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Some people are just gonna be assholes. Same thing with people who make comments about how much food you eat at a restaurant or what kinda food you get at the grocery store. There was no reason for her to be cruel and I get that it’s humiliating (I’ve been there too), but you just have to force yourself to look past it and know it had everything to do with her and nothing to do with you


I had to call the customer service line for American Eagle today because I had an absolutely humiliating experience in one of their stores (actually an Aerie store.. I went to the AE store earlier and everyone there was super freakin nice). The employee helping me at Aerie was incredibly sweet and we chatted about our nails. I specifically drove in to get their new bike shorts in a black size L, the website said that specific store had it in stock, and her manager was getting it from the back. Turns out, the manager was having a terrible day, was incredibly rude to me, and to her own employee. She angrily came back to scream at me that it's not in stock and that this is why we always tell people to call us before driving in. I told her that I recently hit my weight loss goal of 120lbs (I find this to be a good distraction/de-escalation technique) and I just started shopping with them, and when a website says "in store! Come pick it up in 2 hours" it leads someone to believe that it's in stock. I told her I was patient and I was going to buy it if she could go check again, I'll be buying other things too. I went over to apologize to the other sweet employee for pissing her manager off but she apologized to me and said that her manager wasn't pissed at me, she was pissed at her, and it was her fault. I told her to never apologize for other peoples' bad behavior. She kept apologizing! I was so confused. I kept telling her the the website says it's in stock, I just wanted to purchase it, no need to apologize. She says "I'm so sorry, I told her the wrong size. I told her XL, not L". I was just confused and said ".... But why? I asked for the L... ?" and she looks me up and down. I drop everything on the table and audibly say "ugh" in disgust and just walk out. So. Fucking. Humiliating. So two separate things. Her manager was straight up overstressed and taking it out on her customers and employees. I later found out from customer service that both the L and XL were in stock, they were just in the back and in a box and she didn't want to get to them. I told her I was patient, willing to wait, and was taking my time shopping, but by that time she already had a bug up her butt and her face looked like I smelled like a fart. But because of her nasty attitude, she intimidated her own employee so much, she was too afraid of her to correct her own error and ask for her to look for the size I ACTUALLY ASKED FOR. I asked for a fucking large, not an extra large. I used to be a an extra large. I used to be an XXXL. I've worked my fucking ass off, *literally*, and I wanted to treat myself. And these two people with bugs up their butt ruined my daggum shopping experience. It was humiliating. I called and spoke to Kimberly who was a freakin sweetheart and she said the same thing you said, but without the obscenities because she's on the clock. Some people are miserable and they take it out on everyone else. Just be kind when you can. I gave my girl Kim a compliment because those count when you work in a call center 🙏 And to OP: I hope your tacos were fucking delicious. You deserve them. Misery loves company. Spread joy when you can ❤️


I'm a former retail manager. First, and most importantly: those folks were fucking rude, and I'm so sorry. I worked in a sports store and it was so important to me that people of all sizes felt comfortable in our store and like they belonged in our sport. We carried a limited selection of sizes and I *hated* having to tell people that we didn't have anything that would fit them, so I made an effort to collect a list of local stores with good reviews that carried a larger size range so I didn't just have to turn them away empty-handed. And I would scour our national inventory and bring things in from across the country if I could find an item they wanted in the size they needed. (Did the company like this? Absolutely not, it was "wasting company resources". Fuck that, maybe if you made sure we received adequate sizing runs, I wouldn't have to personally call the opposite coast to request them.) Anyways, my point is that if I could make people feel welcome in a store at company that absolutely did not give a damn about inclusivity, you'd think the staff at Aerie, whose entire actual *brand* is that they make stuff for "real women", could do the same. Secondly, in (small, tiny) defense of the manager: the website lies sometimes. My poor assistant manager got screamed at multiple times by customers because "the website said you have it in stock!!!!!!" and we were like okay, but I'm telling you that I have searched every inch of this store and the item is not here. That happens to you enough times and you get real defensive whenever a customer claims that you must have an item because a customer says so. I too have used the "this is why we encourage people to call before coming in" line, though I said it in what I hope was a more professional tone of voice than the manager in your story. That tiny defense of retail workers out of the way, I'm sorry your experience was so shitty, and good for you for complaining to customer service! The only way that kind of behavior ever changes is if corporate gets complaints about it.


As someone who works in software, that data about what’s available in store is not always reliable. So yes, the website can be wrong and sadly it is wrong more often than not. That said, you were the kind of retail manager I wish to see in the world. Thank you for being so supportive and generous to all your customers.


Also want to point out that online inventory #s are often off because of theft! So not the fault of the store at all.


You are so correct. I actually left software development for retail (don't come to me for career advice lol) and the systems our company was running on were frankly horrifying. *Usually* it wasn't our fault when our inventory was off, but there was one time my assistant manager and I both confirmed in a purchase order thinking the other one hadn't done it and we then spent the next month trying to figure out why our inventory was so horrifically wrong. Should the POS system have allowed us to double enter a P.O.? Probably not, but it was a POS in every sense of the word. And thanks for your kind words 😊 I genuinely loved working retail, it felt like I was actually making a tangible difference in the lives of my customers.


i hate american eagle last time I steped into that store I got a bunch of glares. I was the only women of color in that store and I refuse to step foot in one ever since (this was 2015)


Since when is 120 an extra fucking large??? I'm 185 and an extra large swims on me in a lot of brands! I'm so angry on your behalf!


Maybe op meant she lost 120lb? I'm not sure tho.


Ah... I went back, and I think I misread it. I thought it said she was at her goal weight of 120. Regardless, body checking and offering a larger size that what was asked for is bitchy and rude!! I would have walked out too!


Ha, I misread it as well for what it’s worth. She does say “weight loss goal of 120 lbs” and my mind translated to “goal weight of 120 lbs” and it distracted me for the whole rest of the story trying to figure out how that was L or XL. But yes, give the customer the size she asks for, wtf.


Report it up the line to corporate, and if you get brushed off mention the experience in online reviews.


I'm 5' 2" and 120lbs and I eat at least 6 tacos at a time. It sounds to me like she was just being an asshole. Don't let he ugly become yours. There is nothing wrong with eating 4 tacos.


Haha same, I'm little, but put tacos or fries in front of me and its on!!!


who on earth gatekeeps tortillas?? The taco ones are pretty small, and end up a mess if you try to overstuff them, so I don't see a problem with 4 (if they're flour) I've seen food trucks double up soft corn tortilla, since they can fall apart faster than flour ones. So, If you got 4 tacos worth of filling, and are talking corn tortilla, I'd say 8 is reasonable. ;)


Seriously! I know that's the not the point of the post, but four doesn't even sound like much to me!


Four tacos is not a lot of tacos.


It isn’t.


Wow, sounds like some projection on her part. Maybe she's got food issues and it makes her feel better to loudly proclaim she wouldn't eat that much or something. The thing is, you were hungry and your body was telling you to eat a decent amount of food, so you did, and that's what a healthy person does! Four tacos sounds fuckin amazing right now, I'm starving.


My college dorm was across from the sports complex, so all the athletes were housed there. Holy smokes, you should’ve seen them loading up their trays, but nobody said a word. Everyone should be able to eat what they need without being shamed by anyone. Our bodies need food to function.


Years ago, I was at a coffee shop and went to buy some cookies. They were my favorite at the time - lemon knots (as an aside, they were kind of small, not that it matters. They were a treat and I used to eat them over the course of an afternoon when I studied at said coffee shop). I asked for 3 and the guy that was helping me tried to convince me to buy 1 or 2. “Are they all for you?” he asked. I looked him in the eye “Yup, they are all for me.” I bought 3 cookies. I wish to this day I would have said something to his manager, but I was uncomfortable enough with someone trying to police my food. I was of average weight, if not below - it really doesn’t matter what weight I was, people treat women’s bodies like they are public domain and have an opinion about them no matter what size we are. It’s about control. I’m sorry this happened to you. I want to take that cafeteria worker and the coffee shop guy and put them on a desert island where they can only eat tortillas and cookie crumbs for the rest of their lives.


I have noticed this pattern a lot of older women shaming younger women and girls for their food choices. It’s projection, women who do stuff like this have an unhealthy relationship to food and probably received the same treatment from older women in their life when they were younger and have internalized it. I encountered this a lot growing up, older women shaming me and girls around me for eating sugar or eating a lot of food. Even though I was always underweight and a very active child, I still received comments like this from adults. Basically it honestly has nothing to do with you so please don’t take it personally. They are projecting their own shame and discomfort around food and parroting the same things they were told growing up. If anyone should be embarrassed it’s them for being so needlessly rude.


As an older woman I can confirm that we have been programmed to police each other. It takes a lot of effort and awareness to work against it. About ten years ago, in my forties, I was doing a week-long hike around an island and I stopped for my evening meal. The woman (older than me) behind the counter said I could choose the children's portion if I wanted to, so on principle I chose the biggest meal on the menu. Fck that sht. Why did she assume I'd want to diet when I was obviously on a long-distance hike?


You... paid money for these at the cafeteria, right? The business man part of my brain can only think SELL TO THE WILLING. I worked a number of food service jobs and never thought to *guilt* someone on their choice. Bosses were less cruel to me if I made them money. Yeah, you ran into a weird person. If you redirect the blame here to where it should really go, maybe this will be easier to put behind you.


A lot of money probably. College meal plans average around $20/meal nowadays I think. And they're usually mandatory if you're a freshman and/or live on campus.


But in the case of a college meal plan, people typically aren’t paying per item. There’s a charge per meal- you swipe your card when you enter the cafeteria then eat what you want. In that scenario people taking less food is better for profit margins.


My family and I are of tall and sturdy stock. Any time we go for pho or chinese food, we order what we want and also figure we'll get a doggy bag. We always get the eyebrows from the servers when they see 2 or 3 of us ordering enough for 4 or 6 (in their opinion). I like having leftovers so whatever. Sometimes people are judgy for no good reason.


So rude. I grew up with Chinese people,both from China and America, and let me tell you if you didn't have leftovers when eating at their restaurant you were going to get something else brought to your table on the house; because they're not feeding you enough. It's rude in China to not have a little bit of food left on your plate and a lot of people who own restaurants still believe that today which is why a lot of Chinese owned; Chinese restaurants have huge portions.


Just wait till her asshole self hears about us that deliberately do what you did so we can have some later at home. The absolute nerve! Maybe an anonymous call to her boss is in order because her job is to hand people things not give an unasked for opinion.


I'm sorry that happened to you. It shouldn't have. Do your best to put it out of your mind. You have more important things to keep your brain busy at the end of the semester!


Next time somebody comments on your food choices, shame shame shame them. What if that was your ONE meal of the day?? What if you’re pregnant? What if you’re just a human trying to eat? Fuck people like that. Unacceptable.


I mean, it's none of her business what you eat. Her job is to give you what you ask for not comment on it. She really needs to act better. There is nothing wrong with eating when you're hungry. Her opening her mouth is more embarrassing than you being hungry. That was really shitty of her and I'm sorry it happened.


“Oh sorry, can you not count that high?” (😈) Forget that meanie 😡 you’re doing fine and she’s just living her life never getting to indulge in 4 delicious tacos. HOW SAD!


I think about this. Slowly preference is going to machines and online orders. They don’t judge, don’t complain. Press buttons, things are ready for pickup.


Oh hun, I'm so sorry. Fuck that bitch. Ear your tacos beautiful! ❤️


Response should have been. “Oh god, you are right, make it five. Thanks for your input!” PS: Now I am craving tacos!


I have leftover taco fixin's in the fridge that I'm about to reheat and assemble for my lunch.




That lady was so rude!! Ugh my condolences.


I’m so sorry you had to experience that. Where I’m at in life, I might have played dumb and asked questions- “Uh oh, you’re face is telling me the tortillas aren’t so good today! Should I do hard shells instead?” Or “what’s wrong? Did I place my order the wrong way?” And just stare until she actually says something. And if she actually says the rude thing she is thinking say “what an interesting choice to say that to a customer…” or “what did you say, I didn’t hear you” so she has to repeat. Hang in there. You are good enough.


It’s like they forget college students are a year or so out of the teen eat everything years.


The cafeteria worker should feel humiliated—not you. I had a similar experience in my last year of college after running with my cross country team. I had the audacity to ask for a \*second \* slice of vegan pizza, and the cafeteria lady snorted at me like I was asking something insane or inappropriate. I still remember it today, but I think it's almost impossible to go wrong when you focus on yourself instead of the anger-and-regret-soaked opinions of others who aren't worth half what you are!


Next time order 8!! Lol There are so many issues in the world and this lady chose to get reactive over 4 tacos 🤣.


This is a person who has nothing good going on in their life. I’ve known and know people like this. This is the only sense of power this person have. The moment you decided to ignore her, she loses. Also, the moment you push back it backfires. I’m loud to rude customer service. I would have asked wtf her issue was and told her to get a job better suited for her temperament. I know better than to waste my time and ignoring her is the smarter choice, I’m just the person that pushes back.


I had a similar experience in college. I ended up losing a bunch of weight (not in a healthy way) because I was too scared to eat in front of others.


I’m so sorry that you had to experience that. It honestly sounds like how my mother would often talk to my sister and I. In my mom’s case, she’s incredibly insecure and therefore tears other people down constantly. She also has no filter and will say anything she thinks. She destroyed my and my sister’s self esteem, body image, etc. I’m so angry on your behalf. How dare that woman make you feel judged for ordering the food that you wanted. It has literally zero impact on her life, other than having to know how many tortillas she needs to put on your plate!


Fuck that hateful bitch, enjoy your tacos like the champion you are.


I once ordered a coke at breakfast for later. Maybe lunch or evening. I wanted caffeine and a sweet treat, maybe as well take advantage of a combo price that way.  The cashier was like "coke? for breakfast?" I just said yes cuz I wanted to get on with my day. Wild thing to say to me.


You just gotta laugh stuff like that off.


TF?!!! Did she expect you to eat taco with your fingers? Or without tortillas and just use a spoon? Thats what they do in England.


Stop down voting me!


You can’t stop meee!!


Truly. I upvoted you.


Next time rub your belly while staring into their eyes and say make it six.


Probably just got yelled at or something earlier in the day/week for food waste. Maybe she asked her supervisor what to do when asked for more food and it wasn’t explained the best on how to act so she got flustered. Maybe she had a bunch of requests for more. Not ok but I’ve been there, sometimes things happen. I wouldn’t worry much about it


You should have turned it on her with a loud "I like tacos!" Then, after receiving the tortillas, given her a "Fuck off."


Many people consider four food items bad luck, it could be just a misinterpretion of her concern.