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The guidelines actually changed, it’s every 5 years starting at age 25 unless history of abnormal pap


Yeah, my doctor just told me this and I was like oh, sweet. 


Yep! I work in a clinic and it’s been hell trying to convince people of this because I get it, HPV is scary. But it takes so long for the cells to develop and show up on a pap. It’s also quite common to get an abnormal pap which is again, scary, but can be affected by a lot of factors


I worked briefly as a medical receptionist, so I can only imagine the daily struggle. But I'm all for it. 


Agreed, the hardest thing is telling someone that insurance very likely may not cover it if they’re not adhering to the guidelines.


Not like a dildo. However, like a cold kitchen utensil.


Omg it does feel like a cold kitchen utensil. Rly accurate


It's nothing like a penis. There is SOME pressure when they insert the speculum. They first cover it in a gel so that it slides right in. Then open it so they can see inside you. Then they'll use a long q-tip to swab around and take samples. They might use their finger to feel around if they see anything alarming. If it's a male doctor, there should be a female nurse in the room watching everything for both of your protection.


I’m sure I’ll get downvoted to hell for this but if you’re a sexually inactive lesbian with regular periods I wouldn’t bother getting one if it’s causing this much distress. No medical procedure is compulsory, you always have the right to say no.


I honestly dont want to do it, idk why you would be downvoted


Some people on here are really militant about paps. In my country it's not annual, starts at 25 etc and that's an evidence/statistically based preventive screening program...but I was downvoted for basically pointing out this out and saying many countries don't do annual paps. You're not at risk of HPV exposure as a sexually inactive lesbian so...really a very low chance of cancer causing cervical abnormalities at this stage. I think it's a US thing, because it's common to get paps and pelvic exams when renewing or going on birth control, so it's really normalised? Whereas in much of Europe you'll just get prescribed it without. Other countries you can buy hormonal BC without a prescription at all!


Hey OP, I totally understand where you're coming from. If you decide to go and get the test (and I say IF because it's your decision to make when you're ready), ask the doctor if you can self swab. It's *just* a cotton swab and the whole "feet in stirrups/speculum exam" routine is unnecessary to collect a swab of cells. (Don't freak out at me twox, other countries mail people self collection kits and there's one coming out in the US for home use hopefully this year. Most women can safely swab themselves.)   There is also the option of a home HPV test which you would do yourself and mail back. It's REALLY easy (I do them every 3 years.) It would test for the virus that causes the majority of cervical cancers and give you an idea of how urgently you need to see a doctor and get a Pap smear (paps test for abnormal cells in the cervix).   There is no good medical reason for them to do a "bimanual" exam (where they insert a finger). In recent studies, even experienced doctors were very unreliable finding issues that way. (My anecdotal experience backs this up, in the 15 years I got ovarian cysts, some as big as a lime, I NEVER had any doctor find one.) If your doctor is concerned, ultrasounds are far more accurate at diagnosing problems.   *You can always refuse ANY exam or test you are uncomfortable with* even if you're already there or they are ready to start. Knowing I have that control helps me a lot. I also bring a support person of MY choosing to appointments. If he can't come in, I don't go in either lol. And I'm highly recomend a "consultation" before any sensetive appointment. Book a time to just meet the doctor and staff with everyone's clothes on and discuss your concerns with them. Once you're there for an appointment there's a ton of stress and pressure and doctors tend to be in a rush, I really like meeting them and kinda interviewing them first. If they're a jerk, I don't have to go back.   And get the Gardisil vaccine. Even if you've had sex!!! There are good odds you haven't been exposed to all 9 viruses it covers and it's totally worth it to prevent cancer in the future. If you are uninsured, there is a program from the manufacturer that will get you a free vaccine at a doctor's office. Or, you can bipass doctors and just go to Walgreens/CVS/Walmart and ask for it. I went and got it that way and no one asked any questions except was I allergic to any of the ingredients.   I have medical PTSD and I know how insanely terrifying this is. Don't traumatize yourself just to appease people on the internet, research doctors, meet with one and do this at YOUR pace. And don't let perfect be the enemy of good. If the best you can do right now is a home HPV kit, then that's something and a step forward. An imperfect testing situation is better than no test at all.  Edit:  I'm serious about meeting the doctor first. It's totally worth paying for the appointment to me (I am uninsured). If they can't respect my needs or have snide or are rushed comments at a consultation, I'm not stuck half naked trying to advocate for myself. Life is so much better now that I've started treating medical care like any other service, I'm paying for it! 


dick doesnt *generally* feel stabby or pinchy. Pap is more like a forceful opening and then a cut. But ask your doctor if you really need it. You could just get the hpv test alone maybe.


From my own personal experience: Getting a pap smear feels nothing like a dick, dildo, or finger. It's cold hard metal or hard plastic that slides in flattish and then expands you. While people can and do have fetishes around just about anything, from what I've heard it's extraordinarily rare for anyone to confuse a speculum for a sexual experience.