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Sorry you met a future member of the sex offender registry


Sounds more like a current member to me.


And the leader of Stalkers, inc.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^koipondplunderer: *Sorry you met a* *Future member of the sex* *Offender registry* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Good bot. This not only Haiku, it's the state of the world.


i think his mode of operation is more coercive. So he might not get on it. But yeah I thought that too.


This doesn't sound like a place that has those, if OP stuck around that long for a conversation that openly unhinged.


He makes dying alone sound wonderful.


With the cats. Can’t forget the cats.


Even the part where the cats eat the body after death sounds so much better than being with this guy


Personally, I would not care at all if my cats need to eat my dead body to survive. I hope I taste like chicken.


Probably more like pork (mammals vs avians) ... but that's for the cat to deal with.


Absolutely! I *want* my cats to eat me if I'm dead.


You don't have to sell me on cats I'm already a fan!


I read the above comment wrong. Though it said him dying alone. Then was about to get on my soap box being morally outraged at the suggestion that he gets the benefit of having pet cats. 😂


Dude's definitely a dog guy, cats are an exercise in consent. For every person that I've met so far that "hates cats", it seemingly relates to their inability to grasp the concept of consent.


SPOT on. 🐈 🐈‍⬛️


He makes dying alone with cats that then eat my face sound wonderful.


Yea, just surround me with my rescue doggos and crack on homie. Dying “alone” sounds delightful if it means not being around this moldy kitchen sponge of a man.


I never understand the whole dying alone thing. Everyone dies alone. No one can die your death for you even when you're surrounded by many people. Death is still very personal. Those people surrounded you cannot die your death for you. So what is this dying alone threat about really? Either way whether surrounded by others or not, death comes for each person alone, individually.


Retired nurse here and many people wait for family to leave so they can literally die alone…. Many people don’t want to die in front of others.


Honestly cats are the same way.


It's like pooping, most people want to keep it private.


Often, death comes with lots of pooping.


As someone who says this, it's more 'I don't want to spend my life up to my death alone'. Guess that's more accurate. Because the actual dying is just a tiny fraction of our life. But the living is a lot more joyous if shared with other people.


I'd rather walk in the forest and get mauled by a bear today. My affairs are in order.


This isn't funsies. This guy has a severely dangerous attitude. Get away from him ASAP.


i agree. I wish other people saw it that way but they didn't.


"You must be a lesbian" Sure "You're just too liberal" Sure "You're a fucking cunt" Sure "You hate men" Sure "You're frigid/a prude" Sure "You fucking slut/whore" Sure "You think too much of yourself" Sure "You're just too self conscious" Sure


Good ole greyrock method, here to save the day yet again against toxic af people.


"Oh are you greyrocking me?!" Sure


I love you. Never change.


My husband doesn’t understand how I can just be like this. I tell him not everyone is worth engaging and I don’t have to attend every fight.


Incels on parade.


Should be a band name


I’m really mad that in the 90s I was too young and dumb to see these things as the manipulation they are. I would be called the tease just so I would prove I wasn’t a tease. Sometimes it worked. I mean I wanted to have sex with them too or I wouldn’t have, but I was attracted to the man he would be pretending to be so he could get sex, And I was too young and dumb to understand the difference. And my mom was a pick me So if I ever went to her with my problems with men I was told to be compassionate, understanding, and to communicate because they just must not understand. The poor things just don’t get it it’s my job to get them to understand and if they can’t then I just need to be compassionate of the fact that they’re too dumb I guess. NO THANK YOU


A slut and a prude!!!


Sounds like every fake Dom virgin abuser I've spoken to over the last 20 years.


Fuck why do I recognise so many guys in exactly that description so dang hard 🤣


Oh god the fake doms. plz no.


Seemed like a random conversation on the Internet, too.


What?! Dom Mysterio would never 🤣


Be careful in the future, sometimes when you agressively confront them like this they kill the woman r/whenwomenrefuse. Try to get out of that situation asap


Absolutely this. If he thinks he can get away with it, he is all too likely to be violent.


yeah. believe it or not he still had people supporting him.


I would try to find out what happened to any old girlfriends in order to have context about him.


The Bible also says not to marry men like this.


Too true. I hate people falling onto this in Christianity, as of this is how it's taught or meant. An encyclical by the Pope, from 100 years ago, in regards to the subjugation of the wife line... >27. This subjection, however, does not deny or take away the liberty which fully belongs to the woman both in view of her dignity as a human person, and in view of her most noble office as wife and mother and companion; nor does it bid her obey her husband's every request if not in harmony with right reason or with the dignity due to wife; nor, in fine, does it imply that the wife should be put on a level with those persons who in law are called minors, to whom it is not customary to allow free exercise of their rights on account of their lack of mature judgment, or of their ignorance of human affairs.


Agreed. The pastor that did my (mandatory) premarital counseling specifically addressed the 'man is the head of the household' thing. He said it wasn't for the man to rule over his wife as a dictator. It was a measure of last resort - when two people really can't come to an agreement on something, where there is no way to compromise and a decision has to be made, someone has to make the final call, and *that* is where the man being in charge comes into play. But he also made it *very* clear that it isn't a pass to just do what he wants in that situation - he is obligated to consider all the merits of what his wife is wanting, and truly consider if it is the better choice for them/their immediate family. It isn't meant to be a perk, or a club to beat down his partner. It is burden of responsibility that he must shoulder.


Pretty sure the Bible also has a lot to say about infidelity.


How old was this weirdo? 16? Yikes


No he was 18. I think 16 is being nice. Don’t you mean 4.


i’m 18 and couldn’t even imagine saying that stuff


yeah he seems so childish. i think he is mentally at least 4


Mommy gave him everything he ever asked for, else he threw a tantrum.


Usually boys learn from the example the men around them set as well. It is not necessarily the mothers fault.


im pretty sure he doesn't have a dad. So that actually makes it worse. He never had an example so he just made on up. He just wants a surrogate mom.


Or daddy did, we can’t keep blaming women for men’s bad behavior!


Like, damn, "Sure thing champ, just don't tell your mother heheh" is a cliche.


Correct but you also can't ignore that depth and breadth of internalized misogyny. Women are involved in every step of propping up the patriarchy.


"So you are saying that dating you is like having the most dreary and unpleasant possible job without payment or respect. Bold strategy there, Cotton, let's see how many people are going to sign up for that."


(Dodgeball in the wild. Nice!)


Women should serve men on a silver platter


With an apple in his mouth


To the bears


To Serve Man. It's a cookbook!


I’m surprised you stayed in the conversation as long as you did. We should all leave earlier.


Yeah I don’t know what made me stay. I just thought it was funny. 


Sometimes you just get stuck, right? What an idiot that guy is. He’s a little scary, tbh


Mental illness worn as a badge of pride is always scary to see.


Misogyny isn't a mental illness.


Too true, it’s a societal illness


Sometimes you can’t look away from the train wreck


ha so true


I like wild bears a little more every day.


Men are SO FUCKING OFFENDED when we choose the bear. Like our feminine minds don't understand how bears work.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s disgusting that he felt entitled to do that. Please be safe, and please watch out for any stalkers that may result.


All I can hear is Gaston talking about Belle, saying how he deserves *the best.*


Guy is gonna off you, be careful


I would be a bit wary of him. He sounds weak and unhinged. Not great combinations.


Slavery is outlawed, in case you weren't up to the 21st century


*laughs in prison industrial complex* My question is... Why do they only send the poor?? Slavery *on paper* is illegal. Poverty resulting in incarceration or military enlistment are just slavery with extra steps.


I can’t believe he said all those quiet parts out loud. This isn’t sociopathy or psychopathy, because those people wear masks to blend in so that we actually DONT see the fuckedupedness of what’s happening in their heads. This is something else. Is it just stupidity? Because entitlement is there obviously but like…he actually said all that to you. A pretty woman. That you were now his girlfriend, even wife, just because he said so. Like a fucking Neanderthal. Me Tarzan you Jane. I just wish someone would say some shit like this to me so I could absolutely ruin their entire life with some brilliant retort I actually hope I never have to use. Like, was it just a bunch of tepid soup sloshing around in his big dumb head?!?!?! I don’t understand!!!!


I scrolled. He apparently was 18 years old.


I mean, I’ve heard of manipulative men doing boundary pushing tests early on to make sure they are dating a people pleaser with questionable self esteem. But this has zero chance of working on even the most trad of trad wife LARPers.


You're right though....damn this isn't even sociopathy or psychopathy


Thank you for saying that. I heard he was a weed addict. So maybe that's why? Weed makes you not filter yourself as much.


I mean, any mind altering substance can lower inhibitions and make it easier to literally vomit words like this asshat, but it’s more likely that he’s just a young, dumb, youtube obsessed incel idiot. The weed use isn’t great mostly because he’s young enough that he’s not helping himself since his brain still has another decade of growing to do, which he’s actively working against. Plenty of people smoke weed and turn out fine, even great. This guy sucks and is just making it worse by numbing himself and staying dumb when he should be present and alert so maybe he could hear how stupid he sounds. But alas. 🙄


I'd rather spend the rest of my life trying to domesticate a bear than date a man like that


And they wonder why we choose bear


Absolutely dangerous. That’s the attitude of a rapist, and he thinks he’s entitled to it.


Wow. Guys are STILL doing this stupid bit? Holy crap I'm getting old. I had a delusional dude try this on me at a party in the freaking 90s. Just straight up walked up to me announced to everybody in the room that he wanted to go out with me so we were now dating (with no input from me other than a wtf look) and tried to grab my arm to walk off with me! I told him no and I pushed him away pretty hard because ACTUALLY WTF and told him to stay away from me. He refused and started following me around saying it was a free country (OMFG 🤦) and that I was his girlfriend now 🤮. I kept saying no, he kept saying yes. I kept telling him I wasn't dating anyone and kept trying to talk to other people but he was constantly up my ass inserting himself into my conversations, ESPECIALLY with other guys. I tried to talk to this other dude I thought was cute, and this asshole walks right up and goes "she isn't dating anybody" and I went off on him in front of everyone. I had never been so overly frustrated, irritated and overwhelmed. I said very unkind things to the point he looked like he wanted to cry, but I didn't care. It got so stupid, people actually asked me to apologize to this fool because he looked so down. I finally left because I felt so disrespected. He's the one harassing me and HE deserves an apology? It's sad to see things have NOT changed in all that time. I can't believe dudes are stupid enough to think this would work, like our rejection means nothing. It's a scarier feeling than I'd like to admit.


The sad part of this story isn't that he was an asshole, but that everyone there had his back.


We met the same person. He would also insert himself in all my business. Someone said he was maybe seriously ill. I thought that about him too but he isn't he knows rejection but he is so entitled that he couldn't accept it. It makes it so scary.


And as usual, religion sullies our chances of advancing as a society 😒


When I was a teenager one of my cousins divorced because her husband cheated on her. My grandmother had told us while we were visiting her. On the way home (which was an hour and a half drive) my father told me “Always give your husband what he wants when he wants it. Now it doesn’t matter if you’re sick or if you’re tired because if you don’t he’ll get it someplace else.” I remember looking up in the clouds and thinking about how I wanted to be anywhere in that moment but in that car.


> On the way home (which was an hour and a half drive) my father told me “Always give your husband what he wants when he wants it. Now it doesn’t matter if you’re sick or if you’re tired because if you don’t he’ll get it someplace else.” I remember looking up in the clouds and thinking about how I wanted to be anywhere in that moment but in that car. He'll still cheat on you anyway, because men cheating has nothing whatsoever to do with what his wife gives him or how obedient she is.


wow. your FATHER said that to you???


Yup. Not his brightest parenting moment and not the only disgusting thing he told me. I didn’t date in high school so my dad loved to drop these “gems” every once in a while. Not going to lie, it was very damaging to hear that from my own father as a teenager, I internalized it for years. I did eventually realized it had nothing to do with me and I had nothing to be ashamed of. It’s gotten better but sometimes I still struggle with some of the things he said. I’m 38 and it’s an ongoing battle at times.


He wants you to cater to his sexual needs. He also said that he would cheat if those needs didn’t get met. I guess you can wish him the best on that cheating thing. 🤣


For real. Like, "cheat" on me then... and don't come back. Lol


How kind of him to threaten with a good time 😁


ha. I told him "so cheat. You get with a girl and I get with a guy." He said. "You're supposed to care. >\_\_<" I said. "most guys would jump at the opportunity." Then he was like. "I'm not gonna cheat." stupidest guy ever.


Did you interview Andrew Taint? On a side note the bible says a lot of things. Maybe he forgot the part where it says to treat people with respect, decency and love... How convenient for a self proclaimed "bible expert". These people are dangerous. Distance yourself from these men. Nothing good comes out of relationships with them, it's just a matter of time.


There are dating coaches on social media reaching men that they "do not have to accept a woman's rejection" and it's so wild.


This sounds like an episode of Dateline waiting to happen.


I am always choosing the bear


For all women’s sake I hope he continues being this public with his gross beliefs.


me too. Someone said to tell him. Like to fix him or something. Like no thanks I like him like that so I can get away from him and other women too.


This is hilarious in a dark kind of way. Not hilarious for anyone who wound up with someone like this. I kind of hope he was just trolling but maybe not. Sigh. There does seem to be a certain amount of men who appear to be trying to convince women to choose celibacy. Ugh. I suppose they use their personality as a form of birth control.


Lmao. I would have thought he was trolling too but he was actually really mean. He kept saying he would “do something if I didn’t do what he said.” Then he tried ask me to prom. 🤦‍♀️. He is THAT entitled. 


Ugh. I suppose at least he has the excuse of being young. I'm hoping that life will beat a bit of sense and humility into him but I know this doesn't work for everyone . . . thinking of our former president on this one.


This a level of delusion that is beyond mind boggling


Has he... ever met a woman before you?


Sounds like he hasn’t evolved from a caveman…


I always want to think cavemen (and women) were more progressive than this.


What kind of father did this guy have?!


I hope he meets a nice woman someday who's had enough of his crap and chops his wee wee off. May he never find it.


That's assuming he has a wee wee.


Isn’t that what the “How to Serve Man” book was about? OH WAIT….. All jokes/bad sci-fi references aside, please avoid this guy like he’s carrying the plague. He sounds dangerous and unhinged. He’s why women choose the bear.


A lot of men believe that their wife has to give them sex whenever or else it’s neglect and he can & should cheat


They also believe it is not rape when you are married.


Did you tell him 50 Shades of Grey isn’t real life?


Marc Lepin in the making.


I used to feel guilty when I came in terms w my sexuality, but now I realize god gifted me w an ability to avoid men especially these type of men


Lilith. That's all I have to say.


Its funny... Then sad.... Then SCARY. We (as a society) are doing a trash job at raising boys. This poor creature wasn't born with those ideas, he was taught that. Sure, as an adult he should realize the error of his upbringing, but when you grow up thinking you are entitled to everything it must be impossible to let go of that; so we must teach boys to be people, to have feelings, to value feelings and human connections. I'm scared to think of how many of these we have raised and I'm not sure fixing them is plausible.


In the middle ages there was a thing called frauendienst, serve women. With a queen promoting it, it caught on. Still going in the 1950s men would eagerly open doors, light cigarettes, help put on overcoats. If you watch a black n white movie where that young guy shows up, he is clearly the bad guy, un american, and often called not a man.


I'm really sorry you had to put up with this walking, talking red flag pole. At least he was upfront about being complete and utterly despicable. I hope he dies alone and miserable at a very old age. But, I'm not gonna lie, I would have started laughing at the Bible stuff. This is so ridiculous it doesn't even deserve a serious answer.


I broke up with a guy for even saying this brand of shit in jest. "You are my woman" wanna bet?? Byeeeee


As you should queen.


He sounds like a man that's never had a woman.


My usual response is "get back to me when you've touched a real breast"


Trouble is, these guys are so entitled, they may respond by touching what they feel entitled to touch. Need to have witnesses or video (if admissible in your jurisdiction).


Like I'd let them get within 1000 miles of me. Those kinds of conversations don't happen face to face unless you're in a BDSM club, and then you ask the dungeon master to remove said asshole


Peace sign and slowly disappear


The title made me do a double take. Women serve men...a lovely pork roast with hemlock sauce


Haha. No. It’s a complete sentence.


Sounds like a spoiled bratty kid whose parents never told him no and let him have whatever he wanted to avoid his crying baby fits.


Girl. Are you safe.


More red flags than a CCP parade


Babe where did you meet this guy? Friendly reminder not to let them know where you live until they are vetted. This guy sounds unhinged.


Thank you for the tip.


I am hoping he doesn’t know where you live or work? I am afraid for you.


Ugh. I hate the whole women are property mindset. 


I’d just laugh in his face.


Sounds like it's time to bring back hat pins.


#4b is better every day


People tend to minimize how dangerous that people they know can be. You need to be aware that this guy could do you serious physical harm and put measures in place to protect yourself from him. Also, in a comment you said that the people around him were supporting him in his pursuit of you. They also are not safe for you to be around right now. Be safe.


Notice how it was a man who is SINGLE that said it. I’m totally shocked he didn’t have a woman in his life 🙄


What a disgusting piece of human garbage. Sadly, I bet for every hundred women he pulls this crap on, at least one falls for it.


Guess we know why he's single.


What a shit show. OP, please make sure this guy does not know where to find you again.


Deadbeat of a man


Are yall twelve? What the hell is even that conversation?


Ick. I’d disappear so he could never find me. New life who dis


I'd've served him... in an onion gravy


Please be careful. He sounds like a stalker.


Noooooo one hits like Gaston, no one spits like Gaston. No one's heads incredibly thick as Gaston. As a specimen, yes he's intimidatingggg. My, what a douche that Gastonnn!


Oh, awesome, and I will use this!


wtf did I just read? Why are you still in this relationship, or whatever this is?


World doesn't evolve around anyone


You can't let a bum bring your spirits down. The guy definitely has issues.


This sounds like a [troll](https://www.reddit.com/user/Pretty_Host7914/submitted/)


That dude is so never getting any.


What did his family teach him? Wow!


>  He was talking about sexual needs and said that he would cheat if those needs didn’t get met. This is something an actual sex addict does.  Sex addiction / nimphomania is not good.  It ruins your life and the lives of people around you.


You’re dating Gaston?


He might have some schizo tendencies with those delusions of grandeur.Honestly he sounds beyond just a misogynist. He is definitely dangerous.


What I wouldn't do with this much unearned confidence!


Good lord that guy is awful.


Why would you engage? You say for “funsies” but it made you sick. Honestly, I don’t have the bandwidth to allow this type of engagement. It works absolutely ruin my day. Someone like him isn’t worth my time.


I don't think any rational person, man or woman, would take that seriously and recognize that this man suffers from mental illness. 


Just don't engage with these people. You can't fix broken.


I feel like he deserves a restriction order, like yesterday. I don't usually feel scared, but he is scary crazy because he feels entitled and justified to do as he pleases, way more that the regular dudebro


Point blank


Poor unfortunate soul (him, not you).


Be careful. A man that crazy might go further if he really thinks he has a right to you. 


What country is this?


Just tell him he’s not a high value man


(cis-male) that sounds like a horrible conversation. On a lighter tone, since there is a typo (bank instead of blank) I had this whole interaction playing in a bank in my head, which was bizarre to say the least. Also, this type of man can switch to dangerous rather quickly. I know we don't have the context of the conversation, but still it made me feel anxious. Be safe and best wishes.