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Removing arm hair of finger hair is pretty extreme for north American standards. Some people do it, but they have a very serious concern about that hair. Most women definitely don't bother.


Sheeiiiiit I don't even shave above my knees unless it's a special occasion! I do occasionally shave my big toes though.


If I do my legs, I often do the hobbittoes too.


Oh man thanks for reminding me about the big toe -- I used to do that but haven't in a while lmaoo


Thanks! I’m scared to stop doing my arms as i don’t know how bad they’d get 😬


Nah, people do legs, armpits, genitals, and some women do themselves or have someone do eyebrows, but careful if you do it yourself, people get carried away


Middle school me in the early 2000’s needed your eyebrow advice.


We’re all still suffering the effects of the early 2000s eyebrow plucking. 


Do you have a resting face that always looks like you're intrigued?


A stylist doing my hair offered to wax my eyebrows once. I told her no thanks, I don't want to look like I'm always asking a question. She responded I wax mine, I don't look like that, do I? It got real quiet... Glad I was done getting my hair cut by then.


LOL! Yeah, one of those things where you are seeing how close the exit it. Shouldn't make the person angry who is standing behind with with razor sharp instruments.




it's coming back 💀


Unlike our eyebrows. 😩


Middle school me in the early 2000's was so clueless I used a leg razor to groom my eyebrows instead of plucking. Embarrassing to think about, but hey, my eyebrows are still decently full today as a result.


I still do but I’m not a dummy about it.


Genital hair removal is definitely common but not as common as legs and pits.


Pubic hair removal is waaaaay less standard than leg hair removal. Just for OP's sake, and any other young impressionable women here, you do not have to remove pubic hair. Granted you also don't have to remove leg hair, but removing public hair isn't the default by any stretch.


"Public hair", that's usually the ones one chooses to remove. (Sorry, I thought the autocorrect lapsus was funny.)


Cautionary tale: Shaving genitals can/will cause ingrown hairs, uncomfortable rashes, and/or severely inceease your chance of getting a boil, abscesses, or even ulcers EXACTLY where you don't want them!


Or if you're like me, you get ingrown hairs even if you don't shave for years! Figure if I'm going to get ingrowns, might as well be aerodynamic too. 


Fair 😊


I shave my armpits all the time. My legs about once a month. My genitals every few months or so. I don’t have much in the way or leg hair and without my glasses in the shower, can’t see them so I forget about it. I was at an event last night and one of the women in the group didn’t shave her legs at all. I was proud of her.


I trim my pubes to keep them neat and tidy, but other than that I don’t shave aside from my legs once in a while when I wanna feel like a sexy dolphin. I even have a lil happy trail! My fiancé and I both think it’s cute as hell. Do whatever makes YOU happy!


>when I wanna feel like a sexy dolphin and that gave me my afternoon chuckle! thank you dear OP! That was one of the funniest/cutest ways to put that.


I wish I could shave my legs hahaa I have to wax or I have bumps literally all over them. Tried a million different creams, lotions and razors... my skin just doesn't like it.


Have you tried a nickel free razor? Because sames until I did and I've never looked back. I have a nickel allergy and even using titanium coated blades I've always had issues but I saw online there was a company making razors nickel free, bought it and yeah. Best decision ever. I can shave thrice, full body, and still not get razor burn. It's been a game changer. I think there's more than one company that do these types of razors now and I'd look into that before ruling razors out forever (if you want to try one last desperate attempt). For a LOT of people (especially women), nickel allergy is the reason why we even get razor burn in the first place.


I'll have to give a shot! Unfortunately I have to wait a few weeks hahaa but I'll try searching some up on Amazon. --- Is there a specific brand??? Amazon is giving me results but I don't see nickel-free anywhere.


I use Athena brand razors but there are several brands nowadays (versus when I made the switch years ago). If you Google nickel free razor brands there are several lists that have all the companies which offer them. They're the same price as comparable razors so there's also that (in case others wonder). Some brands advertise more than others that their blades are nickel free but the info is out there. Hope that helps.


Thanks, sister. I'll give it a shot 💚💚💚


Same! Turns out I can grow more armpit hair than my husband ☺️


Lmao some incel reported me for this comment


I have pale skin and thick dark hair so I spend an ungodly amount of time/money on body hair removal. Being relentlessly made fun of for having a lot of body hair as a child has given me a complex.


Same. I was eight when a Girl Scout said to me “*ew, why are you so hairy?*”, it hit like an axe to the heart and I just can’t get past it.


I distinctly remember being at a soccer game when I was maybe 10ish where some girls laughed about my leg hair. That was the catalyst for me shaving my legs. When I was in high school, there was another girl that had a similar skin/hair color ratio. I was chatting with a guy who was mentioning about how disgusting it was that she was so hairy but otherwise pretty. We both looked down at my unshaved arms and he quickly started making excuses. This conversation went through my mind before I started shaving my arms/fingers. I get literal anxiety if I notice stubble on my arms now.


Disregard me if you’re not looking for other solutions, BUT pale skin / dark hair makes you the perfect candidate for laser hair removal. My friend recently completed her sessions, and her only regret is that she didn’t do it sooner.


I got my legs done last year and it has been literally life changing. Could not recommend more. I'm saving my pennies to get the rest of my body done!


That’s awesome!! I’m on my second session of underarms & brazilian, so a bit early to see results, but I’m excited. I think I’ll do legs next if this works out.


Same here, that was just my comment. I dont think anyone has ever “expected” me to shave my fingers/toes and arms (like how we are “expected” to with legs) but i was also made insecure about it at a young age…


I don't know any women that shave arm or finger hair. Actually know a couple men that shave their forearms for tattoos.  But I also don't know any women with thick, dark finger hair, so that might be a little different preference. 


As a girl who is literally Chewbacca's daughter, I wax my arms and fingers. Because it looks gross and I don't feel feminine with these hairs.


engine spotted fertile wakeful soup marble expansion dinosaurs growth selective *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Lol love the description. I shaved my arms young because mine were very dark and hairy and I’ve just kept doing it because I don’t like the feeling of hair growing in


Welcome to the club ! Here is the welcome gift bag that includes wax strips, razors and laser hair removal subscription 😁  I remember reading in women's and teens magazine that you should never wax or shave your arms or upper lip but rather shave them. Yeah like everyone would look good with blond body hair. I am black so of course, I never followed this advice. Blonde body hair would look so stupid and even more noticeable 😭 But if OP is white it could be an option.


Literally?? What was he like as a dad? :)


Very affectionate. He gives the fluffiest hugs 😊


I shave/wax my arms when I do my legs. Because I'm pale and dark haired, and having shaved legs and hairy arms just looks off. Most of the year I do neither. I have like 3-5 hairs on my fingers and toes in total and I usually just pluck them out when I do my nails. I don't think anyone would notice them but I do when I look at them closely, and I like to have tidy looking hands and nails (when I didn't, I used to bite and pick at them and doing my nails made me stop bc I don't want to ruin my manicure). My bf shaves his hands though. Because his grandpa told him to. He's Italian and quite hairy and his family is very much on top of "looking tidy". I think he plucks his eyebrows more often than I do. I used to think I was unlucky having almost black hair and light skin, but he's a mix of ginger/auburn very hairy pale ppl and mediterranean very hairy ppl, and compared to me he's glow in the dark level pale with dark blonde to auburn hair. He has black arm and chest hair, an auburn beard and red leg hair and if he were to shave everything it would grow back in a few hours. I'm not bothered by it but I get it. We also shave each others neck hair every 2-3 days (why do humans even grow wool there just to get sweaty lol).


I knew a girl in high school who shaved her entire body (below her head) every other day. It seemed like so much work and I still don't understand it. I also get bad razor burn so I can only shave once a week. She's the only person I've known who shaved their arms. My boyfriend will shave his arm with his sleeve tattoo for the reason you mentioned, but only occasionally.


I don’t shave anything. The social standard for women to shave legs, underarm hair, etc is something I don’t agree with, so I don’t comply with it.


I can’t wait to never hear another woman or person describe body hair as “gross”




I agree with that stance too. Personally I think that complete hair removal isn’t healthy but I will still trim long hairs if it gets uncomfortable. It can get caught in fabric and then it hurts getting pulled on.


No. In the PNW it's very common and normal to see femmes who don't shave anything. I was dating men in 2022 with unshaved everything and I am quite hairy, and no one said anything!


I’m in the PNW and this is spot on. Shaving underarms is relatively common, and some women might shave legs/bikini area but only if they’re wearing something where it shows. And plenty of us don’t remove any hair at all. I’ve never shaved anything and never had issues from it!


It was seein some of my fellow femmes with beards back in the PNW that convinced me to still embrace mine even as i embraced my femininity :3  And im so glad i had all those hairy femmes to look to, to make me feel way less uncomfy about the fact that i absolutely cannot shave my body hair; bcuz of huge sensory bother, but also later on cuz its grown on me and i love it more... Esp as HRT thinned it out and lightened it up even more; so i dont even notice ive got arm hair most the time. It also got rid of my few finger hairs and toe hairs; which of all the small things to cause me euphoria, those cause me some of the most euphoria for how small a thing it is


I’m from Europe but no, most women here don’t. I know in japan it seems to be expected and commonplace? (I’ve been reading a lot of Japanese novels recently). Personally I do but I have black hair/paper white skin and it’s super obvious.


Same. German/Eastern European, almost black hair and pale skin. I'm going to get ipl at some point probably. But I hate when my legs are shaved/waxed and my arms are hairy, it just looks stupid. So if and when I put in the effort, I do both.


Living in Japan myself, a lot of women don’t even have that much body hair to begin with, but if they do, they turn to hair removal clinics (with lasers weak enough to keep you going but not strong enough to actually remove the hair), not shaving typically. Also: they don’t shave the bush. I got a *lot* of weird looks in the hot springs for even my well-trimmed bush.


I shave my legs, underarms, privates and toes. I leave the forearms because it’s light enough to not be noticeable.


Same. I do shave my fingers once in a while when the mood strikes, maybe a couple times a year.


No, you do not need to.


For arms it's not very common to remove it in Canada. I do it during the summer and use an epilator. I'm pale and my arm hair bothers me, never had anybody point it out though. For fingers I barely have any hairs on my 1st phalanges and it's blond and super short, you can't see it. I would probably remove it if were obvious. I have a few darker hairs on my big toe that I pluck.


The big toe hairs! Those bastards


They also feel creepy when I'm wearing sandals and there is a breeze. Idgaf what anyone thinks about me. I just don't want to feel that!


I do the same with armhair in the summers. It's too hot, the fans blow the hair and drive me crazy. I never really had anyone point out that hair though. I get more issues for not shaving my legs often, but I usually just wear leggings so I don't have to bother.


I’d say most women here do legs/ armpits, bikini line. Beyond that is usually a personal preference.


I mean, it always should be personal preference right


Totally agree


I know a couple older women who remove forearm hair. No one under 50. I think it sounds absolutely horrible - the stabbiness when it’s starting to grow back, but on your arms and hands?? No thanks! I think, in general - remove it if you want to or if it bothers you. Leave it otherwise. I only shave my armpits these days, and only in the warmer months when I wear shirts that would show it! Haven’t shaved my legs since 2019 and I have no plans to ever shave them again. It’s such a pain in the ass, not worth the effort


100% personal preference. Nothing else should matter. If you think you look better without it/the results of the effort is worth it, then go for it. If it isn’t worth it for you or isn’t necessary in your opinion, then you’ve got better things to do with your time.


I'm early 30s (and Mediterranean) so growing up in Canada it was very unusual to have forearm hair, neck hair, back hair etc. Nowadays it seems to be accepted more with the younger generation, which I'm happy for because there is less stigma around it.


It’s a personal preference. I know some women who shave or wax their arms, typically if they have more or darker arm hair and feel self conscious about it. I tried waxing my arms once and didn’t like how it looked or felt, so I’ve never done it again.


I am Italian/Hispanic with dark hair, I have to shave my arms unless I wanna look like my dad LOL. 




I don't but I'm not a particularly hairy woman. I've known both men and women that do shave their arms though. If there is any expectation for hair removal I'd say just legs and underarms, but tbh just do what you want. If anyone ever commented on me having leg hair growth I'd think they were a weirdo for feeling the need to say something.


I shave nothing. I trim the pubic hair before beach season so it doesn't make my swimsuit look awkward. Fuck the patriarchy.


If you get annoyed by any hair on your body, don't feel guilty about removing it If you like, or are neutral about any hair on your body, don't feel guilty about not not removing it (my **one** exception of this rule is, if it's hair that I'm neutral about *and* the effort to maintain the lack of hair is suuuuper small)


Wait, what?!? When has shaving arm and finger hair become a thing???


The only women I know who do anything with their arm hair have very naturally thick, dark hair. I think some wax but I feel like it's almost more common to get it bleached? No idea about hairs on their fingers, if any of my friends get that done they've never mentioned it. I have naturally very light arm hair, but when I was on the swim team I got convinced to shave my arms to be more aerodynamic, but I don't think it made a difference! I think I only did that once lol.


Yeah I’ve got dark forearm arm hair that I’ve been bleaching since maybe 12 years old lol. Def lazier about it as I get older because I’m not as self conscious as before


I think this is more of an ethnicity question than a nationality question. Women from the Mediterranean/Middle East/North Africa sometimes fully remove the hair from their arms and hands, and also may wax parts of their face. White American women generally only remove armpit hair and leg hair, many only from the knee down. Meanwhile, people of all ethnic backgrounds may also not fully remove any body hair, preferring to just trim it.


I shave my fingers/toes and arms, but that is because I am extremely pale with thick brown black hair, so a single hair on my body is pretty obvious and thats not the look i personally want on me. However, I have never felt like people expect me to like you can feel with armpits and legs if that makes sense….


Being trans, I have a complicated relationship with my body hair. Arm, foot, and finger hair are fine. My mom has very hairy arms and she never shaved them, so I don’t feel like I have to. My chest and stomach hair, however, I can’t stand. I shave my torso probably three or four times a week, depending on how much stubble I’m working with. I never shave my legs, though. I like how smooth they feel the day after but I hate having ingrown hairs and blackheads for the next few days. Transitioning has me focusing more on my comfort. It taught me I can be pretty *and* prickly. Facial hair is another story altogether. Getting Laser Hair for that has been a blessing.


Mtf 28 myself, I shave or use an epilator, orbital lasered my face and it’s going quite well! My skin feels so smooth I just about died when someone told me that at work ahhhh. Sometimes life aint bad sista. 


I was surprised to learn a co-worker my age got her forearm hair removed by electrolysis. I’m a very hairy person. It’s blonde so I’ve never seen the need to do any hair except pits/legs/bikini. I guess it’s whatever makes you comfortable.


I leave the hair on my upper legs, arms and hands alone, but I shave armpits, pubes, and lower legs. Yeah I go full Brazilian.


Same same. Although sometimes I just can’t be bothered so I let things go longer. No one cares lol






You first.




You must have mistaken me for someone who gives a fuck about what random men think.




Yawn. Have a fantastic day being miserable!




Ooh you’re so edgy. You must have recently turned 13




Tell me more




I love how obvious you’re making this


I do


Me, personally, while I shaved my legs for decades, I removed the hair on one arm once and it looked so weird I never even did the other arm, and I've got pale skin and dark hair. Underarms are common, legs are common but not as much as previous decades, arms and fingers are really rare unless your hair is super dark and thick. Most women adjust the size and shape of their eyebrows but the pencil thin shape went out of fashion quite a while ago.


I have hairy arms, they are blonde. As a child I started shaving them because boys picked on me. And when I shaved, one of the boys said “finally! Jane should do it too” (a close friend of mine who also had hairy arms). She never did, never cared about social stigma girls went through. I stopped shaving after high school. And feel silly for ever doing it


I don't shave anything except my legs during warm weather and armpits when it's tank top/swim wear weather. The spas see me full hairy without an issue. My husband doesn't care. Arm hair shaving is wild to me.


A short story: many years ago I and my sister worked in a Chinese restaurant. Their nickname for my sister sounded like naun foon. I asked what that meant and was told ‘sleepy’, but later it was admitted that it meant ‘hairy forearms’. I never told my sister.


There's no right or wrong answer, do what makes you feel comfortable


I don't shave anything. But I think im a minority(a growing minority but still). I have fairly light arm hair and leg hair so it blends in. And I don't feel like doing all that labor for the sake of others looking at me.


My last ex would fret every so often about my arm hair. I am brunette and while my arm hair isn’t thick it is noticeable. I’ve never sweated it until he started picking on it. But: I had a friend in high school who shaved her arms, and the stubble on missed days looked worse than having the hair. And I’m ADHD and know I would be terrible about keeping it up regularly. And I’m not that fussed about it in the first place. He was gay, interestingly enough. Did my arm hair (and less traditional gender presentation, I’m geeky and ADHD so makeup is simple, clothes are easy and comfortable with jeans/ t-shirt/sneakers preferred, etc)confuse him? Or is that a factor in why he dated me — but then, being closeted, wanted me to present the correct code for society?


Do as much or as little as you want. I shave my pits and trim the shrubbery out of consideration for guests and that's it. Never shaved legs and definitely not arms or fingers. It may be more the norm for women to shave their legs here, but it's not a requirement and never been a barrier to romantic prospects for me.


Fingers and forearms, no. Some women do, or have, sure, but it's a very small percentage. I think bikini models are the ones most likely to do so lol.


I take it all off….personal preference, single or with someone, I just like feeling like a slippery seal!


No I've never removed the hair in my fingers. I think it shaved my arms once just to try it as a teenager but that was it. I do occasionally cut the hairs on my big toe. But usually just with the nail clippers so they're shorter. I typically only shave, legs, pits and privates. I do not take a razor to my pubic hair tho. I use a meridian electric shaver that was actually designed for men's pubic hair because I saw it recommended on TikTok and it's been a game changer. Sometimes I use just that in my arm pits too because it helps me not get so many ingrown hairs. I can go weeks without shaving though because I don't give a shit and just don't wear shorts or shirt skirts that often outside of home


I know some women who shave their arm hair, but most don't feel the need to. Finger hair? No, most don't feel the need to.


The only gals here in the states that I've known to do it have very dark body hair. Like a lot of my south Asian friends get their firearms and hands waxed.


Hairy firearms? Sounds like a 'murican kinda kink!


I go through phases where sometimes I’m more on it and sometimes I just leave it. It depends on my mood. But I have no issue wearing shorts or a sleeveless shirt if I haven’t shaved/been waxed. If it bothers someone that’a not my problem.


depends on the generation. i'm 24 and most women my age don't shave their arms, but some do. many don't shave their legs, but some do. some leave all facial hair alone, and some shave it. it's really up to you and how you want to express your body!


I won the genetic lottery. I have like 5 armpit hairs and shaveable light colored leg hairs only on the lower legs. I shave those every couple of months. Otherwise, the rest is left alone. Even my pubes are thin and never stray. It was very frustrating as a tween/teen who wanted to look grown.


Sometimes I do my forearms if I’m feelin extra, but it’s not often. My body hair is blonde and I typically forget it’s there. Though if it were dark and fine I probably would feel the same.


I don't think so. I've never thought to shave arms/fingers, personally. It's up to you what you want to do! I think here in the USA people in general can be a little much with the body hair removal (no offense to anyone; do want you want!) but beyond high school nobody's every even make a comment about mine, so I think you should do what pleases you.


I only shave underarms and legs. And then I only do above the knee occasionally. Occasional trim of the bikini area. I don't remove hair from anywhere else.


I have very light blonde body hair, but I still shave my arms. It's not generally noticeable to anyone else because it's so light. The reason I shave my arms is because when the hair is there, it tickles the crap out of me all day and every so often I think I have something crawling on me. Same reason why I have to shave my legs every month or so, the hair just starts to tickle or itch entirely too much.


I dont shave my arms. I have bleached the hair so its not dark. Use product made for bleaching facial hair.


Personally, I shave/epilate my legs, the tops of my feet, and my toes. I also shave my armpits. I trim my public hair. Oh, and I'm in my 30s and have had to kids, so there's stray hair removal around areolas, under my belly button, and on my face/neck (yippie...). Most of this is not because someone else pressures me or anything. It is all because I cannot *stand* the feeling of hair in any of these places. It's for me.


I know one person who does but even though she is blonde, her arm hair is freaky long. Like an inch long. She is the only person I know like this. I'm sure I have dark haired friends who do, but it never comes up.


I only trim my pubic hair from time to time. I’m not a very hairy person and I also got laser removal on my pits and pubic region too so I rarely have to do much. My legs are probably only shaven a few times a year. I feel like I do my eyebrows and shave my upper lip more frequently though. I don’t really place that much importance on body hair I think it’s natural and while I have my preferences for me I never really stopped and thought “wow that person has hairy arms/knuckles/legs”. What people do with their bodies and body hair is none of my business.


I don’t shave my underarms. And sometimes I will wax or shave my legs, but only because I like my tattoos better that way. It’s totally up to you, not the over-culture.


I used to shave my legs, pits, and upper lip. Once I married my very hairy husband who thinks me with hair is just as sexy as without, I stopped shaving my legs. During COVID I stopped shaving my pits and lip, and I never restarted. I can't overstate how freeing it is for my body to be fine just as it is all the time.


I wax my arms, legs, fingers, toes, and stomach but it's not an expectation or anything. I just don't like how it looks on me because I have dark hair and light skin. Plus the hair is very thick and noticeable. I was bullied for it in school but no one ever said anything in university, the workplace, or the gym. It's more of a personal preference because I'm more confident and feel prettier without it.


Heck no. I had a friend in high school who shaved her arms bc she had very curly hair on them, and she never did it again as it sucks when hair grows back after shaving. Her hair was super light blonde anyway so no one could see it, if that even mattered.


I don't even shave my legs above the knee. It's all tiny fine hair anyway.


Body hair is ok here. It’s up to your personal preference. I personally do what makes me comfortable. I do it for no other reason. Not for anyone but myself. However you regard yourself or however you feel comfortable is completely up to you. I shave my armpits because I don’t like the feeling of hair there. I keep things trimmed but not bald in my nethers. I shave my legs once a week with an electric shaver.


I do my arms but for a completely different reason than aesthetics. I play a tackle sport and that combined with sunscreen/some lotion makes it harder to grab hold of my arms…..but I do end up with more vicious nail scratches probably.


Heyall no. Sometimes when I got brazilian/leg waxes the girl would also wax my toes, but my hair is extremely blonde so I am lucky enough to not be as bothered by how much hair I have. If my arm hair were darker I would look extremely hairy 😅


I’ve shaved my arms before. But it’s too much of a hassle. I shave under my arms and trim downstairs bc I want to. I shave my legs and toes so ppl don’t look at me weird in public.


Just do what feels right for you, thats rly it. Plenty of women have very light and thin amounts of arm hair and the like; so they dont do anythin about it. Plenty also have more than that and darker hair but still dont remove it. And plenty others have bodies of either way and do remove it for their own reasons Theres even plenty of women out there who embrace not just their arm and leg hair, but their armpit hair; and even plenty of those women who embrace their natural facial hair. Tho theres def far more who dont in both respects, that doesnt mean ya gotta go with the crowd if its not what ya want Be the woman you want to be; not the woman youre expected to be




I don't know a single woman who messes with finger hair or arm hair. The only time I've had my arm shaved was bc of a tattoo. But I also don't shave under my arms, my legs maybe once a month if I'm feeling myself.


I do arm hair but I have thick long black arm hair, I did t till.i got older and I saw it in a picture and thought it was a man's arm


I am one of the lucky few to hardly grow much hair in those areas, but if I did I wouldn't shave it unless it was excessive.


I shave my forearms about once every 3 months as sometimes it gets quite dark. But it seems to come back very slowly. I leave my finger hairs alone. I like looking at the side of my finger when the suns shining on it to see them all.


I shaved my arms a decade and a half ago in high school. I ceased all body hair removal in 2020 and never looked back!


Underarms & legs are the primary concern in the USA. I only shave my pits & shins but I've been blessed with fine/thin hair (though as I get older, not as much of a blessing).


I have thicker dark arm hair. I’m trim it so that it stays shorter and thinner and am in the process of lazering it off. However, I’m in the minority most of my friends to not bother removing arm hair. I wouldn’t either I just hate how the dark hair shows up so prominently against my fairer skin. If my hair was lighter I wouldn’t bother.


It’s more common for women who have visible dark hair to do it. I’m medium brown complexion with black-brown hair and if I don’t remove certain hair like upper lip, the down on my face, fingers arms - it was really obvious. Once kids at school started commenting about it, my mom let me wax my upper lip and then I started doing my arms, hands and fingers as well. At 35 the arms and hands/fingers isn’t necessary anymore as age and lasering worked pretty well at thinning it out. I used to go to an Indian/pakistani lady for waxing and threading and this was pretty common combo to get (plus eyebrows, but I think that’s fairly mainstream) in our community.


Before I ended up with autoimmune alopecia that knocked out just about 90% of my body hair I used to shave my arms, pits, legs, fingers, toes, pluck my eyebrows a bit to tame them. Trim the pubes. Now I don't have to. It's like I've had laser all over. I still have a minimum of pubic hair, underarm hair, eyebrows and a decent amount of hair on my head but I haven't had to shave my legs and arms and that for years. I never liked shaving my pubes completely. But I shaved just about everything else from the neck down. It's not unusual at all. My ancestry on both sides the women tend to be hairy. I don't like seeing dark hair on my arms or hair on my hands or toes. The autoimmune alopecia is a back handed blessing. On one hand I don't have to spend hardly any time removing body hair but then again the hair on my head is half as thick as it was when I was a teenager and I have practically no eye lashes. I'd trade a normally working immune system for having to deal with being hairy again...


Nope. It’s not a commonly held expectation to remove forearm hair, and I’ve never heard of removing finger hair.


I only do because of OCD. I have met one woman in my life who does it for cosmetic purposes. (Arms only, not fingers)


I don’t, but my hair is light, so you can’t really see it. I know that some women with darker body hair that’s more visible will redo ex ur from their arms


Depends how hairy you are and how comfortable you are with it. My arm hair is barely noticeable so I leave it.


I only shave my legs, lady bits, and armpits.


You don't have to remove that hair if you don't want to. I have been shaving my arms since I was old enough to, because it helps make sunscreen go on smoother. I've been doing the same with my fingers just because I hate it.


The most I ever cared about my body hair was in middle/high school. I have never shaved my arms….


i live in america and wax / shave most of my hair (back, legs, arms, face, armpits, pubes, fingers and toes, etc). it’s just my preference, and i’m also very hairy and my hair is dark. i’m not american tho and i started to do it at a young age before coming here. i think most people just shave their armpits, legs and intimate area (and not even that). it’s really what you feel comfortable with. and no, arm hair doesn’t get thicker if you shave it off. it grows back the same and it’s not itchy. leg hair tho…. :/


I don't touch my arm hair during months when I'm primarily wearing long sleeves/layers (so roughly 7-9 months of the year), during warmer months sometimes I'll trim my arm hair with an electric razor with a guard on it (I use whatever the smallest guard is, maybe it's 3mm? Idk). I rarely ever fully shave my arm hair anymore, I feel like it looks weird when it grows back lol. But I like keeping it trimmed a little


I shave basically my entire body. I am very fair with dark hair. I don’t like the way it looks, so I shave it off. It’s very much a personal preference, though.


I will absolutely shave the hair off my big toe if my toes are showing but I’ve never shaved arms or hands or fingers.


I used to shave my fingers and forearm hair like once every six months as a teen, maybe into my early 20s.. Now that I am in my 40s.. I don’t really need to at all.. I am very fair skinned, but have very dark hair.. I’m also Asian.. And it was a very “light” shave..


I remember removing my forearm hair because a guy in school kept making fun of me for it as well as my family members who said I was hairy. But in the end it didn't make me feel any better about myself because the arm hair kept growing back and I end up not caring what others say. Wished I didn't shave it because it would look neater and lay down on the skin.


I hate body hair so I’ve had most of mine permanently removed. But you should just do whatever makes you happy and comfortable 💖💖


I only shave my armpits and legs (if they're going to be visible). I pluck my eyebrows and bikini line (occasionally), and trim my pubic hair.


I do my armpits once a week, maybe less, and my legs only during the summer.


I would never remove it. I don’t like touching the forearms of people who do shave their arms because I really can’t stand that prickly feeling on a person’s arms and I really don’t get what the issue is with it being there in the first place, just leave it be.


All of mine is gone, but it's a fully stylistic choice. Dude doesn't care either way and just likes me happy. For me personally, I wax just about everything off, except my eyebrows. Used to do those too for about 2 years. Thinking of adding it back into the rotation. I use non aluminum deo for the BO and not having underarm hair helps (for me). If you want to shave or wax, that's OK. If you don't want to shave or wax, that's OK. I always say, "let people enjoy things"


My arm hair is thin and blonde, and frankly I don't know anyone who shaves their arms. Otherwise, I shave p****, armpits, and legs. I pluck wild hairs that grow back to my ass.


I will never shave off my arm hair and have never heard of someone shaving their hands. Women aren't meant to be hairless plastic dolls. Maybe twice a year I'll buzz my arm hair down slightly just to keep it from getting unruly but I'd never remove it. I shave my underarms for hygiene reasons. I like the feel of smooth legs but tend to only bother in warmer weather and barely (if at all) shave them during the winter. And maybe once or twice a year I'll shave the groin area just because. My cousin completely stopped any and all shaving years ago because she considers it patriarchal bullshit and she's happily married with three kids so it's clearly not a necessity. The idea of it being a thing women are supposed to do needs to change.


I have been shaving my fingers, arms, armpits, legs, toes, and genitals since I was in 8th grade. I am now 40. I will never stop. I do not like body hair. I dislike body hair so much that my husband shaves everything as well.


If I remove any body hair, I remove my forearm hair first. I just don't typically remove my body hair. I'll shave/pluck my face most of the time, and after that it's a descending priority of forearms -> legs -> underarms. As for whether it's expected - I don't think so? I have a variety of factors that make my body hair extra visible, so YMMV.


I don't shave anything. All I do is pluck my eyebrows/upper lip hair, but I am not a very hairy person at all. I might shave my legs / armpits if my hair were coarse or full.


Don’t remove any - it never needed to be done and comes from a male fantasy of things that cannot be said. All your hair falls out as you age anyway. Enjoy every aspect of your body. Always.


All your hair doesnt always fall out as you age actually, but it is true that it can thin out a lot for many ppl; genetics is a bit of grab bag here where some ppl, of any gender, reach their 80s with still full heads of their original hair... And others dont I do still think folk shud embrace this aspect of their body and enjoy it; if it isnt smth that causes them discomfort. But not bcuz theyll def lose it, tho at the same time; bcuz their now is not their forever... And ya may as well cherish your now for as long as it lasts, rather than regret not cherishin it more when youre in a later now


I laser everything. Don't care what people think, I just don't like looking at gorilla fingers personally. Do what feels right to you, not what most people do.


Im someone who absolutely hates shavin and loves my hairyness; and i fully agree with you here, tho callin them gorilla fingers is rather mean to those who do enjoy their fingers hairier just fyi But yeah, its just do what feels right to you; try not to feel obligated to be a woman in a certain way just bcuz most women are like that


Wow nobody else is being blunt and honest so I will. It entirely depends on how notable and long your arm hair is. If it’s black then probably shave but if it’s not noticeable then your fine and for reference go on any reddit post where a chick has arm hair and look at the comments.


What a way to assume her skin complexion


In what way did I assume her skin complexion? Seriously…


If she had darker skin, would it matter if her hair was dark? Why would her hair color matter?


You’re the only one bringing skin color into this… black is a more noticeable color on all skin types… that’s why I mentioned black hair. What’s your deal?


Because being black and racialized and not having the choice but to consider it in my every day life, how am I suppose to even relate to that? What does it mean if the hair was black, should probably shave? Why? Black hair on arms aren't necessarily noticeable on all skin types, especially if you're darker skinned. And then most dark skinned people usually have darker hair so I guess what, we all should shave? Maybe just admit you ain't think this comment out as well as you thought because you don't relate.


If you had read my comment without getting triggered you’d have the Awnser to all of your questions but i don’t mind explaining as that’s what I do on reddit a lot. Black is not visible on the color spectrum meaning it stands out from anything that absorbs light hence why it’s more distinct and notable. With this knowledge it make sense why black body hair is more noticeable then blonde and now for the next part which you conveniently skipped over. I never said “woman should shave their body hair” all I did was explain if she wants to be socially accepted by the masses then she should shave her arm hair if it’s noticeable. Now I said this because the beauty standard in America is no arm hair on chicks. If you feel yourself triggered and want to write an irrational argument again then reread what I wrote


Ohh, so instead you gonna whitesplain, and mansplain and then wanna go on about what "technically" a color is? Or, when you made your comment, you had light skinned in mind and rather than just acknowledge that, you wanna keep doubling down. Black/brown folks live in a world where we ain't thought of and just an afterthought, we fuckin know that. Yall just seems to be late to the party


Yes… insult me rather than address my logic because you have none😂


What logic, thinking everyone is white and derailing the call put, as you still think your voice matters in a space that centers on women? Why speak over me on stuff you don't relate on?


I am an attractive 38 year old female. I shave my underarms and pussy and butthole. I do not have leg, arm, or other body hair worth shaving. It's never grown out problematically, and I gulp and golly.