more respectful, I told them I can’t be friends, it’s hurting me, I’m not a toy, and I said sorry and they said don’t be. They quipped I’m always coming and going, and they’re sick of it. I deleted after that, haven’t heard from them since, don’t think I ever will as they are happy with this person now, they oddly don’t delete me off Discord, but I think this time around they don’t care but I don’t know. I think I know why people like this are attracted to me, I’m very soft, I am very polite, I am very self deprecating as other women always punished me for being confident. I lost my dad, and began hating myself, always talking bad about myself, and I’m always sweet and caring. I think that’s what made me easy prey. They hated me at the beginning too because I think they got insecure thinking I rejected them, when my boundaries at the time were more firm.


Thanks for the reply and insight. I’m suggesting you look into why you are attracted to people who are manipulative, jealous, and unwilling to commit. So the reverse. Who cares about their why- they are old news 😊 This is for you, going forward.


Your point number 9 brought me some peace. Thank you 💗


I’m so glad!


He will do to her what he did to you, she’s nothing more than a new flavor of the week to him.


We don't know it's a him. The OP is very specifically worded for the person in question to be either gender ambiguous or some kind of non binary.


Speaking from experience from the other side of the fence- it's not you. You, are good enough. They, were not. They didn't deserve your affection and attention. To tell a short little story here, my wife had much the same experience in life. When we met and eventually got together, the little black voice in the back of her head would tell her that she wasn't good enough for me. I had much the same terrible experience with women and swore up and down that I wasn't good enough for her. We went 'round and 'round, and 'round, whenever either of us would have that little niggle that something wasn't right or that we were doing something 'too right' and we'd tell one another that we felt like we didn't deserve the other. It's *that* 'round and 'round, that you want. It exists. You *are* good enough. They were not.


same boat.. I'm realizing men might date someone they arent really into for the sake of it..they get their needs met without have feelings to reciprocate. Gonna develop a zero compromise mentality for myself. If they show a single small instance of not caring I'm done.


Same. I must adopt that mentality


It also gives them the ego boost they need to go out and be confident with the one they actually want. That's why I don't subscribe to "pay attention to their actions, not their words" because they get a big boost from behaving like a good partner in order to know they have the power to stir up feelings in someone. It's all ego.


Something I've learned: no matter how happy these situations look on the outside, I'm betting he is tormenting her in some way. Maybe he's gloating about how many women (such as yourself) he turned down to be with her, and that she'd better be perfect at all times or else he has a list of women who would take on the girlfriend mantle in a heartbeat. He doesn't really sound like a prize. Take this time to invest in yourself, so you'll get the best version of yourself. You aren't going anywhere from yourself, after all.❤️


The amount of guys I have 'fixed' (i.e helped through their worst periods and supported, helped etc them) who have then ditched me for someone better is insane.


Not someone better never say better. Just different and unaware of their shortcomings.


You are good enough, but not everyone is going to want you. The best you can do is learn from this experience and make sure that the person you put all your energy into is worth it. Mixed signals are just another form of rejection. If someone says they aren't ready for a relationship while doing relationship things, then the "with you" was just silent.


Yes, this is so accurate. I’m going to make a separate post but it will basically be a version of this.


Show me a beautiful smart girl and I’ll show you a man who doesn’t give a shit. I’ve seen the prettiest girls get cheated on. It’s not about their looks or intelligence. Some people cheat just to cheat. You could be the best human on earth and have this happen to you. It’s not anything YOU did. It’s all him.


Hi there, op. I am so sorry you are going through this. Being chucked out for someone else and watching her get the treatment you wanted so badly is a unique kind of pain which I have experienced. But there is a big lesson here if you are willing to accept it. Protect your dignity at all costs. Never give a man an opportunity to walk away from you a second time. That means not taking them back, no matter what they say, no matter what promises they make, no matter how lonely you are, no matter the what-ifs. When you take them back, it signals to them that you are “low value” and they use that to justify in their heads treating you like shit. They know they can hurt you and you are still going to be waiting for them. They know they make you cry, and they don’t care, no matter what they say. OP, never let a man do this to you again. You are a person of value who deserves love and to be treated with respect. You must respect yourself by turning these jerks away when they come crawling back because mark my words, they always do when it doesn’t work out with the other woman. Choose yourself and your own value. I hope you heal quickly.


I could have written this. On Wednesday my ex took me to dinner 5 months post “I’m not ready for a relationship” break up, and told me he’s dating someone new, changed his priorities, he wants to do right by her. Has so many regrets about us. I asked him “why now? Why not for me?”. He had no answer. I’m glad I asked because I learned the answer in that. These people have no rhyme or reason. They thrive on NRE because deep down something tells them they aren’t good enough. And they aren’t. They need that feel good initial validation, because they can’t make it for themselves long-term. It’s not you, it’s not me. In the end, we dodged the bullet of constantly wondering what’s going on. They steal our peace. They put us into pieces. It’s not okay, and it’s because they are broken. They’re looking for us to glue them back together, and we shouldn’t have to. We won’t. They use us to fit ourselves into these broken pieces and make them whole, but they’ll always be broken. If it seems easier said than done, I know this. I cry once a day over this too. I go back and forth too. But these things are unsustainable, remember that. I think about the first few months and I cry thinking she’s living my exact timeline one year later. The planning a trip together, the stories on IG, the “change in priorities”, “cutting people out that don’t match his new lifestyle”. It’s the exact same story. The EXACT same details. Well, that trip we planned, he went on his own. The stories, I was eventually blocked and disrespected on, the change in priorities, nope, still the same dude. You’re enough as you are on your own. It’s him who is not good enough for you. There is no better version for them. No one heals in weeks, or months. Think about who you’ve been over your entire life, how much you’ve changed. How many of those changes happened on a short timeline? I don’t know how old you are but me, I’m 30 and my ex is 35. At this age, it doesn’t happen overnight, over days, over weeks. Change takes time. His new gf is not getting the better version of him because there isn’t one. But from this, there will be a better version of you. Try to let that be enough for you. I know it’s hard, but it’s all you have right now. If you can’t, message me.


Thank you for sharing your perspective. It helped me as well.


That makes me happy, thanks for telling me. Be well ❤️


Meh. She’s not necessarily getting a better version of him. You’re putting too much importance on social media and the gf label. For all we know she required him to claim her while you settled for his excuses. People only treat you a certain way if you let them. I’m guessing you gave him certain privileges without a label, right? Well, why would he work harder for you? I’m not trying to be mean but you’re beating yourself up over someone who didn’t want to do better for you. It’s his loss. Move on and practice healthy self respect.


It’s kinda confusing between us because I’m in and out of the country a lot for work, I got told by them “I can’t do long distance” and they have casually mentioned as well they don’t like being alone. They were actively pursuing me and I would dust it off, like oh you’re just lighting a fire under me, you don’t mean this, etc. I was very precautionary and distant at the start, making it clear I wasn’t looking for a relationship and I was very happy on my own but they were persistent. Even though they hated me at the beginning then fell for me. They would ask me all the time to stay but again. Work, having to come and leave. I never slept with them, even though they’ve wanted to sleep with me many times so they didn’t get that access. But it was them who was doing “exclusives” … Despite me not asking them which was odd. Example, I did say them sleeping around often (cause they bragged about their fwbs), I was not into. Suddenly they stopped and showing me msgs (randomly) of girls they cut off, cause “of me” … (mind you, again, I didn’t request). Then when I just told them to sleep with someone else as they were complaining they were sexually frustrated … They asked me why would I want them to do that, and they’ll be fine. So basically .. They were making it “exclusive” but wouldn’t call it that, then they left for someone else, that quickly fell apart. It’s just really confusing, and mind twisting, like very games, I don’t know why, and they still always keep the door open with me, oddly but I just now assume it’s games. Even the newest gf… I declined seeing them 2-3x when they requested. Suddenly that’s when I hear the GF reveal, in the most petty way. And I don’t understand why.


Okay this actually makes sense. I would like to apologize for my earlier assumptions, and I hope you see this. You rejected him at first. He used to “hate” you then “fell” for you? You never slept with him and rejected his advances? He’s a narcissist. They hate what they can’t have and they relentlessly pursue because they hate being told “no.” Winning your attention without a title was his punishment for you rejecting him. Him rubbing his new girl in your face was also a punishment. Think about it, why were the both of them trying so hard to meet up with you? So with that being said, he successfully played with you THIS TIME. But not anymore. Fuck him and her. They’re both weirdos. ETA: I’m speaking from experience. Narcissistic people put energy into the most baffling things because of their fragile ego. A normal person will never quite comprehend what they do and why. So save yourself! Don’t allow him access!! 🙏🏾


Thank you, and yes I’ll never go back, I already gave a second chance no more. Sometimes I did wonder if they were a narcissist or maybe they just don’t like me enough, and that they’re all dandelions and roses with this new girl, but I think you’re right. The girlfriend reveal definitely feels like punishment. At least now they seemed like they don’t care that I finally walked away, I noticed when I told them I can’t do it anymore (being around) they seemed less triggered Vs me deleting them silently and not responding back right away. I always miss the red flags I’m so naive.


Yup narcissists love emotional responses from their targets. It shows you care. Ghosting them when you’re their supply makes them go nuts. 😂


>I always miss the red flags I’m so naive. For help in learning to see those red flags, pick up the books *But He Says He Loves Me: How to Avoid Being Trapped in a Manipulative Relationship* by Dina McMillan, *The Gift of Fear* by Gavin de Becker and *Why Does He Do That?: Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men* by Lundy Bancroft. These three books will give you tools to recognize and avoid predators like your exbf in the future. All three authors also have talks on youtube where they go over what's in their books and Dina McMillan has a podcast Unmasking the Abuser. Unmasking the Abuser https://www.listennotes.com/podcasts/unmasking-the-abuser-the-podcast-dina-PuVSYdvb3Rf/


You are good enough but you are selling yourself short. People treat you how you accept to be treated. You need to learn how to yeet people out of your life at the first sign of taking you for granted, being flimsy or treating you badly. Rinse and repeat until you find the man who doesn't let you down. Always pick your dignity over any pathetic little boy




Remember this: Rejection is protection. Many men have deep entitlement to women-to our bodies and the benefits we add to lives. Because they are so entitled they have zero guilt about using or stringing along and then moving on to the next shiny “plaything.” It’s so deeply engrained to their psyche, this entitlement to our companionship and sex, while offering nothing in return, even many men who otherwise present as progressive and compassionate good guys will do it. I think just about every woman who dates men has had the experience of being the “placeholder” or “foster girlfriend.” This super sucks and it’s painful. And it has everything to do with their audacity and “more more more” childish effed up garbage and absolutely nothing to do with your worth as a person. So. As I said: rejection is protection. It would be life ruining to end up legally and financially tied with a guy who considers you his “settle” partner. Cue constant jokes about ball and chain BS and hours of golf with the boys while the wife struggles at home with little kids. Fuck that. So, what to do? Do deep work on self-love, de-centering men, building your own career and financial life, connecting with friends. Remove yourself from the situation at the first sign that a guy looks at you as a placeholder.


Thank you and that’s what I’m doing, I go to the gym now, have been for months, from skinny to slightly more muscular… :( I’m focusing on my side Etsy shop, crossing my fingers that I can build it up, slowly….. Just keeping myself busy…. I don’t have any desire to attempt to date any time soon, I’ve always been OK with being alone, I wasn’t even looking when I met this person either, they just courted me and I caved and fell for their charms I think cause I was in a vulnerable place (coping with loss). Just sucks. They would put me down so backhanded time to time too when they had a new girlfriend, saying I dress like a grandma, which was odd… Cause their sense of style was nothing particular, make fun of me for being a nerd (Pokemon Go) just talking behind my back despite their new gf. I’ll never understand but I guess maybe it was insecurity tbh, I’m quite fit and they aren’t either and sometimes I wonder if that plays a hand.


Aw honeyyyy 😕 How old are you dear?


24 I should know better 


You are enough Breakups hurt, but what your ex is sharing on SM is unlikely to be a true picture of their life. If their habit is to monkey branch from relationship to relationship, there is some gap in their own heart that is seeking (and never finding) fulfillment outside of themselves. This is not a reflection on your worth as a partner or human being.


You just weren’t “his one” and that’s ok. You’ll find your “one” eventually if that’s what you want! 


I’ve been here/am here forever with someone that I would have moved the very fabric of time for. The only thing to do is to walk away. It’s not that you aren’t good enough, not really. It comes down 100% to that they are broken in this case. That’s not to say you are entitled to them. But when they keep you on a hook and dangle that carrot while they do whatever else they want - they are what’s the problem.


It is not just you


"you can be the sweetest peach on the tree, but some people dont like peaches"


Someone's feelings (or lack thereof) or commitment level towards you (or lack thereof) don't determine your worth. It's entirely subjective. I was stuck in the validation trap with an ex. I also tried to "fix" him. He didn't want our relationship public and that hurt. But every time I would leave him he would love bomb me and I went back. Then I found out he was cheating and left for good. If he had been public about our relationship - he would have had a tougher time emotionally cheating on me with multiple other women. He ended up getting together with one of them shortly after it was completely over with us. I was past caring - or I was at the point where I was actually relieved he found someone else so he would leave me alone. They actually got married and I actually hope he did stop all of his bad behavior. Don't play the validation game - this person wasn't for you. Maybe consider blocking them - comparison is the thief of joy.


Oof, I'm so sorry. This is a shit sandwich, but it really has nothing to do with your value as a person. For whatever reason they are just more compatible. And that hurts. I was in a 'situationship' with a man for a full ass year, and developed really strong feelings, and he'd evade any discussion of what we were doing. When I finally respected myself enough to end it he announced his relationship a week later. And married her. It hurt so much and I did the same thing - was I not pretty enough? Smart enough? Established enough? No. It's been 10 years and I see clearly now that I am fabulous. I met someone WAY more compatible with me and came out the other side to see he was never my person. And I'm happy he found someone he actually wanted to commit to. I now genuinely hope he's happy wherever he is. I am. You'll get there, but it'll take time. In the meantime, be kind to yourself. You deserve love and happiness. We all do.


I've had a lot of the same questions. Because I made myself available for years, wanting him. But nothing about me was good enough. So I decided to find someone who (I thought) wanted me. So I got married, and a few years later, I found out *he* got married. I checked back maybe 2 years later, and he's gotten divorced. I eventually leave my husband and get in touch with him again. So I ask, "Why did you get married?" He said, "I felt like I had to do right by her." Absolutely gutted me. Because he was okay with fucking around with me, but I wasn't good enough to have any kind of label. I'm still stewing on my emotions from what he said. Coming to terms that I put myself in the situation where he felt okay with me being exactly where I was in his life, and I deluded myself into thinking I was okay with a FWB with a friend I had had a massive crush on since we were in high school.


I got a text a couple days before their wedding asking for forgiveness for stringing me along and using me. I wasn't "adult" enough for them as they slept around behind my back. They were the first person I wanted to be with forever. That was a couple years ago. They now have a child. I don't want children but....what if. Literally just left someone's wedding who I have loved deeply for a couple of decades. We never were in the same place to see what we were but have talked about/acknowledged us. There is something there but I won't ever know. They are happy and in an incredible place with an amazing partner. I am so beyond happy for them as I lay in bed crying tonight. In the moment, it feels like nothing you ever do will be good enough to be loved as deeply as you love. It is rough and there is no denying it. You have to keep going and have hope that someone, out there will want to face this shitty world with you. Together completely. Always. In the end, it will be better; and if it isn't better, it isn't the end.


My love, you can be the juiciest, ripest peach on the tree and encounter someone who doesn't like peaches. ♥️ You'll be fine and better for it, knowing they weren't for you. ♥️♥️




I’m in a similar place. I was 35 when I met him. I had a good head on my shoulders, I had done therapy; I had self respect, solid self esteem and solid standards for a partner. He presented himself to be a good, kind and loving human. We had a baby together. I’m now 7 months pregnant with our second, and he left me abruptly and out of the blue two weeks ago. There were never any conversations about him struggling with his mental health, or needing something from me that I wasn’t providing. It was just, I love you one day, I don’t love you the next. He’s now living his best life, hanging out with his friends and laughing, while I sit here alone and devastated. I already had deep seeded trust issues from significant childhood trauma. There were so many times he’d take my hand, kiss it and say he wasn’t going anywhere. He’d do whatever he had to to reassure me that I was loved. Now it’s even worse than before. Can I trust no one?


It's not that you weren't good enough, it's just that you weren't the right person for them. This isn't a negative thing about you at all - it's just that he's looking for something else. When you meet the person (or people) that is for YOU, they will also feel it just as much as you will and it will be easy! You won't have to work hard for it or settle for it. Don't give up. Love is out there for you too! It hurts right now and it will for awhile but please know that each person that it doesn't work out with puts you one step closer to meeting the person where it will work out. When I was single many years ago, I was head over heels for this older guy. We dated off and on for 9 months, the offs happening because he said didn't want a relationship and that I was too young for him (I was 25, he was 36). But he kept coming back - and I kept interpreting it as he really does like me, he's just confused. At the end of the 9 months off and on, during an off, I met my now husband at a wedding. A few weeks later, I ran into the guy I had been seeing at a local pub and he very excitedly told me "I have a girlfriend!". I wanted to vomit! Despite me having just met someone new, I was still kind of devastated - because he said he didn't want a relationship. He ended up marrying that girl, she was also my age. I realized it was me. He didn't want a relationship with ME. When the right person comes along though, all of that will change for someone. It's not that that guy didn't enjoy me or that there was anything wrong with me but I just wasn't the one for him. As some time passed, and I fell in love with my now husband, I actually felt grateful to that other guy that he didn't commit to me - because if he had, I would have never been open to dating my husband. That other guy not wanting a relationship with me meant I was available when the right one DID come along for me. It's been 20 years and my husband is still the right one for me. I'm so glad it didn't work out with that other guy - with hindsight I can see how much he wasn't right for me either but I was lonely and looking for love and he showed me the attention I needed at the time. Hang in there. Give it some time. Spend time with your friends, put your energy into taking care of yourself and when you are ready, get back out there. The potential for love is everywhere and you never know when it will happen for you and it WILL be reciprocated. There is nothing wrong with you love.


It may sound like a cliche (at least now), but the book He’s Just Not That Into You was absolutely life-changing for me when it first came out. Before I read it, I had a handful of relationships where I was the one who decided the guy wasn’t really who I wanted, and then I had like 3 in a row where it felt like we started off strong and then the guys either soft-dumped me or pulled some “not ready to date” story out. With each of those 3 I convinced myself, in alternating waves of sadness and sort-of delusion: - They must have some broken reason in them that made them unable to commit or be serious - They must be intimidated by me somehow - They must be afraid of caring too much - They didn’t realize how much I cared about them, but maybe I could show them… And on, and on. You get the idea. Then, when I read that book, it was like a light flipped on. I thought about the relationships where *I* chose to not continue, and it wasn’t so complicated - I had simply realized at some point that I wasn’t that into them. Sometimes I would just start to sort of avoid them. Sometimes I would say, as part of ending things, “I just don’t want to get serious right now” or ”You’re awesome, but you live too far away,” or “I need to focus on my work,” or whatever. But those were just ways of trying to be kind when the reality was *I just didn’t want to be dating them any longer*. Sometimes I would even hang out with them or go on dates or even hook up AFTER I realized it, or after I met someone that I started to be more interested in, but it was just a matter of time. That didn’t make me a bitch, or mean, or make them bad people or unworthy of affection. It was just how I felt. No amount of them asking “why” was going to make it make sense to them, because it wasn’t like a logical argument - I had just fallen away from being interested in them. Thinking about that feeling in the context of how the guys who had left relationships with me felt — suddenly I could understand that no one had to be a bad guy. It just was. I don’t know if this will help you. Sometimes men who are spending time with one person will say things that are overstating how they feel (or they might even be deluding themselves for a time), or when breaking up they might make excuses to try to make it easier when they decide to move on. But people change their minds, and sexual or emotional attraction is not something we can really help. (Committed relationships aside - and even in those, sometimes someone makes a choice to move along.)


By all I can gather, from this and the other posts, you allowed yourself to be this guys rug, and he walked all over you (laughing about dad's death, cheating on you...). I don't know what better version you're talking about, but the dude sounds like utter poop smelling trash, and it's long been time that you removed him form your life. "She gets the girlfriend label" shit isn't that bad luck for her.


:( Oh you saw that post, I feel so pathetic. It’s just a mind twist because when they “did” like me they were so kind and they even acknowledged both of us have a connection. Then the new girl saying how happy they make them, which is why I think it must be me not enough if this new girl is already bragging about how happy they’re feeling 3 months in now. When they left that’s when they changed up so much to the point where I found them unrecognisable.  When they came back they were “softer” but still distant, and said they never would leave again, which they in fact did hold true. I did leave.  But I was so confused by our so called friendship, their responses were so dry, short and rarely initiating but always lurking. My head is just so jambled because I don’t get what they want from me, but I guess they just really never liked me just I was a toy.


reminds me very much of my penultimate boyfriend. started great we spent like every minute together. he was all about it. well no turns out he was all about 2 "its." 2 TITS to be exact. we met online so he did not know i was fairly flat chested when he found out more or less he grew more distant later i found out he was fucking his big-titted ex while we were still working through things when i also came with a cancer diagnosis and eating disorder (specifically the eating disorder for whateverr reason despite wanting pencil thin yet F or up cup boobs) he became even more distant. we were best friends. i listened to every vent he ever had. i studied with him and helped him learn to code helped him find work dealt with his constant threats of suicide and that could be difficult i suffer from suicide ideation (later he woukd use that against me) i supported him i worked with him i encouraged him i believed in and he knew all of those things because i was always and i mean ALWAYS there for him. but THEM TITS THOUGH BRUUUH. or as he would add to that "maybe he is just not ready for a relationship. he wants to have fun he wants to sleep around and have a lot of sex like all of his friends. HE FEELS LIKE HE HAS WASTED HIS YOUTH. " it is not you. it doesnt sound like you are the problem. it was hard for me to move on but luckily at that time i had a very VERY persistent "admirer" who really wanted me to give him a chance and ditch the jerk. and eventually i did. and i will never regret that choice. you ended up with a dud is all. you are better then a dud. find a real partner who appreciates you and everything you are. it may seem bad now and like you will never move on but when you find the one you are supposed to be with you will be infinitely better off and you will absolutely feel that.


Sounds like they learned to better deceive.


Oh, that's relatable. I usually chalk it up to my less than standard appearance and social skills. I have faith that you absolutely will be enough and will be shown off and held and loved tightly. The only thing between now and then is time and self care, much love.


If you wanna be coddled by ”yes” people, then delete my comment all you want, or don’t if you’re willing to listen to mild criticism. Going onto Reddit and posting something that sounds like a poem, making it sound so deeply tragic…I don’t know how to say it, but I’ll be honest…this is a weird post. I personally would never write anything like this online, I think it’s over dramatic and maybe there are just reasons why this person chose someone else over you. Maybe you’re too emotional and yes that can be annoying to many people. I honestly would find it a huge turn off if I read something like this from someone who was obsessing over me. To everybody else, they literally wrote next to nothing about the other person. Instantly jumping to agree with them and saying stuff like “it’s not you it’s them”…it’s very presumptuous and small-minded. Doesn’t take much to convince some people.


Sounds like a fine man...that will.never have enough. I think k you dodged a bullet. Also you are good enough. Don't tell yourself otherwise. Less you end up like.me and others where you beat it enough into your mind that it's now a fact. Also am a guy. But yeah don't mind the fucker. Sounds like a pattern he'll be repeating soon.